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50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 _ ?. 5 4 3 2 INF?RMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1-HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Bees. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM COUNTRY Bulgaria REPORT SUBJECT Miscellaneous Military DATE DISTR. 16 July 1964 50X1-HUM LIformatrn NO. PAGES 1 .1 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE WEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. three reports containing information on the following: a. Rocket artillery regiment in Stara Zagora; report includes sketches of rocket m-14 lqcation qf military installations in the area. b. Biographical sketches of officr?, qf the border regiment in Eihovo. C. Sketches of the barracks area south of Elhovo. d. Defense course against chemical and biological warfare in Bulgaria. Distribution of attachment: Army: Retention A C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification STATE X 1 DM . X 1 ARMY X I .1:1AVY X I AIR 'X I NSA X 1 AM 1 5 . 4 3 2 1 50X1-HUM (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17 :_CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 ? r4,1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM the officers in the border regirent in ELH0V0?5OX1 -HUM a) Lieutenant Colonel, TODOROF- He is political assistant 0-f50X1 -HUM Border Commander. b) Lieutenant TODOR IVANOF TODOROF- Veternarian. His assigment is tocontrol the food supplies,breedingof border dogs and the horse:50X1 -HUM of this untE. 50X1 -HUM c) Lieutenant HOLLOF- He is engaged in communication (radio:i. d) Lieutenant Colonel KRISTEF- Until Nay 963, he was the Comman- der of border unit. He is likely to be appointed to the border units 50X1 -HUM headquarters in Sofia . OW ExcluttO fro sulematic. taingrndint and , ? , ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 FflXI -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 - ? - -2- , -"50X1?HUM a) The sketch of the border regiment barrack in ELHOVO is attached. f) both inside and outside of ELHOVO there is no ammuniation or fuel deports of this unit. g) The strength of this regiment : 30 officers L. non-conmissiond officers 6o privates service bus 2 jeeps 4 trucks ( 4 tons) I motorcycle having baskets on both sides cart pulled by two hohsess having sides I cart pulled single horse no sides 50X1-HUNI 2. The other units present in ELHOVO: a) On the South of ELHOVO there is a unit named as regiment among thep public, another unit called oIo situated. They are situated on the South of ELBOW side by side. Before oIo figures there are two more figures. But I don't know them as it is not used. 50X1-HUM in ELHOVO there is a band permanentlY consisit of lo or 15 men. The head of the band was a Hajar and he was working in ELHOVO in this band since he was a lieutenant.. 50X1-HUM 1717 ; 77111.1 .,L1V1 d , - r?-?"4""r`, 7.1'1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 (1-HUM -3- - ,1 A1/21SLoiNgLL., b) The sketch of the unit is attached. sc,".p771 ? b) The biographic information about the personnel of these two units. (1) Lieutenant Colonel GENCEF- is the Commander 50X1-HUM of oIo Unit. he is probably the Cammdnder of the garrison. Because in the oath ceremonies this person is in charge of the ceremony ( this ceremony takes place once in a year, 2oo or 3oo people attend)* ?50X1-HUM (2) Major GAT- Commander of tank battalion* 50X1-HUM OX1-HUM 5 (3) Lieutenant alonel 4DIAGIEF- He serves in oIo unit and his class is infantry. 04.) Lieutenant NIKO= - ( his first name) . Heis a tank officer in oIo 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 5 OX1-HUM 4. The sketch of Iaad works in USTREM Village is attached herewith* The lead was available in the direction of Village RADOVETS which is 5Km. South-East of Village USTREK, and I*5Km* away from the road junctiel 31cm. mvay from USTREM. Approximately boo workers were working in the mine. 50X1-HUM , Av. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17 CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 (1-HUN 7---"11111 111 AI Explaination of the sketch shoEing Barracks Area of Armed Forces in the South of ELHOV0 50X1-HUM I- Three storied building in which the probable barrack housed. It is likely to house the dortitory of the privates too. The building is alike LI it's length on both sides Som. and width 2om. 2- Two storied building used as dormitory and sergeants school. The building is about IIom. long and Som. wide. 3. Open-shed divided into 5 or 6 departments. There is a repair shop here. Underneath this open shed tanks kept. supplies. 