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18 MAY
M#LMORANDUM PORt Executive Director-Comptroller
SUBJECT : CIA Senior Seminar
1. This memorandum recounts our experience with two run- of the Senior Seminar and requests in paragraph S approval
for establishing the Seminar as a regular Agency trainrng program.
2. Prom the critiques prepared by the 20 officers in Seminar
Ono and the 18 who completed Seminar Two, the memoranda some
participants prepared after returning to their jobs, and from
our experience In conducting the Seminar, I believe it is. real-
istic to conclude that the program has been successfully estab-
lished and accepted as such. As a training expcirience for
offi.ccars in the supergrades and promising c S-1S's, I would rate
it at least as good as the external courses our officers attend.
The content of the Sei:.inar_,.focusins on the Agency, its work,
its processes and problems, and its relationships with other
elements in government, on U.S. foreign policy interests, and
on domestic developments which impact on CIA---makes tie Seminar
uniquely responsive to the needs and interests of our senior
officers. The guest speakers from within CIA, from other
agencies, and from the acadc-mic world have been, with infrequent
exception, of an extremely hige, quality. The utilization of
the experience of the participating officers in the teaching 'and
learning process in the Scy,?inar has been a key element. In sum,
I believe that the design and the execution of the Seminar in
its first two runnin`ys have proven successful and that it has
been a productive investment of the tire of the participating
officers and of the Seminar Staff. This conclusion is abundantly
supported by the views of Seminar mmbers as indicatesi in the
Attachment of extracts taken from critiques of the Seminar and
from memoranda voluntarily provided to us.
3. I realize that there is considerable concern as to
whether tjbe directorates and components of the Agency are able
to dispense with the services of excellent senior officers and
comers so they can attend the Senior Seminar. In Seminar One,
except for the matter of grade leve L which' is discussed below,
I find reason to be quite satisfied? Since November 1971 when
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Seminar One was completed, seven of the 20 participating; officers
have roved into now job assignments and two Toro are scheduled
to do so over the next sevorhj raonths. Two of tip- 20 have been
_nrcnotod, includ%. ig one of those V .ho t oved into a new job assign-
bent. It Is, of course, still too early to anticipate what will
happen with Vie participants of Sealt,.ar Two, but it is notes-
wortay that three of the 18 officers who cot pleted the socoud
runalng were promoted Jurin the Seminar. All this does not
sug ert that a charite in assignment or grade is a direct result
of attottding the Senior S:itinar, but I believe it Is fair to
conclude that the first two runnings included a nurber of offi-
cers wao ware clearly rarkel with the potential. to advance in
grade and into a orc resp ensibie Agency positions.
4. This does of nea:a that I an completely satisfied with
the results of the process of nominating officers for the Senior
Seminar as it has worked to date; Only soven.of the 35 Vito were
nominated for Seminar One and eight of t to 21 noni: ated for
Soniuar To were super, rades. It would he moat desirable to
receive a larger nuni.or of suitor mrade nominations for each run- As the no sirnations to Se: it it Two totalled only 23. offi-
cers, the Trainln Selection Board accepted all n smi-naes, taus
e:3i inating the possibility of select;Lng ; rtlcip; stta so as to
secure a strong combination of area experience and functional
x; urtise, 04a officer was withdrawn prior to the running, a
second soon after f t he *an ane:! P. third failed to co :rxlota the
last week., W`.ii.le S miuar Two as a whole did include 4 officers
with diverse fuictifnai baci6lr0un.5, it was consideral0ly li: 1itcr
in are2 exp=e4rieace than the first Se nar group. I am inclined
to believe that a major factor was the brief load time between
the authorization for tin second turning ant! the ncndiine for
nos inati n by the diroctoratess. Putting the Seninar of a
ro gula.rly scicduled basis with a long, lead tire for conpone. t.s
and directorates to plan uonir..eticns would go far to i..isure teat
each ,Sin inar grout) is strongly balancc4 and that alteruuatses can
be picked to take the place of officers - hho. are withdrawn.
