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, T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 -???1111..PIEN,' -?????????? OUA I -riUM INFORMATION REPORT IN ORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1-HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the ? ? ? ? ? aws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794/ the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Information Bulletin No. 10 of the Central Party Control Commission DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES RENCES 8 OCT 1-964 2 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM a translation of the Polish document entitled "Information Bulletin No. 10 of the Central-Party Control Commission at the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR)". The document bears the Polish classification CONFIDENTIAL and was given limited distribution among Party political workers. The table of contents of this issue follows on the next page. Distribution of Attachments (3 copies of a 66-page translation): OCI Retention of 1 copy STATE Retention of 1 copydAA-0.4*. ORR Retention of 1 copy 50X1-HUM 5 4 50X1-HUM 3 GROUP I 2 SECRET Excluded from automatic downgrading and 1 STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AIR I NSA (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 50X1 -HUM :S-E-C-R-E-T CENTRAL PARTY CONTROL COMMISSION AT 1THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE PZPR INFORMATION BULLETIN' NO 10 WARSAW APRIL 1964 .-CONTENTS.: I. Report of the Central Party Control Commission (CKKP) for 1963 . Conference of the Party "Aktiv" jii the Voivodship Committee (KW) of the PZPR at Opole Some Resolutions of Party Control Commissions (KKPs) IV. Statistical 'Tables CONF IDENTI A T 50X1 -HUM Compiled by the Editorial Board of the'Central Party Control Commission (CKKP) 50X1 -HUM S-E-C-R-E-T ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SECRET 50X1-HUN 1 -1.- PZPR Central Party Control Commission Information Bulletin 5b. 10 a translation of Information Bulletin No. 10 issued in April 1964 by the Central Party Control Commission of the NPR Polish United Workers' Partg. 2. The following abbreviations are used in the docUment: PZPR Polish United Workers' Party KC Central Committee KW Voievodship dommittee KP Powiat Committee KG Gromada Committee KM Municipal Committee KZ Works Committee KKP Party Control Commission CKKP Central Party 'Control Commission PKKP Powiat Party Control Commission MKKP Municipal Party Control Commission DKKP 'District Party: Control Commission ,5i Dz.KKIF 101) Basic Party Organization ZO Adjudicating Team NIK Supreme Chamber: of Control PIH State Trade Inspectorate II R Control and Revision Inspectorate CRS Central Co-Operative Council WZSP Voievodship Board of Work Co-Operatives WZUP Voievodship Service-Production Establishments POD Workers Allotment Garden's Association OSP 5,bbreviation in present context uncertaig SECRET GUOUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification _ 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Lia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-R0P80-00247A000200400001-3 ! j SEC [72[117 416% ? 50X1-H Notes 3.. The Polish word "instancja" for which there is no direct 50X14-11 'English iquivalent (except in a legal context as in "court Of first instance"), has been translated throughout 'broadly as "authority". . From internal evidence it would appear, ,that the term "instancja partyjna" or "Party authority' is used to denote more precisely a Party Committee at any level, and it .is used to distinguish Party authorities of this sort from, on the one hand, "organizacje partyjne" or "Party organizations", by which are meant the Basic Party Organizations or POPS 5Cdstawowe organizacje partyjnil, and, on the other hand, laPs ,5omisje kontroli partyjneg or Party Control Commissions. It 'would appear further that the term lovers both the full Committee, meeting in plenary session, and the Committee Executive 5gzekutyw7. 4., The Polish word "pierwiastkowy" which means literally "radical", has been translated in this report throughout as "original". It would appear that by the term "sprawy pierwiastkowe" or "original cases" are meant cases of first instance as opposed to appeal cases. ./CENTRAL PARTY CONTROL COMMISSION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SECRET .?, 7 -7- CENTRAL PARTY CONTROL COMMISSION at the Central Committee of the PZPR INFORMATION BULLETIN No. 10 WARSAW, April, 1964 Confidential CONTENTS I. Report of the CKKP for 1963 . II. Conference of the i'arty activ in the KW of the PZPR at OPOLE III. Some resolutions of KKPs IV. Statistical Tables Compiled by the Editorial Board of the CKKP 1. The Fourth Congress of the .Party is approaching, we are entering a period of pre-Congress discussions. 2. . The problem of purifying the ranks of the Party is one of the tasks of the Party. This Problem has always been the focal point of the attention of Party, Control Commissions at all levels and of Party authorities LThstancjg. "The Party", it is stated in the Theses adopted by the KC for the Fourth Party Congress, "should constantly c:eanse itself of alien and fortuitous elements, but should not lose people who are honest and devoted to the People's Government". In successive issues of the Bulletin, we have been raising this problem, pointing to the necessity for an objective examination of the cases of Party STiCl2E-7 ---50X1-HUM /members 50X1-HUM 50X1-HU t. 50X1-HUI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247Annn9nn4nnnni_,z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 C42 50X1-HUD members based on the opinions of the entire Party organizations, to the abolition of the practice whereby the cases of Party members are examined direct by Party authorities outside the Party organizations, to the necessity of developing continuous prophylactic-educational and preventive work in the Party organizations, and thus to such principles of Party adjudication 5rzecznictw7 as ITeduce to the minimum the possibility of making unjustifiediParty deoisions and judgments. As pointed out in the Theses it will be necessary to continue to devote attention to this problem in the Party organizations and authorities. 3. The Bulletin has also raised, among other things, the problem of excessive numbers of strikings-off from the Party of workers and peasants. This Undoubtedly exerts an influence on the shaping of the social composition of the Party. On this matter, the Theses of the PZPR for the Fourth Party Congress express themselves is follows:, "....The social composition of the Party ranks has not undergone any significant change, particularly as regards the proportion of workers and peasants. A number of Party organizations and authorities do not show a proper sense of responsibility for the correct regulation of the social composition of the Party. Party authorities and organizations should analyse more thoroughly the strikings-off of workers and peasants from the Party and should counteract the excessive and unjustified fluidity of the Party ranks." 4. In the period since the Third Congress of the PZPR, we have published ten CKKP Bulletins dedicated to the problems of Party adjudication. The tenth issue of the Bulletin contains a report on the activities of the CKKP in 1963, approved by the Plenum of the CKKP which was 5. In the light of figures held on the 5th March, 1964. and facts, we have tried to show up .../the phenomena 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM- - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 c`PCT''117 - 5 - the phenomena which have emerged in the field of Party adjudication and to point out certain tendencies forming in this sphere. 6. Issuing the tenth number of the Bulletin before the Fourth Congress of the PZPR, it is our wish that the problems raised' in it will assist to a certain degree the discussions on the problems contained in the Theses of the Central Committee of the PZPR for the Fourth Party Congress. I. Report of the CKKP for 1963 7. Submitting the report to the CKKP'Plenum, it is our desire to draw attention to the basic directions and tendencies which have taken place in the Party adjudication of laPs of all levels, Party authorities and Basic Party Organizations. This assessment appears necessary on account of the further. work of the KKIPs, and the approaching Party Congress. 9., In the Report, we wish to focus the main attention on the implementation of the directives of the Plenum of the KC of the Party, the decisions of the Plenum of the CKKP of March, 1962, and, the recommendations'of the First Secretary of the KC PZPR, Comrade.Wladyslaw GOMULKA, contained in his speech at the Plenum of the CKDIP. 10.: Before I proceed to discuss the above problems, I shall dwell for a moment on the statistical data describing the development of the Party from the organizational point of view. Organizational development of the Party 11. In 1963, 142,946 Candidates were accepted into the Party. Of these, 67,671, i.e. 47.3%, were workers; 17,576, i.e. 12.3%, were peasants; and 52,137, i.e. 36.5%, were white-collar workers. Among the new intake in the latter class, there is a considerable number of engineersi:technicians, teachers and .../economists. SEC ' 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 40. 7.. rral 50X1-HUM economists. 12. During the same period, 40,768 persons were expelled and strut* off the Party records, oz.,. about 9% more than in 1962. But in fact 34,045 persons were struck off the Party records, while 6,723 persons were expelled from the Party. There was thus .only an increase in the number of persons struck off, while there was a fall in the number expelled from the Party. .13! As in previous years, white-collar workers constitute the largest group among those expelled from the Party while among those struck off workers form the largest group. 14.. The highest proportion of expulsions in relation to the number of Party members and candidates was found in work co-operatives, trade and building, and the lowest in industry. The most strikingp-off occurred in work co-operatives, building, agriculture and forestry. 15. As in previous years, the highest number of persons, namely .3,094, i.e. 460, were expelled for financial abuses, theft and bribery. In this group, white-collar workers predominate: 1,828 persons, of whom 89 hold.: leading positions as directors of factories and institutions. The second highest group comprises those expelled from the Party for immoral behaviour and 'drunkenness. 1,584 persons, i.e. 23.60 of the total, were expelled for offences of this sort. While in the group of persons expelled for ginanciag abuses there was a predominance of white-collar workers, the majority of those expelled for immoral behaviouriand drunkenness were workers. 16. Other causes of expulsion were as follows: a) infringement of Party,discipline: 319 persons, i.e. 4.7%; b) exploitation of official position for material gain: 224 persons, i.e. 3.3T.; 0) duplicity and cheating the Party: 214 persons, i.e. 0_, A 25"0 ? SE.C2E17 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 wow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 1-HUM ?1 ? ? . ? 17. In addition there were cases of causing material losses through culpable neglect of official duties; toleration of ginanoiag abuses; ,slander and personal intrigues; abuse of authority; clericalist sentiments; active participation in Church organizations; suppression of criticism; and other forms of anti-Party activities and sentiments. 18. Of those struck off, the largest group comprised persons ? struck off for lack of interest in the life of the Party and, neglect of Party duties: 14,063, i.e. 41.3%. The next largest groups comprised those, who left a Party organization without obtaining transfers, or who obtained them but never reported:to the next organization:. 10,032, i.e. 29.57,; and those who left the Party at their own request: 6,226, i.e. 18.3%. 19. The remaining smaller groups comprised persons struck off by reason of going abroad or other causes. 20. Out of those who left the Party, 16,467, i.e. 40.4%, were Party candidates. This figure remains high, in spite of a reduction in comparison with 1962. It indicates that there has ,not always been sufficient adherence to the exacting standards 'requited when accepting candidates for the Party, or to the requirements in work with candidates. 'Appeals to the ClaP 21. In 1963 the CUT received 718 appeals against the .resolutions of WIEPs and Party authorities. 22. 637 resolutions were adapted, among them were 27 original 5ierwiaatkowyJ cases. 23. From the nature of the appeals it is apparent that as in previous years, the largest number of appeals were against expulsion from the Party and for the restoration of membership rights, and the smallest against other Party penalties or 0 striking off the Party records. n rim ? LL: Ls.I. g .../24 . ? 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 --- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SEICEEFF : 50X1 -HUM 24. The judgments of the WKOs are increasingly correct. This can be seen from the steady fall from year to year in the number of cases where Party rights are restored. While in 1959 for ieach 100 appeals against expulsion from the Party the CKKP revised 38 decisions, in 1963 the CKKP revised only 21. 25. It should be added that the revision of resolutions took Place in many cases as a consequence of the final hearing of cases by judicial organs, which did not confirm the original charges. Of course not every diumissal_of a?charge by a court of justice forms a basis for the restoration of Party rights. In our work, we guide ourselves by the Party programme and Statutes. It may so happen that in spite of an acquittal by a: court, if a serious infringement has taken place of the Statutory and programme principles of the Party, individual Comrades are subjected to Party disciplinary proceedings, with the imposition. of penalties right up to expulsion from the Party. 