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Icnyi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 -HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, 'nue 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. CONFIDENTIAL NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Czechoslovakia State of Development in Communications Engineering REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES -HUM -HUM :80 JUL 1964 1 50X1 50X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM a five-page survey of Czechoslovak commun- ications engineering the report appears to have been prepared by a person conversant with Bloc communications developments and may have some use as a ready reference. D' ? C ONFIDENTIAL NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE I DIA I ARMY # I NAVY # I AIR # I NSA # I AID 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 5 4 . 3 2 i 1? I 50X1 -HUM (Note: Field distribution indicated by "*".) 1_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 . 4 1 j' t' .? ? .'r ? :,).:?titY, ? -? ? ? CCiotia5:: 7:-;7 ? ?: ?. ? ? ? ? 1.2.7 ?"7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM- . ??. ? CzechoslovalticIr ? .. Communication .unginoering, State Of Devolepment , ? ? ' ? ; 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Communi9at*A.MAiR2ari74a 1. The available communicationsequipment ha u been improved and further developed. 2. In the arst place, t!ran?sistorization has been carried though very consistently, whereby reducTions in dimensions, weight rind power consumption as well as optional battery operation were realized in most cases. Regarding the U36 of semionductors, Czechoslovakia definitely holds the first place among all Soviet Bloc countrieo. The building block priaciDle on the basis of printed_gicult plateT generally prevails in the, construction of equipz,ent resulting in an increase of reliability and a reduction of maintenance requirements. 3. The trend in world communications towards hUher frewencx .ranpps has also been followed - successfulfy y -'zecho- elovakia. Where appropriate high-frequency semi-conductors are not yet available, the Czechoslovakian industries can go back to reliable microwave electron tubes? which are available in sufficient quantity and for all applications (from the "Scheibentriodeu (disc triode) to the carcinotron). 4. With respect to development and production, the most important enterprise of the Czechoslovakian communications industry is the State-owned factory Tesla. Whereas research and development have been more and more concentrated in the Prague plants, the Tela production plants are located in all parts of the country. 5.? Within the framework of popEcoN decipions: Czechoslovakia is to (and wants to) take over The production Of large telephone exchange installations (with tha ezcept ion of PB1.-n) as well as of radio transmittets (with the exception of ship radio installations) of all newer ratings. So far, oilly Poland has 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL . NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? . : GROUP I Excluded from Automatic . Downgrading and Declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 " 7. ? NO YOREIGA 50X1-HUM x'enounced transmitter building. The Soviet Zone of Germany (Kdoenick Radio Plant) has not yet discontinued the production of transmitters,' but has considerably limited the produotion of large switchboards. t'S 4 4 Wire L.o:Ilmu.n.Lcac_Lons Decisive technical advances :have not been made in the field :of wire telegrpby. The new developuents of the pre- ceding year have been imroved, their ocrational reliabil- ity has boon increased, The crosba-P system, which, in 1962, was firSt employed in the P.AX.USK 5/25/41 is now also being used at post office exchnges. iAoreover, this system is on the way to be introduced in the exchanges used for the trans- mission of radio and television broadcasts. The Tesla p,udip-:frequency_londistance_dialling,s;ystem DVT 54 /(four-wire JITcaiTs without atten1=7, from connection to branch connection) for two-way automatic through and terminal traffic (audio frequency 2,280 c/a) between railroad central and branch telephone offices was im)roved too. Since recently, oush-button switches have sometimes been installed in railroad telelhone inst.alations instead of dials, 9. The satisfactory test's made in the preceding year with 2arely electronic dialliu systems seem to have been dis- continued. TETtest7-modols 'have disag2peared, Only the prototye of a semi-electronic ringir41 and signallina installation was shown. However, in the fall of 19 , no . 