S. ithi.r: the concert of th;, corr curri culu , the Senior
Scninar represents the capstone of the Aje: cy's tarsi; in3 program
and should provide the Key internal tratnin(., elegy:; rt iii the
.Agency's executive dcvelopr4eiit Yjriagr'r~'~,i. Y recon,ao Y?.J that you
seek the Director's s}*Y,reval to t ai a the Scr.izar, a part of the
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I i.,
Agency's rr ular training progran, off are . trice aut .:a1Iy,
with Vie next running sca* uIcd to commence in rid?Septenbor
aa4 nominations due to the Training Selection Board by
I5 August.
ffl h T. CJc.NI1' : II
L irectox of k'r4 i AiIIZ
Deputy Director
for SupTt
Tic retainuendat .on in paragraph a, is approved-,
2xocutiv NrGctor--%Co!?v troller
i ? ads e (Rot to 13Tt; via
+(A /
2 :x DI r-Cant t
I ? i~
- SS chron. (I w/h)
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Extracts from Memorand.2 Prepared after
Senior Seminar One
"Generalizing from my own experience, there must be many other
senior officials whose work has been isolated within a narrow
field, who for one reason or another have never been exposed to
the Midcareer Course or something comparable, and who would
therefore benefit greatly from attendance at a Senior Seminar...
I would recommend that the Senior Seminar be institutionalized
as a regular CIA course."
David Brandwein, Director, FMSAC
"My belief that the Seminar :should be continued is so strong that
my comments in this memorandum are focused less on the merits of
the present course than on ideas to help improve future runnings
...The Seminar was the most -rewarding personal and professional-
experience I have had in years."
25X1A (now) Deputy Chief,
uropean Division, OCI
"The recently completed Senior Seminar was the finest course,
Agency or non-Agency, that I have over attended. It was out-
standingly effective in its effort to renew one's sense of per-
sonal motivation and appetite for achievement...I strongly
recommend continuation of the Senior. Seminar."
, Chief, Scientific
as P n us trial Division, IAS
"I consider it a real privilege to have been chosen to attend
the Senior Seminar; I very definitely feel that it was an
extremely useful course; and I would urge my associates to attend.
I would definitely want to go on record as supporting the course
in every possible way."
(now) Assistant Deputy
Director for Security, OS
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"It' was a very interesting and profitable session, and I' would-
strongly urge that it be continued. I know of no other way in.
which Agency officers could acquire this type of exposure and
experience, or have the opportunity to talk with senior executives
in other agencies about common problems. In our compartmented
work environment, there are relatively few officers whose day-to-
day activities 'would permit them to gain an understanding of the
relationships between agencies and departments, the political
considerations which influence our activities, and the rapidly
changing international scene."
25X1A (now) Deputy
SSA/DDS (effective August 1972)
"Nearly all the participants in this first Seminar had spent
their CIA careers in one line of professional work, often within
one component. Most, therefore, had limited knowledge of the
activities and programs of other Agency elements. The Seminar
offered them fairly deep and quite comprehensive exposure to a
broad range of Agency activities and to the objectives, operations
and problems of other organizations which probably could not have
been achieved through normal work routines. It was apparent that
there is a strong commonality of concerns and interests among
various Agency components, and both a need and a desire for
improved intra-Agency communication...The views of [prominent
academicians and 'futurists'] in particular, caused us to re-
examine our opinions and interpretations in a more objective way,
and to question the extent to which the Intelligence Community,
because it is a virtually closed society, could become subject
to stereotype and narcissism in its intellectual processes...
Recommendations: Continue the Senior Seminar...."
(now) Special Assistant
"During the past nine and a half weeks of my participation in
the Senior Seminar I learned more about the range of Agency
activities and problems than I have in the past decade. I feel
this broader understanding has equipped each of the Seminar members
to contribute more intelligently to the re-adjustment that the
Agency and the Intelligence Community is being required to make.
My experience leads me to strongly recommend continuation of the
Seminar...I entered. the Seminar with a degree of skepticism and a
basic question as to whether OTR had not gone overboard in
developing this extensive course...That skepticism has been
completely dissipated.
to Community Comptroller and Executive
Secretary, IRAC
25X1A , (now) Chief, Special
Projects Branch, COMIREX Staff
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.. ? l Al
... U.1.~I ,,,1L. J1 2 i.rI
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Extracts from Senior Seminar One Final Critiques
Comments on Meetin Scminar Objective 1: To develop greater
inS lg it , into problems a pro=: sures facing CIA management, the
processes of change within the Agency and in its external relation-
ships, and developments in American society which are relevant to
CIA as an organization.
"This is the only opportunity I.have had to focus on this subject
and the course certainly succeeded in illuminating the issues as
well as indicating future trends."
"This objective was met to a degree far exceeding my expectations.