26. As a consequence of the hearing of 27 original cases by the CKKP, 8 persons were expelled from the Party and 19 'subjected to other Party penalties. . 27. The basis for the imposition of the above penalties included 'charges of an ideological character, such as deceiving the Party and activities directed against it, the exploitation of official positions and toleration of.abuses. Some of the above cases were submitted for examination to the Leadership of the Party. HAppeals to the WKKPs and PKKPs 28. In 1963 the Voievodship KKPs received 7,536 appeals against the resolutions of Basic Party Organizations, Powiat Party Control Commissions and Party authorities, and ,original cases. 29. 7,707 cases were examined, and 4,214 resolutions were adopted, of which 3,912 were appeals and 302 original cases. As a whole, fewer resolutions were adopted in appeal cases than 1962. 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 La11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 0' 1 ? ? ? / the number of appeals against expulsion from the Party and other penalties and Party consequences. Should this be regarded as a positive, or a negative feature, particularly when the WKKPs i are allowing appeals against quite a large number of resolutions of POPs, and particularly of Party authorities? 35. It should be added that, in 1963, there has been only an insignificant improvement in the correctness of the judgments of POPs and Party authorities. This is to some extent indicated' by the number of appeals allowed by the WKDIPs for the restoration of rights of those expelled from the Party. 36. While in 1962 for each 100 appeals against expulsion from the Party the WDEPE3 restored membership rights in 34 cases, in 1963 they restored them to 33 comrades. .44. 50X1-H in 1962. 30. How does this situation appear in the light of data covering. the whole country? 31. There has been a reduction in the number of resolutions in all groups, namely: (1) concerning Party sanctions and consequences or discharge from Party disciplinary proceedings; (2),resolutions concerning petitions to annul a Party penalty; and (3) resolutions concerning petitions for permission to rejoin the Party. 32. We do not regard all these changes as favourable. 33. While we are not interested, in the initiation of appeals to rejoin the Party by persons previously expelled from it, nevertheless the reduction in the influx of appeals for the annulment of Party penalties indicates that the POPs are showing a lesser interest in this problem, and, if we do not pay attention to in time, "new" penalties imposed in recent years will again become "old". It is hardly necessary to stress the p.derse educational effects of this problem. /3,4. Food for thought is also given by the continuing fall in SECE,227 . ? ./37 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? LA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? 1-HUNd SIECLE u ? ? - 10 - 37. Of course, in comparison with 1959 when the proportion of the restoration of Party membership rights was 50% there has been an obvious improvement, but during the past year this improvement has been insignificant. 38. The size of the index of allowed appeals may be influenced by various factors: an assessment that the extent of the penalty is excessive, lack of confirmation or only partial confirmation of the charges, or a different classification of the offence. 39. A part of the allowed appeals against expulsion from the Party is connected ,with the non-confirmation of charges by the judicial authorities. 40. The Voievodship KKPs should carry out a thorough analysis of this problem, an should endeavour to answer the question, which are the problems where a'difference of opinion occurs with the POPs regarding the size of the penalty, and for what reasons there follows a none-confirmation of charges - lack of objectivity when hearing a case, insufficient investigation, false accusations, or other reasons. 41. There has been a considerable reduction in original oases dealt with directly by the naPs. 42. In relation to 1962, the number of original cases heard has fallen by one-third. The processes occurring here are best revealed by a comparison of data over a considerable period of time. 43. While in 1959 the WIMPs adopted 1,164 resolutions, in original cases, in 1963 they adopted only 302 resolutions. This is a tendency which agrees with the recommendations of the Plenum of the CKKP and of the Party Statutes. The KKPs do not replace the POPs in adjudicating but give' them the greatest possible help in arriving at a correct decision in the more c F.4 "` og .../diffioult 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ?? ? -11 SECRET difficult cases. 44. In 1963 the ViKKPs passed to the POPs and Party authorities :2,250 cases, giving direct assistance to Basic Party Organizations in the examination of over 700 cases. As a result of the , :examination of these cases, many Party members were subjected to :Party sanctions up to expulsion from the Party, while others :were discharged from disciplinary proceedings in the face of non-confirmation of the charges, or action was limited to discussing the case and taking note of it. 45. In the whole country,': there are operating 151 powiat, municipal and district KKPs. ' 46. The extensive networkof local social gipoleczny terenowg !KKPs has become an important factor democratizing the entire j system of Party adjudication, and co-operating in the educational and prophylactic work of the Party authorities. h 47. In 1963 local KKPs considered and adopted 1,839 resolutions, of which 997 resolutions were adopted in appeal cases and 842 resolutions in original cases. In relation to the preceding year, there has been a definite improvement, there was a 'considerable fall in original cases (65% in 1962 and 46% in 1963). In addition, 2,649 cases were passed to the POPs and , KZe giving direct assistance to the POPs in the examination of, y1,367 cases. The situation is not, of course, uniform in all l'owiat, municipal and District KKPs. There are KKPs in which' there has been considerable progress in assisting the POPs in adjudication, but there are also others where the improvement has been slight. 48. The activities of the KKPs are directed towards the purging of the Party ranks of ideologically alien, passive and demoralized people, and towards the defence of Party members who .../have 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Li Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ?? SECnTir 50X1-HUN - 12 - llave been falsely accused, frequently as a result of the 'activities of various cliques mutually supporting each other. 49.., The KKPs are trying to carry out these tasks on as wide a front as possible, in co-operation with the POPs and Party authorities. 50. Members and employees of the KKPs attended many POP meetings at which the offences of Party members were discussed. The POPs were assisted in obtaining a clear picture of the situation, in examining all the circumstances, both as regards the guilt and the defence of the Party Member. Many cases were discussed with the leadership of the POP or with the Party authority. 51. It has already become almost a matter of principle :that every resolution of a POP which is altered by a KKP after an appeal is, in the event of the penalty being reduced or increased, discussed in the POP. This is of considerable importance in the development of inner-Party democracy - in taking account of the views and opinionsof the POP, and on account of the control from below by the Party masses over the .adjudication of the UPs. 52. A basic party organization should assess all cases of the infringement of statutory principles and of the Party programme by its members. Fulfilling this condition, the laPs helped the POPs in examining cases and arriving at decisions. Many Party members transgressing the norms of Party life were subjected to Party sanctions. An analysis of thf) whole of Party_al.judication (1) The necessity for an analysis of Party adjudication 53. Implementing the recommendations of the Plenum of the CICKP and the tasks indicated by Comrade Wieslaw 00MULKA7, the KKPs tried to deepen their understanding of the whole of Party . /adjudication. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Lia - Declassified in Part - 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SEC:LEV 50X1-HOM ? ? -13- adju4cation. For the judgments of the KKPs are only a part of the whole of adjudication and cannot be regarded as an adequate basis for wider generalizations and conclusions in the sphere of the policy of Party penalties. 54. 4 number of WKKPs, such as the ones at Wroclaw, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, and others carried out .a wide analysis of Party adjudication. This makes it all the easier to consider the conclusions and problems shown up by an analysis in the sphere of the whole of adjudication. ?55. Since 1961 we observe a distinot fall in expulsions from the Party: a) in 1961 8,428 persons were expelled, i.e. 0.7% of the total strength of the Party; b) in 1962 7,923 persons were expelled, i.e. 0.6% o) in 1963 6,723 persons were expelled, i.e. 0.5% 11 56. The question arises whether there is taking place a fall in the number of offences by Party members meriting expulsion, or whether there has been a lowering of standards in assessing the behaviour of Party members by the basic party organizations. It is probable that both these oauses are at work. 57. The activity of all Party authorities, KKPs and POPs, and political-educational and prophylactic work, are undoubtedly exercising an influence on raising the general level of Party members and their morale, and are a counter to the commission of more serious offences. Undoubted influence is also exercised by Party, penalties imposed on Party members and constituting a warning to them and to others, against the commission of offences. 58. On the other hand, however, there has occurred in many Party organizations a lowering of standards in assessing the behaviour of Party, members, and connivancyjna dzialalnosg. SECE2L7 ? ? .159 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 . Cia _ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 i ?.) . , SECLEIT .50X1-HM - 14 - 59. One may quote in support a number of facts revealed by the WaPs as a result of their checks on Party adjudication in the POPs and KPs. 60. The WKKP at Bydgoszcz found that in many cases no Party disciplinary measures had been taken against Party members, in spite of the fact that they had, been sentenced in courts of law. For instance, in the area of the Znin KP in 1963 six Party ' members were expelled, whereas the Rowiat Court is prosecuting 70 Party members, of whom 32 have already received valid convictions for various offences. In the area of the Radziejow KP, 8 Party members were expelled, whereas the Powiat Court has on its agenda 40 prosecutions against Party members, 31 of whom have already been validly convicted. 61. Cases of tolerance have been reported also by other KKPs. For instance, at Gdansk, during the period of the reporting and election campaign, members of the WKKP brought to 2:*ght many irregularities in the work of the POPE), KGs, and KZe. In one of the factories, at a. reporting and election meeting, there was elected to the Party authorities a group of Party members who tolerated favouritism and abuses. As a result of reports from the WKKP, the meeting was declared void and new authorities were elected. The reports of the WKKP were justified. A check discovered in the Works Council abuses to the sum of about 700 thousand zloties. The case was handed over to the Public 'Prosecutor. 62. Thus the reduction in expulsions from the Party ranks is caused both by the first factor, 'a fall in the number of offences by Party members and by the second, tolerance of offences. 63. Observations have shown that, in general, the first factor operates in large Party organizations, while the second factor u-ga much 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? ? ;; ? sEcnair 50X1-H1 - 15 - is much more prevalent in smaller Party organizations. 64. It was precisely these stall Party organizations which were given much help by the KKPs. ' Members of the KKPs participated in meetings at which was discussed the attitude of Party memberci in collision with the norms of Party life. 65. Party authorities and KKPs should constantly watch the !I processes occurring in the POPS with regard to the purging of the Party of demoralized, alien, and ideologically unconnected 1 elements. The results of these analyses should form the basis for preparing an extensive programme of work with the POPs in various environments. The KZs should analyse adjutilication at their plenary and executive sessions. (2) Other Party penalties and expulsion from the Party 66. There continues to be a disparity between the number of ! persons subjected to other Party penalties, and those expelled from the Party. This gives evidence of the inadequate appreciation of Party penalties by the POPs as one of the instruments of education of Party members transgressing the , norms of Party life. 67. This is best illustrated byHthe following data. The POPs faclopted 5,210 resolutions on expulsion from the Party, but only , 3,763 resolutions imposing other Party penalties. The expulsions from the Party were, therefore, almost 1.5 times as :high as the Party penalties. This disparity ie even tore apparent if we add together the number of resolutions on both expulsion and striking-off from the Party. It will then appc4r that the total number of expulsions and strikings-off from the. ,Party were almost 7 times as great as the number of Party penalties imposed. ,68. There have been signs of tolerance, on the part of POPs and Party authorities towards minor offences by Party members, which .../did not SECEnt7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00747Annn9nnAnnnr,1 _ 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ..? -16 did not merit the imposition of the highest Party penalty, tamely expulsion. There have been cases of indifference towards the offences of individual Party members, of extenuating their guilt, and even of defending those members of the Party who, by their behaviour, had infringed the principles of Party ethics 024 indeed come into conflict with the law. 69. In order to change this state "of affairs, it is essential for all Party authorities, and not only the aPs, to make an effort to try and change the atmosphere in many basic Party organizations. It is essential to mould inner-Party opinion in Ouch a way that an offence by a Party member will not escape punishment, that it will be noted and that the POP will adopt a specified attitude towards the Comrade who committed the offence. 