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50)50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 IllF6R-MATION REPORT -5 -4 3 2 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM COUNTRY USSR REPORT SUBJECT Brochures of Soviet Inventions DATE DISTR. 19 October 1964 Offered Under a License Agreement NO. PAGES 1 50X1-HUM REFERENCES DATE OF, INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS IIKIFVAI IIATF11 INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. ?50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. brochures of Soviet equipment The brochures describe inventions for which the Soviet patent agency Litsentsintorg is offer- ing licenses. a. Below-Elbow Prosthesis with Bioelectric Control. b. Semi-Conductor Thermoelectric Cooling Devices, c. All-Purpose System of Elements for Industrial Pneumoautomatics, d. Electric Integrator ETNA for Non-Stationary Thermal Conduction Problems, e. Magnetographic Flaw Detector Type MD-11. f. Electric Dialing Unit. g. Supersensitive Highly Stabilized Broad Band Radioreceiving SHF System with a High Degree of Selectivity. h. Thermoelectrical Refrigerating. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE I DIA MY I NAVY 1 AIR I NSA IAcigX NI UI 50X1-HUM GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 150X1-HUM (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".i. INFORMATIONt REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 #. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 50X1 'elgiOif ta* . SY2' Irtvit." esti.; ar04, nct 7" th.% 3 ,iie? re 0 41k tM '471';:eif exi 44...P1:1)r :1;:ao - are ro ni"5jj he D-Z1 ? ftitt: :La :J 6r:A I. 220 1 Waded iratu automatic dOwngrading and deClastifiQ,0 mom Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 ?IVWX?'4..:4).44P, Velg 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 50X1-HUM CONFIDE 1143NTIAL 400..ehmertf jo,r,}3.11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 V5QX1 HUM vt, b :t1.1f4 s tecept.i.on- (IDA 7..9.1VA trsaslation ? :-C'QT110:47 strqle re- $V Tho te:001/-1,11.. 4 - eNciter t11.1*-..;1": 1. 2r&,1,1,.-.,, 1-gLue- i:the-.1.,-130147: - r4 03'e VVV 0i44,1-4t it14 40?4iO 60E1M,, tz; 11116 e six), ,at O J.1.1 VY riEc. e vollom 20,to AAY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 r .5, 50X1-HUM 01S ? ' OM efi: * , a, lr- I., y 1 :::. ri i a* J4tt v,..z,,,rs by ati4ti.$? . ,t&1:1111iviptliant;, 4. ,., . 2 bz r.,..(11:.11 , 1.14tit, 0 ' - d 1ef Thk-I s.:;F:tem civil, , . 01r. t a f .. rat ior.4 atrt1e t - ,1.3;iat.i.0 : 'rat' ., ciitu,:t1 -; z*Ilii : The dia:rmaiunis: he , .?. . -,-. ;,-. 3 00 ' itFo. t iti. ,4t.t4fr-i?e And boS $ bek - .M.4.e of mall or ,41.-tetai tiiii'l'. .0.,ce ',ca. 0 4. st4vrifirti A altoilt s ayb at t1 A3 11 . The z,-,-,,, '3 t 11 ular .-.4f:ar 4ate, : rnpUcy o 1! t ual -0 .1.; a....1,1 4,-,:!- tf VI* WA 2Arh4ltei;02 f t-U ir,i., UV. The . abylit-igli c Ofti ,clitilt)14t a a parc4tc illiffp4a ::.r.Tadiato., ...Ai,,i)FI'061$IAI ea;ie 1a y4:17 enquirl:e tc, 1/ " tVe $ $ ::,:t6 a /.)1 . 32/%34 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 r ra Y1 it El 17 A IT \_. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 060w_, Vsesojumojci Objedinonije, "LicensintorE" 32/34 Smolenshaja Moscow G-200,, .