Great credit goes to the speakers from CIA senior management,
nearly all of whom were direct and candid... The Seminar participants
also were a very positive factor in the success o
objective, with the atmosphere generated by the Seminar format
contributing to free and easy exchange."
25X1A , Chief, Soviet and
East European Forces Division, OSR
"The Seminar went well beyond the objective as stated, contributing
greatly to my understanding of the Agency's structure and functions,
and offering some exposure to the highest officials."
(now) Chief, Free
World ivision, R
"Having served in.only one component of the Agency, I was indeed
wanting in overall appreciation of CIA activities, problems, etc.
The Seminar has helped correct this deficiency very considerably."
"For years I had seen the tip of the iceberg on a number of these
problems, but this course for the first time identified them in
the context of the present and of the attitudes of the individuals
who must react to them. It seemed impressive to me that while
there were no particular surprises to the group as a whole, every
individual clearly failed to see how limited his view of the
whole picture was prior to the Seminar."
25X1A Special Assistant to the
`Chief, Defensive Systems Division, OSI
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"I have a much better grasp now of such matters, and it is
important in my present and probable future assignments. I
know of no other way I could have obtained my present 'feel'
for public, congressional and other government agencies--factors
that influence our programs and operations."
Chief,.Printing Services
Comments on Meeting Seminar Objective 2: To acquaint the parti-
cipants with current thinking on U.S. foreign policy equities and
developments abroad which are the subjects of CIA's business.
"This element was particularly well developed by the Seminar."
"The Seminar provided an insight into the mechanism which formu-
lates policy-The 'Academic' view of policy was very interesting,
particularly the talks by Brzezinski, Fairbank, et al."
Project Director, OSP
"The professors and State Department officials who addressed
this problem helped all of us in the Seminar to understand major
U.S. foreign policy problems."
"My simplistic world has been overturned by the variety and.
complexity of the factors involved in foreign policy and its
relationships to the Agency."
25X1A 'Osi
"The Seminar was successful in this'objiective too...In sum, it
was possible to derive a comprehensive picture of the issues and
developments confronting the U.S. generally and CIA in particular."
25X1A /OSR
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"We' found from many of the speakers that it is most difficult in
many areas in which the intelligence community is concerned to
define 'U.S. Foreign Policy' in terms that can be related to CIA's
business. I was impressed that the Agency is as close and as
responsive as it is to foreign policy developments."
25X1A . Chief, Communications
Security Staff, OS
Comments on Meeting Seminar Objective 3: To provide an opportunity
for senior officers to renew their sense of personal motivation
and appetite for achievement and to renew and broaden their under-
standing and appreciation of "the other guy." .
"I leave [the Seminar] more convinced than ever that self-renewal
is sufficient justification for the time and effort that went
into the course."
25X1A /OCI
"I certainly have a better understanding of the DDS&T and trust
that the DDP's less of a mystery to my fellow 'Seminarians'."
"In my opinion [the Seminar] provided us with a look at the Agency,
through each other's eyes, which could not have been provided in
any other way. The group discussion provided some of the most
lasting impressions and has given me a much deeper sense of
11 ...The factors of broadening understanding and appreciation of
'the other guy' were particularly valuable."
25X1A 'OSI
" ..Our understanding and appreciation for the problems of the
other guy was helped--this alone could comprise a satisfactory
objective for the Seminar."
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"The second part (to broaden understanding of the other guy) was
met very well indeed."
"The opportunity to get acquainted with a broad cross-section of
Agency-people and hear from many others outside the Agency was
extremely valuable. Getting away from the office for ten weeks
was a definite benefit in itself."
25X1 A
"This may have been the most valuable part of the Seminar."
"My understanding and appreciation of problems of others in
the Agency most certainly has been enhanced and contacts made
during the course will, I feel., benefit the Agency by our combined
improved effectiveness."
Comments on Benefits Derived from the Seminar: On balance, do
you believe that attendance in the Seminar has benefitted you
significantly in your present job or in other Agency positions
to which you may aspire?
"Unquestionably yes. Feel far better equipped to contribute to
the decision-making process."
"A resounding 'yes'!! There is no doubt that I will be better
able to do my job and contribute more positively to the organi-
zation management and overall mission. My congratulations to
the staff for putting together an excellent Seminar."
"Very definitely. Exposure to Agency components, classmates,
management, outside experts. . .have all enriched me personally
and professionally."
