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\a /A /im Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPOR 4 3 2 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. CONF-IDENTIAL NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY China REPORT NO. CSLT-K-313/01299-64 SUBJECT Reports Obtained Through ACSI-DFIRE DATE DISTR. 19 October 1964 Debriefing of DS-2144 NO. PAGES 2 REFERENCES A DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. 65TRAcT: September 1963, April and May 1964 August 1964 FIELD REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. SOURCE DS-2144. 1. Copies of the following reports obtained from the ACSI-DFIRE debriefing of DS-2144 have been deposited in the Library: Report Number Subject 2260000000 2200600034 2200000035 2200000036 2200000037 cChinese Communist Transient Hostel, Karachi, Pakistan] eport contains afdescription of the location, staff, and regulation;loi the Karachi hostel. , 6-organization of the External Cultural Relations Committee (Tui Wai Wen Hua Lien Lo Wei Yuan Hui, 1417/1120/2429/0553/5114/4820/1201/0765/2585) A brief outline of the official positions and :.... departments of the organization. - , 1 Restrictions of Travel for Diplomats Abroa-dj Restrictions specify that Chinese personnel must travel in pairs in friendly countries and in threes in unfriendly countries such as the USSR. Minhang Industrial Comple;D A brief, general description of an April 1964 visit made by DS-2144 to this former satellite city. Deflated Claim of Power Output Capaciti] DS-2144 was told in an official briefing in Minhang:j thafittage output capacity of generators manu- factured in this complex actually were higher than what was claimed in technical data released to the public. u-u7n-F-I- - - - - - NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE X I DIA X I ARMY X I, NAVY X I AIR CINCPAC#PACFLT#ARPAC#PACAF# (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) I NSA X I AID 5 4 3 2 1 GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification I OCR X INICx cad, a-le-C7 Far- INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 'Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 ' V,I:n en contains information ,,licc:an; the national defense of the United tk?; th in the mcaairt4 el the espionage n? , U-S?C?? Sec. 793 nod 794, or the revelation of its c.lnteats in any mann er to on unauthorized persan,sprohihitedhylm, ,:????,11, 4-, i'ss?j ? r' C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L (OI si (ication and COT NY)! S rig S) This report contains unpruces Ned it'll', Pions andinr policies should not be r 1,1 or 010d:tied se: ut v on the hnsi:: at this report. COUNTRY: 2. SUBJECT: Communist China Organization of the External Cultural Relations Committee 3.ISO NUMBER: 4 4. DATE OF INFORMATION: 5. PLACE AND DATE OF ACO 9. 0ATE0FREPORT: 19 August 1964 10. NO. OF PAGES: 11. REFERENCES: 12. ORIGINATOR: 13. PREPARED 7. SOURCE: 2 50X1-HUM p 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM11 APPROVING AUTHORITY: is. SUMMARY: (C) a. (C) the External Cultural Relations Committee (Tui - wai wen -hua lien -lo wei-yuan-hui/1417-1120 2429-0553 5114-4820 1201-0765-2585) b. (C) is so designated to minimize its identification as an integral organ of the government. It actually has the same status as a ministry (Pu/6752). there were approximately 600 personnel employed by the External Cultural Relations Committee. An increase by 200 was projected c. (C) The Committee was headed by a Director (Chu-jen/0031-0117) named CHANG Ch1i-jo/1728-6254-5387) CHANG apparently held the position nominally only as he was seldom seen. The actual operations of the Committee were directed by the Deputy Director (Fu-chu-jen/0479-0031-0117) named CHANG Chih-hsiang/1728-1807-4382), d. (C) The External Cultural Relations Committee was organized into regional and administrative departments (Szu-0674). An organizational chart is attached. 16. DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATOR: 17. DOWNGRADING DATA: DOWNGRADED AT 12 YEAR INTERVALS NOT AUTOMATICALLY DECLASSIFIED . DOD DIR 5200.10 0 it rIr) FORM i4q('; L., I SEP 02 4.0 U.A.:==0:61.,..1123=10251:1156151t ,YINC? orric? -,5155 C -0-N-F -I -D -A -L (Lcovo Monk) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-Ht.M 50X1-HUM 18. ATTACHMENT OAT At 50X1-HUM Organizational Chart P Crasificstlard n s REPLACESDAFORM 1046.1AUG60. OPNAVFORM362:0(Rov10-61), AF FORM 112, JUL 61, WHICH MAY BE USED UNTIL 1JAN63. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 A " t: (Cinrcriac,tion eirla Alorkini.P) REPORT i;ORIGINATO'R 11 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM K3Ti-',01U TY AND DEPAR,TKENT:,';') OF '11-D.;Tt?..INAL CULTIJR.AL RELATIONS Director (Chu-jcn/0031-0117) Deputy Director (FU chu-jon/0479 0031-0117) Secretary General (Pi-shu-chan 4434-2579-7022) Dopartment Chief (Szu-chang/0674-7022) (Subdivision of each department as indicated below) Division Chief (Chtu-chang/5710-7022) 7 Special (There are 5 regional and other administrative departments a.-s follows): t Department (1-szu/0001-0674) - Soviet Affairs. Largest but exact number of personnel unknown. Staff (Chuan-yuan/1413-0765) 2d Department (Erh-szu/0059-0674) - Asian ' Affairs. Section Chief (Kto-chang/4430-7022) .Minimum level normally filled by ' a Chinese Communist Party member. Only this and higher officials may have access to classified materials which must be read in a specially designated office. Section Staff (Klo-yuan/4430-07(5) ?'-s? 0.?CUSi!,5 F 3d Department (San-szu/0005-0674) - African Affairs. Formerly part of 2d Department above. Had only 10 people. 174th Department (Szu-szu/0934-0674) - American Affairs. -i;h Department (*L.-szu/0063-0674) European Affairs. i-Administrative Department pan-kung shih/5327-2392 6586-0361 1689) -?Protocol Department (Chiao-chi szu/0074- ' 7139-0674) i?External Assistance Department (Tui-,,,ai * yuan-ecu szu/1417-1120 2266-0504 0674) This department assists foreign countries in non-cultural projects (such as cons- truction of stadiums). Assistance is limited to project planning; funding is handled by the central authorities. i-Cadre Department (Kan-nu szu/1631-6752 0674) I Organized into (1) Domestic; (2) Foreign; ' and (3) Training Sections. Responsible 1 for party cadre requirements within the External Cultural Relations Committee. International Affairs Department. (Kuo-chi szu/0942-7139 0674). Takes care of international conferences. C-0-N-F-T-D-E-N-T-T-A-L 1; 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM REPLACES DA FORM 1048-1. 1 AUG 60 AND DA FORM 006, 1 AUG 60 WHICH MAY DE USED UNTIL 1 JAN 0.3. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 . , NO; rnis con tirins infonnation rtn,4 the natienai defense of the United v-ii!ritr the m canine of the espionage Trtie It, U.S.C., See- 793 and 794. 'rho trans,issron or the revolution of its Contents in an:' manner to an unauthorized * g k rcrsorlisflrollibitod;rym ir, C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L si ficalion and Control Markings) /61.11469912161.61069,619,906.,9A69112466 This report contains trnprocesst.r1 Plans and/or policies should not he eirri on or modi tied solely on the basis of this report. 