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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 OW\ I -FI LJIVI R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 TAT ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL POTENTIAL VARIATION LAYERS NEAR ELECTRODES G.A. Liubimov Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University, USSR Certain problems of magnetic hydrodynamics have to deal with the flow of gas contadting the surface of a conductor. If the surfaces are the electrodes, with the flow confined between them, i.e., the surfaces through which there occurs exchange of current between the gas and an "external" object, the boundary condition is frequently specified as the current density on the surface of the electrode hl/s = f(xz)/ or, which is the same, the potential difference between the two electrodes. Such boundary conditions presuppose that the current density on the interface specified or determined from the given potential difference is ensured by the mechanisms of the current transfer on the gas-electrode surface. On the other hand, the current density on the surface of an electrode is determined, as we know, .by the emission properties of the electrode material, its temperature and the intensity of the electric field near the eledtrode surface /1/. With small electric fields '-E'n the electrode surface; the' current density can be determined by the ration Jel = AT? exp [- g + 4;39 (i) where ID is the work function of the electrode material and T--its temperature. The relationship /1/ shows that the current density on the surface of the electrode cannot, generally speaking, be specified or determined from the solution of the problem of current distribution in the gas. It has been shown in a number of editions, for example in /2, 3/, that when the boundary conditions are specified on the surface of the electrode, account should be taken of the possibility of .formation of narrow layers of the electric potential change at the electrode. Such layers make the change in the potential in the flow area different from the potential STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP86-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 4 I . - 2 - tial in the layer at the electrodes is determined from the condition of uninterrupted current density on the surface of the electrode and depends on the properties of the electrode material and the physical processes which occur near the surface of the electrode. Since we know very little of the structure of the electrode layer, we must allow for certain assumptions, which can be specified more accurately or verified by comparison with the experimental data, to solve our problems. As the simplest resort we may replace the electrode layers by the potential breaking surface /2/. For the next approximation we may assume that the potential has a linear distribution inside the layer, in which case E where d is the Debye length /3/. From the assumption /2/ and the balance charged particles on the electrode surface we following ratio for determining the change in tial in the electrode layer, depending on the density where t(jet,h) i-1-(1-ylE "It 1) jevte?eN ) 2 a 4 integral of probability. If we regard the electrode layer as the surface of the potential /2/ we shall obtain, /3/ the following expressions 9 (2) of the obtain the the poten- current (3) I) is the breaking instead of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 3 ? 4????,' Je e ? , Jz4-Jel-J K T je ) _ e (fejt ( 4) The volt-ampere characteristic for the gas interval, to which the potential difference V is applied, and with account taken 9f the layers at the electrodes, will have the following form /4/ ' ( 5) The characteristic /5/ is actually nonlinear (if we disregard the layers at the electrodes,the characteristic will be linear: v rj). Obviously, from the standpoint of their effect on the volt-ampere characteristic, the electrode layers can be described by certain resistance 0 T4:1- 7.= --7--which depends on the current density. The shape of the characteristic /5/ depends on the structure of the layer at the electrodes. If we use the assumptions in /4/ the characteristic has a.saturation current area. With the assumptions in /3/ there is no current saturation area. The experimental data obtained in /2/ show that the characteristic has no current saturation area and, at large concentrations of the seeding, the characteristic has a large slope angle at greater currents. The comparison of the experimental data with the data calculated in /5/ demonstrates that the assumptions in /3/ describe better the qualitative (and even quantitativA aspects of the phenomenon in question than the assumptions made in /4/. In this connection, the theory based on the assumptions /2/-13/ appears to be in good agreement with the experimental data when the temperature of the electrodes is T 20000. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 ? 4 ? References 1. V.I.Gaponov. "Electronics", Fizmatgiz, 1960. 2. Z.Croitoru, A.Montardy. "Electrode Phenomena, Tensor Conductivity and Electrode Heating in Seeded Argon." IV Symp. Eng. asp. magnetohydrodyn., 1963. 3. G.A.Lyubimov. "Change in the Electric Potential at the Channel Wall with an Ionised Gas Flowing in a Magnetic Field". Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 1963, No. 5. 4. G.A.Lyubimov. Electrode Layers of the Potential Change in Passing Weak Current Through an Ionised Gas, Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 1963, No. 6. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A0034061-76-601-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001t IAT FORMATION OF SPACE' CHARGE SHEATHS AND FLOW OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT IN A PLASMA STREAM INVESTIGATIONS OF IONIZATION CHARACTERISTICS OF PLASMA STREAMS IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD A.K. Musin V.I. Lenin All-Union Electrical Institute, Moscow, USSR 1. A theory developed by Thompson and Wilson f1,e for a non-self- sustained current in a gap is often used for studies of ionization properties of plasmas. However, this theory is based on the assumption that processes associated with electric current flow are stationary.It is inapplicable to rapidly moving plasmas, plasmoids and flames. In this paper approximate analysis of setting up processes of non-self-sustained current and sheaths adjacent to the electrodes are given and basic setting up periods are defined. Thompson-Wilson's theory describing a steady non-self-sustained current may be regarded as a particular ease when t -400 (see also EV). 2. Let a uniform ionized gas stream flows with steady velocity 1 into a space between two plane electrodes to which a constant external voltage Uoisappliedfseefig.g.During this process the total electric current in external circuit remains constant. However, the current density will vary along the direction of the plasma flow because space charge sheath S and potential drops at the electrodes do not set up instantaneously. In a coordi- nate system associated with the flow certain expressions appears to be dependant on "equivalent" time t = Z/V. Equations of continuity and of field source in moving coordinate system may be written as follow ; -,- .* (1) 1)A, 60,e(fleE) - 061- er (2) e0(74- ne) (3) There n, ,n, oe -are concentrations and mobilties of electrons and ions; E- is the electric field strength; I- the ionization rate; cc- the effective recombination coefficient; rE (42)- depending on a dominant recombination process. If it is .assumed that the cathode and anode do not Declassified in Part:-Ssanitized-CoPy Approved forRelease 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 2 tion equilibrium occurs when no electric field is applied, then the boundary conditions can be assumed to be: xo ilz/x = xo = / X = 0 ; E(X) d X =-? Uo. (4) 0 nei = no ( / 0 ; r- c _ r d_ tz c5) = t.= 0 Solution of the expressions 1)-45) has been found in the form of continuous functions which are plotted in fig.2-4. 3. After the application of an external voltage the electrons move from the cathode and form a high current at the anode. A positive charge sheath forms near the cathode. As a result, an electric field at the cathode increases and causes considerable increase of the ion current. Simultaneously the thickness of the cathode sheath increases while electric field in a plasma gap decreases. This leads to a decrease of 1 the electronic current to the anode. Soon the positive ion concentration near the cathode begins to decrease due to the 'difference in drift velocities- of the ions in the cathode region and in the plasma gap. The ion current value, having approached the electronic current value and having passed maximum , decreases together with that of electronic current. 'Whena2all the values approach their limits asymptotically. Expressions for these limiting values coincide with formulas of the Thompson-Wilson's theory for a steady process. Principal form of the solution is given in fig. 4 and 5. Electric field in the plasma gap /outside the space charge sheaths, fig. 4/ is given by the expression: Ea) E,!= = (en- 63cP :L )2 E),?;0 ?(S ? i) 3n. 7v -Efre07-36,: (a + oe) i4? (6) 2 / L LC-6e .7eo 4+ 6e) r r 73 2 6i. ac, 4. Setting up processes for the electric current and space charge sheaths may be divided into three periods: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A00340o17onn1-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 3 ??? 