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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 4 2 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY flY1 _I?II IRA 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM This.material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. S E T NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY East Germany/USSR/Poland/ Czechoslovakia REPORT SUBJECT Summary Report on Transportation in East Germany, USSR, Poland, DATE DISTR. 9 OCT- and Czechoslovakia NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1 -HUM the summary report for August 1964 on Soviet Bloc transportation in East Germany, the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. 37 pages English translation). Distribution of Attachment: 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM ORR ? imam. e n eoPY Lf Army: Retention Retention of Copy #2 Air : Retention of Copy #3 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE I DIA I ARMY # I NAVY # I AIR # I NSA I XYx 50X1 -HUM GROUP 1 Excluded front automatic downgrading and declassification 5 4 3 2 1 50X1 -HUM (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) NFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 R Next 41 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECIR3 P.19 -7).,P7E771 TRANSPORTATION SUMMARY ]O I AUGUST 1964 50X1-HUM [7------------- ? I ? eiisr,riC,-:?:,_ ;1?,:,'? ' iforgnCik, declassificatiat ,i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET NO FORINI DEEM I. International Transport Relations Conference on development of COMECON road transpor- tation, in Budapest, July 196k. Participation ofState Airlines TAROM, Rumania. and TABS?, Bulgaria, in Sofia - Moscow flight service. Development in construction of COMECON pipeline (Line of Friendship) from USSR to 1estern satellites and. in establishment of refineries in USSR, Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany and Czechoslovakia._ Between 11 and 13 August 1964, daily hour-long closing of shipping on Hungarian stretch of Danube River due to military training activities. Determination of most suitable river.bottom for planned -2o,:!er plants on CL;ech/Hungarian Danube stretch. ? Vireckgiqg tg improve shipping near Danube rail- roadbridge at DAja, Hungary. Delivery of steam locomotives converted to ikisut firing from USSR to Cechoslovakia. Delivery of Czech prototype of silicon rectifiers to USSR. Rumanian commitment to deliver per year to Poland. a.c. locomotive with 30 diesel locomotives Page 7 7 7 9 0 9 10 Chinese-Soviet air connections impeded by Chinese authorities 11 SECRET 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for_Relese:047011717:261IA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 , SECRET NO FORM. DEEM Page Yugoslav tank car exports to USSR 12 II. USSR In 19631 conveyance of 93 per cent of all commercial shipments by four and six-axle freight cars. Sixty-five-per cent share of all metal cars in passenger train cat pool. In June 1964i-78-per cent share of electric and diesel locomotives in railroad freight transport per- formance. Completion of 705-kilometer idakat - Bejneu - Aktau railroad line. Forthcoming completion of Bataysk Starominskaya railroad line. Construction of 2,300-kilometer Bukhara - Ural highway. Construction of Shclepikhinsk road bridge in Moscow. Forthcoming completion of Volga road bridge at Saratov. Establishment of Ministry of Civilian Aviation, 14 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 III. Soviet hone of Occuption of Germany Preparation for double-track S-Bahn operation 15 between LehnitL cAad Oranienburg, and between Blankenburg'and'Buch. - Single-hand operation of S-Bahn trains on Der1in7 15 FriedriChstrasse - Erkner line. Pool of VEB Berliner Verkehrsgesellschaft (Soviet Zone) motor vehicles. During first half of 1964, only 163 Soviet Zone residents on private visits to West Germany. Evasion of Allied Travel Boardregulations by Soviet Zone functionaries traveling to NATO countries. 15 15 16 SECRET 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Mfl rnnriou mons Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET NO FOgipl DEEM Page Temporary closing of inland shipping of Unter-Elbe. (lower Elbe River).. Temporary takingover of daily 14 interzonal freight trains for West Berlin by Reichsbahn in Helmstedt/ idarienborn. Strain on operational situation. Reichsbahn plan arrears 7.19 days in early August 1964. Daily shortage of 6,500 freight cars. Conveyance of approximately 500,000 children on holiday with special .Reichsbahn trains, in July/ August 1964. Continuation of heavy military requirements. Numerous persons dead or injured in derailing accident of Soviet transport train rim Soviet Zone territory. Reichsbahn plans for discontinuation of passenger traffic .on 21 secondary lines, .in 1964. Putting into operation of 100th Reichsbahn signaling post with trackage projection screen; Southern Berlin Outer Ring equipped with 17 such devices; two thirds of Berlin -?Dresden line also outfitted with trackage projection screens., Probable electrification of.(Dresden-) -.Radebeul 'Jest - Elsterwerda - Berlin - Neustrelit - Rostock line Completion of new railroad, viaduct at MUcheln. Renovation of Berlin,Lichtenberg - -Jerneuchen - 'Jriezen line: Dismantling of Ferdinandshof - Uhlenhorst stretch of narrow-gauge line 122-s. Delivery of 33rd main, diesel locomotive. V-180 by Vi]B Lokbau Potsdaa-Babelsberg to Reichsbahn. New Trabant-601 minicar in series production; time of delivery 2 - 3 years despite increased pro- duction of passenger cars. 