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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07 :CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 4 March 1952. OCI Noa 3885 Copy Noo 251. DAILY DTGEST Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant rep of Currentelntell gen a ~~ lIt does for the internal use of the Uffice not represent a complete covera ence. al Comments reprtesent the or in the Office of Current Intell g i~r~mediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. ~~AI, R~p,R~ 5E-GREY ~ RE AG~~ S~ HIV ~~Sta73 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07 :CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 25X1 SEC ~,~T SECTIQN 1 ~S?VIz?aTt USSki,. Soviet element yin Austriahblaock~gintheer~o~nsitro~-a 1. ,~Q et of -:~.c1a s are xeparte y goads to the western pones eon-ferrous metalsallocationsa~s unwillingness to increase n During to the Soviet~E~t650rands7a0 ~hipments~wer.e held up, and ]~ebruary betvrde which need metal processing pla.nts~in the we~,ffected~es9 Soviet gone scra~~, a7e .~eriausly The Austrian Trade P,~inistry T+lans to negotiate with the Russians, but proposes to maintain its t~asiuaaranteet USIA allocatiu~~~~'~~llarev~rtntouthe Austrian economy. that end rod Comment? It is likely that if consumer ~-,ricer are lowere~c ~~~11 y savings passed on tee the public will be rent retail sales, Cammenta This report xs a urre5sjire an the Austrian Soviet- a~ u~~?rities are increasing p ecanomy~ . It is not cer?tain to what extenresblablyadirc'ctedlcia~.s will pursue this ~aolicy, but it is p against broader ~a,.rgets such as the Austrian campaign against recent jJSTA ac~i~htaneUSlA,da,llacatian~s~aloneade control program, rathe Na Soviet ~1larch retail price cuts announced> ~,etail 2 ? announce in t e aviet ~Jnicn yin 1 March price cuts usually ~ eculation among Russians have not yet been forthcominga p be no price cuts this reflects the feeling that t~iere may ye~.r , ar tla.at a sanall cut m~.y be annaunced later . The ~mba~sy believes that if a price cut :i_s actually sever~.l reasons may have prompted a notay+ct~be scheduledN its announcemerat~ The planned 1952 budget may fixed far the i~~eeting of the Su~7reme Soviet next we~=k? be a desire, far propaganda pur~,ases, to time There nay the anraouncementr?fl a The lateewinterhfaodrshortagenris Conference in A7 and a ~~r ice mare than usually acute this year in Moscow, cut announcement could have are a ravatin effect on cur-- ----- ------------ f Cher i nflicat ion tha SEGRT;T 4 Mar 5'2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 SECRET ~:maller than in 19489 1949, and 1951, when they averaged about l? percent ora esseaatial consumer goods. In com- parison these reduce~lwholesale priceslonrindustrialegoods, already effected f 4, k~UNGARYo Cammixnist Party striving for elecresaries~ofTthe ~nnua.l Corr~~~?~~ce of the-district arty Unnga.ri~,n iYorkers party ~Cc~mmunist~ was told by thethat Seex~et~.ry of the Central Committee, Istvan Kovacs, preference for quantity x?ather than quality in party members must give way to stricter membershonesmldlions? With the number of. Communists approaching party offici~.ls were instructed to concentrate ?themlinng the ideological level of the members, educating them the fighting spirit of R~ia,rxism-Leninism, converting into party activists and including them in party work. I~ew members should be wage raduetionvarad2showins exem lorry are working in industrial p beha?a; ~,~' ; ~ both F~?duct ion and social work , SECRET ,~ 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 SECRET Commenta High officials in the party criticized e ection last f~,11 of offxcersofuo~ intellectu~.lseandaf the erienced party organizations because not en cases old, exP technicians were elected and in many leaders were not re-electedaccountifor the~concernaof the turnover in leadership many which has developed in warty hierarchy with the 'laxity the admission standards and the ideological training of , 5.- Y ? icyo oreign s i ~ ~n art __. ~,~ n?-tv members. OSLAVIAo Yugoslav Forei n Minister admits leftward U(' var ar e t a mi e d t nati ~ u~ """'..."