4- 2 or 3 storied building used as depot for suits and 5_ The garage where the trucks parked and building ased as car repair shop. The garage is 10m. wide. The building used as repair shop is 50X1-HUM assumed 7x7. 6- Stable about 50X1-HUM 7- The small building which is allays guarded and likely to be explosive deport. 8- Buildings used probaIvas stable, pig house and store houses. 50X1-HUM 9- Building alloted to the soldiers to meet their friends. fr n of this building there is a garden, and isolated by digitatas. these buildings used as the hair-dresser shop and canteen.- 50X1-HUM Io- Control point on the entrance gate. II- Gates present in 3 places 12- Building possibly used as dormihory. 13- Ammuniation deport isolated possibly with two rows of wire. There are guards walking among the wires. 14- 15- Officers houses away from the barracks. ?.k FIN Pi 6 1 33 A CROP i Excitifif f from automatic gOrtitgradina and declassionatlao 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 ray?araTtri eI Declassified in Part - Sanitized?Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 i I ? 1. Cle/???1 A0011% ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 50X1 -HUM 4" A.6.1 C403 es:0 t=3 6:1= 50X1 -HUM cga c. e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for ReleaSS-2014/01/17 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 - Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 1-HUM . , ,-4 Sketch Showing USTRal Mine Area No scale I. Floatation factories 2. Residences 3. Car repair shop 4. Offices 5. Club ( tables and billiards) 6. Depots 7. Repairshops 8. Shops 9, Restaurants I. Canteens arrangement II. Elevator/descending to the mine 12. Loading ore area i.LA 9ff'R.M L%1 rr71 71'J7-7tf 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 , -HUN MEM 50X1 -HUM .1 "4-0"1:60 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 "Xl -HUM' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 . ? ? ? Barracks Area of Border Unit in ELHOVO 0-, - 50X1 -HUM V. OY Waterworks Organization and Tractor Repair Station Zone: EXplaination I. Single storied building 8x5m. in size. Here is the ? entrance gate, .control point and billiards saloon situated. 2. Barracks building : two storied, painted in yellow, 35-40m in length and 10-15m. wide. On the upper floor of the building there are study rooms of the commanders. 3.. Single storied building. Here wards and infirmary housed. The length of the building is 4(3,5om. and 2om. wide. 4. Sports area 5. Cars repair shop and two buildings used as open shed for carts pulled by horses. It is possible for them to be dormitories. 50X1 -HUM Note there are smalltuildings whidi -won't take .any attention. The sizes of these buildings are given approximately. Silk Factory Area. Side streets of ELHOVO. [?' r177171T1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 t' 2. Rocket Artillery Repaint in Stara Zagora: The LocLcet. Artillery Regiment in Stara Zagora was a general reserve artillery, called in buigarian R.G.K. (Rezerv Na Glavnoto Komandvane). The bul'arian name of the aocket TieLiiraent was Reaktiven Polk together with a mortar regiment in ,:tara Zagora, was transferred to LI:arno sole village, Plovdiv. One of its battalions was disbanded and the remaining battalion was organically included into the structure of the mortar regiment that was transferred there with the rocket artillery battalion. rc; n I, /911--;iklA It/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 50X1-H UM 50X1-H UM dimany Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 40/ :iiballY " I 'I !VIVI - (77777-771 J g 2. Rocket Artillery Reginisnt in Stara Zagora: The Rocket Artillery Regiment in Stara Zagora was a general reserve artillery, called in Bulgarian R.G.K. (Rezerv Na Glavnoto Komandvane). The Bulgarian name of the Rocket Regiment was Reaktiven Polk ? together with a mortar regiment in btara Zagora, was transferred to Arno Mole village, Plovdiv. One of its battalions was disbanded and the