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Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 RC A'fl !?x' ' tC?,1AI, HISTORY OF C Nn AL:. INULLI.11 AG;: ANC, 1950-1953 ear :GIs t,AJ( i. 01tGANTZA 'IQUAL RFVTSZCI S 1950-1953 Page organizational Change vs. Organizational Stability 1 I The C overrunent' a Organization for Intelligence in 1950 L CIA's Responsibilities in the Intelligence Organization, 7 as o: 195fl Status of Inter-Agency Coordination and Leadership, 1950 U 17 CIA's Internal Organization as of October 1950 24 osals and Ideas for Reorganization, October 1950 Pro p Influence or Dulles Survey Group after October 1950 2 8 38 Plan for a "National Intelligence Group," October 1950 Exparwi.on of the Director's Is ,diato Office, 1950-1952 Povival of th. Inteligenca Advisory Corundttee, 1950-1953 60 66 Other Moc niamu for Inter-Agency C;ooporatio>, 1950-1953 78 Coordination Overseas, 1950-1953 tion d " uc Pro Reorganization of "National Intelligence 85 System, 1950-1951 4, 44 S tc r- For Release 2001/08/08: ?,~ffiff- Approved 7g01762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 charter TT `-5,T'1Z?. nT"lA'"fT?"'r'.T A 77T,'T 1-71, 190-1 53 -+r~*~ni ~tirna i rnwt'i If CIA under the Dir^r..t' rship f tenera1 `;;alter 'Well ziraith, tires runrnarized by i'r- ident ','f'ruman as the dovealorment of "en effici(Mt and permarert cr- ^f t'ie Gocerrment's national security structure."l "No I'reelder>t," ,-'r, vnimAr -brserved in c'r erding General 'rni,th f,)r his part. In *r nt, "aver had rrcb a we& th ^,f ii tnl ior.,imatton macje ava1lnhle t- Mn in such a useful manner as I have received 2 ? rou, h CIA." )r ^,anisatt nal. "An a vs. '1r7Ani%atitir:n1 rtehil. Petrel Internal re,3rgenisatione f!c;ured pr-,* 1r-nt>ly in 7IA'r ndqu artors in ~'T eh3n to ..,,es within th : =Tntted States, and va4om* # r.i.e: ;.i.vr:s n t, tion:9 1"v road, the 1attezr most . Li #4e of ; gate car i)cferlge D k,., rtront inatallatj~ne in ar'4i:1ion to these seven prtnc'ip ]. e. arnii nt';=3 foreign inteliik.f nee act n- ,;?,a'a , fig .... J 1!4 L'Iere were ;rnc ?e nc a.c illd,ividUally depended for pa~rtt the Fed ral 1ure t a `. ?ib t$ s"i' tided. one 1^ {.l tract Lind certain to t tnt . . e ,*o ' r;-)on 3 i; J. it .es, for example in Latin='Ae ,ca-?d' ' arid nz 1, Lut as of 1950? its ~e ~ i 6-$ d fl ~f. : c s ti" t i%ir'ector of the ~' fal had b je a member O` ""'t ne ; Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T017{62A000400030001-1 d?-re of the :r w rc part of the rv nt ~t re ^u.~11 tiro: `,car -darnl r u rrl.rrtie rl cntiaeton start" (similar to what the 1.&rlles "sport proposed)';snd thh other for the surveillance of hostility indlcetions, the "c'ur rent Hitter of gruetin !e by ; Uee to all :1 personnel Feb. 26, 1953 (l eestricteed), on the Occasion of Aasu-:ins; tt*ty en f?',~ii in "unnumbered re,ulatior;" tile, among records of Management to 'f, In ' 1 ` ec:ords Center. II 30 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T01762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 g c intelligence staff" (n feature not to be found in the i-k1lee Report). P detailed charter for each of these two staffs was included in the State-Defense study, and it reads, from the vantage Point of "historical hindei8ht,t' much like the charters of ()II and 0a as they were actually crystallised early in 1951. No mention was made in the plan, however, of the third principal type of national intelligence production--the National Intelligence SurveysT-prosuxably be eueo the fJI J program wan not a controversial issue,, The f4a ;ruder- ' r netrong plan also provided for the then-dormant Intelligence tdviaory : omrittee to be activated as the inter-agency coordinating committee for estimates. The IAC was to be responsible, the plan said, for reconciling conflicts in intelligence opinion, among the contributing departments, in the drafts of estimates and in other national intelligence products at eembled and disseminated by CIA. it had boon this one orgenieetionsl detail of inter-egcnoy co.acittee prooeduree, in the "national intelligence group" plan of +ny-July 1950, on which the Hillenkoetter administration had seised, late in July 1950, to reject the plan In its entirety. Whatever the merits of the detailed charters of the proposed estimates