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November 8, 1974
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Approved For Release 2000/08/ 5 : CI 00773AQk00100010033-5
COI ~I Dlil~~~
8 November 1974
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT : office of Personnel Report - Week Ending
8 November 1974
25X1A 25X1A
1. Recruiter Meets Director_
clerical recruiter, had. a rare opportunity to meet
with the Director 25X1 A 25X1 A
2. Co-op -- NVCC: our Coordinator for
Cooperative Programs, and his associate, visited 25X1A
Northern Virginia Community College (a two-year college) on
4 November. Arrangements were made with the 25X1A
NVCC Co-op Coordinator, to refer engineering and computer
science students to us. Only those students who plan to continue
their education at a four-year school with whom we co-op will
be referred to us.
3. Summer Interne:: and our recruiter,
visited Brown University this week to inter-
view applicants for the Intern program. There should be a good
selection of black students there.
4. Tempo of Retirement Activi :
Requests for estimates pending 76
Signed to retire through 31 December 41
Requests for disability (not yet approved) 17
Other retirements likely 11
5. Health Benefits Open Season Notices to Annuitants: Gn
I November 1974 the Annuitant Section of Retirement Affairs Division
mailed approximately 1800 notices to annuitants and survivor annuitants
advising them of the Health Benefits Open Season scheduled for 15-30
November 1974. During this time, :retirees already enrolled may
change from one plan or option to another, or from self-only to self-
and-family coverage. The notices included changes in premium rates
and benefits effective 1 January 1975.
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6. Visit by Officer from Civil Service Commission: On
5 November Mr. Kenneth Glass, Staff Assistant to the Director of
the Bureau of Retirement at the Commission, was guest of Chief,
Retirement Affairs Division. Mr. Glass has been very helpful and
cooperative in his relationship with us. He was given a description
of our "package" of retirement services, a tour of the first floor at
Headquarters and lunch at the Rendezvous Room.
7. Responses from Retirees: Some months ago, Retirement
Affairs Division ceased sending six and 12-month follow-up letters
to open retirees and instead switched to a single letter follow-up at
the tenth month after retirement. Responses to the 10-month letters
are now being received, and it is apparent that the quality of the sub-
stance of such responses is much better than those received previously
in the six-month letters. Apparently, the retirees are more settled
after 10 months and have a batter perspective on retirement than was
possible after only six months.
8. Interest in Possibilit of Change in Mandator Retirement
Age for Civil Service: Retirement Affairs Division has received a
number of inquiries regarding the likelihood of the age for mandatory
retirement being raised beyond 60. A cable from Saigon Station also
raised this point. Apparently, knowledge that such a possibility exists
is known to many employees.
9. Budget Hearing: A great deal of time was devoted to pre-
paring for the hearing with the Agency examiner on 6 November 1974.
10. New E'OD's: There are 14 professional applicants scheduled
to enter on duty Monday, 11 November 1974.
11. Vacancy Notices: There are 19 active vacancy notices
currently in circulation (10 professional and nine clerical).
12. New Retirement Benefit: Under the provisions of a law
signed by President Ford on 26 October, a Federal civil service
annuitant who has had his or her annuity reduced in order to provide
survivor coverage will have the reduced amount restored if the marriage.
is dissolved by death, divorce or annulment.
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13. Special Recruitment: The October 1974 issue of Industrial
Arts Magazine featured a story concerning young artists in the Northern
California area and pictures of their prize-winning drawings. Over
one-third of the winners were students at the College of San Mateo.
Office of Technical Services.
contacted Chief, Recruitment Division to report how excellent was
the quality of the workmanship of these students and inquired as to 25X1 A
how we might contact the school. By coincidence,
was In the Bay Area this week. Arrange-
ments have been made for to be Joined at San Mateo by a
senior West Coast OTS officer (himself formerly a to 25X1A
discuss employment opportunities for these students with faculty
14. Minority Recruitment.- , Minority 25X1 A
25X1A Recruitment Specialist, was accompanied by NPIC employee, Mr.
recruitment visits on 5 November at Hampton 25X1A
Institute. at ill also join on 7 November at
~5X1A Virginia State College and on 11 November at Morgan State College.
Allowances: On 5 November 1974 the Administrative
5X1 C
Allowance Committee completed its first annual review of the fixed
administrative allowance of EUR non-official cover personnel overseas.
16. Certificates Signed by )irector: All of the photographs of
recipients of Length-of-Service Certificates taken at the Annual Awards
Ceremony have now been forwarded to the individuals. Each photograph
was personally autographed by the Director. While photos of Honor and
Merit Awards recipients are signed by the presenter, to our knowledge
this is the first time a Director has signed photos taken at the Annual
Awards Ceremony.
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Chief, Personal Affairs Branch,
18. Personal Affairs Briefin 6,
briefed 34 employees and wives at on matters relating to Overseas
Medical, FEC, FEGLI and Casualty Assistance.
19, Personnel Officers' Meetl: : We had our monthly Personnel
Officers" Meeting in the auditorium on 6 November at 10:30 a. m. , at which
time the Longevity Award Certificates were presented to members of the
Personnel Career Sub-Group. In addition, our Chief, Benefits
and Services Division, 'discussed the 1974 amendments to the Federal
Employees' Compensation Act. One of the Items of importance was that
if a job-related traumatic Injury occurs, an individual can be paid his
regular salary for 45 days without charged leave.
20. ADP: In ADP conversion activities, review has been made of
various STAFFING reports, queries made of the STAFFING system, and
review made of dictionary changes.
21. Forfeited Annual Leave: We discussed with OGC, SSA/DDA,
and Regulations Control Staff the Issuance of Headquarters and Field
guidance on restoration of annual leave forfeited due to illness or exigencies
of the public business. A Headquarters Notice has been authenticated and
will be distributed next week. SSA/DDA arranged issuance of a book cable
to the field based on the content of the HN as drafted.
22. Rehired Annuitants: The Director of Personnel approved the
following rehired annuitant cases for the Directorate of Administration:
-- Office of Logistics --
Independent Contractor -- one-year extension.
Office of Training --
Independent Contractor -- one-time service.
23. Blood Donors: Blood donation day on 5 November was highly
successful -- 198 pints of blood were donated. This exceeds the collection
total of one year ago by 24 pints.
Coming Events
1. We will prepare a draft notice on the single ceiling.
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r.( )P\,1 -
Approved For Release 2000/C-M['IAI-00773A000100010033-5
2. Forward bi-monthly MBO reports to DDA/Plane Staff.
1.5/ " 'V -M ..T nney
F. W. M. Janney
Director of Personnel
0 & 1 - Addressee
I - DD/Pers/SP
1 - DD/Pers/R&P
1 - DD/Pers/P&C
I - C / SAS
1 - Subject File
i - D/Pers Chrono
OD/Pe rs/ :jmm (8 Nov 74)
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