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"Definitely yes. Immediate benefit will come from better com-.
prehension of CIA management and opportunity to view job in
larger context. Long-term benefit should develop from review
of international and do~bottc trends. buti1Illiave .
I was not enthusiastic
become convinced of its value."
"Yes--one of the most serious handicaps to doing a job in this
Agency is a lack of understanding of what is going on around
that job. I believe the Seminar goes a relieving
this information and understanding gap.
25X1A )etailed to OSR
"This course has definitely benefited me. I'm sure that I will
be a better CIA citizen and will be much more effective in deal-
ing with other components of the Agency and will be in a much
better position to enthuse those personnel assigned to me."
"Very definitely. I have a much better feel for the DDP role
in relation to the CIA total mission and a much better view of
the interface of the Directorates."
25X1A ~AF
"Definitely yes. I feel that the course has provided new
insights directly on my present job and it will surely help
in future assignments."
"I believe that I have benefited significantly from the Seminar.
It probably will benefit me in my present job since I have been
moved into a position of managing personnel.
25X1A ,OSI
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Extracts from Senior Seminar Two Final Critiques
Comments on Meeting Seminar Objective 1: To enable Seminar
participants to evelop greater Insight into problems and
pressures facing CIA management, the processes of change within
the Agency and in its external relationships, and developments
in American society which are relevant to CIA as an organization.
"This objective was achieved in a broad sense. I was especially
pleased and impressed with the majority of the outside--non-
government speakers. This was an opportunity I could not have
found elsewhere.,,
25X1A Deputy Director
of Medical Services
"My feeling is that from the very first moment of the'Seminar
of meeting others of a.diverse experience that the course did--
in every sense of the word--meet this objective. -It was a- rare
opportunity to be exposed, not only to the participants, but
also the speakers inside and outside of the Agency."
25X1A MMMM Assistant Deputy
Director o ecurity for Investigation
and Operational Support, 0S_
"I believe that this objective was met very well. I have a.
much better appreciation than before the exposure provided by
the Seminar."
, Chief, Programs Analysis
Division, OSR
"This objective was met exceedingly well, particularly in the
areas of problems and pressures facing the Agency and developments
in American society which arc relevant to the Agency as an
organization. In addition, I obtained a better understanding
of the Agency management and its functions.
, Branch Chief, OSP
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"This objective was achieved very effectively. The Agency's
recognition of such factors and the efforts being taken to
solve them--or anticipate them--were discussed thoroughly and
constructively. Much of this area was new to me, and the
attitudes expressed were imaginative and realistic.. This part
of the Seminar provided me with some new management perspectives."
25X1A , Deputy Chief,
ysica.1 Science and Engineering
Division, DDS&T
"I believe that I had some awareness when I came into the
Seminar of these problems, pressures, changes and developments..?
But, more importantly, the Seminar sharpened and enlarged my
appreciation and understanding of them. I now have a much
better base for valid insight into them. Direct credit for this
'enabling' capability must go to the Seminar. The Seminar has
impacted on me intellectually and fulfilled this objective."
25X1A CIA Member of COMIREX and
Chief of'~Reconnaissance Group, IRS'
"Without question I gained greater insight into problems facing
CIA management and a broader understanding of the world we
live in. This was achieved through a balance of excellent
speakers from inside and outside the Agency enhanced by discussions
with individual members of the Seminar. After a career of over
20 years in the Agency I had a general awareness of most of CIA's
activities but the Seminar provided detail and insight heretofore
not obtained. I feel 'wiser.'"
25X1A Special Assistant to
t: the Director of NPIC
"This objective was very successfully and fully met. Personally
I developed an awareness of the changes underway that will
influence my actions for some time to come. It also resulted
in a commitinent on my part to keep abreast of factors outside
the Agency."
25X1A Chief, International
ears Area, OER
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"This was very well done. The input by the Seminar members
was perhaps of greater value in some cases than that of the
speakers. This fact points up the importance of recruiting
Seminar members--care must be taken, not only to have repre-
sentation from all directorates, or at. least to find members
with recent experience in key components not otherwise
represented. "
General Counsel
Jr., Assistant
"In my view, the Senior Seminar accomplished. this objective.
The Agency, it seems to me,could perhaps accelerate change for
the better by a more enlightened grasp of the popular views
that generate change in contemporary society.""
