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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 R 50X1 -HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 rDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Antoni '11.1ALISKX FIROGYtESS AND CilANGM IN THE T.IVISTIn ALIZATtON OF POLAND The basic idea of ?rofessor ,leszczycki# a paper can be summarized as the need for eoncentration of research activity In applied geography around definite problems1. I think that economic growth should bo one of ' these problems.. We have a , good example of this in the. "Essays on GeographY and Economic Devolorlent" , a Volume 'published. 'in 1960 , in Ohicag82. The main aim of this paper ia to stimulate the discus- . sion on geography of industrial Growth which is the most im- portant precess in the economic development. ry. paper consists of three :parts, The first Part io an attempt .to, outlinethe characteristic_ features of three, in- dustrial revolutiena taking place.,in, the ,last hundred years on. the Polish territory', The seCond. pt presents the geo-, graphica 1 structure of industrial. tic onmy of Poland in 1S/60. ? and the place of industries of oUr country in the world eco- flOItl7d The third part deseribes ,the .basic ,trends of change In the geographical pattern of. the Poll.sh: industry in the 35-year period /1946-1980/ I. Three . industrial revolutiOns on r02.,AmdLaLIftrnamy: ' An industrial revolution, In my. opinion, is' the. economic and social process bas'ed on technelogleal changes in produe- , ti on , loading . up in a comparatively short ,period or time to a . definite. raise in the level of development and the *change of ' structure of national economy. Such a revolution can be ob- served by changes in the following. indfces: /1/ '/3/ absolute and relative growthipf secondary and. tertiary occupations; . growth of per capita national -income and the share of in- dustrial sector in its Creation; growth of intaangional and intornAtionaltrade.and in- STAT . STAT T 1 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 .- 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 orease'in relative importa'etoe of revs materials in iMports ? 4 and of industrially processed goods in export's; , /4/ growth. ofurban population.). . Itis possible to distinvish three distinct stages of . industrial economic growth which' may be called .industrial iO volutions within Polish territory. The first one ',The take-off"I revolution was started in the middle of the 19th century when ' the'present Poland'S territory wail, divided between three'dif repent states'. Prussia, Austria and Russia. At that time . 'the great agrarian reforms /abolition of serfdom and granting, of lend ownership to the liberated peasants/ broke the en- forced link between the landlord and the :peasant enabling the 1 latter to migrate and creating in this way an armysof cheap labour force for the growing industries. Construction of - railway lines /1000 km, about 2460., 22000 km about 1910/ created the necessary condition.for the' development.of inter- regitinal and international trade. the industt'ves located on the present Polish territory found their place in the international division of labour Of this time. An impOrtant item n this development was-the p.oe. litical division of the. territory leading.to the incorporation: Ir; of these industries into three "common market0.areas of Go? many, Austria and Russia. Thus in the last years prior to the World War ,1 more than . a million of industrial workers existed an the present Poland's' - territory. The studies of Pounds, Straezewicz5.and Misztal6 present a.detail'ev4dence that the present pattern of the in- , dustrial rogions'of Upper Silesia, 1,05d'S and. Warsaw. were es- tablished in the last.50 years prior to the WoT6 War I /see:, the maps presenting the historical ovelution of Warsaw In? dustrial Region/: A/ In spite of our critical attitud4 towards the general direction of thinking presented in the publication .of W.W. Rostow - I shall use Sem? notions introduced by, . this author because of their brevity in describing the basio featuree mr some 'phenomena of economic growth. . /Soo: W.W. Re:Zie -*The stages' of economic growth. ? Cam- bridge, Mass., 