and indications staffs, or the merits of grouping these two closely related staffs under a single chief of a "national intelligence group" in CIA, they were not mentioned or dieonaeed at ell in the Director's reply to the &tate and Defense Departments, dated July 26, 1950. Instead, CIA's comments, and its objection to the whole plan, were directed entirely at the issue of preserving the II 39 Approved For Release 2001= 1J-'RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Director's individual prerogatives and his independence of judgment and decision in producing finished national intelligence. With these coo nente, ~.IA was challenging the implied threat to CIA that the Intelligence Advisory Coeeemitteee, together with the departmental intelligence chiefs assembled In that Committee, would replace the i i r. ebership and n fo fof r , thecenti~otet3 period October 1950-, ebrufry 1953 are as fruit I'C ;emotes, cited above. `itotbw ;. :,ark ,rmatrong, Jr., for entire period; Fisher ilowa, tours deputy, ok,ieearod in his pleas from time to time. rte; ~'=aJ. Gen. A.1i. Bolling, 3-2, October 1950-lay 1952; .rig. Cen. John Wcckerlin.w;s acting G-2. May-July 19521 Col. C.R. "ovardale, acting 0-2, July-August 1952; Mai. Oren. ti.C r . 'artridge, 4-2, from ; u . Us 1952, on. ,ear /dm. t;olix L. Johnson,, is/~z;svel Intelligence, October 1950-June 1952; tear !.dn. iiohsrd F. Stout, actin:; DNI, June-December 1952; pear Dale. Carl F. Espe, D1, from December 1952, on. Air Forces Ms3. Gen. er1ee , . ~;abell, D/Intelligence, 1950-about Nuva tv1 ,nr )9511 Me' 11? Gen. John A, ;Aanford, from ttembar 1951, on. Joint Staffs L'rig. (ion. Vernon 1. Net;vo, Ooputy U rector for Mellieenae, October 1950-July- 1951 (with ?:;o1. H.H. Bassett frequently acting for him); Brig. en. R.O. partridge, July 1951-July 1952; Brig. `d=en. 4ward H. Porter, from August 1952, on. 1+t?It Victor P. Keay, 9effert W. .Kuhrts, and others, Pattng for the ,,Jtrootor of the FBI. Atomic i:ner Cammieeioni Dr. Walter F. Colby, D/Intelligence arentire - period, Chairsanw Lt. teen, w. Bedell:'nith, 1;14'with Jackson, Dulled, y/inner, or Hecker usually serving in his absence. 2Comments by lillism, L. 'S.mngsr, A!VNK, not "publicly? at one of the .14 meetinga, but at a 14staff conferenue on ion, 2, 1951 (Hc2. -3#- ,;eoret, in 0/LOCI/Hi). See Chapter U, telow. 11 62 t%r Approved For Release 2001/08 CAIP79TO1762AOOO4OOO3OOO1-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP79T0 Daher eubstentiv+a Pointe in many eeti~tas~ >4acaagini; aantraverefel a , on a Ad* yarlety of ent" a .eeo b008146 "a body of ,rdvic* and cons a ~re:l4t e~rite'! robleeaa) *no it reachod or retitled o'thae' itites on allrU of thcte, for exesaeple, d` of the ma or agenda eubjGcta in th+e =AC dealt, "o .40 j a e3t~ D1"trmsit l die With collection and production priorities once Fo eemination deeisious and policies toward OP-01 Jurisdiction over ccptnred the gu,aeetlon of inLellise: ~tt- of duI antei and priooneore of wail one the aseidnes were ~e ne1~ ,atr.2 The JAG 04100 coordination reeponsibilittoe ?t overseas pG Cahell' who was Ishies phrase was used by F*_f1en. ChaSidth0s rles P. cn' who 3,ateer, the Air in pr F1rezee aetc et+ec edged Allen rd.nW111 s as putY Director with in April 19531 (5esa Historical Ste, of entral Intelligence- . in p/ACI/t;g files.) According n Cabello :ept. t170 . bell Larvier~ Ca-hell heed wanted 09 ec to be tug Irv the National o nal curl y lees to the DCI than to Ling arrordin to ite3 ev ,arthermoree to control eetism pratItAU'rosto trerri.onsly oitodp end the rsn '~ 25as IA(; w,inutes, 195E-1953? p wdocusbnte" (mi bered in b eeub+itttted es and other proposed action for" 3.y i meetings' the a the tylet "IjyCw "11 950-19531 v ich were for" subsequent 7 and dieecuseseeei Secret and Top reoret')r to the 1AC members ors (varivus'6y period oCtober 1954" s tire theea iC?0 riot for thr en 1Aoh numbaretd more then 1.50 1953>, is in o/OCI/``1i another eat is in the I ie3ate, Februesry a blow, for. list of TAC p ? , ,Secretariat* see appendix Mp 1Q*c~-!53. iY 63 Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-R gTO 62A000400030001-1 Approved For R lease 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T01762A000400030001-1 organised a number of ad-14itional subcommittees, in 3,951, to