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Approved For Release 2000/08/16 :CIA-RDP80-OD~79A000100010129-4 _~ CQ~ 16 January 1953 UPM 20380-1G 1. The Res SU~ECT: ~}ualifications Analysis Program 13.ESCI~ION> PDM No, X1?.52,, Ilnployee G~ual.ifications Coding Projects dated 31 October 1952 R~'Fk;RENCE ~ PDM No. 37-52? Maintenance and Utilization of Applicant gisters dated 5 August 1952 and codification arch and Planning Staff is now completing the analysis the education, experience, and other qualifications This project, which has involved an e xpenditure of of Agency personne considerable time an Agency, has resulted effort on the part of personnel throughout the n the preparation of machine records containing comprehensive qualific nection with the planni ti ons data which wi 11 be used constantly a.n c on- ments of the career servi programs filling the requ of operational programss satisfying require- s boards facilitating placement and promotion ements of unusual .f~.gency projects, and pro- viding assistance to managem; system be maintained in a cur t planning. It is imperative that this nt manner and that all offices having responsibility for its operatio; tion to ensure operational effec RSONNEL I~TRECTOR MEMURANDUM N0. 3?-53 and maintenance exert max3mtun coopera- Venea^s. 2. The following assignments ire now in effect regarvling the qualifications Analysis Program:. a. Transactions and Records B anches are responsible for having each ~w employee complete two c opi of the qualifications question- naire (Form Nor 37-152). (A,ppli-cant eta Form No. 37-1a.9 will no longer be used in connection with call~cting qualifications data.} One copy of the questionnaire will be fd aided to the approprl.ate Placement Branch for coding and subsequen return for filing in the employeers official Personnel Folder; the Cher will be transmitted to the office of assignment. With regard those employees who enter on duty with provisional clearance, Tr sections and Records Branches will. wait until such employees obtai full clearance and receive a permanent office assignment before d~ tributing questionw noires to them. In order to maintain current ap~li.cant recard.s~, Transactions and Recon~.s Branches wi11 advsie Personnel Procurement Division whenever security action is initiated on person Pram the applicant register< b. Placement Branches will analyze and code the qualifications of new personnel upon receipt of qualifications questionnaires from Transactions and Records Branches. After the coding is completed' ~'~3a ~l~p~p~'o~ie~i~F~or'~ J~ ~-- CONFIDENTIAL PDM 3-53 ase 2000/08/16 :CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010129-4 Approved For please 2000/08/16 :CIA-RDP80-~79A000100010129-4 CONFIDENTIAL questionnaires wi11 be returned to the appropriate Transactions and Records Branch for filing in Official Personnel Folders arr3 the code sheets will be transmitted to the Machine Recoxds Branch. Periodically each Placement Branch will be furnished an Employee qualifications Register showing the qualifications of Agency perms sonnol in such categories as education and training?.language pro- ficiency~ area knowlsdge~ and occupational experience and skills. This Register may be used by Placement Officers for selection and other placement purposes. c. Central Processing Branch will continue to have employees returning from overseas complete two copa.es of the questionnaire. One copy will be forUrarded to the appropriate. Placement Branch and the other to the individuals office of assignment. d. Personnel Procurement Division will continue its functions as outlined in PDM 37-52. e, The Research and Planning Staff will be responsible for mon:i.toring and coordinating the program. This responsibility will include but wi 11 not be ]3mited toc periodic Spot checking of coded qualifications to ensure accurate interpretation; prepari.ng~ co- oriinating, and disseminating changes to coding manuals; preparing training materials on coding; arxi negotiating with Machine ftecoxds Branch for special machine nzns that cannot be satisfied from the Employee qualifications Register refarrad to in b, above, (Special requests for machine listings involving the Applicant Register will be processed by PPD.) 3. To ensure that qualifications recox~ts of 1~gency personnel are maintained on a current basis a CIA Notice wall be published annually to advise all personnel of their responsibility to inform the Personnel Office of significant changes in their qualifications such asp anew dsgree~ different type position within the ,F~gency, or new language pro- ficiency. ~'i form will be devised to accompany this annual CIA Notice, ~S~ GEORGE E. MEIAON Personnel Director ~M 353 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 :CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010129-4