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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 I R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 STUDY OF HEAT TRANSFER FROM HEAT DEPENDENT SEMICONDUCTOR ELEMENTS IN RAREFIED GASES FOR CONTROLLING LOW PRESSURES A.V.Bulygag Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Aca,.'.emy of Sciences of the B.S.S.R,Minsk,U.S.S.R Abstract - The study is carried out to reveal the regulari- ties of heat transfer inside heat-dependent semiconductor elements ( thermistors ) and on their interface with the surrounding rarefied gas. Peculiarities of thermodynamics of thermistor operation in superraref action are discussed. Being the basis for the design of thermoelectrical va- cuum gauges, the results obtained are used for the analysis of the sensitivity of the sensing element over a wide pres- sure range - from the values corresponding to a free mole- cular flow to the atmospheric pressure which is peculiar of a viscous gas flow. Nomenclature c� - heat-transfer coefficient; - mean volume ac and surface temperatures of thermistor,res- pectively; temperature of the surroundings; 17 =Ts- 19 T- 9; A,8- constants of the material of thermistor; - current of thermistor,the surface area of which is S and diameter d; Nu,Gr,Pr,Kr- Nusselt,Grashof,Prandt1 1Knudsen numbers ,respectively; i) - diameter of envelope around the heat transfer cylindrical element or the enternal diameter of a boundary layer; heat conductivity of gas at reference temperature 7,�4r+60i R - gas constant in p-f4Rr ,where p is density C, C,,- specific heat of gas at constant pressure and constant volu- Le Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 iniou Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 -2 - mf-,respectively; 4- e;ravity acceleration; moment-un transfer coefficient. The high temperature resistance coefficient of ther- mistors is the main precondition of their use as gauges which are sensitive to the change of the heat transfer condi- :Lonsj3,6,I31 . The latter follows from the consideration of sensitivi- ty of the gauge D which is determined as a ratio of the change of some output value .9 to the change of the input value A , i.e. S: =ct3/GLX . .Thermistor, as a primary transformer of a nonelectrical quantity into electrical one, may be represented as a series of links each of which represents transformation of one non- electrical quantity into another one. If thermistor is used as a pressure transmitter of vacuum gauge, its resistance R, ts connected with a pressure p ( input value of the trans- former) by a series of relations: -1(-7") T=Y)(01) (P), (I) aad the sensitivity of this transformer may be determined by The, expression [12] R dRr a04 aT a Pr = P p a p ad a 7' (2) or = is; seer s:, where in accordance with the data of 6, 13 , the sensitivi- ty of the third link will be ST =firRy � (3) The influence of the heat transfer conditions of ther- mistors_n their electrical parameters is expressed the coefficient of the dissipated power k . M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 by Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 Comparing the Newton formula [6, 13] P=ocsg, ( 4 ) which expresses the regularities of heat transfer and the for- mula k= P/g, which determines this parameter, gives A- =ctS. (5) (6) It is supposed that the mean-volume temperature T and the surface temperature of the thermistor Ts are equal. To select gauge and regime of its operationtit is necessary to reveal the physical significance of the parameter It. Having the grounded analytical expression for this parameter,an invisti- gator may save tedious experiments and thier treatment at numeri- cal determination of k and also it will Permit to control its value in certain ranges. The physical significance.of.the parameter k is qualitative- ly clear from the definition. However for the determination of the quantitative relations,it is necessary to consider the compo- nents of the dissipated power P . The power P which is supplied to the thermistor in sta- tionary conditions dissipates by convection and heat conduction F),, through a gas layer and by radiation Fc., and also by heat conductivity along the supply wires )?, ,i.e.P--13v#P,.