which it delegated some of its responsibilities in a few fields, notably national indications and hostility warnings, economic intelligence planning and review, and covert collection Priorities.) hatever a final historical evaluation of the IAC might be, it appears that, as an orgaraisatir n, the IAC did become, in 13mi thh a at a mechanten through which seven otherwise autonomous agencies roached frequent agreement. Not once, furthermore, judginer from the carefully worded minutes for 1950-1953, was the debate formally re-opened, as to whether the TAC was a "governing board" over the PGI or "purely advisory" to him. General Smith invited the IAC to give him the benefit of their'%"collective Judgment" on estimates and on oUir,r matters of mutual concern, whether or not thlo consti. tilted "anlle(it,iv,e responsibility" as re-aomnencteri by the Dulles Survey Group in 19149$2 the fact remained that most matters of inter- agoncy concern were settled by IAC agreement during 1950-1953 under I Ibid. These new eubcomoitteas of the IAC were, respectively, the'7atch Committee (W.C), established December 1950, the f;cononia Intelligence Committee (SIC), May 1951, the Inter- agency Priorities Committee (IPC), for secret collection, JulY 1951] and the Scientific Estimates Committee ( C), August 1952. 2 Smith+e phrase, "colleotive u h by James 4;. febiqr, in so interview with ~thesHithus storicalc Staff later For the Pulles Survey Group's concept of IAC's "collective responsibility", see its report, Jan. 1949, p. 81, and Admiral flil k enkoetter's rebuttal, Feb. 19149, in the Mile "Conmentsn on the, Dulles Report, Feb. 28, 19149, pp. 21-22 (TB #23160), in 0/mI/RR. It 614 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP71762A000400030001-1 the leadership of General Smith. Near the end of his first yearn, in July 1951, Smith labelled the revival and "active utilization" of the IAC as the very firstitem in his record of accomplishment.1 Smith did not, however, regard the IAC as the answer to all inter-agency problems. game problems remained purposely in the hands of other boards and committees, mentioned later. Smith took other problems directly to the speoifio departments involved, or to the National Security Council. Nor were those matters that did get an airing in the IAC all highly "supercharged", controversial issues. Indeed, some of the agenda items, men they were preceded by good "working level" staff discussions and detailed staff studies, appeared to make the IAC merely a "rubber stamp," judging from the cursory ratification of some of the planning documents as they are recorded in the minutes. There were even occasional complaints among the agencies in Smith's time that the IAC was not effective enough. In September 1951, for example, the IAC was criticised, not now by CIA (as was common be fore October 1950) but by the Defense Department, where (so Smith had been told) there was a "feeling at the working level that the IAC was not as effective as he had supposed.n2 Smith promptly 1 Drafts of progress report by MI to NSC, July 26 and Aug. 2, 1951 (Top Secret), describing progress made on the Government's organi- sation and programs for foreign intelligence, in reply to 1150 60/4, "U.S. Objectives and Programs for the National Security"; comprising document No. IAC-D-29, in O/DOI/ER. 2 IAC minutes, Sept. 10, 1951 (Secret), in 0/DCI/ER. II 65 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Approved Four. F elease 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP79TO17fj2A 000400030001-1 offered to a,..point a board to investigate the situation end make recommendations for iriprove-ante" The Defense chiefs discounted the criticisms by their subordinates as be1n;fs- "overly iapreseed by the minor difficulties encountered in inter-agency collaboration". The iAG members "reiterated their hi#;h retard for the VC . . . as an outstanding development which had enat led ai;;nificant forward etridea to bu meder'a.nd proceeded to endorse, unanimously, the following statement, which is itself a sort of contemporary historical estimate on the lAC, at the end of General "uaith'e first year in officeil The MCI . . . has been increasingly helpful in facili- tating consultation and the exchange of opinion nmong intelligence chiefs. (t] . . . provides a device whereby the chief of intelligence of each agency of government can comment on, concur, or object to recommendations, proposals, or conclusions regarding problems of mutual concern. Other leohanieme for Inter-Poncy Cooperation Besides the TAC and its subcommittees, several other inter-agency coordinating boards2 figured importantly in some aspects of CIA's overt and covert intelligence activities between 1950 and 1953. 