4.1. Initial period (L te ) ) during which the electric field in plasma gap changes insignificantly and a proportionality between the electric current and the external voltage is approximately maintained. Then the current-voltage characteristic takes the form o t(2 e, 6, no -0- y) (7) Wherefrom the plasma conductivityYmay be determined 4.2. Intermediate Period (V.' .6 erz when EY6)L.E)'and the ion concentration near cathode is co) 0 no Presstuze.s and. ionization velocities being _cm Isec A2 -3 sufficiently high vism sp-(7454.i/jr ): the current-voltage characteristic has the form&7 eio4T6(415i141) . yo eon? C.Z V 6i uo)r2 0 or ( 8 ) Wherefrom the concentration of charged particles // 0 in the plasma may be determined. In the opposite case of low-pressures and small electron concentralions An-1g /012.5/7Mthe current - St7 ( +1) -voltage characteristic has the form (C. == 612 T / 1() f 264:201,1: Veo n.)311/4 (g) Wherefrom the concentration of the Charged particles tqz) may be determined too. 4.3. Steady current period /77:44-s-cc/ is characterized by the constancy of the electrode current density. The current-voltage characteristic then has the form -= Y020 26- ao (t0) and. does not depend directly on concentration of the charged particles but allows to find the ionization rate Tin the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 5. Application of the described theory to the results of Boucher's (47 (fig.) and Banta's 15.7 (fig.?) experiments are given below as an illustration. These authors -have investigated ionization properties of air flames at combustion temperature T- 2 ? 1O3? ( natural gas - air mixture) with additives Bael C41 and Kel (5). Experimental points of current-voltage Characteristics are denoted by circles with crosses. Electron concentrations tie were determined from formula (9): continuous straight line denotes the mean value of1/ e' squares correspond to experimental ' points of the current-voltage characteristic. Corresponding ^3 0r/ temperature rrt:==42,11-00,/)'16/ Kis in good agreement with measured temperature (fr- 2-1403?1 4. Ion concentration near cathoderat)may be both greater or less than the charged particle concentration no in a plasma gap. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 cot &OM 7 '4i, 5:0 At ' Function approximating a space dependence of effective ionization rate Tz(X1.0=r-o?,e n ? in a - cathode region X6 (O,A.) and, in a plasma gap X6 a x0) Form of the function. in the cathode region is determined by value ge Due to the 'equality of ionization and ? recombination rates (ionization equilibrium) in the plasma gap the value-T-1-(X, i) 0. Principal form of a function approximating a EA dependence of an electric field strength in a plasma gap upon equivalent time /v/), .Relaxation time and decay factor may be found. from the solution (see section 3). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 V. - 9 - tip ,r77.5 Pig.5. Principal form of dependences of electronicele and ? ion j. currents, and. cathode sheath thickneseAupon equivalent .time /11/. . In initial setting up period .6 6 CO, Lt. an electronic curreutiefalls slowly and an ion currentirapidly increases. Ohm's law is approximately satisfied because the total. current remaines approximately proportional to external voltage (see section 4.1.). In intermediate period L. 6 0.7-:E. ion current passes maximums, its value approaches that of the electronic current and rapidly decreases w-J.th the latter. Ohm's law is not satisfied., ion and electronic currents depend significantly upon electron concentration in the plasma gap (see section 4.2). hent''Cr (steady current period) then values ?e and di are equal to each other , approach their limiting value, and are determined by the ionization rate (see section 4,3). ? Cathode region thickness changes monotonously, the most rapid. growth occurs when (0,;), and asimptotically approaches its limiting value .A 0. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 , A ce, Qi Q7 QS as 414 QI - 10 - 590 141_, n, !Om C,,., se I.5 re'Qs i5Oal Results of the treatment of Boucher's 147 experiments (air flame with additive NaC1). Continuous curves (parabolas) theoretical; they are plotted for ne ne (continuous horizontal line) and 44,4 ,z st (lower dashed line). The upper dashed line gest corresponds to value obtained by the Author Iki when current was assumed to be constant. are Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 4, A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - Ii - Fig.7. Results of the treatment of Banta's 6.1 experiments ( air flame with KC1 additive). Continuous curves are calculated. for /7e=7/7e and 4ic . A value 4:4= (the upper dashed line), obtained by the author [5, when current was assumed to be constant, approaches value eiz-re , obtained taking account of the electric current setting up processes. .d Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 ,,-,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 TAT ELECTRON EMISSION IN MED GENERATORS D. Halisz, Ch. Szendy dnd Ch. P. Kovacs Institute for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary. \ Nomenclature C5 gas conductivity, mhos/meter number of free electrons/0 electron mobility, d sec-1 volts V work function, eV, j, gas temperature, degrees Kelvin / charge density, coulomb/1u3 r, R radius of the sphere, m w. q velocity, meters/second Boltzmann constant, 1,38 x 10-23 joules/deg K electronic Charge, 1-0-6-4e10-19 coulombs electric field strength, volts/meter 1 4.51* 9.109 codlombs in volt current density, amperes/d electron mass, g In the MED-generator the working fluid should be made to some extent /2-100.thos/m/ conductive. As the conductivity may be expressed by . 6 = n, q b_ mhos/m /1/ this can be attained if we provide .for n free electrons. According to the present practice free electrons may be produced by- means: of thermal ionization in equilibrium. This process. requires a very high temperature. The test showed, that the above conductivity values may be attained at a tem- perature of 2500.,3100?K1)r seeding 1 perdent of potassium to: the gab. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 2 - The ionization potential of some materials: K - 4,33V Cm 3,90 V The work function of these and other materials: 095 - 20 eV Cs 0,7 - 198 eV CaP 0,7 eV BaO 1,0 eV By comparing these numerical values it is obvious that the conditions of producing free electrons, as regards the re- quired temperature, are much easier to obtain than by means of thermal ionization in the equilibrium state. Thus, it seems worth investigating what temperature condi- tions occur in both cases. We assume that the selected ma- terial, with a relatively low work function /e.g. 1 eV/ and resisting to the operating temperature during a period of 1/10 to 1/100 sec, is pulvexized and injected into the gas. [1] 2. Among the injected particles let us consider a sphere with a radius ro 9 a work functionV 9 temperature ToK9 j floating in a gas. Now, let us determine how many electrons viii be emitted until the equilibrium' state is attained, and in that state what will be the distribution of charges. 3. In the steady state conditon assuming only the intermole- cular heat motion, the conditions for equilibrium may be determined by the following a/ the sum of the forces acting on an electron in any point at distance of r is equal to zero, or b/ the resultant of the velocities of electrons passing through the surface of a sphere of radius r /assuming spherical symmetry/ is equal to zero. It should be noted that only radial velocities are considered. The electron acquires velocity because of two reasons: a/ the attraction of the sphere of radius ro becoming positive by the emission of .electrons; b/ the phenomenon of diffusion due to different charge- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 "4. - 3 - Other possible effects are neglected. Placing the origo of the coordinate-system into the centre of the sphere, the velocity caused by the electric field will be w1 = - b E m/sec the velocity due of diffusion is /2/ W2 = k T b_ LC- m/ sec /3/ dr In the state of equilibrium the sum of both velocities is equal to zero, that is E = kT 1 dr volt/m /4/ The system should also satisfy the Poisson's :law ?dE 2 E ja_ dr r a The potential of the electric field can be expressed as dV = .E - dr Therefore from /4/ ? /Vo-V/1 50 exp kT where V, - are the values on the surface of radius ro /0 Substituting it in the /5/, it can be written as dV 1 d. r`? = r2 dr - o exp lp r kT /V0 - V/} /6/ This differential equation can be solved by means of ana- logue computer. 4.. If the temperature of the sphere of radius ro is T?K, the working function is Vi /volts/, than in the immediate vicinity of that sphere mr the electron density in vacuum m k. T/ r12.1.11 exp 1- /7/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP-80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 o = -4 iT - coulomb/cm3 /8/ 1 12 kT 2 m where w is the emission velocity of electrons. 5. The investigated space As the inside of a sphere of radius R where the sum of all charges is zero. Consequently, the field strength in radius R is also zero, Thus, E ,dVj_ ' dr 'R /9/ This can be taken as the first initial condition of the differential equation /6/. The second condition is dealt with the charge density of electrons on the surface of radius r which is given by /8/. 