25X1A , Branch Chief, WH
"Objective fully accomplished.!! From the opening night when
Ex. Dir. gave his thoughts on several of the major problems
and issues facing the Agency to the final week, we carefully and
fully explored dozens of major issues raised by Mr. CQlby as
well as other senior Agency officials. In addition-we developed
many issues from within the class which provided stimulating
material for penetrating discussions."
ervices Sta
"This objective was met to a significant extent. In a measure,
this resulted from exposure to people and organization exemplify-
ing the problems with the Agency and its relationships. To a
greater extent it resulted from exposure to a wide spectrum of
people and organizations who were aware of the problems and
attempting to develop either solutions or methods of finding
iv].Slon, OSI
, Defensive Systems
"This first objective is the one which I feel was--and is-- the
most important one to me personally,
to any formal 'management training' perVso. Ilbelieve that the
Seminar met this objective more than satisfactorily, and I leave
the Seminar more acutely aware of present
governmental-societal problems from a manaand erialtviewpointythan
I was when I entered it ""
U'- 4U 1-I1 1101111:31)l
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Comments on Meeting Seminar Objective 2: To acquaint Seminar
participants with c u r r e n t t iiThking on. U.S. foreign policy equities
and developments abroad which are the intelligence collection,
analysis and covert action targets of CIA.
"Inasmuch as my position does not expose me normally to such
official current thinking, it was extremely beneficial for me
to obtain views of these activities. I feel it broadened my
understanding of some of the Agency's problems better."
25X1A 'OS
"While the Seminar broadened my acquaintance with current think-
ing and trends of direction of U.S. foreign policy equities and
developments abroad, it left me somewhat frustrated in these
areas. But I view this as a positive accomplishment of the
Seminar objective in this area because I perceive U.S. foreign
policy and developments in the world as being at the cross-roads.,
in a state of flux, in the beginnings of major change, at the
start of a new era, the principal courses yet unset. If this is
a 'turning point' in fact, then the Seminar has given me a fresh
and quite full background for sensing the emergence of basic
changes in U.S. foreign policy and international developemnts
which I anticipate will evidence the next few years."
25X1A =/IRS
"Met quite well and certainly was a most valuable experience."
Deputy Chief, DDI Planning
"With but one or two exceptions the academicians invited to the
Seminar were truly outstanding and I found their presentations
the most thought provoking sessions of the course. There was
an excellent mix of individuals and a thoughtful selection of
subject matter. The opportunity to meet in open discussion with
the top management of the intelligence community and to have them
present their programs and problems was particularly rewarding
and will certainly pay large dividends in our future dealings
with these Agencies and Departments."
25X1A /SSS
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"This is probably the most successfu]L endeavor of the Seminar.
It can be strengthened by continued critical review by both
ar s
and Seminar participants."
National Intelligence
Programs Evaluation Staff
"In this area the Seminar served as a. good updating and broaden-
ing vehicle for me. Because of the nature of my work, I have a
natural predilection for (and interest in) developments abroad
and U.S. policy lines interacting with and upon them, so those
aspects of the Seminar addressed to this objective were indeed
'right down my alley. ' I found them to have been very pro-
fessionally treated and geographically well balanced on the whole."
Comments on Meeting Seminar Objective 3: To provide an opportunity
or senior officers to refresh aim broaden their understanding
and appreciation of "the other guy."
"I believe that this objective was achieved and to me represents
the most important objective of those identified as ones to be
25X1A 1OMS
"This may have been the most important part of the Seminar that
I perceived-.-bringing together a varied group, developing close
associations, and holding informal discussions was most valuable
to me."
25X1A lOS
"The Seminar was extremely effective in achieving this objective.
Exposure to 'the other guy' both through speakers and members
of the Seminar couldn't have been much better."
"Excellent. This was probably the most valuable product of the
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"If this had been the only objective of the course, the course
still would have been worthwhile. Exposure to world, domestic
and Agency problems has done me a world of good. My outlook is
fresher,and I certainly see the rest of the Agency more clearly."
"The Seminar was outstanding in. this respect! The talents and
interest's of the other participants soon became evident, and
the many informal discussions were possibly as valuable as the
scheduled, sessions in providing exchanges of views."
25X1A -/Os I
"The interchange among the participants of the Senior Seminar
was probably the most worthwhile experience provided by the
course. The informal discussions, plenary sessions and social
occasions gave me new understanding and appreciation of what
was happening in other components of the Agency. Some of the
friendships made at the Seminar will last far beyond the end of
the course and will provide continuing informal channels of
"It is difficult to overstate the value of this objective. It
was fully met."