+Pfl E�x pressing this relation through the heat transfer coeffi- cients yields a = cer # cvn (7) The component of the heat transfer coefficient ocean be determined according to the well4suoun Stafau-Boltssam formula fAl Igemmoiror thm malution of this =Chian is aft= difficult as smii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 - - the trustworthy data on the thermistor emissivity eTare absent. The available data on this problem in the special literature main4 reffer to metals and some non-conducting materials.The da- ta for the semiconductors are almost absent.It is difficult to determine the thermistor emissivity by usual methods which are based on comparison of measurements with the data for the refe- rence standards because of their small sizes. The above reasons caused the necessity to determine the thermistor emissivity E7. atsuch experimental conditions when convection is completely absent and heat losses by heat-conduc- tion are more than two order lower than the losses by radiation. Such conditionslallowing us to consider the relative error of determination of 6T to be not higher than I5,set in vacuum at the pressure of the order 10-2 - 10-3 M.m-2. In this case the heat transfe- coefficient d. will be expressed as: a) b) C) c,,, = R/S (8) The total heat losses I, through the supply wires are deter- mined as a sum of losses by heat conduction through two semiinfi- nite rods of an infinite length [6,8] where 2,- the heat-conduction coefficient of the wire,with a cross-sectional area of fc, ; m'(/j,,; oe... heat transfer coefficient between the supply wire the perimeter of which is qmand the surroundings. After substitution of the value 1 from equation (9) into (8-c) (9) we V shall obtain for wires of circular cross�section *ir-6eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-11. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 �5-. 9474ince _ V., ff n � (10) According to the expirement conditions CC0r .Therefore, the values of 04 are easily calculated by equaition (8-b) if E,, is substituted for 6. and 7n/ for where = (7+O)/2.) The combined solution of equations (8a),(8-b) and(I0)with account of equation (II) with respect to ergives: Er =4. � I/6�E, An ct,7'), (I2) - - where 6 ce 0- 8 7:�3, 6 4 Co >08 ( 3. The rename component of the be3at transfer coefficient �ex, which is caused by a joint action of convection and heat conduc- tion is the mainland special expirements are carried out for its determination. For oarying out a test,the unit is constructed of which schcmetic drawing is shown in Fig.I. The main assembles of the eXpiremental unit are two shifted working chambers I and 16,which are placed into thermostate bath 4,vacuum pumps II and 13 and a system of the operating and controlling vacuum guages. Different sizes of working chambers, in the form of cylind- rical glass bulbs 9 ard 3 cm in diametertallow simulation of heat transfer processes of thermistors in conditions of a limited and non-limited space. The expiremental design allows us to obtain the primary characteristics of thermistors: temperature characteristics and current-voltage ones in the operation temperature range and at the pressures of working medium.from atmospheric pressure to 1,33 10-2 M.m-2. These characteristics are the initial material Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 6 listcr and on its interface with the surrounding medium in 3tationary operating conditions.On this unit which laig.a loop oscillograph, the experimental data are obtained for calculati- n of dynamic thermistor parameters. Before proceeding to the description of the experimental investigation of the regularities of heat transfer of thermis- tors in yacuumoit is necessary to dwell on some pecularities of their operation at .the pressures in superrarefaction when the spe- cial size of a system becomes small in comparison with the free path length . The neccessity of such an analysis is caused by appearing disturbances of the gas temperature conditions in superrarefaction that at increased sensitivity of thermistors to the temperature changes can essentialy influence their physi- cal and electrical parameters. In f21 the relations are obtained which take account of. pecularities of the temperature regime of the superrarefied gas. The Measurements of :.hermistor resistances are carriei out for the experimental verification of these relations. The diagrams plotted according to the experimental and pre- dicted data (Fig.2,3),from which it is seen that in the pressure raage,from the atmospheric pressure to 13,3 , the change of presSuredossnot practically influeme, the quantity of ther- mistor resistance Rroand the material constant 13, which i deter- mined from equation 1-,I1 = A exp (B/7") . _2 ,2 � (13) In the pressure range from 13,3 to 1,33-10 