2 A directory of the various other Government committees, outside the "IiC11 committee structure, in which CIA participated in greater or lesser de ree in General Smith's time, was prepared by GIG between perch and 'ibvomber 1951, on the basis of a questionnaire survey of various offices and agencies.. A copy of this directory, in the form of a memo by 010 addressed to all ,? D e s, Nov. 13, 1?51, subject "Survey of Interdepartmental Committees" (:secret), is in a/ CI/ R, filed under "0IC". 11 65 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP79T062A000400030001-1 U No of them (the J. S. ;o runications inta11i9oncea hoard and the a;;chelo~ l0~1 43tratugy hoard) are mentioned here to illustrate the ;'oath of a r.osltion of intellUence leadership in the Govern- , rtentee national eo urity structure in rener81 ;withee time. The U. S. Communications intelligence Foord (P Clg), an activity or ant- aation$ co~,4 artnented from all other overt and covert intelligence ootlvitiea, had since IY48 operated directly under the ?etional 3eacatxrity Coanoil,l an a coordinating board for "alb" aspects of taleca.w unications and related intelligence ("except forai.4n press and proj4 !Anr'a" nerteriala),22 including collaotion, prercra?inn, pro ucticn, diaeo.nina Lion, and eecar! t; tatters. CIA was ro?reeented on the Board from its be4innin e, and the c uairmanship rotated from a =enc, to afranoy, with the State i)epertmentea intellieenre chief, for axaegpla, i, r e1 ling in 15050.3 In 19149 the luliso :.urvoy 4 rorup had reaott sanded that the :;I be redo permanent chairman of the USC1B,14 but the r fanse and State Depertmenta, if not other a;;enciea an well, had ob jected.5 By the fall of 1952, after a Tong hietory of intro-CTA 1; .; I1 No. 9 (Top 3ecrot), Julg 1, 19)48, in 0/D:I/Hrf filee. 3.,4. ,nrk Prmstron;;, Jr. acre IAC-U-11 (Secrat), Doe. 2Y, 1950, in ti~/flCI/ . 4 ee #.Ullee Survey Group t oport, Jan. 1, 1949, pp. 51-52, 60. orients of the :)efenes and State Dpert!eente, aaaerabled by Us en. Jose. i T. lie? arney and formin pert of N3r;-50, July 1949 (Top :heorert)j copy in O/DCI/1iS files. II 67 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T01762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 t?_ (mil and inter-a enc,, debate and consultation., including an investigation by n s, cia1 ccr tttee of the ;.'resident, the Defense Department and the o Char a -rncies deferred to CIA, end the DOT was rein tho permanent chairrrurn of the ., ornrmantoatione a ntF-)11t(;ence Poard.1 As to the Psyohologicnl ,Streto r Foard (SB)2 2 it was eet'+hlished about Pu? ust 1950,3 under the State Department, an n dovice for providing amon other things, "policy :,vidancell to CIA in its psychological werfare operations. After soverrl reor ,ani- zotlona the Board was re-established in 1952, directly under the t)Atlonai 3eaurtty ':cnjnai1.4 ' IA was at first represented by a lln April 1952 the DCI reported to the t?SC that resporlsibilitiee in the co;enunieations intelligence field were still "divided", and that resident Truman had directed that a survey be made by the $tato and Defense Departments, assisted by CIA. A Survey was then "in pro);ress under the supervision of an independent 25X1A committee Vended by 7, appointed for the purpose." ril 23, 1952, on organizational (See PZ pro.