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Approved liQF limplease 2060/013/16: CIA-RDP404479A000100010091-6 ',PH ao- // 0 / rzzlicaatt, mmio3Tin rvaltamim :rf, EtaTIMT g raar Dtailriztioas, 111EFERSICE: k;cnoy Notice Agtinr :Totice Careor Draplo -eri n.c7 Lic-tie,e iwii, 30 Sapte.a7n:' 1953 Cltevf sio7.1 1 ?Da-kern-LT.1 tial. of Cc.roer :Designations .Lottme .11:ZfEit.ctitki Jraeciecd) fco. CareerYievigaaticra.-7..., tsropooecl lc; folleVIng retead11:;:*13 TT'W-36I-11 Pe7,7noriva. Off.kto of Ceerio fornearixtotaTtlan 2, Cs2cer DesignALtic.m Asei.;.71c, on 27 April 1953 fl.;11 2U.tervai:NItic, ao AE4t-%,f,,rzarz-r)..t of Career 1.7 Porsonnel Offi Effetive 27 Apri.:1 1951 exkd tber2aftert oae reer taqpliVeo . W. no:,rarly ix) azei..--xleci Cere,,xe by tht ar_oroprlate Placerwab. Officer-11411m he mawsonc.1;,-V? Dgoleyoco entrigetc-1 Vas i.lzsignytiant avarteh. b ,tzelsgrgle..t. a Career rc)sigiatinn. by 1'4a-a T...aarn11:..- Officer vben they ai.e retv.,.11.2,-Aloci to a cloSa,o,ite orgarti. 1;iortr1 uth.t5 a eiriclereed by-el pm-some:1 Criteria for Making Oarear Designationsid.1.3. be des.erained trsrlaaf, to -Att) Ithria Jnclicatrcul Sooti:Pra 7.7,cti.ce .1s4, Becor(tixtg Orr )i; vi on. Personnel Lctif:Anc, Career 1\c7jigrzationsw LI bell.'-..4)red in It1 17.)hidi at1y Itva ilou 20 of Stang..7..xrft ReqUeut PC3Iraf2-712.01 /lotion by approJr:Ate Pbacecalt, C.T1'.:.)..0;??To For voui7Jrecl pereara)el, tlAa PMeal3Ain Ref..lorde Di7rit3A.on. DOSifTlati01151 Arl the "stvim portion Yana 5:)p ':loidati:,11 CJ Porev.::,,nal, iiitai DesJ,gaation l'3..el on Daty Throtgh 24 April 19530 :rn ektcordtinlo with MT M., 27?!;:3so reel- Dwignationti have been ast;14aed for all hut aspixozlzatelf :1;00 employeos taw 'gem on - - duty se 24 April 1.95:30 4iitChangeil to VW Orli/luta P1)11 27-53, ea(1 23 i?spril 1953 Approved For Release 2MINRIPICIA-RDP80-00679A000100010091-6 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 A Approved For Release 2000/08/16 CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010091-6 '..we %grO ;;',Wnlrifq' 414 Nwi.gion b? Ilatqaino 1.7.)ea 11:6q1161f3i which 111 reflect aos5.exmalts of Career DesigtrYigne as a 31 (moist 3.93? Oporatkig conpoasate will be furaished ,loptas of these 1,10-Ings annotated by Pla-ses P.030=11. and Dovel)gre.3: Staff tft indicate 78/460238 far ;71,xistanc.or in which no Career Der: r setion h 3 been offl.cially aseied. Forszwille a =dew oihrear D,ation a wigimants and undeterntined 131.113f3s ore copy oz..? the 71219,f41.147Z. 2.ting will be returr3d to the Person- nal Office and V11 be forwarded to Plamerr;; sod Utilization Divisi.on 71th appropriatc, recommendatlow r.the aexent :and Divisior. (1) Tra.nEsdt. to the tku..x.prial.4.- Cmor Board the noleS of thoee perLa.onS for stem ftr.kher ecTiordi:antion "i3 required. (2) v farthe. rlaITEIS of those persons .V1OrSe Career Design.ltions tve still usdoterratned. Tralsuat tct ProGea3ixtg,..axid Records- Div.sion thwins of 'clam. persons for whom Cting Offices in&cate 'Career Desimaticas Mr WOich .t4,ckher coordination ?-je required, d. The Prwessing, uxi 1:-U Division will req;:ord Career Deets- ne:Zilons as outlirod bolcmi? ,nnd will. forward, thim after postfmg to Research Brawin.2, ES3C,9,:e:ttt and Development t.,4ff -for trans- -mittal to alchtm.,..: Records Branca',..-t.I?le 1eCtrra114g Career' DesipreAens Pe:canna:11 ACtilraS *fter r,f initial Career lAsigaationsv all pacismnal, actionso S..s,--z.dard Fora 50 or i'i:--tendard. Ferri 52, . as apprpriate,L.wl1ow the c ntCaren' Lesigation in Item No, Us,. intr:41atolyitw 20.3k..z .3erViee E32.0%-?