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Approved For Releee 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A00W0040001-5 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION US OFFICIALS ONLY 13 August 1952 OCI Noe 6461 Copy No. 2 9 5 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE DIGEST Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This digest of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Central Intelligence Agency. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports re- ceived. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. *Army and State Dept reviews completed* SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01200040001-5 Approved For Rp sse 2002/05/20: CIA-RDP79T01146ANW200040001-5 SECRET THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USC9 SECS 793 AND 794, THE TRANSMISSION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. GENERAL 1? 25X1 C Apostolic Delegate reportedly supervises Vatican-Iranian "Con- corda ? n rang Monsignor Papa ar- o, t e Apostolic Delegate to that country, is responsible for "supervising a concordat" which allegedly has been concluded be- tween the Vatican and the Iranian Government. He has obtained licenses to open three small schools in outlying distracts. 25X1 C 25X1A I that Iranians who originally were most opposed to such schools have responded favorably by enrolling Comment: In view of the highly nationalist orientation of the Iranian Government, it is likely that a simple working agree- ment rather than a "concordat" has been arranged with the Vatican. According to an earlier unconfirmed report 25X1 25X1 Papallardo concluded a "concordat" in May 1952 whereby a o c-operated schools were to be established in Iran under the Vatican's supervision. . SOVIET UNION 20 Nationalism in Soviet Central Asia influenced by Mao: An 25X1C local radio re ay stations in Kazakh's western o as s a been guilty of "separatist" inter- pretations of TASS broadcasts. In references to Mao Tse-tung's speeches on the Asian nations' fight for independence, local radio commentators frequently included Kazakhstan in this list of nations. Since May 1952, when six radio teams were suspended, TASS communiques have been relayed in this area without comment 25X1A and the dissemination of Mao's works has been restricted. 1 71 25X1A 1 13 Aug 52 Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01200040001-5 Approved F elease 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T011WAA001200040001-5 SECRET Comment: In view of the continuous campaign waged by Moscow again s " ourgeois nationalism" in Central Asia, it is very pos- sible, as previous rumors have indicated, that Central Asian nation- al sentiment is inspired by the independent position in the Com- munist world maintained by neighboring China. Any outspoken or active agitation for Maoism, however, is not likely to exist. EASTERN EUROPE 3. Czech security forces expand control in rural areas- Minister of Na avna ecuri y ac in an tli ague speec , revealed the addition to the National Security Corps of an auxiliary group re- cruited from among employees of state farms,co-operatives, and machine tractor stations, and the existence of district commis- sioners responsible for rural security on an area basis. Bacilek stressed the need for campaigning for the spread of co-operatives and for stopping sabotage in the countryside. (R FBIS Prague, 8 Aug 52) Comment: This is the latest action. in a multifaceted govern- ment a ort to speed collectivization and combat peasant resistance. On the same day the Czechoslovak Youth League was exhorted to or- ganize rural youth and push "new farming methods." Last month Minister of Agriculture Nepomucky urged better organization to overcome "serious deficiencies" in the harvest process. Previously the Ministry of National Security has received limited support in its border activities from the rural militia, which is made up primarily of state farm employees in the western border zones. 4. Low quality of Hungarian elevator factory output termed "sabo- ossa tags"': Yne nunga.V J_&.x, un ers" made by a plant manufacturing elevators for export "sabo- tage." The management is accused of submitting false plan reports and appropriating money for itself, as well as of the political crime of allowing itself to become separated from the workers. (R Budapest 125, 11 Aug 52) Comment: The charge of sabotage probably indicates that another section of the Hungarian engineering industry has produced poor quality goods in an attempt to meet demands for quantity pro- duction and to comply with the newly raised labor norms. Similar charges were made against the Ganz railroad car factory and the Buda shipyards in June. The accusation of falsification of sta- SECRET 2 13 Aug 52 Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A001200040001-5 Approved For Rele 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A06400040001-5 SECRET tisties may result from an attempt by management to hide its fail- ures to meet quantity targets as well. The emphasis on goods for export is in keeping with the current priority assigned to exportsZ5X1 either to the USSR or other Orbit countries. 