Nm the valu- es of )3 calculated by formula (13) decrease with the drop in pressure and expose their dependence on temperature. Nevertheless the thermistors resistance does not depend on Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy *Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 pressure in the conditions of the equality of temperatures of all assemblies of the vacuum system ( at the values of 0= 3,413 IC -3).With the results obtained,the change of thermistor resistances at drop in pressure should be explained not by the change in the parameterB but by the temperature difference between two connecting One of which the thermistors investigated are placed and into another one the control vacuum guage is inserted.For confirmation of this conclusion the construction of the experimental uLit was changed so that the controlling vacuum gauge and the bulb with the.thermitors together with connecting bulbs by tube was placed into a thermostate bath. In such conditions the value of B calculated by resistances of thermistors measured did not change its quantity at all pressures. � The results o-.....tairied of the experimental investigation confirmed the truth of the analytical relations obtained and showed that the cLange of environment pressure does not in- fluence the physical parameters of a semiconductor material of the investigated thermistors. Besides the electronic nature of the conductivity in thermistors of the type KMT -I and KMT -II is confirmed. Expiremental Study of Heat Transfer of Thermistors. Carried lilt is the series of experiments on study of heat . transfer from thermistors in dense and rarefied gas [3] to obtain the initial data at development of the sensitive ele- ment of vacuum gauge on. the base of the thetmistor and deter- mine the interfaces of applicability of criteria' equations 2 Nu � 9' 3 7 e" [1 � (Gr.Pr)o'25 d Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 _ (14) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 8- i) 2 - 2 - D (15 ) To fulfil the problem, the static current-voltage characte- ristics of thermistors of the Lype KMT-I and KMT-II are expe- rimentally obtained at an ambient temperature of 0=293,2�K and different pressures. The curves for thermistors of both types (Fig.4) are obtained accordirig to the experimental data. The pressure range in which the current-voltage characte- ristics are obtained, includes viscous, molecular-viscous and molecular regimes of free gas flow and allowes us to observe a smooth change of heat transfer parameters in transition from one regime to another. The experimental data on heat transfer in the conditi-. ons of rarefaction are shown in Fig.5 as diagrams a! =4cIti9iv) and Cik These curves are plotted by the coordinates of current- voltage ,7,haracteristics, which correspond to the same wean volume tempexature T of the thermistor in the whole pressu-- re range. For the thermistor of the type KMT-I a value- of 327.6c"K was taken for the temperature T 1 that corresponds to R7.=2I,I5ki1olim;for the thermistor of the type KMT-II the temperature corresponds to T=328,1�K ( RT= 442,5 kilokam). At the analytical calculation of o( , the tentative accomoda- tion coefficients a are taken. . For the surfa- ces of the thermistors and supply copper wires a=0,9 and for the nickel wires 0= 0,47. Fig.5 shows that the shape Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8Amisiv Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 of relations a Pt (ey P) and oc = P1 (e9, p) is approximately the same for the both thermistors. For the qualitative analysis of the results obtained it is conve- nient to, divide these curves into four approximately linear sections. The first section, to which the molecular regime corresponds of the free flow, includes the pressure ran- ge from 1,33 10-2 to I X.m There is a proporkdonal de- pendence between the parameters 04 and ( eg p ). The second section (egp =0,0 - 1,6 for the ther- mistor type 1T -I and esp=0.0 - 2,4 for KMT -II ) corres- ponds to the molecular - viscous regime. It is characterized by more strong dependence of the total heat transfer coefficient 06 and its convect4me component 06� on gy p than the first section. The higher sensitivity of the thermiztoro to z...he drop in pressure in this range is caused by the presence of a temperature jump on the surface of a solid. The third section (egp =1,6 - 3,8 for the thermis- tor of the type KMT -I and i)yp =2,4 - 4,4 for KMT corresponding to the viscous regime and partially to the