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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 - NI-ORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1-HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 50X1-HUM SECRET COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Information Bulletin No. 9 of the Central Party Control Commission REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACC OCT 1964 2 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1-HUM a translation of the Polish document entitled "Information Bulletin No. 9 of the Central Party Control Commission at the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR)". The document bears the Polish classifi- cation CONFIDENTIAL and was given limited distribution among Partypolitical workers. The table of contents of this issue follows on the next page. copy OCI Retentibn of 1 STATE Retention of 1 copy ORR Retention of 1 copy SECRET 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 5 50X1-HUM 4 3 GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and t en. STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AIR I NSA IX4MK (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) 2 1 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1 -HUM S-E-C-R-E-T CONTENTS: I. INFORMATION BULLETIN NO. 9 WARSAW, OCTOBER, 1963 CONFIDENTIAL XIII Plenum of the Central Committee (KC) of the PZPR and the Tasks of the Party Control Commissions (KKPs) Some Resolutions of the Party Control Commissions (KKPs) Some Details of the Work of the Presidium of the Central Party Control Commission (CKKP) for the Period January-August 1963 IV. Plenary Sessions of Local Party Control Commissions (KKPs) V. VI. Some Resolutions of the Executive of the Voivodship Committees (KWs) on the Work of the Voivodship Party Control Commissions (WKKPs) Resolution of the Plenum of the Voivodship Committee (KW) of the PZPR at Kielce on the Activity of the Voivodship Party Control CommisSion'(WKKP) VII. Statistical Tables SE Compiled by the Editorial Board of the Central Party Control Commission (CKKP) CRET 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 17: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 bUAl -HUM SECRET. PZPR Central Part, Control Commission Information 'U etin o. 1. Attached is a translation of Information Bulletin No. 9 issued in October 1963 by the Central Party Control Commission of the PZPR Polish United Workers' Partg. Notes 50X1-HUM 2. The following is a guide to abbreviations used in the text: PZPR Polish United Workers' Party KC Central Committee KW Voievodship Committee KP Powiat Committee KG Gromada Committee KM Municipal Committee KZ Works Committee KKIP Party Control Commission CKKP Central Party Control Commission WIE1 Voievodship Party Control Commission PKKP Powiat Party Control Commission MKKP. Municipal Party Control Commission DKKP District Party Control Commission POP Basic Party Organization ZO Adjudicating Team 3. The Polish word "instancja", for which there is no direct English equivalent (except in a legal sense as in / "court of first instance"), has been translated throughout this report broadly as "authority". The contextsin which the word is used indicate that it refers to Party committees. SECRET cnoup I Excludcd from autoniaM dcwpgrading (Ind declassUltaliDn 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2-0-1-4761/1-0 : 6IA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? ? -CENTRAL PARTY CONTROL COMMISSION at the Central Committee. of the PZPR WARSAW INFORMATION BULLETIN No. 9 OCTOBER Confidential 1963 Contents: I. XIII Plenum of the KC of the PZPR and the tasks of laPs IL Some resolutions of KKPs III., Some details of the work of the Presidium of the CKKP for the period January-August, 1963 IV. Plenary sessions of local KKPe V. Some resolutions of the Executive of las on the work of WKIIIPs VI. Resolution of the Plenum of the KW of the PZPR at Kielce on the activity of the WKKP VII. Statistical Tables Compiled by the Editorial Board of the CCP I. XIII Plenum of the KO of the PZPR and the tasks of Krips 1. The KKPs are faced with important tasks in connection with the implementation of the exceedingly numerous and varied problems discussed by the XIII Plenum of our Party. 2. The general aim which the Plenum placed in front of the Party as the vanguard of the working class consists of an ideological offensive and a more intensive and effective imparting of socialist consciousness to the working class and to the whole nation. s .../3. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014761/1-6:-CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1-HUM 3. "This means", said Comrade GOMULKA in his speech at the Plenum, "the spreading of Marxist-Leninist ideology and of socialist ethico-moral principles in human relationships, the cultivation of a new attitude to the State, work and social property, and the formation of a new, socialist image of national culture". 4. The moulding of socialist consciousness is the most important, and at the same time the most difficult, task. It can be performed by. a Party closely-knit ideologically and concentrating in its ranks members actively influencing society. 5. A Party member cannot mould the consciousness of his environment in a socia] st spirit if he himself does not understand the essence of socialism, if he does not believe in the correctness of the path chosen by the Party, or if his )*\' words are at variance with his acts. 6. This does not mean that the Party should receive only those who have a perfect understanding of Marxist-Leninist ideology. It does mean, however, that our Party concentrates in its ranks members who eccept the programme and the Statutes of the Party, and who agree with its strategy and tactics and with its political line. Highly incorrect, and even detrimental, is the view expressed by certain Party members that it is sufficient for a Party member to be good at his job and to do his work properly . 'This "theory" does not recognize the importance of ideological consciousness and of a political attitude in moulding social life as a whole, and it allocates a passive role to Party members, depriving their actions of all ideo-political substance. The Party cannot agree with such an interpretation of the matter. To do work .../properly50X1-HUM e.;., 1.42a NZ..d. la t4i.m Li 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 ? CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? 50X1-HUI 6?41 properly ie the duty of every enlightened citizen, while a Party member must not only himself work well in his profession, but must influence positively the work being performed by others round him. In addition, he should also perform other tasks imposed on him by the Party. To influence non-Party people means not only to give them an example by one's awn /behaviour. It means also that one should convince them of the correctness of this behaviour and of the political line of the Party as a whole, combat reactionary propaganda, indicate the final aim of the forces fighting for peace and socialism and the individual's place in the implementation of this aim. There cannot, therefore, be any tolerance towards a contemptuous attitude on the part of Party members to the carrying-out of Party tasks or to the raising of their political level. 7. Political work among Party members assumes particular importance at the present time in the involved international situation and the exceptionally complicated atmosphere of differenees in the international communist movement. ,This situation cannot be completely clear to everyone. 8. One should, however, differentiate between those Party *\, members who do not understand particular problems or actions of the Party, and those who do not agree with the Party line, oppose everything which is being done by the Party and its leadership, engage in work harmful to the Party, and spread rumours of various kinds. In their passion, they often take up hostile positions, infringing the Statutes and Party diseipline. 9. If in respect of the former (those who lack knowledge or fail to understand) we should employ various forms ,of., .../political-educational 50X1-HUM cr(e/Nre),FrAm g 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A00030001non1_s IA P r--xs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ?? 50X1 -HUN political-educational work, in respect of the latter, who are in opposition, who combat Party policies, we should apply far-reaching Party consequences. We cannot permit them to disorganize the ranks of our Party and to hinder the march towards socialism. 10. In May, 1963, the Adjudicating Team of the ClaP decided to expel Marek IMMERGLuK from the Party for "spreading defeatism and lack of faith in the Party, for slandering the leadership of the Party and the Government, and for hostile statements undermining the policies of the Communist Pc.rty of the Soviet Union LC-PSLT7. In applying the highest Party penalty, the Adjudicating Team took into acoount the enormous political harm which is done to the Party by irresponsible gossip, the dissemination of rumours, and the propagation of an alien ideology". 