-,,roes repor to Z changes made under ta^3C-50, lop Secret, T5 #634591 in Q/DCI/Fhi and Historical Staff interview with Loftus E. Decker, ,P.prii 18, 1955, in 0/t CI/H3 files.) By October 1952 general Smith had "'beaten them," i.e., the departmental 9.ntelligonce chiefs, And had been made the permaneaat oheirmen or the WtCIP, ercoordint to 8idnei W. . `ouear s. (,'so itirttorioal Staff interview with .Duero, Nov. 2, 1952, in 0/DCI/ii5 files.) ;! history of "U's participation in the 14$ is outside the scope 2 of this purely "organizational" chapter. Sxtensive historical records for such a fuller study on P SP are on file in O/DCOI/FR. 3The :Sfl was announced puhlioly by the State Department,, about Aug. 16, 1950. word vi. Earrott was nanod chairman, and thernembers were to ..include "representatives" of the Joint chiefs of Staff and CIA. In addition thorn were to be "liaison" m^n at SB from the Rational Security aesources Board (MB) and the T:,conomic Cooperation t:dmin- istra Lion (t'''~ ), as well as from Cl t . The ioard it was said in Aufuunt l9r0, won an outgrowth of "an interdepartmental advisory committee" which had "for some months" boon planning this activity. (;!ae flaltimoro faun, 18, 1950, in press-olipping file on :'IAA in CIA Library.T 'established under N SG 10-5. See also iii?torical Staff interview =..rith Sidney -v. souers, Dec. 9, 1952, in 0/1XI/HS files. 12 68 Approved For Release 2001/08'~~. P79T01762A000400030001-1 Approved.. For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP79Tp `62A000400030001-1 rspolioy consultant", who use node a full "member" in October 1950.1 After a controversy-laden existence and a further reorpnisation of they Board, sometime in 1952, the DCI becrme for a time its cheirman.2 This position he held a;:parently until September 1953, when the "sychologieal Strategy Board was replaced by a new Operations Coordinating Board (OCB),3 under the National Security Council. 25X1A from William 4i. Jackson, DL)CI, in a letter a We , nt es: .: y of state, oat. 12, 155() (Top ;ocrats In 0/DCI/~ t5), aCreod to Wobble proposal to have ,'"IA desi ?nnto a "representative" on the P?`SB, and also a "liaison" man from CI A, the latter for intelligence support mnttors. For the latter position, 25X1A was appointed by Jackson in October 15O? (i'~re- s v iou l 25X1A eentative on ats's "Interdepartmental Foreign Information Staff'." ) In May 1951 was selected as CI 's liaison 25X1A man for a two-men s tour th the PSB, at a time when it was known as the r'sychological Operations Coordinating Board (PCB). (See letter from DOI to Under Secretary of Mate tiobb, May 25, 1951, in reply to 'ebb's letter of May 2, 1951, secret, both in O/x7CI/=mot., 25X1A filed under "State partmont." ) way 1952 wan at the rtn, handling intelligence support rn re ern for CIA, with the title "tipccinl Assistant for IntelliCence" in the !',1B (April 1952), and "Assistant Director, Office of "valuation and =oview" in i'SB (November 19'52). See biographic statements on I in QT i course outlines for CIA Agency Orientation Conferences, Afar l-Nov. 1952 (confidential), in 06CI/t3s files. 2:iistorical Staff interview with Lawrence Houston, July 23 and tug. 19 s 2953, in O/P I/113 files. 3Announced, effective Sept. 3, 1953, in CIA Notice (secret), Feb. 14, 19514. The new OCB was headed by the Under oecr? ry of State, and the DCI was one of its members, along with the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Director of the Foreign Operations tdmi.n- ietration (YOA), and a representative of the ?reeieent. The Pt,L0 25X1A like the other members, had assistants for U.CI's activities. In 'IA assistant for operational liaisanj 25X1A and ass s ant for "intelligence support" and for end ' tics v b (:g = e ee a o liaison oii behalf o the li P/I officers. iiiatorical Staff interview with Lawrence ii. Houston, July 23, 1953, in O/1 C1/fir files.) II 69 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Approved or:.Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T01~7-62A000400030001-1 Another approach by Cl! to the problem of improvinc and extending the inter-agency oechanisms for intelligence cooperation and coordination wee to atteVpt to adapt various inter-tervlce orgeniraetiona within the Defense Department to the node of the sovorm-ontas entire group of intelligence ag encics, militnry and civilian alike. One example Was the Joint Intelligence Indications Committee (Jrte), which was operating, in 29508 an on activity under the Joint Chiefs of Staff and which was renamed the Watch ~;oamittee an& converted to the status of a aubcosm ittt a of the rt C, in rmcember 1950# In this oaah# CtAea interests wore handlod by the Office of Current 1ntelligeenoeel Another example won the F4fenes r epertment an new intramural organization for the inter-service intelligence oxploitaati?n