transient region, i.e. to slip flow which is characterized by-independence of the convective component di, and a slight dependeroe on the total heat transfer coefficient on the pressure. Some negligibale change ()Let the pressure change of in the range indicated is the result of change of heat losses throughthe supply wires. In turn these L_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 �I0� losses change because the temperature jump on the surface of supply wires at higher pressures than on the surface of a 4.mermistor body. The fourth section (4193,8 for KMT-I and for KMT-II) completely corresponds to viscous regime and characterized by the presence of convection in the heat transfer process. The beginning of this section coincides with a value of 1.10-3 for GrPr=1C:3 The results of the experimental measurements are treated in terms of similarity criteria (Fig.6) that gives possibility to express the results analytically and to compa- re them with data of other authors L6, 10] . Theory and Principles of Pressure Gauge Construction. The analysis of technical characteristics of real constructions of heat dependent pressure ganges[I 1 7,9,12, 14-16] shows that the proportional increase of the gauge sensitivity does not solve the whole problem of its improve- ment in all range of the controlling parameter. The main disadvantage of these gauges is as before a pronounced non- linearity of their static characteristics and, as the result, nonuniform sensitivity which approaches zero in some ranges. Thu reduction of inertness. is the essential problem of tie construction of gauges. 6_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 The investigations carried out an boat transfer of thersistors and determination of their clynamic paremeters [2,3] have shown that the above problems can be settled by adequate choice of the shape and geometrical sizes of the gauge. It is not difficult to see this when the static charac- teristics and sensitivity of a gauge are analysed and de- fined . The analytical relation between the convective com- ponent of the heat transfer coefficient otx and the tempera- ture T can be exprezsed from the Newton formula Nes fol..- lows I2A'r T=9- � asg (I6) which is a static characteristic of the second link. In accordance with the difinition of the sensitivity from for.- mula (2), differentation of relation (I6) over the parameter c!CK upon substitution 0164/Sir gives arAc- e2 cit I2Rr (I7) The analytical relation between the input gauge parameter p and the heat transfer coefficient otk is more compliceted and can not be expressed by one equation in a whole� react of perunter 1D. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 -12- For the case of a viscous gas flow we may use the simpliest structure of the heat transfer equation of the type [6] = C(G.Pr.)" cp (I8) and solve it with respect to the heat transfer coefficient C =L ( P r),r7 (19) assuming for simplification the gauge to be an ,infinite cylinder for which 4Pr"=/ . If the values of dimensionless criterion is expressed through the physical gas parameters [617] we shall have: where rl H 2/i A1= Tm3 n P H= = (20) Usually the value 1/4 - 1/8 [6]does not exceed the numerical values of the exponent n =J (G). Pr) in equation (20) which represents the regularities of heat transfer of real constructions and conditions of the pressure gauge operation. In connection with it, it is more convenient to consider the static characteristic in a semilogarithm scale and thus expression (20) can be given as: H r 2 n (Cyp) xi f� cit-3" Tm32 (20a) Hence the sensitivity of the link S; is given by differentation of equation (20a). over the variable 11= eyp 04 daS r ,S7 irf = gri P f a (eyp) - d's" 73" d'I (21) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-811111. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A004300220001-8 - 13 - Por the pressure range, corresponding to the molecular- viscous regime of the gas flow, the static characteristic of the�ak Gan be obtained in similar manner, expressing the wine of the heat transfer coefficient from the formula (I5) 2 ci where ci ; e=q-, 4->)A 2,,, Ece (22) /5 2-j )3f=',T;;I j4 � Differenting (22) over the 'parameter = eyp we have the sensitivity sac dacg _ 2,1,7e P2 a (cY)7pL-i-e)2 13 � (23) At pressures, corresponding to the nolecular-viscous regime of the gals flow but approaching the viscous oneti.e. when L *eVp, the formula for the sensitivity 4 will be 22me = P�e� L2 P � (24) The same is in the other limiting came when 1.