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Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 MINIMAL AWARDS 20 SEPTEMBER 1976 Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 ^ UNCLASSIFIED ^ U TERNN Y SECREL ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ SECRET MINIMAL AWARDS FROM: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SAAC 1001 AMESBUILDING 12086 DATE 16 September 1976 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) 2. C/BSD 5E 69 Has. DD/Pers/SP SE 69 Has. 4?DD/Personnel SE 58 Has. .Chairman, SAAC 5E 58 Has. 1-4: For your information. Attached are 19 Minimal Awards for your approval. FORM 610 US PRKY 3 EDITION$ S SECRET C U M I -62 OFFICER'S I COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom AIIIIST1A'IVE Approved For Release 20001 4NA1DV80-00706A000100090001-6 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CHAIRMAN SUGGESTION NO. 74-122: dated 18 June 1973 Pro ram Analyst STATINTL g Directorate of Administration/OPPB (later DDO/SS and now retired) A. Summary of Suggestion The suggester recommended the development and implementation of an improved personnel management system (detailed description attached). B. Evaluations 1. Detailed evaluation by Chief, Psychological Services Staff/OMS, attached. 2. C/Review Staff/OP commented that significant actions taken in recent months are related to this suggestion; for example, memo from Acting Director of Personnel of 23 January 1974 (attached). Two subgroup surveys have been taken within the DDA, and comprehensive surveys have been taken within the DDO and the DDI. The survey now being taken on an Agency-wide basis, however, owes its origin to the program evaluation system developed by the Civil Service Commission, which advocates such surveys containing personnel related questions. 3. One important element of the suggestion has not yet been adopted, and may never be, i.e., for employee committee's to develop recommendations based on survey results. While such an approach may be effective in an industrial situation, especially where the employee may share in any tangible benefits, we know of no such application in government. Public employees and their managers do not possess the same freedom to undertake initiatives that their counter- parts in business and industry possess. 4. C/Review Staff/OP rated intangible benefits SUBSTANTIAL/BROAD. Approved For Release 200Q 06 9 C1A&RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 ~.,rF,L,'tt7 USA OiJN Approved For Release 2000/,w7KOP80-00706A000100090001-6 C. Recommendations of the Executive Secretary 1. Not line of duty. 2. $300 award ESUBSTANTIAL/BROAD). D. Decision of the Chairman Chairman, Sugg sti. n ana Achievement Awar s Committee Award. at STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/1,x, :,CIA~RPP80-00706A000100090001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-0070OODW,0Q9Q,0O1.-A,, v . PERS PPB 73-0720 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Management and Services SUBJECT: A New CIA Approach to Personnel Management Introduction 1. The purpose of this paper is to recommend the development and implementation of a system, based on industry experience, which is intended to contribute substantially to improved personnel management at all levels. The system is designed to improve morale (and reduce security risks) through an innovative form of employee participation in management. The proposed system is no panacea. It is hoped that it would augment the many other new approaches to personnel manage- ment now under active consideration by the Office of Personnel. It most specifically provides additional leverage in making Management by Objectives (MBO) work in respect to our most important resource- people. Background 2. Zoday's leading and most pragmatic spokesman for the philosophy of MBO points out that in developing an MBO system one must first ask some simple questions and get hard. answers, in the following order: a. Where are we now? What are the realities of our organization? b. If we do not change, what then in one, two, five years? C. Do we like the answers to (b) above? If not, then we decide what we do want (the objc:ect.ive), develop alternate means of getting to the objective, identify who will be responsible, and identify the way in which progress will be measured. 3. Many of us are convinced that there are serious morale problems in the Agency which have been developing for years, and that if the Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 Approved For Redaase 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-006A000100090001-6 situation is not corrected, we are likely to have increasing problems in the best people, more unfavorable publicity, and recruiting and holding more personnel security risks. But we can't prove this, identify specific causes and remedies, and observe change because there has not been a consistent system to pinpoint the attitudes of Agency employees, how they change over the years, and why. 