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 50X1 -HUM SECRET in rnnrinit moons Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET NO FOREIGN- DISSEM Page New Multicar-:22 compact delivery van to be put into 21. series production October 196k. Planned repair of Berlin - Marienborn autobahn 22 construction of highways and bridges in Halle, Frankfurt/Oder, Potsdam and Dresden districts.. Improvement and closing of roads in SAM in- stallations areas of Pinnow and Abtshageh. Completion of road improvement on highways ?F-104 and F97 completion of Dresden 'Tossener BrUcken thoroughfare project.. According to 1964 program decrease in number of motor cargo vessels in favor of push beats and push barges., Replacement of tugboat shipping by push craft shipping. Expected 110 per cent increase of Rostock sea port import andexport shipments in 1964.. Resumption of inland shipping from mid-August 26 1964.. Soviet Zone study of barrage project on Elbe River. Closing of stretches- of Elbe and Havel rivers because of military training activities. 23-24 24 25 26 26 IV. Czechoslovakia Freight and passenger transports by public means of transportation in first half of 1964. Putting into service of new single-track Ostrau (Ostrava)/Kuncice - Polanka n.O. lino. Beginning of test traffic on Kaschau (Kosice) - East Slovak Iron 'larks rapid transit line. Installation of teleprinters on railroad stations within Koeniggraetz ('-radoc Kralove) section (PO). Coal transport by 7,900 large capacity trains dis- patched from railroad junction BrUx (Most). Completion of electrification of Chocen - Tyniste n.O. section Of Velky Osek Chocen railroad line.. Conversion of Czech steam locomotives to oil firing in the Soviet Union. SECRET 26 27 28-29 30 30 30 30 31 31 Mi1 rnoripm nirm7r.p.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET NO FOREI6N DISSEM Pao New customs. building and Widoning of State Road 31 No 8 at the Zinnwald (Cinovec) border crossing point.. ? Beginning of improvement of Prague (Praha) 32 Kolin section of State Road No 12. Opening to traffic' of 342-meter long steel con- 32 crete road bridge near Hlohovec (1-P-060 674). Road bridge across Orlik reservoir still under con- 33 struction. Establishment of bus lines from Pressburg (Bratis- 33 lava), Nitra, Lucenec, and Kaschau (Kosice), to Hungary. On 14 August 1964, resumption of shipping on Elbe 33 River. V. Poland Polish State Railroad (PNP) transport performance 34 in first half of 1964 Lengths of the PKP line not in July 1964. 34 Electrification work on the Waldenburg (l7albrzych) - 34 - Breslau (11roc1aw) line. Electric service on Rzeszow - nedyka, Czechowice - 35 r,',ebrzydowice,..and-Kolin - Poznan lines.. Laying of seamless tracks on Czestochowa - Dabrowa 35 Gernicza, and Katowice (Kattowitz) - Pszcyna (Pless) lines.. In 1965,? electrification of 400 track kilometers 35 and installation of automatic blocking on the entire ':;arsaw (:arschau) - Katowice (Kattowitz) Gliwice (Glciwitz) line.. Nine PRKs (enterprises for railroad works) and 35 - I PKRE (special enterprise for 'electrification) within PKP region., Installation ? of automatic ? train braking system 35 on Kutno - Bydgoszcz (Bromberg) line. Delivery of rolling stock in the first six months 35-36 Of 1964.. Motor vehicle production in the first six months 36 of 1964. New road bridge across Narow River at Pultusk, 36 SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized CopyApproved_forRelease2014/01/17 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET -7- I. International Transport Relations 1. Soviet Bloc Link-Up of Transportation .System a. Planning (1) A conference held by the Department Motor Vehicle Transport and Roads of the Standing Committee for Transport of the Council for Mutual Economic Aid (COMECON) in Budapest from 13 to 18 July 1964 was attended by representatives of the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Rumania, and Hungary. The main topics discussed were interstate motor vehicle trans- ports and the improvement of the international road network between 1966 and 1970. The speedy development of Soviet Bloc road transportation is mainly hampered by financial difficulties. (2) Meeting in Bucharest in early August 1964, re- presentatives of state airlines AEROFLOT,UBSR, TAPOM, Rumania, and TABSO,Bulgaria, reached agreement on the joint operation of the Sofia - Bucharest - Moscow air route. TAROM and TABS? had proViously asked for a greater share in joint airline operations. b. Points of Hain Effort (1) COMECON Pipeline (Line of Friendship) from the USSR to the European Satellites (a) USSR According to a statement by A. Zorokin, Deputy Chairman of the State Commission for Gas Industry in the USSR, large 1,020-millimetbr_ pipes have been laid on the remaining Penza - Unecha section of the Friendship Lino. After completion of final technical work, this section is expected to be put into operation in September or early October 1964. So far, crude oil from the tank depots of the Penza and/or Syzran pipelines had to be carried by railroad tankcars to the distributing pumping station at Mozyr.- As previously re- ported,, the northern branch pipeline from Hozyr to Plock,Poland, and Schwedt, Soviet Zone, and the Southern pipeline to Bratis- lavafezeehoslovakia, with a branch to SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET Szazhalombatta-Szony,Hungary, are already in 'operation. The northern branch of the pipeline from Unecha to the Plock refinery was completed in April 1964 and has probably been put into operation by now. Laying of pipes is under way between Plock and Ventspils, Latvia. Completion of this section is scheduled for early 1965. The northern crude oil pipeline from Yaroslavl is being extended to the refinery under con- struction at Kirishi near Leningrad. (b) Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany Plans provide for the laying of an about 250- kilometer pipeline between Schwedt and the Leuna I Sorks near Herseburg, and the simultaneous con- struction of another refinery at the Leuna II forks. The beginning of pipe-laying is planned for 1965,its completion for 1967. According to a Soviet Sone - Polish agreement, Polish skilled personnel will take part in the construction. (c) Czechoslovakia 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM The. planned northwesterly branch of the COMECON pipeline?dn Czechoslovakia,- the northern section of which is in operation between the Dohomian7 Horavian hills near Havlichuv -Brad and Most, will not branch off from the main line at Sahy .as previously assumed, but at Nitra, about 70,:kiiometers northwest of Sahy. The total line. Is to be com- pleted by late. 1965 and to *be put into operation in early 1966. 