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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 - v ? ? 0 HookilIV /IA CENTRAL, INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Thitgatelal contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of tbkiEspionage Laws, Title 13 C:plecs. 793 and 794. the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited bY SECRET 50X1 NO FOREIGN D1SSEM 50X1 50X1 COUNTRY East Germany/USSR/Poland/ Czecho*lovakia SUBJECT Summary Report on Transportation in East Germany, USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia for July 1964 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ Q1 REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 2 3 SEP 1964 1 50X1 50X1 -HUM TH1S IS I INIEVA I HA FM INFORMATION APPDAICAI fl rn TPLIT I TrILIT Tnte summary report on PrInnd USSR and rr,erhoslovakia -5 L 4 3 2 1 transportation in East fop-4ply4964. Germany Distribution of Attachment: ORE: Army: Retention Retention of Copy #2 Air: Retention of Copy #3 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-H UM 50X1-H UM 50X1 -HUM GROUP I Excluded f tom e,Iomotic d Grow Sing mid &classification STATE IDIA I ARMY # I NAVY # I AIR # NSA I Aig I OCR (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) NFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19 CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 .77 Tr anspo_r. at i on Summary for July 1964 2E.0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET NO FHB EISSEM - 2 - ? Transportation Summary for July 1964 I. International Transport Relations Pages Current most important targets for link-up of Soviet Bloc transportation systems. 8 Ninth meeting of OSShD Ministers ? Conference in Moscow. 8. Ileeting of Standing !orking Group for the Cooper- ation of OSShD Railroads Eedical Services in Bucharest. 0 16th Eeeting of Standing Committee for C. MECON Transportation in Varna. 17th. Meeting of Standing Committee for COMECON Transportation in 1arsaw. 9 5th Meeting of Railroad Transport Section in Prague. 9 :forking 'Meeting of StandinW Group for Air Transport in Lenin- 9 grad. Common Freight Car Pool (OPY) military effects. Conversion from screw couPling to uniform European automatic central buffer coupling. 10 Ratification of Rumanian-ugoslav agreement on build- ing of power plants and improvement of shipping con ditions,at Iron Gate. 11 Opening of new Bratislava - Budapest and Bratislava - Vienna regular shipping lines. 11. Polish-soviet lone negotiations on establishment of joint railroad stations in Kostrzyn (KUstrin),Gubin (Guben) and Horka. Delivery of 30 Rumanian diesel locomotives to Poland. Hungarian freight car orders with Rumania, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia. Delivery of 20 Soviet diesel locomotives to Hungary. Soviet willingness to deliver rolling stock to Turkey. Soviet financial, technical and personnel aid in planning and building of transport installations in .fghanistan, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, and Mali. Transport agreements between USSR and Norway, Sweden and the United States. SECRET NO FENN DISSEM Il 11 11 11 12 12 12: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ISSEM -3-. ic',fres Discontinuation of Soviet-Japanese negotiations on joint Tokyo - Siberia - liocow regular air service. Hungarian air agreements with Yugoslavia and Cyprus. Hungarian-Italian agreement on increased Hungarian utili.-ation of Trieste Port. :3-mployment of Hungarian Danube - sea vessel in regular Sweden.- Poland line service. Polish air agreement with fugoslavia and Finland. Czech-Greek air agreement. Czech offer to 7:estern airlines to use Bratislava airport as emergency port for Vienna. Czech-Austrian road transportation agreement. Bulgarian transport agreement with Yugoslavia, ,:est Germany and Greece. Rumanian-Austrian agreement on freight transpor- tation by road. New regular Floscow - Damascus - Baghdad flight service. Discontinuation of express freight transport between 'Jest Germany and USSR, New Budapest. - lalan air lino. Participation of Scandinavian Airlines System (AS) in air service between Hungary and Scandinavia. New Belgrade - ":agreb - Prague - Copenhagen air lino. ?Polish charter flights for children's vacation trans- ports from Prance to Poland. Completion of a stretch of strategically important Rawalpindi .7 Gilgit highway in Nest Pakistan/ Chinese border area. Opening of now Czech-Nest German border crossing point at Folmava (Vollmau) - Furth i. Negotiation between Czech and Bavarian authorities on opening of border crossing point near Bayrisch. 7iisenstein in 1965. Opening of now Czech-Austrian border crossing point at Nova Bystrice (Neu-Bistritz) Grammetten. Czech tractor and truck exports to Greece. 13; 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 SECRET kill Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET FOUrN D1SSEM Construction of Hungarian cargo ships and barges for Egypt. 16 Indian order for 55 railroad bridges and Indo- nesian order for 163 railroad cars to be deliver- ed by Hungary. 16 Negotiation between Leyland Motors,of Great Britain, and Cuba on delivery of 500 buses to Cuba. Construction of 1ard Leonard silicon rectifier locomotives under French license in Hungary. Rumanian, Soviet one and Polish efforts at atracting tourists from ,festorn countries. Rumania's joining of T.I.R. Convention. lustrian railroaders visit Soviet none. 17 17 17 18 II. USSR Performance and operational .data scheduled for railroad transportation in 1964- 19 Increased standard wOight for freight trains on various stretches. 20 Planned extension of the Nevinnomysskaya Dzeguta railroad stretch as far as Sukhumi (Black Sea). 20 Double-tracking and electrification of the entire Moscow Ring railroad by late 1966. 20 General overhaul of various railroad stretches. 20 Road improvement in the Ukraine from 1959 to 1963. 21 Planned road and bridge building in the Russian SFSR in 1964. 21 Construction of new highways between Moscow and Chelyabinsk, and Moscow and Volgograd. 21 Full operation of Volga - Baltic Goa Canal. Freight volume exceeding three million tons scheduled for 19643 additional measures for creation of modern inland shipping fleet for freight and passenger traffic. Planned Black Sea railroad fe/7ry between Odessa, USSR, and Varna, Bulgaria. SECRET 21 21 22 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19 ::CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ? ? NO h 79 III. Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany Traffic performances of Berlin S-Eahn. Probable extension of Derlin,Adlershof new freight station for military requirements. Bornim Grube railroad station converted into block post. Considerable impediment of inter.onal freight traffic between Federal Republic of Germany and Jest Berlin duo to temporary closing and low water of inland waterways. Increase of regular and charter flights from and to Berlin during the first half of 1964. Performance of the three inland modes of trans- portation during the first half of 1964. LeipLig,Plagwitz and Leipzig.Bayerischer Hahn- hof railroad maintenance shops made ''Lok- Einsatzstelle (operating pool of locomotives), and other reorganization measures in the operational locomotive service in the Leipzig area. No major operational disturbances despite in- creased demand on Reichsbahn and concomitant car shortage. Intensive military demands on Reichsbahn.So far, no indications of personnel rotation. Extension of 204, 205a and 205c lines in con- nection with electrification of Blankenburg (Harz) - Ki5nigshUte (205a) stretch. Halberstadt - 'legeleben stretch operation since 20 Nay 1964. PreparatiorOfor double-tracking of Brit (122) stretch. Overhaul of Dioderitz - Her2enkrug completed. For survey of road bridged over Elbe River, with sketches, see Annex.1 in double-track Eberswalde - stretch (207) Operation of Nagdeburg,Rothensee shiplift resum- ed 22 July 1964. Closing of inland shipping on some sections of L;lbe River. Temporary closing of some .sections of Elbe and Havel rivers because of military training activity. SECRET Pages 22 23 23 23-24 24 25 26 27 27 27-28 28 28 '1-29 _28 28729 9 kin rnt:rinii nioora Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET ?6?. IV. Czechoslovakia Beginning of construction on all five Vojany Haniska broad-gauge line sections For map of Czech railroad net (status 1 July 1964), see Annex 2 By late 1964, Czech State Railroads net provided with 5,064 seamless track kilometers rages ? 30 31 Expansion of Bohmisch Trlibau (Ceska Trebova) railroad station to largest Czech switchyard 31 Electric operation on Oldrichov - Louka u.L. - Brax (Most) line for empty coal cars only 31 Beginning of electrification on Ostrau (Ostrava)/Kuncice - Polanka n.0.. bypass line 31 Completion of electrification on railroad closed test line near Velim 31 Coal storage at locomotive depots filled to capacity 32 Testing of a new electric railcar set of type EM 475 32 Investment of 442 million Czech crowns (Kcs) for road construction in 1964 Opening of new road bridge across Moldau (Vltava) River near Zbraslav Discontinuation of passenger shipping Prague (Praha) - Slapy because of low water V. Poland Abolition of visa for private travels of Polish citizens to Hungary and Hungarian citizens to Poland 32 32 33 34 Opening of electric railroad traffic on Warsaw - Prague line, 29 April 1964 34 Opening of electric railroad traffic on Posen. (Poznan) Warsaw line, 6 June 1964 SECRET 34 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET ? 7 ? \ Laying of seamless tracks on Polish railroad net Shortage of tracks for roadbed repairs; increased track deliveries in next Five Year Plan (1966 to 1970) In 1964/1965, conversion to automatic block system on Warsaw - Katowice -? Gliwice line Pages 34 Jozef Popielas, former Polish Minister of Transport, made First Deputy Chairman of the Common Freight Car Pool in May 1964 34 35 35 Railroad engineer training of Polish students at technical schools in Moscow and Leningrad. 