'roposes .t,proach 4. Texas Instruments (TI) has developed, as part of its M:r3O system, a subsystem which is based on periodic attitude surveys. This is described, in general, in the attached article by Scott Myers. Briefly, the subsystem provides for the development of questionnaires for measuring attitudes on a sampling basis, forming employee groups to analyze the results and forward recommendations for improvement to the appropriate level of management (in our case this might be the Office head) and, most critical to the success of the system, a system of management feedback to the employees as to what actions will or will not be taken on their recommendations and why. Interviews with Myers, Ti corporate officers and the personnel officer directly involved in the program revealed. that there is more to this than is reveaaled in the article. For example, it was found that comparisons between departments of different character were not meaningful. Nevertheless, it is clearly the view of TI management that the sy'stem has paid for itself many times over. Ma,a:r.age.ment beli.eve:s it is the primary cause for Ti's remaining union.?-free. A. Canadian food chain., Steinberl's, was in. deep trouble when it adopted the TI system and found that its application greatly reduced labor grievances and considerably eased the collective bargaining process. As further proof of the seriousness of TI manage- ment's faith in the commercial payoff of the attitude survey-employee/ management feedback system, it devoted close to 1% of its employees' time in developing the system. for a period of several, years. 5. There are many aspects of this approach, as applied at TI and as it might be adapted for Agency pLar'poseS, which are best articulated in lariefinf s and discussions. There are several points, leading to action recommendations, which. need highlighting here: a. To succeed, this type of innovative approach to personnel management and MBO must have the under- standing and aggressive backing of top management. Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 b. Development of such a system tailored to our organization and problems will take concentrated effort and time, although we can save a lot of time by avoiding the mistakes of others. The first year's responses to an attitude survey will not be particularly meaningful until employee committees have made their recosmxaendations, management has responded, and the next year's results are in for comparison. It would probably take three years of experimentation and steady broadening of the technique anson.g, Agency components before truly, measurable results can be analyzed. c. Related to the above is the need to start with meaningful samples--not the whole Agency. If the samples are carefully selected, however, the very fact that Agency management is trying a new, systematic approach to our personnel problems could, in itself, generate widespread interest and improved morale. d. There should be no illusions as to the difficulty in overcoming inertia and cynici mx in launching such a project even with the active support of top management. Nor should there be any sugestion that such a program is the solution to all of our management problems, If successful, though, it can be a technique for surfacing problems of varying degrees of intensity which we may not have been aware of, and, conversely may dispel notions about other problems we may have erroneously felt to be Serious. c. The anonymity of the pollees mus t be protected at all costs if the system is to work., and managers at all levels must not feel individually threatewn.ed by the system (although, in fact, some will be by definition). The problem is to construct and operate the system in such a way as to make the large majority, of employees and managers believe that it is a constructive, self-inaprovexnent process. f. Finally, the successful adoption of such an approach is a means of satisfying the feelings of a large. number of junior and middle rank officers that no one caress", in- directly recognizes the den-lands for "reverse fitness 3. Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 1 Approved for Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 reports", and above all assures our people at this particular point in history that positive, far-reaching imaginative steps are beret; taken to engage all levels of personnel in participation in Agency management. Recommendations 6. It is recommended. that: a. The DD/5,~S approve implementation of experiments with this approach. b. The Director of Personnel and appropriate staff be briefed in detail on the successes and short- coming ; of the TI experience by the unc:lersign.ed. The Office of Personnel, with whatever help O/PPB can provide, would be responsible for implementation of the program. c. The briefing (s) include one or more representa- tives of MAG and the 10 Staff. d. A task force be appointed to work full time under the Director of Personnel on development of a strategy for choosing representative components to be surveyed, determining the nature and specifics of the, questions to be ask.ed, assignment of tasks for tabulation and analysis of