of prisoners of war, captured weapons, and captured records. to this now military organ! action, which was planned in 1950 after the cutbreak of the Korean war, CIA eventually achieved a mom ure of official ropresentetl,on, in the interest of fuller axAnivitatl.on of captured nouroes by itself nn i by the other non- +llitary i:ntGIli ~iinazey a:~onoian. Captured sources had traditionally been controlled by the military services, but in 1950 there was an ifoscapable civilian interest an well, And after CIA heart! of the new reilttery plans, it:ee Chapter VII,, below. ii 70 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Approvafor Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79rQ'~762A000400030001-1 initially uemewh"t by ecoident,1 it undertook to i kunoh r curvsy end conduct a eerir's of discussions and negotiations with the Defense authorities,2 concluded in 1951, in which it re-asserted. its inter- agency coordination responsibilities, particularly on its own behalf and that of the State Department and the Atomic Energy Comiission. Over the initial objections of the Joint Chiefs of St&ff,3 GI/! was ,Avon the prero.;, in March 1951, of makin,y a key appointment tea each of the three fofense agenoiee that wore being ort aaniEcdi (1) a ".Special tdvieor" in the Joint iipterinle Intelligence 1grmay (J?il.i ); (2) the "Deputy Director" of the Prmed Services .ersonnel Interro,I;ation Center (A 'IC); and (3) the "Deputy Director" of the lHistory of Contact Division, office of Operations, chapter II, section F-13, P. 70 (Secret), in O/DCI/tiS files. 2ALout Jsnunry 11)51, oil! conducted a survey, ty questionnratrep or the Army , Nnvy aryl fir Foroc. fubaequcnt discussions 25X1A were led UY At)/UIC, ant) included iloorge Carey, 25X1A AD/00, and O SO, (See riistory of 00/13, pre- viously cited; and minutes of DyI'e staff conference, 6 March 1951, SC-4-11 (Secret); in O/rCI/1 .) 3grig. Gen. Vernon B. Magee, JC3 representative on the IAC, reported "considerable opposition on the port of the Joint Staff" to the idea of CIA representation in the Defense Department's new agencies for captured sources, so he reported early in March 1951. (Ibid.) Commenting on this (within the Director's staff meeting), W.r1. Jackson (DDCI) threatoned to refer the matter to the National Security i;ouncil ". . . if the I'C did not a; rce", since, he said,, much 014 rapresc'ntotion was "obviously covered by Wa"' e coordinating powers." (Ibid.) -ee Also PC minutes, March 5, 15, 1951; IAC-'i-22,23 (Secret), in O/DCI/FI. One particulEr reason why CIA's proposal was being contested by the Defense Department was probably that CIA originally had asked for representation both in headquarters and in the field. CIA apparently withdrew from its insistence on field repre- sentation, sometime before the final a, reornent. II 71 Approved For Release 200/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP79 Ar1762A000400030001-1 l Armed Services ;)ooumont intelligence Center (ASUIC).1 These three officers were subsequently appointed by i'I!! from its Office of Operations,2 and liaison with the three organizations was handled by ~0. within '1X,10 staff responsibilities for promoting inter-agency tuordi:rbtiurr eau! cooperation un?*r eflt ttritlL!fernbto chanra in General Smith's time. In October and November 1950s it appeared from the actions of the Deputy 1'tractor as If tho t:gency's external coordination work might be centralised, not in a new Coordination Division (as had 1:oen urged by the Dulles purvey Group in l9!4 ), but in the gtireetor's immediate office. On becoming Deputy #rircctor, ttr. Jackson (1) took direct personal charge of the agenda of the IV,* m{yetit t; or notul,sr 201 (2) undertook to raor otiste with the t tete Lepartment (outside the existing committee structure) the probleae of re-aligning the "diviaion of labor" between the two agencies' various fields of intelligence produotion$ and (3) late in Tovember 1950, took charge of ",olioy clearances" for liaison between CIA 1IAC-4-22 and 23, previously cited. 