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Approved For Releas000/08/15 80-00773A000100030019-9 6 January 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Deputy Director for Administration 25X1A FROM Acting Director of Personnel SUBJECT Office of Personnel Report -- Week Ending 6 January 1978 1. (U) Minority Career Program: Placement officials at Michigan State in verse y ve again invited us to interview at 25X1A their annual Minorit Career Program on 19 and 20 January. Recruiter and several Agency representatives plan to attend., Michigan State University now has a minority enrollment of approximately 3200 students and. all are being encouraged to attend this program. 25X1A 2. (U) Language Meetings: Recruiter attended the annual meeting o the Modern Language Association in Chicago on 27 and 28 December with Office of Training representatives 25X1A Interviews were conducted i several linguists who had expressed an interest in Agency employment. 3. (U) Recruitment -? Communications: Applications for Telecommunicattans Specialist positions continue to be heavy. During December the recruiters submitted 84 applicants for the Office of Communications to consider. 4.. (U) :Instructor for Presidential Classroom: Mr. Roger 25X1A of-The Contract Personnel Division--E-as--been selected. to represent the Agency at this year's Presidential Classroom for young Americans. will serve as an instructor 25X1A for visiting high school students from across the nation who are being provided the opportunity through this program to assess our political system in the Nation's Capitol. Roger will be detailed on 16 January 1978 on a full-time basis to the Presidential Classroom and will remain in that. assignment until the middle of March. E 2 IMPDET CL BY 012752 May be downgraded to U/AIUO when separated Approved For Release 2000/08/15 I RDP80-00773A0001000300~ 9'-nt . Approved For Releases?2000/081, { -IDP80-007730100030019-9 5. (U/AIUO) Retirement Activity: a. These figures depict total retirement activity for the period 10 August through 31 December 1977. The figures in the clear show totals. The figures in paren- thesis represent persons who have opted for options of discontinued service or "involuntary" retirement; the figures in parenthesis are included in the total figure. Thus, of the 275 persons who retired during this period, 91 went under the "liberal" options. Civil Service CIARDS Total 25X1A 121 (57) 154 (34) 275 (91) b. We had one retiree arrive at 4:55 p.m. on Friday afternoon, 30 December, to sign a retirement application and process out for retirement effective 31 December. 6. (U/AIUO) External Placement: The response of private firms to the reductions in he Operations Directorate continues to be gratifying. We reported earlier that several firms called to identify potential job leads for those involved in the Agency cuts. Since that time, several others have contacted us with the same purpose in mind. New companies producing job leads are: In addition, a former Director, Mr. John McCone, has expressed an interest in reviewing resumes of Operations Directorate separ?atees for one or two positions with one of his 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 7. (U/AIUO) Regulations: The following has been sent to Regulations Control Eranch : family firms; namely, 25X1A 8. (U) Blood Donor Day: Blood Donor Day was held on 3 January 1978. A total of 95 units was donated as compared with 129 in January 1977. 9. (U) EAA Store: The EAA Store has been closed for inventory and recuperation from the heavy holiday sales. On its last day of business, the Friday before Christmas, the store did over $3,800 in sales. The store reopened for business on 5 January 1978. Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030019-9 2:, Approved For Rele&se 2000/08l`if (.'(Rt-FDP80-007, A000100030019-9 10. (U) Suggestion Box: No suggestions were received this week. The total number of suggestions received since the Program began on 15 June 1977 is 45. X11. '(S) Rehired Annuitants: See attached report. 25X1A Distribution: Orig & 2 - Addressee 1. - Chief, SAS 1. - DD/Pers/RF,P 1. - DD/Pers/SP 1 - DD/Pers/P&C 1 - Subject File 1 - AD/Fers/Chrono 25X1A EA-D/Pers :rj (6 Jan 78) - 3 - Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030019-9 Approved For Rele,se 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-0077A000100030019-9 SECRET. 5 January 1978 WEEKLY REPORT OF REHIRED CIVILIAN ANNUITANT ACTIVITIES FOR THE AGENCY (3 r. 6 January 1978) (U/AIUO) (S) The following rehired civilian annuitant case was approved for extension by the Acting Director of Personnel; - Independent Contractor, Office 25X1A of Security, 6 month extension. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773AOP 1 I$~ M7~7