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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 R 50X1 -HUM Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 : .7,1A-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 STAT STAT ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF FARM ANIMAL IN THE USSR Th f- :7orlograph 13 composed by V?K? (rAlLo Nov) of 2iological :ctence, ?rotesor, .4emoer of i,enin Academy ol Agrcult,zralJnc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 : CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF FARM ANIMALS IN THE USSR ( Monograph ) 1. History of A. 1. Horses Early experiments of artificial insemination were done in Russia in 1893 by Lideman; by Izmailov, by Khelkhovaki, Lund (1894)i by Enisherlov (1896). In 1899 professor Iliya Tvanovich Ivanov experimentally worked out his method of A.I. and in 1907 he published his world-wide book "Artificial Fecun dation in mammals". In 1908 I. Ivanov organized first courses for veterinarians on artificial insemination in horses, and this year is considered to be an (Oficial date of onset of A.I. practice in Russia. During 1908-1914 A.I. was used in more than 30 provinces of Ruseia, and for five years of 1910-1914 there were inseminated more than 7000 mares. After the first World War from 1922 the practice of A.: in horses was renewed, and 10 years later, in 1932 in the user the- re were inseminated artificilly 182 000 mares. Cattle The first attempt was made by professor Iliya Ivanov in 1902, but in pre-revolutionary Russia it did not receive further development. Only in 1927-193o I. Ivanov and his pupils were able to organize wide experiments, which served as a basis for A.I. practice in cattle in the USSR and in the whole world. This year Ivanov taught first 200 specialists, and in 37 State farms there were inseminated 19 817 cows. Artificial Insamina- 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: .01A-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 - 2 - tion began in the Collective farms in 1932, when there weae inseminated 185 00 cowe. First attempt was made by Ivanov in 1901, the second was ? made in 191o. Modern technique of A.I. in sheep was worked out in 1928 by 1. Ivanov and his pupils, who carried out ? large trial with 5271 sheep. Practical use of A.I. began from 193o, when 98 000 sheep were inseminated in 6 State farms. P i g s First trials of A.1. in pigs were conducted under the guidance of Y.K. Milovanov in 1931. Investigations continued till 1959, and practical use developed in limited degree. From 1960 A.I. is widely empoying in practice of pig-breeding with hundred thousands females. II Present Status of A.I. Practice there 'n 1962 in the USSR vas artificially inseminated the fol- lowing number og animalat Number to total No. of females Sheep and goats 36 380 000 65 Cows 18 680 000 65 eigs 580 000 %roes lees than 100 000 Total 55 64o 000 In many republics and provinees of the Soviet dnion A.I. is employed to all females; so in the Ukrainian SSR in 1962 there were artificially inseminated 87'; of all cows, and in doltava province of the same republic there were insemi- nated 100h6 of cows. In the Kirghiz SSR is artificially.insemi- nated of all the ewes. . For A.1. there are used pedigree sires' of Elite and Record Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: IA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 - 3 - class, preferably progeny tested ones. The percent of conception as a reeult of a single A.I. varies depending on natural and economic conditions and makes up an average: Sheep ? 83 (from 56 to 93) Cows - 65 ( from 55 to 87) Figs 70 ( from 58 to 94) Final rate of conception is also subjected to strong varia- tions owing to large variety of natural and economic conditions of different provinces of the USSR, and makes up an average: Sheep 88 ( from 80 to 100) Cows 83 ( from 70 to 100) Pigs 90 (from 75 to 100) III. Staten of Carrying out 4.1. in the USSR is organized by the Government: Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, on the grounds of works of the scientific research inatitutiona..confirme inetrnctions, methods, preparations, organises prodmetiom of necessary instruments and mu materials. In each of 15 Soviet Independent Republics its own Ministry of Agricultiral Production and durchaaes organizes practice wo k, training of instructors and technicians of A.I.,building of L.I. Stations and unite, control of their work. There are 4 kinds of 1.1. centers in the USS: 1. State Stations for pedigree breeding and A.I. are large organizations, serving from 20 to 150 thousand cows, to loo-300 touaand sheep, some thousand-pigs and some number of horses. These stations are usually complex, e.g. serve all animals species and are organized in districts with many pedigree animals. They have trained eelectioniste for different animal species. 2. State A.I. Stationa are also large organizations, wor- king in the districts with unpedigree (commercial) herds. They Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 -4.. +Perk on more easy colui. es of imprc'emeat of animals. 3. A.I. Stations in the Statv peiigre, studJ and experimental farms are organis2d for use the as son er-eae f-om outstanding etud males for surrounding state- an' collsctive farms. 