70. The Party Control Commissions and Party authorities should increase the penalties for the concealment and toleration of offences of Party members. This is essential for the protection many Party members from a situation where there is no other solution except to impose the penalty of expulsion from the Party. (3) Dealins with original cases 71. There are still too many resolutions adopted by Party authorities on expulsion from the Party in original cases. 70. The Statutory principle that Party authorities should adjudicate only in particular Oases is still being enforced too slowly. The Party authorities are in this respect far behind the laPs, which have considerable achievements to their credit in this matter. The index of expulsions made by Party authorities is 22.50 (in 1964 it was 23.6c). It should be added that, in 1959, the index was 20.1, and in 1960, 27.3%. SI-74C PIET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP8n-nn947Annnonrunrw,,,, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? ?I bUX1-HUM - 17, - 73. This indicates a lack of faith in the political and ideological maturity of the POPs.' 74. the Party authorities often by-pass the POPs in oases concerning the leading aparat, excusing this on the grounds of the importance of the case or the desire not to undermine the authority of a Party member holding a leading position. There have even been cases when the party authorities failed to inform the POPs of the decisions they had adopted. 75. The WKKPs,- together with the Organization Section, should change this state, of affairs, analysing adjudication in those Powiat committees in which there has been the largest incidence of resolutions adopted by-passing the POPs, and giving to these Powiat committees increased help in Party adjudicRtion. -Particular attention to this matter should be paid by the WKKP at Katowioe, where the index of expulsions by Party authorities is 37% (out of 647 persons expelled the Party authorities expelled 238), and by the WKKP at Poznan, where the index is 27.4% (out of 486persons expelled the Party authorities expelled 133). In these voievodships, there has been a deterioration in comparison with 1962. .76. It ia obligatory to inform the POPs of the resolutions of the Party authorities, and of the reasons behind them. 77. Certain MPS have reported that they have been quashing a 'greater proportion of resolutions adopted direct by Party - authorities than df those made by POPs. This would indicate that certain Party authorities do not devote sufficient attention to adjudication and, that they do not take advantage of the help of PICKPe and organization commissions in the preparation of the more difficult cases for a session of the KP executive. The WKKPs and the organization section should turn their. attention to these KPs and give them increased asoistanoe. .../(4) SECRElf 50X1-,1-1U 50X17H Ur npriaccifipri in Part - Sanitized COPY Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 . ? ??? SECEET ? 18 ? 50X1-HUM (4) Educational work among workers and_peasants should be TREFaved 78. The structure of expulsions and strikings-off according to social composition does not coincide with the structure of the whole Party organization classified in the same way. This means that the process of purging the Party of ideologically alien and passive people does not take place in similar ; proportions in all environments. The rate of expulsions and, strikings off the Party records of workers and peasants exceeds the number of workers and peasants in the Party in comparative figures jiczby wzgledng. This indicates that there are some real shortcomings in political and educational work with the workers, activ and with the peasants. The Party authorities and POPs should approach with greater caution expulsions and strikings off the Party records of workers and peasants. 79. This will not be without influence on the social composition of the Party, unless itis counterbalanced by a corresponding social-professional structure of the new intake. (5) Penalties and appeals 80. The influx of appeals into the WKIOns is greatly out of proportion to the numberof Party penalties imposed and resolutions adopted to expel or strike off the Party records. 81. Evidence of this can be seen in the following data. 1,071 Party members expelled in various years appealed to the WKKPs for the restoration of their rights. However, among the appellants were only 301 persons who had been expelled from the Party in 1963, in,a situation where the total number of persons expelled in that year was 6,723. 82. The best illustration of weak' appeal activity can be seen in the influx of appeals against expulsion from the Party made to individual WICKPs. For instance, in the Krakow voievodship, .../350 members c7r7C 73 7.7 50X1-HUNI 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ' -19- '350 members were expelled in 1963, but only 7 of them appealed to the WP; in the Warsaw voievodship, 345 members were 'expelled, and only 9 appealed to the WIMP. The situation is similar in the other voievodships. 83. Even if one assumes that the number of appeals is in fact larger, since a proportion of them may be heard direct by the PKKPs, namely when they concern resolutions confirmed by the KZe, this does not alter the fact that the influx of appeals from persons expelled from the Party during the year concerned has been minute. Similar conclusions are reached also when considering appeals against other Party penalties and against resolutions to strike off from the Party. 84. Among persons appealing against Party penalties and other Party consequences, it is again striking how small is the proportion of appeals from workers and peasants. .85. In practice, this limits the possibilities of putting right . any incorrect decisions and of restoring Party rights in all those cases where resolutions were adopted too hastily. 86. The 'Ws should continue to analyse the problem of this low appeal activity. The question is closely connected with the Atmosphere in the POP and relations prevailing in the factory. For many Party members, and particularly those who have only been in the Party a short time, bad relations and the atmosphere in their own POP form the basis for unjust generalizations about the Party as a whole. '87. The question of working out a combination of organizational measures which'would create better conditions for protecting the 'statutory rights of workers and peasants in the matter of appeals against Party sanctions and consequences remains ever present. assEcar1,7 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM__ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 % ? N-1? r7'1 ram*" IJ (6). Irregularities in adjudication 0. Among the most frequent irregularities in adjudication by Party authorities and organizations are the following: ? a) the examination of cases and the imposition of Party penalties in the absence of the person concerned and when the attendance figure is low. Some WKKPe. have reported that half the cases are examined in POPs in the absence of the person concerned. b) Insufficiently precise;charges. o) Absence of the proper justification of a resolution. d) Failure to inform the POP of the change of a resolution by a Party authority and failure to discuss in the POP the reasons behind the change. e) Inadequate documertatiOn, consisting of the absence of extracts from the minutes of POPs and powiat authorities.' f) Failure on the part of Party authorities when confirming the resolutions of POPs, to correct incorrect decisions of POPs on striking-off in a situation where the Party ? member shoult:4 in fact be expelled, since he has committed serious offences. 891 Let us quote some actual facts. The VirKKP at Bydgoszcz, when carrying out a check on adjudication, found among other things, the following; (1) Out of 24 resolution's on expulsion, and striking off considered by the executive of the KP at Tuchola in 1963, in 12 cases no notification of any sort was sent to the POP regarding the confirmation or quashing of the POP resolution. In the remaining cases, the notification was sent after a delay of six months of more. The 10 failed to inform the Party organizations of the reasons behind the changes. (2) KP executives do not always oorrect basically wrong resolutions, e.g. the KP exeoutive at Lipno confirmed a resolution of the POP in the PZGS gowiat Administration of Rural Oommuneg to strike off the Party records a member who was sentenced to six 4/months' SECL2EIT 50X1-HUM' 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 kddij -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 0.? SE.CDEIT ? 21 months' "imprisonment for theft. Subject should have been expelled from the Party. 90. Similar shortcomings in the adjudication of POPs and Party authorities have also been reported by other WKKPs. This means that statutory requirements are not always adhered to. This is a result of ignorance of the Statutes, or of a lack of realization as to ,what should' be punished and how, or of a liberal approach to offences Committed by a Party member. 91. The WKKPs should assist powiat authorities and works committees in assessing the eituation regarding Party adjudication in their area, and in the popularization of the problems of adjudication among the Party activ. 92. Acting in their supervisory capacity, the WKKPs should quash incorrect resolutions and make decisions conforming to the Party statutes. (7) Adherence to the Statutes when' accepting new members to the Party 93. The struggle for the purity of the Party ranks and for the prevention of the introduction of alien elements into the Party, and the struggle for raising the status of a PZPR member calls also for an examination of the standards applied towards new candidates for the Party. In general, the development of the Party is proceeding correctly. The Party has been increasing its ranks by accepting devoted and loyal members. The loss of candidates from the Party in 1963 has been somewhat smaller than in 1962. A greatersensitivity has been noticeable in Party authorities and POPs in investigating a candidate and getting to know his personal and' moral values, and there has been an increase in requirements concerning the social and professional activity of the candidate. 94. Sensitivity on this point must not, however, be allowed to relax, particularly as certain POPs are failing to observe the SECI2E1' statutory 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? SE:c:Erir 50X1-HUN -22- statutory requirements when accepting new members into the Party. For instance, it appears from the records of the POP at Wladyslawowo (powiat Radziejow) that a Party candidate was accepted on 8.9.1963, whereas he 'made his application for admission to the ranks of, candidates only on 13.9..1963. The same document shows also that three candidates for Party membership were accepted On that day, whereas it turns out that on that day no Party meeting took place at all. All these resolutions were, therefore, fictitious. Infringements of the Statutes were also noticed in other POPs. This presents a great danger. 95. It is necessary also to raise the standard of recommendations for the Party. Party members who consciously deceive the Party by recommending persons who do not deserve this should be faced with severe Party disciplinary measures. 96. We have purposely devoted some time to points arising from an analysis of Party adjudication, so as to stress that the judgments of KKPs are only apart of the whole of Party adjudication, and that even the highest standard of judgments of KKPs (and we are still far from this ideal) does not ensure the correctness of the adjudication of POPs and Party authorities. 