--- u ie t nis er of .Yugoslavia has vart~dregularsloverirecentroffciade de- l y ~ garde the misgivings of p viations from classical Communist theory. dared that further_rurCl^~~ssaofZ~'peasant collectiveand associations." He maintains ro ram is based upon the minimum industrial ~-za- investment p g lavia?s current needs. tion required for Yugos arty policy d sh ~he., Past month. Com~~m~ t o A significant leftwar has become ~-ncreasingly apparent during Increased official anti-religao~ciplinelhighlightethissis on the need for better party recent trend. SECRET 3 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/0.7: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 . T SECTION 2 (EASTERN) 25X1 1, INDONESIA. Economics Ministry official may visit Satellite countries: semi-of icla news agency reporte t a r. smaun, an official of the Indonesian Economics Ministry, will visit Satellite countries ,early in March. It is believed that he will study possibilities for establishin trade relations with East Europe:~.~~. countries . Comment: Tndonesia hashoslovakiaadandgPolandts Undergthee past year with Hungary, Czec agreements small quantities of rubber and tin are being exported to those countries. The government has not commented on the report of Dr. Asmaun's visit or the possibility of further trade relations with the Satellites; it has. officially denied reports of trade negotiations with the USSR. 2. BURMA. American prestige reportedly .suffering: The American m assy in .Rangoon repor s at a i s personnel "emphatically agree" that the prestige of the United States has "suffered perceptively" as a consequence of the widespread feeling that it could do more to relieve the Chinese Nationalist problem. The local Communist press has seized u on this issue to rovide fresh appeal to its propaganda . Comment: The Chinese Nationalists have been a source of irritation in American-Burmese relations for over a year, and the current flareup threatens the good will that has been so tediously developed since Burma became independent in 1948. The Burmese Government, nevertheless, has caustically denied the Cominform report of an American deal with Premier 'I'hakiri Nu whereby the Nationalists would be retained in north- eastern Burma as a buffer 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 ., v~r V 4. INDOCHINA. Chinese Nationalist-.official urges repatriation of n oc ina interneeso T e ~nese Natrona is onsu enera in azgon to d French Minister for Associated States Letourneau on 25 February that the morale of the interned Chinese National- ist troops in Indochina had sunk to "a new and dangerous ebb." He urged their immediate repatriation to Formosa as the only solutiono The Chinese official said that Letourneau, while not yet prepared to advocate outright repatriation, stated that it might be possible for some such organization as the International Red Cross or a specially constituted UN committee to solve the internee issue The Consul General also told Minister Heath that both Acting Commander in Chief Salan apd Inspector of Overseas Troops Commenta The late Marshal de Lattre consistently opposed repatriation of these Nationalist troops, which. originally numbE.-cd about 30,000 men. However, an official of the French Foreign Office stated~i.n January that his successor, General Salan, favored their release but had advanced no proposal to effect ito 5. CHINA/KOREA, MIG sorties over Korea decrease: Visual recon- naissance of tie air ie d at ntung on an 29 February revealed that no MIG-15's were there< The Far-East Command notes that total MIG sorties over Korea for trxe last week in d February dropped sharply to 548, comparP~ with the recor number of 1,387 the previous week. Comments The Antung airfield was a main base for enemy., combat operations in 1951 and early 1952? One explanation advanced for the absence of aircraft there is that the planes are based at fi.>:u-~s deeper in Manchuria and staged through the Antung area to Korea. The Far East Air Force noted evidence in early February of such a system. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07 :CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07 :CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 ` SECRET SECTION 3 (WESTERN) ERN[ANY. Bonn wants to shi scra to Czechoslovakia 1. G ~ ermined, ue that if the shipments are nat p The Germans arg out a threat to stop deliveries of coal the Czechs will carry and that current negotiations between reement will be jeopardized. to the Federal Republic, the two countries for a 1952 trade ag million tons of h trans- The Czechs shipped over one .Comment: 1850 for industrial use. Hig brown co~~O Bavaria during infeasible for Bavaria to portation costs make it economically West Germany's main obtain brown coal from the Rhine Valley, producer. suspension would further The-West Germa~pmhCzechoslovakiattoeGermanyryic already of coal shipments f ubl , aggravate the coallciaemands as we11F asebylthepstoppage of East affected by dourest German shipments to Berlin. conomic on erence. oscow c -,,,~ .aP~ P~ation to the M _ , , .._.. +Y?a~~Pl ers o important French industrialist Pnanaris r~pordsMosaaw 2. FRANCE. N e merlcan m assy E onomic Con- ~~ prospe~~1V~ ~------ arz c,ii~y y~,~__.. industrialists rises for the mos p key ference now comp romote trade: with the and less important buaitosa,ttend eithergtospme ommunist-dom- were initially tempte osition with C Soviet Orbit or to strengthen haver decided not to risk the pos- inated unions in France, they onsequences for their ersonal and business relations with Bible c the United States. Comment: The combination of rrenchtindustrialists.csuscep- has made F and an acute ollar shortage Communist China, tible to offers of trade with twhileSFrance has shown more in- the Satellites. Nevertheless, other country in Western terest in thF _,onference than any olitical aspects of the Europe., enthusiasm has dwindled as the p a arent. trade overtures have become increasingly pp SECRET 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 y 3 a :~:~'r-:nuh economic crisis raises fears of Gaullist or nc ca ine crisis lg - Communist success: a presen re T~:~~s~~f`ie now pressing urgency of economic problems and the possibility that inflation may get out of hands Should this occur;, the possibility of successful exploitation of the poli- tical situation by the Guallists or Communists would have to be reassessed.. The view that Foreign Minister Schuman is too pro-American is encoura(~in~; rumors that he may be dropped from the next govern- ment Comment: Neither a Gaullist nor a Communist accession to I:~avaer i.~ likely to be the immediate solution of the pre- sent ?~cliti_cal crisis., The mass of French workers would not cooperate in an obvious Communist bid for political power, and the Socialists could be expected to grant grudging support to another centrist government before permitting the Gaullists to come to-power under th~~ar own terms, ~, FRANCE-TUNISIAo French recognize need for reforms, but not orma con erences rea y o ac on e uni now ts an : ur~ng a series o in question, the Director of the Protectorates admitted to the? American i vis~on in Di i;he ce French F'~.reign Off t stated that b . Ambassador that u certain ~ceforms are necessary, 't d to the Arab men- a forceful approach i.s the only one sui e tality~ Yielding too much to the Tunisians now "would be fatal not only in Tunisia but in the rest of North African" The For- vi~;n Office recognized the need for a prompt resumption of ne- gotiations, but admitted that governmental instabilit would l dela the obligatory cabinet decisiono Comment: French troops and police have not yet stamped out rio ~ng.and sabotage in Tunisian The Resident General claims to have recommended for Paris approval a "concrete reform program" which includes the displacement of Tunisian Prime Minister Cheniko 5~ AUSTRIA.. Vice Chancellor hints at__Socialist adamancy on re- s ~, u ion issue:- oc~.a is ice once or c aer ~.n orme e merican m asst' prior to his departure for the United States that-'a "surprise development" may be forthcoming in the cux?rent 'poli.ti.cal squabble over the- He assert d thatr t e erty tc ex-Heimwehr. leader Starhembergo Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 ~r-' SECRET Socialists are determined to take de~eatssbuttwilleaccepte rather than face a parliamentary ossible solutions: a plebiscite on the any one of thr~.e p issue; dissolution of Parliament and general elections ost onement until after the next general elections. 