1. :I? 2. COUWIRY; Communist China SUBJECT: MINHANG (703-5887) (121?211E-31 011N) Fir REPORT 9. DATEOFREPORT: 25 August 1964 10. NO. OF PAGES: 2 3. SC NUMBER: 11. REFERENCES: ? r, 4. 4 DATE OF INFORMATION: 12. ORIGINATOR: 6 5. PLACE AND DATE OF ACQ 13. PREPARED BY: 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 15. SUMMARY: (C) MINHANG (7036-586'7)(121 211E-31 011N) is an industrial complex, formerly referred to as a "satellite" city, located approximately 32 Km south of SHANGHAI. The name "satellite" was used to honor the sputniks. Such reference i no longer in currency. I(Lonve /7:14,1k) 50X1-HUM/ and location unknown) was a large fertilizer plant (name the largest of its kind and the only one in this area, supplying all its requirements. ? this was a heavy industry area. The boast was that the buildings 16. DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATOR: 17. DOWNGRADING DATA: DOWNGRADED AT 12 YEAR INTERVALS NOT AUTOMATICALLY DECLASSIFIED DOD DIE 5200.10 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Db SEP 65 1396 GOV/:111.111.68a PRItifING 0ff10E 1962 0-665195 le. ATTACHMENT DATA: NONE 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM REPLACES DA DA FORM 1048, 1 AUG CO. OPNAV FORM 3620 (Roy 1O'.61). AF FORM 112. JUL 01. WHICH MAY BE USED UNTIL 1 JAN 63. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 ? CONTINUATION SHEET C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-T-A-L (Clai fic(rtion ;ma Control Mori- 1,1,3) IZEEPORT P AGE OPIG:NATOR 0 i7 50X1-HUM 2 50X1-HUM >: in :.:11.-1,`,HANG we:c..o of uniform eleva.tion. P?; C. 3. (C) Tho highway from SHANGHAI to ,i:ENHANG. was of loose surface type. the highway was Traffic was light. No military very dusty. The road was in good condition. activitiy was noted enroute. "ii 11 [Lj S'71P 6.2 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM '',7In,cqfc.ntion '",:ki7As) REPLACES OA FORM 1048-1. 1 AUG 60 AND DA FORM 60G. 1 AUG 60 WHICH , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 ?A. ;'T? , Tr: This doe:raw:It contains information the nation:it dofenv o of the United St..,:os within the mconin of the espionage !05. tic IS, 793 and 794. The tr.,:r.smi;:sion or the revcintion of its r,tr;e,t, in ..orry manner to an tmauthorized nerson is prohibited hy , ? ...r ? . C -D -E -N -T-I -L (Classification and Control Alarkinas) COUNTRY: Communist China 2. SUBJECT! Deflated Claim of Power Output Capacity 3.? ISC NUMBER: ' 4. DATE OF INFORMATION: ia S. PLACE AND DATE OF ACC 0, REPORT 9. PATE OF REPORT: 26 August 1964 10. NO. OF PAGES: 1 Ii This report contains rinproCPS, Plana and(or policies should no: es,r4v,?1 or modified Rol y on the basis oh thic 11. REFERENCES: 12. ORIGINATOR: 13. PREPARED BY: 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM IS. SUMMARY: (C) MINHANG (7036-5887), a heavy industry complex located at 121?211E-31?01'N approximately 32 Km south of SHANGHAI. generators were manufactured by certain plants and that the wattage output capacity of these generators were actually hipher than what was claimed in technical data released to the public. For instance, a 100,000 watt generator was claimed to have a lower output capacity. (C01.2,=T: Such deflated claim of technological capacity is atypical of Chinese Communist propaganda. Disseminated as "inside"' information, it appeared that concealment of actualindustrial potential, particularly in power outpu probably indicated). was 16. oisTRIeUTIoN BY ORIGINATOR: 17. DOWNGRADING DATA: 18. ATTACHMENT DATA: DONNGRADED AT 12 YEAR INTERVALS NONE NOT. AUTOMATICALLY DECLASSIEIED DOD DIR 5200.10 ? D F.) FORM I s I sEP 62 jclassIficafton and Control Afarkinos =r,r,=4,1a.cartzr=r7, 1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM P 4 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM REPLACES OA FORM 1045. $ AUG 60. OpNAV FORM 3620 (Roy 10-61), Ar FORM t12. JUL 61. WHICH MAY Be USED UNTIL 1 JAN 63. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/03/05 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 ? Yht.s t information f. national defense of the United Sta-te,cc a the mcanini; of the espionage ntie IS, U.S. C., Sec. 793 and 794. troasraission or the revelation of its Contents in any mann cc- LT, an unauthorized petSC,n is nrohibited t,y (Clanni flea don and Control Ida thinen) COUNTRY; 2. SUGJE.CT: 3. ISC NUMBER: Communist China Ideograph Revision Building (Wen-tzu kai-ke ta-lou/2429-1316 2395-7245 1129-2869) DATE OF INFORMATION: 5. PLACE AND DATE OF AC( 8. REPORT 9. DATE OF REPORTt 10. NO. OF PAGES: 11. REFERENCES: Ve^-, This report contains unprocenaed infarmatt,r, Plans and/or policies should not be evolved. or modified solely on the basin of this report. 12. ORIGINATOR: 13. PREPARED By: 26 August 1964 2 50X1-HOM 5 50X1-HUM is. SUMMARY: (C) The Ideograph Revision Building (Wen-tzu kai-ke ta-lou/2429-1316 2395- 7245 1129-2869) is a 6-storied structure located on Chtao-Yang-Men Ta-chieh (2600- 7122-7024 1129-5894) in PEIPING. The Ministry of Culture (Wen-hu pu/2429-0553 6752) is located therein. It is about 5-10 minutes walk from the External Cultural Rela- tions Committee (Tui-wai wen-hua lien-lo wei-yuan-hui/1147-112O 2429-0553 5114-4820 1201-0765-2585) offices located in another building; belonging to the Ministry of Culture but located on Nan-hsiao (0589-1420) Street. (See sketch on Page 2). There were many signs on the outside of the Ideograph Revision Building indicating that there were inter-country associations (hsieh-hui/0588-2585) with offices inside. these so-called offices, located on the 4th hoot, were really empty and without personnel. when a certain foreign delegation was in town) Chinese Communist "counterparts" were round- ed up from various departments and offices to assemble in a suitably designated room to receive the guests. (Comment: This is rather plausible and common practice since most inter-country cultural associations are composed of intellectuals and educators with primary jobs elsewhere and therefore would not permanently staff the offices on a regular basis). (1. Cave Olatik) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM . N 16. DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATOR: 17. DOWNGRADING DATA: WWNGRADED AT 12 YEAR INTERVALS NOT AUTOMATICALLY 'DECLASSIFIED DOD DIR 5200.10 D,.F2m21396 u,S. r.(WrliNMEnT 1.k.15150 orrict (P6.1 0-665155 and Control AT rkine,a) 18. ATTACHMENT DATA. Sketch 50X1-HUM REPLACES OA FORM 1046, 1 AUG 00, OP NAV FORM 3220 (Rev 10-61), AP FORM 112. JUL 61. WHICH MAY BE USED UNTIL 1 JAN 03. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 CONTINUATION SHEET C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A L PAGE 2 ORIGINATOR (Cteittrtifictztion and Control Atarkinga) 1 Chtao-Yang-Men Ta-chieh H NOT TO SCALE Ideograph Revision Building (Location of Ministry of Culture OF 0./????011.11???????li. Pei-hsiao St (0554-1420) Nan-hsiao St (0589-1420) M External Cultural Relations Committee Sketch showing locations of . Ideograph Revision Building in PEIPING (as of April 1964) il C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ti [i 1 FO RILiA .5CP 02. a.nd Cnntrol ME2.1cIn4s) 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM REPLACES OA FORM 1048-1. 1 AUG GO AND CIA FORM 606. 