97. The problem is of major importance, alike from the point of view of moulding the character of Party members, and increasing the authority of the Party, raising the status of a PZPR member, and strengthening adherence to the Party rules. ,98. The endeavour to mould correctly Party adjudication in ? Party organizations and authorities thus becomes of first-class importance. This is understood by many The initiative of the WKKP at Szczecin IV' 99. We should here like to underline in particular the initiative of the WICK?' at Szczecin. In this voievodship, there are only .../three 50X1 HUM SSL'CZEIT 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 F! M117 \ 50X1-HUN z.:J Loa L;a OA, - 23 - three PKKPs. There are, therefore, some objective difficulties in influencing adjudication through PKKPs in all powiatp of the .voievodship. The WKKP, together with the Organization Section .of the KW, has solved this problem by scouring the interest in the matter of the organization commissions in the 'Gs. -r ,100. The stage has been reached where in all the powiat committees, and in the majority of works committees, with the help of the VIKKP and the participation ,of its leadership, an analysis has been carried out of the whole of Party adjudication, in the powiat and works Party organizations, analysing the period of the past two years. They did not restrict themselves merely to an assessment of the adjudication and work of the PKKP, as has usually been the case in the past, at sessions of the executives of the powiat committees. The agenda of the sessions included a point, "The analysis of'Party adjudication during the past two years". This assessment was carried out //at enlarged sessions of the KP executives with the participation, ' of the secretaries of KGs and the larger POPs and of workers from the Party aparat: Some KPs and the majority of works committees carried out this analysis at plenary Sessions of the Party authorities. The course of the discussions confirmed the essential nature of the problems dealt with. The participants in the discussions stressed the correctness of the initiative and called for the holding of more frequent meetings not only of the executives, but also of plenary sessions for the. purpose of discussing these problems. Let us quote the opinion of the WKIKP. 101. "In the materials submitted, and in discussion, much attention was devoted to the question of the growth of the Party. Specific instances were given of the adverse results of, lowering the standards required from persons joining the .../Party. SECEET 50X1 -HUM __50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 LICE2ET 50X1 -HUM rarty. Numerous examples were given of the results of the absence of proper work with candidates and the lack of responsibility on the part of persons making recommendations. It was revealed at the same time that in certain powiat committees, such as Nowogard and Lobez, there was a failure to observe the statutory principles in the cases of making recommendations. Sometimes, Party members there recommended a person whom they had known for only a few weeks. Much attention was also devoted to educational and prophylactic work in the Party organizations. Thought was given to means aiming at increasing the activity of Party organizations and at a considerable reduction by this means of the number of strikings- off for showing a lack of interest in the life of the Party. Much attention was given to the problem of crime among Party members. Examples were given of excessive tolerance and 'indulgence by Party authorities and organizations towards Party members who have come into conflict with the law. Great stress was laid on the Problem of the ideo-political and moral attitude of Party members and Of the Party activ. 102. "Quoting a number of actual examples, the KZ in the SZCZECIN Metallurgical Works expressed sharp and thorough criticism of the:incorrect attitude of the Works Manager. 103. "In the Area Directorate of the State Railways, criticism was expressed ata session of the KZ of the facts of ignoring the opinions of ihe KZ and of the Party organizations by certain responsible members of the management. Similar examples were quoted in the SZCZECIN Metallurgical Works, while in the powiats the greatest incidence of them was found to exist in the PGRs State Farmg. 104. "The questign of certain irregularities in the mutual relations between the management of a factory SECE-21da field of and the .../Party 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? SE:CET:1g -25- 50X1-HUN Party organization l was raised at almost every session of the las at which Party adjudication was reviewed. At the plenary session of the KP at Lobez, where the executive of the KP presented a thorough and critical analysis of the situation regarding Party adjudication, it became apparent that a major shortcoming was the problem of pro-religious feelings among a large part of the Party activ and of members of the powiat Party . authority, a part of whom were made to withdraw from the plenum of the KP. In general, all the sessions of the KPs and KZs ended with the adoption of certain recommendations ensuring the correct moulding of Party adjudication. 105. in the majority of KPs, the recommendations were brought to the notice of the Party .activ and the Party organizations. 106. "The results of the above sessions of Party authorities on the subject of Party adjudication may be regarded as favourable. 107. "These sessions presented opportunities for the WKKP to establish direct contact with a large number of members of Party authorities and with employees of the Party aparat and with the Party activ. 108. "As a result of these sessions, the Party activ was made more widely acquainted with the problems in the work of the Party Control Commissions. A number of concrete proposals and take were specified in detail for the Party organizations and authorities in the sphere of the correct moulding of Party adjudication. A number. of doubtful and unclear points met With in the activ and in the party authorities were explained. The greatest amount of misunderstanding, doubt, and even resistance was found in cases concerning members of the Party who had come in conflict with the law and had received court convictions or .../were 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 50X1-HUM SECR 1 ? 26 - were awaiting such convictions". 109. We have made somewhat extensive quotations from the report of the WXHIP at Szczecin on the results of sessions of the executives and plenary sessions of XZs and XPs, so as to present as faithfully as possible .the atmosphere of these meetings and the nature of the discussions, and also because this has been the first wide-scale attempt to acquaint the Party Masses with the problems of adjudication. 110. Attention should also be drawn to the initiative of the WIMP at Wroclaw, which, in its concern for ensuring the ' correctness of judgments in the POPs, has prepared recommendations regarding the adjudication procedure in the basic Party organizations. 1 ,111. These recommendations were used for the instruction of POP secretaries, and particularly of new secretaries elected during the recent elections to the Party authorities. Causes of expulsions 112. Let us now consider to what extent the content of Party adjudication reflects the facts of unhealthy phenomena which we encounter in Party life and in the attitude of Party members. 113. Let us look at the structure of expulsions, classified according to causes. (1) Abuses, thefts, exploitation of position 114. Almost half the persons expelled from the Party were expelled for various abuses, thefts, exploitation of official position to achieve material gains, and tolerance towards abuses. Of course such people have nothing in common with the ' Party and do not represent its true image and character. The Party must ruthlessly combat speculators of all kinds, and . particularly those who try to cover up their offences by using Itheir Party membership card. sEcr. r: , 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 -27 st=iLafil 50X1-HUN 115. During the recent period, there has been over a two-fold increase in oases oonnected with smuggling and currency crimeS. :Currency-smuggling gangs, using methods of corruption, often draw into their activities workers of the State aparat who have, .a special obligation to combat crime. Such facts must be condemned with the greatest severity. :116. The misappropriation of social property can be countered to a certain extent by proper supervision and control. 117. In 1963, in comparison with 1962, there has .been a drop .in the value of recorded losses caused ,by the misappropriation Of social property. Nevertheless, the losses which we suffer on this account are high and this problem must remain at the focus of attention of the POPs, IOUs and Party authorities, the self-government activ, trade unions, economic administration and 'Control organs. )18. Unfortunately, there exist in this field a large number Of shortcomings and culpable neglect. In the 3rd and 4th quarters of 1963, the NIX carried out a check in socialized places of work throughout the country, in which, in 1962 and in the first half of 1963, serious economic abuses had come to light. 119. The check revealed that a considerable number of'under- takings, factories and institutions have not been taking advantage of the conclusions and comments of the control organs. 120. It was even established that the controlling units had been given false information on the alleged carrying out of conclusions. 121. It was also found that there had been serious neglect in protecting property against theft, and in allowing leading and financially responsible posts to be occupied by persons who had already had convictions for economic crimes. For example, in SE'CRET .../the State 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SLIA:CiLls 50X1-HUM -28- the State Trustee Organization Oanstwowe Pogotowie Opiekunozg at Chmielowice, .powiat Opole, there was appointed in 1960 to the position of Chief Accountant a person who had had convictions for financial abuses. In 1962-63, being in this position, the person committed abuses by misappropriating 111 thousand zloties belonging to the; funds of the Organization. 122. Similar examples may be quoted from every .voievodship. 123. The conclusions resulting from the controls must not remain a secret accessible only to the management of the establishment. They should, be discussed widely by the aotiv, . with the participation of the control and revision organs. 124. Much has been done in this matter by the WKKPs, initiating consultations inlorder to discuss the post-control conclusions . and to ensure their implementation. 125. A number of WKKPs may be mentioned here, such as the WKKP at Olsztyn,Rzeszow, and others. 126. The WIMP at Rzeszow organized a consultation with the heads of the control-revision branches 5lo7 at voievodship level. 127. During the consultation, stress was laid on the necessity ,of discussing the results of the control not only with the management, but with the workers as well, so as to encourage ,them to combat crime of.everY description, wastage, and the infringement of the laws and regulations in force. Those ,participating in the discussion pointed out instances of the employment of persons having court convictions in positions which carried financial responsibility contrary to existing instructions, and the indifferent attitude of responsible persons in the factory towards people committing crimes. 128. The XIV Plenum of the KC drew attention to the inadmissible infringement of financial discipline, and to the necessity of combating extravagance and wastefulness in the SECE'llT posmin 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? 1;1 SECE217 50X1-HUN I N* 1 - 29 - national economy. 129. These problems should continue to remain at the focus of attention of Party authorities, KKPs and POPs. In addition to prophylactic and preventive work, stopping the incidence of abuses and the infringement of financial discipline, there exists the need to increase the Party sanctions for offences of this sort. 130. Greater care should also be exercised when giving permission to rejoin the Party to persons expelled from it for abuses. 131. In Principle.thosewho have committed abuses should not receive permission to rejoin the Party, regardless of whether they have been sentenced by a court and the conviction been quashed, or whether no such conviction took place at all, since the case had not been dealt with within the proper time-limit by a court of law. (2) Demoralization 132. In addition to the large number of persons expelled for abuses, a considerable group (one in four of those expelled) comprise those expelled for demoralization, drunkenness, and infringement of the principles of Party ethics. 133. Of significance here is the fact that the percentage of expelled workers and peasants in this group is higher than that of white-collar workers. This would appear to suggest that demoralization and drunkenness are higher among workers and peasants. It does not seem that this corresponds to the actUal situation in these social groups. In the opinion of some WKKPs, in the white-collar groups there exists a more tolerant attitude towards offences of this sort and for this reason such facts are not reflected in adjudications. (3) Infringement of ideological principles 134. The XIII Plenum of the KC drew attention to the moulding 50X1-HUM of socialist morality and a deep sense of ideological dedication SSE,'CETIT the 50X1-.HUM_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 . ~It I SECT2I7 -30- r in the attitude of Party members. Our Party is a mass Party. ,.The question of the moulding of the ideological attitude of , Party members is, therefore, a task both for today and for tomorrow. 50X1-HU I 135. The Party is faced with the task of mobilizing the masses ;for the struggle for inculcating respect for the law and for the norms of social coexistence, for observing State and social, discipline. Party members should be a shining example in . this struggle. They should combat incorrect views and :convictions. For example, among the greater part of our community, there is a deep-rooted conviction, inherited from capitalist days, that the theft of social property is a lesser ? crime than the theft of private property. The opinions and ,different views of various environments often have an influence [on individual Party members. / 136. Some succumb to the atmosphere of getting rich at all :costs and the upstart mentality, which;is a negation of our ideology. They become people without ideology. 137. rarty members do not always have the courage to resist incorreot views and attacks on the Party. . Some even pay attention to them and disseminate various pieces of information, ,they have heard, thus clearing the way for gossip and assisting, ,various wrecking activities. 