50X1 -HUM (2) Danube Shipping (a) From 11 to 13August 1964, all shipping was closed about five times daily on the Hungarian Danube stretches between river kilometers 1,536 and 1,617 (Szlatina - Adony - Ercsi - Dolinapuszta) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET - 9 - and between river kilometers 1,672-and 1,.683 (Fols'egbd ITc.c). The closing of the stretches was connected with .military training activities. It is worth noting that the Danube River siphon of the COMECON pipeline from the USSR to the European satellites is located ih the training area at kilometer marker 1,617.7 near Dolinapuszta. (b) Geological surveying and exploratory riverbed drilling, expected to last until late 1964, has begun between Danube 'kilometers 1,695 (Nagymaros - Visegrad) and 1,697, with a view to determined the most suitable river bottom for the planned two Danube power plants at Nagymaros,Hungary, and Gabcikovo,cechoslovakia, to be built in Czech- Hungarian cooperation (See Tpt. Summary for May 1964 para I, 1, aJ'. Foundation work for the power plant is to begin in 1965. A reservoir to be built near the power plants is also to serve for irrigation. (c) Wreck salvaging to clear the waterway is under way at the railroad bridge at Baja (Danube kilometer 1,480.220); Hungary. (3) Division of Labor in the Construction of Means of Transportation (a) The USSR has handed over to Czechoslovakia four steam locomotives converted to Masut firing. The four locomotives are the first contingent of 50 reconstructed locomotives to be delivered by the USSR. Masut, a residual product of crude oil distillation, is being used in the USSR for steam locomotive firing in regions where locomotive coal would have to be hauled over large distances. It is expected that, with the increased processing of crude oil carried by the COM=ON pipeline to the satellite countries, Masut firing will be generally introduced for steam locomotives of the Soviet Bloc railroads. (b) Czechoslovakia has delivered to the USSR the second model of a new a.c. locomotive With silicon rectifiers. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Pari - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET - 10 - (c) Rumania has comitted herself to deliver annually about '30 diesel locomotivas to the Polish State Rail- roads (PKP) up to 1970. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET - 12 - (2) Imports In accordance with an export contract-, the machinery plant at Nis, Yugoslavia, is to deliver to the USSR tank cars for crude oil and sulphuric acid shipments. 50X1 -HUM (3) Construction under License 50X1 -HUM State Factory PAFAITAG in -Clroclaw (Breslau), Silesia, (German territory under Polish adminis4 tration) is building a British-licensed electric locomotive type E-4 for passenger and freight train service. II. USSR 1. Railroad Transportation a. Operational and Performance Data (1) In 1963, 93 per cent of all commercial-shipments were carried by four and six-axle freight cars. All this type freight cars are now equipped with automatic buffer couplings and automatic brakes. (2) The share of all-metal cars in the total pool of passenger train cars is 65 per cent. (3) In June 1964, the share of electric and .diesel locomotives in the total freight movement of. the railroads amounted to. 70per-cent.. (1964 plan enviSaging.77.2 per cent).. b. Railread'Line Construction (1) Ih late June 1964, a new 703-kilometer railroad line wascomp-:-Ieted, branching off at Makat from the GuryeviCaspian Sea,.-Kandagach line and leading to Aktau,on the. eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET -13- via Kulzary on the River Emba Opornaya Bejneu - Zay=Utes Shotpe. Test traffic is under way.. The line has been constructed after the discovery of rich crude oil deposits on the Mangyshlack Peninsulalbetween the Caspian Sea and Lake Aral. (2) The construction of the 91-kilometer Bataysk - Staro- minskaya (southern branch line southeast of Rostov) is nearing completion. A 12-kilometer stretch was still to be completed in mid-July. The total line is equipped with seamless tracks. Road Transportation Road and Dridfre Construction a. Since recently, the construction of an about 2,300-kilometer highway has been under way along the Bukhara - Urals gas pipeline (pipes 1,020 millimeters in diameter). The high- way runs through the Karahum and Kyzylkum deserts. At present, the line's Gazli-Amudarya stretch is under con- struction. A road bridge (400-meter long supension bridge without intermediate supports),carrying b.lso the pipeline, h7.s been completed across the Amudarya River. b. (1) In Moscow, the construction, of a road bridge,named Shelepikhinsk Bridge, is under way across the River Moskva. A reinforced concrete structure, this bridge is to connect the city districts of Krasnopresnenski and Kiev. Its measurements are: in meters Total length 696 Length across river 260.5 Total width 29.6 lidth of roadway 2 x 10.5 Center strip 2. 'lidth of footway 2 x 265 Length of spans of total bridge . 7.75 + 585 + 65.0 + 64.0 + 58,5 + 7.75 ( 2 ) The road bridge over the Volga River at Saratov,. under construction for several years, is nearing completion. The 2,800-meter long bridge connects the cities of Saratov and Engels. Tho bridge allows for the passage of the largest vessels navigating on the Volga River. Its design is a deck-type plate web girder bridge of prefabricated reinforced concrete.. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET 3. Air Transportation On 17 August 1964, the Soviet. Aviation Holiday, the Department for Civilian Aviation, founded in 1932, was converted into a Ministry for Civilian Aviation. The establishment of this ministry had proved necessary duo to the growing importance 'of air traffic. Its head is Colonel General Yevgeny F. Loginov, who is simultane- ously General Manager of AEROFLOT and who had thus far controlled the. Main Administration of the Civilian Air Flaet at the Council of Ministers of the USSR. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET Soviet Zone of Occupation of GermanyLlins.111L111Ln Traffic Situation) I,-. Berlin Traffic Situation and Interzonal Transport a) Berlin Traffic Situation (1) (a) Rbd (Railroad Division) Berlin is making preparations for double-track operation of the Lehnitz - Oranienburg (No 104), and the Blankenburg Buch (No 106), S-Bahn stretches in order to introduce a 10-minute headway. (b) S-Bahn trains on the Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Erkner (No 102) line, are operated single- handedly. There is VHF radio communication between the railroad stations and the rail- car engineer. A control button is operated every 30 seconds to check on the vigilance of the railcar engineer. (2) Soviet sector ITEB Berlin Motor Transport Company (BVG) has a pool of 1,180 streetcars and buses, including 34 large-capacity railcars for 113 passengers and 200 one-direction railcars for 99 passengers. The modest .1964? procurement program for 30 large-capacity railcars from VEB Wagenbau (car construction) Gotha and for 11 type Ikarus buses from Hungary has already been met. In addition, old-type streetcars are to be reconstructed at Berlin-Schoneweide Reichs., bahn Repair Shop, and 64 old-type- S-Bahn cars are to be converted into subway cars in the second half of 1964. 50X1 -HUM b) Interzonal Transport (1) Traffie Between West Germany and Soviet Zone (a), In the first half of 1,964,, silly, 163 (monthly average 27)Seyiet Zone residents were permitted by the Soviet Zone authorities to travel te West Germany on a private SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified. in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET 16 ? (b) During the same period, twaSciviet Zone. party delegations traveled without the consent of the AIliedsTravel Board to Western countries to attend the funerals of Communist chiefs. The Soviet Zone is currently striving to evade the competence of this office of the Allied Western Forces in West Berlin, for instance, by making state and party functionaries travel to NATO countries via satellite countries instead of via. West Germany. (C) The Soviet Zone authorities are issuing- a large number of visitors permits to 1,;, Germans. It is, therefore, expected that about 2 Million West Germans will visit the Soviet Zone in 1964, as against 1.5 millions in 1963. According to Soviet Zone statistics., the number of West German visitors amounted to 5.86 Million during the period from, 13 August 1961 to 12 August 1964. (2) Interzonal Traffic Between West Berlin and West Germany (a) - Due to rainfalls, the Elbe water level has risen since mid-August so that inland shipping could be resumed to Berlin via Riihen/Buchhorst Mittelland Canal - Magdeburg-Rothensea? Elbe/Havel Canal. - The West.Berlin shipping department?has again stressed the necessity of constructing an overpass of the Mittelland Canal across the Elbe River .near Magdeburg in order to-make shipping independent of traffic disruptions caused by the annual repairs of the Magdelurg.Rothensee ship- lift and by low water on the Elbe River stratch ? between Rothenbee and the mouth of .the Elbe- Havel Canal. The department is optimistic that negotiations withthe Soviet Zone may be successful in yiew-cf the fact that, after ?year-long discussions., agreement has been reached on the reconstruction of the autobahn bridge across the .Saale River near Hirschberg (PA. 978 888), on the Demarcation Line. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET -17- - In Inland shipping between West Berlin and Hamburg, downstream shipping between Wittenberg? and Kumlosen has been closed since 24 Augustl daily from 1800 hrs until dawn. This measure is probably due to the temporary, recurrent low water level of the Elbe River, (b) After the Reichsbahn had agreed with the Deutsche Bundesbahn (Gorman Federal Railroads) to take over temporarily, from mid-August 19641 14 freight trains a day in Helmstedt instead of the scheduled 13, it has. been possible to clear, in the last two weeks of August, the freight foi West Berlin accumulated in Helmstedt, 2, Railroad Transportation a) Operations and Traffic (1) 50X1-HUM Through the strain on the operational situation, already noticed in July 1964., plan arrears amounted to 7.19 days (4,7 million tons) by early August 1964. The daily shortage of cars to be Made available. by the Reichsbahn for loading amounted to 6,500, although the operative freight car pool exceeded the transport plan by 5,000 - 7,000. The turnaround time of. cars increased from 3.4 days in June to 3.51 days in July. The operational difficulties in Railroad ? Division Dresden were caused by inadequate operative work and heavy train delays, by not using freight trains to capacity and frequent putting in of special freight trains; furthermore, there were too many trains handed over to neighboring districts behind schedule, and trains the locomotive of which could not be made available on time. Moreover the district suffers from a shortage of flat cars and gondola cars. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET - 18 - The Reichsbahn intends to improve the situation by better utilization of freight card and scheduled trains i by reducing the number of special freight trains, increasing the freight car repair quotal.temporary utililation of operational damaged cars, and by accelerating repairs on railroad lines through multi-shift operation of large machinery. .The planned shifting of suitable shipments to other inland modes of transport was limited to truck transport& only,.. since due to low water, inland shipping capacity, was reduced to an average 41 per cent on the Elbe River and?45.per cent on the Oder, mid-August 1964. In July and August 19649 the Reichsbahn reckoned with approximately. 