35 Planned putting into service of 540 new electric locomotives and 1,250 new diesel lobomotives within next Five Year Plan 35 Two-axle freight cars (carrying capacity 21 tons) with polyethylene glass superstructures tested at Polish State Railroads 35 Introduction of assembly line system at Kbhigszelt car depot to increase annual repair quota 36 Reconstruction and modernization of arterial roads from Warsaw Construction of Warsaw - Plock expressway Road bridge across Bug River Discontinuation of shipping in middle reaches of the Vistula River because of low water SECRET 36 36 37 37 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 8 - I. International Transport Relations _ _ _ _ 1. Soviet Bloc Link-UT of Tranuortation System a) PlanninE At present, the following targets are to be reached through the link-up of the Soviet Bloc transportation systems: - Increase of border-crossing passenger and freight traffic. - Measures to reduce transport costs of bulk goods. - Standardization of means of transportation. - Joint employment of means of transportation. - Structural change in train traction systems. Plans for reaching these targets were discussed during the following meetings: (1) Ninth meeting of OSShD transport ministers1), in Moscow, in late June 1964, with the following leaders of delegations: - Nancho Zineonov, Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications, of Bulgaria; - Lju Cheng-Tsao, Deputy Transport Minister of the People's Republic of China; - Pavel Bouda, Deputy Transport Minister, of Czechoslovakia; - Bat Otshanyr Gombosuren, Minister for Transport and Communications, of the Mongolian People's Republic; - Kim Che Ir, Railroad Minister of North Korea; - Ziong Bak Lien, Deputy Transport Minister of North Vietnam; Piot r Lewinski, Transport Minister, of Poland; - Aron Dudash, Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications, of Rumania; - Erwin Kramer, Transport Minister, of the soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany; - Laszlo Feldvari, Deputy Transport Minister of Hungary; - Boris P. Beshchevl Transport Minister, of the USSR. (2) Meeting of the Standing Working Group for the Cooperation of OSShD Railroads Medical Services, in Bucharest in early June 1964, under the chairman- ship of Obermedizinalrat (senior health officer) Dr. Schunck, chief of the medical service of the 1) See also Transportation Summary for June 1964, para I, 1,a) OSShD = (Organization for the Cooperation of Soviet Bloc Railroads) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 (3) SECRET Soviet Zone transportation sector. 16th Meeting of the Standing Committee for COMECON 1) Transportation, in Varna, Bulgaria, in early June 2 1964, with the delegations of all COMECON countries ), The directors of the Common Truck Pool (this institu.7.- ?Aion was mentioned for the first time) and the common ship charter agency submitted their annual reports. 17th Meeting of the Standing Committee for COMECON Transportation, in Warsaw from 24 - 27 July 1964. Fifth Meeting of the Railroad Transport Section of the Standing Committee for COMECON Transportation, in Prague from 24 - 30. June 1964. The meeting was attended by delegations from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania, the Soviet Zone, Hungary and the USSR, by delegations of Section 3 of the Standing COMECON Committee for Machine Building, and for the first time by representatives of the operational office of the common freight car pool (01'11 (Obshchij Park Vagonov). (6) Meeting of the Standing Working Group for Air Transport of the Standing Committee for COMECON Transportation, in Leningrad from 13 - 19 May 1964. b) OPW Military Effects. The beginning of the OPW operations on 1 July 1964 has brought the Soviet Bloc much closer to one of its link-up targets, i.e., the joint employment of means of transport. Some initial results allow for first conclusions to be drawn with regard to the military effects of this pool. (1) In Bad Schandau on 1 July 1964, out of 526 OPW cars scheduled for border crossing transport, 48 had to be withdrawn because of various damages. This involved additional switching and caused the delay of 11 trains. These initial difficulties must not be overestimated as regards the military significance of the OPW pool. The withdrawn cars were only gondola and box cars but no flat and heavy-duty flat cars suitable for typically military shipments.. The latter type cars have so far not been incorporated in the OPW; their maintenance is still given priority:, and they are operable at any time, However, it is probable that, by order of the military transport office for the total Warsaw Pact areal the movements of the pre- eminently militarily importp.nt flat cars, heavy-duty flat cars, tank cars ambulance and other special ) COEMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Aid) 2) COMECON countries: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Monciolia, Poland, Rumania, Soviet Zone, Hungary and USSR. Albania has not taken part in the meeting of the Transport Committee since 1962..) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 10 - cars are supervised by the NY central control office in Prague. This assumption is founded on the following fact: The Prague OTU Operations Office's modern communicat- ions equipment for the accomplishment of its normal tasks could also be utilized for the control of the militarily most essential types of rolling stock without these cars being incorporated officially in the OPW and bearing special designations. (2) On 7 July 1964, soldiers were detrained from Bulgarian freight cars at Wildpark railroad station (Soviet Zone). This was probably connected with the interchangeable employment of border-crossing freight cars according to OPV/ regulations. It is therefore to be expected that loaded freight cars of a Soviet Bloc country arriving loaded in another Soviet Bloc country will be employed on the latter's railroad - system for commercial as well as military purposes, Previously, the receiving railroads were bound to return all freight cars to their home country immediately after unloading. This regulation is still valid for all freight cars not incorporated in the OPW. The designation of the originating country or of the owning railroad administration on an OPW freight car carrying troops in another Soviet Bloc country is, therefore, not indicative of the national- ity of these troops. c) Points of Main Efforts. (1) In line with the development of a Fliform European automatic central buffer coupling ), a problem - presently under consideration is how to switch over from the current screw coupling to the new system. Sofar two proposals have been submitted: (a) The proposal of the French State Railroads is based on the assumption that there will be old and new -type coupling vehicles in usefsimultana_ _ously for a prolonged period of time? it suggests that all cars should be equipped with an auxiliary- device designed to connect both systems during the period of transition. . (b) For economy reasons, the German Federal Railroads' proposal envisages a short-term conversion within a period of a few days, making an intermediate solution, requiring additional costs, unnecessar:;c, 1) See Transportation Summary for March 1964, para I,A,6. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECkET It is assumed that the Soviet Bloc Railroads' views on this subject will again be decisive, as was the 'developmental workwhen at the beginning of the joint developmental work the Joint Working Group OSShD/UIC 1) decided on the coupling capability of the future uniform European coupling system with the Soviet SA-3 system. (2) Danube SM2.042E1 (a) In Bucharest on 16 July 1964, Rumania and Yugoslavia signed an agreement on the construction of two hydroelectric power plant, a dam, and two locks in the Iron Gate region 2), The instruments of ratification were deposited by Rumanian Minister for Mining and Electricity AlMasan and Yugoslav Industry Minister Bajkovic 3). (b) On 1 July 1964, the Czech Danube Shipping Company opened two regular ship lines, ice., the Bratislava - Budapest route, taking 3.5 hours, and the Bratislava - Vienna route, taking one hour. The lines are served by Soviet type Raketa, hydro- foil boats. ( ) Border Crossings The Polish and Soviet Zone transport ministries are negotiating the establishment Of joint railroad stations at Kilstrin (Kostrzyn), Guben (Gubin) and Horka. The joint border-crossing control measures and customs inspection are to reduce the costs and to accelerate the border crossing traffic. (4) Division of Work in the Construction of Means of Tranu2EI. (a) Rumania is to deliver to Poland 30 diesel locomot- ives of 2,100 PS each, valued at 40 million DM. - The locomotives are being built ander licence by the firms of Sulzer, Switzerland, .and Brown-Boveri West Germany. . (b) In conformity with the directives of pertinent COMECON bodies, the Hungarian State Railroads had to place their 1964 orders for freight cars with the Rumanian, Bulgarian and Czech railroad car industry. (c) The Soviets have promised to deliver 20 x 2,000 PS diesel locomotives to Hungary in the course of 1964. 1) UIC = Union Internationale dos Chemins de Per (International Railroad Association) 2) Iron Gate = 117-kilometer stretch of rapids between Danube ? Kilometer Marker 1.048 .at Modava Veche, Rumania, and Kilometer Marker 931 at Turnu Severin, See Transportation Summary for October 1963, para 1,1, SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET 2. Soviet Bloc Transport Relations to Outside Countries All Soviet Bloc countries are continuing efforts to establish further contacts with Western and uncommitted countries in an attempt to play a dominating role in inter- national bodies of the transportation sector. a) Aid in the PlaLLing_and Construction of Transport Routes _ _ _ (1) The USSR intends to deliver rolling stock to Turkey. (2) The 662-kilometer Conakry - Kankan, Guinea, railroad line was improved with Soviet assistance. (3) Route surveying of the Mazar-I-Sharif Shibarghan highway in northern Afghanistan was completed by Soviet experts. (4) With the assistance of about 200 Soviet experts, the Kabul - Charikar stretch of the new highway connect- ing, Kabul, Afghanistan, with Tomes, USSR, was completed. The 8-meter wide road has a concrete surface. There are, at present, about 2,700 Soviet engineers and experts engaged in road, railroad and airport construction in Afghanistan.' (5) In Iraq, a repair shop for diesel locomotives, passenger and freight cars was built with Soviet assistance. (6) The USSR has given technical and personnel assist- ance to Indonesia in the construction of five high- ways of a total length of 700 kilometers on the Island of Kalimantan (Borneo). (7) Soviet experts are designing a 360-kilometer railroad line which is to connect Kouroussa, Guinea, with Bamako, Mali, via Siguiri, Guinea. In the above cases, Soviet aid includes the sending of experts, the delivery of material, machinery and means of transport, and the granting of loans. b) Tra4E2prt Relations with Western and Uncommitted Countries "- (1) Trans pa Negotiations and Agreements (a) Soviet and Norwegian authorities have negotiated trips Of Soviet tourists' boatS to Norwegian fjords. In the summer of 1964, a ship accommod- ating about 600 persons is scheduled to make two trips, calling at Kirkenes, Hammerfest,_TromsO, Harstad and Narvik. (b) Soviet State Airline AEROFLOT and Swedish Scandinavian Airlines System have agreed not to carry charter flights between Seandinavia and the USSR in the summer of 1964. Howeve, organized tours will be granted the same reduced prices On regular plane service as with charter flights. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET ?13? (c) The USSR and the USA are discussing the opening of a non-stop flight service between Moscow and New York still in 1964. (d) Soviet - Japanese negotiations for a joint air service between Tokyo and Moscow via Siberia .have been discontinued despite the fact that Japan had agreed to make use of her traffic rights .after ? two years only and to let AEROFLOT carry out the flights for the time being. (See Transportation Summary for May 1964, para I12,b)(1). (e) Hungary and Yugoslavia have signed a new air agreement on the expansion of air connections. (f) Foreign Minister- Spires Kiprianu, of Cyprus, and Deputy Post and Transport Minister Rudolf Ronal., of Hungary, have signed an air agreement in Nicosia, (g) The managing directors of MASPED (Hungarian State Shipping Agency) and MAGAZZINI GENERALI TRIESTE) (Trieste _Shipping Agency) have agreed to increase Hungarian Shipments via the port of Trieste considerably. In 1964,. these shipments are to amount-to at least 150,000 tons (90,000 tone in 1963). (h) Hungarian State Shipping Company DETERT for Danube and sea-going vessels maintains a regular bimonthly service with Danube - sea vessel DUNA (See Transportation Summary for June 1964, para I,1,b)) between Stockholm, ? Sweden, and Gdansk (Danzig), Poland. The Stockholm agency for this service is the firm of Hagbard?Dennel AB. In Belgrade, delegations of the Polish LOT and the Yugoslav YAT airlines have signed an agreement authorizing LOT to establish - according to requirements - any number of air connections to. Yugoslavia and through Yugoslavia to the Near East and Africa. The same applies for YAT for flights to 1arsaw and through Poland to the USSR and Scandinavia. (j) In Warsaw, Polish and Finnish delegations exchanged instruments of ratification to the air. agreement of.4 July 1963, which has thus become effective. (i) (k) Czechoslovakia and Greece have concluded an air agreement replacing the former arrangements, effective only according to circumstances, by definite regulations. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET ? 14? Czech State Airline CSA has. recently offered to Western airlines to use Bratislava airport as emergency airport for Vienna. (See Transportation Summary for Rj 19647 para I, 2,b) (1). Czechoslovakia and Austria are about to conculde a highway transport agreement. The Yugoslav shipping agencies YUGOLINIYA in Riyeka and SLOBODNA PLOVIDBA in Split have come to an agreement with the Bulgarian State agency DESPRED according to which Bulgarian shipments to the Near, Middle and Far East will be carried by Bulgarian vessels from Varna or Burgas to Riyeka, where they will be transshipped to Yugoslav vessels for further transportation to the ports of destination. Shipments in the opposite direct- ion will be treated accordingly. In Bucharest, Rumania and Austria came to an agreement on border crossing freight traffic by road. In Sofia, Bulgaria and West Germany signed admin- istration agreements on freight transport by road between the two countries. In line with the re-establishment of normal relations between Bulgaria and Greece, which had been disrupted for 20 years, several agreements were concluded in the transport sector. They include the joint utilization of rivers in the border area; the construction of a railroad line from Kulata, Bulgaria, to Sidirokastron,Greece - another line connecting the two countries between Plovdiv and Pythion via Svilengrad/Dikea had already been available; mutual preferential treatment in using the ports; opening of air transport butween the two countries; and con- struction of a new bridge over the Bistrica River on the Kulata Sidirokastron highway, by late 1965. (2) T.,.Lansport Relations (a) On 16 July 1964, AEROFLOT, USSR, opened regular flight service between Moscow and Baglidaa, Iraq, with intermediate stop in Damascus, Syria. Te route is served once per week by an IL-18 plane taking a bare seven hours including the stop in Damccus,.(See Transportation Summary for April 1964, para I,2,b). SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ? SECRET 15 - (b) Since 13 July 19649 express goods .conveyance between West Germany and the USSR has also been discontinued via the Hungarian, Rumanian and Bulgarian border crossing stations. Since 9 June 1964, shipping of such goods had already been discontinued via Poland. (See Transportation Summary for June 1964, para Internal motives of the Soviet Bloc railroad administrations concerned were the cause of those measures. The volUme of these shipments had so far been insignificant. (c) Hungarian State Airline MALEV has opened a new air connection between Budapest and Milan, Italy. (d) MALEV airlines and the Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS), Sweden, cooperate in the sale of air tickets. At present, MALEY is serving the Hungarian - Scandinavian route by its own; however, SAS is making efforts to join the service at an equivalent proportion. (e) Yugoslav YAT airline opened another regular Belgrade - Zagreb - Prague (Czechoslovakia) - Copenhagen (Denmark) air service on 5 July 1964. The line is served once per week (sundays) by a Caravelle. New TEEM (Trans-Europ Express Marchandises) (trans-European express good trains) have been introduced for Yugoslav meat and fruit shipments to Scandinavia. According to the timetable, these trains cover the Belgrade - Budapest - Prague - Bad Schandau (Soviet Zone) - Sassnitz - Stockholm route in 64 hours. Previously, these goods were routed via Jcsenice - Rosenbach (Austria) - Salzburg - MUnchen (West Germany) - Puttgarden - Rodby (Denmark). The entire Belgrade- - Stockholm distance was then covered in 77 hours. A gain of 13 hours plays a decisive role in the choice of transport routes for perishable food. (g) In mid-July 1964, Polish State airline LOT flew approximately 550 children of Polish descent from Paris and Lille, France, into holiday camps in Poland. (h) A 175-kilometer stretch of the 675-kilometer Rawalpindi - Gilgit (West Pakistan) highwy has recently been completed. This strategically important road is to be open to traffic the year round. Running along the West Pakistan - Chinese border it has access to the Chinese highway system. (See Transportation Summary for March 1964, para I,B,2, b)). f SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET ? 16 -- c) Border Crossing Traffic Czechoslovakia continuos in her efforts to facilitate the entry from West Germany and Austria into Czecho- slovakia by opening new border crossing points. (1) Between Schafberg near Furth i.W., West Germany, and Folmava, Czechoslovakia, a new road border crossing point was opened with a capacity of clearing 1,200 motor vehicles a day. A 9-meter long bridge spanning the Varme Pastritz River near the border has been opened to traffic. The bridge has an alleged capacity of 60 tons. (See Transportation Summary for March 19649 para 193,3 (2) During discussions of local Czech and Bavarian authorities in late July 1964, the Czech announced that they intended to reopen the Bayrisch Eisenstein (West Germany) - Zelezna Ruda (Czechoslovakia) border crossing point in 1965. This border crossing point had been closed for 20 'years. Its reopening would establish a through connection between MUnchen (Munich) and Praha (Prague) via Landshut Deggendorf - Regan - Zwiesel on West German Highway No 11 and furtheron via Klatovy - Plzen. The sixth Czech/Austrian border crossing point was opened at Grammetten, Austria, and Nova Bystrice, Czechoslovakia. Being connected with Austrian Federal Highway ,No 40, this border crossing point has shortened the traveling time between Vienna and Prague by about four hours. (3) d) Euorts Imports Licensed Construction of Moans -Tranuprt. (1) (a) According to the trade and payments agreement effective from 1 July 1964 - 30 June 1967, Czechoslovakia exports tractors and trucks to Greece. (b) The BalatonfUred, Hungary, shipbuilding and cranebuilding yard- builds cargo vessels and barges for the Egyptian Nile River Fleet. Four units have already been delivered and another three are under construction. (c) India has placed a designs and delivery order for 55 railroad bridges to Hungary. (d) The Gyor, Hungary, railroad car and machine factory delivers 118 fast train cars, 35 mail cars and 10 dining cars to the Indonesian rail- roads. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ,(2) Inip_orts The firm of Leyland Motors, Groat Britain, is negotiating with Cuban authorities on the delivery of 500 buses in addition to the 450 buses delivered in January 1964. Construction Under Licence _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ The Ganz factory for electrical equipment and the Ganz-MAVAG factory, Hungary, have completed the first Ward Leonard silicon rectifier locomotive under French licence. Tho locomotive has a dead weight of 73.4 tons, a length of 15.5 meters over buffer, a capacity of 3,000 PS and attains a maximum speed of 140 km/h. Six this type units are to be build by late 1964. (3) SECRET _ 17 - e) Tourism The marked Soviet Bloc attempts to increase their hard currency, revenues for services rendered have been extended to the activation of tourist traffic from Western countries. Efforts made to this end differ greatly from the former methods of dealing with tourism: (1) In Rumania, branch offices of the State Bank issue tourist checks in lei in exchange for freely convertible currencies. With those checks, tourists may buy goods at a 20-percent reduction in specific shops. Furthermore, holders of tourist visa are granted a 200 percent rate of exchange for hard currency compared with the official rate. Twenty nine representatives of the loading United States travel agencies have made arrangements with the Rumanian State Tourist Office OUT - CARPATI. Soviet Zone state travel agency Reisobilro der DDR has concluded representation contracts with about 10 Unitud States travel agencies. Polish state travel agency Orbis in Scandinavia is advertising the Polish Amber Coast", that is the coastal stretch between Swinoscae ( SwinemlAnde) and Gdarisk (Danzig). Polish State Airline LOT grants considerably reduced flight rates to individual foreigners staying at least five days in Poland. However, in contrast to these apparently positive measures, all kind of existing travel restrictions, and even the possibility of arbitrary arl'ests of foreign tourists, still bear heavily upon the personal security of holiday traviers in the Soviet Bloc countries. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 18 - f) .Cooperation in International 0.-E.pmisations of the _ Transport Sector Effective with 8 July 19641 Rumania has joined the Carnet T.I.R. Convention I). However, pending the clarification of insurance and liability problems, the Carnet T.I.R. cannot be applied to Rumanian shipments, as yet. Transport Personnel Visits in Soviet Zone. Following an invitation of the Soviet Zone Power, Post & Transport Workers Union, approximately. 150 Austrian railroaders visited the city of Dresden. g) 1 T.I.R. = Transport International Routior = Inter- national Freight Transport by Road. . Carnet T.I.R. . Customs clearing document eliminat- ing practically customs inspection of truck shipments at the border and effecting a gain in time and reduction of costs. Carnet T.I.R. Convention = Customs convention of all member countries of the IRU (International Road Transportation Union) enjoying the benefit of the advantages of the Carnet T.I.R. at equal rights and duties. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 19 - USSR 1. Railroad Transportation a. Operational and Performance Data Planned for 1964 1963 Freight movement, in billion ton/km 1,795 1,745 Freight volume in million tons about 2,200 2,144 Passengers, carried in billion passengers/km 196 192 Passengers,carried in millions about 2,350 2,100 Opening of new lines, in kilomters 625 616 Putting into operation of double tracks ' in kilometers 436 500 General overhaul of lines, in kilo- meterd 4,000 7,000 Laying of seamless tracks, in kilo- meters 7,500 12,000 Track laying on macadam, in kilom4-trs about 7,500 7,600 Laying of new heavier tracks, in ki1om9ters 9,500 9,000 Installation of Automatic block installations and dis,?atcher interlocking, in kilometers 2,015 2,200 Semi-automatic block installations, in kilometers about 8,000 10,600 lectrification of lines kilo- meters 2,076 2,198 including a.c., in kilometers 1,736 1,255 Dili'ation of lines in kilometers about 5,000 7,000 Proportion of electric and diesel locomotives in freight movement, in per cent 77.2 71 Average daily run of electric locomotive, in kilometers 587 586.5 Average daily run of diesel locomotive, in kilometers 500 504.0 Average freight train weight , in tons 2,295 2,267 1Wan:--(n freight car turnaround time, in days 5,55 5.59 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 NOINfrE RET CISSEM - 20 - b. Operational Data The standard weight for freight tars has been increased on the following stretches: Kartaly - Chelyabinsk Kartaly - Magnitogorsk Chelyabinsk - Sinarskaya Irkutsk - Uland.jde from from from from 3,200 tons to 3,600 tons 3,200 tons to 4,000 tons 3,300 tons to 4,000 tons 2,400 tons to 3,000 tons. c. Line Net (new construction and reconstruction) (1) The single-track Nevinnomysskaya Dzheguta stretch of the Armavir - Baku line is to be extended to Sukhumi on the Black Sea via Teberda. It is planned to construct a tunnel through the Caucasus south of Taberda. Preparatory work and surveying for the new line allegedly started in the fall of 1963. (2) The entire Moscow Ring (outer railroad ring) is at present being modernized, electrified and double-tracked. fork is to be completed by late 1966. Upon completion, this 537-kilometer long ring will overpass or under- pass 11 railroad lines, 40 highways and several rivers, thus constituting a fast route for commodities not destined for Moscow - similar to the Moscow Highway Ring (109 kilometers) - (see Tpt. for April 1963). (3) General overhaul has been carried out, or continues to be carried out on the following stretches: - Kiel - Goroblagodatsk ya Sverdlovsk - Verkhnaya- Solikamsk line Sverdlovsk - Omsk line Rostov - Armavir line Transsiberian Magistrale Transsiberian Magistrale. Penza Liski line. Pen'L,a Liski line Kuybyshev - Orenburg line. - Sverdlovsk - -iogdanovich - Bataysk Kushchevka - Klukvennaya - Ylanskaya Tayshet - Cheromknovo - Irkutsk - Slyudyanka ? - Povorino Talovaya - Penza Rtishchevo - Kineil Duzuluk SECRET un rnrEleki niSSFM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/19 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SEC ion u 11Fr N 0.?1;d1.....v v.. _ Ri 2. Road Transportation Road Construction a. Between 1959 and 1963, about 5,0D0 road kilometers_re- ceivad a tar surface, and approximately 42,000 meters of bridges were constructed in the Ukraine. About 25 per cent of all 'public roads' have a solid surface. Construction of wooden bridges has been discontinued since 1951. b. In the area of the Russian SFSR, about 7,500 meters of bridges are to be constructed in 1964, and about 39,000 kilometers of roads, mainly republic, rayon and local roads, are to receive a solid surface. c. An about 2,000 kilometerqlong highway is under construction between lioscow and Chelyabinsk. It will cross the dam of the hydro-electric power plant at Kuybyshev, Shiguli district. The lioscov - Kuybyshev, the Kuybyshev - Sernovodsk, and the C'aelyabinsk - latoust, stretches are to be opened to traffic still in 1964. In a:dition, a new highway is under construction between ik)scow and Volgograd.. This about 1,000-kilometer long hi-h- way is to by-pass all major cities. The by-pass at Kashira and the Tambov -ilichurinsk Stretch are to be opened to traffic in 1965. 3, Inland Shippinz a. Shipping is in full swing in both directions on the Volga - Daltic Canal, opened on 7 June 1964, via the 128 kilometer long Koscow - Volga Canal, with 5.5 meter mean depth, and 11 sluices of 290 m 30 x 5.5 meters, large vessels can reach Eoscow. Still in 1964, the freight volume carried along this waterway is to exceed three million tons, mostly consisting of lumber, grain, salt, cfude oil,coal and ore. In order to handle the fastgrowing freight traffic between the Baltic and the Black Sea along the Canal, an ef2icient inland fleet of vessels for dry goods and tankers, of a carrying capacity of 3,000 - 5,000 tons, is being built. In addition, 2,000-ton barges are to be built, designed to be pushed along this direct north-south route in con- soliCated special tug-and-tows of packs of four to eight paired units. For passenger traffic between Leningrad - Petroavodsk - Gorkiy - Kuybyshev - Saratov - Volgograd - Astrakhan or Rostov, nine large modern diesel vessels are to be employed in 1964, including the F. L]NG._]LS, U. 00G:2L, A. N-]VSKIY, and CIOLKOVSKIY. SECRET Mfl rn7rInii moorin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Furthermore, increased employment of the about 130 hydro- foil boats of the following tsnes is scheduled for passenger traffic: SPUTNIK (speed of up to 66.5 kilometers/hour, accomo_cidatijL 300 passengers), RAIETA (speed of up to 75 kilometers/hour, accomodating 66 passengers), ITETEOR (speed of up to 75 kilometers/hour,accomodating 150 passengers). b. 5 new hydro-foil boat of type . el:ET has recently boon launched from the Krasnoe Sormovo shipyard in Gorki:i. This :type is the first gas-turbine propelled hydrofoil. It attains 110 km/h speed and accomodates 150 pasengors. The first KOLII models arc to be employed on the Volga - Baltic Canal. c. A railroad ferry service, similar to the ferr: service on the Caspian Sea, is to be est:blishcd between Odessa, USSR, and Varna, Bulgaria, in the dear future. Trienty freight cars are 'L.) to be carried over on this new about 400 kilometer long Black Sea route within 15 hours. The regular railroad route via Rumania requires three to four days. Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany 1. Berlin Traffic Situation and intor2,onal Traffic a. Berlin Traffic Situation (1) Performances of Berlin S-Dahn(area of greater Berlin) Year S-Bahn Operational Performance Number of train Train Axle ;Passengers runs km km Carried in millions per km 1960 1,039 29.8 807 417 5,896 1961 1,057 28.6 747 334 4,747 1962 1,341+ 29.1 702 215 3,165 1965 1,411 28.8 687 216 3,233 Since the erection of the Berlin -Jail on 13 August 1961, the number of passengers carried by the S-Dahn has decreased by more than 48 per cent, and the performance expresed in passenger/kilometers by more than 45 .per cent. (See Tat, Summaries for March and April 1964, Paragraph III,l.a, Berlin Traffic Situation). After the closing measures of August 1961, the SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 23- Reichsbahn had to establish a separate S-Dahn service in .est Berlin. Those 3-Bahn trains are running on the relatively short stretches of ,est Berlin territory while, prior to 13 August 1961, numerous S-Bahn trains served :est Berlin traffic in connection with their runs between the Soviet 'Lion() border areas and East Berlin. Duo to the .setting up of two 3-Bahn services, the number of S-Eahn trains has increased by 35.8 per cent. :Expressed in train/kilometers, the operational performance has re=- mained almost stable for the folloying -:-easons: - The S-Bahn stretches closed , , in August 1961 have been replaced bysome new stretches. - The Roichsbahn has not decreased its S-Bahn runs in est Berlin despite the boycott of the Jest Berliners. However, the total figure expressed in axle kilometers of the entire S-Bahn net has steadily decreased as a result of the shortage of S-Bahn cars. Due to the increasing number of S-Bahn trains operated, the individual trains - especially in ;est Berlin - are shorter than previously. (2) For the first time, a mi1i'6ar-j shipment was observed moving from Derlin,Adlershof to Bernau, and possibly, to Reichs- bahn Division Greifswald in early July 1964. Even though, according to official announcements, the new Berlin= Adlershof freight station is to serve primarily as -Unload- ing station southeast' and to take over 6he civilian freight traffic of Berlin.GrUnau, Berlin.Schoneweide, and Berlin=Spindlersfeld, it is to be assumed that its in- stallations have been expanded for military requirements. (3) Dornim,Grube railroad station on the western section of the Berlin Outer Ring (Line 104c) was converted into a block post on 10 July 1964. Only the automatic block signals are still in operation, while the entry and departure signals are not, indicating that no passengers can get off or on trains and that no railroad cars are added or detached at Dornim,Grube. b. Inter2,onal Traffic (1) Inland Shipping Between Jest -Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany In addition to the closing of the-MittelIand Canal because of repairs on the Magdeburg,Rothensee shiplift, which lasted until 22 JUly 1964, the Elbe River down- SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET 74 - stream of Sandau (UU 0153) and the lower Havel River have been closed in various places on several days (See Paragraph III, 5 of this Summary). As a con- sequence, inland shipping between -'est Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany, which handles about 23 per cent of the annual 'Jest Berlin freight traffic from and to Berlin (in June 1963, as much as 45 per cent), was completely interrupted. (See Tpt. Summary for June 1964). As soon as the dropping of the water level necessitates discontinuation of shipping on the :lbe River down- stream of lagdeburg, inland shipping between 7est Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany will again be interrupted, since the waterway to Berlin via the idittel- land Canal is routed on the ]lbe River between Magdeburg= Rothensee shiplift and the Havel ,River mouth. ,lready now, barges are loaded less than 50 per cent of their carrying capacity. Efforts arc therefore being made to transport part of the freight by road. Contrary to the winter of 1963/64, the iTeichsbahn, possibly because of own heavy demands has not yet taken over freight trains in addition to the 13 regular freight trains running daily from Helmstedt to Berlin. :Is a result, a large number of freight trains destined to 'lest Berlin are awaiting processing by the Bundesbahn (Federal Railways). (2) Civilian Air Traffic Between Aest Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany During the first half of 1964, 1,197,633 passengers used the two 71est Berlin airports Derlin=Tempelhof and Derlin,Tegel, that is an increase of more than 15.7 per cent compared with the same period in 1963. The number of take-offs and landings incl'eased according- ly to a total of 28,932, that is an increase of 17 peracent-compared with the 1963 figures. During the present summer vacation traffic, about 200 daily take-offs and landings are performed at the two ;est Berlin airports. . The airlines carrying charter flights for travel agencies transported about 20 per cent more passengers a: during the first six months of 1964 than in the same period in 1963. .lithin the framework of these charter ?flights, a seasonal air line is flown every Sunday from Berlin=Tempolhof- to aibeck with bus connection to and from Travemtimde. In their protests against t':ie SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 25 - non-stop Pan Am.2rican .'