2'1'h* CIA "Upeoisl Advisor" on the J VA staff was CO/bovs*at :~taftj the Ioputy Director of A3fI.C apparently" came from OO/F;' .,; and the Deputy Director of 1.45 ?IC Mofrom W. The formal announcement of these L M from in June-August 1951, appeared not in %1A/,'s own " regulatory publications, but in various "Army i,eCulattons and "Special Ueaul#tione" of the Arngr (t nfidential). II 72 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T01762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T01.762A000400030001-1 and the a:tate 1:epartment,1 if not other intelligence agencies as well.2 It even Appeared, for a time, that control by the I'i.rrctor'e office over inter-a;,ency contacts might also extend to 0C 'as Liaison Division, as recommended by the Dulles Survey :croup in 1949.3. id. If. Jackson, DDCI, to Secretary of State, Nov. 2', 190 (secret), in 0/'jCl/rR, filed under "ftate Department." fibout a week later, on Dec. !j, 1950, this liaison-control funotion o," the DD..I was announced to the Assistant, '_Irectors and the " taff chiefs, in an unnumbered ('directive ivt uw7 by the now rs'tnaty 4reotor for tdrnintetrr:t.ion. (}bid.) 20nly the rollowin.; types of Staten liaison were exert :tr d 'ron MM oltsrance and control, by the directive of Dec. ia, 19501 covert operational liaison, which remained with thF- isslsta.nt Directors for 080 and 0P (with control decentralize, /', r'e- sumably :3endin; the union of 0:50 and under the nt w Deputy t?irector for uperations)i and liaison on budigotar ?, fiscal, and other administrative matters, which were a.?si,,'ned to the Dc,futy i?iroctor for ,administration and to the Convtralier. -tf4ca mention woo made (in thft aiiraoti.vo of i+eo. 4 1'50 of the liaison AJivision). The vita/("! (Jamon t1. Andrswa$ quickly noticed thi.e ucatealon (on Deo. 12), And questioned whether the D:;i really intended "to undertake this chore" of handling "the daily volume of requests, informational) documents, and miscellaneous clearances"' which normally passed between the CIA and the State Department. ($ee ".State Department" file in 0/DCI/ :fl.) Whether this type of "middle-man" liaison and coordination work was an over- sight in the directive, or whether Jackson had actually considered absorbing the Liaison Division into the Urectoras office, is not clear from the records used. II 73 Approved For Release 200 81 06,:~1A-RDP79T01762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP79T01 '62A000400030001-1 On December 18, 1950, however, the Deputy Director egreed with 0(D that the Liaison Eiviaaion should remain where it wae.l j-aekson+s initial gestures toward centralization proved to too hens ty .ical than a trend toward doccntralisation, which had meanwhile W%j:un to cot In end which continued in 1951 end 10-a"2. :tarin this time the erector and his immediate office bo,;an to encourage the ,assistant 1-Directors to re-aseumo end re-assert roepon- a3:1bility for that part of CIA+a inter-agency oblt,;ationa which affected their particular spheres of activity. Thus, etch Resistant Director's office normally provided and. controlled th6 secretariat of the' ,,Art1xu1a1r sut;ootmnitUea of the IAC which worst working in that office's major subject-matter field. Ficxt, each CIA office had the job, oither within or outside the committee system (or supplementing it), of maintaining cortinuin liaison, discussion, and ne,,;otiation with the other agencies, in the particular functional activity involved. T'ach office's key research ainaalystas, for example, normally dealt directly with the corresponding research personrael In than other n,;onoiss with whoa they were expected to oollaboratoj veal they aieo dealt directly, but perhaps lose frequently, with the particular "customer" offices for which their products were intended, and with the collection-control points in the "tato or 100+8 a+ d was es domed, Dec, 18, 1;:5C, "Approved for D;~:I by (See memo, in filed under "State par men . IY 74 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1762A000400030001-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP7 fi 1762A000400030001-1 Derange fapertnente where additional lntn32itxence might ,ht for the particular intelligence study at hand. In this be soup daily liaison and coordination job, the DDCI did not normally interfere, althrn"gh he apparently retained control over the "policy" clearance of inter-agency contacts.l In collaboration with the Security Office, OCt} continued to review and rn tnt,c,r contact clearances with VC (end ton-'If C) o