1960.. ? -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? ? The porid between 191n aLd 1959 did not Introduce basic changes 'into the volume of industrial activity and share in 'nationSl'oconomy.. Nevertheless the_industryin the recon- Eitructed.Polish. State was .party successful. in the adaptation of its output to the demand or the intoeated national market and in the construction of some new planto.startingothe pro- duction of industrial commodities which had not been produced on thia. territory.in the 19th century /some products of the machinatooI, eleetroteChnical,,chemical and food industries/. The most Important was the seCond industrial revolution of the years .1946-1960 The system of socialistie planning was able to create the conditions for a "big push" of our national economy /see table 4 and 54. The main effect of this - "b g push" is the Pact that Poland ()rotated the threshold of 400 dollars .per capita national. inoomex. This croSiing is ge- nerally recognized' as the neceseary :condition of self-induced economic gi,o*tho , This moans that national economy in Poland ? generatea at present sufficient amount of capital- to establish a proper equilibrium between the capital necessary for 'invest- ment and the velume of commodities and services necessary for the present consumption: , The perspeative plan of. the development of Poland'a eao- nomy it the years 1960-1980 provides for the development of eConomy which I have called "the achievement of industrial ? .maturity", This third stage' of the industrial revolution.is illustrated by the following main features: ? *Ai grossing. of. the threshold of 1000 dollar per :capita national . income ' -1/4 ? x/ Using data on,national income in international comparisons we should not forget the difficulties existing in this field. There are three most important causes of these difficulties: I/ different methods of computation and especially the fact that the services are not recoEnized as a factor creating the national income in, the socialist countries 2/ different price systems 3/ different methods of computations 'of the *relative value Of national currencies 4 ? ? ...or narlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Com Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: dIA-RDP80-60247A003000410001-1 /2/ achievemett.of a high level in the efficiency of industria1 labou'r;; if we Put the data for. 1960 as 100 the following target indices for 1980'. are proposed! ? - industrial enployment . about 180 labour efficiency -.about 440 ? value added by manufacture . about '350 /3/ achievement of.a relativull'high level of per capita turn. over in international trade /see table 6/. 'These main feature 9f the already described industrial .revolutions are illUstrated in datail-in Table I. 11, 1112_1225r22121222_zattern of Polieh'industrial econom In 1960 . ? The data presented inthe: first part of my paper supply a sufficient background for diseusaiolof..the historic per speCtiVes of industrialnation of Polish territory. Tables 7 and '8 present:materials illustrating the of Poland among the world industries EndComparition? of item? economic. . . ' indices for the United .Kingdom and Poland.: We :ray say with certain amount of Preoiolen *that the'tdtal voltLeie Of UK indu- strial production is 5,5 titles bigger than the Polish one, and the per capita produotion about 3' timev biggC,-./estimates for 1960/. Let us consider' now the. geographical patorn. of Polish industrial economy. To eutablish'ths pattern oven. ,indioes, were compiled.. These are: '1/ density of.population' 2/ percentage of '.urban Population. 3/ industrial employment per 100 sq.km. /densi-",;:t employment/ 4/ industrial employment per 1 thousand 5/ pr capita national Income 1959 . 6/.the share of industry in natienal:.lneome: 7/ the areal intensity, of indUstrialization?asdeftned percentage of the Irea of povicts With denE.ity industrial employment above the oo,try's averabe in relateet to tLe total erea of the voivodehip. of' ind,.:Strfai. . , inhab t'entS ??? ? -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? 174.-1- , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? 