.irways flights between est Berlin and New York, the Soviet and East German authorities have also protested against the charter flights from and to 'Jest Berlin. (See Tpt. Summar:: for June 1964). So far, no charter flights have been impeded. 2. General Transp_o_EILLion of the Soviet Zone The three inland modes of transportation carried a total of 295.3 million tons of freight during the first half of 1964,that is an increase of 7.5 per cent compared with the 1963 figure (274.7 million tons). Freight transports brokan down to modes of transportation in million tons: Railroad Motor vehicles Inland shipping First half of 1963 1964 123.9 146.2 Changes 133 158 4.3 + 7.3 per cent 0 + u.3 per cent - 6.5 per cent Inland modes of = 274..7 mill.= 295.3 mill. + 7.5 per cent transportation tons tons Total = 100 per cent= 100 per cent including IZailroad 45.1 per cent45.0 per cent Motor vehicles 53.2 per cent53.5 per cent Inland shipping 1.7 per cent 1.5 per cent The slight decrease in the share of inland shipping in the total freight volume reflects the impediment. this mode of transportation suffered through icc at the beginning of the year and through low water in June and July 1964. Theshares of the three inland modes of transportation in the total transport .performance in ton/kilometers differ widely from the breakdown of the total amount of freight transported because, as a result of the strict control of the Soviet one freight traffic, motor vehie traffic is mostly used for feeding and dis- tributing goods to/railroads over short distances, while the railroads carry primarily goods over long distances. In 1962, the share of the railroads in the total tonnage of freight trans- ported by the three modes of inland transportation was 45 per cent, but ambunted to 82.7 per cent with regard to transport capacity. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 5. SECRET Railroad Transportation a. Organi-ation and L;tructure The former railroad maintenance shops (Bahnbetriebswerke -Bw) Leip:ig=Plagwitz and Leilyig=Dayerischer Bahnhof have been disbandecf as independent agencies and converted into --Lok-Anstat stellen- (operating pool of locomotives). Lok-Einsita.stelle Leip.ig=PlagwitL, is now subordinate to Bw Leip ig=7:ahren, and Leipig:=Bayerischer Bahnhof to Bw Leipig Hauptbahnhof For the followin already existing operating pool of locomo- tives (Lok-Einsatzstelle) previously called ''Lokbahnhof = locomotive station, the subordination has been changed as follows: Lok-Lansatzstelle Subordination until late 1963 to Bw Kohren=Salis Leipzig,Bayeri- seller Bahnhof Gekthain Leipzig.Dayeri- scher Eahnhof Gaschwitz Leipig=Dayeri- scher Bahnhof nrzen Leipzig Haupt- bahnhof as of early 1964 to Bw Leipzig SUd Leipzig Leipzi 'est Hauptbahnhof Hauptbahnhof Hauptbahnhof Halenburg This reorgani.ation is connected with the change in the train traction service, which, through the gradually increasing employment of electric and diesel locomotives for lino service and switch service, results in a slow decrease in the steam locomotive pool. During the past ten years, electric train operations started from Leip ig traffic entral,on the following lines: LeipA.g - Halle - Eagdeburg and/or Eitterfeld atterfeld, - Rosslau and/or lu.ldentein Leipig Grosskorbetha - Halle and/or -;eisf,enfels Leipig 'rerdau Wickau and/or Reichenbach (Vogtland) with connections to Neukieritzsch - Borna, and Bohlen near 13spenhain. (Above list is not in chronological order). The changeover to electric traction in the LeipLig area has had favourable effects, all the more since in this area diesel switch locomotives have also been introduced at an increased scale. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET _ 77_ b. Operations and Traffic E2LUonalLand_2-r-tuation By taking over transports of the inland shipping, which the latter could not fulfill because of low water as well as by the organied vacation traffic 71ad military trans- ports (see Paragraph (2)), the Reichsbahn had to fulfill additional operational demands. Except for the effects of the long-lasting heat wave re- sulting in delays at track construction sites, signal breakdowns and warping of tracks, no major operational troubles have become known. Duo to the continuing difficulties in meeting the demand for freight cars at the scheduled time, Deputy Transport ninister Arndt again asked the Reichsbahn repair shops and Reichsbahn maintenance shops to reduce the quota of damaged cars and furthermore ordered the Reichsbahn operative train traction department to accelerate the unloading of service coal cars by setting up reserve coal depots. (2) The Soviet Army had the largest share in the military demand on the Reichsbahn. Despite numerous GSFG exercies in the northwestern and western areas of the Soviet `:one, and NVA exercises in the entire southern area of the Soviet _,one, the demands on the Reichsbahn did not surpass the level normal for this period of the. year. So far, there have been no signs, such as equipping and making available of boxcars and dispatch of forerunners for personnel and dependents, indicative of the OSFG personnel rotation usually taking place in the month of July. c. Line Extension (1) In connection with the electrification of the Dlankenburg (ilarz) Konigshate stretch (about seven kilometers before Tanne railroad station) of Line 205a, the following extensions (sue also Tpt. Sum-Jary for larch 1963) are underway or scheduled Line 205 a - Equipping of Elbingrode Jest, nttenrode, and Iiichaele- stein railroad stations with 450 meters crossing rails; - Construction of a.single-track by-pass around the Dielstein tunnel between Raeland and nttenrode becausethe lowering of the tunnel floor to enable installation of the overhead lines would be too costly; - New construction of Blanhenburg Nord railroad station with six tracks to enable changing of locomotives. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 2 - Line 204 - Double-tracking of the Halberstadt-egeleben stretch, in operation since 30 nay 1964. (See Tpt. Summary for august 1963). Between Line 205c and 204 - Construction of the -Halberstadt connecting curve. (2) The Eberswalde - Britz stretch of Line 122 is being prepared for double-trackingv The increase of the line capacity of this bottleneck line is the first of a number of planned measures to improve POL traffic from the Schwedt/Oder crude oil processing plant to -Berlin and to Lcuna II. (3) Renovation of the Biederitz Herrenkrug,Elbe bridge (northeast of nagdeburg) on Line 207 was completed in July 1964, Road Transportation For survey of raod bridges over the Elbe River with sketches, see Annex 1. 5. Inland Shippinp a. idagdeburg.Rothensee shiplift resumed operation on 22 July 1964 after a closing period of 22 dap. Originally, the closing was scheduled to last until/J-dly 1964. (See Tpt. Summary for Juno1964). b. As a result of the continuing drought since hay 1964, the water level of the rivers and the water table has fallen far below the average. Inland shipping could employ only a fraction of its carrying capacity, and in some places inland shipping had to be discontinued. Because of the critical water level of the "Elbe River, the vessel draught was put at 0.90 meters and less. As a result, freight barges are stuck for many kilomters especially in the nagdeburg area. rater pumped in from C.Lech- reservoirs failed to raise the water level. On the following -Elbe-River stretches regular inland shipping has already been discontinued sincelate hay/early June 1964: Beginning 29 iday, from the Czech/Soviet Zone border (kilo- meter 0.00) to Riesa (kilometer 109.4). Beginning 30 hay 1964, from Riesa to the mouth of the Schwarze Elster River (kilometer 200.0) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 29 - Beginning 2 June 1964, from the mouth of the Schwarze laster River to the area of Hagdeburg=Rothensee (kilometer 332.8). The water level of Elbe River at Dresden having fallen as low as 54 centimeters, passenger shipping had to be discon- tinued upstream Dresden in late July 1964. If the'dr9!Ught continues, it is to be expected that the entire inland shipping will be discontinued downstream of hagdcburg. c. Through regulating measures by the Soviet Sone authorities, the water level- of. the lower Havel River has been kept high enough for inland shipping. On the Oder River Upstream of Hohensaaten only vital inland shipping transports are carried out, 40 - 50 per cent of the carrying capacity being used. d. In adCition to the impediment to Elbe River shipping by low water, inland shipping as discontinued Lecause of military exercises by the Soviet Army and the NVA on the following days: Between 1400 on 1 July and 1000 on 2 July ) between Havel Between 0500 and 1800 on 3 July ) mouth and 'ittenberge Between 0000 on 16 July and 2400 on 17 July, between Sandau (UU 0153) and 7iittenberge. The Havel River was also closed for military purposes On the following days: 4- 7 July )temporarily between Between 1600 on 13 July and 1200 on 16 July )Eiihlenholz (UP 0157) and up to Plauer Lake Between 0630 and 1500on 16 July Between 0630 and 1500 on 17 July ) between Between 0430 and 0900 on 18 July ) 2athenow and Between 0430 and 1000 on 20 July ) Gritz Between 0930 and 1200on 22 July Between 2030 on 22 July and 0400 on 23 July ) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET IV, Czechoslovakia 1. Railroad Traffic a) Line Construction Construction is under way on all five sections of the Vojany Haniska broad-gauge line (see Monthly Transportation Summary for January 1964, Paragraph 1.c). Great difficulties are being encountered on the third section (Trebisov - Kalsa). This planned route has been surveyed, but as yet no geological investigation has been carried out. On the second section (Budkovce - Trebisov), between Bracovce (EU 624888) and Lozin (EU 618902), filling material for the railroad dam must be brought from a distance of twelve kilometers. Transportation is impeded by heavy dust so that the speed of 50 km/h, required for the conveyance of 500 cubic meters of material per truck/shift, cannot be reached. On the fifth section (Bohdanovce - Haniska), between construction kilometers 82 and 84, a bridge construction team (stationed in Nizna Mysla) is being employed frr the building of short overpasses. They are also building a railroad bridge across the Torysa River. Fully equipped with Soviet trucks and MAZ-K61 cranes, the team is instructed by Soviet experts. Until early July 1964, the Soviet Union has made available more than 250 major building machines and trucks. AltDgether, a delivery of about 1,500 Soviet machines and other equipment items is scheduled. b) Line Net For map of Czech railroad net (status 1 July 1964) with connecting lines of neighboring railroads, see Annex 2. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET -31 7 c) Roadbed In late 1963, the length of seamless tracks on the Czech railroad net (CSD) amounted to 4,464 kilometers. With 600 track kilometers to be welded together'in 1964, 20 per cent of the Czech track net will be seamless in late 1964; 53 per cent of the main railroad line (Friendship Line) are already equipped with seamless tracks. d) Railroad Stations The expansion of the Bohmisch TrUbau (Oeska Trebova) railroad station into the largest Czech switchyard has made good progress, the first section with 16 classification tracks having been opened to traffic on 15 July 1964. In the final planning, the railroad station is to be equipped with an automatic control system and 30 classification tracks. e) Electrification (1) The Oldrichov - Louka u.L. alternative stretch of the electrified Aussig (Usti n.L.) Briix (Most) linelopened to regular traffic in early June 1964, is being used so far only for empty cars for coal transports from Brux (Most). Passenger trains on these lines are hauled by steam locomotives because of the shortage of electric locomotives. (2) After the electrification of the Sillein (Zilina) Detmarovice line, construction at the Ostrau (Ostrava)/ Kuncice Polanka n.Q. line has been taken up by the "Electrification of Railroads" enterprise (see Monthly Transportation Summaries for May. 1964 and Noveffiber 1963). ( 3) The laying of the overhead line for the Velim - Pecky Podebrady closed test line, which has been under construction since early 1963, was completed in June 1964. Test runs, of electric locomotives can be expected very soon, (See Monthly Transportation Summary for February 1963).. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - f) Coal Situation In early July 1964, the coal storage at locomotive depots (BW. Railroad Maintenance Shop) for the 1964/1965 winter has reached a point that several depots were filled to capacity and were unable to unload further supplies. g) Rolling Stock At the test run of the first series of the type EM 475 electric railcar set for suburban traffic, a speed of 100 km/h was reached within 30 seconds. Further improvements are to enable speeds of up to 160 km/h. - 2. Road TransuLip.1L2n. a) Road Construction In 1964, Czechoslovakia intends to invest 442 million Czech crowns (Kcs) for road construction. Some of the major objects are: - Improvement of State Road No 50 in the Drietoma (YQ 1720) - Trencianske Jastrabie (BIT 8809) section, West Slovakia; - Straightening and improvement of connection road over the Tatra Mountains between Turcianske Teplice and Ulanka in the Harmanec (CV 5708) and Ulanka (CV 6106) section, Central Slovakia; - Road rerouting near Zbraslav (about eight kilometers South of Prague (Praha)), Central Bohemia. b) Bridges Near Zbraslav (about eight kilometers South of Prague (Praha)), a new road bridge across the Moldau .(Vltava) River. was opened to traffic in early June 1964; the SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 33 adjacent old bridge will be demolished.. The bridge rests on two main piers which are placed on the banks and two piers placed in the flood plain area, The single-track Prague (Praha) - Cerkany railroad line which runs along the right (east) river, bank passes under the bridge between the main pier and flood area pier. Location: Length: Width: Roadway widths Sidewalks: 3, Inland Shipping VR - 566 387 250 to 300 meters 10 to 12 meters 8 to 9 meters on either side., 1 to 1.5 meters Since 11 July 1964, passenger shipping has been discontinued on the Moldau (Vltava) River between Prague (Praha) and the barrage near Slapy because of low water. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET -34- Y. Poland 1. General Tranuprtation Under a Polish-Hungarian agreement, Polish citizens are allowed, as of 20 July 1964, to make private trips to Hungary without producing invitations. Length of stay: up to 30 days. Travel document: passport linsertsi in the identity cards. Polish authorities may ask for certificates that lodging is provided for in Hungary. The same regulations apply for Hungarians visiting Poland. 2, Railroad Transportation )) Line Construction (1) On 29 April 19649 electric railroad traffic was opened on the Warsaw (Warszawa) - Prague (Praha) line. (See Monthly Transportation Summary for April 1964). (2) On 6 June 19649 electric railroad traffic was. opened on the Posen (Poznan) - Warsaw (Warszawa) line. (See Monthly Transportation Summary for April 1964). (3) (4) The present 1,090 seamless track kilometers of the Polish State Railroads (PKP) are to be increased to 1,375 kilometers by late 1964. Within the next Five Year Plan (1966-1970)9 about 300 to 600 kilometers of seamless tracks are to be laid annually, bringing the total length up to about 4,150 kilometers in 1970. In the past years, the roadbed repair program was fulfilled to 50 to 60 per cent only because of the shortage of tracks. Within the next Five Year Plan (1966-1970), track deliveries are to be stepped up for the renewal of 1,100 to 1,2_00 kilometers of tracks annually. SECRET - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET b) Railroad_illf.p:LEJLELE The Warsaw - Czestochowa - Katowice - Gliwice line will be converted to the automatic block system in 1964/1963. u) Personnel and Organization (1) Jozef Popielas, former Polish Transport Minister, who had been dismissed in November 1963 (see Monthly Transportation Summary for November 1963), was made First Deputy Chairman of the Common Freight Car Pool of the COMECON countries (OPW.Obschtschij Park Waganow) in May 1964. (2) As Poland has no technical colleges for the training of railroad engineers, about 100 Polish students are being trained annually at institutes in Moscow and Leningrad. Rollin?. Stock (1) Within the electrification program, the PKP plans to put into service 540 new electric locomotives and 1,230 new diesel locomotives in the next Five Year Plan (1966-1970). The diesel locomotives, 1,030 of which have a rated capacity of more than 800 HP, are to replace the steam locomotives in long-distance traffic. (2) At present, some two-axle freight cars (carrying capacity 21 tons) with polyethylene glass superstructures are being tested at the PKP. These plastic superstructures - with metal frames reduce the dead weight of the cars by 400 to 300 kilograms as compared with the conventional wooden cars, The polyethylene material is manufactured in various colors so that the cars need no varnish coat. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ( 3) SECRET -36- The assembly line system for the repair of rolling stock has been introduced at the Konigszelt (Jaworzyna Slvka) car depot. With this innovation, the depot's repair capacity of about 2,500 freight cars has increased to more than 4,000 freight cars per year. 3. Road Transportation 0 Reconstruction and Modernization of Arterial Roads From Warsaw Reconstruction and modernization of Warsaw's arterial roads, in part already under way, will continue in the years to come. Most of them are to be completed within the next Five Year Plan (1966-1970). - Reconstruction of the 46-kilometer long Warsaw - Janki (DC 935 767) - Grojec (DC 904 466) road is to be completed by 1964. The road will be widened and provided with a new surface; - Construction at the so-called Poznan stretch (Warsaw Poznan connection) is said to have made considerable progress. In 1964, a 15-kilometer long section from Oltarzew (DC 8585) is to be reconstructed; Lowicz. (DC 2874) is to be reached by 1966. Modernization of this much used line, leading to Lodz, is scheduled for 1967; - Reconstruction of the Vistula River Highway, running along the left Vistula River bank to Medlin (DD 7810) has been started in cooperation with waterway experts. At present, the Lomianki (DC 920 994) - Czosnow (DD 816 050) section is being widened and modernized. Reconstruction of the section is to be completed as far as Modlin by 1965. The elevated road is also to serve as a dam against flooding; - Construction of the Warsaw - Plock expressway. (See Monthly Transportation Summary for November 1961, Paragraph VI 2). The old Warsaw - Zakroczym (DD, 7410) - Wyszogrod. (DD 4505) road, running along the left Vistula River bank, is being improved to an expressway by thorough reconstruction. The Zakroczym Wyszogrod section is to be completed by 1965. Representing the shortest Warsaw - Plock connection, the expressway is to be opened to traffic in two years; SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ? SECRET - 37 - - The following roads are under construction: Warsaw - Minsk Mazowiecki (EC 3981) Warsaw - Garwolin (EC 425 500) Warsaw - Mazczonow (DC 6758); - At present, both the Warsaw - Nowydwor Naz (DD 8109) road, running left of the Vistula River in the Jablonna (DD 9503) area, and the Warsaw - Radzymin (ED 125 078) road are being reconstructed. B) Roa_...1.1LL1192.11=ps Bug River The new road bridge across the Bug River at Debe (DD 945 163) is to be opened to traffic on 21 July 1964. The bridge spans the power plant, the weir, and the foremost dam; it carries the Nasielak (DD 8727) - Warsaw road. The new connection is about 10 kilometers shorter than the hitherto existing one. In the spring of 1965, this road is to ba modernized as far as Ciechanow (DD 7459) and to be shortened. by 20 kilometers. This highway represents the shortest aonnection between Warsaw and the Masurian Lakes district. 4. InLIIi_PILMLEE Shipping has been discontinued on the middle reaches of the Vistula River between Sandomierz (EB 5514) and PUlawy (EB 6696) because of low water (water level 40 to 60 centimeters), SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET o vrr !ITT!' Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 ELBE BRIDGES Part 1:0, Road Bridges (Status of June 1964) SECRET ___i Declassified Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SE - -2 - Annex t to Transportation Summary for July 1964 Soviet Zone Highway Bridges Across Elbe River 1. At the end of World War II, numerous Elbe bridges were either destroyed or heavily damaged. During the first years after the war, the most important bridges were temporarily restored with detachable and heavy war-time bridge equipment. With the exception of the Wittenberge railroad bridge and the Torgau highway bridge, this state of affairs has not been changed up to the present time. The "Strom.Bracke" in Magdeburg is being replaced by a new structure; its completion is scheduled for around 1965. The 1959 - 1965 Seven Year Plan provides for the removal of all war-time bridge equipment and for its replacement by permanent steel structures. However, the realization of this program appears impossible in view of the fact that, at presenty there is not even steel enough available for the planned new bridge structures (Lutherstadt Wittenberg and Torgau). River-kilometers counting begins at the Soviet Zone/Czech border and not at the source of the Elbe River in Czechoslovakia. The heavy Reichsbahn bridge testing train !S! consists of one locomotive with five axle loads of 25 tons each and a following equally distributed load of 8 -10 t/a. SECRET it a* trg rt II nfimnritx Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ( SECRET Annex: t to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 4 - Wittenberge (River Kilometer 454.9) Combination highway and railroad bridge on Stendal Perleberg stretch of Highway F.,-1-89 and on double-track Stendal Ludwiga- lust line.. Location: UTM PR 853 743 (River Kilometer 454.9) Length:. 1,075 meters Width: Double track (2 parallel bridges); East side track (upstream) planked for vehicular traffic; one 2-meter sidewalk. Capacity: Vehicular traffic: 40 tons Rail traffic: Heavy Reichsbahn bridge testing train Type of construction and design: From SW to NE: Deck type, 12-span masonry arches.; thru type,. 14-span multi-angular steel trusses including one temporary structure of war-time bridge equipment over two spans on roadway side. One towerlike masonry structure each on both abutments and on joint between masonry arch section and steel truss section the masonry structures do not overtower the bridge structure. Piers: 25, solid, faced with freestone Width of spans: 12x24 + 1x40 + 10x53.50 and over water gap: (in meters) 1x53.50 + 1x84 + 1x42 Year of construction and/or putting into service: 1884 and 19094.. Restoration in August 1946. Note: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. Two temporary spans (1x41 + 1x86.0 meters) of war-time bridge equipment were replaced by steel structures in 1956,. Renovation of road bridge in fall of 1965. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET -5 Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 Int TanLprmiinde (River Kilometer 388.2) Algjaly_IfillEa on Stendal Rathenow stretch of Highway F-188 Location: UTM QD 024 265 (River Kilometer 388.9) Length: 637 meters Width: 7 meters (roadway 6 meters) Capacity: 40 tons Type of construction and design: From W to El 1st and 6th span; deck- type steel truss structures; 2nd span: through-type, steel, multi:- angular truss structure; 3rd to 5th span: one through type temporary superstructure of war-time bridge equipment; 7th to 21st span: deck-type,continuous steel plate web girder structure Piers: 24, including 3 river piers, solid, faced with concrete Width of spans: lx25.0 1x65.0 1x50.0 1x58.20 (in meters) 1.x38.80 ? 20x20.0 Year of construction and/or putting into service: 1932; restoration 1949-1951 Note: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 #.? SECRIE'Y Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 6 - Hohenwarthe (River Kilometer 339.0) Hi hwa brid e on Helmstedt - Berlin autobahn Europastrasse 8) Location: UTM PC 848 892 (River Kilometer 338.8) Data will be forwarded separately. SECRET' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ? - SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 -7- mallejaau, (River Kilometers 318.8 to 332.7) EighHay_brifIg21 on Helmstedt - Genthin stretch of Highway 1 and on Zerbst - Magdeburg stretch of Highway F-184 From W to E: a) "Wilhelm Pieck=BrUcke" (Nord Brucke) over Stromelbe River. Location: Length: Width: Capacity: UTX PC, 817 797 (River Kilometer 327.7) 220 meters 24 meters. (1x12 meters roadway with double streetcar track + 2x4.50 meters footway + 2x1.50 meters bicycle path) 80 tons Type of, construction and design: Over water gap: Part through-type, steel plate web girder structure; joined on both ends by deck-type steel plate web girder structures. Piers: 4, solid concrete, faced with freestone, including one river pier; piers with built-in mine chambers. Width of spans: From W to E: 1x15.40 + 1x14.45 + 1x121.40 (in meters) (fairway) + 1x24.31 + 1x18.91 Year of construction and/or putting into service: Restoration August 1950 to September 1952. Note: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 8 - b) "BrUcke des Friedens" (BridaePeace) (Herrenkrug Br?cke) over Alte Elbe River. Location: Length: Width: Capacity: Type of construction Roadway: Piers: Width of spans: (in meters) Year of construction Note: UTM, PC 821 795 210 meters 11 meters roadway 2x1 meters footway 80 tons .and design: Deck-type steel plate web girder structure Cobblestone paving 6 (including 5 river piers) solid concrete 7x30 and/or putting into service: Restoration in 1950. Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 Magdeburg Highway brid in the city From W to E: a) "Strom7=BrUcke" over Elbe River ("Eisenbahn-Pionier Brucke") Location: UTM PC 811 789 (River Kilometer 326.0) Length: 156 meters Width: 9 meters (double streetcar tracks serving also for vehicular traffic, lxfootway, 1xbicycle path) Capacity: 16 tons Type of construction and design: Temporary structure of war-time bridge equipment. Bridge consists of three parallel 3-meter wide structures, each with 3 through-type steel rectangular truss superstructures,. On southern structure (upstream): Single streetcar track; streetcar and vehicular one way traffic to the east. On center structure: Single streetcar track; streetcar and vehicular one way traffic to the west. Northern structure (downstream) only for pedestrians and cyclists. Piers: 2, concrete (2 river piers) Width of spans: 3x52 (in meters) Year of construction and/or putting into service: 1946 Notes: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. After completion of a new Strom=BrUcke in about 1965, the above bridge is to be dismantled. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 ? 10 ? MaL.clebur.:a b) 'Zoll,--Br?cke" over Zoll-Elbe River Location: Length: Width: Capacity: Type of construction Piers: Width of spans: (in meters) Year of construction UTM PC 813 787 54 meters 7.5 meters roadway with double streetcar track 2x1 meters footway Over 16 tons and design: Deck-type masonry arch bridge with three spans. On top of each of the two upstream and the two downstream piers, a pedestal with a statue is mounted (height over bridge deck about 4 meters). Also a total of 4 pedestals without statues (height over bridge deck about 2 meters) are mounted on the upstream and downstream sides of the abutments. 2, solid masonry 1x17 1x20 1x17 and/or putting into service: Unknown SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 ?11 - MagAhR.La c) ,"Anna-Ebert-BrUcke" (Lange.BrUcke) over Alte Elbe River. Location: UTM PC 816 786 Length: 198 meters Widths 7.5 meters roadway with double streetcar track -If' 2x1 meters footway Capacity: 60 tons Type of construction and design: Deck-type masonry arch bridge with 11 spans. From W to E: On top of the upstream and downstream protrusions of the 8th pier, two obelisks are mounted:, overtowering (outside the parapet) the roadway by 4-5 meters Piers: 10 (including 7 river piers), solid faced with freestone Width of spans: 11x18, meters Year of construction and/or putting into service: Reconstruction in 1946 Note: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET - 12 - Magdeburg Highway bridge in the city StromBrucke Locations Lengths Width: Capacity: Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 NTM PC 8104 7886 (River Kilometer 325.5) 257.7 meters 30 meters (18 mete roadway with double streetcar track 2 x footway + 2 x bicycle paths) 80 tons Type of construction and design: Deck-type, two hollow steel box girders thickening to 5.20 meters above piers and narrowing to 3.20 meters in the center of the spans. Traffic floor, formed by 12-millimeter steel plates, suspended between girders and reinforced by underneath girder system Road surface: Asphalt Piers: 2 (no river piers) Width of spans: From W to I]: 1x81.5 1x130 1x46.2 (in meters) Year of construction and/or putting into service: still under construction Notes: Beginning of construction in mid-1962. Assembly of bridge scheduled for July 1964. Completion in about 1965. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to. Transportation Summary for July 1964 1 3 - Schonebeck (River Kilometer 311.8) Hi'flaw_m_hyicia2 on Schonebeck Gommern stretch of Highway 246a Location: UTM PC 880 675 (River Kilometer 311.8) Length: 595 meters Width: 6 meters 2x1.50 meters footway Capacity: 40 tons (up to 60 t possible) Type of construction and design: From W to Et let and 2nd span: deck-type concrete plate web girder structure. 3rd and 4th span: one steel through-type trapeze truss structure. 5th to 14th span: deck-type, steel truss structure Piers: 13 (3 river piers)-, solid, faced with freestone Width of spans: 2x20 1x80 (fairway) 1x65 1x50 3x50 6x35 Year of construction and/or putting into service: Reconstruction 1950 - 1952 Note: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1. to Transportation Summary for July 1964 ? 14 - Dessau... Rosslau (River Kilometers: Dessau 259.6,, Rosslau.257.5) Eiallmy_hEll.aa on Leipzig -.Magdeburg stretch of old Highway P.-184 Location: Lengths Width: Capacity: UTM UT 099 516 (River Kilometer 257.8) 216 meters 6 meters roadway + 1x1.5 meters footway + 1x2.1 meters bicycle path Up to 9 tons Type of construction and design: steel deck-type bow-string bridge 4, solid masonry Width of spans: 1x40 + 2209 + 1x40 (in meters) Year of construction and/or putting into service: 1945 - 22 January 1946 Notes: Bridge was destroyed in 1944. Railroad and highway bridges are closely parallel on same piers, highway bridge upstream. Speed limit on bridge 20 km/h. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Dessau=Rosslau Highway briAgp on F-184 "Friedensbracke" Locations Length: Width: SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 -15- Leipzig - Magdeburg stretch of new Highway Capacity: Type of construction Piers: Roadways Width of spans: (in meters) Year of construction UTM UT 101 516 (River Kilometer 257.6) 280 meters About 15 meters (roadway + 2x2 meters footways + 2,x bicycle paths) 60 tons and design: Deck-type reinforced plate web girder bridge with built-in chambers for mining 3 (1 river pier)) Orthotropalslab 1x60 + 1x80 + 1x100 1x40 and/or putting into service: SECRET 1957 - late 1960. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 -16- -Vockerode (River Kilometer 24507) Autobahn bre on Halle-- Berlin autobahn Location: UTIvI UT 176 489 (River Kilometer 246.6) Data will be forwarded separately. SECRET 1, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex- 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 Lutherstadt Witte rilmEE (River Kilometer 213.8) 111E4yAy bridat on Leipzig - Berlin stretch of Highway F-2 Location: Length: Width: Capacity: Type of construction Piers: Width of spans: (in meters', Year of construction Notes: UTM UT 380 479 (River Kilometer 2138) 260 meters 5 meters roadway 42x1 meters footway 16 tons and design: From S to N: 1st and 2nd span: through-type continuous wooden truss structure; 3rd to 10th span: deck-type, steel plate web girder structure. 