11. The unity of the Party and the strength of its influence should be increased in particularly difficult moments - When the international situation is tense or when there are temporary economic difficulties. Reactionary propaganda usually makes use of such difficulties for spreading confusion and panic. This happened for example in the Spring, in connection with the Government decision to increase the price" of coal and to raise the charges for gas and electricity. A hostile attitude towards these decisions was expressed by certain elements through the writing of libels 5aszkwil47 and leaflets. The WKKP at Bialystok reports that a hostile libel was being disseminated in the voievodship. . The libel was copied and passed on mainly in white-collar workers' groups. The WKKP established that a number of Party members, instead of opposing and combating the reactionary propaganda, SECRET 50X1 -HUM .../aotually 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: 61A-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? 'Sr 50X1-HUM actually assisted in, or facilitated, the dissemination of the hostile libel. Another part of the Party members, who had come into contact with the harmful activities of the libellers aszkwilang, failed to adopt a firm attitude towards them. 12. The WICKP had several conversations with these Comrades, and the matter was submitted to POP meetings, at which, on the whole, all Party members took a healthy view of the matter by imposing penalties appropriate to the guilt of each Comrade. The most important fact, however, was this, that the discussion of the matter at the POP meetings had an educational effect on the guilty Comrades, who felt their guilt more deeply, and on the remaining members of the PCPs, who understood more clearly how a Party member should behave. The Comrades did not limit themselves to a mere discussion of the above fact. Attention was also paid both to the attitude of those Party members who knew of the dissemination of the libel but did not react, and to the incorrect behaviour of those who, when amongst non-Party people, not only do not react to various rumours and irresponsible gossip but often add their own comments on the matter, or who keep quiet, trying not to reveal their membership of the Party and failing to defend its attitude. This is a defensive attitude, a desire to "conform" to the environment, and to win the approval of alien elements. It is at the same time a loss of vigilance and of the image of a Party member. 13. Conditions for the shaping of new ethical principles in human relationships, for the dissemination of a socialist attitude towards the State, work and social property, were created by our system itself. In a socialist system, the .../raisinz 50X1-HUM e \ 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 : 50X1-HUM raising of the standard of living of society, of every 2 individual, depends to an increasing degree primarily on the development of the entire social economy. A man is respected not for his financial situation, but for his work, for his attitude in his social and private life. 14. It must be stated that enormous changes in this direction have taken place in the consciousness of our society. It should not be thought, however, that such changes take place automatically, together with the development of a socialist economy. They are in fact, to a very large extent, the result of considerable work of education and enlightenment, carried out by the Party. One 'cannot, however, comfort oneself with the thought that everything has already been done in this direction. It is not so. The struggle for the development of the consciousness of society in a socialist spirit calls for persistent and prolonged effort. 15. There are still too many old traditions and oustoms in individual sections of our society, clericalist and nationalist stratifications, signs of snobbery, egoistical attitudes, indifference and unconcern towards the interests of the people as a whole. These features will not disappear' 60 quickly, and the straggle with them is not easy. A part of society is still firmly imbued with the idea that social property belongs to someone else, so that there is no concern for its safety, and there are even cases of wastage and theft. 16. Success in the struggle for a socialist consciousness depends above all on the behaviour and work of Party members. 17. There cannot be any achievements in a factory or in a village where the Party organization pays no attention to the .../problem,, 50X1-HUM DIET *\, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1-HUM problem of the ideological level and the education of its members. 18. Such facts, unfortunately, do take place. The WICKP at Wroclaw, in consultation with the Organization Section of the KW, has carried out an investigation into whether, and how, the POPs take an interest in the moulding of the ethical and ideological attitude of Party members and their attitude towards work and social property. It turned out that in the 128 PCPs which were investigated, 70 per cent. of all the questions discussed at meetings were devoted to production? organization-matters, 20 per cent. to general political problems (the international situation, the elections), and only 10 per cent, to ethical problems, relations in the factory, etc. 19. It is evident that one oannot separate production questions from education work, since the entire political activity of the POPs must be closely bound up with the implementation of production tasks. However, the data quoted above show the extent of the interest taken by POPs in the question of the behaviour of Party members and their attitude to work discipline and social property. 20. All is not well in this sphere. Recently, State and social organs of control have established facts of intolerable infringements of Government rules and regulations by individual factories and institutions, an absence of discipline, high absenteeism, and wasting of social property. In these factories, some Party members not only do not combat behaviour of this sort, but themselves infringe socialist legality and work discipline. Yet a Party member who himself does not observe discipline and the principles of socialist behaviour ,50X1-HUM ? ? C 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 , .an? One. OFT, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1-HUM cannot exert educational influence on his environment. 21. For this reason, Party. Control Commissions should take an interest in the question why, for example, Party members who are part of the management of a factory do not observe financial discipline, do not fight for the observance of work discipline in the factory, permit inexcusable absenteeism, why Party members allow themselves to infringe work discipline and to adopt a careless attitude towards social property, why the POPe fail to struggle for a change in this state of affairs. 22. The need here is above all for educational work: conversations with Party members, with the management of the place of work, with the Party executive and committees. There is a need for initiating and sharing in controls in connection with those problems*, etc. There is a need also for taking Party disciplinary measures against those guilty. 23. As a result of a letter from the KO to the First Secretaries of the KWs and a resolution of the Council ot' Ministers, since the 23rd July, 1963 controls have been conducted of the observance by individual institutions of financial discipline, economy, and work discipline. An important part in this campaign should be played by the KK2s, which should draw the appropriate conclusions from the results of the work o2 the controlling teams. For this reason, it would be desirable if members of the KKPe participated in the special sessions of the Kas orkers' Self?Government Committee g devoted to the results of the work of the oontrolling teams. 24. There are still among us those who hanker after a life of luxury and getting rich quick at the expense CRET of others. 50X1-HUM .../This has 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1-HUM This has a demoralizing effect not only on specific groups of our society, but also on some Party members. Those who yield to the temptation are Party members who have no strong ties with the Party, or who have lost such ties, persons who possess no ideological armour, careerists. 25. In September, 1963, the Adjudicating Team of the CKKP decided to expel from the Party Alexander TALERING, for his attitude which compromised him as a Party member. In its resolution, the Adjudicating Team states that "he had connections with criminal elements and engaged in selling goods of foreign origin for purposes of speculation. His moral behaviour in his private life was unworthy of a Party member. By his behaviour, as well as by his lack of honesty towards the Party, he infringed the principles of inner?Party ? life and of Party ethics". 