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Publication Date:
August 18, 1953
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Approved P i elease 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP40%00679A000100010048-4
18 August 1953
01'1q alud ' fO 3-
SUBJECT: Charge-Out and, Control of Official Personnel Folders
In order to effect a more efficient control over the handling
and ement of official personnel folders, the following procedures
will a ly whenever personnel folders are loaned by the Personnel Office
to autho ized individuals or ccuponents of the Agency as specified in
the provi ions of CIA Regulation pending publication.
a.\ Responsibility for the charge-out and control of official
persona folders:
1) The basic responsibility for the charge-out and
by the Chiefs of the major components (offices,
DD/P area divisions) of the Offices of the DD/I;
Training, and Communications, to request and
ial personnel folders on a loan basis for the
component con
receive offi
ter index of the names of all Agency officials
DD/A, DD/';
staffs o
of official personnel folders is vested with the
ng and Records Division. This Division will main
a authorize'
taro a
concerning the loan o
Violations of the pro
Pte. The Processing and Records
1 folders released to individuals in
very effort to assure that folders are
individuals authorized to ec ive them.
visions of CIA Regulation
loaned only to those
Division will make
oceasing and Records Division will also be
tainiri, the Personnel Office record-of-
components other
loan for all pe
responsible for
(2) The P
in writing to the Peru
and Records Division.
1 Director by the Chief, Processing
(1) - In each case involy the transfer of a person-
nel folder to an authorized vidua1 or component outside
of the Personqel Office, the aasitat, and Records Division.
will initiate or complete, as opriate, Form No. 37-174,
Charge-Out Control Form, and Form o. 31-I7i Oat, Charge-Out
Record. In addition, P&RD will aa>.t a Memorandaam of
Instruction to each personnel to r before its release.
Security Information
personnel folders will be reported
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010048-4
Approved Fc elease 1W/' 9P8Qj01W679A000100010048-4
(a) The initial record data (name of employee,
date of charge-out, individual requesting folder, etc.)
appearing in the upper portion of Form No. 3i-l7i,
Charge-Out Control Form, will be canpleted by PM. In
addition, the charge-out code nuober will be igprinted,
by use of a numbering machine, in each item of the form
(including Report of Transfer slips) reflecting this
heading. Completed Charge-Out Control Fonts will be
firmly attached to the outside of each folder before
(b) In conjunction with the Charge-Out Control
Form, the Charge-Out Record, Form No. 37'l7iA, will be
completed by P&RD as the actual Personnel Office record-
of-loan. Charge-out Record cards will be filed alpha-
betically by name for each folder charged-out by the
Processing and Records Division. In accordance with
the instructions appearing at the top of the Charge-Out
Control Form, transfer of personnel folders, authorized
by telephone will be reported to P&RD in writing by the
original requester through use of numbered Report of
Transfer slips attached to the Charge-Out Control Form.
Report of Transfer slips will be filed directly behind
the respective Charge-Out Record cards immediately upon
their receipt by the Processing and Records Division.
(c) The Memorandum of Instruction has been written
in accordance with the general provisions of CIA Regu-
25X1A lation It provides, in concise form, instructions
governing a management of and responsibility for official
personnel folders released to components other than the
Personnel Office. The Processing. and Records Division
will be responsible for assuring that a Memorandum of
Instruction is attached to the inside of each folder
before transmittal.
2. These procedures will become effective upon receipt of the
printed forms.
Security Information
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010048-4