9, solid masonry 2x45 8x22 and/or putting into service: Reconstruction after 1945 Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. Highway and railroad bridge are closely parallel with common abutments but separate piers. Highway bridge is on eastside (downstream). Construction of new bridge was planned for 1964. SECRET I A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 18 - Issfaa (River Kilometer 154.6) Htalhy_u bridEp on Leipzig - Frankfurt/Oder stretch of Highway F-87 Location: UTM UT 622 140 (River Kilometer 155.4) Length: 357 meters Width: 11;60 meters(6 metes roadway (widening to 6.50 meters possible) 2x2 meters footway) Capacity: 60 tons Type of construction and design: From W to E: 1st to 3rd, 8th, and 9th span: Through-type, steel, five bow-string girder superstructures. 4th to 7th span: deck-type steel truss bridge: seven-meter wide passage in stone arch of western abutment. Piers: 9 (3 river piers) including five of solid masonry. Width of spans: 3x50 4x25 2x50 (in meters) Year of construction and/or putting into service: Reconstruction in 1947. Notes: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. Two wood-repair structures of eastern part of bridge replaced by steel structures in early 1964. In early 1963, bridge icebreakers and girders reinforced, Construction of new bridge planned for 1964. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 -19- Riesa (River Kilometer 108.3) Highway bridge_ on Riesa Cottbus stretch of Highway F-169 Location: UTM US 813 859 (River Kilometer 108.7) Length: 7.50 meters roadway + 1x2.10 meters footway + 1x2.10 meters bicycle path Capacity: 80 tons Type of construction and design: Deck-type steel plate web girder structure Piers: 5, solid masonry Width of spans: 1x50..32 + 1x81177 (fairway) + 1x6200 (in meters) 1x56.61 + 1x50.32 + 1x44.03 Year of construction and/or putting into service: Built between about 1953 and 1956 Note: Mer highway bridge was destroyed in SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 20- Meissen (River Kilometer 82.0) Bri,Ao_of "Deutsch-Sow.etische Freundschaft" (German-Soviet Friend- ship) (Burg.Brucke) aalaly_2111A4.9. on Freiberg - Elsterwerda stretch of Highway F.-101 and on Radeburg Wi1sdruff stretch of Highway F-177 Location: UTM US 935 694 (River Kilometer 82.9) Length: 203 meters Width: 12.0 Meters roadway + 2x3 meters footway Capacity: 50 tons Type of construction and design: Deck-type, steel plate web girder structure Piers: 4, solid Width of spans: 1x20 + 1x51(water gal + lx61 (water (in meters) gap) + 1x51 water gap + 1x20 Year of construction and/or putting into service: 1933/34 Notes: Bridge was slightly damaged in 1945. In 1962 and 1963, the bridge was propped SECRET un ULE1fM men! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex. 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 21 - Niederwartha ()River Kilometer 69.5) Combination haloalmaz and railroad bridge on L10-180 (primary road) and on single-track Dresden.Friedrichstadt Radebeul.Naundorf line. Location: UTH ITS 024 617 (River Kilometer 69.2) Length: Width: 370 meters For two tracks presently only one track available, second track planked for vehicular traffic (downstream side). Capacity: Heavy Reichsbahn bridge testing train Type of construction and design: From E to W: Piers: Width of spans: (in meters) 1st to 3rd, and 7th to 10th span: seven steel thru-type rectangular truss structures 4th? 5th and 6th span: steel thru-type truss structures with slightly arched upper chord. Apex of these spans 2 1/2 3 times higher above track than upper chord of spans 1 to 3 and 7 to 10. 9 (including 3 river piers) 3x25 + 3x65 (river gaps) + 4x25 Year of construction and/or putting into service: Restoration after 1945 Notes: Upstream road bridge destroyed to a great extent in 1945; therefore upstream part of railroad bridge planked. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 22 IlLtAs1.9..niaa.g.erwartha (River Kilometer 60.0) Autobahn bridge,. on Dresden- Kar1=Marx.Stadt (Chemnitz) autobahn stretch, spanning Elbe River and Highway F-6. ?Location: UTM VS 071 590 (River Kilometer 62.7) Length: Width: 503 meters (Structure over river 378 meters structure over F-6 30 meters) 28.74 meters (2x9.50 meters roadway + 1x2.37 meters footway on upstream side + 1x2.37 meters bicycle path on downstream side ;+ 1.x5 meters center strip) Capacity: 80 tons Type of construction and design: From W to E: 1st to 3r(1 span: deck-type steel plate web girder structure on pin-connected supports 4th to 8th span (river bridge): deck-type steel truss structures 7, solid, faced with freestone Width of spans: 1x45 + 1x50 + 1.x30 + river spanning (in meters) structure: 1x51 + 1x73 + 1x130 + 1x73 + 1,x51 Year of construction and/or putting into service: 1935. Restoration between 1945 and May 1946 Notes: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945. Major repairs were made between 1950 and 31 May 1952. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 I SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 -23- Dresden (River Kilometers 45.3 ?64.0) "Kaditzer.Briic211D.SIIIEtials.9.1 in the city Location: UTM VS 083 580 (River Kilometer 60.8) Length: 285 meters Widths 11 meters roadway +.2x2.50 meters footway Capacity: 24 tons (carries up to 50 tons) Type of construction and designs /web Deck,-type steel plate/girder bridge Roadway:. Cobblestone paving Piers: 3 (2 river piers), solid concrete Width of spans: 1x65 + 1x115 (water gap) + 1x65 + (in meters) 1x4.0 Year of construction and/or putting into service: Unknown SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET s Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 24 - Dresden (Rivet Kilometer 45,3 to 64.0) "Marien.BrUcke" Hi'hway on Meissen - Bautzen stretch of Highway F-6 Location: Length: Width: Capacity: UTM VS 112 575 (River Kilometer 56.3) 436 meters 15 meters roadway with double streetcar track in the center 2x3 meters foot- way 80 tons Type of construction and design: Deck-type masonry arch structure Roadway: Cobblestone paving Piers: 13 (4 river piers), solid, faced with freestone Width of spans.: 1x20 12x33 1x20 (in meters). Year of construction and/or putting into service: Reconstruction in 1948 Note: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 ? SECRET Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 25 - Dresden (River Kilometers 45.3 - 64.0) 21111.11211.21_1119012:beOrtickea HighaLijiridge in the city Location: Length: Width: Capacity: Piers: Width of spans: (in meters) Year of construction Note: UTM VS 117 569 (River Kilometer 55.4) 340 meters 15 meters roadway with double streetcar track + 2x3 meters footway Cobblestone paving 8 (4 river piers), solid, faced with freestone 1x25 + 1x35 + 1x40 + 1x45 + 1x50 1x45 1x40 + 1x35 + 1x25 and./or putting into service: October 1949 Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET FOREibil kiiSSEM Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 -26- Dresden (River Kilometers 45,3 - 64.0) Einheit aellylajalsiga in the city Location: Length: Widths Capacitys UTTil VS 128 571 (River Kilometer 54.2) 504 meters 12 meters roadway with double streetcar track + 2x3 meters foot- way 50 tons (carries up to 80 tons) Type of construction and design: Deck-,type masonry arch structure Piers: 13 (3 river piers), solid:, faced. with freestone Width of spans: (in meters) Year of construction and/or putting into service: Reconstruction in 1945/46 Note: Bridge was partially destroyed in 1945 1x14 + 1x15 + 1x16 + 1:x17 + 1x20 + 4x35 + 1x20 + 1x17 + 1x16 + 1x15 + 1x14 SECRET rnt_triatii mum Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET :.3 FOREIGN DISSEM ? Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 27 - Dresden (River Kilometers 43.3 - 64.0) "Loschwitz - Blasewitzer-Brucke" (Blaues Wunder) ElLhhay_hridse on exit road to Highway F-6 Location: UTM VS 166 566 (River Kilometer 49.5) Length: 270.30=meters Width: 10 meters roadway with double street- car track -1- 2x2.5 meters footway Capacity: 24 tons Type of construction and design: Through-type steel suspension bridge; elastic joints on top of towers and in center of bridge. Western end of structure joined by three masonry arch spans each 10 meters wide Roadway: Asphalt Footways: Wooden planking Piers: 2 (no river piers), solid, faced with freestone Width of spans: 1x61.8 1x146.7 1x61.8 (in meters) Year of construction and design and/or putting into service: 1891 -1893 Note: Bridge was renovated in 1962/63 SECRET - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19.: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET NO FOREIGN EISSEM Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for July 1964 - 28 - Pirna (River Kilometer 33.5) Combination highway and railroad bridge on road connecting Highways F-172_ and F-077 and on single-track Pirna Durrohrsdorf railroad line Location: UTM ITS 252 466 (River Kilometer 34.0) Length: 389..5 meters Widths 1 railroad track and 7.5 meters roadway + 3 meters footway, upstream Capacity: 24 tons (carries up to 80 tons) Type of construction and design: Deck-typetaolid masonry arch structure Roadway: cobblestone pavement Piers: 9, solid, faced with freestone Width of spans: 1x25 + 5x30 + 1x28 + 1x26 + 1x24 (in meters) 1x22 Year of construction and/or putting into service: Reconstruction in 1948 Note: Bridge slightly destroyed in 1945. Bridge repair in 1962 SECRET Nit 1-1....-1Erif;:;\] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 SECRET O FOREIGN DISSEM Annex 1 -29- to Transportation Summary for July 1964 Bad Schandau (River Kilometer 10.3) Combination and and railroad bridge on Pirna Schmilka stretch of Highway F-172 and on single track Bad Schandau Neustadt railroad line Lcoation: Length: Width: Capacity: UTM VS 390 416 (River Kilometer 11.6) 264 meters single track (downstream) 6 meters roadway footway (upstream) 16 tons Type of construction and design: From S, to N: 1st and 2nd span: deck-type masonry arches; 3rd to 5th span over water gap: 3 thru-type truss structures with slightly arched upper chords; 6th to 9th span: deck-type masonry arches with each two (total 4) towers on waterside ends of northern and southern masonry arch structures. Towers overtop upper chords of truss spans 3 and 5 and have about the same height as apex of span 4; Footway: planking Roadway: cobblestone pavement Piers: 81 solid masonry Width of spans: 2x10 1x50 1x80 + 1x50 4x10 (in meters) Year of construction and/or putting into service: about 1933 Notes: Bridge in a very poor condition though repeatedly repaired. As of November 1962, bridge closed to vehicular traffic. Speed limit for trains. SECRET un rnririntd PKcrII Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4 R 50X1 -HUM Next 84 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A001400820001-4