3 13 Aug 52 Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A001200040001-5 Approved For Relae 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A0000040001-5 SECRET 6. France suggests only moderate warning to Chinese on Southeast Asia: According to a hio French official n Saigon, Fi government is suggesting an American-British-French decla- ration on Southeast Asia setting forth a "readiness to assist powers determined to resist threats to their independence." He added that,the British believe such a statement would be premature and that they prefer to wait until a decision is made on how to defend the region in case of a Chinese Communist attack. (S Saigon 349, 11 Aug 52) Comment: Both the French and British have opposed a US- favored warning to Communist China of retaliation in case of a Chinese invasion of Southeast Asia. They fear such a threat might provoke an attack rather than prevent one. 7. Organizational and personnel changes noted in Peiping regime: a seven new m n s r es esta is e by e e ping regime indicate the economic sectors to receive added stress in Peiping's central planning. They are Commerce, Foreign Trade (these two replacing the Ministry of Trade), First and Second Machine Industries, Civil Engineering, Food, and Geology. The elevation of Geology suggests more participation in the surveys of the border areas, where Soviet geologists have heretofore been dominant. Authorization of provincial governments for Anhwei and Szechwan may reflect the consolidation of Communist control. No clear reason has been discovered for previously adminis- tering the provinces in geographical units. Announced personnel changes again illustrate the trend of installing party leaders in as many key national, provincial and municipal posts as possible. Party control of the major organs of the central administration will be strengthened particularly by bringing to Peiping Hsi Chung-hsun and Teng Hsiao-ping, for years the party's strong men in the Northwest and Southwest respectively. (Factual data from- .R Peiping, 10 Aug 52) 8. Macao border clashes ascribed to controls on trade with China: The Portuguese delegate to COCOM expressed his belie f on E-August that the clashes between Portuguese and Chinese troops at the Macao frontier were the result of the searches made by Macao authorities of heavy trucks going to China. (S Paris 909, 11 Aug 52) 4 13 Aug 52 Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A001200040001-5 Approved For Rel 2002/05/20: CIA-RDP79T01146A0000040001-5 SECRET Comment: The Portuguese were expected to take full ad- vantage o e border clashes to press their contention that Macao's safety from Communist attack demands continuing stra- tegic shipments to China. There is no firm evidence that the clashes were pre- meditated by the Peiping regime in retaliation for any trade restrictions by Macao. According to Hong Kong news reports, however, the Communists are using the incidents to press demands on Macao for greater freedom in making shipments to China. 90 Viet Minh claims to be fighting Chinese Nationalists in Indochina: Ambassador Rea in Saigon notes that a recent Viet broadcast on the situation near Laokay, in north- western Tonkin, omitted reference to the presence of Chinese Communist troops there. Instead, it claimed that purely Viet Minh units were conducting a campaign against remnants of Chinese Nationalist troops who were cooperating with French- supported Meo guerrillas. The Ambassador-comments that the broadcast?s insistence on the presence of Nationalist troops may set the stage for an admission of Chinese Communist participation in the Indo- china fighting. (S Saigon 346, 11 Aug 52) Comment: The latest of several Chinese Communist incur- sions in a northwestern border area, as reported by the French, involved an estimated 5,000 to 6,000 troops who were aiding a Viet Minh regiment against the Meo tribesmen. There are reported to be approximately 1,500 former Nationalist soldiers living as bandits in the mountainous area in the vicinity of Laokay. 10. Premier sets forth Burmese nationalization policy: In a recent speech, to Burmese premier stated at a oreign- operated industries would be nationalized as soon as they were rehabilitated and the government was able to take them over. He said that land nationalization would continue cautiously, and that Burmese firms would still be limited to 60 percent of the import business. The American Embassy in Rangoon comments that these remarks may retard the rehabilitation of industries, including those in which the Burmese Government expects to gain part interest. (C Rangoon 203, 8 Aug 52) Approved For Release 2002/05/20: CIA-RDP79T01146A001200040001- Aug 52 Approved For Relb"e 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A00Ol00040001-5 SECRET Comment: The Burmese Government has negotiated "Joint ventures" with the Burma Oil Company and the Burma Corporation, two leading British firms. This speech, contrary to recent reports, indicates that the Burmese Government has'not seriously modified its Marxist-inspired nationalization policy which, next to widespread insurrection, has been the chief stumbling block to investment of foreign capital in Burma. 11. Calm view taken of Evros River island incident: The Turkish military commander In race apparently s unconcerned over the clash on the Evros River between the Greeks and Bulgarians; he expressed approval of Greek action which secured control of Gamma island by gunfire. UN observers in the area, however, believe that trouble will recur over the islands unless a firm demarcation of the boundary is agreed upon by both the Greek and'Bulgarian Governments. (C Istanbul 104, 11 Aug; S New York 129, 11 Aug 52 ) Comment: Greek authorities have treated the Evros River incid-en-f as a minor border clash. No further action will be taken by the Greek Army unless the Bulgarians make an offensive move. Consideration of the issue will be referred to a sub- committee of the UN Balkan Commission. 