5 These materials wore gathered in order to establish two classifications of the%.17.vOivodships /into which Poland is divided/. , The 'criterion of the first classification is the level of industrialization /see Table 9/ ae expressed by the. above-mentioned indices,' the criterion of the second classifi- cation is the regional position /see Table 10/. ' For the sake of our discuission let us call the first classification necionomioll and tht second classification - 11.geograph1caln, although I recognize the fact that both elas- sifications,are economic and geographical at the same time. Let us consider the econdmio classification presented in Table 9, in which the indices.were compiled in such a man- ner that they are.eomparable with ,the average for Poland. Naturally this classification 'is a aonsequence Of.the.set of indices chosen as significant. The exclusion of indices describing the infrastructure'of tha investedcapital ()spe- cially in the transportation ,network and communal services - disgUiseS important differencedbetween such vtivodships as Bialystok, Lublin, Kielce or RzeszOw and each voivodships as Olsztyn, Koszalint.Bydgoszcz or Poznari. A ? 'The exclusion of indices describing the level of.agri- cultural production disguises important differences between the veiVedships of Rzeszdw, Kielce and of the voivodships of ?Bydgoszcz And PoznAA. .The:first aria ?known as'areas.with a low intensity of agriculture, the latter as areas, with high level Of intensity. Takihg into account these.deficiencies'of Our classifies- tiohswe have to strese that this classification is from the point of view of indastrial and not from the point Of view of total economy of a given voivodship. The geogrAphical classification distinguishes four groups of voivodships - the northern, the nest-central, the east'. central and the southern. .In Table 10 we have presented indi- ees for each voivodship and the results of the economic 01887 sification. A sUmmary of these to classifitations can be , .? presented in the following way: __ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Economic Level of industrialization Total number of .01voishiPs Geographioa\ 1?v middle kiigb Klg . northern voivobip . reattrotntral voivodshipe . east-central voivcdshipo, southern volvodshipo . ? Polasad . ? ? _ . 2. , ' .. . . . . . 2 . 7 d* . 1 : ?B .......' .- . am . . . . . . m. , , . . . 4. . . . . . . .5. .4 ? .1. 17 . , tra_na_oiLsliqn .1192.Astaluf...2L7_22. : ? The data presented in Table 11 establish some interesting 'trends in tho chango of the pattern of Poland's indus- try during the 35-year period. under considoration. The most important One may bp doscribod an dimlniching disparities in the levels.ef industrializAtionas betreon dif- ferent.parts of our country., The data of Table 11 support the ' oonalusion that during our second industrial rovolution.thie - problem did not alai:ippon,. completely and the creation of a- . MOW0 balanood distribution te Poland's indubtry had to be in-. ciorporatol, into the. premises of our perspective 1.e. long-term. plan. n my opinion, it to possible to summarize .the Polish emporionoe in the industrialization of underdevelopod'areas, as follows: The industrializatien although a very important, ? to not the only tool in the.promotion of eoonomio developtont.'. Tha assumption of our economic' policy in the early fifties ? that the total develoymont of theregional economy. rill fo1. lov eutomatioally from the 1:Joation Of DOMO incluatrial plants ? in a baomard. area . has prayed to be incorrect. We have soma oxnmplos of veparachuten loor.tioza vhich oroated nov 4,1.777 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 plants without the regionally multiplied effect. Some of these plants have rather high -operational costs in comparison with the older 1,1anta of the traditional irdustrial districts. The' eco- DOMin 10880C on this account are however very small, among others becaUse the .non-industrialized areas got a relatively small share of total industrial investments in 1951-1960. Generally it may be said that the second industrial revolu- tion had in backward areas in Poland only the take-off effect. The ',big push o is to take place within the framework of the perapeative plan which will provide tho proper setting for the development of backward