500,000 children to be transported in special trains of an average 1,000 seats to and from h,lliday camps. (2) In August 1964, military demands on the Reichsbahn did not surpass the intense demands of the preceding month. Continuing GSFG exercises and special training on troop training grounda caused additional strain on the operational Reichsbahn situation. ( 3 ) The passenger train involved, in the accident at Wassmannsdorf railroad station (southern stretch of the Berlin Outer Ring (BAR) during the night of 18/19 July, is believed to have been a Soviet transport train en route on- special schedule. from Magdeburg to Frankfurt/Oderi Passengers killed killed in the accident --the alleged number of 10-13 exceeded considerably the officially announced, number of 3 - were Soviet soldiers and' dependents,. The Soviets disclosed that the derailing of two care of the Magdeburg -? Frankfurt/Oder "passenger train" had been caused by switches damaged by dangling brake-rod linkage of a locomotive having passed Wassmanns- dorf railroad station.. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 (4) NOSAEIMESEIvi In 1964, the Reichsbahn plans to close 21 secondary lines. Passenger transportation is to- be taken over by bus service. The Soviet Zone Council of Ministers is still to give his approval. Tti) Improvement, Maintenance and Dismantling of Railroad Lines (1) On the putting into operation of the 100th Reichsbahn signaling device with trackage projection screen on Satzkorn railroad. station (western stretch of the- BAR), cn 4 August 1964, it was disclosed that the entire Southern Outer Ring has- bean equipped with 17 such devices, and also two thirds of the Berlin-Dresden (via WUns- dorf) line. By 1970, the safety installat- ions of all BAR-stretches are to be improved to such an extent that all operations can be remote-controlled frm three consolidated signaling points. Apart from the consolidated control, the automation of operations will include automatic block systems, and automatic train operation with cab ,signals. :(2) The priority given to the improvement of the Berlin-Dresden (No 165) line cs)n be re- garded as a confirmation of the reported extension of Reichsbahn electrification plans for the Radebeul West - Elsterwerda - Rangsdorf - Berlin Outer Ring - Oranien- burg - Neustrelitz - Rostock line. On 1 May 1964,. Dr. Ing. Meier, President of Railroad Division Dresden, had intimated this project in a press interview. In early July 1964, on the occasion of the 5th Transportation. Meeting, Transport Minister Kramer mentioned the project again when the establishment of an electrified transit line from the Czech border south of Bad Schandau to Rostock Seaport was. discussed. SECRET - WIOlitraltglAtali Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 ( 3) c4) SECRET FFroP !ISSN Since August: 19641 traak-laying and fitting of. electric- installations have been under way on the new railroad, viaduct at MUcheln (on electrified single-track Line- 180-0, The 264 meter- long and 13 meter high,. deck-type Viaduct has six piers and seven reinforced concrete spans. The viaduct was constructe& within the framework. of the rerouting of Line tRo-a between Frankleben and. MUcheln. The rerouted line, leading via Braunsbedra (QB 0286) Krumpa and ending between MUcheln and Langeneichstadt is to open up the lignite mine araa. It is to be put into operation on 1 December 1964. On the new route, seven other bridges and four railroad station buildings (in Frankleben, Braunsbedra, Krumpa and MUcheln) had to be constructed.. Due to line repair, the Ahrensfelde - Blumberg stretch of the Berlin-Lichtenberg - Werneuchen Wriezon line (Lino 109-b) was closed for passenger traffic between 2 and 17 August 1964. The passengers were taken over by buses, The Berlin=Lichtenberg - Ahronsfelde stretch was closed up to 1 August 1964 because of similar renovation. After the diScontinuation of its freight trafficl the Ferdinandshof Uhlenhorst stretch of narrow gauge Line 122-s has been dismantled. Passenger traffic was closed down on 11 July 1960 on this stretch. c) Rolling Stock. On 11 August 1964, the 33rd .main line diesel. locemotive of the V-180 seriesi i.e., the 4000th diesel locomotive built in the Soviet Zonel was delivered by VEB Lokbau -"Kar1=MarX", Potsdam.- Babelsberg. The 1964. production program envisages the building of 35 V-180 diesel locomotives, The Reichsbahn Tool of this type of locomotives, is expected to total at least 50 by the end of the .year.. SECRET ritPrin mum Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET 3. Road Transportation a) Motor TraElaILL (1) After discontinuation of the production of the Trabant-600 minicar) the Trabant-601, de- veloped from Type 600 with a new body and 'improved technical characteristics, is being series-producted since 1 July 1964. Type Trabant-600 continues to be produced as station wagon. (2) In 1963, VER Sachsenring, Zwickau, produced 53,300 5tabant cars instead of the planned 53,000 (see Transportation Summary for September 1963). In 1964, the production is to be increased to 60,000 items. (4) (5) Automobile Factory Eisenach is to produce. 32,000.Wartburg passenger cars in 1964. Despite the growing production of passenger camb? demands for new cars v.annat be met, the more so as. plans provide for 'increased exports to western countries. Customers in the Soviet Zone have to put up with delivery times of 2-3 years for passenger cars. In October 1964, the series production of the Muiticar-22 compact delivery van is to begin at VEB Car Factory Waltershausen. The vehicle is to be used for internal deliveries of the factory and for local transports. It has been developed. from Multicar-21? of which 10,000 units were produced by early 1963. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 b) Road SECRET - 22 Construction and Maintenance. (-T) According to Soviet Zone plans, road construction and maintenance is to be carried out on the following autobahns, highways,. and primary (LEO) and secondary (LII0) roads: (a) Berlin MariDnborn Autobahn Apart from other repairs, the road surface of this 126-kilometer stretch, built in 1935/36, is to be renewed., It is also planned to introduce bridge books, and to re-analyze bridge structures., Due to warping and corrosion of the road base, roadways have become uneven and bumpy.. It is expected that the stretches to be repaired will be temporarily closed, and/or, speed restrictions imposed., Major repairs were planned already in 1962 but were never carried out. (b) Hallo on the Saab o River Halle/Saale is to receive a north-south and an eat-west axis of elevated high- ways.: Surveying has. already. been completed. The construction of the highways, scheduled to be completed. by. 1970, is connected with the building of the "Chemiearbeiter,, stadt" (chemical workers.' township) at Halle-West.. The highways are also to provide for better connections in the northGrn area of Halle (c). Kreis Bernau in Frankfurt/Oder?District In 1965, a- bridge, with a capacity of-45 tons is to be built of prefabricated reinforced concrete members across the Sydow Fliess (stream) at VU 077 4,71 on LH& Bdesenthal No F-2,. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET -23 - .(d) Kreisahkfurt/Gder In 1964, on LII0 Kliestoy (VU 6602) - Rosen- garten (VT 6499), a new bridge is to be built at VU 655 014, south-west of Kliestew. It is to replace the old three-span bridge spanning Frankfurt/Oder switchyard. The north- eastern part of the old bridge, destroyed during World War 112 had been replaced by a temporary wooden structure, which later on burnt down. The new structure will be erected'on reinforced concrete piers. Its total length is to be 3x10 meters, its width 6 meters and its clearance above the trackage 5-6 meters. (e) Kreis Konigswusterhausen, Potsdam District In 1964, a four-Span concrete bridge is to be built at UT 996 978 to carry LII0 Kiekebusch (VU 0100) Brusendorf (UT 9896) across the Berlin autobahn ring at UT 996 978. The LII0 has so far grade-crossed the autobahn. (f) City of Dresden In line with the establishment of a new transport route between Dresden=Altstadt and DresdenNeui. stadt a new bridge over the Elbe River, named Rudolf-Friedrichs=BrUoke, is to replace the destroyed Carola bridge at VS 122 568. The remainders of the old arch bridge were blasted in 1964. The new bridge is to be 350 - 400 meters long and 51 meters wide. The con- struction of the first stage of the whole projectmhas begun with the building of a 830-meter long elevated road carried by 22 seamless, reinforded concrete piers over the main station territory (VS 1258) and Highway F-6. The completion of this structure is scheduled fbt 1967, (2) The following road construction, and/or, closing of traffic took place in connection with military installations: (a) SAM Installation Area Near PinnoW (VU 407.9) ,Kreis AngerMUnde,_Frankfurt/Oder,District Part of the LII0 and roads of Koster Forest (VU 4079) in the above SAM installation area SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 (b) SECRET -24 wore widened to six meters and concreted. Road stretches not yet improved received a temporary hard top surface. SAM Installatien:(UA .6806 Near Abtsha en_111) Kreia GrimMen Rostock District The Abtshagen - Franzburg:(NA 6106) LIO has bean closed to traffic. . There is one turnpike (barrier?) each watched by an EGA sentry at the western exit (UA 693 064) of Abtshagen-and about _500 meters east (UA 639 064) of the Franz- burg entry. Traffic is being rerouted_ via Steinhagen (UA 6810) - Richtenberg (UA 6208). , (3) The following road. and bridge construction has been completedt (a) Highway F-104 The -Schwerin - Gadebusch.(PE 4052) - Rehna (PE 3561) stretch. is _being widened to seven meters. Soviet soldiers with special vehicles are taking part in the work which is to be completed still in 1964. . Highway .F-104 represents a vital east-west-connectionin the northern, part of the Soviet-Zene, leading from the border of the Soviet Zone and the German Territory under Polish Administration, west of Stettin (Szczecin) via Mecklenburg to the Soviet Zone/ West German Demarcation Line east of Babecki: this highway is kept in a good state of _repair, especially because EGA and GSFG garrisons are located near it. (b) Highway F.,97 After completing rerouting of the Spremberg Hoyerswerda stretch via Spreewitz (VT 5807) and Burghammer (VT 5603) in 1963, the widening of the Cottbus --Spremberg stretch to seven 50X1-HUM meters was completed in the summer of 1964. , SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET -25 - Highway 97-, leading from Guben to Dresden via the Niederlausitz (Lower Lusatia)i coal mining area and the areas of Lieberose and Konigs- brUcktroop training grounds1 is used heavily by military and civilian transports, Its state of repair, is good. (c) Dresden District South4rest of Dresden,' the construction of the "Nossener Br?cke" (VS 0955) thoroughfare project, begun in September 1960, was completed in late June 1964. The 1.1-kilometer long bridge, now named_ "Bridge, of the Youth", has a total width of 27 meters. It consists of four individual bridges with four classified lanes of a total width of 14 meters, two bicycle pathst each 2.20 meter wide, and of two footways, each 4 meters wide. Thus, a direct connection has been established between the south-western and east-western arterial roads. 4. inL10J-111Laina_ (a) Plans provide for the following vessels to be built by VVB Schiffsbau (ship construction) in 1964: - motor cargo vessels.; capacity 700 tons each. - _10 .push .boats - .42 push barges, capacity 460 tons each - 1 passenger shipaccommodating 1,100 passengers The, 1962 construction program totaled 50 motor cargo vessels, of 648-ton capacity each, and the 1963 program .la motor cargo vessels, of 760-ton capacity each. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET -26 ? (b) Due to the favorqble results obtained in test runs with push units on canals, tugboat shipping will gradually be abandoned, the more so as the stock of tugboats', numbering ' about 250, is completely obsolete. During the period of transition, tugboats., motor cargo vessels and other types of vessels are to be converted to push craft shipping. It is .planned iato put the first push bats on trial runs on the Elbe and Oder rivers in 1966. (c) (d) 50X1 -HUM In 1963-1 the inland fleet carried 130,000 tons of export and import goods on 267 trips from and to Rostock Sea Port. In 1964, the performances are to be increased by 110 per cent to 275,000 tons. The waterway to Rostock leads, along the Odor to Stettin (Szczecin) and continues via the Kleine Haff, Greifswalder Bodden, to Stralsund and from there along the Baltic coast to the entry of WarnemUnde harbor. The Soviet Zone is entitled to use the Oder River between Hohensaaten and Stettin. However, since several years, inland vessels have mainly used the waterway via Hohensaaten - Friedrichs- thaler Waterway, West-Oder to Stettin. 50X1 -HUM Heavy rainfalls around 12 August 1964 caused a temporary rise of the Soviet Zone water levels, which, however, fell considerably again during the rest of the month. Howeverl after the six-week drought period, shipping... could be resumed 50X1 -HUM (e) In order. to ensure a smooth flow of Elbe River shipping during low water periods, Soviet Zone authorities explore the possibilities for ?the construction of damming stages similar to those in West Germany and CzechosloVakia. It has been stressed for years to attain an invariable draft of the navigable channel during the summer months to guarantee a uniform tonnage to be carried by vessels on long stretches. 'Through. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 ( f) SECRET -27 - the regulation of the Elbe River the hold of vessels, could be used to capacity, and shipping Performances could thus be increased in.inlandi, transit and interzonal traffic, while simultaneously relieving the Reichs- bahn,and motor vehicle transport._ Te following inland waterways were. closed. because. of military training activities: From 1300-2000 Elbe River (u/i. stretch) ) hra on 27 August Havel River: near Havelbergj 1964. Elbe- River-upstream from MUhlenhoI2..(uu.- 0157) SECRET From 0400-1300 hre on 28 August 1964 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET - 28 - IV. Czechoslovakia Total Transportation Freight and Passenger Transport by Public Means :of Trans ort Within the First Si )t Months cDf LELLs1ILIEEnusil Modes. ofMill Planned Compared Bill Plan- Transpor-Tons with Ton/ ned tation 1963/64 _Kms % in % Com- pared with 1963/64 Czech State Railroads 102.7 96,6 108.7 26.8 100,0 109,3 State Bus Lines 84.8 104.0 115.2 1.7. 102.8 1043; (CSAD) Inland Shipping (CSPLO and CSPD) 1,9 101.3 119.4 1.0 91.9 110.8 Civilian . Air Traffic (CSA) insignificant, not covered. Total: 189.4 99.9 111 6 29.5 99:.'9: 109?2 SECRET' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET 9 ? Passenger Conveyance Modes. of Transpor- tation MiI,1 Planned compared Passen--.% - with gets 1963/64 in 0 Bill Passong. Kms - Plan- Com- nod pared P with"' 1963/64,. Czech State Railroads (CSD) 313.4 98.0 102.2 10.0 101.1 105.9 State Bus Lines (CSAM) 810.2 101.4 106.0 8,0 103.5 106.0 Inland Shipping, (CSPLO and CSPD) 1.1 133.2 151.0 132,0 101.9 Civilian Air Traffic (CSA) 0.5 120.7 112.1 0.3 109.5 114,9 Total: 1,125.1 100.5 1049 18.3 102.2 108.1 Despite a 11.6 per cent increase in the transport performance in 1964, as compared with 1963,- the planned turnaround time of cars was still exceeded by 7.4 Per dent in the first six months of 1964. Nevertheless, this 3..8 pot cent below that for the first_ha1f year of 1963., SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET -30- -2, Railroad Traffic -a) Line Construction (I) The Ostrau -.(Ostrawa)/Kuncice - Polanka n.O. line, which has been under con- struction, was completed as single- track in late August .1964, ?and put into service aheaeL of-schodula. *) -Test traffic on the electric rapid transit line fran Kaschau (Kosice) to the East Slovak 'Iron Works (VSZ) has been taken up on 1 August 1364. Regular traffic is to start on 1 October 1964,. As, however, the overhead contact line from the outskirts of the town into the city and on the plant grounds will not be completed by that time., feeder service has to be carried out, for the time being:, by public transportation.. The 15-kilometer long line is to be run with 4-0 electric- fast railcars, manufactured at the Tatra works in Prague-Smichov. .Safety System and Telecommunications Within the area of the Koeniggraetz (Hradec Kralove), service section (PO), the hitherto existing Morse printers on railroad stations are being replaced by teleprinters. c) Train Traction Between 1 January 1964 and early August 1964, 7,900 large capacity coal trains were dispatched from the railroad junction. Briix (Most). This means a daily dispatch of 37 to 38 trains, with a weight of about 1,500 to 4,000 tons. *) According to the plan, the line was to be put into service on 1 September 1964. SECRET 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET - 31 - d) Electrification The Velky Osek Koeniggtaetz Chosen line (timetable No 2 which is to be electrified by 19659 has already bean completed in the Chocen Tynista Nad Orlici section. Work is under way on the remaining sections. It is, however', questionable whether the planned date Of completion can be achieved. 0) Roiling Stock As the capacity of the Czech railroad workshops is not sufficient,- Czech steam .locomotives ate being converted to oil firing ("Masutheating") in workshops in the Soviet Union.