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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 R 50X1 -HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 ? 1 SURVIVAL OF SOME ORGANISMS AND CELLS OF INTRACRLIJULAR ICE FORMATION L.K. Lozina-Lozinsky Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. . A durable maintenance of biological systems in living but not active state (anabiosis) is available in the case of almost com- plete cessation of biochemical processes. The state' of real ana- biosis can be attained only on condition of more intensive cooling or drying. However only those cells, microopganisms and inver- tebrate animals which are specially adapted to drying in nature can endure a complete loss of water. Practically the conservation of living cells, organs and whole organisms is brought about during freezing. In most cases the latter may be performed at low temperatures in the presence of protective agents (glycerin, ethylenglycol, sugars). The formation of ice in the organism and its tissues does not give evidence to the fact that all cellular functions have stopped, At -100 in frozen caterpillars Mamestra sp. about 50/0 of water becomes ice butt at the same time respiration is easily detected (Lozina-Lozinsky, 1942). Under Similar condition as well as at supercooling biochemical processes proceed and living systems become destroyed as a result of prolonged preservation. Three types of freezing are known to occur at the action of extremely low temperatures: 1) extracellular formation of ice in tissues; 2) intracellular crystallization; 3) freezing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 2 of cells accomDanied by the formation of amorphous ice (vitrification). the A gradual and prolonged cooling tetemperature below freezing point at minimal supercooling is necessary for extracellular ice formation. This way Of freezing is dangerous for those biological systems (mostly for animals) which are sensitive to the disturbances in the coordination of func- tions occuring in the process of slow cooling. Vitrification is the least dangerous type of freezing, but it almost never occur in pure state as even at overrapid cooling a part of water in protoplasm is crystallized, (Luyet, 1962) Moreover it is next to impossible to induce vitrification in non microscopically small objects as MI ? ns.oeeeeT7-Aa ultra rapid decrease in temperature, Lrme4a. The formation of crystallized ice inside the cell most frequently occur on Condition of relatively rapid cooling, e.g. When the temperature is decreased at the rate of 20 grter min and after supercooling, The intracellular freezing as a rule results in the death of cells and the organism and there- fore it is generally considered that if the organism can endure freezing that means that crystallization took place outside the cells. This point of view seems rather questionable. We know cases when at rapid cooling after supercooling and tem- perature jump cells and organisms containing the normal amount of water in their tissues survive even upon the de- crease of temperature to -196 and -2G90. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 STAT 3 MOM Some insects (Losina7Losinsky, 1937, 1942, 1963a, 1963b, 1963c, Asahina, 1959; Asahina, Aoki, Shinczaki, 1954; Asahi- na, Aoki, 1958; Salt, 1957), littoral animals (Poljansky, 1953, Kanwisher, 1955), epidermal cells (Keeley and 0th., 1952; Mider, Morton, 1939; Billinham, Medawar, 1952, 1954; Lapchinsky and Lebedeva, 1962) and cornea of mammals (Henaff, 1960) can tolerate rapid freezing (but not vitri- fication). For yeast cells quick cooling and slow thawing othe, more dangerous than slow cooling and rapid thawing (Mazur, 1960; Rumyantseva, 1963). It indicates intirectly that at rapid freezing crystallization occur inside the cells some of which survive: The cells ofsome cancerous tumors can tolerate freezing at the temperatures of liquid gases. Contradictory data of various authors show that in one caseythe effect of slow cooling is favourable while in the other rapid cooling is more preferable. This can be due to the fact that some biological objects can stand only extracellular freezing, whereas the other' remain alive during intracellular cry- stallization. In many cases a favourable effect of rapid thawing speaks for the fact that the time of warming is not enough for the cell to be damaged by ice crystalls growing . inside it. The question concerning the resistance of cells to freezing is not quite clean especially. due to the fact that Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 4 WI& it is rather embarrassing to obsurve the formation of cry- stals inside the cell and the nucleus. Our attention