areas, Which W6S missing during the past 15 years. On the other end of oale in the industrial development there in a problei of the optimum level of deielOpent of al- ready highlyindustrialized areas. In Poland this is expres-, sed in the relative overdeveloPment of the voivodship of Kato- wice, including the most important industrial area in Poland - the Upper Silesian Industrial District. ?? The difficulties characteristic for overoongested areas /air and water pollution, water shsrtage, strangulation of transpoi4ation system/ raise the lz-vel of the social costs of Industrial production in Upper ,That is why in the last ten year a policy of passive deglomeration in this areas was adopted in form of restrictions on new industrial locations which were limited to cases where a new plant is closely tech- nologically and economically sssocAated with the extraction of coal. Nevertheless there exist.numorous industrial plants for which.tle proximity of Upper Silesta is of some importance., These plants were lecated in'the fringe area around Upper Silesia. The results can be seen en maps summarizing the geo- graphical development of Polish industry during the II Industrial Revolution.. These maps show the emerging pattern of the very _large conurbation, perhaps the begnnings of a megalopolis the now large-scale areal wait of the Upper Silesian and Cracow Region The basic tendency towards the diminishment of regional disparities in the level of industrialisation .can be traced too in the geozraphical cleeeificeion /see Table 11/. The most Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 .40114~4e4-11,...40NOW" HIE= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 w 13.. important group of Voivodships'is the southern one. The data of Table 11 reveal a slow, :relative decrease of the share of this group in Poland's'industrial production /52,6% in 19460 4900% in 1960 4nd 44% in 1980/. ? ? The main asset of the industrial development of this group o:r'voivodships is their location in the vicinity 'of de- posits of the most ;Important ,, known mineral resources of Po- land., The last years,brought.somempertant'changes into the. geography of mineral'resourcea in Poland.. Some large-Scale . mining was undertaken in Oentr'al!?oland,:outside of the ti's-' . ditional.regions'of:extraotive.indUstry....The.dOvelopment of a new industrial region,ofTenin,epecialiting In the power-.. consuming,industry, using ligniteas fuel: for produotion of' electricity;isthe:mostA.mportant. According to:the:data of Table il:the industrial develep- ment Of the wost-eentral:group is very'close'to the rate of growth'of the country.aS a, whole'. , The oonstructionlof a pipeline linking the Wage Oil Region - "The second:Bakuff,.and the'industrial.centres in Poland, German Democratic Republic;i Czechoslovakia and Hungary provides the basis for erection of el bigipetrochemical plant in Plock which will'influenCe very;stronglythe industrial developMent of the East-Centi,al Poland.' The east-central%group,did.notichange its share consi- derably in 1946-1960 and'w1.1%,gain only .slightly in next twenty years.' The northern group of voivodships is the area of the most rapid relative industrial'growth although,this group is rather moderate in importance if we take absolute figures into consi- deration. The data of Table:11 reflect the lack of full uso of opportunities of sea-shore4ndustrial locations in the . yearn 1946-1960 and perhapseoo in the years of 'our coming plan.it. In my opinion, the neoessity for.rapid development of our maritime economy will quicken the indtstrial growth of that part of the country. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 BEESSICErdidgg; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 "?? eel:le:ye:Ice it should be staid List the targel's,e for 198C have to be ?etc:tiered still as proilminary. Espeoially in the area of the physic.;al ,iev'elopront: et the ccuntry. there :.s.re present many problems to be solved. .Some of them would be easier to dee]. with on the basis ".of an econometrie model sup- plying 'quantitative data .necessary for locational deeisions and finding' 'eolutions of the maximum efficienoy both from the point of view' of our national economy. and of other? socialletio countries. The advantages of cooperation between various' ? countries constist mainly. of the extension of the economies of scale in industrial and aerietiltural produotions and may be 'obtained by joint?plan.ning of the economic development. The.?secend concluding remark may be outlined as follows: the initial industial pattern .as created by the tall.p-off re- volution is ratherstable.. The distribution of the 1:?.atilonal resources, the existine transportation and settlement network, the initial advantages of early start- create ?a considdrable power?of inertia, acting . for the develox.ent of Polish industrial. economy without bas1c changes in its geographical pattern. Nevertheless the big push? of the?iecond industrtal revolution has created some impoi:tent . now nodal points for the develeprent of different industrial geography Which will take shape 14 the course of the next 20 years. ? 'Warsaw, Department of Ipdustrial Geography, Institute of Geography, Polish Academy of Sciences Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? t, .6 r 1. S. Leszczycki 2, K.'DziewoAski 3. R. Vartshorne , 4. N.T.G. Poun \ ? - -Applied Geography or application of geograph- ical. research for practical purposes. Polish Geographical Review, Warsaw, No.1/1962. - Processes of urbanization in the Contemporary. An attempt at 'synthesis. Polish Geographipal Review, Warsaw, .N0.3/1962. -.Geography and economic growth Essays on Geography .and economic development. Chicago,. -1960, p.3-26. - The Upper gilesian Industrial Region, Indiana University 1ub1ioatione:1958. The Industrial Geography of-Modern Poland. Economic Geography, Tu1y 1960: ' 10 Straszovicz - The 1.6di Industrial District. Po graphieal Review, XXXX, Supp1. 195 6. S. yAsztal 7. .K..Socomski a. Y.D. Thanes lish Geo., 9. - Changes in the structure and distrlbution of industrie-7; In the city and voivodship of Warsaw. 'Polish Geographical Review, XXX, 4., 1956. - On the problems of the Perspective ?Ian of De- velopment of Poland. Ekonomista /Ecbnomist/, . Warsaw, 34002/1962. - Economic Activity. ' Patterns and Economic Change., University of Washington, Seattle, 1962. . Na.????\.{. ? "ur, .5? ? .94.1???????*??14...ba.....* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIA-RDP80-00247A00300041 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ,Threlo indust ria ?revolutions in Poland Tho ;, t aka -o f fn . . Spec( fir.,atl on r avoln t fon .'revoluti on . of And us trial ? . . ? ma turj ty 1560 1910 1.916 1960 . 1060 Po pliT a t ( on In milli ons ? Urban'ponlin- t on in mtlaiortc Int1r4stria1 omployment in millionE; Induotrial. prodlc:ti on - va 1,1a addo:l. ineluding Oa- preci 8 t.tor, . POT c:ap it n nati.onal in- coma "In Ama? rican no n0 --L- 24 ,5 1,2 data no data 100x 38ix 30 1 14 3 '.500,550. 100 ? 1 . ' 1 ? . d. Lit fa I t.:9 (lat ct 17.0 0..- 15 4 riO? 5 0 0 y - I 4-C 0 -5 0 074 11.01...c5 -004c1 t ? i t 1 1 23xX r ? ^s X r(?! x/ roqgh (1, tiTat es of the thcr xx/ d ata of the terspe:7. t ve plan Sommnzs: St6.t:IstiTNal Yearbook 1961 ? Central Statistioal Office, ? Waroeva 1961. K, Selomski On the problems of the Ptrc Pl,an of t.11 d eve lopMen t of Poland. Ekonomi sta /EconDmist/ Warsaw, No.2/1962 . K.. Dz iowo1?1811-.1 I1rbnnt at on Droc..eaaos in Oontmporary Poland . Poll sh Geographical Review, Warsaw, NoZ/1962. .rt. Kik1ii&ci S pa t t al pr ob le me of ' Poland ' s r .1str i al - I a flan, Warsaw 1962k, 2, Knyziak Inve tmOnt and non-i n7e3t1Mint torn of 4.1,1 d ova ) opnent of iLd?stri :31 'crttput in pbil,T1.(1 71.950-? 1960. Zkonomist a /Economist' , Warsaw, 11%5'1961. ? \rd N%.". t F"-% s* ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-R6P80-00247A003000410001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 'Specification Table '2 Industrial employment in the .present territory of Poland in 1907/10 Population Industrial emplc4ment .1000 sq km Territories in- corporated into Prussia ? 1 Territories in 1 corperated into Austria ? I , I Territories in- ! corporated into , 1 Russia Territory. of - Poland total ? millions 1 1 of-persons thousand8 of persons Persons:, employed Industry pt; 1000 , inhabitantk ) 1 1 149 1 47,7 1 1 33 1 106. 