- T.',.IERL OE LE C CAL REPT." ERAT ING. (RefriEerator " ,ou.itairi") ? "Licen4ntOre offers a license for, the seMicondUctor -theroeiectrical 'refri:terator,' named ? "FOUAIN" . which intended for preservirr, Small -0 . quantities of food projucts. For toolinL;-the cabin is employed a semiconductor -therkobatteryl the hot Sandction of which is i:ept cool by war6er s-orajin-; throu-sh a fountain. ciuch an unusual method of re ..ovins . heat has been followed to a , . 41hly 'economic cefri7;erator, as the,,rature of the - fountain .3-a eri. usuall ,o 2 - C below She room tempe- rature . This increases.- the efficiendy, of .,the thermobattery - ? to: a. considerable extent . For exe:u)le. the, Tefri3erators o. ths same volue -which are IDr.oduced in the USA consume', encr;y two times more than the 'refrierator "IPunta-J.,n" , For i;her.v.o..)a -6-tory '30 s? of 3e,',..condAct3r'1,atorial L consumed whioh is equivalent to a vol-,211e of DA1 . 4 cc . fr4rm- oi a nisrht-table fro-Al valuable wood; . thiW '4'cefr _;.,.-ca;,-;oa$ .--Ji3l decorate any .o,-1, ? , , . - -drawini;-re :in.. The beautiful fountain also moistens and : ? . r 1 P or' a._.r .,,rn ? the coi. qt-A? 'file O5?:.)ni.7.. -lode I of t 1? LO2COC 3 iL1ed -4,4?,..4 ? r, ? - T1-4 or . 'The cu..--)boar.d czfn. be )Lic ci the f100,1:' oT.,.' 1ia,:1' On the wall. -The.,..secncl-,odel,' i'S .Triore' . :1 ? , . ?.'". ' r , ,r1..,i?, - ,, , i ., ., , cn ov ...-:32.:,. -.;:' it a,-.., .,, l'..t ITC ;.3 .. V; _ ?3 ).i CO' '.. . ',:l .-- .." ,r-' i14 ....1,,A, - e' , 0 ' -00 0 ? ,.:- , , _V ,.? ? " -,' . ??=e-;?, 9 V tot ' ./,,..4.1.??, w rrY 0 . ' 4 .,. 14 ,? .. 4 ; ? ro?.40)4.-.)H,1:4,1T..7t,4 . ,tv., ? 1,..G AA+ . t km;,..A.: A '4) )4,1 1(7 Ntittitt%'4";" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 ??,?i A ? T A1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 -HUM, , ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Tnyn'T ,TMTAT. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/0T/09: -HUM CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 VSESOJUZKOJE EXPORT110?IMPO2ThOJE OBJEDMEIIIJE LiCENS[NTO,Rp MOSKVA rigmaiiiiiiiiro g 41 41.i:i-Zi;f:!:17>ilei:c' ..1i,-1,'PlIlkiiirla?il , . . I; ? - ? - ? . ,',"' . ,... , .. 50X1-HUIV 50X1-HUM 3J1EKTPORHTEITAT0P THA PEIgH1,12 3A4Aq 7, ONF IDEUT IA iiECTAIDI0HAPH014 TEI1J1011POBOMOCTI4 NO FOREIGN DISSEM GROUP -ExCluded from atitintic downgading atrj clnla.."A;i;;;A:n rt ELECTRIC INTEGRATOR MA =nti-unmATATief-HARY THERMAL CONDUCTION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: .01A-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 cnypTnpumT A T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 3LEKTPOIETEITATOP 3TBA ,TILS PEMEHM2 3A4Aq HECTAUMOHAPEA TERROMOB04HOCTM allempomHTerpaTop 3THA HpeAcTamseT co6a allempme- clwe moAezmpymmee ycTpo'HcTHo C CeTKO M3 OMINeCKPIX conpo- T1/113.11eHa, npeAHaHHageHHoe AHH pemeHms A1q4epeHilmaJHDHmx ypameHmM B IlaCTBUX 1400143BO4HUX HecTaumoHapHoro T311110B0r0 COCTOSIBM2 3HemeHTos KoHcTpylcumM. Pe3yobTaTu pemeHm Hum HecTamoHapHoM TenzompoHwo- CTO aKomaTmilecm permcTpmpymTcH C HO1011110 MBOPOT011311110F0 camonmmymero npm6opa. C 110MOMEAC 3HempcmHTerpaTopa MOXBO mccxemHaTb HecTa- qmoHapHoe TenHoHoe COCTOSIBMe 3HemeHTos KoHcTpyKumm npm cHeAymmix yCZOBPIRX: C0BM3CTIHAH- KOBB3KTPIBRUH 14 xylpicTuVI Te11noo6meH; MBOrOCZO14Ba2 cTeHma mocicoA, umzmwmIlecicoM MJIM 4pep14mecica loopmN; Harimgme myTpeHHero TermoklikezeHm2 m 4m3oHmx pameHon"; HaJimgme