6. In course of our investigation only one emitting spherical body /radius ro/ has been dealt with so far, tacitly neglect- ing the influence betweenthiemitting bodies being present In a great number. As we shall see in the following, with regard to the average ionization interesting us mostly in the present investigation this neglection is permissible. Around each of the uniformly distributed spherical bodies of radius ro 9 injected into the gas we imagine a concentric sphere of radius R . All these spheres fill Out the whOle space when arranged in the most congested manner. As is well-known, this condition is satisfied by the hexagonal arrangement when each sphere is at 12 points in contact with the surrounding spheres and the porosity, i.e. volume of space not within the spheres is 26 per cent. The phenomena are, however, definitively influenced by the events in the nearest vicinity of the solid body and the distance of both' bodies from each other is generally 50 times as great as the value of ro 0 On the boundary surfaces with a radius R the variables can be assumed as having identical values. Therefore we do not commit a great error if we imagine the phenomenon to proceed between .the surfaces. of the two con- centric spheres of radius ra and R.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -5- 7. From a high-temperature sphere of radius ro n = 2(- ? 4 r 11e, dr electrons were emitted. Ao/ ? However, the number of molecules existing in the spherical body must be much greater than that of the emitted electrons consequently the diameter of the sphere cannot be decreased below a certain limit. Through the emission of the electrons the sphere gets posi- tively charged. Consequently the emitted electrons have not only to perform the work function from the molecular band but also to overcome the potential difference between the surfaces of ro and R 8. As to give an idea of the quantitative conditions let us investigate the following example T = 1,3.103 Fo . 2,46.107 R = 107m VJ = 1 eV 5o 5 4.10 coulumb/m3 1,1.10-1 n?/volt sec Seeded with 2 per-cent BaO. The 4/6/ is solved by Solatron analogue computer, so the specific charge at radius R qR . 20 coulomb/m3 The Pig shows the specific charge and the field strength in fdnction of the radius. So it can be seen, that the required conductivity is obtained. Even this value with certain modifications considerably Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 6 - 9. On the basis of the above consideration it seems possible to operate the MHD generator in a range of temperatures which the structural materials known at present can with- stand. References: 1 Mc Grath, I.A.? Siddal Thring M.W. Advances in Magnetohydrodymamics? Pergamon Press 1963. Oxford, London, New York, Paris. 2 Mc Intyre, Robert I. Extendes Space-Charge Theory in Low-Pressure Thermoionic Converters, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 33. Aug. 1962. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -7- 106 107. 105 103 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 blikl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 CI-AT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 THE EXPERIMENTAL DIRECT CURRENT .MHD GENERATOR OF THE OPEN CYCLE W.S. Brzozowski, J. Dul, E. Fuksiewicz, M. Miko6 & R. Wang Laboratory of Plasma Physics & Technology, Institut of. Nuclear Research, Swierk near Warsaw, Poland 1. Introduction. STAT The research project on the direct conversion of thermal into electrical energy using magneto ? hydrodynamic generators was first initiated in the fall of 1960 and experimental work commenced in 1961. The purpose has been to study energy conVersion processes in MHD ? generators and to establish their practical feasibility. After the first experiment with small power generators, performed during the 1961 and 1962 / 1,2,3 /1 decisionywas taken to build a greater experimentil unit mi order to get more reliable data and to attain runs of considerable duration. 2. Open cycle direct current magnetohydrodynamic generator. During 1963 a bigger rig was designed for thermal input power of approx. 1 MW. The general lay?out of the, stand is clearly visible from the Fig.1. The facility is in the course of the final stage of assembly and it is hoped to be able, during the year to come, to evaluate some of the practical problems associated with larger scale experiments. On completion of the programme, in 196$, it should be possible to provide a realistic assessment of the feasibility and utility of MHD electrical power generation for the future power' station using oil as fuel. In order to come as near as possible to the future practical cycle a kerosene combustion chamber was chosen charged by preheated air in a 'prototype heat exchanger. During the course of erecting of the principal items of 1 MW rig / electromagnet of 20.000 Gauss, air.preheater, air compressors) fuel supply installation etc./) in 1963) a program- me of the preliminary investigations was carried out on amnllmy. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 3. Combustion chambers. TWo combustion chambers have been built, one for 100 7 300 kW and another for 1000 kW thermal power input. Description of both designs is given in the paper, and their main features are discussed. Small combustion chamber, 100 ? 300 kW A small rig consisting of a combustion chamber for a thermal power input of 100 kW.? 300 kW, oxygen, nitrogen, air and fuel supplies was built and operated successfully during 1963. Its principal object was to study the behaviour of walls and electro? des outside the M?H?D generator itself. This facility is shown in Fig.2. Kerosene was burnt in the flame of hot nitrogen and oxygen, fed separately through the plasma torch of 50 kW power. The "simulated" air has thus been preheated. up to 1500?C. Additional air has also been fed by four fuel .spray nozzles of air ? assisted design. Construction for high ? temperature operation The internal parts of the combustion chamber must either be capable of resisting the very high gas temperature of the combus? tion zone or be thoroughly cooled by air or water. We have chosen a mixed design with a ceramic flame tube made of "Refrax", with water circulating in copper tubes encircling the flame tube with an intermediate layer of "Carbofrax" cement. The combustion chamber shown in Fig.. 2 ) is 154 mm long, and of 56 mm diameter. The maximum wall temperature was kept with in a range of 1700?C. This rather simple design proved to be very cheap in Manufacturing and in maintenance, sufficiently reliable, and long ? lived. No trouble with differential thermil expansion was encountered, and no breakage observed. The plasma torch was placed in the centre of a copper header. Four fuel nozzles were situated around the axis of the plasma torch outlet. Seeding was introduced trough one nozzle as an water.? cooled circumferentially alcohol solution of KOH. Complete stability of combustion was observed over the normal range of operating conditions, it is from 12 ? 25 kg of Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 3 During the normal operation, switching: off the plasma torch used to cause some instabilities, and this mode of operation had to be avoided. Special magnetic valves were embodied in the rig in order to. close automatically the fuel flow to the nozzles in case of plasma torch failure. When the seed flow was used, we experienced some trouble in that a rather great amount Of slag flowed out of the outlet nozzle of the chamber. Deposits of slag sticking to the flame tube and generator walls caused rapid corrosion of the oxide materials with subsequent spalling and cracking. In order to get rid of that trouble, a special secondary chamber' had to be designed with a slag tap in the bottornof it.. The langer path of the out - going gases with 'several bends should guarantee that most of the slag would remain in the chamber. Performance characteristics af small combustion chamber. Fuel flaw 12 - 25. Kg/hr Nitrogen flow to plasma torch 10 - 12 11 Oxygen flow to plasma torch and chamber 60 - 75 Air to chamber and to plasma torch?,----- 35 ? 50 11 Combustion intensity Efficiency /including Max.temp.of. gases Max.velocity of gases Seeding flow plasma torch/ 0,3 0,5 kW/cm3 0,79 0)88 2200?C .-. 2300?0 290 400 m/sec. 5 - 20 Kg/hr / 5 percent KOH in alcohol / Combustion chamber of 1000 kW thermal power. The bigger combustion chamber has been designed for operation with preheated air and kerosene, No additional oxygen enrichment is to be used. Water coaling is limited only to metal parts of the header and central fuel nozzle. A flame tube also made of uRefrax", is cooled by air. This combus- tion chamber has undergone preliminary investigations at another laboratory. They included about; 100 hours of operation at low power and medium temperature. At present the chamber is being prepared to run on full power for a long time. In Fig. 3. we may see the cross - sectiam of the bigger chamber.. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -4- 4. Heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is designed for a maximum inlet gas tempe? rature of approx. 1800?C ? 2000?C, it should preheat air to 1100?C. It is a prototype unit, and if its operation proves successful it will be further developed and multiplied. DesiQl conditions are as follows: Inlet air temperature Outlet air temperature Air flow Inlet air pressure Air pressure drop Inlet gas temperature Inlet gas pressure Outlet gas temperature 20?C 1000?C ? 1100?C 100 ? 150 Kehr 1,5 ? 2,0 ata 600.mm H20 1800?C ? 2000?C 1,05 ata approx. 1600?C Construction. The inner tube of the heat exchanger is made of super refraotory tube possesdng high resistance to thermal shock, and with? standing high.operating temperature as high as 1800?C. This silicon ? nitride bonded silicon carbide tube has excep? tionally high thermal.conductivity at high temperature ; / approx. 