remaining battalion was organically included into the structure of the mortar regiment that was transferred there with the rocket artillery battalion. Far er9 Roc lee f- nr fffief Res 4;44e r 1 go04I LAurthor 6110UP ; Exabult0 from automap dawnviding reelassIfIcaffen Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 ? - 2 - " ? Explanation of the sketch: As can be seen on the sketch, the regiment consists of two battalions. There is no resemblance in the formation of either battalion. Also, the squads consisting of one rocket launcher, are directly connected with the battalion. Actually, each battalion consists of 4 platoons and each platoon is formed of 4 squads. Refugee maintained that this difference in the formation was due to the shortage of armament and equipment. As indicated in the formation, the regiment has a fire-regulating battalion, and the battalions have fire-regulating platoons. Administrative organization of the Rocket Launching Regiment: Munitions Section : I captain, 3 n.c.o., 4-5 privates. Sanitary Section Armament maintenance section Communication section 14edical first-lieut., I sanitary sergeant, infirmary with 4-5 beds. : I captain, 1 firstlaieut., 5 n.c.o. 50X1-HUM : I captain, 1 lieutnenant, 1 n.c.o., I civil technician, 2 repairer privates. Chemical section : 1 lieut., 1 n.c.o., 1 sergeant. The chemical section assists the units in the use of gasmasks and maintenance during the chemical training which is carried out once a week. Explanation concerning the weapons:The rocket-launchers of this regiment 50X1-HUM are the same as those of 1311,-130 mm type The rocket-launcher is mounted on a Praga truck. The coverage of the truck can be extended if necessary. The rocket-launching barrels are 4-groovedywfhk ittt4Aiis ihe length of the barrel is 105 cm. There are 72 shells in whole, 36 in each shell-hole fitted on either side of the vehicle. The rocket guns can only fire to the right and left of the vehicle's driving direction, but are unable to fire at targets in front or behind the vehicle. The firing is done electrically and the number of shells fired varies according to the pointing of the switch on the numbers from I to 32 on a dial-plate. The firing is not according to the order of barrels, but mixed. 9. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 -- The interval between the firing of the shells is two-tenths of a second. Explanation concerninz the rocket shell: 1. Percussion cap. 2. Trotil (explosive). 3. Rocket fuel (in 4 tubes with 4. Channels of 280 (ensures the 5. Firing pin? 6. Firing mechanism of the rocket fuel by sparks of the electric current. their center pierced). return of the shell). Part holding the rocket fuel: means of 50X1 -HUM rq F7-77'71 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 77:7777 g.N.1 n Formation of the fire control battery: Fire control battery: The battery is formed of 1 first lieut., 1 lieutenant, and a n.c.o. battery consists of the following parts:- 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 1, Wireless section : 5-6 wireless operators, a German-made Telefunken wireless set that is carried on the back; a Russian,- made R.B.wireless set with batteries. 2. Telephone section : 8-9 telephone operators, reels for stretching the wires that are carried on the back, and telephone apparatus resembling the EE.8 type field telephones. There is no station. 50X1-HUM 3. Measuring and calculation section : 3-4 calculators and measurers, a pair of fieldglasses to each one of the personnel, a elemeter. battery fieldglasses, one aiming circle. 50X1-HUM 4. Reconnaissance : 4-5 reconnaissance personnel; since they operate jointly with the calculators and measurers The fire control battery consists of one wireless operator, one telephone Terator, one measurer and one each of the privates in the reconnaissance section. The battery has 3 Gaz fr 51 trucks and 1 Sis 150 truck. .Rocket-firing squads: This squad consists of 7 men and a Pr aga truck. Commander Chauffeur 1 marksman 2 assistant marksmen 2 ammunition bearers ."4 OX1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 ? 