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Approved For Releas. 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773 000100010031-7 22 November 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Office of Personnel Report - Week Ending SUBJECT 22 November 1974 1. Retirement Information Seminar: statements and comments received from emptoyeesbwho"attended sessions generally good. Approxi- mately the seminar indicates that the speakers were gall at the next ox mately 205 persons attended the first session; attendance sessions was in excess of 300. About: 300 attended the last session on 21 November. 2. Retirement Activity: CSC CIARDS Total 11 / 20/74 42 42 84 Actual Retirements 7/1 / 74 - /74 49 80 129 Signed to Go 11/21/74 - 12/31 14 10 24 Others Likely by 12/31/74 d) 17 14 31 Disabilities Pending (Not Approve Requests for Estimates on Hand 70 65 135 3. Co-o : The University of Detroit has sent us applications on This a two graduate students interested in nuclear zficglntelligence which hasl been priority requirement of the Office of Sc difficult to fill. 4. Sumner-Only Program: The "Summer-Only" Notice, which left 47 Printing Services Division on 12 Not a a 111 ret ~ ns of the tearloff horenesponse. calls to our Clerical Staffing Branch Clerical Staffing Branch has given out or sent 119 forms and received three completed sets of forms already. s cur 5. Vacancy Notices: There are 19ricaive l), vacancy including the- 16 OTR in circulation (11 professional and eight cle Director of Studies position. fice 6. Ads: Ads have been placed for and nuclear Ea st Chinese lenguosts foOr Of of Scientific Intelligence in Nuclear New Asia Division in Chinese language newspapers in New York and San Francisco. Approved For Release 2000/08 is r.) 14--` 773A001?g0 1P 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100010031-7 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 7. SYCOR Terminal: Delivery of the fourth SYCOR terminal to our Transactions and Records Branch completes equipment requirements for the CEMLOC conversion team, which will begin to feel the full onslaught of work starting Monday, 25 November. 8. GIM Training: A training session in GIM was conducted for users of the STAFFING and PERSIGN PHASE I systems by two members of OJCS. Representatives from three Office of Personnel components attended. 25X1A 9. Advice was provided to the ~ Personnel Officer on several proposed changes in contract positions and pay. Also, a discussion was held on position and qualification requirements for a handi- capped applicant for a contract position at - Information was provided to the Office of Medical Services for use in evaluating the applicant. 10. Technical Orientation: On 19 November all clerical personnel of our Position Management and Compensation Division attended a training session for the GIM II program to familiarize them with the techniques for operating the input terminal. 11. ADP Conversion: In ADP conversion activities, work continued on the review of STAFFING procedures, input, etc. Dual operation under the 501 system and the STAFFING system is continuing for this month and December. 12. Counseling Course: We are part.icipatin in the second running of the course on counseling (20-22 November) at EA. The class of 12 25X1A contains representatives from all four Directorates. 13. Awards Program: Activity continues high in our awards program. During the month of October we received 31 recommendations for Honor and Merit Awards. As of 15 November, there have been 27 recommendations and two requests for the Meritorious Unit Citation. 15. Rehired Annuitants: During the week I approved the following rehired annuitant cases for the Directorate of Administration: -- Office of Training -- Independent Contractor. Approved For Release 2000/08/1 3A000100010031-7 Approved For Release 2600/08/15: CIA-RDP80 -O7 -3AOO l 00010031-7 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A -- Office of Security -- Independent Contractor -- Confidential Correspondent Program -- - one-year extension. -- Office of Logistics -- Contract Employee -- without compensation. Also, the following rehired annuitants were terminated: -- Office of Security -- Independent Contractor. -- Office of Security -- Independent Contractor. 16. Insurance - Open Season: As a result of the first two days of open season, we have received 105 reports for enrollment or changes in the Federal Employees' Health Program. 17. Suggestion Awards: We received the pamphlet "Suggestion and Invention Awards Program Guide for Supervisors" from Printing Services Division. Sufficient copies for distribution to supervisors are being sent to Suggestion Committee members or office coordinators. Arrangements are also being made with QTR to distribute copies during supervisory training courses. 18. Travel: Representatives of Central Processing Branch met this week with the contracting officer of the Office of Logistics and repre- sentatives of The purpose of these meetings was preliminary negotiations for storage and shipping contracts for 1975. 19. Cost Savings: A concerted effort is being made to economize on paper. Obsolete pre-printed form letters and other paper that is blank on one side is being cut up to be used as scratch pads. In addition, the reverse side of obsolete bulletin board cards are also being used as scratch pads. 20. Vandalism: The Chief, Clerical Staffing Branch reports that a "graffiti artist" has been at work on the 4th, 5th and 6th floors of Ames 25X1A Building recently and has ruined a number of posters. the Chief, reported the matter to the Office of Security. Coming Events 1. Major General Arnold R. Arron, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, United States Army, has accepted an invitation to address the Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIAtDP80-00773A000100010031-7 Approved For Release 2001Q/Q$/; ,80-00773A000100010031-7 members of the Agency Military Reserve Unit on Monday, 6 January 1974, on the subject of "Interface between the U. S. Army and CIA. " Some employees other than reservists may be interested and are welcome to attend this presentation. 2. The Co-op Coordinator and his assistant will be interviewing applicants for the Intern Program at the graduate school of Georgetown University on 26 November. Twenty-seven students have signed up for the group presentation and interviews. 3. Prepare materials for the briefing of Personnel Officers on STAFFING and PERSIGN PHASE I at their December meeting -- scheduled for 17 December. 4. The next Position Management and Compensation Division training course was discussed with the Career Management Officer, and arrangements have been made tentatively to run the course during the week of 17 February 1975. 5. Obtain and analyze Section I of the PDP reports from the Directorates. (Signal) F. W. CL Ja P 9y F. W. M. Janney Director of Personnel 25X1A Distribution: 0 & 1 -,Addressee 4 - D/Pers Subject File 1 - D/Pers Chrono 1 - DD/Pers/SP 1 - DD/Pers/R&P 1 - DD/Pers/P&C 1-C/SAS OD/Pers/ :jmm (22 Nov 74) Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100010031-7