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---, 50X1-HUM I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 , e CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material, contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. C=0 -N -F -N=T -I -A -L NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Description and Basic Specifications of the Soviet MINSK-2 Digital Computer DATE OF INFO. - ? PLACE & DATE ACQ. 5 4 3 2 1 ,or REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES September 1964 1 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE, 50X1-FRAT a Soviet brochurentitled General-Purpose Digital Computer "Minsk.2", prepared by V/0 MAShPRIBORINTORG- Moscow Distribution of Attachment: OSI:. copy for retention C-0-N-F-I-D7E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE I DIA I ARMY NAVY I AIR I N SA I )(AAA NIC 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 5 4 ? 3 2 1 GROUP I Excluded from autonsoric downgrading and declassification (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) 50X1-HUM1 NFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT \N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 nv Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5ji IRA LW rUkCia ? _ _ .Attachment -GENERAL?PURPOSE DIGITAL COMPUTER "MINSK-2" V/0 "MASHPRIBORINTORG" C ()NV IDENT lEt NO FOREIGN DISSEH Moscow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 M C 0 FIDE bUA1-HU IT T WV. NO FOREIGN =SEM PURPOSE The digital computer "Minsk-2" is a semi-conductor data processing system. The machine is a general-purpose computer, since it can be used for a wide range of problems arising in business, science and technology. The modular construction of the computer which permits changing its units as desired makes it possible to meet individual requirements of the Users and renders the computer highly suitable for various applications. In the business field, the computer can be used for thk? .following purposes: calculation of wages and salaries and making of pay-sheets; accounting; stock-taking; production planning; compilation of summary specifications; optimalized transportation planning; statistical analysis and solution of other economic pro- blems. In science and technology, the computer has the following applications: matrix operations; solution of sets of algebraic equations; solution of sets of differential equations; calculation of electric and magnetic fields; calculation of power networks; calculation of transformers, rectifiers and filters; 3 Ga409 I added tra CONF/DUVTIAt down:tem '4414 daingfedt0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for iReie-a-re.2013/12/24 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 /14-1-0,41,11on-h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 LH! C 0 Ili 'DENT r , NO FOREIGN DISSEM study of thermo-nuclear processes in nuclear reactors calculation of complex mechanism 'designs and many others. Deversified uses of the "Minsk-2" computer are made possi- ble by the following parameters: 4,) sufficiently high computation speed (the average of 5-6 thousand operations per sec.); large internal storage capacity (4 or 8 thousand numbers); large external storage capacity. (from 400 to 1.6 million numbers); floating-rpoint and fixed-point operation; ? ability to process alphanumeric data; large set of input and output devices and the possibility of simultaneous operation of the output devices during computa- tion (a programme-interruption mechanism is included in the machine); excellent programming facilities; comparatively small dimensions; high reliability of. the system. COMPONENTS The "Minsk-2" digital computer consists of the following basic components: central control desk; ? photoelectric tape reader; central computer which incorporates an arithmetic unit and a control unit; L. COIFIDEUTIAL 11TeCIM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-nn24.7nnniringanrwl., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 ,dui?1 -HUM 0..ONF/DENTIEr No FOREIGN 1.)IS4EM ? internal store of the computer (4096 words); magnetic tape external store (400 thousand words); high-speed digital printer (employs a 70 mm-Wide tape); 2 output paper tape punch units; device for punching initial data an a tape; document printing unit (a paper roll, 215 mm wide, is used). SHORT DESCRIPTION OF BASIC COMPONENTS The central control desk is designed for starting the programme with subsequent control over its execution, manual input of a small amount of data and monitoring computer opera- tion. An important advantage of the control desk which consi- derably facilitates the operator's task is the indication of the contents of the main registers in the form of octonary numbers and display boards "READY" (FOTOBHOCTB ), "OPERATION MODE" (PEEN PAEOTU ) and "CAUSE OF STOP" (HANNA OCTLHIOBA. ). The indication and manual control elements are designed and painted so as to decrease operator's fatigue and minimize there- by his operation errors. An important new feature of the com- puter is also sound indication as an experienced operator can "follow" the process of programme execution by the noise pro- duced by the machine . Special controls for selected stop of the computer: "INSTRUCTION" (KOMAHAA ), "WRITING" (3AHMCB ), "READING" (RTEHAE ) facilitate programme debugging and reduce the debugging time. The photoelectric tape reader is intended for input in the computer of instructions and initial information represent- 5 CONfIDENTTkt: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 Attachmerit Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-0024001300550001-5 .1-HU1 CONV,vDDAL,.. NO FOREIGN DISSEM ed in the "Minsk-2" digital code and also alphanumeric infor- mation in the 2d International'Telegraph code. Input of alpha- numeric information enhances the efficiency of the computer in solving different problems in the fields of economic planning. Digital information can be read into the machine both in the octonary and decimal codes. Information is read into the com- puter in blocks which makes it easy to correct or supplement information on the punched tape as desired. The input opera- tion is monitored by automatic calculation of the check sums of the material put into the machine. The input speed is WO lines per sec. The central computer consists of a three-register