m3meHeH14si Tennapm314geclux napameTpos maTe- plaza M rpaHmqHmx yczosmA. agelupoPIHTerpaTop HBX2eTCH yHmsepcamHum, HeAoporam mazora6appuHum npm6opom BaCTOJHDBOr0 THna. Ilpploop Mbro- TammHaeTcH 143 cTaHAapTHux AeTalleA, Ha 6a3e ceppHAHmx mHoroTolleqHmx camonmcHeH. B OTAINHe OT 3ZeKTpOBBEIX 1.14poHmx mamm, mcnoAb3yemmx pememi pca3aHinax mine 3a4a, 3McnomerpaTop 9TBA He Tpe6yeT cnemaxmoro nporpamumposaHmH14 31-13,1114TeZEBO npome B 143FOTOBA3M4 H 3KonAyaTaHmm npm TOIMOCTA, IT4oH- AeT3op5m1uel-4 TpeoodaHmHm maxeHepHoM" npamTmcm. 7 r'HTIAT - - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: .7,1A-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/09 .7,1A-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 -- 11u ruilibluN DL'),JEM M3mepmTalimas gacTE permoTpmpymgero npm6opa oxeKTpo-, puiTerpaTopa mmeeT opmrmaanDllym KOHCTpyK111410, TITO licTpaHs- eT Heo6xoAmmocm npmmeHeincs BECOKOCTaftEbHUX HOTOTIBHICOB IIHT3B1,12 mameppiTezmon cxemm H 06eCneMHBaeT BO3MOXBOCTb permoTpaumm OTHOCMTeZEB01-4 BeAPIMMHU HCKOM01-4 cWHICHHH. Pe- rmoTpmpylommM npm6op Taime MCROXID3yeTCH AJI2 HacTpoAKm conpoTmmeHmn 3aAaHms (HmAagn) rpaHmumx yczoHmk EzaroAaps perpmpagmm Ha AmarpammHoA 6ymare Kpmsmx pacnpeAexems TemnepaTypm B 3aBMCPIM0CTH OT HpemeHH, 3HauTempHo ycopec i o6zerimeTcs npogecc pemeHms. pa3pa6oTaHHas TexHmliecKas AoKymeHTagms Ha npm6op 1103BOXYleT anTp0 opraHm3osaTE, Hp0H3B04CTBO wieKTpomH- TerpaTopa DTBA. aneKTpomifferpaTop cmoxeT Hakim ImpoKoe pacnpocTpa- HeHme B npoeKTHmx, HOW1eA0BaTal1IDCKHX H y11e6Hmx ygpex- AeHmsx, B 3aBO4CKZX za6opaTopmsx npm pemeHmm TemoHmx 3aAam, BCTpellaKMMXC2 BO Hcex o6nacT5Ix TeXIIHKM (Telma- ofiepreTmica, cTpomTexmas TexHmKa,- xpimmilecKas npommm- AeHHOCTE, mammHocTpoeHme m T,A.), a Talue m,zIJ1 pe- meHms pa APyrmx 3uall H3 cmexcHmx o6xacTeA (Teopms Amc4y3mm, rimpomHammica m no 3anpocam 3aKa3qmKa B/0 "11141eB3HHTOpPli moxem Hanpa- BHTE BECOKOKBa.44144MpOBaBHEX cneHmaJnicToH ips mamma TextineCKOH" HOMOMM npm opraHmagm npom3BoAcTHa obygeHms MeCTHMX CnellHaAPICTOB. EAHBOTBeBHBIN npoAamlom XHileB3H0 Ha maroTomeHme, naluD3oHaHme m npo4a1Cy aneKTpomHTerpaTopa 3THA 211112eTC2 B/0 "AHileH3HBTOpril. Bamm 3anpocm HanpamsATe no aApecy: mocKea F-200, CuoAencaccIA 72A. 32134,810 "ffuyensunmopsn TeJlerpacjmbiA. a4pec: Mocicea ffuw-ouisanaps Tezectiox: 44-21-88 :DEY7 T. A T ,4EIGN D:- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 ELECTRIC INTEGRATOR TBA FOR NON-STATIONARY THERMAL CONDUCTION PROBLEMS The electric integrator DTA is an electric simulator with a net of ohmic resistors which is intended for solving partial differential equations describing non. stationary thermal processes in construc- tion elements. The solutions of non, stationary thermal conduction problems are automatically recorded by an automatic multiple.point recorder: The electric integrator may be used for investigating non, sta- tionary thermal processes in construction elements under the follow- ing conditions: simultaneous convection and radiant heat exchange; flat, cylindrical or spherical multi.layer wall; internal heat irradiation and phase conversions; variations of thermal physical parameters of the material and of boundary conditions. The electric integrator is a cheap general-purpose small.size table-mounted instrument. The integrator is assembled from stan. dardized parts and employs commercially.produced