26. The Wroclaw'WKKP has investigated the causes and mechanism of the demoralization of individual Party members and reached the conclusion that "in principle the mechanism of demoralization in all cases of this sort is similar. The usual beginning is that such Comrades drift away from a worker and peasant environment. The people with whom our Comrade .has dealings have money: one has bought a small house, another a car, their wives are prettily dressed, they offer hospitality which 'ems to be returned. So the Comrade takes a bribe here, buys a "bargain" there, carries out some fiddle in order to get more money. In such an environment, people are judged by their D6ssessions: if you have nothing, you are a fool. This gives rise to hankerings after cars, houses: to get them in spite of everything and at all costs, since to obtain them is to aehieve status in this environment". 50X1-HUM ?/ e SPCPP 113.12 tw=1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2-014/017167 CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? ( 50X1-HUM 27. The demoralization of Party members is not usually a sudden process. This applies alike to cases connected with abuses and to rowdyism, drunkenness, immoral conduct, etc. It may continue until there is some row, or until a control takes place and the case has gone so far that the Party member has to be expelled from the Party for demoralization, economic abuses, or absence of supervision, etc. 28. This way of dealing with Party members is particularly noticeable in those Party organizations which neglect political and edUcationai work among Par membe-L, and? cit not see tau need for struggling for the correct attitude of Party members. Yet many valuable Comrades could have been saved for the Party if attention had been paid in time to their improper behaviour, or to their shortcomings in work. 29. The activity of Control Commissions and their adjudication is one very important element in the education of Party members, but it will be more effective if cases of behaviour and misdemeanours of Party members are dealt with regularly by the POPs. This applies both to ordinary Party members and to the management of the place of work. 30. It is true that .a POP is not always able to carry out a thorough investigation into misdemeanours committed by the- management, but the Party authority L:Instancjg and the KKP should be able to assi6t the POP in this. It may also happen that PCPs will resolve a particular matter either too liberally or too severely. The Party authority and the KGP are always entitled to alter its decision, explaining why they have done so. Practical experience has shown (many laPs have long been using this procedure) that this has a greater educational effect both on members of the 20Ps and on the guilty person, and enlivens the criticism of the POPs, which 50X1-HUM .../improves 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ' 50X1-HUM improves the efficiency of work and helps in the understanding of the tasks and duties facing every member of the Party. 31. The Party Control Commissions have important tasks in connection with the reporting-electoral campaign which is to take place by the end of this year in all POPs. 32. The campaign will be conducted under the watchword of increased political-educational work among Party members, arming Party members for the struggle for the implementation of production tasks, economy and a decisive opposition to wastage of any kind. 33. Essential elements of this campaign should be an honest and critical assessment of achievements and shortcomings in the work of the Party organization in all spheres of its activity and the further development of inner-Party democracy. 34. The Party Control Commissions should assist the Party authorities and POPs in the organization and conduct of controls, in the assessment of the implementation of the conclusions and demands submitted during the present term of office, and in the assessment of the activity of the POPs with Party members (particularly in the sphere of Party adjudication). It is also the task of the KKP to help the POP in ensuring that the Comrades elected to the leadership of the Party organization should be drawn from those who set an example by their attitude towards work and towards social property, and who enjoy respect and regard among their colleagues. II. Some resolutions of Kies 35. Some resolutions of KKPs: Party sanctions and disciplinary action taken against Party members infringing the basic ideological-programme and statutory.principles af . ./ our Party. *.N 50X1-HUM sEc '';4414 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? al too our Party. 36. The following were punished and expelled from the Party for anti-Party activity, slanderous gossip, libels and wrecking: 37. (1) Michal KRAJEWSKI, Party member since 1945, an employee in the Building Organization and Mechanization Institute. 38. The Adjudicating Team of the CKKP, on the basis of assembled documents and explanations given by KRAJEWSKI, decided unanimously to expel him from the Party for anti-Party activity taking the form of writing slanderous libels against the leaders of the international workers, movement and of the PZPR. 39. In applying the highest Party penalty, the ZO of the CKKP took into account the politically harmful attitude, unworthy of a Party member, which Michal KRAJEWSKI refused to change in spite of repeated interviews and warnings. 40. (2) A. DROZDZYNSKI, a journalist employed by the Zachodnia Agencja Prasowa L7Western Press Agency:7, Party member since 1946. 41. On the basis of the assembled material and explanations heard, the ZO of the CKKP decided to administer to Comrade Aleksander DROZDZYNSK1 a reprimand with caution for reckless and irresponsible talk, and for writing letters of recommendation for a man who left for a capitalist country, such action being unworthy of a member of the Party and a Party activist. 42. (3) NyjalL12521121LaL, Party member since 1925 (KPT) communist Party of Poland - pre-war7, at present a pensioner. 43. When on circuit in Jaslo, on the 3rd and 4th January, 1963, the ZO of the CKKP, on the basis of the assembled material and the explanations given by the accused KOSIBA, decided unanimously to expel Wojciech KOSIBA from the Party ranks .../jor the 50X1 -HUM SECRET 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ' I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release-20-1-475171T: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1-HUM Cor the following reasong: 44. For lending support to a campaign of provocative slander against Party activists and attempts to compromise them as alleged "diversiOnaries", organizers of a non-existent terrorist and sabotage organization, financed by foreign intelligence services. 45. For inciting the public in connection with the above slanderous charges, using for this purpose such social organizations as ZBOWiD association for Fighters for Freedom and Democracil, and the sessions of People's Counoils, public meetings, etc. 46. For participation in the preparation and signing of a document issued by the Powiat Board of ZBOWiD, containing slanderous and anonymous charges against the Powiat Party and State authorities in connection with the alleged filling of important posts by alien and hostile elements, and demanding the removal of these alleged enemies, which was an attempt to undermine the confidence o? the Party organization at Jaslo, and of the local population in the Party and State authorities. 47. For surrounding himself with persons who did not merit confidence and trust, and for using their support in thecampaign against honest Party members and the Party authority. 48. In applying the highest Party penalty, the 20 of the CKKP bore dn mind the fact that Wojciech KOSIBA, being an experienced Party member of many years' standing, should have fully realized the harmfulness of his action and the consequences arising therefrom. 49. The ZO also took into account the fact that the educational methods previously applied to Wojciech KOSIBA proved fruitless. 50. The severe Party penalty imposed on KOSIBA by the ZO of the ClaP also had as its object the strengthening of the unity of the Party organization at Jaslo and the continuation in it of Leninist norms of Party life. 4 50X1-HUM .../51. 1W\ 50X1-HUM - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1 -HUM 51. (4) Kazimierz LETKIEWICZ, driver, Second Secretary of the POP in an MPKS gUnioipal Motor Transport Enterprisg, Party member since 1945. 52. Having acquainted- itself with the materials in the case, and having heard the explanations of witnesses and of K. LETKIEWICZ, the ZO of the WICKP at Kielce decided to uphold the resolution of the POP to expel subject from the Party. 53.. It appears from the materials in the case that K. LETKIEWICZ, a Party member, and simultaneously Second Secretary of the POP in the MPKS at Ostrowiec, adopted an un?Party attitude towards a mass interruption of work by drivers, who, on the 21st February 1963, refused to take out the buses onto their appointed routes. LETKIEWICZ not only did not attempt to convince his fellow?workers of the incorrectness of their action but himself supported their attitude, making unjustified demands on behalf of the group of the striking drivers. Statements by LETKIEWICZ, such as "we want bread, they are stealing from us" were statements encouraging the drivers to continue in their interruption of work. 54. It appears from a study of their remuneration that the average quarterly wage of K. LETKIEWICZ and other drivers in the MPIC(E7 at Ostrowiec was 2,800 zloties a month. In addition, LETKIEWICZ was given a building plot and considerable ' assistance from the Presidium of the MRN 61Unicipal People's Councig in the building of his own house, in the form of a loan and the employment of his wife. In view of this financial situation, the words spoken by LETKIEWICZ, regarding the lowness of the wages, were completely unfounded. In confirming the resolution for the expulsion / 55. of LETKIEWICZ from the Party, the ZO of the WKKP took into account the damage caused through the disorganization of the transport of workers to work in the factories and institutions at Ostrowieo. 