parallel binary arithmetic unit and a central control unit. The arith- metic unit can perform both.floating -point and fixed-point . operations. The basic time characteristics of the arithmetic unit are as follows: shift by one digit - 4 microsec. fixed-point addition - 12 microsec. floating-point addition - 72 microsec. fixed-point or floating-point multiplication - 200 microsec. fixed-point or floating-point division - 624 microsec. Multiplication is performed by the "multiplication by 2 digits" method which greatly reduces multiplication time. If desired, the product can be obtained with a double number of digits. The results may be either rounded-off or not. 6 1,1011FIDZNT/A4 130 F011331GN DIME Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A00130055nnn1_ Attlanhment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5,14-IUM CONFTDvnT1.11 NO FOREIGN DISali The central control unit coordinates the operation of individual units of the' computer and controls the sequence of . instruction execution. A special "prOgramme-interruption" unit is provided which makes it possible to print or punch output information without interrupting the computation process.- a feature especially important in solving economic planning problems. The arithmetic unit adder is used as the instruction re- gister of the central control unit which makes the computer more compact. Central control is effected as a definite sequ- ence of synchronous and asynchronous operations. The synchronous characteristic is helpful for debugging the programme and Iodating faults in operation; the asynchro- nous operation makes it possible to reduce the time required for different operations by omitting unnecessary steps when obeying the instruction. The internal store of the computer is a ferrite-core storage with a capacity of 4096 37-digit binary words. The access time of the ferrite store is 24 microsec. The store is contained in a separate housing, is easily adjusted and high- ly reliable in operation. Provision is made for connection of another similar store to the computer to bring the total capa- city of the internal storage up to 8192 words. The magnetic tape store is a bay including four pocket- type tape transport mechanisms. The capacity of the entire 7 COVPIDENT !Kt VO PORE/ON DISSEll 'A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 Attachment Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RbP80-00247A0013005500011-5-1-HUN NO OREIGN DISSEM , store is 400,000 words. Information on the magnetic tape has .special even digits due to which storage and reading of infor- mation are monitored automatically. The packing density is 10 pulses per mm. The speed of information exchange with the fer- rite store is 2500 words per sec. Both direct - and reverse search of information address is possible which gives a consi- derable time saving. The information exchange with the internal store is arbitrary: any amount of-information from one word to the entire material stored may be exchanged. This feature is extremely useful for programming. processing of variable-size groups of information and saves both length of the programmes and the time of their execution. To ensure reliable operation of the magnetic-tape store, each binary digit is written by two magnetic heads, which are switched electronically. . Provision is made for connection of three more magnetic- tape stores to the computer which makes the total capacity of the store 1600 thousand words. The high-speed printing unit type TERM-16/1200 iB a device whose operation principle is based on continuously-rotat- ing digital wheels. Information may be supplied to the printing unit in the form of octal information, decimal fixed-poimt Information or decimal floating-point information. The contents of one location is printed in one line. The printing speed is 20 lines per sec. with the computer operating in the "motor Interlocked", mode, the motor is automatically switched on only when reference is made to the printing unit which decreases the noise level and improves computer reliability. 8 CNo ONF/DENTIRt FOREi ?ng nrovv... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 ,414aAY.i Attachment Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5'..1-HUK Mal AT a* n 1 4. 13, 1I No FOREIGN Dina Two output tape punch units type -20 operate at a speed of 20 lines per sec. Punch unit No.I receives both ottonary and decimal infor- mation as well as information represented in the second Inter- national Telegraph Code (alphanumeric information). Punch unit No. 2 can accept only the second International Code. Both punch units can operate simultaneously. From the punch units, the in- formation can be put back into the computer to be typed in a page telegraph printer PTA-50 (teletype) on a paper tape, 215 mm wide, as a final document (invoice, payroll, etc.) Preparation of initial information in an alphanumeric form is made on a conventional telegraph printer CTA-2M. When numeri- cal information is punched in the machine code for facilitating data preparation the printer CTA-2M with a modified key-board may be used. Both printers may be employed for multiplication of documents by copying them in a repunch unit with a speed of 400 lines per minute. INFORMATION ENCODING One word of information stored in one location of the "Minsk-2" machine consists of 37 binary digits. The location may contain: fixed-point binary number"' .floating-point binary number; fixed-point decimal number; floating-point decimal number; alphanumeric word; octonary instruction word. 9 CONFIDEUTIEZ NO FORIMIT cot.t, , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5' (: Declassified in Attachment Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 .1-HUM NO FOREIGN DISSEM The binary digit places of the location are numerated as follows: the lefthand digit place is a "Sign digit" and the following digl.t places bear the numbers from 1 to 36 (from' left to right), A fixed-point binary number is represented in a location as follows: 3/t 1 2 Number sign 3 5 31 37 33 34 16 lisdlical part after point Is? digits' When a location contains a floating-point binary number, binary digits are arranged as follows: 29 31.113334 35 f 4-1 or er - 16 times! I - digit sign II - unused digit The digit places of a location storing decimal numbers are shown in the following two figures: Fixed-point decimal number 3ii 1 2 Number 3 5 Di9itical part, .atter point /3.6 digits/ IO 001TrtzDtkri4, . 