multiple. point recorders. The advantages of the THA electric integrator over electronic digital computers used for solution of similar problems are that the integrator does not require a special operation programme and is easier to manufacture and in operation while its accuracy meets the standard requirements. The construction of the measuring system of the integrator recorder is such that it requires no high.stability power supply and permits recording of the relative value of the calculated function. The recorder is also used for setting the boundary condi- tions of problems. Charts of temperature.versus.time variations produced by the integrator make for an easier and quicker solution. Thoroughly detailed technology makes it possible to start the manufacture of the electric integrator 3THA within a short period of time. " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: 3IA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601.090.091: The integrator can be used in research, development and educa- tional establishments and in factory laboratories for the solution of various thermal problems encountered in heat-power engineer- ing, construction engineering, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, etc. and also for solving a number of other problems in the allied fields (diffusion theory, hydrodynamics, and others). At the request of the 3uyers, V/0 ^Licensintorg may provide qualified experts for rendering technical assistance in integrator production and for training local personnel. V/0 "Licensintorr has the exclusive right to sell licences for the manufacture, use and distribution of the electric integrator 3THA. Please, write to: V/O "Licensintorg", Smolenskaya square, 32/34. Cable: Moscow Licensintorg Telephone: 44-21-88 F I 3) 1: roninc2. 4 Moscow L G.200, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 ELEKTRO-INTEGRATOR? 3THA ZUM LoSEN VON AUFGABEN DER .INSTATIONAREN 'N'A:RMELEITF.AHIGKEIT Der Elektro.IntegratorTHA ist eine mit einem Netz aus Ohmschen Widerstnden ausgeriistet Modelleinrichtung, die zum Bestimmen der partiellen Ableitungen von Differentialgleichungen des instationaren WiirmezUstandes von Konstruktionsteilen di ent Die Ergebnisse beim LOsen von solchen die instationare Warme- leitfahigkeit betreffenden Aufgaben, werden automatisch durch einen Vielfach-Selbstschreiber registriert. Mit Hilfe eines Plektro-Integrators kann der Wiirmezustand von Konstruktionsteilen unter folgenden Verhaltnissen erforscht werden; gleichzeitiger Weirmeubergang durch Konvektion und Strahlung; mehrlagige ebene, zylindrische oder sphiirische Wand; innere Wiirmeentwicklung und Phasenanclerung; Xnderung der thermodynami schen Werkstoff-Parameter und der Grenzbedingungen. Der Plektro-Integrator ist em n Universal.Tisch-Kleingeriit. as Geri:it wird aus Standardteilen, die auf Basis von reihengefertigten Vielfach-Selbstschreibern hergestellt wurden, zusammengebaut. Der Integrator ist nicht teuer. Im Gegensatz zu Elektronen.7iffernrechenmaschinen, die auch zum Lsen obenerwahnter Aufgaben verwendet werden, verlangt der El ektro. Integrator 3THA keine besondere Programmierung und ist bedeutend einfacher herzustellen und zu bedienen, obwohl seine ? 