56. (5) 1222:Ars1aw RUDKOWSKI, Party member since 1947, an .../Inspector in SECRETII 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 , 50X1-HUM 'NAN Inspector in the Institute of Cultivation, Fertilizers and Soil Studies. 57. On the basis of the assembled material, the statements of witnesses, and the explanations of the accused, the ZO of the WKIKP at Bialystok decided to expel Boryslaw RUDKOWSKI from the Party. 58. On the 8th June, 1963, in the home of his neighbour at Bielsk Podlaski in the presence of other non-Party persons Boryslaw RUDKOWSKI made hostile remarks about Marx, Lenin and Dzherzhynski, and also about the ideology of the Party and the present situation. He affronted the dignity of the local Party and State activists. His statements were outstandingly anti-Party and hostile. 59. (6) Czeslaw WISNIEWSKI, Party member since 1953, Manager of the CPLiA Peasant and Artistic Industries Boar7 establishment at Zambrow. 60. On the basis of the assembled material and the explanations of the appellant, the ZO of the WICKP at Bialystok decided to uphold the resolution of the Executive of the KP of the PZ PR at Zambrow, dated 30.5.1963, expelling Czeslaw WISNIEWSKI from the Party. 61. In April and May of this year, within the powiat of Zambrow, hostile propaganda was being disseminated about the alleged recruitment of persons desirous of emigrating to the USA. For this purpose, illegal brochures and personal questionnaires were distributed. This propaganda material was also distributed among the employees of the establishment of which Czeslaw WISNIEWSKI was the Manager. Having discovered this fact in his establishment, WISNIEWSKI, although Manager and a Party member, failed to inform the Party and ,other authorities of the fact, and failed to take any steps to.stop the hostile activities and propaganda. Moreover, he personally wrote to the US Embassy in Warsaw, inquiring about conditions 50X1-HUM .../of emigration r4 r rc-rir v.4_Nti-0 Li Las a 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 J, ? , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 1.6 50X1 -HUM of emigration to the USA, the possibilities of finding work and accommodation there, and whether anyone wishing to do so can emigrate there. WISNIEWSKI did this without taking anyone's advice, and keeping the fact secret from the POP and the Party authority-jnstancja7. By this action, WISNIEWSKI disqualified himself as a Party member. 62. (7) Jadwiga KOWALEWSKA, Party member since 1961, book-keeper /accountant. 63. On the basis of the assembled material and ? the explanations of the appellant, the ZO of the WKKP at Bialystok decided to uphold the resolution of the POP, dated 11.6.1963, expelling Jadwiga KOWALEWSKA from the Party.. 64. In order to obtain financial assistance through the Polska Kasa Opieki g.K.O.:7 Bank, Jadwiga KOWALEWSKA wrote and sent a heart-rending, but false, letter to Israel, in which she represented? herself as a widow living in poverty with two grown-up but sick daughters and asked for financial help. In fact, the financial situation of the expelled woman is good, since her parents possess a well-kept farm with 8 hectares of land, while she herself is gainfully employed. The request sent by J. KOWALEWSKA to the Israeli authorities, asking for financial help, should be regarded as a deed very harmful politically, serving hostile foreign propaganda against our social-political system. By this letter, KOWALEWSKA compromised herself as a Party member, both in her place of work and among her neighbours. 65. (8) Tadeusz PAWLIKOWSKI, Party member since 1956, Deputy Director of an MPGIC LgUnicipal Communal Economy Enterprise. By a resolution of the POP, dated 11th May, 1963, he was given a reprimand with caution on account of the fact that having received a leaflet from a non-Party employee, oontaihing libels on the subject of the increase in charge' for coal, gas and eleotrioity, he read it and LECnrefr ? ? ?/with?ut50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/19: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 L -1 50X1 -HUM without reacting to 1.1;o contents caused the leaflet to be copied on a typewriter in the Pomeranian Plastics Factory and then distributed in the factory. 66. The Executive of the KP at Wabrzezno disallowed the resolution of the POP and expelled PAWLIKOWSKI from the Party ranks. 67. The ZO of the WKKP, taking into account the case as a whole, and the fact that subject already in 1960 had been struck off for passivity, and that he now failed to adopt the correct political attitude towards the dissemination of hostile libels Undermining the authority of the Party and Government, decided to uphold the resolution of the Executive of the KP of the PZPR to expel subjeot from the Party. 68. The followinazap_punished and expelled for abuse of their offiall_pasitions in order to achieve material advantRes and for failure to rform their official duties: 69. (1) Stefan ZYBER, Party member since 1959, Manager of a PGR L'..State FarE7. 70. Having examined the case on the basis of the assembled material and the explanations of ZYBER, the ZO of the WKKP in Poznan confirmed the faot of the perpetration of an abuse and decided to uphold tne resolution of the Executive of the KP at Gostyn, dated 10.5.1963, expelling Stefan ZYBER from the Party. 71. As Manager of the PGR at Ziemlin, Comrade ZYBER drew a ton of wheat from the store and ordered it to be delivered to the private owner of a chicken farm. He also falsified the store documents in order to misappropriate the money for the wheat for his own use. For this, the Powiat Court at Gostyn imposed on him, on the 14th March, 1963 a sentence of 2 years' imprisonment, suspended for 3 years. In addition, it was established that there had been oases Oi .../drinking 50X1 -HUM SECT2EIT 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1 -HUM drinking spirits in the office during working hours with his subordinate staff and in the fields with the workers. 72. (2) Michal MILUSKI, Party member since 1960, diector of a PPBT L:State Local Building Enterprisq. 73. On the basis of the assembled material and the explanations of Michal MILUSKI, the ZO of the MEP in Szczecin decided to uphold the resolution of the Executive of the KP of the PZPR at Gryfice, expelling MILUSKI from the Party. 74. In his position as director of the PPBT at Gryfice, K. MILUSKI perpetrated many irregularities and abuses. 75, Acting illegally and contrary to the binding regulations, MILUSKI used the factory housing fund, in secrecy from the workers and the workers' self-government, which caused indignation among the workers and confusion in the management of the PBT. 76. He committed abuses in the payment of travel allowances gielegacje sluzbowg and in the allocation of building materials, to the detriment of the Enterprise. ? 77. He treated the workers badly and took no notice of the opinions of the personnel. 78. He took an active and direct part in settling scores with those who exposed the irregularities and abuses committed by him. He subjected these. persons to a number of exceedingly harmful and illegal decisions. 79. (3) Tadeusz SMIETANA, Party member since 1947, President of the Voievodship Union of Agricultural CirclesLc(41-if. 80. On the basis of the assembled material, the ZO of the WKIC2 in Gdansk decided to administer a Party reprimand to Comrade SMIETANA. 81. AS President of the WZKR, Comrade SMIETANA was obliged, by virtue of his. position, to exercise supervision and control over the work of the Union of Small Livestock Breeders LZHD.I.7, this being the .../general duty S3 eircur7. - t, \V 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 YiLa,L-LV:a - 19 - 50X1 -HUM general duty of the WUR in respect of the ZHDI. SMIETANA failed to perform these duties, evidence of which could be seen in the wasteful administration by the ZHDI of funds obtained from commissions 5rowizj27. 70 per cent, of these funds were earmarked for the development of the breeding farms, but in practice the money was spent on paying overtime to the employees of the Gdansk Enterprise for the Turnover of Textile and Leather Raw Materials, and for financing prizes and excursions, in which Comrade SMIETANA amongst others participated. 82. 2222_12112121LaL221.2punished and expelled from the Party for infringement of the principles of Party ethics: drunkenness, immoral conduct, rowdyism: 83. (1) aleata2nLuN, Party member since 1953, signalman on the PKP polish State Railway?. 84. Having acquainted itself with the materials in the case, and having heard the explanations of the person concerned, the ZO in Wroclaw decided to confirm the resolution of the Executive of the KP at Jelenia Gore, expelling Z. BRAUN from the Party. 