1 AUG 50 WHICH Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 .,.. ,.. - f..0. ...Mo.. ...... ...I, ./-? -v., I .;.t,, 1 ,-"1 :::ins infor,notion I I (,';e? ,,e1c,or...1! ,kft.,,,,:c at the United 1. i thin :ha r:,`/Ittif14 Cl! the espiormble 7',N,? See. 793 and 794, ? ,?:?:,11::::issiOn or t;:17 revelnlion Of its 4.-1)rden:s? in: :ley inane or to rut unouthorized parse:' is pr...,114ited by 1,w. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L (Classification and Control AlarkinPs) COUNTRY: 2. SUEJECT: Coamunist China Shanghai Languages Institute (Shang-hai wai-yu hsueh-yuan/ 0006-3189 1120-6133 1331-7108) ISE NUMBER: DATE OF INFORMATION: 5. PLACE AND DATE OF ACQ. This report contoins Impel Plano an cf/ot pal I cl es shoo I el not be ?? ? or moth lied SOI el). on the hosis 01 this rop,i tr. DATE OF REPORT: 26 August 1964 10. NO. OF PAGES: 2 11. REFERENCES: (2. ORIGINATOR: 13. PREPARED EiY1 14. APPROVING AUTH 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM I 50X1 -HUM 15. SUMMARY: (C) the Shanghai Languages hsueh-yuan/0006-3189 1120-6133 1331,-7108) address is 119, Nest Ti-31 u Hui Road (Hsi tli-yu,-nui lu/b007- 7555-5148-2585 1702) near Hung-klou Park (Hung-k'ou kung-yuan/5725-0656 0361-0954). A sketch of the layout of the Institute not to scale, is attached. Institute (Shanghai wai-yu 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM I 16. DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATOR: V; 17. DOWNGRADING DATA: DOWNGRADED AT 12 YEAR INIti-tVALS NOT AUTOMATICALLY DECLASSIFIED DOD DIR 5200.10 S FO U I CEP 62 it ?447 C-0-N-FI-D-B-N-T-I-A-L (Cjossi fication and Control )116,1-kiru?s) 18. ATTACHMENT DATA: Sketch 50X1 -HUM RERL ACES OA FORM 10,48. 1 AUG 60. OP NAV FORM 3820 (Roy 10-61), AF FORM 112. JUL 61. WHICH MAY Be USED UNTIL 1 JAN 63. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 %;;;- !;. ? ; ? : ! ? - ? ;,' " (..-0.r;c1.1NUA7iON 1. - ? ?, - J. ? - ? J+, _ ? - ? ? -? a- C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-T-A-L (Clos-ifirltio,14,dCo'ft-olltorPln,ro) 0 REPORT !I PAGE i OF 2 i, dOMGINATOR ACI?DFI7E 50X1 -HUM ? le House Street Car Route 1 tracks West Ti-yu-hui Road Main Entrance 1._1Reception Office (Chtuan-ta shih/0278-6671 1358) /1 1,,.! Dispensary g Square Swimming Pool i , ! 'z..., ' -storied 1 P :::ale. Dormi- tory i f (8 student& ,1 to a room)1 4 f I i 1 1 ., i ; 3-storied I 1 Female Drill Fie ' I Trees i? Dormitory 1 ;Teachers' ! Dormitory 2-storied classroomd and party ?q1 .17-8255-131 office 1 2-storied classrooms & Party(tang-wti/ 7825-1201)office 2-storied building; stationary store on 1st floor;quarters on st..--cond floor 4-storied building Classrooms 9-storiLsd. classrooms Study Hall Bldg Library \ \ Auditorium Nes-, H,11 ;. Kung KlOu Park Rear Entrance Street or road name - not recalled. Note: Rough sketch only. Not to scale ? fi ...., ,--? . 'If ? II REPLACE:4..5 DA FORM 1043-1 1 AUG 60 1-;!.:..) , ,--. 2P C2 I: 44..) ;....,.1 \.44:ri '''' II! 14 11 AND D.; FORm 606. 1 AUG 60 , e, ,A1HIC1-4 . cy1...ir,rr., 1N:11.C. CaViCt. : 11+7,2 0-665191 1: ?-?. (Classification and Control Afarkinf.L.... ,..._ 23 MAY BE: USE.D UNTIL. I JAN 63. ? ,J 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 . _ . , ',:.:.,,.!.. .... 11 C-O-N-F -I -D -E -N -T-I -A-L ii P 0) :he nntion,t ?;'f$,e of the United .stat ,ith:t: the olctmit:$: of the espionage Title ;S. U.S.C., Sec. 793 .1nd 794. The transm.ssion or the revelation of its contents in tioy rz,,rm Cr to on unauthorized rcrno 1. COUt.:TRY: t: 2. It :5C NUMBER: Communist China ?4?.:V; Shortage of Diplomatic Personnel [I 4. DATE OF INFORMATION: II (Classification and Control fdarkinas) 5. PLACE AND DATE OF AC 8. REPORT 9. DATE OF REPORT: 27 August 1964 10. NO. OF PAGES. 1 This report cnrit.iint. itnpro f('.