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25X1 Approved I 'Release 2005/01/26 : CIA-RDP79T01166A000800160001-7 TOP SECRET 7 March 1952 25X1 CIA No. 49570 Copy No- 46 TOP SECRET SUPPLEMENT TO THE DAILY DIGEST Not for dissemination outside O/CI and O/NE. Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DIA AND DOS review(s) completed. This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/26 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000800160001-7 25X1 Approved PUP Release TOP SECRE`ICIA-RDP79T01146A000800160001-7 THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN.THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS,-TITLE 18, USC,.SECS.793 AND 794, THE TRANSMISSION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. SECTION 2 (EASTERN) TOP SECRET 7 Mar 52 Approved For Release 2005/01/26 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000800160001-7 Approved For Release 2005/01/26 : CIA-RDP79T01146A0800160001-7 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 3. NETHERLANDS. Cabinet rejects US protest on oil-rig shipment to olarid: A Dutch Foreign 0fice 'fficial has state t at the United States will be dissatisfied with the Cabinet's note refusing to agree to the US aide-memoire which objected to the proposed shipment of oil-well equipment to Poland. The US Embassy at Hague says that, in view of the weak- ness of the American case, withdrawal of the US note and an "understanding attitude" would help obtain Dutch action on h sical controls over transit trade. Comment: The unfavorable reply to the US note had been foresmowed by the government's reluctance to delay export of the oil-well rigs for the last month at American request. The Benelux delegates to COCOM are reportedly working on a plan for the physical control of transit trade. Al- though Dutch approval of this plan is not likely to be withheld because of the issue over the shipment of the oil- well equipment, the negotiations could easily be disrupted if US pressure regarding East-West trade were considered unwarranted. 4. Dutch agree to restrict travel of Soviet and Satellite o ficials T e Netherlan s has agreed to regulate and res rict e travel of Soviet officials in that country. The decision is conditioned on similar action by the other NATO countries. Hungarian and Rumanian officials will also be included under the Dutch ban, which follows the lines of the United States proposed act -ion and which will be ef- fective as of 10 March. Comment: At the Lisbon conference, the United States requested 'msi ultaneous action by 10 March from most of the NATO countries to restrict the travel of Soviet officials within their respective countries. The Netherlands dou7-ts that this step will be an effective retaliatory measure. 5. Strain in Dutch-Indonesian relations eased: Both a Dutch and an In onesian of16ial eel that the recent suspension of talks between their two countries has left a more "cordial atmosphere" than had been evideri: when pre- vious talks were interrupted. The drafting of a treaty establishing relations between the two had got well under- way, and agreement in principle had been reached on the main points of the economic and financial accords. Deadlock TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2005/01/26: CIA-RDP79T01146A00089004$ 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/26 : CIA-RDP79T011 6A000800160001-7 over the Netherlands New Guinea issue had been avoided al- though the Dutch posi-~ion emphasizes that initiative for future official action to find a compromise must come from Indonesian quarters. Indonesia, considering the question of jurisdiction over New Cf.ruiea a political one, proposes joint Dutch-Indonesian responsibility over the area as a sten toward final solution. Comment: The Dutch-Indonesian talks have ceased pending the formation of a new Indonesian Cabinet. In the talks to date, no substantial progress had been made to meet Indonesia's original demands to replace the Union Agreements with a customary bilateral treaty. Although the new Indonesian Government undoubtedly will continue to press Indonesia's claim to New Guinea, it is unlikely that serious discussion will be resumed until after the Dutch parliamentary elections in June. 3 7 Mar 52 Approved For Release 2005/01/26 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000800160001-7 UNCLASSIFIED when Aopl~~@p # ffeYta?'20 1~192b'p ~f~Ce2 `t99' T'~ i?i~6ffg~ ~ or declassi- fied when filled in form is detached from controlled ocument. CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE o -T- CIA CONTROL NO. q C/'.5- /7 ? DOC. NO. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE COPY NO. ~--Y LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS ATTENTION: This form will be placed on top of and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the CIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret matter is limited to Top Secret Control personnel and those individuals whose official duties relate to the matter. Top Secret Control Officers who receive and/or release the attached Top Secret material will sign this form and indicate period of custody in the left-hand columns provided. Each individual who sees the Top Secret document will sign and indicate the date of handling in the right-hand columns. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME SIGNATURE OFFICE/DIV. DATE NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: When this form is detached from Top Secret material it shall be completed in the appropriate spaces below and transmitted to Central Top Secret Control for record. DOWNGRADED DESTROYED DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA) TO BY (Signature) TO BY (Signature) WITNESSED BY (Signature) BY (Signature) __ OFFICE A DATE proved For OFFICE DATE Iease 2005/01/26 CI -RDP79T011 J OFFICE 6A000800160001-7 DATE TOP SECRET FORM 26 use PREVIOUS EOITIGes. TOP SECRET (40) Approved Felease 2005/01/26 : CIA-RDP79T011000800160001-7 SECRET 7 March 1952 OCI No. 3888 Copy No. 251 DAILY DIGEST Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant reports has been prepared pr in,arily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. Approved For Release 2005/01/2UTCTA--I DF79T01146A000800160001-7 25X1 -/& 6 Approved-, c Release 2005/01/26: CIA-RDP79T01 6A000800160001-7 SECRET THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 13, USC, SECS. 793 AND 794, THE TRANSMISSION REVELATION OF MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED 1. RUMANIA., Deputy finance ministers ousted- The Rumanian ouncil of Ministers has announced t e Gi,smissal and re- placement of the three Deputy Ministers of Finance. Two were fired for "grave infringements" of the law prior to the monetar reform- the third was "dismissed as unsuit- 25X1 able " 25X1 Comment: Rumors of an impending currency reform ccr- C red in Bucharest for several days before the oo announcement on 27 January. Allowing the news -to leak out and perhaps protecting their own financial interests may have led to the "grave infringe.E::ents" charge against the officials. One of the dismissed Deputy Ministers, Aurel Vijoliu, :pat= also Pre -idelt ;>f the Rumanian State Bank.