was Centered on the solution of the Question whether extra- or intra cellular ice formation takes olace in the organisms and their cells capable uf enduring extremely low tempera- tures and freezing. Material and Methods The caterpillars of the Pyrausta nubilalis Hub. tole- racing in fro2;en state the temperatures of -30 -79, -19G and -269 (Losina-Losinsky, 1937, 1962, 1963a, b) during dia- pause or after hardening were used for the experiments. Whole caterpillars and isolated pieces of organs (salivary gland, tracheae, nerve chain, pericardium, etc.) were sub- jected to freezing. The viability of caterpillars and their cells was judged about by the ability of contractile uissues to respond to electric current and the ability of cells of other organs and tissues to form granules and stain orange- inr3h, a -red when dyed vvital dye, neutral red. The cells of Ehrlich's ascitic carcinoma were chosen for experiments out. of malignant 'tumors known for their tolerance to extremely low temperature. The viability of carcinoma cells was determined by the growth of tumors in rots after the injection of 0.2 ml suspension of carcinoma cells frozen to -79 and -196? during mal hours and days. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 ? MID OMB ? To reveal the processes going inside the cells and their nuclei during freezing and thawing we used luminiscence micro- scope at upper falling light. The objects were located in a special cooling chamber on the table of the luminiscence micro- scope (Losina-Losinsky, 1964; Losina-Losinsky and Moroz, in press). The preparations were stained acridine orange (AO) before freezing. Microphotographs were taken during cooling and thawing. - The 'rate of cooling of the objects in the chamber was altered due to gradual decrease in.temperature of isopentane wherein the preparation was submerged, or by location of the latter'/Preliminarily cooled isopentane or directly to liauid nitrogen in place of isopentane. The moment of crystallization and thawing was establishedr5TidebTaiTriimicroscopic_a_l_lndj the temperature of surrounding media in the chamber. The time of freezing can be easily fined due to the apacity and whitening of the media or a tissue. In another second the luminescent structure of cells becomes visible. Experimental data ativ Cellular freezingeaterpillars Pyrausta nubilalis. - ? ---... - The degree of supercooling of cells and pieces of organs in vitro as well as at freezing of whole caterpillar varies and asa rule the beginning of crystallization occurs at the temperatures from -150 to -240 and more seldom at lower or Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 6 higher temperatures. In all the experiments with the excep- objects were immersed in lioUid nitrogen, 0. tion of those wh77ENTOTTing proceeded at the rate of 4-60 per min and pieces of organs were considerably supercooled. The procedure of freezing is demonstrable in the salivaY - gland where large cells contain giant nuclei, whereas the cells in his organ make one layer. The net or honeycomb line structure in the nuclei appears just after freezing (Fig.1). In case the temperature of the object is rapidly decreasing no alterations are possible. However if cooling is slow or or in the case the temperature becoms constant or begins to increase the "septa" of the honeycomb structure disappear; meshes grow in size folming so called darg "Cavities" of irregular shape (Fig.2). Such a change in the structure of the nuclei and cytoplasm is in accord with the processes described by Meryman (Meryman, 1957) as "recrystallization". Recrystalliztion or the growth of crystals observed upon stabilization or increase of temperature was more than once noted during freezing of various solutions (Rey, 1959) Luyet, 1962), but was not described for cell nuclei. No doubt, the honeycomb structure appearing in our -creparations since the moment of freezing corresponds to the phenomena of crystalli- zation and recrystallization detected by the above mentioned authors by meansof "freezing-drying" method or in some other way. In the case of .our method the Meshes or dark "cavities" correspond to ice crystals whereas the anplication Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 STAT STAT ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 7 411111, of the freezing-drying method makes it possible to observe the structure which appears as a result of ice sublimation under vacuum and thus fix only the final stage of the whole procedure of freezing However the correspondence in the appearence of similar structures in different objects confirms the conclusion saying that the development of honeycomb structure in the nuclei and cytoplasm visible