138. The CIEP took proceedings against certain members who slandered the Party. They did not have the courage to come to the Party authority sooner and tell it of the doubts which were growing within them. They did not have the courage of a communist, and when they were asked about it, they adopted a two-faced attitude, posing as fervent defenders of the Party line, while the facts gave evidence of something radically different. Cr 17:C .../139. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247Annn9nn4nnnni_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 . I. .. SEC ? 31 ? 139 The CKXP expelled from the Party Marek LUMERGLUCK for spreading defeatism and lack of faith in the Party, for slandering the leadership of the, Party and the Government, and for hostile statements underminihg the policies of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 140. The CRKP also expelled from the Party Michal KRAJEWSK1 for anti-Party activities consisting of writing slanderous libels against the leaders of the international workers' movement and of the PZPR. Even after being expelled from the Party, KRAJEWSKI sent slanderous letters to the First Secretaries of Klis, to Powiat Committees and to individual persons. 141. Some Party members adopted an incorrect attitude in connection with the increase in the prices of coal and in the charges for gas and electricity. 142. They even participated in, the dissemination of a libel which had appeared, while other's remained passive and did not take up a decisive attitude towards these facts. The KKPs held many conversations with Party members, some of whom were subjected to Party sanctions, including expulsion from the Party. The matter was also discussed at Party meetings in those environments in which the libels had been distributed. 143. In Party adjudication offences of a political nature against the ideological principles of the Party, such as duplicity and misleading the Party, nationalist activities and speeches, clericalist speeches and activity in Church organizations find a comparatively feeble reflection. 144. Of course the question of succumbing to an alien ideology cannot be resolved merely by means of Party sanctions and consequences. Of decisive influence here above all is wide- spread ideological-educational work among the Party masses. Our educational results depend to a large eXtent on the level .../and range 17.Jar:(=.4f,77) Lsi II '50X1-HU 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247Annn2nn4nnnn1_,z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 :s ? s, ? . SMCE2177 and range of this work. It is these educational results which will, to a large extent, govern the rate of getting rid of alien and non-socialist views to which certain members of the Party succumb, be it on questions of world outlook, succumbing to pressure from the clergy, or on nationalist questions, succumbing to nationalism, orsto other views contrary to our ideology. Our Party is based on the principles of proletarian internationalism, and while proletarian internationalism is inseparable from patriotism, it excludes nationalism and nationalist chauvinism. Nationalism is the negation of proletarian internationalism and is the negation of the basic ideological principles of our Party. Our Party must consistently combat all signs of nationalism. The Party assesses people according to class and not nationalist criteria, according to moral and ideological values, and not according to national provenance or membership. 145. The weak refleCtion in Party adjudication of offences of a politioal character which harm the ideological principles of the Party, may indicate, on the one hand, an understanding that such problems are resolved by long-term educational work among Party members, or, on'the other, the .existence of a certain degree of liberalism, :lack of sensitivity, and insufficient reaction to offences of this sort on the part of members of the Party. 50X1-HU (4) Suppression of criticism and_wreckinq 146. Party Control Commissions have taken steps against the suppression of sincere criticism and the persecution of persons who had the courage to take action against evil and to unmask the perpetrators. 147. The investigation of such cases has encountered considerable difficulties in establishing the true state of affairs, on .../account SECET 50X1-HUM 1- I 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A0ni7fln4nnnn1_g ?La --- - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SECEITY r` -33 50X1-HUN account of the veiled forma of suppression of criticism. 148. The EKPa, Party authorities and POPs continue to be faced with the task of defending persons who have the courage to unmask abuses, combat cliques and defend justice. On the other hand, we must act consistently against wrecking, maliciousness, and the tendencious undermining of the confidence of honest Party members and Party activists. h 149. The CKKP, while on circuit at Jaslo, expelled from the Party Wojciech KOSIBA for lending his support to a campaign of provocative slanderous attacks on Party activists and attempts to compromise them as alleged "diversionaries" and organizers of a non-existent terrorist-sabotage organization financed by foreign intelligence services, and for arousing public reaction ; to these slanderous accusations, making use for the purpose of social organizations, such as ZBOWiD 5Ssociation of Fighters for Freedom and Democracil, sessions of People's Councils, public gatherings, etc. 150. The offences described above find a weak reflection in adjudication. 27 members were expelled from the Party for suppression of criticism, and 153 for wrecking. The Party aparat 151. We would now like to turn attention to reports which have been reaching us on the subject of the attitude of some workers of the Party aparat. 152. In 1963 a letter waa published by the CP and the Organization Section of the KC on the subject of combating ? signs of demoralization in the Party activ, including also members of the Party aparat, of neglect and abuses in the economic aparat, and of demoralizing extravagance in organs of , local administration. sEcnET . ../153. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ?????? ? cU](Till 50X1-HUM -34- 153. The letter fulfilled its purpose, and there is a greater sensitivity in Party authorities towards the above offences on the part of the Party activ. 154. There have been fewer cases of offences on the part of workers of the Party aparat. In spite of this in 1963 for various offenoes, pursuit of material gain, abuse of alcohol, etc., there were removed from the Party aparat: 3 heads and deputy heads of sections of KWs, 13 First Secretaries of KPs, and 23 secretaries of departmental Pesortowff KPs. A certain number of instructors were also removed'. 155. The problem of ethical-moral attitudes was the subject of conferences with the Party activ. We should like to draw attention to a tendency which has recently appeared on the part of certain workers of the Party aparat towards obtaining additional remuneration by undertaking to give paid lectures, often falling within the sphere of their normal duties. For . instance, the WKKP at Bydgoszcz has reported that the head of the Party Propaganda Centre at Wloclawek gave, on instructions from the TWP general Knowledge Society7 27 talks and 20 lectures, while the Propaganda Secretary of the KP at Radziejow gave 13 talks, including one on the subject of tuberculosis. There exist also other forms of making money on the side, such as paid participation in Editorial Boards, and similar work. 156. We consider that a worker of the Party aparat undertaking additional paid work should obtain individual permission from t4e leadership of the Party committee at the appropriate level ? and from the Cadre Bureau. Government regulations governing this matter must also be binding on workers of the Party aparat. 157. The basic mass of workere of the Party aparat work generously and devotedly for the benefit of the Party. For this reason, we should assess all the more severely and strictly r) Li L.?i L. u .../all deviations 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 50X1-HUN -35- all deviations from the principles in foroe. 158. The WKKPs have worked under the direction of the Party authorities, which have assessed their work in the executive, and have adopted conclusions and resolutions on the subject of their further activity. 159. In consequence of the WIEPs drawing attention to a number of unhealthy aspects in Party life, attempts have been made to cause their elimination. 160. Many problems brought up by Party adjudication have been analysed. The activity of the KKPs is bound up closely with the POPs. The KKPs are enforcing with increasing success the principle that no case should be dealt with without its echo in the POP. 161. In six WICKPs, the Presidia are acting as auxiliary links, implementing in ,day-to-day work the resolutions and directives of the Plenum of, the WKKP. 162. They assess the work of the PKKPe and organize a more thorough analytical work coneerning Party adjudication and the work of the WKDIPs themselves, and they submit conclusions to the Party authorities. The, CKKP has exercised supervision over the adjudication of KKPe at lower levels, and paid attention to phenomena brought' up by Party adjudication at conferences, plenary sessions of the WKKPs and the CICKP, in the KW executives assessing the work of the WKKPe, and also in the Presidium of the CKKP and in individual conversations with the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the WKKPs. Members and workers of the CKKP participated in a number of plenary sessions of the PKKPs, MKKPs, and Dz.K06, giving direct assistance to these Commissions in fixing the directions of their further activity. ? ? 063 . S'111CLTEIT 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 I* n 1 EicEzir 50X1-H UM - 36 - 163. In 1963, there; were 17 sessions of the Presidium of the CKKP. An assessment was made of the work of 8 WKKPs: at ? Poznan, Kielce, Katowice, Krakow, Bialystok, Bydgoszcz,, Olsztyn, ! and Opole, adopting definite orders and decisions regarding the direction of the further work of the ICUs. 164. Directives were issued concerning the work of powiat, municipal and district =a, based on a plan worked out by the WKKP at Wroclaw. The CKKP Bulletin has been used for popularizing the problems of adjudication and of instruction. The Presidium of the CKKP heard a number of appeals against the decisions of the ZOs 5djudicating Teamg of the CKKP, deciding either to send back the case for a re-hearing or accepting the correctness of the resolution adopted and rejecting as groundless the appeal to have the case re-examined by the ZO of the CKKP.' When examining cases, the CKKP in many instances heard the views of indiVidual sections of the KC. 165. In addition to appeals, the =a and the CKKP received letters and complaints from Party members and from non-Party people. 166. In 1963 the CKKP received 2,035 letters, not counting appeals against Party penalties. 167. Many conversations Were conducted. 168. 1,482 persons came to the CKKP on various matters, of , whom 434 were invited to Sessions of the adjudicating teams., 169. To sum up, the direo'tives of the Plenum of the KC and an analysis of the work of the WICKPs and the CKKP, and ,of the whole of Party adjudication, present us with the following tasks for the immediate future: (1) The CKKP, WICKPEI and PlaPs should use their influence towards the correct moulding of Party adjudication .in the POPs .../and Party , SECRET 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Lod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SF:CL2EFF 50X1-HUI - 37 - .and Party authorities at lower levels. Thers41d develop. multifarious forms of supervision, and should observe the !statutory requirements in the matter Of purging the Party of demoralized,! alien, and ideologically unconnected elements. The analysis of Party adjudication and the conclusions arising ' from it, should form the basis for laying down a broad programme of work with the POPs in various environments. The KZs and Is should analyse adjudication at their plenary sessions and in their executives. The WKKPs, jointly with the organization sections of the KWs, should analyse the Party adjudication of those Powiat Committees which have been making the largest number of resolutions on expulsion and striking-off while by-passing the POPs, and should give them greater assistance in Party adjudication. (2) It is necessary to carry on a consistent struggle against abuses, to struggle against the infringement of financial discipline, extravagance and wastage, and to increase Party / I sanctions for offences of this sort; to develop widespread prophylactic work preventing the incidence of abuses, and to organize the discussion of post-control conclusions with the factory activ in the presence of the control and revision organs. People should be defended who make justified criticisms, having the courage to expose abuses and to combat cliques, while, on the other hand, steps should be taken against wrecking, maliciousness, and the tendentious undermining of the confidence of honest members of the Party and Party activists. (3) Without neglecting ideologiOal-educational work among the Party masses, the sensitivity of the POPs should be increased towards the offences of Party members of a political character, which undermine the ideological principles of the Party. . SECE2E1T 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 t,. SECD.E7 A -38- (4) The recommendations of the Plenum of the 0KKP of March, 1962 should continue to be enforced consistently, increasing democracy in inner-Party work, the principle should be followed: no case without its echo in the POP; and an assessment of adjudication should be carried down to the lower Party authorities of the KPe and Us. II. Conference of the Party activ in the ------KW of the NPR at Opole 50X1-HUM 170. On the 11th March, 1964, in the KW; of the PZPR at ,Opole, there was held on the initiative of the WICKP and the Economic Section of the KW, a conference of the Party activ devoted to a discussion of the problems of the work of control organs and the implementation of post-control conclusions by the factory, trade centre, work co-operative, etc. 171. The conference was attended by members of the WKKP, the chairmen of the PKKPs and the oads and secretaries of the Party organizations of the control organs NIX, PIH, IXR, the Inspection Branch of the CRS, and Work Co-operatives. 