% set; iofor;,,,, Pions nod/or policies should not i.e., e:s.i or modified the /M.O.,: of this report. 11. REFERENCES: 12. ORIGINATOR: 13. PREPARED BY 14. APPROVING A 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Is. SUMMARY: (c) a. The Chinese Communist government is faced with a serious shortage of adequate- ly trained personnel suitable for assignment as diplomatic personnel abroad. During the Franco-Sino overtures for recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations the Chinese Communists seriously anticipated the newly emerged African states of traditional French ties to follow suit in the wake of France's initiative. Grave concern was expressed as to the availability of Chinese Communist personnel to staff the embassies expected to be established in Africa. b. The Chinese Communists are plagued by the dilemma of personnel selection criteria. Competent personnel are older ones with previous foreign exposure, Khf affilfLtion or influence, or other tendencies that automatically render them suspect. Thus only the younger crop with foreign language training,and whose political back- ground must be free of complications, would be eligible for consideration. The problem, however, is that many young people are not party members - not because they fail to seek membership but because they are not accepted by the party. 16. DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATOR: F., FORM 1 r-7 s 62 17. DOWNGRADING DATA: 18. ATTACHMENT DATA: DOWNGRADED AT 12 YEAR INTERVALS NOT.. AUTOMATICALLY DECLASSIFIED DOD DIR 5200.10 ? C-0-N-F -I -D-E-N-T -I -A-L (clossikrntion nod .controf Marking?.) NONE (Lenva 131ank) , 50X1 -HUM F.CPL ACES DA FORM 1048, 1 AUG 40, OPNAV FORM 3620 (Roy .10-51). AF FORM 112, JUL 41. WHICH MAY BE USED UNTIL 1 JAN 63. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 containS int? Mitition :hr ilanonal- defense of I/1O United St.1tes the reenw of the espiOnage IS, U.S.0? Sec, 793 and 794. Th,InOrr or the revelation of its content, in any manner to on unauthorized IS h ed by / ficatiOrt al WI Control Markin COUNTRY: k 2. SUBJECT: Oomraanst China 6, REPORT Air Travel Di 4.6 This report contains ,thpa,ces inforrs,,t,,,,,.. Plans rend/or policies should not he reol vet or modi lied sof etc on the basis of this renr,rt, 9. DATE or REPORT: 10. NO. OF PAGES: 3. 1SC NUMBER: 11. ? DATE OF INFORMATION: 12. S. PLACE AND DATE OF AC 13. 14. REFERENCES: ORIGINATOR: PREPARED By: APPROVING AUT 50X1-HUM 28 August 1964 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 15. SUMMARY: (C) hinese Communist civil airline i (British jet) from PEIPING to SHANGHAI and CANTON weekly flight leaving on Tuesdays at 1000 hours and arriving at CANTON at 1400 hours. The plane flew at 0 7' 000 meters. There were 7 to 8 foreign passengers aboard - The Chinese Communist Ambassador to Paris, HUANG MEN (7806-6966) and party were co-passengers but they sat to the front of the plane. the fare was 7-800 JO (Jen-men pi/0086-3046 1618). ("Leave Blank) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 16. DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATOR: 1 SCJ d:Z i"--? Trz, ,4 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ISC2 0-665195 17. DOWNGRADING DATA: DOWNGRADED AT 1Q YEAR INTERVALS NOT AUTOlvIATICAT7Y DECLASSIFIED 'DOD DIE 5200.10 . IS. ATTACHMENT DATA: NONE (Classf ',cation and Contml Nrarkin4s) REPLACES DA FORM 1046, 1 AUG 00. OP NAV FORM 3620 (Roy 10-6Z), AF FORM 112. JUL 01. WHICH MAY BE USED UNTIL 1 JAN 69. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7 R Next 5 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/05: CIA-RDP80-00247A001700130001-7