85. The Executive of the KP at Jelenia Gora, in increasing the Party penalty imposed on BRAUN by the POP, took into account the following facts: 86. (1) As commander of the SOK Lgailway Protection Guarg shift, BRAUN on several occasions abused his authority by beating up citizens who had been arrested. Two cases of this sort were ultimately the subject of court proceedings, and BRAUN was sentenced to one year's imprisonment, with a suspension of sentence for three years. 87. (2) Although a Party member and Secretary of the POP, BRAUN demonstrated his religious sentiments, went regularly to church and incited others to do the same-, and personally hung a Crucifix in the Guard-room. On his attention being drawn to the matter, he replied that he was a "believing" Catholic and that he would nOt remove the Cross, 50X1-HUM .../88. SECErlf 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? . it -20- 50X1-HUM 88. (3) While Secretary of the POP, when Citizen PLODZIEN joined the Party, BRAUN mocked him and called him a "fool" L7frajer7 for joining the Party. He then advised PLODZIEN that if he did not wish to belong to the Party, he should destroy his Party card. 89. (4) According to statements by witnesses, BRAUN persuaded the guard SIEWIERSKI, now deceased, to make a false report on the drunkenness of MO fditizenst Militig functionaries. 90. It is true that in 1953-56, BRAUN was not a bad worker and carried out social work in the Party. At a later stage, he drifted away from the Party and became brutal and unjust in his attitude to his colleagues. As commander of the SOK shift, he favoUred some guards in the allocation of duties and penalized others. Witnesses have testified that during work, BRAUN on a number of occasions drank vodka and urged others to "stand" him drinks. 91. During his appearance before the ZO, BRAUN did not want to express any Party sincerity or self- criticism, and limited himself to rebutting the charges, describing his case as being brought about through the revenge and malice of others. He lied to the ZO,, stating that he had been sentenced to six months, imprisonment, while in fact it was a year. )\\\N 92. (2) jdzef_DROZAX, Party member since 1961, a Chief ,Forester 5adlesnicz7 in the State Forests. 93. The 20 of the WP at Rzeszow, while on circuit at Baligrod, heard the appeal of J. DROZAK against expulsion from the Party, with the participation of the KG and the POP. Having heard the opinions expressed about subject and his own explanations, the 20 decided to uphold the resolution of the POP. 94. DROZAK was expelled from the PZPR by a decision of the POP in the Forest District Administration /Nadlesnictwg, on the grounds that being a Party member and head of his post, he brought the name of Party member into disrepute through notorious drunkenne?ss, borrowing money for vodka from his 50X1 HUM ../subordinates, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 L,L ? 50X1-HUM subordinates, and various fiddles lor'the purpose of obtaining personal material advantages. 95. The investigations of the WI= confirmed that up to the end of last year, Comrade DROZAK brought himself into a state of inebriation, which reeulted in various incidents bringing him into 'disrepute as a Comrade and as head of his post. He himself, and other Comrades from the KG or POP, made money on the side by mowing hay, using for this work the men, equipment, and transport of the Forest District Administration. He employed his wife in various capacities but she did not carry out her duties properly or at all. Members of the KG and POP knew of these facts, and in particular Comrade RACZYNSKI, but no caution was given to DROZAK while there was still time, since this was necessary for the clique, who oould jointly arrange fiddles and drink vodka. 96. (3) IV.2jciech. CHMIELECKI, Party member since 1947, head of the personnel branch in a Mental Hospital. 97. The ZO of the WK KP in Warsaw decided to expel CHMIELECKI from the Party. 98. As a result of marital disagreements, Comrade CHMIELECKI left his home in 1961, leaving five children aged up to 12. One of the reasons for the breakdown of the marriage was Comrade CHMIELECKI's addiction to a loose life, which became fully apparent during the period of his work in the Mental Hospital at Gostynin. He indulce thore in brief romances and intimate relations with the women staff of the Hospital, and proposed marriage to some of them, after obtaining a divorce from his wife. He constantly switched his interests to different women. Such behaviour met with justified criticism from the personnel of the Hospital, particularly as CHMIELECKI, being the head of the personnel branch, wae at this time also the First Secretary of the POP. Both the Powiat Committee and his colleagues .../several 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 S 1.m 50X1-HUM several time* 0-row the attention Of 00Mxade CHMIELECKI to his behaviour, which was incompatible with the morality not only of a Party member but of a man in general. However, these protests had no effect at all. CHMIELECKI merely went on paying the alimony of 1,300 iloties awarded by the Powiat Court and this ended in practice his responsibilities and care for his abandoned children. 99. Comrade CHMIELECKI's. behaviour not only had an adverse effect on the good name of the Hospital and the morale of some of its employees, but was also reflected in the attitude to work and grofessional discipline. 100. During the session of the ZO of the WKRIP, Comrade CHMIELECKI did not show any sign of self-criticism of his mode of life. He tried to justify the correctness of his behaviour, and at awkward moments refused to give any answers at all. Wladyslaw SZABLEWSKI, Party member since 1959, an employee in the Land Drainage branch of the Presidium of the PRN gowiat People's Council. 102. The ZO of the WICKP at Zielona Gora decided to uphold a resolution of the POP, expelling SZABLEWSKI from the Party. 103. Already in 1952, Wladyslaw SZABLEWSKI had been expelled from the Party and sentenced by a Court to six months' imprisonment for causing a false . alarm about an alleged attack of a band to the GRN 5romada People's Counci27 at Drzeniowo (powiat ZARY), in which he was employed. SZABLEWSKI then moved to the Gromada of Kaiak (powiat SULECHOW), where, in 1959, he was once again re-admitted to Party membership by the POP. While a Party member, he behaved incorrigibly and continued to drink, bringing disrepute on the POP at Kaiak and on himself in the eyes of the local population. 104. At a meeting of the POP on 11.3.1963, SZABLEWSKI did not heed justified criticism pointing out his constant infringements of ethico-moral principles. .../On the 50X1-HUM 101. (4) SECRET " 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000mnninnni_c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 - ? !;-.? n V*, 44. 50X1 -HUM On the contrary, he treated the criticism - the object of which was to bring him back onto the right path - as a persecution, and handed in his Party card. In view of such an attitude on his part, the POP made the decision to expel him from the Party. Some resolutions revising the decisions of KKPs 105. The appeal case of Jan SOLTYSIK, employed in the Forest District Administration at Rudy Raciborskie as Chief Forester, Party member since 1945, punished with a Party reprimand by a resolution of the Executive of the KP of the PZPR at Raciborz dated 22.3.1960, upheld by the WICKP at Opole'on 10.10.1961, expelled from the Party by a resolution of the PKKP at Raciborz dated 19.11.1962, upheld by the MEP at Opole oh 29.1.1963. ? 106. On two occasions, the case of SOLTYSIK was the subject of resolutions by the Executive of the KP of the PZPR at Raciborz dated 22.3.1960 and 27.6.1961, recommending his recall from the post of Chief Forester. 107. The ZO of the CKKP, having acquainted itself with the entire material in the presence of the Chairman of the WILKP at Opole, Comrade Stefan MAREK, the 1st Secretary of the KP of the PZPR at Raciborz, Comrade FLORKIEWICZ, the Chairman of the PIMP at Raciborz, Comrade WIECZOREK, and having listened to the explanations of SOLTYSIK, and after direct explanatory interviews outside, with the participation of the Chairman of the WKKIP, Comrade MAREK, decided to quash the resolution of the PKKP and WICKP expelling Jan SOLTYSIK from the Party, to restore to him his rights as Party member, and to annul the resolution of the Executive of the KP and of the WKKP imposing a Party reprimand nagang in 1960. 50X1 -HUM .../108. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ' 50X1-HUM 108. he ZO of the CKKP decide7 to impose a Party admonition 5pomnieni7 for his incorrect attitude in educational matters towards his own children and for permitting a situation where they were sent to Communion. 109. The ZO of the CKKP considered that the resolutions of the Executive of the KP of the PZPR, recalling Comrade SOLTYSIK Jan from his post as Chief Forester, were unjustified. 