172. Altogether, the conference was attended by 70 Comrades. 173. In the conference, there also took part Comrade Franciszek SIELANCZUK, economic secretary of the KW; Comrade Stefan SMOLEC, agricultural secretary of the KW; and Comrade JUSZCZYK, Vice-Chairman of the WRN goievodship People's CounciI.7 at Opole. 174.) In speeches delivered by: Comrade ROZANSKI,President of NIK and Comrade DYBALA, Vice-Chairman of the WIMP, the main attention was focussed on the existing assessment of the work of the control organs, and the assessment of the degree of implementation by the institutions which were controlled, of the post-control conclusions and of the tasks resulting from the resolutions of the XIV Plenum of the KC of the PZPR. It was .../found, c, "' 774 (1:-A r7)17_7, '17 Li La LI 50X1-HUM _50X1-HUM_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Laid Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 . , Z7CDr7:7 La k. found, among other things, that there had existed hitherto in . practice a tendency towards an excessively formal treatment of post-control conclusions and recommendations by the leadership of the units being controlled. Examples were quoted of the ignoring of poet-control conclusions in which it was recommended that workers should be dismissed for failing to perform their official duties and for causing financial losses to their institutions. Failure to Carry out these recommendations resulted in further losses and abuses. 175. ,A check carried out by the NIK Representation [felegatur2.7 on the effectiveness of theactions of other control organs, such as the IKR,PIH, Inspeption Section of the CRS, WZSP, etc., indicated several shortcomings in their work, e.g.: a) the late despatch of post-control recommendations; b) insufficiently frequent checks on the carrying-out of conclusions and recommendations; p) failure to include in the post-inspection recommendations shortcomings and errors revealed during the control. 176. These phenomena apply most frequently to the control organs of Combines ZZjednoczeni27. Nevertheless, the control organs of Combines and other Voievodship institutions encounter considerable resistance in the implementation of post-control conclusions and recommendations by the institutions being controlled. This applies particularly to State Farms and work co-operatives. An incorrect attitude towards the implementation of post-control conclusions is illustrated by the following Table: .../Name of unit SIME2E11 ----M1111?1111.1=1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 kal Declassified in, Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? ? Is ' !I S7:CE2ET -40- 50X1-HUN Name of unit carrying out control Post-control conclusions implemented in 1963 Number of unite which did not carry out recommendations Control and Revision Inspectorate Lay' Inspection Section of the CRS Revision Organs of the Voievodship Local Industry Directorate Voievodship Work Co-operatives Assoc. Control Organs of the Combine of Local Building Materials Industry 55 143 12 74 15 19 109 7 41 177. In connection with the existing shortcomings and inadequacies in the field Of implementation of post-control conclusions, the MP, in co-operation with the control organs, found that members of the Party and Trade Union activ and of the workers' self-government had failed to take part in the post- control conferences. There have been instances of POP secretaries not being acquainted with the results of the control owing to the managers of the factories preventing the Party organizations from having access to this material. ' It has also happened that individual Party organizations have treated the results of the control,, in a liberal way, and have failed to take Party proceedings in relation to those members of the Party , who have committed offences causing economic losses. 178. Realising the need for a wider interest to-be taken in this problem, stress was laid on the necessity for the further 'improvement of the work of the control organs, for organizing post-control conferences with the participation of representatives of the Party organization, the' Trade Union aotiv and the workers' self-government, for carrying out a check on the implementation and consistent carrying out ofpost-control TlaCt4 PET .../conclusions 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 , .? [7. C EMT .50X1-IUM - 41 - conclusions and for the necessity of carrying out systematic work with the links of the internal control oells of the plaoes of work. It was also brought to notice that the Party authorities and basic Party organizations should exert a more decisive influence on the implementation of the conclusions resulting from controls. 179. 12 Comrades intervened in the discussion. In the , disoussion, it was agreed that the conference was necessary and useful. Many critical comments were directed against the managements of factories and institutions, which had failed to use post-control material for preparing suitable regulations for internal application in the faotory. It was stressed that 0 insufficient attention is paid to questions of protecting social 'property against theft. It was pointed out at the same time Hthat one of the forme of protection of sooial property against theft is the carrying-out of regular and thorough internal ;factory controls, the responsibility for which rests with the management of the factories. . 1130. In the discussion, it was pointed out that the great '.majority of abuses and offenebn brought to light were exposed by external control organs and were not discovered by the internal ,control cells of the places of work. 181. In the discussion, it was also pointed out that there was a need for greater interest to be taken in the work of cadre cells in the places of work in which instances of offences and abuses had been established. 182. The discussion was summed up by Comrade Franciszek SIELANCZUK, eoonomic secretary of the KW. 183. The speeches and the discussion led to the following conclusions: 50X1-HUM a) the implementation of post-control conclusions is the [77)rrc W /responsibility. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Liga . Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SSEan'T 50X1 -HUM - 42 - responeibility of the management of places of work; b) Party authorities and organizations should watch with. greater attention the results of controls in factories and institutions carried out by control organs, and should demand from the managements of the places of work information on the course of implementation of post-control recommendations and conclusions, paying particular attention to the implementation of conclusions on cadre matters; ? o) the basic Party organizations in the control organs should mould the correct uttitude of Party members, integrate their work with the general economic tasks of the oountry, and develop skill in generalizing observations made in the controlled factories; and they should also inform objectively the Party authority and organization of the results of the control; d) Party authorities and organizations, together with control organs, should engage in a wide prophylactic campaign, so as to prevent the incidence of abuses and remove all conditions favouring their occurrence. (From the report of the WKKP at Opole) 184. For III. Some resolutions of KKPs anti-Party activity, slanderous rumours and libels, wrecking, and stifling of criticism the following were punished or expelled from the Party: 185. (1) Antoni KOWENZOWSKI, established gtatove activist in the Chief Directorate of the Chemists, Union, Party member since 1946, expelleCfrom the Party on the resolution of the ZO of the WKKP at Lodz for failing to adopt the correct political attitude towards the dissemination of hostile libels undermining the authority of the Party and Government. Having received a leaflet from an, unknown Derson, containing libels on the subject .../of t 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 aElCEE1IT 50X1-HUM -43- of the raising of prices for certain goods, he made himself acquainted with its contentb and was a partyto the leaflet being Copied on a typewriter in an establishment under his control and subsequently disseminated. 186. (2) Stanislaw LIS, manager of the "Oaza" Restaurant at Przemysl, Party member since 1946, punished by the PKKP at Przemysl by deprivation of the right to hold responsible Party posts for a period of two years for using incorrect methods in Party work. Comrade LIS, being secretary of a POP, employed compulsion when recruiting.candidates for the Party. Jointly with the head of the cadre branch, they summoned restaurant managers for conversations and advised them to join the Party. The managers were given a few days to think this over, and, in ? the event of their refusal, they were threatehed with dismissal from their jobs. The ZO of the PKKP regarded such methods as ? greatly.harmful and Contrary to the basic principles of the Party Statutes. Th 9 decision was upheld by the ZO of the WKKP at Rzeszow. 187. (3) Sergiusz MARTYNIUK, manager of the "Las" Base in Biala Podlaska, expelled by the ZO of the MEP at Lublin for nationalism and. chauvinistic speeches in public places. 188. Sergiusz MARTYNIUK, particularly when under the influence of alcohol, frequently raised nationalist problems in discussions with various people, and, adopting a chauvinist standpoint, attempted to undermine the friendly relations between the Polish and Ukrainian populations. 189. While attending a New Year party at Biala Podlaska, MARTYNIUK, in an intoxicated condition, shouted: "we shall hang you communists on trees",. The ZO of the WKKP considered it inevitable to apply the highest penalty. 190. For infringement of the principles of Party ethics, drunkenness, immoral conduct, rowdyism, and duplicity, the following were punished or expelled from the Party: 191.. (1) Antoni IWANICKI Chief of the Powiat Prosecutor's . SIL'cnEiT .../offi500eX1- H U M 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 L;7J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? S"CPr'cir _ ? ?::-:a -.44- 50X1-HUM Office at CIECHANOW, Party member since 1955. , 192. As a result of reports on the faulty and liberal activities of the Powiat Prosecutor's Office at Ciechanow, the WKKP and the Organization Section of the WKW 7arsaw Voievodship , Committeg of the PZPR carried out enquiries about the Party attitude of Comrade Antoni IWANICKI, Chief of the Powiat Prosecutor's Office at Ciechanow. The following facts were , established: 1 193. Comrade IWANICKI organized a church wedding for his son. In order to conceal this fact from the Part yi he-6ot in touch with the parish priest of Radomsko, voievodship of Lodz. 194. He permitted liberalism in the investigations carried out :by the Prosecutor's Office, and was connected with persons of /,doubtful moral and professional 195. He exploited his official repair, gratis, of his own moto 196. In view of the above, the value. position to arrange for the r car. ZO of the WKKIP reached the conclusion that IWANICKI is a hypocrite, ideologically alien to the Party, liable to give way to alien influence. It, therefore, decided to expel him from the Party. The resolution was upheld by the ZO of the CKKP. 197. (2) Henryk URBANSKI, assessor 5sesoe of the Powiat Court at Wschowa, Party member since 1948, punished by a reprimand with caution by the PK KP at Leszno for demonstrative participation in a Corpus Christi procession. 198. The ZO of the WKKP at Poznan, having studied the whole case on the basis of the collected material and the explanations of the appellant, did not find grounds for altering the decision of the PKKP, since URBANSKI, a Party member for many years, and having a long record of service in the judicature, failed to maintain the correot Party attitude by taking part regularly, with his family, in religious practices. 50X1-HUM .099. SECL2E1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 :L. .570217 ? -45- 50X1-HUM 199. (3) Jan WILKOSZ, Party member since 1962,. Station-master .at the State Railways station at Wienidwa, was expelled from: the Party on the 3rd July, 1963, by the POP at the station of. lUieniawa, for abusing his position as Station-master and secretary of the POP. 200. The ZO of the WKKP at Kielce, having examined the available material and heard the explanations of Jan WILKOSZ, decided. to Uphold the POP resolution to expel him from the Party. 201. The ZO of the WKKP did not find grounds for revising the resolution of the POP to expel Jan WILKOSZ from the Party for employing his subordinates on the construction of his own house. Workers who refused their services, or who demanded payment for the work, were transferred by WILKOSZ to other, less remunerative ' work, and were threatened by him with dismissal. 202. WILKOSZ wrote a fictitious Minute of a Party meeting which did not take place at all, so as to strike off from the Party COmradelCOSOWSKI. At one of the general village 5golnogramadzk7 meetings, he asked a Party member to leave the meeting,. doing this in a vulgar, highly uncultured and un-Party manner'. At this meeting, Party members made statements that WILKOSZ was brutal and rude to the workers:, that he could not bear any criticism, and that he was always threatening the workers with dismissal, thus creating an atmosphere of fear. His one aim ? in life was to make money. Taking into account the above information, the ZO of the WKKP decided to uphold the resolution of the POP to expel Jan WILKOSZ from the Party. 