in luminescence light results from the growth of crystals. The formation of the honeycomb structure in the nuclei upon freezing is due to the fact that since the moment of freezing nucleoplasm of the ? nucleus green fluorescing is moved to the periphery of the growing ice crystal. The fact that in cytoplasm meshes are ? less visible can be explained by lesser intensity of fluo- rescence and probably by lesser density of the latter. Any- how the honeycomb structure of endoplasm upon freezing is perfectly visible in Paramecium candatum whose Cytoplasm is well fluorescing The size and hence, the number of "cavities" (crystals) in the cell varies considerably depending on temperature. Gn the immersion of a piece of salivary gland in liquid nitrogen the number of crystallization loci which appear immediately in the nucleus and cytoplasm. is very great and one can clearly observe apacity and fine honeycomb structure: When the freezing temperature ranges from -15. to -300 the number of "cavities" is considerably less. It goes on de- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 STAT STA1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 creasing with the growth of crystals, and by the end of the process it amounts to about a dozen. In the small nuclei of trachea only one mesh remains, and the nucleus assumes the appearence of a fluorescing ring (Fig.3). Now let us refer to the changes which occur upon freezing Of cells depending of cold resistance of caterpillars. At attiw, the oeginning andVend of diapause and libernating period e.i. when cold resistance is decreased more small crystals form in the cell nuclei upon freezing. These crystals grow and form. large "cavities" when thawed which, especlly in the case when caterpillars cannot stand extremely low tempe- ratures, are preserved after thawing (Fig.4). Otherwise structural changes caused by crystallization inside the nucleus appear to be irreversible, this fact being in accord- ance with some other phenomena of the injury ?and death of tho cells and the organism. In all cytoplasm of diapausing caterpillars such irreversible changes were not noted even as a result of profound and rapid freezing. IL can be suggested that cytoplasm of caterpillars of the corn borer can tolerate freezing and is more resistant than the nucleus. In the period of maximal cold resistance of caterpillars the honeycomb structure in the nucleus disappear upon thawing, and the appearance of the nucleus becomes the same as .before freezing, i.e. the changes proved to be reversible (Fig.5). At the same time the cells of organs subjected to freezing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 9 to -196? when dyed with neutral red, formed granules after thawing and stained orange-red which was Indicative of their living state. It can be assumed that in caterpillars which tolerate extremely low temperatures the proteins, nucleoproteins and other substances ;u-e able to resist the denaturating effect of crystallization and increased concentration of electro- lytes. The intensity of cooling influences the degree of re- versibility of the nuclear structure upon freezing, although the character of structure does not give' anypossibility to determine the temperature at intracellular crystallization. At any rate irreversible changes in the cell nuclei of salivary gland occur more often if they are frozen at -196? than at -79?. In caterpillars of the corn borer which lost their cold- resistance after the completion of. diapause the freezing. at _1960 causes not only irreversible changes, but also results in the break of aells and sometimes of the nuclei themselves and desintegration of tissues. These phenomena were observed during freezing in vitro and in vivo. The rate of thawing influences the, reversibility of changes in the nuclear str,,.cture. In Lhe experiments when thawing of caterpillar's organs was carried out. in physio- .logical solution heated to Li5-;52? a honeycomb structure was noriaccifipn in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A0038000400011-4-?a - 10 - either absent or found not in all the nuclei of salivary gland and tracheae. This phenomenon was observed in Feb- usu. rupLry: When under 1.