50X1-HUM There is a seat, one on each side of the barrel, for the marksman to sit on. The marksman aims the rooketgun by means of the telescope in front, according to firing instructions given by the fire control battery. After directing and charging the gun nobody is left near it. They all disperse to some 20 in away. The firing is done by the commander of the gunnery personnel, who pulls a 20 cm long cord from inside a cavity. 2. Maneuvers a. The maneuvers of 1956 were carried on in the south of Nova Zagora. They continued for 15 days. The operations were offensive and units taking part, other than his own unit, were artillery, mounted artillery, infantry, tank and heavy artillery units from Elkhovo and Khaskovo. b. The maneuvers of 1957 lasted for 15 days in the districts of Kharmanli and Khaskovo. The operations were the same and the participating units were similar to the ones mentioned above. There were blabkouts at night in both maneuvers. Night training was carried on 2-3 times during the maneuvers. They were not left without food during the maneuvers but the meals were sometimes late and many times they were consumed cold. There was no shortage of gasoline. They had portable showers but the number being too small they were not able to get thoroughly clean. The pravates rested on dry grass and covered themselves with their oilskin cloaks, using their sacks as cushions. the vehicles in his unit did not get out of order because they were new, but that the ones of other units got out of order and stopped on the road. 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001,L2,(i_H um 3. Units in Yambol: 6 the unit in Yambol was presumably of a higher military rank than the unit in Elkhovo 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 5. Permanent fortifications: a. In Lesovo: One klm north of Melnitsa village, located 8 klm north of Lesovo, on the dominating hills, there are two concrete fortifications. Their height is 1,5 m and their front 3 m. They have two embrasures in the southern front. b. In Elkhovo: 1) ?ne klm east of Elkhovo and 200 in north, on the Burgas highway, there is a concrete fortification of 1,5 m height and 3 m front, (width?) 2) 3 klm east of Elkhovo, 50 in north of the Burgas highway, between the two bridges on the highway there is a fortification of the same measurements. 3) 2,5 klm east of Elkhovo and 800 in north of the Burgas highway, there is a fortification of the same measurements. 4) One klm south of Elkhovo, 500 in east of the Topolovgrad highway, on the hill of 500 in alt, there are two concrete fortifications. 6. Ammunitions Stores: 50X1-HUM these were now vacant and in a neglected state. a. in 1964, there is an ammunition50X1 -HUM store 1,5 klm north of Elkhovo, in a woodland and vineyard district. Nothing can be seen from the exterior. Every day 7 men, one being a commander, from the unit stationed in the barracks south of Elkhovo, go there to stand guard. According to regulations in the Bulgarian Army, one private stands 2 hours duty, rests 2 hours and sleeps also two hours. Declassified in Part- Sanitized CopyApprovedforRelease2014/01/17 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 7 b. One klm east of Elkhovo, south of the Burgas highway, about 20-30 in, in an area surrounded with two rows of barbed wire, there is an ammunition store. Three guards go there for 24 hours. A building for the military personnel is in view but the main ammunition store ie hidden from the exterior. 50X1-HUM 7. Rocket ramp constructions: 50X1-HUM1 Rocket ramps are being currently constructed in the area approximately indicated with a very slight error an the attached sketch. 10 kIm west of Elkhovo, 1,5 kl- 50X1-HUM away from Malik Monastir village, and towards the south, a stone road is currently being built. The location of the main installations is not seen from the road. Military trucks convey gravelled sand to the place. The area is restricted. 8. Alarm and concentration areas near tae frontier: go ta itirilovo village, of a mobilization. According to orders received, 7 klm away from Elkhovo, in the north, in case There are no military units in that village. Hilwiaovo village, 4 klm north of Kirilovo, in the summer of 1963, troops presumably belonging to an infantry unit. But the first lieut, in this village was not of the infantry branch. The barracks is immediately north of the village. Two single-storey buildings of 50-60 m length and several small structures can be seen from afar, r,77,77,MITIFIr 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 ? 