110. Comrade Jan SOLTYSIK began work as Chief Forester at Rudy Raoiborskie on 1.6.1959. From the beginning of his work at this post, he met with an unfriendly reception from a certain group of workers, who tried by every means to undermine his good name and aimed at getting rid of him from Rudy Raciborskie. Comrade SOLTYSIK was exposed to the most varied charges, that he did not know how to direct work and co-operate with the collective, that it was his fault that the economic plans were not fulfilled, and that by his anti-Party attitude he was wrecking inner-Party work. Against this background of prejudice, four cases against Comrade SOLTYSIK were reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office. After examination by the latter, all the cases were dismissed. The atmosphere created round Comrade SOLTYSIK influenced the Executive of the KP, which, after he had worked for some months as Chief Forester, without investigating the situation or making a proper assessment of the attitude of Comrade SOLTYSIK, passed a resolution imposing a Party reprimand on him for his allegedly incorrect attitude towards the workers, for neglecting his work, and for being responsible for the appearance of antagonisms in the Party organization. It also passed a resolution recalling him from his post as Chief Forester. On the basis of the above charges, the PKKP later .../decided 50X1 -HUM SECnET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ' 50X1-H UM decided to expel Comrade SOLTYSIK from the Party. The WKKP at Opole, basing itself on the materials of the PKKP, and taking into account the negative opinion of the K2' of the PZPR and of the District Administration of State Forests at Opole, upheld the resolution of the PCP expelling Comrade SOLTYSIK from the Party. 111. On an appeal by Comrade SOLTYSIK, and having studied the whole case, the CKKP found that both the resolutions of the Executive of the KP of the PZPR and of the WKKP at Opole were not based on a proper study of the situation among the people where Comrade SOLTYSIK was working, nor did they take into account the favourable opinions of the POP, the KG of the and the Presidium of the GRN at Rudy Raciborskie. . Credence was given, on the other hand, to the statements of Persons who presented Comrade Jan SOLTYSIK in a false light. In assessing the work of Comrade SOLTYSIK as a whole, no account was taken of his efforts to improve economic conditions, to raise work discipline, or of his struggle against drunkenness among his subordinate personnel, thefts of timber, and other offences. In the course of three yiars, in spite of failing to secure a proper understanding, Comrade 4k,\ SOLTYSIK succeeded in bringing to light numerous. thefts, including a theft of timber by the Forester ZYSKA and the Junior Forester BURCHARD, for which they received Court sentences, and the dismissal of the Forester DYLUS, who had also received a Court sentence for hooliganism. The above persons were among the group slandering Comrade SOLTYSIK. 112. Together with other Comrades, SOLTYSIK justly and correctly assessed in the gromada of Rudy Raoiborskie the inoorreot behaviour of some Party members, who by their 50X1-HUM .../drunken Loa V.10-0 bt 50X1-H UM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ' c ? 50X1-HUM drunken practices had brought dissension into the Party organization and harmed the good name of Party member. 113. In the light of the above materials, the ZO of the CKKIP found the charges against Comrade SOLTYSIK to be unfounded. 114. On the other hand, the ZO of the CKKP found justified the charge made in the resolution of the WEEKP, dealing with the incorrect attitude of Comrade SOLTYSIK in the matter of the education of his children and permitting a situation where they were sent to Communion. 115. However, bearing in mind the whole situation desoribed above, and the statement by Comrade SOLTYSIK that the children were sent to Communion without his knowledge, as well as his self-critical assessment of his attitude in the matter of the education of the children, and his assurance that he would pay more attention to these matters, the ZO of the CKKP decided to limit itself only to imposing a Party penalty in the form of an admonition fipomnieni27. III. Some details of the work of the Presidium of the CKNIP for the eriod January-August, 1963. 116. During the final part of 1963, the Presidium of the CKKIP in its sessions carried out an analysis of the work of the KKIps. Particular attention was paid to the adjudication of the WDEPs. In connection with this matter, an appreciation was also made of the reporting questionnaires illustrating the true state of adjudication in the KKPs. In addition, 31 oases were examined, connected with appeals by Party members against Party penalties or concerning organizational matters. 117. In assessing the work of the MKNIPs and PIMPs, the 50X1-HUM Presidium considered it necessary to stress the great contribution of these Commissions to the development of v7: eqi riec)i7:71 U .../inner-Party 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? t -27- 50X1-HUM inner-Party life, the observance of Party discipline and the principles of Party ethics, and their important educational influence on the PCPs. In order to facilitate the work of the local Commissions and to guide them onto their proper paths, the Presidium of the CKKP sent out work directives to the Commissions. 118. The Presidium of the CDT expressed its agreement to the setting-up of Kiges at Is and KMs of the PZPR in the following voievodships: Lodz - at Sieradz, Radomsko, Lodz, Zgierz, and Tomaszow Mazowiecki; Kielce - at Kielce, Konskie: Poznan - at Nowy Tomysl, Chodziez, and Krotoszyn. 119. Agreement wab also given to the appointment to the post of Vice-Chairman of the WIMP at Gdansk of Comrade Eugeniusz SZWARCZYK, the former let Secretary of the KM of the PZPR at Gdansk. 120. The Presidium discussed the reports on the activities of the following WKNIPs: Poznan, Kielce, Katowice, Krakow. 121. We give below the recommendations of the Presidium of the CKEIT to the Katowice MOP. 122. Having carried out, on the 9th May, 1963, an assessment of the activities of the WKIIIP at Katowice, the Presidium of the CICKP has established the following: 123. . The main directdons of work of the IMP in combating adverse phenomena and in helping the POPs and local gartg authorities J.notancjil in purging the Party of alien and fortuitous elements were in general conformable to the Statutes of the Party, the recommendations of the Plenum of the CKIKP of March, 1962, and the indications of the Executive of the Voievodship Committee. 124. In the activity of the WKKP, there has taken planA a 50X1-HUM .../further S"'CPriii ? 50X1-HUM? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1-HUM further widening of inner-Party democracy: the WKKP appeals more frequently to the opinion of the POPs and does not replace the latter in examining the misdemeanours of Party members. 125. As a result, there has occurred an important reduction in the number of first-instance ierwiastkowil cases examined direct by the WKICP. 126. Wishing to gain knowledge as to the correctness of the judgments of POPs, the WKKP carried out a control of adjudication in 84 KZe in POPs numbering over 400 Party members and communicated the outcome to the 'Us., 127. The principle is also being brought into practice of informing the POPs of the reasons for changing the resolutions of POPs in the event of their being quashed by the WKKP. 128. Members of the WI= take part not only in the work of Adjudicating Teams but also participate in the working-out of individual problems brought to light by adjudication. 129. In carrying out an assessment of adjudication, it is necessary to note the fact of the quashing by the WKKP of quite a considerable number of resolutions on expulsion from the Party. 130. Out of 120 cases which were heard as appeals against expulsion froth the Party, the WKDIP restored Party rights to 54 Party members. 131. This means that almost every other appeal against expulsion, which had reached the WKKP, had been resolved in favour of the Party member making the appeal. 132. It should be added that during the same period the CKKP heard 37 appeals against expulsion from the Party, restoring Party rights to 13 Party members. S'ECP9' 50X1-HUM .1133. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 );) 50X1-HUM 133. It is significant that the majority of the resolutions quashed by the WKKP had been adopted not by the POPs, but direct by the las, or by the executive of the KM or KP, by-passing the POP. 134. An analysis of the resolutions quashed by the WP shows that the Party authorities jnstancjg had been applying excessively severe Party penalties, without always taking into account, in the imposition of a Party penalty, an assesbment of the activities and work of the Party member as a whole. 135. Party authoritie's are passing too many resolutions under first-instance ierwiastkowil procedure. Of 821 persons expelled from the Party in 1962, Party authorities adopted 263 decisions direct, by-passing the POPs. This means that only one out of three resolutions on expulsion from the Party were examined by the POPs. Thus the POP, which is entitled by Statute to examine the misdemeanours of Party members and to adopt resolutions either imposing Party penalties or exempting from Party proceedings, has often. been left out of these decisions. 