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Approved F elease2002/05/02 ?)&A4 D'80-003 0001 QW1 0008-9 DD/S 72-0129 ER 72-362 14 January 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Di rector for Plans Deputy Director for Science & Technology Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT t Senior Seminar REFERENCE Memo for DTR from ExDir dtd 7 Jan 72, Same Subject 1. As you know, the T):,rcctor has approved a second running of the Senior Seminar. This is planned to run for the nine weeks begin- ning 12 March 1972, the first week to be held at I _J and the remainder of the program to be presented in the Senior Seminar space in Chamber of Commerce Bui .dinU. 2. It is essential that t:lhe twenty officers selected for the second Senior. Seminar represent the cream of the Agency, whose attendance will produce identifiable benefits for them and the Agency. in order to allow adequate time for selection the Training Selection Board process, your nominations should reach the Director of Training, who is also Chairman of the Training Selection Board, by 10 Februaiy. 3. One of the questions as to the Seminar is whether it con- tributes as much to the Agency as to the participants. To ensure this, I believe that the identification, of appropriate nominees is sufficiently important: to ask that you personally endorse each recommendation and confirm that it proposes a "coiner" who undoubtedly will advance at least one more grade and is p cos cntly in or is headed for senior ? Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010008-9 Approved For Release-2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A0001 WOl 0008-9 responsibilities in your dircdoratc. 'While the emphasis should be on officers in grades GS-16 and above, unusually promising, GS-15 officers may also be proposcrd. W. E. Colby cc: D /ONE Giencral Counsel JG Legislative Counsel DTR. AO/DCI Executive Director-Comptroller Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010008-9 Approved For Release- 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A00014WO10008-9 RENDER WILL CHECKO" SSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM FIJNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I Director of Training 2 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION _ COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : /2o) f FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE Executive Director- Com troller 17Jan 7 UNCLAEISIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FORM, 7k0. L37 Use previous editions 1- Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010008-9 jJ~1F-I-D-E-N-T-I-" L Approved? For Release 201202 : CIA-RDP80-08A00Q00018a08-9 1. The second running of the CIA Senior Seminar will be conducted by the Office of Training from 12 March through 12 May 1972. This program is uniquely designed for senior Agency personnel and its content is on a level with that of the Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy, the senior mili- tary schools, and the Federal Executive Institute. The Seminar's objectives c,re to update senior officers' knowledge of foreign developments and their impact on CIA, to enlarge their understanding of the Agency, its official relationships, and the problems and pressures facing Agency management, and to expose them to change in American society which is relevant to CIA. 2. The Seminar draws on experts from academic life and private research organizations, officials from other government agencies, and knowledgeable officers from throughout the Agency. Much of the learning and broadening in the Seminar comes, however, through extensive active participation and sharing of views and insights among the Seminar partici- pants. Therefore, the selecting of participating officers is a key element. It is essential that the Seminar include capable senior officers who represent different organizational elements and who bring together a range of work and foreign area experierce. In order to enroll a group with such a variety of backgrounds, quotas for nominations have not been established, and each Directorate is requested to nominate more officers than might ordinarily be expected to attend on a straight quota basis. Selection from among the total group of nominations will be made by the Training Selection Board with a view of producing a representative and balanced group. Participation will be limited to twenty officers, minimum grade GS-15. 3. Nominations to the Senior Seminar are requested from Directorates by 10 February 1972. Precourse preparations will be worked out in early March. The first week of the Seminar will be held at the and the balance of the Seminar will be conducted in the Senior Seminar area of the Chamber of Commerce Building. 25X1A 25X1A C-O-N?-F-I -D-E-N-T- I -A-L Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308AO00100010008-9