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April 8, 1977
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C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release X60/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773AO 00030057-7 8 April 1977 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration F. W. M. Janney Director of Personnel SUBJECT . Office of Personnol Report Week Ending 8 April 1977 1. Recruitment.* a. Progress is continuing on an Agency exhibit for use in minority recruiting and particularly when taking part in career days on college campuses and at large conventions, such as the Black Consortium National Conference and. NAACP Convention. Attached is a sketch of the model, which is being constructed by NPIC/Graphics. It is being designed for portability and will weigh about 25 pounds. The backing for the exhibit is being ordered from the Hook and Loop Firm in Akron, Ohio, which specializes in producing a which photos will adhere. The photos can then be changed and. rearranged easily. We expect to have the exhibit available for the NAACP Convention in St. Louis, which is scheduled for late June. b. Recruiter reports favorably on a current Southwest minority recruiting trip. He is developing lead sources at the University of Alabama and Mississippi State University and also at several major military installations. c. College placement officials are reporting that it is noticeable that Government placement in some fields of engineering is now competitive because of the increase in entry-level graduates. The keen competition allows only those applicants with numerical ratings in the high 90's to qualify for consideration in most Civil Service positions. E 2 IMPDET Approved For Release 200tWOStI tF:-CEitt DP8`0-GUT73A000lO0 O s C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030057-7 25X1A d. , Co-op Coordinator, reports favorably on a 31 March recruiting visit to. Rochester Institute of Technology. An impressive group of computer service and engineering students was interviewed, and six were encouraged to submit applications. Rochester Institute of Technology is one of the schools where we have enjoyed a long and fruitful Co-op relationship. 2. White House Fellow for the Agency: After the diffi- culties encounter last year with a late nominee to the Agency of a White House Fellow, we called the Director of the Program on 31 March 1977 to advise them.of security clearance requirements. It turns out that there has been a complete change of personnel and no one was aware of the lead time required. They are about half-way through the screening process. If a Fellow is interested in the Agency, we will be advised as soon as the selections are made. 3. Savings Bonds Drive: The Agency's U. S. Savings Bonds rally was held on Monday, 4 April, in the auditorium. Approximately 100 vice-chairpersons and k.eypersons were in attendance to hear Mr. Gilbert L. Goff., Federal Payroll Savings Director, speak. Our campaign will be conducted through 29 April. 4.. Educational Aid Fund: Educational Aid Fund applications are coming in at a rapid pace. A record total of 297 applications was distributed.. The deadline for applications was l April. We expect to have over 200 completed applications when those from the field are received -- last year.we had only 130 applications. 5. Blood Donor Dal: The monthly Blood Donor Day took place on 5 Apri-l,, w-?ith the following results as compared to April 1976: 5 April 1977 6 April 1976 Scheduled: 255 240 Arrived 185 194 Deferred : 14 12 Result . 171 182 It is noted that we received 19 more pints than last month, and 11 female employees donated blood for the first time. - 2 - Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030057-7 N..V 1100, C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A00Q00030057-7 6. Briefing -- Personal Services: The Deputy Chief of our Personal-Affairs Branch pbriefed 37 people attending the OTR "Preparation for Overseas Assignment" course on our benefits program. There were 10 spouses in attendance. 7. Briefing on Pro-retirement 'training Programs by the American ssociatl no oe etireJ__Pe'rsens : Membersof the Retirement A~: a' rs Division visite t e eadquarters of the American Association of Retired Persons at 1909 K Street, N. W., on Friday, 1 April, They recei.vved. a. briefing on pre-retirement training programs, reviewed literature and. viewed two films. Retirement Affairs Division intends to maintain contact and monitor developments to nee if any of the material could be adapted for Agency use, Upon request, they were given 300 copies of Tax Facts 1977 and 200 copies of a new brochure on Social Security and Medicare. These items are of great interest to prospective Agency retirees and were provided at no -cost. 8. Rehired Annuitants The following cases were approved T-or the Directorate of Admin.istr_a,tion:: Independent Contractor, -i_ce o Training. To be used Under:T Memorandum of Oral Agreement for one-time use, 23 March 27 May 1977. -- Independent Contractor, Confidential Correspondent, Office of Security, one-year extension. Dist: 0 & 2 Add I DD/.hers/S 1 - DD/Pers/R&P 1 DD/Pers/P&C 1 C/SAS 1 - Subject File 1 - D/Pers Chrono 7F-w-0I\01m--10.t0n1m1c-Y OD/Pers/ jm.m (8 Apr 77) 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030057-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030057-7