113 BTEr.inch or 14 Kcal hr.ft21?Y m.hr.?C at 1600?C /. In order to increase the coefficient of heat transfer from the hot gases to the walls of the tube, special swirlers and turbulence generators have been placed in the inlet portion of the "Refrax" tube. They are made of pure stabilized zirconia bricks. After the first eXperiments, special corebusters with internal air cooling will be inserted in side the tube. The cooling' air will be returned to the main air flow of the recuperator. Air .enters the recuperator in. the counter ? flow direction, It follows a helical path formed by Nimonio L.? shaped sheet tape wound around the "Refrax" tube. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 One of the terminal walls of the recuperator is machined to form a flexible membrane which allows thermal movement between the tube and the outer shell; it secures, too, positive air ? tight seal. 5. Electromagnet An electromagnet for approx. 1.9 webers/m2 has been designed and constructed. Its main features are as follows: pole faces maximum air gap power consumption 525 mm x 120 mm 132 mm 50 kW ? 60 kW The eneral view of the magnet is presented in Fig. 6 In Pigs. 7 & 8 is shown the schematic diegram of powersupply and cooling system. Fig. 9 presents magnetic induction versus current for diffe? rent air gaps. Core A core has been fabriCated from rolled sheets of approx. . 1.5" 2" thickness. They have been machined and bolted together. in three main parts. The sheets are made of low carbon pure magnetic iron of the following components:. C ? 0,04%; Mn ? 0,014%; P ? 0,015%; S ? 0,023%; Cu ? 0,054%; Fe ? balance / "Armco En./. Cross ? section of the magnet core is 2000 cm2, its weight being 4200 Kg. Coils. The Coils of the magnet have been wound from high conductivity / hollow core / copper tubes of 12 mm diameter and 4,5 mm hole diameter. They are internally cooled by distilled water, thus providing maximum heat transfer effticiency. The coils have been insulated with glass fibre tissue of good dielectric properties and further impregnated with epoxy resin, This. procedure not only adds to their electrical properties but also provides excellent Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -6- mechanical strenght. Electrical resistance of both coils is 0212a; weight of one coil is 420 kg.' Power is supplied by four silicon diode rectifiers of the type commonly used for welding purposes. The maximum constant power is approx. 60 kW. A heat exchanger included in the closed cooling loop dissipates heat to water from the mains. Carriage. The whole magnet is mounted on a rail carriage so that it can be rolled along, the rails in the laboratory room-. 6. Experiments with insulating walls. A small rig has been constructed in order to test materials suitable for wall:Ansulation in the conditions similar to those taking place in MID?generators. The facility used in our experiments is shown in Pig 10. The hot gases passthrough the test section, In this configuration the wall temperature can easily be measured by an optical pyrometer / through holes in sidewalls /. Some measurements have also been taken with high ? temperature thermopiles. The test section is constructed of two steel sidewalls and two ceramic / or cermetallic / elements / top and bottom /. The steel sidewalls are water ? cooled internally. All measuring points required for heat flux calculation are provided. The above mentioned four parts are bolted together to form a rectangular housing lined with refractory slates. Different materials were tested; as for example: ? linings moulded of Si? + 50% A1203 ? bricks made of different grades of zirconia and magnesia ? bricks made of thoria ? slates made of ffRefrax" and of "Refrax" coated with A1203 with plasma spray gun. Heat flux to the walls was estimated to range from 14 W/cm2 to 71 W/cm2. The highest value was obtained for Refrax, the smallest for SIC + A1203 cement. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -7?. 7. Electrodes Graphite electrodes. Experiments which were carried out at our Institute in the autumn of 1961 and during 1962 began with the use of graphite as high - temperature material for electrodes. They lasted for several minutes and enabled us to make the simple MED - generators work and to obtain the output voltage and power as a function of the current. In order to increase the useful life of electrodes, we used to pump methane or acetylene through pores of graphite / at a pressure of approx. 1.5 ata /. This prodedure increased the useful life of the electrodes to 10 + 15 minutes. In some tests formation of a pyrolytic carbon layer upon the exposed surfaces of the electrodes was observed. There was experienced some trouble caused in connection with carbon formation inside the pores of the graphite. The pores jammed, and gas flow stopped. A new experiment using the pyrolytic graphite electrodes of considerable thickness / 5 ? 10 mm / is to be carried out at a later stage. The new electrodes are equipped with special holes for feeding methane to the exposed surfaoes of the electrodes. It is hoped that this is likely to decrease the oxidation rate of the electrodes. We have tried several other materials for the electrodes as for example: - graphite electrodes coated pyrolytically with silicon 4 carbide - pure silicon carbide and silicon carbide + silicon nitride No satisfactory solution has been found. Zirconium oxide electrodes. A new research programme has also been started in order to estimate the applicability of zirconium oxide for perma- nent electrodes. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -8 - Small specimens of 20 mm diameter and 20 mm height made of different grades of zirconia were pressed and sintered to be tested. Platinum - rhodium wire as electrical connection has also been introduced into the sample, according to the schematic view in Fig. 11. The specimens were tested in the air in the resistance furnaoe especially designed at temperatures up to 1700?C. Some results are presented in Fig. 12. There is some evidence, however, that zirconia may show poor resistance to the corrosive action of the potassium seeding present in the combustion gases. Botides. The third approach to the problem of permanent electrodes is the application Of some metal borides. Hot - pressed specimens made of titanium diboride, titanium diboride + aluminium oxide etc. have been prepared for tests. This work has just started and.. no results have yet been accumulated. 8. Small M-H-D generator duct. An assembly diagram of the device is shown in Fig. 14 and a photograph in Fig. 15. The generator consists of three major component parts: an inlet nozzle, the M-H-D segmented electrode duct and a diffuser. The generator itse f has a total of 8 indpendent transverse electrode pairs of the Faraday type. Two electrodes of the Hall type have also been embodied in order to observe the potential difference produced at opposite ends of the duct. The inner duct of the generator is made of thick magnesia tube Its inner diameter is approx. 1", outer diam.approx. 2". Thermal insulation is provided by magnesia and alumina cement in subsequent layers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 9 The sidewalls of the housing are cooled by two water jackets situated between-the magnet pole faces and the generator box. This small unit is constructed mainly for study of the perfor? mance of various types of generators / Faraday or Hall type /. Special sets of variable resistances allow fast readings to be made during operation of the unit. The bigger unit of a rectangular cross ? section is now being prepared for operation at a later stage. Its design will be based upon the results of our preliminary investigations. References. 1.-W.S.Brzozowski:."Results of the First Experiments with Small?power Magnetohydrodynamic Generators". Bulletin de L'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Techniques; Vb.IX; No. 10-1961. 2. P.J.Nowacki? W.S.Brzozowski, Z.Celiriski: "Experimental MED?generator Usin?bmbustion, Gases /Gas Burner/ as Heat Source". Bulletin de L'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Techniques; Vol.X.No.5-1962 3. W.S.Brzozowski, Z.Celiriski: "Plasma Generators, Plasmotrons, Arc Plasma Tbrches, Arc Heaters". Bulletin de L'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Techniques; Vol.X; No 5 - 1962. 4. S.Suckewer, Z.Celiriski" Measurement of Plasma Velocity in the MI D Generator Duct / in Russian I. Nukleonika, 1964; Nr.IV.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 11 - Fig. 3 . A .??? ?IIIMA.N.WilL\ Iliki . 9. IIlkil II" II IN / ill="1,544.1 MOM Pi lirfirlikk 7 il," Zaislomor .?,4?7-?,,,,.... A 3 - k ti i MIIIIIIIM 11110q.`11 .6 . 1.1111111.1 a ! I if g IMIlljiyelliAllip SIMI MN 1 l' 4 ? . "Ai . . HEAT-EXCHANGER Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -10- Fig. 1 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF 111-H-B GENERRTOR ASSEMBLY SWIRL ER C01778, CHRITIBER NOZZLE ELECTROMRGNET3 COILS GENERATOR DIFFUSER HERE EXGFIRNGER COnFRESSIO FUEL RIR war Or COM WOES 1600T SMALL COMBUSTION CHRMBER 1-300k1111 WITH PLASMA TORCH KEROSENE NITROGEN NITROGEN WATER 41. 0-1 '''''Vw???s"."sOir 4.,..,2,4375t1CletlINVI,ALAtIOr43,1,71.11t ..,4,,womemams,,,Nme4 grForitaw.mrsim WO -NITROGEN PLIIS177/9 TORCH ?"?30kW 200-OBSERYRTI0N 1JJIN0011/ 300-ONE OF THE SET OF FUEL SPRRY NOZZL 400-COMBUSTION CHNSER HERDER ? 500-IUALL DESIGN ANO COOLING 600-1UATER-COOLEO GLAND 700-NOZZLE WRIER Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 ca. (.7% - 12 - Pig. 5 Air ttmp. MO IMUM 'W MMEMEM.MMEMINIMM MUM MEMIIIIIMMMUMMI MMEMEMMEMMEMMOMMERNIMMIUM RIMEMME ? ? 111111111111111111 11111111 NMI ME ' 111111111111111 111111111 II BM Nig 111111 I 111 Illiiiiiill ? MUM Mill MIIMMMOMME MOMmIWAMMOMMEMMEMMEMMEMMIMIMMUMEMMEMMEM MMEMMINIMIN MERMAMMEMEMMEMEMMEMMEMMIMMEMMINIMMEMMEM MINIM M. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111111 mommommirMOMMEMENMENNMEMMEMMEMEMEN II?UM= MIONIMMEMME MEMMEMMEM IIMMEMEM ....... ........................................ 1200 800 600 raga /2 16 O 24 28 32 Fig. 6 1 7 41 1 .124.1 ....:zul,... e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: 'U1A-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -13- Fig. 7 SCHEIIIITE &ROOM OF POWER SUPPLY OF THE ELECTROOMMET Cods Fig. '8 SCHEIIIRTIC DAUM OF MINS SY5TEO7 OF THE ELECTROMAGNET 1 Ar-passrl Tomenreler I Terntomeier '---274MigWACN:AW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 24 21 to is Fig. 9 14 rJM . . di= C se ol In' , ralliti? --1119nE EtY le ? ? ? Mill'ATISIIII J... p r -7 I ? AIVA1 rI.m -- ... : W ____1? _ . ? i-sr _ _ AM I - -1-tA -1---.-t-- I - - . t - _ __._ _ ____ _ _ 1.--j? ? _ 1 - . _ , Fig.9 Fig. 10 Rg.10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 IA ? 15 ? Fig. 12 inA 144 10)LA Fused stabilised zirconia Thermal staltilised ? &conk! +10% Lae 0, Thermal fused magnesia T (?C) x 102 Fig. 12 Current versus temperature for different specimens (voltage kept constant 4v) Top cop Tube or futnoce Leads mode of PQM) Specimen Bose Tube made of A1:111 Bottom cop Fig.13. Schematic new of pinion insert fbt electrical conductivity measurements Leads mode of Pt 10Rh ( *CM 120 Fig. 11. Pressed and sintered specimen for electrical conductivity measuremzet Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 , %Jill/ILL. III 11 LI ULIVL.1111 I l/l1 LIU(' I ? a-OBSERVATION WINDOWS 4 - INLET Mil ELECTRODE 11-TRANSVERSE CURRENT ELECTRODE- -FARADAY TYPE 4'-01/TLEL HALL ELECTRODE I -117g0 INSULATED TUBE :5-STEEL CASINO '8-AL1/I1111V/11117 BOX 41-DIFFUSER CASING to 25 24 36 4 23 ". r- ij -4- /2- 9 5 4, ' 3 17 44 INL i le A Lt : v. tiviiiiih4ri- `1111ilia4imi1 limilormilullimis, am . IMISIIIMINIUMMISIN11111161 ,,,,,,Ane...1.1 re.se 111111111111111111111 detAWRIINSILINONIMINURNirirg AIN armarlr Vimilmorm9Frokirg mim - * 1 , . , . $ ? Ifil _ N . F I' - -OUTLET- '7 -16- Fig. 14 Fic 14? - Fig. 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001--4 AT . ON THE PROBLEM OF OPTIMISATION OF MHD GENERATORS Gubarev, B.Y. Shumyatsky & V.V. Brejev Institute of High Temperatures, Moscow, USSR The prospects for the development of any new method of energy transfor- mation, including the magnetaydrodynamio method, are determined in the final analysis by the technical and economic indices, i.e., by the cost of one kilowatt of generated electric power. For certain specific purposes the weight and size are the most important'parameters. Therefore, the study of the prin- cipal physical processes of energy transformation in M.H.D. generators and the elaboration of the principal problems of technology should be supplemented with the work to select the rational geometry' of the Channel, flow rates and load con- ditions which will ensure the optimum Characteristics of the unit. The approach to the selection of the optimum parameters of a M.H.D. generator depends obviously on the purpose the unit is intended to serve and should take into account the effect produced by the generator Characteristics on the parameters of the unit as a whole. On the other band, the optimum parameters of a M.H.D. generator depend both on the principal:Pardirs of the cycle and the Choice of the thermal design of the unit. Therefore, the problem of optimisation cannot be presented today in a general form: However, a number of important practical results can be obtained from the simplified initial premises. The problems of optimisation of certain types of MED generators were the subject of study in /1-6/. The optimi- sation was conducted with the aim of obtaining the minimum weight and size of the MHD generator and included two as- pects: STAT 1. Selection of the coefficient of .electric load in a MED generator at which the length and volume of the generator are reduced to the minimum. 2. .Optimisation of the flow rates in a MBD generator channel which ensure the minimum volume and length of the ? generator channel at the given coefficient of electric load. It has been shown in /6/ that with the given coeffi- rtiort.E. nf ailesn+voin lnnA irt +Inn noon n? n trnwelnlila onnAlin44 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - c vity the minimum volume of the generator will be ensured if the flow rate in the channel corresponds to the maximum value of the product 6u2 ( --gas conductivity, u--flow rate). The minimum length of the generator will be attained if the flow rate in the channel is selected from the con- dition of the maximum ---- where f is the gas density. As follows from /1/ and /34 the optimum value of electric load is not determined. unambiguously. Thus, if we consider the parameters of the flow at the generator channel input as specified /1/9 then the optimum value of Kopt Conversely, if the parameters are specified at the output of the generator channel, then Kopt 0.5. The common shortcoming of these investigations lies in the fact that the optimisation was performed without account being taken of the power required to ,drive the com- pressor and excite the magnetic field. Besides, the calcu- lations disregarded the effect of the friction and heat losses on the generator ch,aracteristics, It should also be noted that the problems of optimisation of the MHD generator parameters, at which the maximum internal efficiency of the process or the maximum power of the unit are attained, have not been investigated until present time. 1.1. The useful power of the unit with a MHD generator can be determined as follows: Nu = N 4- t4 m s.t.. ? 44 where Nm?power of the MHD generator; Ns.t.u?Ng.t.0 --power of steam and gas turbine units, respectively. 8N0?power required to drive the compressors in the MHD generator unit; Nei?power lost to excite the magnetic field; N1-Power needed by the plant services. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 For the given thermal design of the plant it can be assumed to a first approximation that the power, the weight and size factors and technical and economic indices of steam and gas turbine units are determined only from the flow of the working substance through the channel of the MHD generator and do not depend on its characteristics. The needs of the plant services are disregarded. In this case we can write aN? NWe,e4P (1.1a) where P is the constant at the given flow of the working substance through the channel of the MHD generator (m const) and at the specified temperature T02. Consequently, with the assumptions made above)the specific output of energy Esp -Nu is determined only by the cycle of the MHD generator proper (Fig. 1). It can be shown that the weight and size factors and the'technical and economic indices, as well as the efficiency of the plant as a whole, will be determined in this case only by the parameters and characteristics of the MHD generator proper, i.e., the optimisation of the characteristics of the combined unit as a whole may oak be reduced to the optimisation of the simplest scheme of the unit with the MHD generator (Fig. 1). Then, discarding the constant P9 we shall obtain: NJ' -m - N ? (1.2) 1.2. The power produced in the MAD generator can be determined as follows (Fig. 1): po(roi?Toz)?Oui (1.3) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 4 where C0--average heat capacity of gas within the range p of the working temperatures of the MHD generator; c),.=2.074.11)41x --heat transfer to the generator walls; 0 gtet:04,6,11? --heat flux into the wall; ot --heat transfer coefficient; ATuju1T?--114 --temperature drive; h and S. --width and height of the channel (Fig. 2); L --length of the generator channel. The power required to drive the compressor can be found from the following relationship (Fig. 1): Y-1 ( 1.4) where C1--average heat capacity within the range of the P working temperatures of the compressor; 9e?compressor efficiency. The power spent to excite the magnetic field is determined from the following ratio G. (1.5) where j--accepted current density in the electric maret ? winding; 2?conductivity of copper; ye?specific weight of copper; ? G0--weight of the copper winding. The weight of the copper winding in the simplest case of a a-shaped magnetic system with steel at the constant magnetic gap is found as follows: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - - Declassified in where 0, --2KY,S1) ??? K?sycL. j a 12 I: --width of the winding; K--coefficient which accounts for the weight of the end-face sections of the winding, the number of amperelGrns to overcome steel re- sistance, etc. After substituting Ge in (1.5) we shall obtain La. (1.5a) 1.3. Utilising (1.3), (1.4) and (1.5a) we shall ob- tain the following expression for the useful power of the unit with a MHD generator: k?,-mdro Y-4 mer41-4'cL(F0'1,) 7;4 ? (-14) -1 - 9, Pal The task of optimisation of the MHD generator parameters can be presented in the following way: 1. Let us divide termwise the right side of (1.6) by L g. e which is the length of the generator channel, and equate the derivative of the expression obtained by any of the characteristics of the parameters to zero. This will give us the optimum value of the parameter at which g, the specific power 3-1"717- is at its maximum. The variatio- nal problem of optimisation may be presented in principle ? by a number of parameters. ? 2. Let us divide termwise the right side of (1.6) by the useful volume of the generator channel Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -6-. '( 1 .7) and, equating the respective derivatives to zero, find the optimum values of the sought-for parameters at which K = Nu ---- is at its maximum. 