-4Ral condition of thawing (at 18, 22?) tile, honeycomb structure did not disappear. It is noteworthy that thawing of whole cater.oillars at high temperatures significantly increased their cupacity of restoring after the effect of extremely low temperatures as compared to slow thawing at room temperature or at 00 . The protective effect of glycerol. As the protective effect of glycerol upon freezing is well known we made the following series of experiments.afta A piece was cut from the paired salivary gland of the corn borer caterpillar and placed for 20-0 min in 20 glycerol prepared on Bidle-Efrussi solution while the second extract was located in the same solution without glycerol. The experiments were performed on caterpillars with weak cold resistance. After freezing to -'54. and -4C? the objects were -thawed at room temperatureApon freezing in both preparation we observed intracellular ice formation, small "cavities" in the nuclei which grew in size at thawing. Upon the complete thawing the "cavities" of the nuclei remained in the gland which had not been soaked in glycerol, whereas in the gland treated with glycerol they completely disappeared and the nuclei assumed the same appearence as before cooling. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 11 mniP Cooling and freezing of the cells of. Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma The cells of ascitic carcinoma stained orange acridine (p_efore cooling or in the state of supercoolitare charac- terizedby evenly green fluorescins nuclei. The nucleolL fluoresce more brightly, cytoplasm observed in the falling light is either. dark and transparent or has a slight green fluorescence. A 2-3 hour soaking in A.O. (0.06%) increases the fluorescence of cytoplasm, but at the same time one 4 can observe sighs of iia-cUoliz'atiOn, AaMage;formation of vesicle-like protrusions. aaa?1-141a. Intracellular freezing occurred at the temperature about -200, sometimes at -350 and once even at -510. The. moment of freezing was tazy to fix, but in this case it was more difficult to observe the process of crystalli- zation inside the nucleus than in the cells of caterpillar's salivary gland. It can be due to 'lesser size of ascitic cells despite the fact that relatively large cells were found among them. Moreover it can be also explained by ,the fact that. the freezing. of the media inkreater degree disturbed the fluorescence of nuclei. However on some preparations we menaged to see clearly the procedure of formation and growth of ice crystals in- side the nuclei if jUdged by the formation of similar meshes as in the cells of caterpillars of the corn borer' (Fig. 6 . After the thawing of pareillOMOUS cells frozen Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001J.. AT 12 at the temperatures to -196? the cells assumed the same or almost the same appearence as before freezing:meshes were either absent or the nuclei contained darker and more trans- parent cavities or vacuoles sometimes as eight -(4-31-tt-:4+. In a number of cases the density of the nucleus fluorescence was uneven (Fig.?). The nuclei of irregular shape were noted even in uncooled cells, but the presence of devirticuli in some nuclei were found only after freezing and thawing (after the action of -43? and -190). It is of interest that first minutes after thawing the nuclei appear/to be slightly altered: not seldom one can observe meshes and vacuoles. and uneven fluorescence of karioplasm; 1-2 hours after thawing these phenomena dis- ai_Tear and it is impossible to tell these cells from the control ones. ? The inoculation of carcinoma cells to rats after freezing weeks to -79 and -196 3-4 mri-Ek& later led to the death of all the investigated animals due to the development of malignant tumor. The results obtained from the experiments differred from those of the control tests only by the fact that the development of tumors and death of the rats under investi- 0- 0,Ition occurred 1-2 weeks later. All the above makes us to conclude that the cells of ascitic carcinoma are not injured irreversibly at the action of extremely low temT)eratures and during intracellular freezing. Aloilyside with intracellular freezing we Observed extra- STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 13 cellular freezing of ascitic cells upon slaw cooling to -180. At this temperature crystallization started in the surround- ing media (in the capillary space between cover slips). Then the nuclei became shrunk and deformed, meshes were invisible. This experiment show that upon slow cooling ascitic cells can avoid intracellular cooling. Conclusion Perhaps intracellular freezing of tissues in the cater- pillars of Pyrausta nubilalis can be observed only in vitro .while in vivo freezing occurs outside the cells and, there- fore, caterpillars are able to stand extremely law tempera- tures? There are data which contradict thia.suggestiona 691e caterpillars can be cooled at about the same rate 4s the pieces of organs, so#etimes a little bit quicker or slower. However, at all the rates tested in vitro freezing, occurred inside. the cell. -There-is no any reason to suggest that under Similar con- ditions whole caterpillars