136. The WRINIP should influence through the voievodship Party authority Linstancjg the powiat, municipal and works committees to limit the number of first-instance resolutions in their adjudication only to exceptional cases. 137. Some resolutions of the WKKP call for comments both on their merits and on their drafting. For instance, in some resolutions by which the WIMP restores the rights of Party membership, when giving the grounds for the resolution, only the negative sides of the question are stressed, and it is difficult to understand what was the guiding principle of the WIMP when it revised the original judgment. A resolution dratted in this way cannot be intelligible to the POP or the 50X1-HUM p111-1.1nri+Nr SECEldir .../138. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 . , 50X1-HUM 138. Some judgments are incompatible with the Party Statutes and the resolutions of the KC. For instance, the WI= has been making resolutions granting or refusing permission to rejoin the Party to persons who in recent years had been struck off the list of Party members and candidates, contrary to the resolution of the KC of June, 1956, which laid down a different procedure for dealing with this matter. 139. Resolutions continued to be adopted in the voievodship by POPs and Party authorities, expelling candidates from the Party, contrary to the Statutes. 107 such resolutions were adopted in 1962. 140. The WIMP should develop various forms of supervision over adjudication. In the course of investigating and examining cases, it is necessary to study all the elements concerning both the guilt and the defence of the Party member, and attention should be paid to the merits and to the drafting of the resolutions adopted. 141. The problem of annulling Party penalties has not so far been exploited as one of the elements of education of Party members. 142. The WKKIP, together with the Party authorities, should work out organizational forms of-keeping records of Party members subjected to Party penalties, so as to be able to carry out systematic educational work with such Comrades. 143. It is true that, in comparison with 1961, there has been an inorease in the number of annulments of Party penalties, but the number remains greatly disproportionate to the number of Party penalties imposed to date. 144. The WICKP should begin to regularize this matter as soon as possible, particularly as regards the Party penalties .../imposed 50X1-HUM SECRE' 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A00030001nnni_ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? ? 50X1-HUM imposed direct by the WK, and to bring this problem to the attention of the Party authorities and the POPs. 145. When annulling Party penalties imposed by the WICKP, use may be made of the resolution of the KC of June, 1956, which points out the possibility of transmitting requests of Party members appealing for the annulment of Party penalties to the POP for decision. 146. The decision on the transmission of the case should be adopted by the Adjudicating Team of the MIT, whioh should state that it has no Objection to the annulment of the Party penalty by the POP. 147. The'Presidium of the CICKP draws attention to the faot that the work of the WKKP should concentrate, to a higher degree than hitherto, on an analysis of Party adjudication. 148. In addition to problems correctly accepted for analysis, the WKKP examined a number of questions not directly coming within the sphere of its work. In future, the WKKP should co-operate to a greater degree in the study of certain problems with the appropriate sections of the Voievodship Committee, and should make use of analyses prepared by control authorities, such as NIX Supreme Chamber of Controg and IKR LUOntrol and Revision Inspectoratil. 149. The Presidium of the WKKP should submit information on its work to the Plenum of the WICK?. It is essential to make a study of the existing work of the Presidium of the WICKP and to carry out a division of the work between the Chairman and his Deputy, and the members of the Presidium-. 150. The Chairman of the WI= and his Deputy should take a greater part in the sessions of Adjudicating Teams, in the adoption of resolutions, and in disoussing the more diffioult .../cases at 50X1-HUM Cs7,5"(Pqrbri:7 Y.L; %\\\ 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? 50X1-HUM oases at the sessions. 151. In spite of several exhortations that the Adjudicating Teams should examine cases and adopt resolutions with a larger quorwa than three, nevertheless, both in 1962 and in 1963, a quite considerable number of resolutions were adopted by three-man teams. 152. The absence of a permanent recorder rotokolang during the sessions of the Adjudicating Teams has resulted in a situation where the rather important document, namely the minutes rotokog, which should record the course of the session of the ZO, the explanations of the interested person and other Party members, and the discussion at the ZO session, contains many serious shortcomings. There is an urgent need for the appointment of a permanent recorder in the WKXP. 153. The Presidium of the WICKP, and the WKKP itself, should periodically analyse the adjudication of the powiat and municipal KKPs, and its own. .154. Members of the Presidium of the WKKP and members of the MEP allocated territorially to individual powiats, should help the powiat authorities in carrying out an assessment of the Work of the PKKPs and in formulating conclusions emerging from this assessment. 155. The aim should be to activate the Adjudicating Teams, so that in the areas allocated to them, they should play the part of an auxiliary .arm of the Plenum of the WKKP, and so that in their contact with local KUs and organization commissions, they should give more effective help to the local gartil authorities in matters connected with Party adjudication. SEE'CRET 50X1-HUM ...M. Plenary 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 L.; -33- , 50X1 -HUM IV. Zadalam_itglsions of local KICIPs 156. In conformity with the recommendation of the CUP, there were held in June and July 1963 throughout the country 40 plenary sessions of the municipal, powiat, and district KKPs, devoted to summing up the activity of the ICKPs in the light of the directives of the Plenum of the CP of March and December, 1962. 157. These meetings were also attended by members of the CKICP employees, the chairmen and vice-chairmen of WKKPs, and Secretaries of powiat committees. 158. Apart from the MCP at Sosnowiec, which failed to draw up a report, treating the Plenum as an ordinary session, all the remaining Commissions prepared reports in writing, analysing the work to date and its results. 159. From the reports, and also from the discussions, it appears that the local KKPs are developing their activities to an increasing degree and are assimilating the ,range, role, and tasks entrusted to them. From the number of cases and the way they are dealt with, it is possible to observe positive changes which have taken place in the first half of this year in the style, methods, and quality of work of the local KKPs. 160. The main direction of work of the local KKPs during the past six months has been the further deepening of inner- Party democracy. There was adopted as a basic Principle in the activity of the Commissions the examination of cases direct in the POPs, and also the giving of assistance to POPs in the examination of the more difficult cases. Today it can be said that this procedure has been adopted by all local KKPs, directing cases for examination by the POPs, since, as the members o themselves admit this helps th50X1-HUM .../Commissions 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1-HUM Commissions to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Problems of inner-Party life and of human relationships, while the examination of cases by the POPs teaches these Party organizations and helps them to understand better the rights and duties of a Party member, makes them more sensitive in examining individual offences, while decisions made by the broad oolleotive golektyg are more objective and just. 161. The Comrades found that at all POP meetings where first-instance cases were presented for adjudication, such cases were always accompanied by an objective and Party discussion, which as a rule gave rise to much solicitude and Party attention to the correct ideological and moral attitude of the Party member and the proper observance of Statutory requirements. 162. There also exist POPs in which may be noted the phenomenon of non-engagement and a liberal attitude towards committed offences. Generally, these are weak Party organizations which, for various reasons, try to play down the case. This phenomenon is particularly apparent in cas9s involving directors, managers, presidents and Secretaries of POPs. Party organizations of this sort are in real, essential need of help from members of the KKPs. In such cases (it was found by the Comrades) the presence at a POP meeting of representatives of the iCKP had a favourable influence on making the correct resolution and helped to reveal the true seriousness of the problem to Party members. 