203. For abuse of their official position to achieve material gain and for non-fulfilmant of their official duties the following were punished or expelled. 204. (1) Kazimierz RYBICKI, former Director of the Voievodship 50X1-HUM Elarrir 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 itiga Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? ? ? SEiCETri ?46- 50X1-HUM Board of Service-Production Establishments 670E7 of the Union of OSPs, was expelled from the Party by the POP for lack of supervision, toleration of excessive expenditure, and financial transgressions in connection with a national conference of WZUP Directors at Olsztyn. 205. The Executive of the Zoliborz KD reduced the penalty, giving RYBICKI a reprimnnd with caution. 206. On the inStructions of the CKKP, the ZO of the WKKP, after examining the charges against RYBICKI, decided to quash the resolution of the Zoliborz KD and to expel Kazimierz RYBICKI from the Party. From the material, it appears that the main responsibility for the organization on the 26th-27th July 1963 of a national cOnference of: Directors of WZUPs and for the infringement of financial discipline lies with RYBICKI. 207. A control disclosed that the Directorate of the WZUP in Warsaw, when adopting, with, the agreement of the Main Union of OSPs, the decision to call the conference at Olsztyn, planned in advance to turn the conference into a holiday, which influenced the atmosphere prevailing during the conference. Plans were made, among others, to organize an excursion to Mikolajki, RucianY, and Gizycko, and for the consumption of spirits. The costs of the, conference amounted to 53,779.40 zl., of which 11,435 tl. was spent on vodka alone, while the dinner for those taking part in the excursion cost 6,665.30 zl. The organizers permitted the participation in the conference and its attendant celebrations of members of the families of the participants and of WZUP employees and others, who without any justification enjoyed for several days all the facilities of the institution. 208. The lack of a sense of responsibility and the insouciance of the organizers led to a situation in which some of the 50X1-HUM .../participants SECREIT ,50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? I a I :' ? S7CEn. 50X1-HUM -47- participants treated the conference as a pretext for parties and excursions into the countryside. RYBICKI, being the superior whose duty it was to organize the conference both from the practical and the political point of view, not only did not do so, but by his attitude demonstrated an absence of professional and financial discipline. 209. (2) Ludwik MARTELA, Chief Director of the Stalowa Wola Power Station, member of the executive of the KM of the PZPR, Party member since 1955, punished with a Party reprimand by the WICKP at Rzeszow for' participation in the organizing of private journeys using official motor cars. 210. MARTELA, being a member of the Executive of the KM of the PZPR at Stalowa Wola, instead of opposing the private journeys in official cars by certain activists of the KM of the PZPR, himself travelled in this way to various localities thereby incurring serious losses for the State Treasury. By his behaviour and attitude, he infringed statutory principles and obligations, which require from each Party member the proper fulfilment of the tasks with which,he is entrusted. 211. (3) Leon MACKOWIAK, employed in the Port Directorate at Szczecin, Party member since 1962. 212. On the basis of the assembled material and the explanations of Leon MACKOWIAK himself, the ZO of the WICKP at Szczecin decided to expel him from the Party. Leon MACKOWIAK, as Chairman of the Board of the "Przyjazn" Workers Allotment Garden Association gog7 at Szczecin, committed a number of offences and irregularities. 213. Although he knew, before engaging in the purchase of well-liners regg, that the transaction had an illegal character, he bought some reinforced concrete liners which had been stolen, and for which, on the basis of a spurious invoice, 11 in1ii I AAA 71 from the POD fund (the persons who committed SE10E2yir .../the theft 50X150X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? .- . -48- 50X1-HUM the theft received court convictions). 214. He infringed the principles of collective action in the work of the POD Team of which he was Chairman. 215. He abused his social position for material gain, giving to himself orders for the execution of specified work in the d POD, for which he was paid. ' 216. Having been recalled from his post for the above offences, he began a campaign of slander against the men who caused the 1 theft to be brought to light. ,217. (4) Wladyslaw JASKULSKI, Chairman of the Presidium of the PRN 06owiat People's Councig at Grojec, Party member sinoe 1947. ,218. A Commission, set up by the Organization Section of the WKW arsaw Voievodship Committeil of the PZPR and the WKKP1 to investigate various charges against the Chairman of the: Presidium of the PRN at Grojec proved that the behaviour of 'Comrade Wladyslaw JASKULSKI was incompatible with the attitude' of a Party member and a representative of the local organs of the People's government. 219. Comrade JASKULSKI, as Chairman of the Presidium of the PRN,, took active steps in the defence of the interests of wealthy people and supported completely unjuetified applications for the exchange or allocation of land from the State Land Fund, : infringing at the same time the legal regulations in force and generally-accepted principles. 220. In his endeavours to increase his income in order to satisfy his private needs, such as the purchase of a oar, JASKULSKI completely' lost the feeling of responsibility appropriate to an activist of the People's Council and ,a Party member, and carried out various schemes and commercial. speculations involving land. 221. Taking the above into account, the ZO of the WKKP decided to .../expel 50X1-HUM SSE cnTir 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? : LA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 , 50X1-HUM SEC ti -49'. 9pel JASKULSKI from the Party. 222. Examples of some resolutions revising the decisions of POPs and Party 'authorities: 223. (1) The MKKP at Lodz heard the appeal of Comrade Alfred STOPCZYK, a former employee of. the "Lanbda" Factory in Lodz, against the decision of the Executive of the. "Polesie" KD of the PZPR which had given him ai reprimand with caution. 224. Comrade STOPCZYK was originally punished with a Party reprimand by a resolution of the POP for writing a letter drawing attention to the faulty and bad administration of stores in his factory, injustice, and a, careless attitude towards the protection of social property. The main promoter of the passing of this resolution was the factory manager, who'felt, himself insulted by the critical remarks of Comrade STOPCZYK and even brought about at a later stage STOPCZYKIs dismissal from employment. 225. Barely a month later, there took place a reporting and election meeting of the POP, at which, as a result of considerable pressure by the manager; Comrade STOPCZYK was expelled from the Party. The grounds for this resolution were based on his non-attendance at the meeting. The atmosphere prevalent at this meeting is shown up by the fact that it was necessary to vote three times, and the resolution to expel Comrade STOPCZYK from the Party was then carried by a bare majority of one vote. 226. On an appeal by Comrade STOPCZYK, the Executive of the "Polesie" KD of:the PZPR called a commission to investigate the whole matter. The commission examined the case superficially and inaccurately, which led to further deviations. Although Comrade STOPCZYK was restored to membership rights, he was given a reprimand with caution. 50X1-HUM CLT 50X1-HUM? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A0002004000012.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Sr:1,07.2 Eallr - 50X1-HUM ? 227. The ZO of the MKKP, having made a comprehensive investigation of the whole case, and having established the above irregularities in Party adjudication and the fact of stifling of .justifiable Party criticism; quashed the resolution of the POP rand of the Executive of the 0 of the PZPR and restored membership rights to Comrade STOPCZYK. At the same time, !arrangements were: made to withdraw the notice of dismissal :issued by the management of the factory. 228. As regards the manager responsible for this state of affairs, Party conclusions will be drawn on completion of the case. 229. The leadership of the "Polesie" KD of the PZPR was informed of the situation in the "Lanbda" works, and it was decided jointly with responsible workers of the Combine and the 0 to take the necessary steps to remove the shortcomings and irregularities in the factory. 230. (2) Jozef SZEWCZYK, a worker in the State Farm at Wi-Ocow, powiat,Szprotawa, was expelled from the Party on the resolution of the POP for criticising the former manager of the State Farm. 231, The KP executive confirmed the resolution of the POP.: The ZO of the WKKIP at Zielona Gora, having acquainted itself with the nature of the case and having heard evidence from witnesses, decided to quash the resolution of the POP on expulsion from ?the Party and to restore rights to Comrade J. SZEWCZYK. 232. Comrade Jozef SZEWCZYK, a former deputy secretary of the POP in the Witkow State Farm, was unjustifiably expelled from the Party on the alleged charges that he was a wrecker. The charges were inspired by the former manager of the State Farm and the former chief accountant there, who had been justlyj criticised by Comrade SZEWCZYK for a considerable time for their harmful economic and financial activities in the State SECEnir Farm - 50X1-HUM .../233 ? 50X1-HUM- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? ' ?I. ? sFlc4,nr2:,i' 50X1 -HUM ? 51 ? 233. In a number of complaints, Comrade SZEWCZYK reported to his superior authorities On the situation in the State Farm, but he did not receive any help from them in combating wastefulness and abuses in the State Farm. It was only after some time that the Citizens' Militia organs brought to light abuses committed by the chief accountant amounting to 360,000 zl., for which he was sentenced by a court to 12 years imprisonment. IV. Statistical 14'a C E4 ----11111111.1.111111M 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SE.C27 -52- IV. StatistiCal Tables 50X1 -HUM Table 1 Judgments of the Adjudicating Teams of the CKKP in 1963 in appeals for the restoration of Party rights after expulsion and striking-off from the Party , Voievodship Total No. of ap- peals heard by the ZOs of the CKKP against decisions of WKKPs & Party authorities to impose expulsion Party member- ship rights restored Total No. of ap- peals heard by the ZOs of the CKKP against decisions to strike off from the Party Party member- ship rights restored TOTAL 216 45 32 7 % index 100 20.8 100 21.9 Bialystok 14 2 1 ... - Bydgoszcz 8 4 - - Gdansk 10 4 3 1 Katowice 32 7 1 - Kielce 10 3 1 - Koszalin 5 - - Krakow 2 - - Lublin 15 3 2 1 Lodz . 14 2 4 2 Lodz city 4 - 3 - , Olsztyn 7 1 - . Opole' 8. 4 1 ' -. Poznan 12 3 1 ? Rzeszow 12 . 3 1 - Szczecin 13 1 3 1 Warsaw , 6 ? ? Warsaw city. 6 1 1 - Wroclaw 12 3 6 1 Zielona Gora 4 1 3 - Polish Army 9 1 - CKKP 13 2 1 1 , Comparative data: 1959: Total ? 440 165 45 18 . 100 37.5 100 40 1960: Total 399 . 148 46 10 % 100 37.1 100 21.7 1961: Total , 333 110 52 10 % 100 33 100 19.2 1962: Total 279 78 , 52 11 %. 100- 28 100 21.2 Sr'CEET 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? . -53- 50X1-HUM Table 2 Reasons which led to the quashing of resolutions on expulsion from the Party made by the WKKPs and Party authorities and to the restoration of Party membership rights by the ZOs of the CKKP in 1963 , Voievodship Total No. of qua- shed resolutions onexpasimfrod_Insufficient the Party Reasons (absolute figures) renaltyor exces- sive only partial confirmation of charges Different classifi- cation of offence , TOTAL 45 27 18 - ..............- % Index in 1963 100 60 40 - Bialystok Bydgoszcz4 Gdansk Katowice Kielce Koszalin Krakow Lublin Lodz Lodz city Olsztyn Opole Poznan Rzeszow Szczecin Warsaw Warsaw city Wroclaw Zielona Gora Polish Army CKKP 2 , 4 . ,7 3 - 3 2 - 1 4 3 !F 3 1 - 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 5 2 - - 1 1 - - 3 2 1 - - 1 2 - 1 1 - - 1 2 2 1 - - 0 .. 1 - 1 1 1 2 1 - - 1 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - Comparative data: 1962:, Total 78 F, 100 56 71.8 20 25.6 2 . 2.6 % index s 7, eriA 74. Liu La. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? Table 3. Judzments of the Adjudicating Teams of the in 1963 in appeals for the restoration of Party rights after expulsion an striking-off from the Party Voievodshio _ Total No. of appeals heard by the ZOs of the WK.7-:Ps against the decisions of FC7s and Party authorities to impose eytulsion fro the Party and for the , rstoration of Party rights ,' Of these' " of cases i,.. which '-'artywhich memb =-shir rights r estored Total No. of appeals heard by the Zes of the W--4--2s against the decisions of 'KPs and Party authorities to impose striking-off from the Party and for the restoration of Party rights Gr - theseNo. , - of ca--es in T'Prtv members"-ip rights restored TOTAL. 1,071 358 536 % Index 100 33.4_ - 100 - 31.8 _ _ Bialystok -1 61 18 17 5 Bydgoszcz 50 19 31 9 Gdansk 66 18 35 1 Katowice 113 . 49 24 13 Kielce 83 22 22 6 - Koszalin 36 11- 11 3 Krakow 43 - - 6 32 9 Lublin 65 22 . 35 12 Lodz 65 20 . 21 7 Lodz city 28 10 33 ? 9 Olsztyn 30 8 13 4 Opole 31 16 6 4 Pozren 45 19 15 4 Rzeszcw 64 19 38 11 Szczecin 58 Warsaw ? 