3. Let us divide termwise the right side of (1.6) by the mass flow rate of gas in the generator channel and, equating the derivatives to zero, determine the optimum value of any of the parameters which corresponds to the maximum value of the useful energy obtained from one kg of the mass. The first two presentations of the optimisation prob- lem are related to the weight and size factors of the unit with a MHD generator.x It should: be noted that the optimi- sation both by the length and the volume of the generator does not determine the optimum value by the weight and size factors of the unit with sufficient accuracy. However, it is extremely difficult to indicate a more accurate method of optimisation of the weight and size factors, which would permit an elementary analysis. The optimisation of the parameters of the MHD genera- tor in the third presentation of the problem in the case of the specified value of ATit="1:4-11.1 corresponds to the optimum value of the unit efficiency. If the power X This assertion is true if the weight of the MHD gene- rator with a magnetic system considerably exceeds the weight of the other elements of the unit or when the variations of any of the parameters do not affect their weight and size factors. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease,2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 spent to create a magnetic field and the heat transfer to the generator walls are negligibly small, such optimisa- ? tion can be reduced to finding the maximum of the internal efficiency of the energy transformation process in the generator. It should be stressed that in the case of more comp- lete'presentation of the problem of determining the maximum of the unit efficiency we shall require variation of the parameters at the output of the MHD generator channel and, in a general case, the value P in (1.1a) cannot be assu- med constant. The solution of such a problem, and of the ? problem of determining the optimum value by the technical and economic indices of the electric power plant as a whole.) is rather difficult in the form accessible for analysis and requires a large number of variational calculations. The general approach to the problem of optimisation of the parameters of the'MHD generator was discussed above. To solve this problem we:muxt.establish the relationships between the parameters of the flow in the MHD generator channel, its load characteristics and geometrical dimen- sions. The main difficulties of optimisation accrue from the complex and multi-valued nature of these relationships. Therefore, the variational problem must in a general case be presented with many degrees of freedom. In our further exposition we shall confine ourselves to establishing these relationships on the basis of the quasi-one-dimensional theory and, making certain assumptions, shall reveal the qualitative aspect of the problem of optimisation of the principal operating characteristics of MI-ID generators. In conclusion we shall give some results of the calculations ? performed on a type M-20 computer. 2.1. Accepting certain assumptions, the flow of gas in the MBD generator channel can be described by the following system of equations: Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 -8- 1. Continuity equation fLJ= = cesf. . 2. Momentum equation P12. -/ 23) 3. Energy equation dT 4- sli.44tA = [KO -14),I.t?' 0.1Sin + 0.+IN)ii1rw 4. Equation of state P =1RT The following notation is used here: ---coefficient of friction; = --equivalent diameter of the channel; S-44.1 R--gas constant; gr---- --coefficient of electric load; t.te, E--electric field intensity; (2.1) (2.2) (2.4) 1.41 T-Ti? --total temperature of gas flow. 0 Up The change in the conductivity of gas 2, depending on the thermodynamic parameters of the flow can be rep- resented to a first approximation as follows elz = e., T e r (2.5) (2.5a) The heat transfer coefficient OZ will be determined from the known formulas N (2.6) . 0 . 023 ge pt. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 9 - where the criteria 0015 iL4bes Nu C Ao r - IA t , f are determined by the usual methods. A The system of equations (2.1) (2.6) is not complete and to solve our problem we must establish additio- nal relationships for certain parameters which enter into the system. In our further exposition the following para- meters will be assumed constant along the channel length for the sake of simplicity: n, B, k, AT = To - Tw, ae= Ein = 0.5 Then we have J. ou .11 cons+ 2. 4x &e' hid d'Nme drez?{tc(f-x) Le? yw+Coz ? AT:4141x Zi LA (2.7a) (2.7b) (2.7c) 2.2. Let us consider the limiting cycle of the unit with-a MHD generator when the temperature drop used in the generator AT0 0. Then the power of the MHD generator will be 1.0.4e* 14(4-1C-) ympAt 6.1- PIT aT,,, x P 2/, (2.8) The pressure drop over the length of the generator &To 4u1,' -14) )6, 1- Col. 4,7r 2.rm ?41 is determined as follows A.p.pi_pxzE(4 x)Auaz Pt41 -211-4 Ax )i (2.9) (2.10) and after appropriate transformations, assuming that the pressure loss between the channel and the compressor is equal to zero, we shall obtain the following expression in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 1U ? for the compressor power: .dp T4 K (i 4 li!A442) Y-4 ((4_1()e.124. _I] (2.11) 9, Po Thus, after substituting (2.8) and (2.11) in (1.2) we shall obtain I-I . al 1, 3 21-. \I b... 444:4,61-10_ .? 4. g .. ,......., + ... I ." ^ I' ) C. P. N4 6G Mo 2f u where ax (2.12) Po + 1-1L(4-)44g2+ 4-1P142? 3'LZ4 " 2.3. It follows from (2.12) that with the given para- meters of the flow at the input of the MHD generator chan- nel, with the length 41x, the useful power of the unit depends on the rate of flow u, the coefficient of electric load and also on the characteristics of the magnetic system field induction B, copper conductivity and the current density in the winding. The optimum characteristics of the MHD generator can be obtained by equating the respective derivatives to zero: a et A -(a K)= 0 1..4 (2.13) Let us consider some particular cases. To. 1. LetA ANc which holds at >? 4. Then N64 1,? Kopt = 0.5. Equating allu = 0, we shall find the value of the induction B at which the MHD generator ensures the power spent on excitation: 4 E > , 2= ac. LA 2, t411 ex. PN Then 'the optimum value of the flow rate can be found from iow).., 0 OktfI (2.15) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 11 - Assuming the power dependence of the conductivity on the flow parameters (2.5a) and remembering that the velocity of sound a = X we reduce (2.15) to the form 2-.1-ec44p) y-( - {/k4 (.( + ? ikta.) =- 0 d lA Hence, the the optimum value of Mach number A.1 op+ 26/4 (t+is ifirq ?2 -(4741 ?1 (2.16) Consequently, we can assume in a sufficiently narrow temperature range that the optimum value of the flow rate in the generator channel is constant /6/ and does not depend on its load characteristics. If the power spent on excitation cannot be neglected the optimum Mach number will be MI >M a+ Mop+ Wept- MeT+ a+ A4 i of. (2.17) 3. If none of the terms in (2.12) may be neglected optimisation in an analytical form becomes difficult. However, a number of qualitative conclusions can be made from (2.12). As was shown above, the maximum value of AA1,14-4A/tx is attained at K = 0.5. The power required to drive the compressor decreases monotonously when K increases from 0 to 1. Therefore, the useful power of the unit with a MHD generator reaches its maximum when K > 0.5. Fig. 3 illustrates the effect of K on the useful power of the unit. 2.4. Let us dwell briefly on the choice of the opera- ting conditions of the generator which will ensure the maximum take-off of power from the unit of the channel volume (2.18) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 12 - Then, the specific power of the unit will be NIIA= i()ak421312, r 11 k 2' LI': (2.19) \12 4?1C 2c L.- - 4 6c po 2 . When dtsic:&At`lie.A optimisation by the coefficient of electric load gives the same result K = 0.5. If, besides, 414exANIA,t the optimum value of the flow rate can be deter- mined from (11).)z. 6 4L4. Hence, with the power dependence of g (2.5a) we obtain A AA 4= or (2.20) 1-4 '-4 Accounting for the power spent on excitation the result will be reversed (2.17). Indeed, it follows from (2.19) that MI 4. 4 Adt op op ? Op a4- Mer-(4 t a+ A4 or+ (2..21) 2.5. Above we considered the problems of selecting the operating conditions for MHD generator which ensured the minimum weight and size of the unit. For stationary electric power installations the weight and size factors determine the capital outlay and their efficiency becomes the principal factor. Let us consider the problem of selecting the opera- ting conditions for MHD generator which ensure the max- imum efficiency of the unit. For this purpose, we shall reduce (2.12)-, with account taken of (2.9), to the following form Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 J_) 4 N: where P it(s V 271 / bk al ? -----! 1(1-J(2.22) 44,41F..., , 1' 2r4 ' f r-4 4 z b,cf,47;(it ? AA2) (4-14)6t,e+ Fpe K (-K)a .1 ws.7- 2,PI" A detailed analysis of (2.22) is extremely complicat- ed. Therefore, let us first consider a case in which the effect of friction, heat transfer to the wall and the power spent on exciting the magnetic field are disregardedv Then 634,4 zcato_____[D+ s, P /4(0) To (2.23) Hence, it follows that with-the given parameters of the cycle the efficiency of the unit will be determined only by the coefficient of electric load K. Equating the deri- vative from (2.23) by K to zero we shall obtain: xatic.-2?