170 f94310N DISszu , . , ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-R?DP80-00247A001300550001-5 ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 UBVIL/Ell ? NO FOREIGN DISSEN . floating-point decimal number 3 7 3411 2 .1 tian issa sign mantissa /28 digits, 8 .9 Pf \31 31 31 3134 15 .16 ordertstime51 I - digit sign II - unused digits . The range of floating-point decimal numbers is the follow- ing: 0.521010.10-19 0.9223372.10+19 The next figure shows the arrangement of alphanumeric infor- mation in a locations each information symbol being coded in 6 binary digits: 2 ati 2 3 6 Alphapameric i i SNM 013 .18 digi 5) PROGRAMMING 54 6 All operations performed by the "Minsk-2" machine include the following basic groups of operations: arithmetical operations; logical operations;? transfer operations; auxiliary operation; control operations; reference to external storage; ,input-output operations; special arithmetical operations. ? c*NPrDENTrirr NO Mtn? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Relea"se" 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 Attachment I I Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 1J le 17?16 II id MYFORMODISPM The computer uses two-address instructions. An instruction occupies one full storage word. Besides the addresses of two operands, the instruction code also contains a short address (four binary digits) of the index location. The index locations serve for automatic modification 'of instruction addresses and for counting. the number of cycle repetitions which greatly sim- plifies programming, decreases the length of programmes and con- siderably reduces the time of programme execution. The first 15 locations of the internal store are used as index locations. The typidal structure of a Standard instruction is as follows: 311 1 2 3 Ii 5 7 30 3? 36 K on Cl az I( 011 N I a, a7 - operation code - block number - index-address - first address second address ? Each arithmetical and logieal operation has four modifi- cations. This makes the two-address instruction system highly flexible and imparts to it the advantages of both the single address system (information can be accumulated without placing the results in the storage) and the three-address instruction system (three operands are available for operation: adder, first address and second address). The system of ccmputer instructions covers a wide range of control instructions - conditional and unconditional traa- 12 CONFIDENTTI'r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 flx.14-IUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 ? CONP/-DENT.Z 170 FOREIGN MSC! ? sfers - which is particularly helpful for programming proces- ses with defferent characteristics. The system of instructions includes special instructions for programme control Of programme interruption. The inter- ruption system allows to execute several programmes simultane- ously, making transfers from one programme to another When special signals appear. Thus, computation operations may easi- ly be combined with the output of a large amount of informa- tion.and, thereby, the machine dead time due to slowly-operat- ing output devices is reduced to zero. The logical principle is employed in the octal numeration of the codes,therefore, operation encoding does not require much time .or special efforts on the part of programmers. The machine is provided with a library of standard subrou-,I tines and routines for automation of small programming operations which greatly saves programming time and makes redundant a large part of the User's mathematical personnel. The computer is also provided with the programmes of standard economic problems aris- ing at plants and factories. CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES The computer "Minsk-2" has a modular construction, each unit being mounted in an individual standard bay or a transport- able rack and fitted with an individual control and monitoring panels. On the "Minsk-2" computer, it is possible to independent- ly check the central computer, the magnetic-tape store unit and printing and punch units simultaneously. The machine cells are intercoupled by printed connectors and employ printed circuits throughout. The cbmputer "Minsk-2" 13 fl f tr t 1 , i,isv 90 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 Attachment .Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5 I-HUM u if I D .71 T is xi NO FOREigx has 23 types of cells. A special stand is delivered with the -computer for checking and adjusting computer cells. Constructionally, the computer consists of 4 standard bays with dimensions of 1100x650x1800 mm, a tape-transport mechanism bay, 1640x650x1800 mm, a control panel, 1350x950x1150 mm, and two racks; housing input and output devices with the dimensions of 900x650x1000 mm. The floor space required for normal opera- tion of the computer is 40-50 scion. The machine. requires no special equipment, except a power supply panel and, if necessary, an exhaust fan. BASIC SPECIFICATIONS Operation speed Ferrite-core store capacity (M03Y) Ferrite store access time Magnetic-tape store capacity (HMA) Speed of information exchange with external magnetic-tape store Number representation Number of digits 5-6 thousand operations/sec 4096 words 24 microsec 400,000 words 2500 words/sec floating-point and fixed- point 37 binary digits (sign included) Range of fixed-point number. representation Range .of floating-point number 10+19 10729 representation Instruction code two-address Number of instructions 10I Speed of information reading out from punched tape 800 lines/sec 41 ft T 171 11 T rik , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24 : CIA-RDP80-00247A001306550on1_s A++ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24 :plA-RDP80-00247A00130055000 1-5 1 HUM ???? ? V7,27 Spe e d of information reading into high-speed printing unit EIN -20 Speed of information readig into punch unit Type of input and output informa- tion Operation calculus system Floor space requirements Power consumption T,1'. 7: 5'.i iii 20 words/sec 20 lines/sec decimal, octal, alpha- numeric binary 40-50 sq.m about 4 kVA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP80-00247A001300550001-5