1 130 1 . _312 1 41,7 10.0 63 20 34 \, ? ',. Sources: Gewerbliche Betriebsstatistik /Berufs- und Betriebszahlung vom ]Juni 1907/. Bd 218) Beri.. 19-0, Bd 21.5,. E1, Berlin 1910. . . / - A. Szcsenanski - Industry ani mining ..n Galicia in 1910. . 1.;:i6W 1910. - Ergebnisce der gewerblichen Betriebs'zaIlung 1902. "bsterreichiscbe Statistik" Bd.IXXV,H.10,Vic: - Z. Pietkiewicz - Indlistry in Polish Kingdom. .;;arsaw 1912.. , , - Statistic zeskaje swie di enija pc obratywajuszcze j fabric zzczawodskcj prom vs zlenn ost 1 Ross ijsko ;f rapie?rii,za 1903 god JResultats statistiques de Tecensement 'des industries de transformation pcurIannee 1908.. Sankt Pietiersburg 1912. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Teb le 3 Industrial employment ,i11 the r,!'sentiterritory of Polanl in 1907/10.ant 1937/39 ? Specification Recovered territories -..... - Other ,. t P s 1 n d a!irritories' .-...?.. ? ,1207?. i 1 . i ? 101 1 1 .7,4 1 1 1- ? : 530 1 I ? I I?? . i ? i.. 72 I ' I ? 1 1939. ---- ? 101 8,5. . 680 ' . 80 ? . ? 191:17/10 I 1937 --"--1-' i. ? ;Z11 1 211 i ? 19,2 123,6 ' I 1 - 1 ' 560. I 820 ' ' ..? ? : i ? 1 . 34 35 I . , ? ?. 11907/10 . 312 . 26,6 i . 1190 . 45 1 i 1 i 1 .1 1 I . i I 1 i ? i 1 I i 1937/39 . 312 . 32,1 ? ? 1500 ? 47 thousands. sq. km . Population. millions of persons industrial employment .thousands of persons Persona employed in industry per thousand inhabitants ? x/ together with the Free Pity of Gd.riAsk ? S_Li? ? - data for ii.ears 1907/10 seo Table 2. - data for years 1937/39 - Industrial Statistics 193.7, ',Statistics of Pole.nd.r, Seria C, z.97, WarSall 1938. - Concise Statistical Yearbook 1939., Warsaw 1939. - Nichtlandwirtschaftliche i,rbeitsstlittenzahlun& /Volks-, Berufs- unci BetriobszVihlune vom 19. Mai 19'39 /Die llichtlandwirtschaftlichen Arbeitssthtten in den risicbs- teilen und Vorwaltunfabczirken. Berlin 1944/. Statistisches Handbuch on Deutschland 192871944. Munchen 1949, - Danziger Wirtschaftbeitung, Zahrgane 19/1939, 11,eft 11, S.260. Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A00300-04'100011-1 Table 4 Investment outlays in Poland - from 1946 to 1960 1951-1955 1956-1960 ecification .......????????????=mmmemor Total Socialized economy of which: Industry. Agriculture and forestry Transport and c ommunication ao Tr d - C crmrun al services ? ard housing 3 482 .1 Private economy-1. 19 890 I n million Zl. according. to 1956 prices 90 715 70 825 26 443. 7 576 16 095 2 857 Statistical Yearbook 210 518 1951-195511956-1960 1946-1960 by basic branches in percentages of the total outlays .in the national economy 308 158_ 609 391 100,0. 100,0 100,0 100,0 96 78,1 1 ,4 - 1 89,1 1 90,0 127 058 249 788 29,2 ? 45,7 41,2 7,1 41,0 1 8,4 7,0 21 765 44 060 7;2 29 645 71526 17_17 12,2 9,6 11,7 . 9 777 19 716 311. .3,4 3,2 3,2 52 340 86 908 3,8 14,8 17,0 14,3 33 547 61 011 - 21,9: 3,6 1 10,9 10,0 202 944 1--274 611 96 28.7 14 719 2.5 786 7 982 31 086 7.574 548 380 1961, p.68. Central "Statistical Offic-e, Warsaw 1961. nn.r.iccifiari in Part - Sanitized Copv Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 lit p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RD P80-00247A003000410001-1 17.1tbIlts, Arm:al per capita investmont.o,itlays in Polialad in compprison to othex notialist tountriea Country' Investment outlaw: Annu 31 n '7' 1.01, l l in 195 6-1960 Inl rx:mxx ?i o1 z?ye ? -4- ? ? ? ? of popul total 1 annual ti= in ? averager. thousands t persons .Annual averages per carita in Polishi zloty i Percent acm or- tbe 2c1ish out per tarita Poland 1. soviet Union . Czechoslovakia 1 Gorman Democra io Republik Bulgaria Rumania 1Hungary . States - ll'embrs or Mutual Econo- mic Aid Council/ 3 ? - ' t 308 158t 253 5801 259 955i 176 464- 22 080 I 98 5.461 69 9911 ? .61 632 ' 650 716 99: 5 1 35 693 5 816* 19 709. 13 991 840 138 28 746 206 842 1 13 455 17 437 7 725 18 826 9 919 2 144 3 146 5 864 2 047 753 1 093 1 411 95 35 51 66 Source., B. Zielixiska - Investments in socialist countries in ten-oar period /195 0-1S 60/, Gospo.darka Piano /Plan- ned Economy/, Warsaw, 3J'1962. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 romma ; ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: -CIA-RDP80200247A003000410001-1 _ Ta110 6 'Turnover of intornctional trade per capita /in cOnvontional zlotys for intenational.trade/ Year Turnover : per 1 inhabltant of which: machines and trars- port equipment po 1 inhabitant Poland ? Socialist countries: US$11 German Dem0Pep, Czechoslovakia 1 Capitalistic counkes: Italy. ? Franco Gorman Fod.Pep. Groat Britain Average for . the above- given capitalistic countries 1958: 1035,0 216,0 1958 . . 318,2 82,4 1960 65,O3 101,0 19601 11.0000 479,0 1958., 1958. 469,2 973,6 . 1265 02 1469 .6 35,6 245 ,0 269,0 76,0 148 ,0 304 ,O 309 ,0 U.S.A. 1958 702.8 156,0 x/ forecast Source.. K. Secomski On .the problems of the Perspective Plan fol4 the Development of Poland. Ekonomista /Economist/., Warsaw, No.2/1962. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? Declassified in Pa-rit 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 tion of DoJ .i-4 ia. t he Rorld prodtV. on , pecific at i ot Lpercente,gos. ord. ..? .... 19377: - ed. dr. vb. I - .......) dry dd. dd.. ode. .. d.... .... 1960 1,0 ' ? ? 0,2 19 ? ' ? 1 ,2 5,5 1,9 . 6 , 9 2,5 1,6 2 ,0 ? 2 , 0 ? 2,8 . i? -, ..)14'. 32,6 . 6,6 1,0 3,3 1,2 . 1,1 1,3 0,5 . . Vopulati on A r a ? . . . Total industrial` production /ost imated/ Output or: ? 4 electric energy . , , coal ? ? crude steel ? zinc . . seacoing vessels . sulphuric acid ? asment . . . ? cotton yarn raw su gar A gri ou 1 tu.ro . cereals potatoes . sugar best . cattle , Foreign trade total turnover0 . , exports imports . .i Merchant sea fleet . 1............--- . . : 1,6 0,' -1- ? , t.) ' 0 ,8 . ? 2,8 / , 1 6,2 - 1I1 1. ,6 . - 1,4. 2 , 1 . 4 , 1 16,8 , 3,7. . .1 5 , 2,5 ,8 0,8 0,7 . ' 0,2 . ? ? . , ? : ? 1.- i t 1 1 i i I I -i I i i I 1 I I I 1 i i i 1 1 1 I 1 I ! I i x/ within the boundaries of '347 15 years of work fo rolo rn lea]. development of Poland , Facts and fixuros'1.. Planned Eoonoy /Co- ' onodarks Plows!, N.0.3/19G1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIARI5P80-00247A003060410001-1 a. Tail 8 . Complarison between the 'United Kingdom 'and 'Poland /1960/ Specification Units TOland U nited 'Kingdom Relation Poland: United Kingdom r e a thousands of . sq.km. 312,0 244,0 ' 1 : 098 Population millions ' .29,7 52,4 ? 1 : 1,8 Employmnt in industry millions j. 3,0 9,8 1 : 3,3 Coal production million tons 304,0 197,0 1 : 1,9 Electric energy iU10 billions 29,3 137,0 1 :? 4,7 Crude steel bIl1ion.lton.6 6,7 .24,7 1 : 3,7 Cars thousands of ' Trucks pieces thousands of 12,9 1352,0 1 : 105 pieces . 23,9 458,0? ' 1': 19 Radio _ receivere ulpturic acid' million piece:: million4tons 0,75 0,57 1,84 2,3 . 1 : 1 : 2,5 4 Cement million tons 6,6 ' 13,5 1 : 2 Paperx million tons 0,46 2,6 1 : 6 Cotton yarn thousand tons 353,0 26900 / : 1,8 x/ 1959 Statistical Yearbook' 1961,, 'Central Statistical Office, Warsav 1961. Statistical Yearbook 1960, U.N. NOW York 1960. Tirr"ryir Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Mira 41?14130P4.040111 .? :tt inatitait r? - ;tr.; - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? S. 'pattern of t?..n.',P;clh duitr1iclA! ? ;1!?;60 /a1eragt for. "Pulanci ?e, 100/ FLo1 or ' -.... :level opLnt ? oivochip Dcinsity `7t-r.,c.cerpi;- ? of ' p cp u 1 a - tion ror 1 a q . km. ' j . . ? ? 50 44 .40 . 76 De ne".ty age or )fr:1.?itd,..13- ?urb a rt triolom- populti .p..V.91,tc..-..t tion per 100 . ? 63 1 19 1 75 ' 19 ? 93: .1. 19 52 ? 31 . -- .Thment. -Talcri.01 ag. ati IIC (ILO) 11.-1)..44trtal to a-set- ...w.plc,:/...',-..'. mr . 100na i0...e i-1S tm htta 1959/? 37 25 43 80 46 . 81, .. 40. 87 Thavi of 1 '?t-Z.I'5v,r7te",r ,..niC IT:. t he,' !ix ali r>am i . ? .._... 47 .53 1 ? 60 46 Trietex: :gra 1,4-4ity 1n - dmc-oar r,ii ,vo ? 0, . 0 .0 . . 26 ' ;Low.. . Bialystok Olaztyn 1o3za1in Lublin 10,4 . tv., . .90 . 98 86 056 94 62 122 117 -...................----______ ';50 56 .99 100 .. 97 129 112 138 . ..........-. ? 54 60. 69- , 70 . 73 85 , 54 96 77 82 47 - 76 94 . 77 311 95 . ? ? 86 82 100 90 101- 100 111 115 ? 71 86 9.7, 99 93 86 95 100 . 116 153 153 132 53 42 42 142 .........? Tizeszow Kielce Bydgo3zcz Z1a1or.la Gr a . ?Tiozmart Szczeciri Warszawa OdaYisk 166 . 123 140? . 102 86. 127 109 78 - ---- ..--- . , 166 . 100 2.68 136 0 :95 13.9 :.19 116 95 - 103 .. 106 110 - 102 123 i 127 1 103 15.3 184 147 305 . trakow . Wroclaw .T.Adt Opole liQrLiA.C1.. Katowice 7'pland - tot.p1 ? , 362 100 156 ?-. .......r......... . '800 222 :1.00 100 ; 123 100.. 