1.8sungsgenauigkeit vollkommen den von den Ingeneuren in der Praxis gestellten Anforderungen genLigt. Der MeSteil des Elektro-Integrator-Schreibers ist originell gestaltet. Hierdurch werden hochstabile Speisequellen fur die MeBschaltung Uberflussig und trotzdem kOnnen die Bezugswerte der gesuchten Funktion aufgezeichnet werden. Der Schreiber wird auch zum Abstimmen der Sollwert-Widerstiinde, die die Grenzbedingungen bestirnmen benutzt. Der ProzeB der QufgabenlOsung wird durch das Aufzeichnen auf einem Diagrammstreifen der Temperaturverteilungskurven ais Zeit.. funktion 6edeutend beschleunigt und erleichtert. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: .;IA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 ) C0 IT F IDEN rt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 _ -2,1A-RDP80-00247A001601000001- 1 _ _ o. Integrator3THA ausgearbeiteten technischen Unterlagen kann die Pertigung des Gerates schnell qufgenommen werden. Der Elektro-Integrator kann Weitgehendst in EntwurfbUros, For. schungs. und Lehranstalten sowie in Werklabors beim LOsen von warmetechnischen Aufgaben auf alien Gebieten der Technik (Warme- ener/etik, Bauwesen, chemische Industrie, Maschinenbau usw.), aber auch beim LOsen einer Reihe anderen Aufgaben aus Grenzgebie- ten (wie Diffusionstheorie, Hydrodynamik u.a.) eingesetzt werden. Auf Kundenwunsch kann V/O "Lizenzintorgn hochqualifizierte Fachleute zur technischerr Hilfeleistung beim Einrichten der Pro. duktion und zum Anlernen von FachkrZiften an Ort und Stelle zur VerfUgung stellen. V/0"Lizenzintorg. 1st der einzige Verkaufer von Lizenzen fur Pertigung, Nutzung und Verkauf von Elektro.Integratoren 3THA. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Anfragen an folgende Adres se: Moskau G-200, Smolenskaja P1. 32/34V/0 "Lizenzintorg. Drahtanschrift: Moskau Lizenzintorg Fernruf: 44-21-88 T iIA, )L nIIG1 DISSEDI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 T.6, X INTEGRATEUR ELECTRIQUE 3THA POUR LA SOLUTION DES PROBLEMES DE TRANSMISSION DE LA CHALEUR NON-STATIONNAIRE L'integrateur electrique 3THA represente un calculateur elec. trique analogique avec une grille de resistances ohmigues prevu pour la solution des equations differentielles aux derivees partiel les de l'etat thermique variable des elements des constructions, Les resultats de la solution des problemes de transmission de la chaleur non_ stationnaire sont automatiquement enregistres aux moyens d'un appareil enregistreur multicourbe, L'integrateur electrique permet d'etudier l'etat thermique variable des elements d'une construction dans les conditions suivantes: echange de chaleur combinee par convection et rayonnement; paroi heterogene plane, cylindrique ou spherique; presence de degagement de chaleur interne et de changements de phase.' modification des parametres thermophysiques des materiaux et des conditions aux limites, L'integrateur electrique est un appareil universel de table ?n- combrement reduit, L'appareil est fabrique avec des pieces standards, sur la base des appareils enregistreurs multicourbes de serie et son prix est modeste, Contrairement aux calculatrices electroniques digitales utilisees pour la solution des problemes indigoes plus haut, l'integrateur elec. trique 3THA n'exige pas l'etablissement d'un programme special, II est beaucoup plus simple ?abriquer et en exploitation tout en assu- 4, rant une precision repondant aux exigences de la pratique technique, Le dispositif de me-sure de l'appareil