"Probably the most successful and surely the most valuable
experience of the course."
25X1A -/DDI Planning Staff
"Excellent! One of us said we really did not 'let our hair down'
in criticizing each other--perhaps true, but I believe we have
developed an understanding of others.' problems.and gotten to know
people in a way that creates a probability of a profitable
critical relationship later."
25X1A 0GC
"Excellent opportunity. Perhaps the major result of the Seminar."
25X1A -/hfli
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"Another outstanding job was done with respect to this objective
and I would class this as the single most important accomplishment
of the Seminar."
25X1A _'OF
"The formal individual student presentations and the discussions
that followed was an ideal way to obtain an appreciation for the
outstanding collection of talent: represented in this class. These
sessions provided a good mechanism to 'bring it all together'
and gain new insights.into how we inter.-relate in fulfilling the
overall mission of the Agency." N
25X1A /SSS
"Without a doubt this was the most valuable and best achieved
of the three objectives. The contacts made in the Seminar
have provided me with an entirely different picture of how
people in other elements of the Agency work, what makes them
tick, and why we have an outstanding organization."
25X1A /OS][
"The opportunity to get together in the Seminar environment
appears to accomplish this objective in the best possible manner."
25X1A 'NIPE Staff
Comments on Benefits Derived from Seminar: On balance, do you
'believe that attendance in the Seminar will benefit you signifi-
cantly in your.-present job or?in other Agency positions to which
you may aspire?
"I believe that I really did not learn anything strikingly new
which will be of benefit in my particular job. However, the
contact with 'outsiders' and meeting of 'insiders' has certainly
widened my overall experience which no doubt in a subtle way,
may enable me to be a more effective officer."
25X1A /OMS
"Yes. No question. The better appreciation of people and
problems that was gained can't help but to improve my execution
of management responsibilities."
. 25X1A
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"Yes for at least two reasons. It brought to the front or
exposed me to issues and problems within and without the Agency
that are relevant now and will be for some time to come. It
also exposed me to quality personnel from other Directorates."
/ FE
"Yes, but the greatest benefit probably will come over the long-
pull. The short-term benefits of broadened outlook remain to be
"I cannot measure the value of the Seminar in a quantitative
way although I certainly feel wiser for the experience. There
is a certain prestige value in being selected for a course such
as this but I don't expect that it will play any particular part
in my selection for future assignments. The understanding
gained of the Agency and the Community will help me substantially
in my present position but no-1: in any way that-can be measured."
"Yes--although specific job techniques were obviously not taught,
the general experience will almost surely make my performance in
this or any other job better."
25X1A ~/DDI Planning Staff
"I believe it will. I find it most refreshing and informative
to get the views of the Seminarians on all the issues raised in
this course."
25X1A /WH
"This is difficult to answer. Tangible benefits are certainly
impossible to pinpoint but nine weeks of mind-stretching such
as afforded me by the Seminar cannot but help to improve one.
Likewise, the opportunity for working closely with representatives
from other parts of the Agency may very well pay off downstream."
"I believe that considerable benefit has been obtained, in my
present job, in that some awareness of other Agency activities,
information concerning projects involving other Agencies, and
personal contacts were acquired."
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"Yes--I deal with all parts of the Agency or on matters that
affect all parts and this has given me insights on problems
and positions I could not gain any other way. Knowing the
members 'with key jobs in other components will I think add
immeasurably to the quality and efficiency of my work in some
areas. "
25X1A /OGC
"It was of particular benefit to me in my current responsibili-
i4 es for managing certain Agency -wide
programs (Regulations
publication, Records, Archives, Microfilm) which impact on
every component in the Agency. It afforded me an excellent
opportunity to do a 'selling' job to the 17 senior officers that
will be able to do something about these programs when they
return to their respective offices. I think they all have a
better appreciation of what these programs are all about and new
respect for the complexities and importance of these programs.
In a more general sense., I believe this course should be man-
datory for senior 'staff' officers in all Directorates."
"I sincerely believe attendance at the Seminar will benefit me
in my current job and any other I might have in the future.
It has been both an up-dating and re-focussing in addition to
which it has set into motion a personal intellectual revision
of some of my current professional concepts."