25X1 Comment: Proposals of the coalisuenwilltbesdebatede nn5on of In epen ents on the resteachlhaving been deteated in the March as minority motions, Judicial Committee by combinations of the three parties. The Socialists, who have lost ground sincethe vote-~~~ g appeal victory last`spring, are attracted by avern- of this emotional issue; while their withdrawaa fearedhdisposed ment cannot be ruled out, they have, however, pP to compromise. vert d o t a mi m e e S n lg em ~g of ITALY. Government blocks new attemp g s , Z5'r"G'i ~' n i r s case o i the Italian Government re- ra a controls a few months ago, roduced alu- cently blocked a 600-tan shipment of Italian-p minum to Rumania. The moadedwin Genoasanla Narwegianfshiphe United States . It was 1 25X1 25X1 but im ounded in Na les the following day, Comment: The United States has been arranging for. the purchas~T5,000 tons of aluminum from Italy during 1952. To date only part of this has been obtained becricesodemanded vious Italian commitments as well as the high p by Italian producers. f substantial amounts o l , ed through Italy despite the aluminum have been transsn~pp recent temporary suspension of import licences. Some 3,200 metric tons of aluminum-are believ~do Orbitvcountrieslvpad from or trans~hippc-clthrough Italy Basel and Antwerp between June and December of last year. 7. Italian Communists strikeoTgaWOrtersmsavelreeused toe first ins ance in w is a ian p in Genoa. unload military equipment occurred on 24 February received The workers began the unloading, but quit when they instructions from their Coambnithelltalian Army undercmaximume military cargo was unloade y security regulations. SECRET 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 1. SECRET US officials have anticipated such difficulties with the Communist-controlled port workers in Genoa, and had hitherto avoided military shipments to that port. The short duration of the strike suggests that the Communists were testing the extent to which the ort workers would ollow strike orders. point at the conference. 8~ SWITZERLANDo Liquidation of German assets will be used as argaining ppin ~n on on erman e c n erence: e finis er o wi zer an on a ru~,ry presen a an aide memoire expressing concern that Switzerland might delay or prevent a final solution on the settlement of German assets in Switzerland in order to get favorable treatment at the German debt settlement conference which opened in London on 28 February. The Swiss Bo~^eign Minister hinted that the Swiss would use the liquidation of German assets as a bargaining Comment; The Swiss have continually found one pretext after ano~e~ to avoid the liquidation of German assets in Switzerland. 10 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 a ~ `~' SECRET 25X6 !11. SWEDEN. Commuaiets losing trade union strength becausQnoafe ~esp onage cases: scan rave a ons o ommun s asp B n we en eve resulted in unusual losses for Communist can- didates in current trade union elections. The Communist grip an the Metal Workers? local in Gothenburg, Sweden's second largest trade union local and hitherto the Communists? chief propaganda platform i,n the trade unions, has been broken, chiefly through the termination of their ten-year reign in the 5,000 man Go?taverken shipyard. In the strategic far north, iron ore miners at Malmber et h ve also ended a long Communist rule, Comment: Since the Czech coin in 1948 Communist stren th has been ec inin ; SECRET 4 Mar 52 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 SECRET 25X1 newsp p complete information on recEnt decisions hemisphere defense, "because of the interest which the Ar entine moron defenseo" ~ o 13e ARGENTINA. Mutual Securityo Aet e~ponecaecriesNthepmutualoaid nis eScartes, repor e plan and states that all that is needed is for each coup Vern- to defend its own territoryo The general theme of the g meet-dominated newspapers is to deprecactstand touclaimpthat of the bilateral military assistance p to a non-government the plan benefits only the USo According a er the