58 13 18 43 40 17 11 Warsaw city 29 15 42 12 Wroclaw 87 36 43 11 Zielcna Gore _59 - 19 37 15 Compar. data . in % 1959 100 503 100 70 1960 100 1961 100 . _1962 100 ? V9'. 1 34.4 V& . - 100 %.9 35.2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? ? 5411',':T2ET -? 55 -- Table 4 Reasons which led to the quashing of=resolutions on expulsion from the Party made by-the-POPs and Party authorities, and to the restoration of Party membership rights by the ZOs of the WKKPs in 1963 50X1 -HUM Voievodahip , , . , , , Total No. of qua- shed resolutions on expulsion from the Party Reasons (absolute figures) Penalty exces- sive , Insufficient or only partial confirmation of charges Different clansifi- cation of offence TOTAL 358 180 156 ' 22 ? % Index 100 50.3 43.6 6.1 ????????MOI Bialystok 186 ' 12 - Bydgoszcz 19 7 ? 9 3 Gdansk 18 4 9 5. Katowice 49 24 18 7 Kielce 22 10 12 Koszalin 11 7 4 - Krakow 6 2 4 - Lublin 22 10 8 4 Lodz 20 12 8 -. Lodz Lodz city 10 5 5 - Olsztyn 8 5 3 - . . . Opole 16 10 . 6 - Poznan 19 14 5 - Rzeszow 19 12 7 - Szczecin13 6 6 1 Warsaw 18 5 13 - Warsaw city , 15 . 8 . 7 ? Wroclaw 36 24 , 10 2 Zielona Gora 19 9 10 - SECE'22.7 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Table 5 Structure of the judgments of Ws in 1963 according to nature of appeals Voievodship Total No. of resolutions imposing various Party judzments adopted by the WK2s in appeal cases Resolutions concerning Party sanctions and consequences or discharge from Party disciplinary proceedings Resolutions concerning petitions to annul a Party penalty Resolutions concerning petitions for permission to rejoin the Party In absolute figures In absolute 5; Index figures 5; Index' In absolute figures TOTAL 3,912 1,605 46.2 1,433 36.6 Bydgoszcz Gdansk Katowice Kielce Koszalin- - Krakow Lublin Lodz Lodz city Olsztyn Opole Poznan - Rzeszow Szczecin Warsaw Warsaw city Wroclaw Zielona Gora 186 140 344 330 212 78 183 244 158 427 79 85 200 210 191 202 201 256 186 85 87 120 155 115 50 84 103 97 62 44 45 87 119 114 108 87 141 102 45.7 80 62.2 23 34.9 192 47.0 105 54.2 69 64.1 16 45.9 63 42.2 115 61.4 19 14.5 324 55.7 18 53.0 33 43.5 77 56.7 68 59.7 40 53.5 53 43.3 62 55.1 48 54.8 28 43.0 16.& 55.8 31.8 32.6 20.5 34.4 47.1 12.0 75.9 22.8 38.8 38.5 32.4 20.9 26.2 30.8 18.7 15.1 674 21 30 32 70 28 12 36- 26 42 41 17 7 36 23 37 41 52 67 56 % Index 17.2 11.3 21.4 9.3 21.2 13.2 15.4 19.7 10.7 26.6 9.6 21.5 8.2 18.0 10.9 19.4 20.3 25.9 26.2 30.1 Compar. data: 1961 1962 3,886 4,874 2,238 1,949 57.6 39-9 656 2,089 16.9 42.9 992 836 25.5 17.2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 V'n 4 -50X1-HUM - - 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Proportion of original resolutions on expulsion from the Party adopted by Party authorities and KNIPs in the total number of resolutions on expulsion from the Party in 1963 Table 6 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM C-71 E:71 foievodship Total No. expelled Of these, the No. expelled by original resolutions of Party authorities & Kites % Index from Party in 1963 Absolute figures - 1963 ' - % Index - 1963- - 1962 1961-- TOTAL 6,723 1,513 22.5 23.6 25.1 Pialystok pydgoszcz Idansk EPtowice ielce 361 506 359 647 343 227 350 310 406 236 266 339 486 273 338 345 223 489 219 69 75 101 239 77 51 70 55 80 49 19 76 133 69 58 85 44 121 42 19.1 14.8 28.0 37.0 22.4 22.5 20.0 17.7 19.7 20.8 7.1 22.4 27.4 25.3 17.2 24.6 19.7 24.7 19.2 21.4 21.0 24.1 32.0 27.3 23.8 20.3 17.2 21.8 12.7 14.2 18.0 23.0 22.1 16.5 23.7 29.7 34.1 31.3 21.3 24.0 23.0 39.0 33.6 16.6 33.9 18.2 22.6 21.1 12.0 16.1 25.8 23.1 22.2 26.2 37.8 25.0 32.0 LT-Coszalin C-7']rakow r=TJublin "Lodz city w:-Olsztyn Opole Poznan Rzeszow Szczecin Warsaw Warsaw city Wroclaw Zielona Gora Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 -4. 11 1 oEcptc) ' ' 4tk 1.41: Table 7 50X1-HUM Proportion of originaliresolutions on expulsion from the Party adopted by the WKKPs in the total number of resolutions on expulsion from the party made by the WKKPe in 1963 , :Voievodship . Total No. of resolutions on expulsion from Party made by MOPE+ ' Of these, resolutions ! on expulsion . from Party ? 'ire Index of resolutions adopted in original cases in appeal Cases in original cases In 1963 1962 - 1961 - ....--,, - , TOTAL 785 713 72 9.2 13.3 24.6 , . ;Bialystok 49 43 6 12.2 13.3 35.5 Bydgoszcz 31 31 - - 7.0 40.2 ,Gdansk . 49 ,48 1 2.0 16.7 16.7 Katowice 68 '64 4 5.9 11.5 13.6 Kielce 65 61 4 6.2 2.2 8.5 Koszalin 28 25 3 10.7 28.0 43.3 Krakow 40 37 3 7.5 21.4 25.0 Lublin 51 43 8 15.7 11.6 9.8 Lodz 48 45 3 6.2 9.5 6.0 Lodz city 23 1.8 5 21.7 .26;5 41.5 Olsztyn 22 22 - 9.4 ! 40.5 Opole 15 15 - - 17.5 18.5 Poznan 33 26 7 21.2 15.8 31.5 ilizeszow 48 45 3 6.2 5.0 19.7 /Szczecin 52 45 7 13.5 15.9 19.7 I iWarsaw 'Warsaw city 44 16 40 14 4 2 9.1 12.5 2.2 33.3 7.5 58.5 Wroclaw 63 51 12 ? 19.0 9.7 ' 17.1 Zielona Gora 40 40 - - 23.8 37.8 sniamer ? 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM-- Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Proportion of original resolutions in the total number of resolutions* concerning Party sanctions and consequences or discharge from Party disciplinary proceedings adopted by the WXKPs in 1963 Voiecodship Total number of resolutions concerning Party sanctions O these, the proportion of original cases f and consecuences or discharge from Party disciplinary proceedings*, adopted in original and appeal cases In absolute figures 5'9. Indexe 1963 - R. ,a in,._x 1962 *, Index 194.-1 TOTAL i -24107 302 14.3 Bialystok97 12 12.4. ,_ -i4.4 .-. 40.2 Iydgoszcz , 90 3 3.3 12.5 40.1 'Gdansk 130 10 7.7 22.1 20.6 Katowice 167 12 7.2 7.1. 10.1 Kielce ' 121 6 5.0 10.7 15.4 Koszalin 58 8 13.8 46.0 36.6 Krakow 98 14 14.3 15.0 35.6 Lublin. 132 29 22.0 ' 13.2 13.7 __ Lodz ?104 7 6.7 17.3 20.4 -44.8' Lodz city 72 10 13,9 32.7 Olsztyn 54 1.0 15.5 14.5 52.4 -Opole Poznan Rzeszow 46 149 148 1 62 29 2.2 41.6 19.6 14.9 35.0 23.9 - 55.5 50.5 37.0 - Szczecin. 134 '- 20- 14.-.9 -. 19.8 25.2 Warsaw Warsaw city , 123 98 15 11 12.2 11.2 12.1 28.7 9.0 33.9 ' Wroclaw 178 37 20.8 12.0 15.0 Zielona Gore 108 6 5.6 19.2 - 37.3-- * without permissions to rejoin the Party and petitions to annul a Party penalty Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM LJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ? S2CF2L]i Table 9 'Judgments of ZOs of the VarcPs in original cases in 1963 50X1 -HUM Voievodeihip Total No. of original resolutions Judgments Case quashed Expelled from Party Other Party. penalties Other de- cisions TOTAL 302 48 72 181 1 Bialystok 12 3 6 3 - Bydgoszcz 3 - 3 - Gdansk 10 - 1 9 - Katowice 12 - , 4 8 - Kielce 6 ? - 4 2 - Koszalin 8 - 3 5 - Krakow 14 2 3 9 Lublin 29 4 8 17 - Lodz 7 2 3 2 - Lodz city 10 - 5 5 - Olsztyn 10 4 6 - Opole 1 - 1 - . Poznan 62 17 7 38 - Rzeszow 29 9 3 17 - Szczecin 20 7 13 - Warsaw 15 1 4 10 . Warsaw city 11 3 2 6 - Wroclaw 1, 37 12 24 1 .' Zielona Gora 6 3 - 3 . Compara. data: 481 92126 258 1962, total --- ... ' .......... 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Table 10 Comparative data from the years 1960 - 1963, showing the proportion of Candidates among the total number of Tjembers and Candidates ex-celled and struck off during those years 50X1-HUM 50)(1-HUM /oievodship Total No. of Members and Candidates expelled and struck off in 1963 Of these, the IT?. of candidates expelled and struck off TOTAL , 40,768 Bialystok Bydgoszcz Gdansk ;41Katowice ;Y,!Kielce CDKoszalin L---1 Krakow FALublin r!Lodz 4Lodz city Olsztyn Opole Poznan Rzeszow Szczecin Warsaw Warsaw city Wroclaw Zielona Gora 1,684 2,789 1,753 5,217 2,602 993 2,468 1,768 1,993 1,377 1,238 1,673 3,272 2,007 1,336 3,163 1,278 2,844 1,313 In absolute numbers in 1963 .% Index 1963 5 Index 1962 % Index 1961 % Index _1960 16,467 40.4 43-3 39.6 21.3 722 42.9 53.0 52.0 31.5 881 31.6 37.0 34.0 22.3 837 47.7 47.6 43.5 -21.4 2,122 40.7 41.1 34.8 23.3 848 32.6 37.2 36.1 19.5 418 42.1 47.1 46.0 36.5 1,237 50.1 51.3 45.7 21.7 816 46.2 46.8 42.6 26.1 812 40.7 37.2 32.5 18.4 485 35.2 39.5 37.6 19.5 461 37.2 40.5 34.4 18.8 656 39.2 48.8 53.1 26.0 925 28.3 43.1 36.2 15.1 967 48.2 52.1 46.7 27.3 615 46.0 49.5 46.6 24.6 1,475 46.6 46.4 37.5 21.0 418 32.7 31.8 18.9 7.3 1,176 41.4 43.8 40.4 22..7 _ 596 45.4 56.8 48.0 22.8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 I. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 SECEnT - 62 - Table 11 Numbers expelled from the Party by POPs, Party authorities and KKPs in 1963, classified according to reasons 50X1 -HUM Reasons for expulsion I 0 1 Number expelled In absolute figures in 1963 % Index 1963 % Index 1962 1TOTAL 6,723 100 100 IPinancial abuses, *heft, bribery Exploitation of official position for material gain Toleration of abuses Causing material losses through culpable neglect of official duties Abuses of authority, infringement:' of People's laws Stifling of criticism, cliquishness, favouritism Slander, personal intrigues, wrecking, etc. Infringement of Party discipline ' Immoral conduct, drunkenness etc. Clericalist behaviour, active participation in Church organizations Duplicity, deceiving the Party Nationalist activities and speeches Other anti-Party\ speeches and activities ? Other reasons 3,094 224 48 -18a- 99 27 153 319 1 1,584 114 214 7 49 609 46.0 3.3 0.7 46.9 3'8 0.8 3.2 1.2 0.2 . , 1.9 , 5.1 25.5 2.0 2.9 '0.1 0.7 5.7 2.7 1.5 0.4 2.3 4.7 23.6 '1.7 3.2 0.1 0.7 9.1 SECENIT 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 ['table 12 in various Party 'judgments adopted by Y.unicinal, Powiat and District Is in 1963 Voievodship i Total number of XX.-Ps at municipal, powiat and district levels Total number of resolutions in various Party Of these, resolutions adopted in: Pessed to POPs andOf Part aut y horities these, direct helpgiven tc 70.7s in original ces judgments original cases appeal . cases original cases appeal cases TOTS.L 151 1,83, E.42 997 2,273 376 , 1,367 Bialystok CV r- tf N fel ON 010 sr ???? st 1 U'N 0 ?-? 9-- CV I . 46 21 25 41 16 16 Bydgoszcz 39 - 27 12 91 20 45 Gdansk 205 45 160 131 ? 36 113 Katowice 181 60 121 242 104 146 Kielce 55 22 33 62 .2 14 Ln Koszalin Krakow ' Lublin 23 . 128 125 18 23 - 75 5. 105 50 54 120 124 - 12 10 1 35 77 76 L77:2 Lodz voievodship 45 22 23 21 2 12 Lodz city 21 13 8 34 1 7 v. Olsztyn 43 39 4 135 12 85 Cpole 74 32 42 142 1 100_ Fa Poznan 162 93 69 124 22 80 . frz4 Rzeszow- - 196 -131 65 223 8 166 Szczecin 23 7 16 49 12 26 Warsaw voievodship 40 21 19 84 - 84 Warsaw city . 200 39 161 238 60 109 Wroclaw 203 134 69 246 41 78 Zielona Gora 30 20 10 112 16 . 96 ? Compare data, total 1-3-2: 137 1,908 1,253- 655 . 1,91C 392 1,099 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM V7-2 Km1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 L.-table 13-3 . Structure Of the judgments -Of Itmicipal, District and Powiat KKPs in 1963 the nature of the appeals Voievodship --__? Total No. of resolutions in a -ploe._- 1 cases against various Party judgnents Resolutions concerning restoration of Party . . i----" i-- n appeals "5 - Egainst_expulsion ResolutionsResolutions concerning ,____5, restoration of Party ri.7hts -inilppeais against striking off concerning a-PPe:a1:.3 agaanst- - - Party penalties ' Resolutions concerning ? petitions to annul Party penalties ? Resolutions concerning petitions for permission to-rejoin-Ia-ty-- ---- TCTAL 557 13-0 122 115 4e5 142 Bialystok 25 ' - I cm *4- ON It? d? I I 0,1 1/40 eel (nu, ko v- CJ I j 2 19 4 Bydgoszcz 12 2 2 5 1 Gdansk - -160' - - - - --- 23 ----- -- ? - ---- --' - 5 - - - - --118 _ - ___ ____ - Katowice 121 25 17 21 Kielce 33 1 11 18 1 4 Koszalin 5 - 5 - i Krakow 105 16 L 11 35 16 Lublin 50 1 2 43 - Lodz 23 4 5 10 3 ? Lodz city 8 3 _ ._ z . 3 ? Olsztyn 4 1 2 _ 1 - - Opole 42 5 2 9 4 Poznan . 69 13 . 4 7 39 , Rzeszow 65 6 6 31 15 Szczecin 16 4 1 c 2 Warsaw .19 1 4 11 - ? Warsaw city 161 6 32 ? 116 1 Wroclaw 69 - -- 18 - . 10 19 6 Zielona Gora 10 1 - 6 2 Comparative data, total 1962 655 108 , 75 ? 58 261 153 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM -- 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 e S7CE:277 - 65 - CTable 14 .7 Judgmentd of Municipal, District and. Powiat KIOPs in original cases in 1963 50X1-HUN , Vpievodship Total No. of original. resolutions: Cases quashed Expelled from Party Other Party pena1ties Other decisions .. _ TOTAL 842 205 153 483 , , Bialystok Bydgoszcz 21 27 ' , , - Q 2 1 4 11 21 - Gdansk 45 10 10 25 , ... Katowice 60 14 14 32, Kik lc e 22 9 1 12 Kf;szalin 18 3 6 9 1.a.kow 23 8 5 9 /Lublin 75 11 1 23 41 /Lodz 22 1 5 16 , aa? / : ,Lodz city 13 0 - 2 ' 11 iOlsztyn 39 31 2 6i - Opole 32 - 9 23 , Poznan 93 43 15 35 - . Rzeszow 131 43 17 71 ,- Szczecin ' 7 2 3 2 . Warsaw 21 , 2 4 15 ' - Warsaw city 39 4 8 27 Wroclaw 134 . 113 16 , 105 ' - - Zielona Gora 20 - 8 12 - , Comparative data, total 1,253 340 285 , 616 12 1962 ' sEcr,ET 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80-00247A000200400001-3 CTable 15 Judgments of Municipal, District and Powiat RK?sin appeals for the restoration of Party rights and against expulsion from the Party Voievodshiu ? Total number of Yunicipal, District and Powiat KKPs Number of K.K2s in which appeals were heard against expulsion from Party Number of appeals against expulsion from Party in cases on restoration of Party rights Number of persons to whom mer?ership rights were restored Total With a penalty Without penalty _ TOTAL 151 44 130 58 4,4 14 Bialystok. Bydgoszcz Grigns Katowice Kielce Koszalin Krakow Lublin Lodz Lodz city Olsztyn Opole Poznan Rzeszow Szczecin Warsaw. Warsaw city Wroclaw Zielona Cora 2 11 5 15 7 3 9 10 -, 8 4 V 1 ' 9 14 11- 3 8 5 20 4 - 2 2 10 1 - 2 1 2 2 1 4 5 - 2- _-_ _ 2 1 2 4 1 - 2 23 25 1 - 16 _ . 1 4 3 I 5 -- _13 - 6 4 1 6 18 - 1 - 1 11 9 - 2 - _ 3 2 - 3 -8- 4 2 - 4 9 - - 1 7 7 - - 1 - - r? 3 - 2 - 21 ---- - - - - 6 _ 3 1 - V 4 - 7 - - - 1 -.;.- - _ - . 2 1 1 - 2 ?- . Ccmpar. data, total 1962 , 137 41 . 108 52 _ 27 25 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/10: CIA-RDP80=60247A0002004006-61--3- -,-50X1-HUW 50X1-HUM 1 50X1-HUM