50X1-HUM 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 rTrT'f7T,rjr ? 8 Legend of the sketch showing military installations and the rocket ramp district in Elkhovo 1) Railroad to Yambol. 2) Highway to Yambol. 3) Highway to Topolovgrad. 4) Highway to Isurgas. 5) Barracks district of the armed unit. 6) Barracks district of the border guard unit. 7) Ammunitions stores area. 8) Concrete fortifications (Bunkers). 9) Rocket ramp area (presumably). 10) New gravel road presumably reaching the rocket ramp area. 11) Barracks district near Boyanavo village. 50X1 -HUM, 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Milt:fast Takriben 3. t 100,000 CONFID9119,1 171 6, lit leiel/Patia PcEZ/9 nx Ka ,61,90gc. A-Oyu keeep AV/a A-0 /17110 Ni;eoaa ko:ya 6w/kv? Tow c e,e4e en sib; Aveyw A-eyo: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 50X1 -HUM L. Defence Course AgaS.nst Chemical and BiolOgical War in Bul- garia* In Bulgaria these courses called MESTNA: PROTIVO- VIZDUSNA I HIPII-CF:SICA OtBRANA or shortly MPVHO ( District 3-14283=xacf Air. and Chemistry Defence ),, CONFIBEAITIIL. , DiggErd . GROUP ? I 4.xclud0 from automak downgrading and deCiaSsifiCatioli Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001 -HUM1 ? Such courses start after the 9th gradd and two hours Oloted in a week which continues one year.. During high school, this course repeated throughout a term 2 hours in a week . Again in the barracks during the training this subject is emphazized. The civilians are comphiled to attend these courses. The attandances of this course gather once in a week. 50X1 -HUM Study of the atom and it's built. Atomic bomb and it's utiliza- tion, strength and destruction ( giving example as HIROSIMA and NAGA- ZAKI) protection from the blow of atomic explosion?.protection from the rms,originated from the atomic explosion and radioactive particulars. During this period hydrogen bomb wase discussed. The other subject #aught: 50X1 -HUM Types of fire extinguishment. extinguish the fire by water, foam which is a chemical foam, soil and sand. In addition they supplied information about the hostile planes, ships and airships. They gave information about the first aid which included cases of wound, break in the bones, drown, burning. In addition to this, they showed various gas masks, heavy and light protective suits ( in order to protect from harmful rays and 50X1 -HUM radioactivity) and pelerines. We learned the chemical articles used in the war. They were showing them in 5 groups. Suffocating, poisonous, irritating the dcini watering the eyes, causing to sneeze. 17Tr,q..,g" 50X1 -HUM . GROUP I Excludee from automat! dowradiog and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17 :_CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001-2 C?2 re! gr. r migiam CM' Co, COD 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM taught to protect fromrand to help those 50X1-HUM who are exposed to them. Meanwhile they showed a fortification with 50X1 -HUM a different kind of soil and shelter, a shelter located ?Jun I -F1 LJ IVI I5om. away from the National Assembly Building which situated at SISMAN and AKSAKOF Streets junction in Sofia. There were 4 divisions in this shelter. One is alleted for mothers having babies. In this shelter there is a fountain, closed W.C. 1 aspirators absorbing clean air like two pipes. The pipes end in the garden of the lycee about 1.5 in. at a distance from the surface. The walls of the shelters are I.5m. thick concrete iron. This underground shelter has an iron door. the shelter of housing 4o-6o people. school there is such a shelter. In the shelter stored. is capable in every large 50X1 -HUM food supplies 50X1 -HUM in each town when alarm is given all the lmaivictuals know where to go. or this purpose there are gather%pg areas which announced. Theyare situated out of the town and neighbourirg villages. According to the inattuction received, go to 50X1 -HUM Village KRTKOVO T.K.Z.S. to this, every driver would know. where to.go_by his own car. 50X1 -HUM There is no shelter in ELHOVO. 50X1 -HUM As people are not forced to build shelter, there is no shelter in the houses or at the streets. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP80-00247A000700640001T21111111