4. A.I. Co-operatives being organiLed by interestri collective forme with practical and metbodical help of the State, serve the collective farms' herds, pay4d share for organization of the $tation. All kinds of stations collect and process semen ard by means of their own motor-care trnsport it to stets- or collective farms. In their staff stations have apsoialists on semen collection and processing, but usually have no A. I. technicians. In 1962 in the USSR worked 1865 stations (of all mentioned kinds). In all the state- and collective farms, being served by the above mentioned stations, there are organized units of A.I. Zach unit works with s'-men received from the stations and serves all cr toe anlmeig of one more farms. , rule, the state- and collective farms in the USSR have some hundred cows end some thousand sheep). Secause of the severe climate in the 3SR, for work with semen, for preparing of the instruments and for semen injections each unit must have neces6ary buildings, consisting of simple labora- tory and mnnege for animals. In winter this housing 1s heated to temperature of 18-22c C, and in summer there are taken measures agaenst excessive sun heating and dust penetration and other strong hygienic conditions. Each unit is managed by A.I. technician who is a worker of a state- or a collective farm. In 1962 in the ,!SSR there were 90 000 A.I. units. Technicians are recruited from the members of the collective farms or the workers of +he /tate far-s, and trained at special c.;...rses, from 3 m.,nthn. The courses are carried out in the best A.I. Stations end Among technicians women are not less than men. t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 'In the training program not less than 5(1ir of hours are practi- cal studies on semen biology, anatomy and physiology of repro- ductive system, insemination technique and methods of pregnancy diagnosis. Animal number of females inseminated by one sire avera- ges 1500 cows, about 600 sheep, over 200 swines. Best progeny tested siresindeminate: bull - 5000 - 6000 cows; ram - over 10 000 ewes (World Record in 1957-1958 was 18 414 lamb from one ram in the season). Charge for A.I. consists of: a) fee for semen to stations from 60 copecks to 1 rouble 50 copecks (e.g. from 67 c to .1 4 67 c for ons bull semen dose, b) payment for technician's work (on the state - or collective farms), which makes up about 1 rouble ( 1$ 11 c) for one cow. IV. A.I. Technique (for each species) 1. jemen collection A basic method of semen collection to all species of mqmmals is the artificial vagina, the so-called "Russian" type. NI,?Jern artificial vaginae are made not in rubber, but in synthetic transparent material. If necessary, there are used iifforent types of electroejaculators (with electronic frequen- c:y generators, electric battery, inouctors, vibrators etc.).. rreluencv of collection: from bull and boar one collec- tion - in 2-3 days, from ram - 2-4 times per day (if necessa- ry), o 10 times,frcm stallion - one time per day or rare. 2..-Semen examination There are usually investigated: a) Volume of semen(m1)1 b) sperm concentrstion(6billion/m1) wilh haemocytometere or photoelectrocolorimeters; c) 'Sperm motility by visual epti- mntion of sperm number with progrssive movement in tenths of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: 1A-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 - 6 - the whole; or by objective methods - by counting in beano- cytometers only motionless.spermatozoa in % to total; d) Semen resistance (R) by Milovanov's method; e) Per cent of eosin nPgative sperms by Norosov's methodp f) Semen vitality by Rilovanov. 3. Semen Preservation In the USSR there are three type. 4f media for semen dilution: a) Extendors for semen dilution without storage are simple mixtures of isotonic: sugar solution of glucose, fruc- tose and saccharose and salt solution of phosphate, sulphate, tartrate and citrate. b) Protectorq for semen preservation are extehdors with addition of protective subitanoess egg-yolk, antiblatici, weak acids, glycerOle etc c) Implementors are media extendors or protectors with physiologically active wubstan,es ("implements"), having an effect on inseminated fihale, for example, roxytocin, carboCio- line, mucinase etc. Antibiotics (penicillin and etreptomicin) are used in doses from 300 to 500 units in ml of media. Degree of dilution: for bull semen is from 8 to 50 times (in experiments - up to '00 times), for ram - from 2 to 10 times. The temperature of dilutor is 25-300 C. Temperature of semen storage: for bull is (usually) 00 and 5-15? C (with mediums containing organic acids); for ram is from 00 to 5? CI for boar is from 10 to 15? C, or 00. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 : r.IA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: .-;IA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 - 7 - The period of preservation without freezing is about 2-3 days. 4. Injection of semen. The site of deposition is a cervix in a cow and a sheep, an uterus body in a swine and a mare. Semen volume and number of sperms introduced: in cows - 1 ml (from 20 to 200 million sperms); in sheep - 0.05-0.1 21 (from 40 to 100 million sperms); in swine* - 1 ml Per 1 kg of body weight (from 2,5 to 10 billion sperms); in mares - fros 20 to 40 ml (1-2 billion sperms). Instruments for injections; in cows - a special glass syringe with a long (450 me) canule and two-branches metal speculum, discarded polystyrene pippetes and polyethylene gloves; for sheep - a semi-automatic syringe with a magazine for 20 doses, a removable canule and two-branches metal ape.: culumg for swines - a polyethylene or a rubber catheter and a polyethylene or a glass pneumatic injection dev1oel in mares - an ebonite catheter and a glass syringe. 5. Preparation and use of frozen semen. The degree of dilution is from 10 to 25 times. Final glycerole concentration - 7-8 $. Equilibration time with glycerole - 3-4 hours. Rate and a method of temperature fall is from 0? to -10? C - 0.5? per a minute, from 10 to -40? C - 2? per a minute; below 40? it may be quickly. Concentration of stored frozen semen is not less than 20 billion active sperms/ml. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26 : ? CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5 - 8 - Vessels for semen storage are glass awpules, polyethylene ampules, 'polystyrene pippetes. Thawing temperature ls different; more frequent is use_ a room temperature. Time from thawing to semen use is not more than 6 hours. The scale and purpose of frozen semen use consist in insemination of some tens thousand cows a year, long-distance transportation of the best sire semen, especially of valuable pedigree sires (within the USSR it is up to 11 000 km), and also in international ezchsme0. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP80-00247A002900210001-5