6 13 Aug 52 Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01200040001-5 Approved For Rele 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000040001-5 SECRET WESTERN EUROPE 124 East Germans step up fear campaign to advance government propaganda emphasis on the larger aspects of "sovietization" may be obscuring more significant developments in the total- itarianlzation of East Germany. Of particular importance in this respect, these offi- cials believe, is the reported election in Thuringia last month of local citizens to serve as intermediaries between the government and the people. East German papers state that "due to good average participation in the elections," thousands of such persons were "elected" who would serve further "to solidify the close relationship existing between the populace and the state administration." American offi- cials in Berlin assert that these elections were held only pro forma, and that the persons elected are actually reliable tools of the regime and constitute anetwork of spies and informers whose primary function will be the intimidation of the populace, program: merican officials in Berlin o serve that Commun Institutionalizing fear as an jnstrument of state policy is also involved in the number of staged trials now being held in East Germany. Although some of these trials have been intended to counter Western psychological warfare, the coupled warnings of the dangers of noncooperation are clearly designed for the East Germans, who have frankly been told that the purpose of these trials is not justice, but the liquidation of the opponents of socialism. (Factual data from: C Berlin Desp 70, 18 July 52) 13. Possibility seen for Czech air incident over West Ger- many: Czech a panes have recently been serve lying parallel to American planes patrolling the Czech-West German border. American authorities comment that the Czechs would probably "make armed interception" of any aircraft inad- vertently violating the border. Moreover, since Czech jets frequently cross over the West German border for short dis- tances, such interception could occur over West Germany. American authorities state that recent Czech air tactics are designed to.-inhibit American border surveillance flights. The-Czech Government is especially sensitive to these flights since Czech army maneuvers are now being held in summer training areas near the border. (C CINCEUR Heidelberg SX2126, 6 Aug 52) 7 13 Aug 52 Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01200040001-5 Approved For ReCe 2002/05/20: CIA-RDP79T01146A000040001-5 14, West Germans hope for US intervention in Saar dispute: According to West German Deputy Foreign Minister Hallsteln, Chancellor Adenauer believes that American intervention is now necessary in the French-German negotiations on the Saar. Although Halistein has dissuaded the Chancellor from request- ing intervention at this time, he declares that it may be required later. Hallstein states that the current negotiations are bogging down because neither side has a clear formula,for "Europeanizing" the Saar. (S Bonn 510, 11 Aug 52) Comment: American "good offices" will probably be invokes s nce West German diplomats feel that American par- ticipation in the talks would result in some moderation of French demands. Both sideshoWever, seem sincerely desirous of reaching a final settlement in the current talks. American observers state that more progress could be made if Adenauer were to return from his vacation to take part in the negotiations. El Salvador to propose joint Central American action against Communism:- Foreign Minister Canessa of-El Salvador has announced that he will present the forthcoming meeting of the Organization of Central American States (ODECA) with a resolution calling for joint action against Communist infiltration in Central America. One of the two strongest pro-government parties in Gua- temala has issued a statement condemning the proposed resolu- tion as an "anti-democratic provocation." (R Guatemala City 66, 11 Aug 52; R FBIS San Salvador, 12 Aug 52) Comment: ODECA is -scheduled to-meet in Guatemala City beginning on 5 September. Guatemala, with El Salvador, took a leading part in organizing ODECA and clearly hoped to dominate it. The other members, however, are uneasy over the considerable Communist infiltration in Guatemala. The Guatemalan Government could not unreservedly accept the resolution without first taking strong measures against the Communist-dominated or -infiltrated organizations which form its strongest civilian support. There are some indica- tions, however, that the Salvadoran resolution may have the SECRET 13 Aug 52 Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01200040001-5 Approved For* lease 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T0114 01200040001-5 SECRET support of Guatemalan army leaders. Reports on conferences between Guatemalan-and Salvadoran army chiefs suggest that the resolution may be part of a plan formulated by the two armies for eliminating Communist influence from Guatemala. 16. Conservative Caribbean regimes reportedly will intervene in Costa ffican election campaign: Salvadoran Foreign Min- ister Canessa states that the governments of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, and Venezuela have decided to spend a "pooled" $500,000 under his direction to prevent the election of Jose Figueres in Costa Rica next year. Canessa told an American Embassy official that Figueres, whom he considers "Communist-inclined" and anti-American, has over three times as much financial backing for his campaign as government candidate Mario Echandi, and that the $500,000 will be used for propaganda and arms to overcome Figueres' advantage. (S San Salvador Desp 30, 16 July 52) Comment: All of the governments reportedly allied to defeat gueres, with the exception of El Salvador, have been fearful of the activities of the so-called Caribbean Legion with which Figueres is frequently linked. El Salvador has been jockeying for leadership of the recently-formed Organ- ization of Central American States, and may feel it necessary to become involved in any movement purporting to protect the stability and unity of the area. Figueres, who is now leading the field in the Costa Rican presidential race, is at present neither "Communist- inclined" nor anti-American, but rather a highly emotional, erratic national socialist and a declared foe of many of the neighboring regimes. SECRET 9 13 Aug 52 Approved For Release 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01200040001-5