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'EC Approved For Releasbw*b02/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773A00010# 0022-4 6 SEP 197'9 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Director of Personnel SUBJECT: Office of Personnel Weekly Report -- Week Ending 5 September 1979 25X1A 1. Hispanic Recruitment: hosted a luncheon in San Antonio on 29 August 1979 for leaders in the local Hispanic community to discuss ernployment opportunities in the Agency and to solicit; their assistance -in our minority recruit ment efforts. Over 30 professionals, businessmen and academicians 25X1A were in attendance. Representatives from the news media were also in attendance. F_ I from the Office of Weapons 25X1A Intelligence gave a presentation on the Agency which was very well received. from the Office of Political Analysis, who was on annual leave in San Antonio, her hometown, 25X1A also gave a presentation at the luncheon. She, too, was well received. II reports that the audience was very friendly and asked excellent questions, none of which were hostile. Ile believes the luncheon, was a great success and further reports that a favorable article on the luncheon and our minority recruit- ment efforts appeared. in an article in the San Antonio Express on 30 August 1979. (U) 2. Space for Minority Recruiters: Chief 25X1A of the Recruit:me vision (RD), met with 25X1A Chief of the Real Estate Branch, Office of Logistics (OL) and the OL officer who has been handling the RD account," to discuss our requirements for additional space for minority recruiters in certain of our field recruitment offices. The discussion gave Logistics a better understanding of our space needs. Once again,.the cooperative attitude of Office of Logistics representatives was very much appreciated. (U/AIUO) Regraded Admin-Internal Use Only Orig CL BY: 012752 when separated from Secret Att Review on 6 Sep 95 Approved For Release 2002 ? Rc -RDP80-00773A000100040022-4 Approved For Releas 02/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773A00010WO022-4 3. Physical Security Inspection: The Office of Security has adv' they will conduct a physical security inspection 25X1A of the Recruitment Office between 10 and 20 September 1.979, Also, our field personnel have been invited to a three- hour protective security briefi i ich will be given 25X1A on 17 September 1979. (U/AIUO) 4. Job Possibilities Retirees: Retirement Counseling and Employee Assistance Branch counselors recently heard an interesting presentation on life insurance sales work. Mr. Jerry Kelley, Assistant Manager of New York Life in Washington, outlined features that may appeal to some Agency retirees. For instance, you control your own work schedule and usually you work out of your home. You, are paid a salary plus commission the first three years. You receive ten weeks of training, during which you are paid $700 to $1500 per month depending on your background. Part- time work is acceptable, provided you work 30 hours a week and don't hold. another job concurrently. The average New York Life agent earns $25-30,000 a year after two or three years. Mr. Kelley expressed great interest in hearing from Agency candidates and stated that he would be happy to talk to each one individually. (U) 5. Notices: A Headquarters Notice on Senior Executive Service Vacancy Notices was forwarded to the Regulations Control Branch for publication. (T1) 6. Briefing: The Chief, Human Resources Analysis Staff briefed the deputy Director for Operations and members of his staff on the manpower projections for FY 1980 (31 August 1979) (U) 7. Military Reserve Program: The Military Personnel Branch received the JoTnt Military Reserve Training Command Training Program Handbook from the printer and distributed it to the members of the Agency's Reserve Unit. A newsletter to all Agency reservists pertaining to speakers and their topics for the first nine reserve meetings was also distributed during the week. (TT) 8. Suggestion and Achievement Awards: A review of statistics for the first 11 months of FY 197 shows that the Suggestion and Achievement Awards Program will have a record year. The number of employees receiving awards and the total dollars awarded already exceed that of the entire 1978 fiscal year. Comparison statistics are: Approved For Release 2002/05/02 ~ 00040022-4 SECRET Approved For Releaa&+2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000IW40022-4 Suggestions/ Investions Special Achievements/ Exceptional Accomplishments Gr To and tals Period Employees Awarded Awards Paid Employees Awarded Awards Paid Employees Awards 1Oct78- 31 Aug 79 (FY 79 to date) 105 $24,835 90 $86,028 195 $110,863 1 Oct 77 30 Sep 78 102 $24,495 69 $74,160 171 $ 98,655 (FY 78) 8. Flood Donor Program: A total of 104 units of blood were collected at the Agency's monthly Blood Donor Day on 4 September 1979. This compares with 127 units donated last month. (U) 9. Suggestion Box: No suggestions were received this week. The total number of suggestions received since the program began, on 15 June 1977 is 71. (U) 10. Rehired Annuitants: See attached report. (S) COMING EVENTS The speaker at the Reserve Meeting on 10 September 1979 will be Major General J. Milnor Roberts, USA (Ret.), Executive Director of the Reserve Officers Association (ROA). General Roberts will speak about the ROA's current policies and programs, recent and pending legislation affecting reservists, and a look to the 1980's. The meeting is held in the Headquarters Auditorium at 1745 hours. (U) Harry E. Fitzwater Distribution: Orig ~ 2 - Adse 1 - DD/ OP/ Sp 1 - DD/OP/RAP (w/o att) 1 - DD/OP/PF,C (w/o att) 1 - C/SAS/OP (w/o att) 1 - OP/CMO (w/o att) 1 Apo/y~gcf~or roa o 2/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100040022-4 EA/OD/Pers ;kav 25X1A Approved For Releas&002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773A0001 Q( 40022-4 WEEKLY REPORT OF REHIRED CIVILIAN ANNUITANT ACTIVITIES FOR THE AGENCY (29 Aug. - 4 Sept. 1979) 1. The following rehired civilian annuitant cases were pro- cessed as new hires: Independent Contractor, CTS, effective 28 August 1979 (U) E endent Contractor, 5effective 1 August 25X1A 1979 (C) - Independent Contractor, DCD, effective 27 August 1979 (C) DDS, Contract Employee, OSO effective 27 August 1979 (U) Independent Contractor, OLC, terminated 31 August 1979 (U) Independent Contractor, OLC, terminated 31 August 1979 (U)t. C? --A-61749 __..__?_ 2. The following rehired civilian annuitant case was approved for extension: Independent Contractor, OGCR, one year extension (U) 3. The following rehired civilian annuitant cases were terminated: Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773A00010004002:A