(-1YLIA47-) Y-4 Since 0 4 K 4 1, optimisation by K has no physical meaning, i.e., the power of the unit is the highest when the coef- ficient of electric load is at its maximum, i.e., at K = 1. This result is obvious since, with the specified AT0, the power of the MHD generator does not depend on its operating conditions and the power required to drive the compressor is minimum at the highest possible Value of the internal efficiency of the generator, i.e., at K = 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part: Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 14 - Account for the friction and heat transfer when allex= -=.0 leads us to the conclusion that the optimum value of K decreases but is always greater than 0.5. ? If we disregard the heat transfer to the wall and the capacity of the compressor we can find the coefficient of electric load and the flow rate which ensure the maximum power of the MUD generator. In this case)Kopt = 0.5 and the optimum flow rate is determined from (2.16) and (2.17). Thus, the optimum value of the coefficient of electric load, at which ANu is maximum at the given iST09.will be 1 > Kopt > 0.5, (2.224) its value being dependent on the characteristics of the magnetic system, cycle parameters and the flow of the working substance through the channel of the MHD generator. It is difficult to determine the optimum flow rate from (2.22) analytically. However, an elementary considera- tion shows that at M -? 1 the friction and heat transfer to the wall reduce the optimum value of M found from (2.16) and (2.17). 2.6. An analogous consideration of the effect produced by the operating conditions of the MUD generator on its internal efficiency Nint f-i / 4 (2.25) in. dr To p leads us to the following conclusions; 1. If the heat transfer to the wall and the friction may be neglected K = 1 will be optimum and the flow rate will affect the internal efficiency as follows: ? ivkl(4-1c) (2.26) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 15 OEM i.e., the maximum value of the internal efficiency will be attained at 11-91.0. This result shows that a considerable increase in M number in the channel of a MHD generator is highly tndesirable from the energetic viewpoint. 2. The optimum value of K at which the internal effi- ciency of the generator is maximum proves greater than the value found from the condition of the maximum of the unit useful power. This is due to the fact that the internal efficiency accounts only for the dissipation of the energy as a result of friction and Joule heat, while the useful power also includes the heat transfer through the wall and the power spent to excite the field. 3.1. The optimisation of the operating conditions of the MED generator for an elementary cycle can be extended to the unit as a whole. For this purpose let us break the entire cycle of the unit into a number of elementary cycles abed (Fig. 1). We can assert that if each elementary cycle taken separately is optimumthen, to the first approximation, the plant as a whole will operate at the optimum duty. It should also be noted that the conclusions obtained above allow a more judicious approach to the problem of selecting the temperature at the output of the MHD generator.x Indeed, if we equate (2.22) to zero, we can find such value of the gas conductivity es at which the useful power will not be generated, i.e., this condition determi- nes the lower boundary of the expediency of utilising the magnetohydrodynamic method of energy transformation. For- mula (2.22) shows that the lower boundary of conductivity, or of the temperature, drops as the gas flow is increased through the generator channel. x Literary sources usually indicate that the value of the temperature at the output of the MHD generator channel is selected from the condition of sufficient gas conductivity and is specified at about 21000C. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 16 - 3.2. Even in the case of simplifying assumptions, an analytical consideration of the integral formula ( 1.6) encounters considerable difficulties. For this reason, the calculations were performed by numerical integration on a type M-20 computer. Below we give the results of the variational calculations of the unit with a MMD generator disregarding the power spent to excite the magnetic field. The following parameters were assumed constant over the length of the generator channel: G . 2 W/ m2; = ? = 0.5; ATw = To - Tw = 500?; U; k and the coefficient of friction = 0.015. The working substance in the channel of the MHD generator was a monoatomic gas ( 1.67) with the molecular weight of p = 4 (Cp = 5,200 Joule) , The number Pr = 0.681. The heat conductivity of the gas was determined from kg ?K the formula A vl 4- di, 2?u the viscosity T? /if Ale An 2?3 T je.le A. = 0. IQ sec nt -4 NI /tie Is 0. 486 x4o where At large values of Tf = To + Tw we have o.o.1311-0 4.-74 ) -r 'to +1:4 The electric conductivity of the gas was found from the formula Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A00340017onni-4 A Declassified in Part - 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - J.1 - a. Plc where 6 . lo mham is the conductivity of the gas at T 2073?K, P = 0.98x10522 , a = 12. The calculations were done within a wide range of the working substance flow (m = 0.12 to 120 kg/sec), flow rates (u = 500 to 2,000 m/sec), coefficients of electric load (K = 0.3 to 0.9) and the temperature drops (Tm To1 - T02 = 200 to 8000) employed in the MED generators. The principal part of the calculations was performed for T01 = 2273?K and P01 = 1.08x105-E2 m . The temperature of the working substance at the compressor input was assumed equal to Tlt = 308 K. The efficiency of the compressor was n = 0.85. 3.3. Fig. 4 shows the effect produced by the flow Af rate on the specific power of the MED generator EM . = L e- ?at m 0.12 kg/sec, K = 0.5. As can be seen the maximum EMI, is attained at u. 1,100 na:/seirrespective of T02. Moreover, the optimum value of the flow rate depends ? neither on the coefficient of electric load nor on the flow of the working substance and is in a fairly good agreement with formula (2.16) obtained from the considera- tion of an elementary generator. The effect of the flow rate on the specific take-off of 14, the energy on the unit with MED generator E,41.= is illustrated in Fig. 5. It can be seen from the compari- son with Fig. 4 that in this case the maximum is noticeably shifted towards u 0.5 and m = 1.2 kg/sec (Figs 9, 10) the curves are above the "standard" curve, then at m = 120 kg/sec (Figs 11 and 12) they are located below. This change in Nit?ff..= f (k) owes its origin to the compression and the dependence of the gas conductivity on pressure and also to heat transfer to the wall. Indeed, if we neglect all the losses, except the Joule losses, then as K increases, at Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A0034nn17nnn1_4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 ? 19 ? the fixed heat value, the pressure at the generator output increases and the average gas conductivity is therefore decreased in the generator channel. This shifts ????? the maximum Nmv towards K 4 0.5, and, when K >0.5, Nmv is located below the "standard" curve. This explains the deviation of the curves NMv = f(k) at m = 120 kg/sec from the "standard" curves. At a lower gas flow rate the effect of friction in- creases sharply, as a result of which the change in the pressure at the generator output, depending on K, decreases as can be seen from the curves NMv? For this reason, the average value of the gas conductivity at K>. 0.5 decreases less intensively and the curve Nmv = f(k) should approach the "standard" curve. However, since the generator output which operates less efficiently due to the reduced conduc- tivity brought about by increased heat transfer to the wall becomes much shorter at small flow rates, the curve ? ? NMv = f(k) is in actual fact slightly above the "standard" curve. This can also explain the effect of the flow rate on the nature of NMv = f(k). Figs 9, 10, 11 and 12 also show the curves of the change in the specific power of the unit Nuv. It can be easily seen that the optimum value of the coefficient of electric load lies in the region K = 0.6 to 0.7 changing but little in the case of a substantial alteration of the used temperature drops, flow rates and the flow of the working substance through the channel of the MID generator. It should be pointed out, however, that as the gas flow MO. rate decreases the maximum attainable value of Nuv increases somewhat and shifts towards greater K. An increase in the flow rate will reduce N due to greater friction losses, uv i.e., the power required to drive the compressor. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 20 - ? The above thesis is clearly illustrated in Figs.13 . and 14 which show the change in the power of the MHD gene- rator as referred to kg of gas EM = -- and the unit as a whole E. The calculations show that the curve K = 0.5 at m = 120 kg/sec (Fig. 13) practically coincides with the theoretical curve for the case involving no heat transfer to the channel wall, i.e., in this case the relative share of heat losses is negligibly small. As the coefficient of electric load increases and the gas flow rate diminishes the value of EM decreases in which case the greatest deviation of the curves from the linear law LEmi.eral. Is observed in the region of the smaller temperatures, which can be explained by an increase in the relative share of heat transfer through the walls. It is interesting to note that at the small flow of the working substance the decrease in T02 (increased temperature drop in the generat4 below a definite value does not increase the MHD generator power. Hence, when the power of the MHD generators is small it is irrational to increase the used heat content. We cannot but fail to notice the fact that the referred power of the unit E.sp (Fig. 14) at in >12 kg/sec is greater at K 0.7 to 0.9, whereas at m 412 kg/sec the maximum is attained at K = 0.5. This can be explained by the fact that at in 4. 