25X1A /NIPS Staff
Comments on Value of the Seminar to the A enc : Do you believe
the investment y the Agency of two months of time in the
Senior Seminar has been profitable or unprofitable from the
Agency's point of view? Explain your views.
"I can't honestly answer this question. I had doubts--serious
ones--about the Seminar and wondered if 9 weeks in my 'own area'
would not be more productive. I think I have had a profitable
experience and would therefore recommend continuation of the
Seminar. In about 4 years I will. be ready for another similar
25X1A /OMS
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"If persons approved for attendance at the Senior Seminar are
indeed to move into senior management positions in the Agency,,
then I feel that he should have a broad base of knowledge of
.the internal and external considerations with which he has to
cope as a manager at the executive level. In this context then,
I feel that 2 months is not excessive to prepare one in this.
manner. Therefore, I feel it was a profitable experience."
"The Agency cannot help but benefit from exposure of senior
officers to problems and issues that face the Government and
Agency. This is a serious group and its members are sincerely
interested in the Agency and its future. They will be better
qualified officers upon return to their components. The value
of cross-fertilization cannot be overemphasized."
"Without question, a profitable course that should be available
to others. Apart from the excellent contacts one gains, the
improved understanding of the Agency, the community, and the
consumers should be a part of any senior officer's background."
25X1A /OSI
"Subjectively, I believe that the Agency will gain more out
of me over the long haul than ;ghat it has cost in my salary,
the cost of the Seminar (pro-rated/capita), and in my non-
productivity during the period. I feel re-charged intellectually.
I am better informed factually. I am better prepared to perceive,
even understand, change as it evolves and, especially some needs
for change and adjustment in the CIA and in the Community."
25X1A ~ IRS
"The Seminar has been a good investment -for the Agency in my
opinion. In a relative short reriod of time (as compared to
the War Colleges and other senior schools) it has given a group
of senior officers a broad base of understanding on a number of
issues. Most of the participants in this Seminar had vertically
structured careers with limited experience outside their parent
offices or Directorates. The free give-and-take discussions on
the *issues and the opportunity to query in any depth desired
question of interest is an experience that could not be dupli-
cated in any course that I know of which is available to senior
Agency employees.
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"I definitely expect it to be highly profitable both for myself
and for the Agency. In practical terms of.'early payoff' I
expect considerable more receptivity and ACTION on new ways
of managing our paperwork problems in the components represented
in thi's class. I definitely obtained a new measure of respect for
the problems of the 'other guy' and for their expertise in deal-
ing with their problems. I am equally convinced that they have
gained similar respect for myself. This mutual respect and the
fact that one gets to know his fellow students VERY WELL in the.
nine weeks we have spent together cannot help but increase our
ability and willingness to work together more effectively on
Agency-wide problems as we continue our careers in the senior
management positions in our respective Directorates.'
25X1A /SSS
"Very profitable. The last two months were certainly a hardship
for those who took on my responsibilities, but not an unbearable
one. The understanding, appreciation, and respect for the
participants coming from other components of the. Agency, which
were developed during this Seminar, were easily worth the time
"I obviously believe the time spent has been profitable from
the Agency's view. I would like to think, not only because of
what it does in terms of my future performance, but also in terms
of the contribution each of us made to the other."
25X1A ~NIPE Staff
"Profitable on basis of 9 weeks. Certainly less costly than'
9 months FSI or other senior training courses such as War College,
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MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training
1S May 1972..
Report on Senior Seminar Two
1. This memorandum reports on the second running of the
Senior Seminar. Details are contained in the appendices:
Appendix 1 gives a roster of the participating officers;
Appendix 2 consists of the Block schedules as Seminar Two was
actually conducted, including scope notes or short precis of
the various presentations; Appendix 3 lists the Individual
Presentations; and Appendix 4 contains the overall critiques.