-d. CardS - The ProcAles:ing and liccc;Ilis DivATIon will. record the Career Designed= for each career eri-Tav.le in Item No. 18, Standard Form 7s, SerqiCe Record, card., i U personsel ,actions wi:11 be checked for subsoquant changes which vi.71. 1 approprlately recorded.44-* lfimmyor ProceasIN Tad Records Division initiates an Employee Record Card, 0? )4112 or transmits this record to a gaining o11icc4 the ;4op:x1s:in Calmer 1:z.alfrgaation tc4.3:1 b8 recorded in the bite* to the right of It.-70 No? **5, PrGeeeising Caveer Designsti,zn Menges Requests or Carver Desiepien, changes may be initiated by - 2 Approved For Release 2099i0j84.6tAIA-RDP80-00679A000100010091-6 Approved FicwRitilease 2000/08/16 YCIA-RDP480-06679A000100010091-6 l'zittZ4117. TiZ,162.0L, ncyllomp.Ineats gaining en em.,:le:pl') or by by th Lxi (len- vow:at to the proccdares indicated 1.n pame,raph Lb, Afx.ocyNcio In sitter case the cairdn rAweer c;omponent mill raqu..,,.4at champ - of Career Desimation on Standard Form 52 altaler as a siNle notion 73V/VOOt` 02? comarreatly with anotbor persorna act:7se;. aypropriata. The 1.1e4011. b9 (1015i Wailed as follaus2 "Chrome of C.7-;.1v1(.1r Deei.gnation" er nrceaseignme t (Cherie ar Carzcr Designabion.),, In 'these c.tIses the curzent and?fefopozed Career Desiplatioti1701 be shoal% in r,:ieen No. 142 immediately above It Staadard Yoy:k 52, refrecr,!.:, for. Vezeonnel liciaon as followes Fs= - To CD - Iteye k Remarks, vrill include a stltcrent in6,c3eting that .;:she privosed. chanoc is acceptable to the treil.vidurl comeriaTj, has1 ociordinated botwen the orgEmitational cweponentr eonctormt, ReVi. g Career Design,ption mgti ? (1) In an casesravIn...; Desig4ation okanget -the emu-opiate Placement Officer will. ,leocetnin the, the cinnip Ms been 1.T.:operly ocoxdinalied bepnoln. the Cavan'. Gm-apomato 00:WernOd PelOr to his pp.v, :Ii2elific2.17.1014? ? ? (2) 111 .casen involving pwscnnel a.icr iwhIcla the Command. Corrrponent IS other ttaa- Career Comr;ontaLtt, the vizo:vo- Placement Officer viU 9.17V37.3131 that the. proposed amp has been approPxlatelizr ocolkil'oetx1 :9rios.. to 7A-to ev2roveloC cxtaalations (3) In all cases ithn14.smlol.?ziaux rowesttgs. 171...tiated by inatviduals far Career Do oivd th,Oy hell be coordiatIted e istassnant Officers mit Co Componente. CaLleGrettod by tho PlAterik; OffiCer Seln122g, tbA losiag oolVoneut at the tir.3 ?!4:1-1c re-t:tueot recchas tkrf Personnel Offiee enrcifute to- the ..po;eata gaixeng OfirtieV Colc:paulant. b, Recording Career Decignation Criangee. The PtVCSOSing guld Reccerds Didon pe..oceeie Chcnge gamer Desiznation actions fintbs same mazer es other typcv . cortical' personnel actions, Eftntive de or Career Deslsaticsa 3 - Approved For Release 2000/08/16 ? CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010091-6 coNraTitiaAL 25X1A Approved Bigp Rho lease 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDF49-911679A000100010091-6 chan s 14111-be th eginftng dateo the pay period subsequent the data ths elution authentiested by the (hia, or Assistant Cl ? Mamma:at and Utilization Division. Normal distribation or the Standard Form 503 or Standmrd For m.52 used in lieu thereat will be made. Appmpriate record ohanges will be enacted on tilt Service Record Oa*, Standard Fora 7.41A. 446. Frocjng Career Designation. Appeals. In all oases when an employee ppeals a refusal by Career Covenants to ehan bi Career Desigmation the appropriate Placenent Review the case to determine thnt appropriate coordinnt tm (pinnomph 50,(3)) has been. ?c000mplished. b, Forward the- cane to the Assistant Director (Foramina), throudh appropriate chmanels2 with a cover memomeme swalarising ths ease,,-** 4 - Approved For ReleaseC20/0027164 CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010091-6 25X1 A