12 kg/sec the predominant role is played by the dissipation friction losses and the heat transfer to the wall, whereas at m,> 12 kg/sec the main losses are due to the dissipation of the Joule heat. Therefore, an increase in K essentially reduces the rela- tive consumption of the power produced by the MHD generator .to drive. the compressor. It should be noted in conclusion that at small flow rates we observe an insufficiently expressed maximum of the referred power of the unit E . sp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part- -Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/03/06 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 ? - 21 - 3.5. The effect of the flow rate, the coefficient of electric load and the gas temperature at the generator channel output on the internal efficiency n . of the ? Jo, energy transformation process is shown in Figs 15 and 16. It can be seen that as K increases and the flow rate of the working substance and the temperature at the output T02 decrease, the effect of the flow rate on )1: increases /0 noticeably, which can be attributed to the greater role played by the dissipation heat losses. It should be noted that if at K = 0.5 an increase in the used temperature drop (decrease of T02) somewhat increases ,,; then, at K = 0.9,we observe the decrease inn . in which case as /04 the flow rate increases and T02 diminishes, the curves 9 . f(T02) for K = 0.5 and K = 0.9 draw near to each 0; other, especially when m = 12 kg/sec. Fig. 17 shows the change in the internal efficiency of the MED generator depending on_K. The figure shows that there is an optimum value of K at which n is at its maximum, the optimum K shifting towards the smaller values with the decrease in the gas flow and the increase in the flow rate. Analogous curves for the specific power NL of the unit tc are given in Fig. 18, where I increa- ses essentially at a higher gas flow. The optimum value of K increases with the increase in m. The presence of the maximum II and E is due to the effect produced by Jo; sp friction and heat transfer to the wall. Indeed, as K increases, the length of the generator becomes much longer and, with K ?01, the length of the generator in the absence of heat transfer to the wall grows infinitely large, i.e., the friction losses increase intensively. In Fig. 18 the dotted lines show)by way of comparison.) the change in the internal efficiency. It follows from ???? this that the maximum E can be attained at smaller sp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 22 - values of K. As has been shown above, this can be attributed to the fact that the internal efficiency accounts only for the dissipation losses, whereas the useful power of the unit is also determined by the heat transfer to the walls of the generator channel. If we also take into account the ONO power spent to excite the field, the maximum Esp will be displaced still more towards the smaller values of the coefficient of electric load. This results shows beyond all doubt that the role of the internal efficienty of the process, as a criteria of the efficiency of the unit as a whole, is considerably reduced in magnetohydrodynamic units and the value of the useful power of the unit, as referred to the flow of the working substance, becomes the principal factor. Herein lies the main difficulty of optimisation of the parameters of the unit with a MHD generator. References 1. J.Neuringer, J.Fluid Mech. 7,.pt 2, 1960. 2. Energy Conversion for Space Power. Academic Press, New-York, London 1961. 3. N.I.Polsky, G.M.Shchegolev. Thermal Physics of High Temperatures, No. 1, 1964. 4. N.I.Polsky, Thermal Physics of High Temperatures, No. 2. 1964. 5. R.J.Rosa. Phys. Fluids, 4, No. 2, 1961. 6. A.E.Sheindlin, A.B.Gubarev, V.I.Kovbasyuk, V.A.Prokudin. Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Energetics and Automatics, No. 6, 1962. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Yo ? 2, ? C. P"o2 F&: AN A N M 1111 .4 I N lc ."%... r-- A /7g 0 q4 q2 0,2 01/ 0,6 0,8 3fne kz:20001' 9 , 45 . lEnne 00 , li : 3 The effect of the coefficient of electric load on the useful power of the unit with an MHD generator with a specified length of the channel. 176r : 4 The effect of the flow rate on the specific power of an MUD generator EN ML v., L 2 (T01 = 22730K, F01 = 1.1 ata, m = 0.12 kg/sec, K = 0.5) 4/00 600 800 1000 1200 /400 /600 MAC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 3e - 24 - 4,00 600 800 9 a 7 6 5 3 The effect of the flow rate on .the specific take-off of energy from the unit with an MHD ,generator N, Egi..= 1 i( 01 = 22730K, P01 = 1.1 ata, 0.12 kg/sec, K = 0.5) /000 1200 1400 1600 m Nmv cilc -.....m 4 Q?? 17" ' 11.... 400 600 800 1000 F: : 6 The effect of the flow rate on the specific power of an MHD generator wm (T01 = 22730K? P01 = 1.1 ate., m = 0.12 kg/sec, K = 0.5) 400 1000 6 00 800 1200A00 The effect of the flow rate on the spe- cific power of the unit - 4/4 kv - V 7 ? (701 . 2273?K, P01 = 1.1 ata, m = 0.12 kg/sec, K = 0.5) 'Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 25 - 6 5 Ij 3 2 42 4 a /1/.yv 2Q ?k 0 0 I ? ? NO 17 1601 sao 600 800 /009 1200 The effect of the flow rate on the specific power - N? of the unit Nvv-v (T01 = 2273?K, 201 = 1 1.1 K = 0.5). 1 00 , ? --. 7,' / . ? \ of ........4:- %. \ v -.4 "43.. ..,, "yr ? .... r g? . ,... . 7 ie -'441 43 Od as OS as The effect of the coefficient of electric load on -the specific power of the unit lc (T01 = T02= 2273oK, 18000K, . P01 = 1.1 ata, m = 1.2 .kg/sec) ata, m = 120 kg/sec, iFy: /0 The effect of the coefficient of electric load on the specific power of the unit Wv (T01 = 22730K, T02 = 1600?K? - 1.1 ata, m = 1.2 kg/sec) P01 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 ? 26 ? e ? Cv .? At' .h, ? 1. 't Ax \ ',.. ? e / . / N \ ? \ 40, 4X ?4 P we ? A, , ' 1 ?,e, Alln?" S.\ ad - t11)17 .... _ P I?, . 40.4, go .? .A. 02 !4 a ? CU 06 as OS 02 44 /737:1/ The effect of the coefficient of electric load ?????? on the specific power of the unit Nv ?K, T = 1800?K, (To1 = 2273 02 = 1.1 ata, m = 120 kg/sec). It 11 1\ ..\ ',. ? c" ? \ % y":? , 5,, e ? _. ? . .... r\ / / / /C,,y \ N 6. .? ' . .'...4 N \ . i A7sv 144 : ' ? N4,1 000? 4 ito*, , .?';,.... '.5_S.' 0 i i ....7.Z.7.%, W. K 4v alf 41.' .3 3 4V The effect of the coefficient of electric load on the specific power of the unit Nv P (To1. o1 = = 2273?K, To2 = 1600?K, 1.1 ata, kg/sec). ? (,/S00 ??13 o or 861:7. m IS lit u z/vo ri. is 4 v./400.gs ..... eft ?449 NI /3 ---4-0 c/2,1491$ ---cort2 sovs .....?..m rale Kg It Arool5 + ll./70:2' on Is # II6c1219 m/i M.49 ei447.S ..............ir...... d44.9 ? ! ,,011'. &-.L.19_*"140 --db?? . 3........1....e.?....a?-?..........---. _,,,7,... ? --T..- .04$ ? .,, - ..1b. + + d??.? 422 2/ 19 a Is 42-'?dd 717:f3 The effect of T02 and the gas flow on the ref? _ ntm = erred power of tt,IiIHD generator im _ 00.7101( _ = 1.1 ata). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 - 27 - /0 49 0,13 q7 0,6 4,4 43 q2 41 4? 25 . 4104? J 40 15 ?40 45 3y9 In z 120 t 5i ? rnz .i1 K5 1 /1 r :0,7 ---. --- ...,..,, m. ve A,.9 is r .? ? t..0.9 . . -' . ? :r.07 : ...,..i -..?::.-.7.---17----1. _14-.45 ... -- .... i ---- . . ,..., ,...........-- ,..i..., I'. /,..,.. , ' 0:: ..' . ,..1?.. ...? ?,t,.?....-? . . ... ,.... ..??. - ........ .... 11......? ....... ..,..- ... . . /--...... ... .,....... .... ... ........ - . ,.........? ? . ? ...rums . ? ...- - -I- -. _.t..? ........___i.r, 49 . ow 40..,.r. ,er,juns.n?muirt 43 . . A., 9 ...."?' ? ?????? ? ? "'????? ?????? ? .....t ........il q I ma . _ . _ Zs 41 20 1.9 ? K - .--i- 036 ?. _ ? ? --4Z7;?--;.? - .....t... ? _4_0044 .- . -? ..,A -- ...7,?eritoolidigii, 1 . ;,...cr4. --......... ?44.1;:g.% -.f. )? ____.. ..7...r.. . j . .. `".-2.,..?.....t.464-r. - . 64sr:Aga,fth:;'"-Aoo -0-2.11-7"---3,4679 ..._H- . -......?04. ? * 49 4,5 47 4 45 43 4/ "" req9 0,3 -1 _ _?. -r ? 1.1.500 a r 800 m / ? 1100 st 1400ti- ??? 1700 m s 4- 2000 m To: 711:14 Change in the referred' power in the unit With an EID generator depend- ing on 102 and the gas flow (T01 = 22730K, P01 = 1.1 ata, u = 500 to 800 m/sec) 2,2 2,1 104k The effect of T02 and the flow rate on the internal efficiency of an MH]) generator (T01 = 2273?K, P01 = 1.1 ata, in = 12 kg/sec) 20 48 t7 t5 41/ y /04,t -7:30,c, -relifir ,..i2.2.. --kr---:?--7 7.--71-6-. ? - --.?..14.--:. .... mi---3? ? --"' g4X' -e-1,-; #00 ra /J- ? m a n' is ? V ?OW ni /5 ? . ? Szs....52_ . . . . ? 500 rn / s 0 827 m / j Ill lag m/ t/ 4v m 1 s 4/70v m 1, S. AMP nt 1 s . 43 Ze e/ 20 X7 46 7;y:16 The effect of T02 and the flow rate on the internal efficiency of an MHD generator (T01 = 2273?K,201 = 1.1 ata, in = 120 kg/sec) 0.,030/r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4 ? 28 ? The effect f? : 17 of the coefficient of electric load on the internal efficiency of PHD generator = 2273?K, P 1.1 ata, (To1o1T2 = 1473?K) A 1 339 2,2 20 0 1.2 0 0,8 46 44 42 0,9 m141011 12?' /77.1TAI 147 ;45 ,Zct rnza ? -144 !6:3 inla .1 I ki 'I 02 03 44, as 46 V 48 0,9 1,0 I'7: 18 The effect Of the coefficient of electric load on the referred power of the unit with MHD ? W., generator E (T01 = 2273?K, To2 = 1590?K, P01 = 1,1 ata, u = 1,100 kg/sec) . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/06: CIA-RDP80-00247A003400170001-4