2. In structure and content, Seminar Two was similar to
the first running; however, some significant modifications
were made as a result of our experience and the participants'
evaluations of the first Seminar. A. three-day Block included
in the first running, "New Trends and Methodologies of Inter-
est to Intelligence," was eliminated. in the second session as
a separate Block. This Block had covered various applications
of the Delphi technique, the use of decision trees for analyses
and resource management, ADP applications and the technique of
long-range prediction and modelling usually referred to as
futurism. In the second session the Block on "The Intelligence
Business in CIA" was doubled to ten days in order to provide
a more comprehensive examination of the Agency's intelligence
missions and related supporting activities. Similarly, the
Block on "CIA's Official Relationships" was extended to include
presentations on other major intelligence organizations--the
Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency--and
on intelligence management in the Department of Defense, as well
as increased attention to th.e Director's new Community responsi-
bilities. In the first Seminar the members were offered a choice
of eight possible field trips; one group visited intelligence
facilities and contractors in the far West and another toured
the Cape Kennedy Missile Test Center and were briefed on ocean
surveillance at CINCLANT Headquarters in Norfolk. In order to
use the limited time most productively, the trip was eliminated
from the second running. Both Seminars commenced with a week
25X1A in residence at the in place of a
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field trip, the second Seminar returned to residence at
from 2S to 2:8 April for the Block,
Covert Action: The Hidden Side of Foreign Policy." In
addition, substantial changes of topics and speakers, as
between the first and second runnings, were made in most of
the seven Blocks.
3. The second Senior Seminar, like the first, was based
on the proposition that the major single opportunity for
learning is through the sharing by the participating officers
of their Agency experience, perspectives, and understanding.
Seminar Two, while certainly not a failure in this regard, was
less of a success than Seminar One. The Individual Presenta-
tions in Seminar Two again provided an important input and
stimulus and some of the Seminar discussions were of top-notch
quality, but the group frequently failed to take advantage of
CIA and non-Agency guest speakers to raise questions or make
observations of interest. Given the presence of several out4
standing participants, we on the Senior Seminar Staff wore
surprised that Seminar Two, taken as a group, was often so
passive in the formal sessions. This point was also made
informally by several participants. It should be added, how-
ever, that some of the participants were frequently active in
spontaneous small-group discussions over the lunch period.
4. Considerable emphasis in Seminar Two was placed on
having the Seminar members deal with "issues"--defined as
significant challenges, now tasks, new methods, opportunities,
problem areas, and trends which bear on the work of the Agency
today or are likely to do so in the future. In place of the
Block "Rapporteur" system used in Seminar One, Seminar Two
participants were asked to identify tissues" at the end of each
Block. They then pursued these subjects through discussion and
questioning of senior Agency speakers. As planned, the "issues"
from the different lists which continued to be of interest were
also to be discussed by the Seminar in the last week; however,
these sessions did not result in the quality of discussion we had
hoped would occur. We in the Seminar Staff had envisioned the
process of surfacing and discussing "issues" by the members not
so much as a moans of obtaining and developing definitive or
pat answers, but rather as an opportunity for the Seminar
officers to learn about and obtain a broader understanding of
problems which face top Agency management,
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S. During Senior Seminar Two we continued the process of
evaluation which we had found so successful during the first
running. Written evaluations, both of the Seminar as a whole
and of each Block, were prepared by each Seminar participant
and were followed by oral discussions. This process has
provided useful reactions on the selection and coverage of
topics, the effectiveness and value of the different presenta-
tions, and our performance in running the Seminar, as well as
giving an objective reading by the participants on the utility
of the Seminar to senior officers. The bulk of the evaluations
continued to be on the favorable to highly favorable side and
I submit that these responses provide the best index as to the
performance of the Staff and overall quality of the program.
6. Our experience with the second running continues to
suggest areas of improvement. The management training covered
in Block I this time was, in my judgment, markedly better than
its counterpart in Senior Seminar One. However, I believe that
further changes should be made; one possible change would be to
use case studies from Agency experience in the Leadership Styles
Workshop in place of exercises and games. Also,-I am inclined
to believe that the Block, "New Tools and Methodologies of
Interest to Intelligence," which was omitted in the second run-
ning, should be restored in any future runnings. As reported
after receiving the Executive Director-Comptroller's memorandum
of 10 March 1972, with suggestions on the Seminar, we would also
include coverage of the European Community and go further into
the intelligence analysis process, including requirements and
evaluation as well as new uses of ADP. We used a much larger
number of films in the second running and would continue to add
and improve the selection of films. Further improvements in the
choice of topics and speakers should also be made. All this means
is that if future runnings are authorized, considerable effort
should be devoted to reshaping significant sections and to making'
the Seminar a still better program.
7. To say that the Seminar can be improved does not mean
that the first two runnings have not been good. Despite the
reservations expressed above, the evaluations reflect the.
excellence of the program. In sum, I believe that the Senior
Seminar is an effective tool in preparing senior officers for
the phase of their career in which they will take on increasing
responsibility for meeting challenger and problems facing the
Chief, Senior Seminar
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