65? decision had yet beei. reached whether this installation was to be produced in series. 10. In Czechoslovakia, telephone and telegn,ph long-distance diailln bet.een cities (throh diallina), at present, only exists on a small scale and is of experimental nature. A system for automatic .throuah.diallinr!:.from one country to another is under construction - at present between Prague, 'Aarsaw, ,c)scow and East Berlin. The. East Berlin echanLe, which was designed by Czechoslovakian experts and equipped .with TesIa installations, is to be completed this summer, The 'flarsaw exchange will probably be completed in the fall of 1964. The :!.oscow and, at it, the Prague exchange will follow Tesla hooe that it will be .possible to start official through-dialling traffic between the above four cities L,s early as in the fall of 1965, NO IMIGN DlEE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 50X1-HUM ? Clarl'ier-Freluencv and Radio Enc;ineering Some developments and improvements, above. all in the wodernization of tube co..iclement, can also be mentioned, -Alt1',oil-rh they are not very iiortant in the field of remote,-action techniuyes and carrier-freouency transmission , r, nxpa-t=easion lines ..11; ue-enonyj. 3-oqucn i' used, noweVerf is T=well proven and reliable sinle- sideband system J.VT2 (Tesla). On the low-frequency side, the TIT-Tcan work with dynamic compression and/or expansion, tbus attaining a very hi0nal-to-noise ratio. Due to their circuitry, all Tesla... system6 require only about half of the frequency width of other system, includbA6 some estern equipment, and, at the same ti,ne, can carry even more reote-actioil channels. i)artial transistorization is still in the Pxperimentall: with the Tesla remote-control units DSO 1. and D502, It has not yet been completed. kor the transistorized carrier7freacy,teleohonen ENK 6, Tesla transistors are now used insteyd of imported transistors (partly from Japan) installed until recently. The radio relay instuLlatIon. W.P 11 r-.-1(re 8,050- , 8,650-1lic/s, transmitting power 100 or 600 .m.?:) and the :tactic oi-o-ucastme I:patio:ex RM 22 (carrier ciesg 3,3 - 3-9 - 4.5 - 5,1 - 5.7?- 6.3 iii.c/s), which were introduced as' novelties, were already available as proto- types in 1962, however, series production (with some technical inrovements d1d not start before the spring of 1963.. The radio relay system DT .21, which is in use with man::' radio 775-ay links, is to be replaced by the successor . type DT 22, the prototype of which was shon by Tesla in BrUnn. The new installation is Said to be irfore powerful and able to link -distances of up to 100 ka without' the use of .a relay station.. The DT-22 installytion is designed for automatic operution. UP to four unmanned relay stations can be reached and remote-controlled by one control station. A genuine novelty is the Z4V?1-4 rece.iving_installation with automatic volume control. This double-diverSity-system, which was shown as :a prototype, is designed for the types of - service Al to A4 ,.F1, F4 and F6 and covers the frequencies from 1.5 to 30 :.c/s in six rar!re. Radio .Broadcasting o In -izecnoslovaia, as in all other countries, t,..1.-npistoried. broadcast rec6jvers'are'very pry:pular. In the.faff.1 of 1963, however, production..could not .always satisfy the demand., because HF transistors' 'were nntavailable in. Sufficient Quantity.' The. available 'c Lion outut was first of all used for non-private equipment, and only the small remain- der of ill transistors was then released for broadcast re- ceivers., There are, however, some models of portable re- ceivers v4hose nY staes are ecuip-ped with imported tran- sistors, mainly of Japanese origin. The oroduction rate -.MREIGR 'c' 'q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 C-0-N--I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO IOIGIA TO:SEM *no 50X1-HUM is poor, as, due to the foreign-exchange situation, the allocationsof imported transistors are very limited. Thus5 transistorized radio receivers are hardly available on the market.. RoWeverithere is good reason to believeithat the bottleneck will have been overcome by the summer of 1564g in Rormov additional production. lines are being installed to speed up -pi-eduction of UF transistors. 