14.4- 100 1 389. 100 .?100 , azazqga Data of the Central Statiotical Officie? 'c/'_-_,? CO/ .".% 414??????? Nir"i;?' VE.-Awwlirrw tk Y? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 uiA-KuP80-00247A003000410001-1 q'ab le 10 ? " Regional .pa t tart of tho Polish. Indus trial economy ? I'Ln 1960 droup of It oivodships ? Le4re 1 or development Density of popu. la ti on Par 1,00u lMmart age c) urban popula . t zon Emplvent it _:: 1.12.t7.. per 15 PEW 10M ,s(1, hm. illhalit, * antra Natio .3 income rei ('-" ed par 111:4111- an't Part of In1y2 , 411 ) e oration 04. 111,0r4'" a inowe Ind ex , of 'ID).3r '11V atint StA al d czy.'br,. - mont . A. Itoztharz volyelAhtla. ? ? Gd wink LI 111 I 66,3', 1098 99 13,7 40,3 027 Olsztyn L 42 35,9 - 187 45 9 ,4 21,5 0,00 Koszalin L 38 ' 4446 181. - 48 . -9;5 24,2 .0,00 Szczecin M? 59 62,2 , 468 79 1148 34,7 0,08 . . B. 37...U.D.lattal - ? voiv ollphiPs ' , . . Bydgoszcz ht. 82 . 47 , 8 719. . pa 11,8 37,4 .0,29 VOznad M 89 45,8 758 e5 11,9 37,2 . 0,10 Zielona . 06ro M 53 47,9 537 100 10,5- 39,7 0,25 . Bliattamattal Ysi...Y- . Dialystok L ' 47 . 30,1 186 ' 39 . 8,9 /8,8 . 0,00 Warszawa IT 116 53,7 927 84) 13,1' 38,0 0,08 ? Lodi H 133 ' 52,5 1930 145 ? 12,5 50,9 0,28 ?Xi oleo : M . 93 27,2. ' 683 ' 73 9,7 34,6 , 0029 Lublin 72 24,8 304 42 10,3 19,5 ? 0,05 . g..211.21ern ..vslyad...WM Wroclaw H 117 61,1 1664 142 12,2 49,4 035 Opole H 98. .37,7 1181 121 13,0 41,4 0,58 Xatowloe TM .343 75,2 7910 231 14,5 58,1 0,74 Krak6w H. 158 ? 41,5 1645 104. 11,2 . 40,8 0,30 Pzeszdv M 85 . 2309 530 62 1001 28,6 0',22 Poland-total 95. 48,1 989 104 11,3 . 40,2 0,19 ....--- low; Mmoderate ; . hIs'a ; voty h Ida . .?- ? -,,e . - ? ? *.i' a2urg o : Data of the Central. sta LiavldfaX trfiba. Irt Dmr+ - Caniti7Rd CODV APproved for Release 2014/02/27 : CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 MOM ...PAYW. l'44e04.17,5:56124,..? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27 :? CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 ? , Oil&us,;,4 lr tlp.3 vot7.1'nphicel rstterr. of Poliab. A1411=t%ei frm' 1946 till :1980 Grourvi ? Cie . vo iv crd silt pEr ? pqrcentagfis of inata trial employment 1946 1 1950 : 1955 ', 1960 ! 1980 T,114o9ank:s) of cc,ptso),./ 11flustr1L ilitt 00, ...11tA3.1", 1 1951.4960 . ? y lelrel of inductriali- zation 1 o a ? . moderate. high. '- very 41...?7,h ? -f-----4-7-1---------+- 4,0 31,9 35,5 30?,6 ? . 44 5,8 3004, 55,4 .36,1 33,4* 29,4. 25 ,4 , 6,5 37,0 32,6 23,7 ? 11,0 39;9 30,7 18 p 4. . 5,9 ? 54,5 33,6 26 ,0 ' ? . Pole, ? by re gi ona 1? position ' northern wont- anizal. c sat-contra/. aouthorn 10,0 . 5,3 15 ,o 27,1 52,6 2.00 1.00 . ,.. . 6,2 7.13 12,8 .14,0 27,4 27,2 53,6 50,5 100 . 803 ? 14,5 28,2 . i 49,0-144,0 i no . 114,5 14,4 3 3,0,1 ? ? ? ? loo 6,2. 10 .8 ? 236 59,4 , ? ? ? Poland . r -^"--"T"--1' 100 100' 100 "."'"*.".. 100 1 100 100. Table 12 Geog:raphical 'structure of. P,:iland induetry in 1960 --___--- Group Ix)vel. or industrIallzation ? . Index I'. Ind oz II ? high : 1500 anC. over 100 and clior 8 moderate 330 - 1500 75 - 150 0 low . ' 330 - 1000 . 160 - 330 25 - 75 , 50 - 75 D non-industria1l4ed below 330 , below' 50 Averaga for Poland 990 104 ? Index I - Number of persons qm:ployooi i induatry par 100 sq,?ka.n. of a given povi at icfmr.ty/ 'Index II - '..Tumber. of persona om:;1oye n i4dustry pox. 1000 inha- itants of a given Niviat /a ounty/. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1 Table 13 Spatial structure of Poland industry in 1960 /poviat used as a basic unit/ Lavel of AnCustriali- ' zation Number of poviats Employment 1946 n industa 1000 sq. km. High L.-11;vderate .54 379,0 49,5 .61 ? 60,6 163,8 b.. Nct?irdzys. tri- ? d 161 ? Poland total - 12,2 1.5;9 1924 52,5 11417,7 4394:8 4525,8 9022,9 .3811 14:8 1,5,2 30,3 1960 !??? 1000 i% 1000 % ersons oersons r 935,9 147,1 78,7 73,8 75,8 2153,6 1119 . 440,7 6,4 256,4 519 231,9 69,9 14,3 843 7 ployment u industry 100 1000 perscm 5689 890 423 189 100 57 142 26 Index o/ ncrerzo ; employ:rent industra ?,-6=1001 230 300 .` 326 ? ( ? 314 .31117110010 29731,0x110910 t 3082,5 100,0 9891 104 x/ of which 369,8 th.onsar-d persons non-accounted for in territorial division. . - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/27: CIA-RDP80-00247A003000410001-1