163. The discussions at plenary sessions of the local KKPs were very lively. In the discussions, there was talk not only about the errors, faults, or offenoes of individual Party members, but also about the methods and style of work of the Commissions. Discussions centred round such questions as: 50X1-HUM .../Party 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? 50X1-HUM 35 - Party adjudication, a watch over the correct growth of Party ranks, the struggle against infringement of the principles of Party ethics, the observance of Party and professional discipline, and work with Party organizations in order to prevent the incidence of various diseases and offences. 164. The problems which were foremost in the discussions depended on the nature of the area and the character of the cases which were predominant during the particular period. For instance, the PKKP'at Dzierzoniow (voievodship of Wroclaw) in its report devoted much space to discussing the experiences of the Commission in the struggle against suppressors of criticism. Examples quoted in the report from the Furniture Factory at Ostroszowice, the Furniture Factory at Swidnica, and the "Diora? Works, indicated, on the one hand, glaring instances of the suppression of criticisms of workers by the managements of the factories, and, on the other, the consistent attitude of the PKKP, which went to the defence of the injured parties and took appropriate, Party disciplinary measures against those guilty. An, as it were, reverse side of the phenomenon of suppression of oritioism is unjustified criticism LErytykanotwa7 and wreaking, whioh were also encountered by the PKKP at Dzierzoniow during the course of its activities in the period under review. 165. During this period, the KKPs also devoted much attention to questions of world outlook, conducting many conversations on this subject with Party members, and taking Party disciplinary measures against Church activists. For example, the PKKP at Dzierzoniow took Statutory disciplinary measures against 31 Comrades, of whom 9 were expellrd from the Party and 18 were,i_tt._n____i_mi_t_h_c_a_u_t_ton. 50X1-HUM .../166. ? SECEZEti. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? 50X1-HUM ? 36 ? 166. A fact worthy of notice is that the problem of prophylactic?educational work is dealt with on an everyday basis and is not limited only to questions of world outlook, but covers a wider range of problems. This is largely due to the Powiat gar& authorities Linstancjil which deal with this problem jointly with the Kit's. For example, in the KP at Debica (voievodship of Rzeszow), for prophylactic?educational work, three teams were appointed from the activ, their composition including one of the KP secretaries, the chairman or a member of the PKKP, members of the Plenum of the KP and local activists. The members of the teams interview Comrades who do not perform their Party tasks, who infringe the ? principles of Party ethics, etc. Similar teams were appointed in 10 large places of work, and also in all gromada committees. 167. The Powiat Committee at Jaroslaw (voievodship of Rzeszow) is preparing a group of the activ (about 20 persons) for the purpose of organizing lectures on world outlook subjects and on the ethics of a Party member. 168. It should be emphasized that in Jaroslaw and Debica important changes have taken place in the style and method of work of these Commissions. Until recently, these Commissions were still counted among the more feeble ones operating in the voievodship of Rzeszow. 169. The next problem which was stressed by the plenary sessions was a change in the nature of relations betw6an the local KKPs and the powiat gartg authorities 67nstancjp7. The discussions have shown that the local KKPs now understand and appreciate to a much greater extent the necessity for having permanent contacts, close everyday co?operation with the powiat authorities and keeping the KP leadership 50X1-HUM currently informed of the cases ad u?oblems arising locally. tiLit ? .../On the 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 25-14T0171-0-: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 , ? 50X1-HUM On the other side, there can be noted a greater interest in and help for the local Commissions on the part of the powiat authorities. An expression of this, also, is the more frequent than hitherto participation of KP Secretaries at sessions of the Commissions, invitations to members of the ICUs to attend sessions of the K2' executives, conferences, etc. The KP Secretaries spoke of the improved co-operation between the KKPs and the powiat authorities. They underlined the correctness of the appointment of local "GOB, which daily improve their. work and help Party authorities and orga.lizations to solve many difficult cases which were either unnoticed by the KPs or which "escaped" them by reason of the vast amount of work. 170. This matter was mentioned, among others., by the KP Secretary from Swiecia (voievodship of Bydgoszcz), who, quoting examples of the Furniture Works at Nowe and a number of State Farms, showed how the PKKP helped the powiat - authorities to solve correctly and effectively many difficult and troublesome cases. It is worth emphasizing that the Commission at Swiecie. is comparatively new (having been eel; up last year), but that the work of this Commission is in no way inferior to the work of such Commissions as those at Grudziadz or Torun. 171. Other KP Secretaries also assessed the work of the Commissions in a similar way. 172. However, co-operation between the IMPs and the powiat authorities did not develop correctly evefywhere. This question was raised, for example, by the WKKP at Krakow during an assessment of its work by the Presidium of the CKKP. In conformity with the recommendations of the CKKP, the matter .../was taken 50X1-HUM Sr4CRE 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 ? 50X1-HUM was taken up by the WKKP, as a result of which, during the months of June and July of the current year, the le executives carried out an assessment of the work of the' local KKPs. 173. Among the local Commissions which are working more successfully should be included the PlaPs at Tarnow and Oswiecim., which, in addition to their own adjudication, are also engaged in controlling adjudication in the POPs and in the conduct of prophylactic conversations, the majority of which are carried out in the POPs. 174. A new element in the work of local KKPs, giving evidence of the implementation of the recommendations of the ,CRICP, is the increasingly frequent presentation of reports on the work of the ICUs at meetings of the POPs. Reports of this sort were submitted by a number of local KICIPs in the voievodships of Wroclaw, Rzeszow, Koszalin, Bydgoszcz, 'Krakow, and others. According to the opinions of Comrades from the ICKPs, such meetings are attended by a wide discussion and numerous questions. We do not, however, possess sufficient information on how the reports were prepared, what they contained, and how they were received by the Basic Party Organizations. 175. In November and December, the ClaP in conformity with its plan of work will continue to have meetings with local Klas. V. Some resolutions of the Executive of KWs on the work of Wins of the Executive of the Warsaw Committee 176. Having acquainted itself with the work of the WKICP, the Executive of the Warsaw Committee of the PZPR assessei it positively, finding it in oonformity with the Statutes of2the PZPR and the instructions of the ClaP. ECH:177.7 .../177- 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000300010001-5 50X1-HUM 177. In 1962, in the Warsaw Party organization, Party sanctions were imposed mainly for economic abuses, drunkenness, and hooliganism, while the reasons for .strikings off were: own request, passivity, and losing touch with the Party. 178. A disturbing feature is that, among those struck off, there was a large number of workers, often with many years of service in the Party. Having studied more closely the reasons leading to striking off, it was found that some decisions were adopted in a mechanical manner. 179. An analysis of the persons penalized and of the offences for which Statutory sanctions were imposed points to weak educational work in the moulding of the ideological and moral Image of the Party member, to poor prophylactic activity, and to inadequate care of candidates. This is particularly apparent in trade and in work co-operatives, where the POPs are few and Party members scattered. 180. In some Party organizations there is tolerance of those infringing the Statutes and the norms of Party life. These POPs take an insufficient interest in the behaviour of their members, and react only when the offences reach the level of crimes and there follows an intervention by the administrative authorities. 181. In these organizations, Party members on the whole struggle insufficiently for the good name and authority of a Communist. Some Party members regard with indifferellice the wasting of social property, drunkenness, and various other signs of demoralization. 182. Cases occur in everyday life of causing harm to people, which does not always meet with counter-measures by the Party .../organizat4^.^a- 50X1-HUM ir tc Feftt,