survey results ,and collateral data from personal ina.t.erviews, provide guidance to components in forming employee committees to develop recommendations based on survey results, and management follow-through on committee recommendations. Su.a: mare Comments 7. Given the culture(s) that have evolved in CIA in the past 25 years, many senior managers will have difficulties with this proposal, The fact is that the autocracy of the past is swiftly vanishing from the American scene::--both in industry and government. Perhaps the most significant Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 and difficult aspect of this proposal to grasp is that it does not break clown the chain of command-it strengthens it. Attitudes are polled, recommendations by employee groups are made, management has to respond with yes, no, later or never for specified reasons and each party is satisfied that at least he has communicated, the problems have been weighed., and decisions arrived at on the management 'Level which are fully informed. There is great frustration amongst the troops that this is not the case today. S. There is no need to seek approval from the CIA Management Committee on t~iis experiment at this time, indeed it would probably be fatal to do so. We can do it totally within. DD/M&S to start with. In effect, this recommends to you as Agency manager, that we proceed with an experiment within the M&S Directorate as a first round. 25X1A Science and Technology Group O/PPB Attachment As stated cc: D/Pcrs Distribution: trig -- Addressee I -. DDM&S Registry Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 Approved Far Re"eL20 0 0/06111 9 ' OIA11 bO6 60 `66100090001-6 M. Scott Myers Ever since managers learned that behavior,is related to attitudes, they have been interested in measuring and changing attitudes. Most Jorge companies in the last two or of them' administer three decades have at least experimented with ntbfadc surveys, and -on., them routinely as a part of their ongoing industrial relations program., Unfortunately, atti- tude surveys are often administered without thoughtful analysis of what their purposes should be . Like many other programs such as performance reviews, suggestion systems and communi- cation programs, they often administer them because "other progressive companies do," and value them as. symbols of progressive management. The traditional way. Let's review the traditional fate of an attitude survey. A typical attitude ques- tionnaire is a form containing approximately a hundred items of the type illustrated in Exhibit 1. Exhibit I. y~p~ ical attitude survey items Agree ;? Disagree The hours of work here are 0 . K O.K. I'm paid fairly compared with other employees. My supervisor has always been fair in his dealings with rite . I nave confidence in the fairness and honesty of manag ment. I work in a friendly environmen-r. I know how my iob7 fits in with other work in this organization. My supervisor welcomes our ideas even when they differ from his own. I'rn proud to work for this company Favoritism is a problem in my area. i have very few cornplainis about our t? lunch facilities. ( ) `~ ) ( ) O O () Approved or Release CPYR Approved, c~"e00Q osOuRo , and responses to each item are calculated and tabulated by job classification, shift, plant loca- tion and various other categories. The report is generally?sent to top management where it is reviewed behind the closed doors of an executive conference room. Though such a report always contains much positive information, it inevitably contains some information which is seen as "negoot ive " "un rareful''. or'riisio al ." Managers, y 9 y Managers, who naturally have strong pro- prietary interests in the company, usually find it difficult to understand why employees express anti-company feelings and feel but when employees question their motives and competence. The inability to determine the relative importance of the items complicates their interpretation. Which,'for example, is the most serious problem -- 50% don't like the cafe- teria, 30% are dissatisfied with the hours of work, or 20% believe favoritism exists in their department? Just blindly following percentages could be misleading, as the cafeteria may be a less important problem than favoritism. So, managers often hang on the dilemma of trying to identify the real problems which deserve their attention and, even if they agree, trying to plan remedial action. Traditionally, they conclude their review by saying, "I am sure there is an important message here for us that can help us become more effective as managers. But, this stuff is dynamite and we've got to be careful who sees it." They adjourn their meeting without an action plan and put off doing anything further until it is safe to file the report away forever in the Personnel Department archives. When they administered the questionnaires, they promised to give employees the results of the survey. But, since it is "dangerous" for employees to see all the data, they publish a report which reads something like this: The attitude survey administered