freeze in some other. way. Supe cooling was almost identical down to .712, 720? in vivo and its. vitro. Crystallization started just after the jump of. temperature: Therefore it is difficult to, suggest that upon ,rapixtcooling in solid carbonic acid or liquid. nitrogen cry,- .stallization should not occur inside the cell. Moreover, the state of cells investigated after freezing in vitro and after freezing of whole caterpilla,was identical, particularly Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 ? .40 1 ? when neutral red was used. At the time of maximal stability to extremely low temperatures irrevessible changes were not defected in the nuclei. The reversibility of the struc- ture upon freezing also speaks for the fact that cold re- sistant cells can endure crystal ice. Hence, there-is every reason to believe that some of the biological systems, i.e. extremely cold resistant organisms and cells of certain type can tolerate intracellular cry- stallization without using protective agents from outside. The reversible character of changes in some types of pro- teins atd nucleoproteins, the capacity of the latter to acquire resistance to freezing during the life cycle of an animal and under the influence of environmental conditions will give us an opportunity and perspective, in resuect of durable conservation of certain living systems at the action of extremely low temperatures and for the study of cold resistance mechanisms. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A0038000400014-4T 15 - Literature Asahina E. Nature, 184:1426, 1959. Asahina K.Aoki. kiature, 182:327, 1958. Asahina E., K.Aoki, Shinozaki. Bull. Ent.Res. 45:329, 1954. Billingham R.E., P.B.Medawar. J.Exp.Biol. 29:454, 1952. Henaff.L'o. Recent Research in Freezing and Drying.: e95 , 1960. Oxford. Konwisher J.W. Biol.Bull. 109:56, 1955. Keeley R. L., A. S. Gomes, J. W.Brown. Plast. Re constr. Sur. ; 9:330, 1952. ICI-:2z2_ 1962.\ Lapchinsky A.G. and N. S.Lebedeva. Acta chi/Tt-z-i-ai-e-.-.M. Losina-Losinsky L.K. Zool.Journ 16:614, 1937. (in kussian). Losina-Losinsky L.K. "Priroda" 3-4:65, 1942. (in hussian)7 Losina-Losinsky L.K. Doc. Acad. Sc. U. S. S. 147:1247, 1962. Losina-Losinsky L. K. Intern. Symp. on Cyt ?ecology. Leningrad: 39, 1963a. Losina-Losinsky L.K. "Cell reaction on the extremal effects. Collected Articles. (COOpHMH padoT ) N 4:34, 1963b. Aced. of Sc. USSP. (In uss . and 8nt; 1 . Summary). Losina-Losinsky L.K. Cytologia 5:220, 1963,c. (In liuscian). Losina-Losinsky L.K. r,nd P.1!;.1ioroz. CyLologia (in press). Luyet B. Proceed.Low Temper. hlicrobiol.Sympos. 1961. 1962. Masur P. Recent Oxford. Meryman H.T. Oxford. Research in Freezing and Drying.:65, 1960. Recent Research in Freezing and Drying. : 23, 1960. ? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 16 ? ? Mider J.J.Morton. Amor.J.Cancer. 35:502, 1939. Poljrmsky G.J. lia.716.Zool.Inst:. Acad. of Sc. USSP. 1953. (in kussian). Rey L.R. Conservation de la Vie 'Jar le Froid. 1959. Pnris. Rumyantseva V.M., "Cell reaction on the extremal effects. Collected Articles. ( C6OpHIAK padoT (In itussian, &IG1summary). salt R.W. Nature, 184:1426, 1957. Taylor AS Proceed. RoySoc.B.? 147;466, 1957. N 4:54, 1963.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4 oiAT ? . ? Legends to Plates Fig.1 Frozen salivary .gland of the caterpillar of Pyrausta' nubilalis at -100, -1200. Luminescence microscopy. The nuclei fluoresce more intensely and have honeycomb struc- ture. Microphoto. Oc.10, ob.20: Fig.2. Frozen salivary gland of the caterpillar of PyraUsta 'nubilalis at -25?: Recrystallization in the nuclei (the same magnitude). Fig:3. A piece of trachea of the caterpillar of Pyrausta nubilalis after the freezing at -79? and thawing. Fluo- rescence of nuclei at the. periphery appe9/as a thin rim: :The cells perish. (The same magnitude): Fig:4. Salivary Gland of the caterpillar after the repeated action of extremely low temperatures and after thawing. The nuclei show the honeycomb structure after thawing. The cells perish: Fig.. The same region of the salivary gland as in Fig.2 after thawing. The caterpillars at the time of maximal cold resistance. The honeycomb nuclear structure after crystallization and thawing has disappeared: (The same magnitude). - Fig.6. Frozen cells of Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma at -25o . The structure of the nuclei is perfectly visible. Luminescence microscopy. Microphoto. 00.10, ob.40. FiG.7. The sane cells as in fig.G just after thawing. In some -cells the nuclei are reversibly structurated (below) while in .others they 4.44-Ni4 40-an the same as before freezing. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/20: CIA-RDP80-00247A003800040001-4