enregistreur de l'integrateur electrique possede one construction originale, qui dispense de l'utili- sation de source d'alimentation haute stabilite pour le schema de mesure et permet d'enregistrer la valeur relative de la fonction recher- chee, L'appareil enregistreur est utilise egalement pour le reglage des resistances d'assignation des)crditions limites, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 : 1A-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 7 et n-crnrni7vM T A T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: JiiL DIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 ues courses de repartition de la temperature en fonction du temps sur le papier diagramme accelere et facilite le processus de la solution, La documentation technique mise au point permet d'organiser rapidement la fabrication de l'integrateur electrique 3 L'integrateur electrique peut etre largement utilisedTnanA; les centres d'etudes et de recherches, pour ['elaboration des projets, dans les j laboratoires d'usine pour la solution des problemes thermiques, que l'on rencontre dans tous les domaines de la technique (Itenerge- tique thermique, le biltiment, l'industrie chimique, la constructior mecanique etc.) ainsi que pour la solution de toute une serie de problemes dans les domaines adjacents (theorie de la diffusion, m? canique des fluides etc.). Sur demande du client V/0 oLicenzintorgo peut envoyer des spe., cialistes qualifies pour ['aide technique dans l'organisation de la fabrication et pour la prenarntion du personnel du client. La licence pour la fabrication, l'utilisation et la vente des in. tegrateurs electriques ,'--)THA est vendue exclusivement par V/00Li- cenzintorg-, Priere de diriger vos demandes Padres se: Moscou G-200, Smolenskara pl, 32/34 V/0 RL icenzintorg> Adresse telegraphi que: Moscou Li cenzi ntor g Telephone: 44.21.88 2He1nTopr13AaT. 3aKa3 N 21M38 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 COFFIP7.7:TIAL NO Kirr,?::,;11.: ELEVRO-INTEGRATOR 3THA ZUM LOSEN VO kl AUFGAF3D;I DER INSTATIONAREN WARMELEITFAHIGKEIT INTEGRATEUR ELECTRIQUE 3THA POUR LA SOLUTION DES PROBLEMES DE TRANSMISSION DE LA CHALEUR NON-STATIONNAIRE CONFIDENTIAL NO FOREI3 DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 DISSEM Attachment VSESOJUZNOJE EXPORTRO-IMPORTNOJE OBJEDINENIJE LICE 619TORG MOSKVA SSSR 50X1-HUM YCTPORCTBO pin nolAq14 IIIEKTPI4IECK14X 14MTIYAbCOB *ELECTRIC RIALc9NG UNIT ? ELEKTROIMPULSGEBER eleFFID7- IAL RO 50X1-HUM GROUP 1 Excluded Ira eiemall: devegaide; teclasellietRien DISPOSITIF D'EMISSION DES IMPULSIONS Fi Frrpini IFS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09: CIA-RDP80-00247A001601000001-1 GN DISSEM YCTPORCTBO 123151 TIO1JM114 3JIEKTPIBECK14X MMIIE/113COB HA3HAEHRE YeTpORCTBO A.1151 110na?111 9.amplitiecn4x HmnyAbcon npegHa3Ha1leHo ripeHmywecisemo A.1151 14C110Ab30BaH1431 B KatiecTee TeJ1et0HHOP.0 Homepo- Ha6HpaTe.ria 11 o6ecnettuHaeT Hogagy 3.4eHTp14t4ecHmx HmrlynbcoH 3agaHHoik 0611101 BHA yeTpoAcTsa noHa3aH Ha pHcyme. 143BeCTHbIe Te.11eCI)OHHbIe Homepon6HpaTeAH CJIONCHbI no C130011 KOHCT- pyfunix, cogepxaT mHoro AeTanek, 143POTOBJlelnie KOTOpbIX TpygoemHo H o6pa3yeT 60JIbfflOe KOJIntleCTBO meTanAmecHxx oTxogoH, Tpe6yeT ram.. HaHmecHoro 110Kpb1THSI, 111.1114C1)0BK14, 110J114p0BK14 14 Tepmoo6pafoTH11. 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