- In midAugust 1964, the first of these nrecenstrUction locomotives have been delivered to the CSI/. The conVersion of locomotives in CSD. workshops is carried out according to' Soviet plans. 3? Road Transportation n) Road Construction (1) On State Road No 8 (Europe Road E 15) in Zinnwald (Cinovec), a new custom building with exchange-office and waiting TOOM will be set up and a 100 meter long road section will be widened to 12 meters. Passenger border crossing traffic which has . risen to 2,500 to 3,000 persons has been given as reason. SECRET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 '32 TpmFyi (2) In the second quarter of 19641 improvement of State Road No 12 (Europe Road E 15) started in the 'Prague (Praha) - Kolin section, The roadbed will be renewed completely for a length of 50 kilometers and the road will be improved, to a highway with two lanes. Local bypass roads. have already been established in Cosky Brod and Uvaly, in the past years. A construction period of three years is planned for this "new super-highway". b) Bridges (1) A new.road bridge has been completed across the Waag (Vah) River atIllohoveo. The piers have been erected with pre- fabricated prestressed reinforced concrete .Tiecos, the seven bridge spans in free construction from pier to pier with cast concrete. On 25 August 1964, the 342- meter long bridge was opened to traffic. It establishs a connection between Nitre: and Leopollov via load. No 513 to State Road No: 61, By using prefabricated parta the weight of the bridge, which has been under construction since 1962, could be reduced by one third of that of a conventional type bridge. Data: Reinforced concrete road bridge, deck type Location: YP - 060 674 Length: ' 342 meters -Width: about 9 meters Roadway width: 7 meters (two lanes) Sidewalks: about 1 meter. SECRET PJfl moorsi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 ? SECRET NO FOREIGN EISSErti - 33 - (2) The road bridge across-Orlik reservoir near Kostelec and Stare Sedlo is. still, under construction. The information about its completion was incorrect. The road bridge is a steel trusS bridge with a width of span of 330 meters. 50X1 -HUM c) Motor Vehicle Traffic Between Pressburg (Bratislava) and Gyoer,: Tatabanya and the Rlattense& (Balaton) in Hungary, a bus line, running four times a day-, was. established, The already existing lines from Kaschau (Kosice) to. Miskolc and .Budapest and from Nitra to Budapest have boon expanded by a second, daily connection; a new line- between Lucenec and Salgota.rjall has been opened.. 3. Inland Shipping Elbe (Labe) River shippingl-uhich had been discontinued since 21 June 1964 because of low water, was resumed on 14 August 1964.. SECRET kin rrannnu Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET NO REIGN MEM V. .Poland le. Railroad .Transportation -) General (1) . Traffic Performances In the first six months of 1964, the Polish State Railroads transported 153.7 million tons of freight (9.2 per cent more than during the same period in 1963) on standard :gauge. lines. With this, the NPG (National Economic Plan) has been fulfilled by 102.5 per cent. The PKP hauled more than 38 thousand million ton kilometers (9 per cent more than in the first six months of 1963).. (2) Line Lengths (a) In July 1964, about 23,370 kilometers of standard gauge lines belonge& to the PXP line net, among them were 7,365 kilometers of double-track lines. The narrow-gauge lines had, at the same time, a length of about 3,450 kilometers. (b) On 30 Juno 1964, the length of electrified lines amounted to 1,813 kilometers, 8 per cent of the PXP net length. Line Construction. ?.(1) Electrification on the Waldenburg (Walbrzych).- Breslau .(Wroclaw) ? line is under way. The. laying of foundations and the erection ?of masts as well as the spanning of the overhead contact line not -is carried out by RK-8 (enterprise for railroad works) Breslau (Wroclaw). and: by PKRE (enterprise for railroad electrification works). By late 19659- electrification of the entire line is to be completed... SECRET at rnnrinfie nfektvrait Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 ? > NIME SSEM ?55, (2) The putting into service of the elettrified Rzeszow Medyka, Czechowica ZebrzydoWice and Konin. --Poznan lines, ahead of schedule permitted, for the first time,. steam locomotives to be made free and available for the reserve.... ( 3) (4) (3) In the fall of. 1963, Seamless tracks have been laid on the Czestochowa - Dabrowa Gornitza and Katowice (KattOwitz) - PsZdzyna-(Pless) lines. By 1965, 400 track kilometers are to be electrified and the entire Warsaw (Warschau) Katowice_(Kattowitz) --Gliwice (Gleiwitz) line is to be equipped with an automatic block- system. In 1964/65, more than 600 kilometers of seamless tracks and about 2 million concrete ties are to be laid. There are nine PRK (enterprises for railroad works) and one PE enterprises (special . enterprise for electrification) within the PKP region... c) Railroad Safety System On the Kutno - Bydgoszcz (Bromberg) line, automatic train braking has been installed.. a) Rolling Stock. In the first six months of 1964, the PKP received the following rolling stock deliveries: 25 electric locomotives 16 electric units with three section units each (electric railcars) SECRET iltri rnnrin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 SECRET NO EWAN DISSEM 43 diesel locomotives 4,185 freight cars 47 passenger cars. 2. Read,Tralispottation a) Motor Veh.iele Production In the first six months of .1964, the Polish industry produced: 9,600 passenger cars 13,300 , trucks 1,797 -buses b) Road -Bridge Across the Narew River On 31 July 1964, a modern road bridge across the Narew River has been 'opened to traffic in Pultusk (ED 0640). The bridge, which rests on high piers, has been erected from prefabricated cable concrete elements. The bridge is located on the Wyskow (ED 3128) - Pultusk - Ciechanow (DD.4759) Toad. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700240001-5