18. In addition to six transistorized pocket and portable sets, a transistorized table set is manufactured in two model's, differing in their frequency .ranges..A-small percentage of these table sets is equieped for - VHF -reception.' 19. The new pocket.receiver-*2810-B for HP, MI', LP and VHE ? operates vITE-77111777nsistors and five diodes, :the output poor being about .750 ia The dimensions are 27.5 .-xs16,5 x 8 cm. The new pocket :receiver 2809 B.for HP, ;T and operetes? with seven -UTnsistors and 'two diodes, the output power being 750 1.1 The dimensions are 28 x 17.5.x '75., cm The -smallest. traneistorized -set available (22 x 16 x-7cm.) is the model 2803_B for and LF, equipped with seven: transistors 761a one diode, PO. The leng-frequency range of all receivers, including the non-transistorized typos, lies beteqn 200 or 1,000 and 21000 meters, the medium-frequene:v range generally between 187 and 570 meters. High-TreqUency sets operate in a band ranging from about 19 to 72 meters. Eor receivers with two high-irequency ranges, separation is .at about 37 meters. Sets with only one high-frequeney preferablV-Operate between 17 and?50'meters. IMP devices: are designed for :-a -reception r-nge bet,eeen 4.58 -(or- 3,43 ?and 3) MetpT80 21. All broadcast receivers are eroducts of the Tesla plants. In their basic circuitry as cee,l1 as their receivine:poeer they are O), eeroximately equal to hestandards of the corre-? spending estern units. As a.rule,fihesse in circuitry and special tuning aids are .not provided, whereas the.Medha-eical quality is good. All portable transistorized sets are too big and too heavy. ?22. A negligible portion of the receivers is exported, above all to the- Liddle East. .A small number o1. mains receivers is supplied to Federal Geran department stores and. Mail order houses. Television 23, ? 'what was said before about the Czechoslovakian broadcast sets, is, more or less., also true .for the czechoslovakialv television receivers, which are. built in six models, also exclusively b Tesla. In their basic circaitrv as well as the shape. and, finish of their cabinets, the Czechoslovakian television sets are similar to Western designs and patter-As. 'Ihe mechanical quality and :the ,layout are, more or less, of the same standards as Yvestern ?.oroduets, 10 e'er partial transistorization of the Circuits has not yet been stIlted, and the television sets, like the broadcast sets., are lacking NO 1:'OREIGL1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7 .0 ? ? ' C-0-N-P-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSE4 0.? 5 - 50X1 -HUM every finesse in circuitry and all extra tuning aids. The receivers are built with 12-channel selectors in accordance with OCIR or OIR Standards. About half of them are equipped with 43-cm eicture ubes the other half with 53-cm tubes (deflection 110') At present, 59-om tubes are not envisaged. 24. For television studios, Tesla developed a camera chain of very high standards regarding cireuitry and mechanical quality. This ?camera chain includes sumazthin camera TKO 401 with electronic viewfinder, lens turret and aneaure are provided with remote control; camera control unit TJK 401 supplying two blanking and synchronizing signals of 1 Vr. / 75 Ohm and two video and blanking signals of 0.7 Ve,/?75 Ohm, Dcw2x_pack TX 40/ for the camera and the coiltrol unit. -she first develop- ment model of the camera had already been built in 1962, Production of all three units was started in the summer of 1963. 25. The s nchronizinpzEigEal gall911i12r PGS 401 for outside broadcasts and television studios and the monitor Tmo 401 are also new developmente. The TGS 401 generatee line synchronizing, equalizing and video synchronizing pulses as well as horizontal and vertical blanking aulses. Although all the afore-mentioned equidaent was primarily developed for installuent in the television 0.13, van of type TQ2 601, it can be used for stationary studios as well. 27. The electric and transmitting equip/lent of the telegn 0.B. van TC12 601 was considerably improved airing the last year. Eight vans of the modified type have already been completed, another five are being built. NO POI12IGN DISSLM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00247A000900580001-7