in the Ajax Company seven months ago has been analyzed, and much useful information has been obtained from this survey. It was grai-ifyirig to note that most of you were very posi- tive in your attitudes toward the company, our fringe benefits, the cafe- teria and hours of work. Ninety percent of you said you were proud to work at Ajax ! A few felt there was opportunity for improvement in the administration of the performance review and wage and salary program. Surprisingly, very few were acquainted with their opportunities for ad- vancement, but many had confidence in top management. Some of you felt that favoritism was a problem in your department, but most of you thought your supervisor was qualified for his job. This information is very useful because it indicates a need to clarify career opportunities in Ajax and policies governing growth with the Approved For Release 2000/06/19: CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 CPYRGHT _ 1 1 Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 training No c any is perfect, of course, but we ieve ours is, urs is t better than most, and we are doing everything in ourf'power to make Ajax the kind of company you want it to be. We would like to take this opportunity to thank-all of you for your use- ful suggestions, and hope to ask you from time to time for additional suggestions. With the publication of this report in the company newspaper, management has "done its duty," and fulfilled the need for feedback. Such a whitewashed report usually deceives no one but the managers, and employees don't react to this insult to their intelli- gence only because they are accustomed to it, and they really didn't expect much else. This type of management behavior is so commonplace that many employees have come to accept it as the traditional behavior of managers; and, while they resent it, they apparently have come to believe that since so many managers act this way, there must be some reason for it. Managers, and employees themselves, do not often realize that complaints, grie- vances, absenteeism, tardiness, malingering, picketing, slow-downs, strikes, etc., are pri- marily symptoms of mismanagement. The involvement approach . Attitude surveys needn't follow this traditional pattern. They have potential for serving a number of constructive purposes, as illustrated by the attitude measurement program now being applied in several operations in Texas Instruments. Every year a questionnaire of the type illustrated in Exhibit I is administered to a 10 to 20% sample of employees throughout the company. Profiles, as illustrated in Exhibit II, are prepared from the results and delivered to each of approximately 160 department managers. The heavy solid line shows the company average for this year and is the same on every profile. The thin solid line is this year's department results and the dotted line is last year's department resul+'-s. These detailed profiles, which fill 22 pages for each department, enable the manager to compare his department's results for each item to the total. company results and to his last year's profile. When first administered in TI, attitude survey results were fed back in top-to- bottorn sequence, beginning with the president, thereby putting middle managers in an Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/19 : CIA-RDP80-00706A000100090001-6 Exhibit ni?m paid fairly compared with other Tiers. My supervisor has always been fair in :is ,dealings with me._..- _- -_.., ?1 have confidence in the fairness and i,;nonesty of memagement . - ..... - _ .. - work in a friendly environment. -- -,~ }~f know how my job fits in with other work. f"in this orgcnizcation. " - " ?- ^" - M ". - - "'?My supervis=or welcome$ Our ideas even when they differ from his own. _ - - - - I'm proud to work for Tl. ---_____ o avoritism is a problem in my area. -- hove very few complaints al->ouf our "iunchfacilities . - - - - --_-____.. - ept.,this Corripany,, sa'.: Very High ursconfort cable defensive position. To avoid this conflict situation, the reporting procedure was changed to issue reports directly to department heads. This enabled there to analyze the results, plan corrective action and report both the results and action plans upward, thereby malcing it a more positive: experience. Though the departrne nr head's situation was improved by this new pro- Cedure, lower levels of supervision and nonsuper isory ti.irnpkiyee i were sorrnetirnes put on the defensivc, and were not always in agree rnerrt with the depaarfinent he aad's interpretation of survey r{sSUlts. The final and logiccii step in the development of he program was to change the pro- ca:dure to involve nonsupervisors in the analysis of survey results, as illustrated in Exhibit Ill. Now, upon. receipt of the profiles (on vu-graph transparencies), the department head presents and discusses therm in general terms ao ci group meeting of all members of his depart- -rent, and then hands them to ca comrmt ee of hourly ornployees (or non-superVlsory salaried em- ployees for salaried groups) for dei-c:iled analysis and r