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October 18, 1974
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~~,, 25X1A .
Approved For Releas. 000/08/ IIFAJ b_&173A4Q0100010036-2
18 O CT 1974
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT : Office of Personnel Report - Week Ending
18 October 1974
1. Senior Secretary Review: The review of senior secretarial
positions to ensure that the grades of these positions fully take into
consideration actual difficulty and responsibility has started. Grades
will be determined basically by the secretarial pattern, with due
consideration and credit being. given. for the actual responsibilities of
secretarial positions if such cnsideration will provide for a higher grade.
Positions in the Office of the General Counsel and the Inspector General's
Office are being reviewed. This is a follow-up to recent Management
Committee action.
2. Upward Mobility Study: We are conducting a postaudit of this
program. Six employees in the Upward Mobility Program were inter-
viewed to develop information as to how they have progressed. in their 25X1A
jobs. Also, a conference was held with of the
Office of Medical Services to determine what medical problems Upward
Mobility applicants and employees may have. A discussion was also held
with employees responsible for the Upward Mobility candidates in the
"clerical pool" to determine what problems there are in training and
assigning such employees. Finally;, a discussion was held with personnel
in the Recruitment Division responsible for recruitment of Upward
Mobility candidates to determine if there are any problems from their
vantage point. The Upward Mobility employees are selected from the
disadvantaged in the Washington Metropolitan area.
3. Incident: represented the Agency at Career
Day at Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia, on 17 October.
Three bearded young men challenged about the Agency's 25X1A
alleged activities in Chile. They then threw bags of blood, or what
appeared to be blood, on him, completely ruining his suit. The President
of Mary Washington has apologized to for this occurrence. 25X1A
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was also assisted by a reporter for a local television station.
While we have nothing concrete at the moment, we believe that there may
have been some coverage on local radio stations -- and there could be
more today.
4. Vacancy Notices: There are 21 active vacancy notices
currently in circulation (14 professional and seven clerical). These
vacancies include three Operations Directorate multiple requirements
for computer types and one requirement for publications
5. Position Management: A meeting was held with the Chief,
Operations, Office of Communications, to discuss a proposal for the
realignment of the grade patterns for the small Commo stations throughout
the world.
6. Mr. Duckett to Meet President: Mr. Carl Duckett and the
10 other winners of the 1974 National. Civil Service League Career Service
Awards have been invited to meet with the President to receive his personal
congratulations. The meeting is scheduled for today, 18 October, at the
White House at 2:3 0 p.m.
7. Co-op Activity: Coordinator for Cooperative
Programs, reports that in his first recruiting trip to Southern University
he was fortunate in identifying three co-op engineers, including a
mechanical engineer interested and experienced in heating and air
conditioning. Last week he spoke to '70 members of the Tennessee
Cooperative Education Association in Nashville on the role of the Federal
Government as a co-op employer. While in Nashville,
spent several hours briefing the new :Director of Placement and
Cooperative Education at Tennessee State University and arranged to
visit Fisk University on 29 and 30 October to brief the Co-op Coordinator
and interview candidates for the Summer Intern Program. All of the
above schools are predominantly black.
8. Summer Intern Program: The record high volume of inquiries
about the Summer Intern Program continued this week.
9. No Campus Problems at Florida: 25X1A
recruiter, conducted interviews at the University of
Florida under open recruitment (announced visit) on 8 and 9 October.
Although the campus newspaper contained several "blistering" editorials
on the Agency's involvement in Chile, there were no incidents and
was well received.
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10. Contact with State on Clericals: Chief, 25X1A
Recruitment Division, was contacted by Mr. Thomas McClosky, State
Department Personnel Office. He is with a Task Force headed by an
Ambassador investigating the problem of clerical recruitment and staffing
at the Department. They are having the same difficulties in recruiting
typists and stenographers as this Agency. He was seeking information
on our experience in, such areas as attrition, applicant declination,
security clearance time, upward mobility of clericals to professional
positions, etc. While not providing precise figures, we were able to
suggest to Mr. McClosky that our own experience was quite similar.
11. Conference: A regional recruiter conference was
held on 16 October for recruiters assigned to the
Recruiting Office and the Recruiting Office. The
conference was used primarily to update the recruiters on policy changes
and requirements. Other regional conferences have been held previously.
12. Assist to Science and Technology: Chief, 25X1A
Plans Staff/OP, met with the Science and Technology Comptroller at the
latter's invitation to participate in a task group responding to the Director's
instruction to "identify and evaluate the impact of inflation on our con-
tractual programs (R&D). " had previously done studies on the
impact of inflation.
13. Rehired Annuitants: During the week the Acting Director of
Personnel approved the following rehired annuitant cases for the Directorate
25X1A of Administration:
-- Office of Logistics --
Independent Contractor.
-- Office of Finance --
Contract Employee.
Coming Events
1. We begin preparation of charts comparing certain internal
career sub-group reports by Directorate in response to the Director's
request following his review of the Agency APP.
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/s/ I.W.M Janney
F. W. M. Janney
Director of Personnel
3. The Chief, Military Personnel Branch, reported that
Brigadier General Charles K. Heiden, USA, will speak to the members
of the Agency's Military Reserve Unit on Monday, 21 October 1974,
on the subject of "The Armored Division. " The meeting will be conducted
in the auditorium beginning at 1745.
4. Office of Weapons Intelligence, will join
recruiter on 22 and 23 October in an address
at Texas A&M (aerospace engineering students) and Prairie View A&M
(all science and engineering students).
0 & 2 - Addressee
1 - DD/Pers/SP
1 - DD/Pers/R&P
1 - DD/Pers/P&C
1 - C/SAS
A'- Subject File
1 - D/Pers Chrono
OD/Pers :jmm (18 Oct 74)
Approved For Release 2000/08/15.:,C