Argentine Ambassador to thandAprojects~forted overnment attributes to c Comment: Argentina is not coaching fornbilaterallmili- American countries the US is app hemisphere tart' assistance pactso According to Descartes, defense plans should be carried out through the Inter-American Defense Board i:n accordance with the Inter-Ameri-can Treaty of SECRET 12 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 V SECRET Assistance, which assures national sovereignty Reciprocal carries proposal for Latin?reigncalnlsterlreion ,, n~'.R7T ~ Emissary ,,,,a a ~ eruv~an ~ _-;,ao.,t. CTonzalez - ag is nis nst ua ~a~ ~__ to ~~,~~~w~. _ a secre emissary Latin American cen y sen a Dint declartheolimits of their territorial Videla proposing ~ extending which was de- ations considerably ro osal, duties action to the P d new US n The Chilean re ressed the opin- waters as retaliation for the propose signed to serve letely negatives Gonzalez eXP rom ted on tuna, was comp ~~~ not originate in Peru but was Ecuador, Chile, The Latin American countries afaTetperuy but acute interest in curarent new tariff on fresh and Mexico9tuna Costa Rica, Panama, ress has sessional considex'ation~ f the tariff has beenta ou h the Argentine P here US Cong ~~~.dor , Alt g erialism, only in Peru and Ec` le of US imp responsible ,played up the issue as an ee tines are directly is nthevcurrenttPeruvianApgoposalo for by--Argentine PresiQe11 ?, y .,_ -- xtension of territoriae La~insAmerican westd Comments S fishing for tuna off th to obs ruc coast b the proposed SECRET 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07 :CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 TOP SE_ 4 March 1952 CIA Noo 49567 Copy Noo ~~ TOP SECRET SUPPLEIVlENT TO TgE DAILY DIGEST Not far. dissemination outside O/CI and ~/NE. Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY its has been prepared Primarily This summary of significant repo or the internal use of the Office of burr 1 ~urrentgreports in CIA f e of al not represent a complete coverag Comments represent the or in the ~f iewe off thre ~icet ofigCurrent Intelligence. immediate vi Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07 :CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 t. r M .r _ ~i,rv ,,.,~ TOP SECRET SECTION 2 (EASTERN) le JAPANo .Japanese-Chinese Nationalist treaty tai s hit snag: T e main o stac a in a currhina isaaeChineseedemandythat gotiations with Nationalist C according to the the treaty must apply to all of China,. Japanes+~ Vice Minister of ForoethatAJapanscouHd notiaccepte US Political Adviser in Toky a of the .treaty .this proposal even. if the terdoiumentlascsuggested by the 25X1 were modi ' tiono v u i .. ~,. ,,., .. . Comment: Prime .Minister Yoshida, in his 24 December letter t~mbassador Dulles, committed .Japan to negotiating wha.ch should be applicable. to "all terri- a limited treaty hereafter be under con- tories which are now or which may The Taipei government, trol of the Nationalist Government." rotection of its po?? .both for reasons of prestige and for p sition in the UN and .other ilacksaactual control overetheo avoid .any admission that it mainlands Treaty subsiding: United .States 20 .Reaction to Security Politica A wiser ebal reports t at .Diet debate apact emotional public reaction to the US-Japan effective" govern- ~appears to have passed a climaxo .Fairly di- ment presentation in thefDomttheesubstanceeofetheragreement verted public criticism uestions of implementa to .con of the ne otiations and q ft in criticism from the actual .Comment: The quick shi terms o t e agreement to the gov~essehadshopedutp influence suit the Di..;* suggests that the p exag- reement during its negotiation by .the terms of 'the ag Berating the problem of extraterritorial rights. T e natural Japanese distaste for continued occupatiohasypro- foreign troo s, despite its recognized necessiosition par- v~ided both t~onvenientsissue onnwhichutosattack the govern- ties with a ~ ected to exploit it to the fulleste mentd .They are exp TOP SECRET 4 Mar 52 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07 :CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/07 :CIA-RDP79T01146A000800130001-6