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Approved Fo tlease 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP7 01146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 1.6 November 1951 CIA. No. 49430 Copy No. 143 DAILY DIGEST Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved Fo' eleaae 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP7 01146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET SECTION 1 (SOVIET) 1. USSR. Soviet Union reportedly sends 15 Austrian oil technicians to Iran: The Soviet Oil Administration in Austria (the SMV) has reportedly sent 15 oil technicians to Iran to instruct the Iranians. 25X1 C the group consists of engineers and drillers and is ctiown as the Austrian drilling delegation. Comment: The processing of oil technicians in eastern Austria, for possible work in Iran, has been reported several times in the past months. There is no evidence to date that any technicians have arrived in Iran. Skilled technicians could be spared from the oil operations in eastern Austria, however, if and when they might be accepted by the Iranian Government. 25X1 C 25X1A 2. Increased Soviet activity near S itsbeige 25X1 C 25X1 C Soviet merchant tonnage in the Barents ea has increased by ships (160 of which are trawlers) since March 1951. Although there has been a growing demand for fish by the increasing population of northwestern areas of the USSR, the 25X1A increasing activity may be related to the recent strong Soviet notes to Norway. 25X1 C the increase of merchant shipping plus the presence of three Soviet cruisers and smaller naval units suggest the possibility of a move a ainst Spitsber en, which would not have been possi- 25X1A ble last year. Comment: The increase of shipping activity since March may be ex- plained by the normally increased shipping during spring and summer months, and the usual presence of Soviet shipping fleets in northern waters. 3. BULGARIA. Importance of women in leadership stressed: In speeches de- livered before the third national conference of distinguished agricultural cooperative workers on g and 9 November, Premier Chervenkov and Minister of Agriculture Stoilov laid great emphasis upon the importance of women in the cooperative movement. Remarking on the hesitancy shown by the cooperative workers to elevate women to positions of leadership, Stoilov stated that "we-must at all costs put more women in managing positions." Urging that more women be offered positions of responsibility and leader- ship in the cooperatives, villages, okoliyas, okrugs, and in the national government, Chervenkov noted that women "represent a great power. A broad road must be cleared for this power; it must be given priority." (R FBIS Sofia, S, 9 Nov 51) 1 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved Foxelease 2001/03/22: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET 25X6 25X6 4. 25X6 25X1 C 5. 25X1A Comment: The strong emphasis given to this prdblem during recent months would appear to reflect a growing shortage of labor within Bulgaria. services in Bulgaria are operate by T BSO, which is said to operate ten DC-3 type aircraft of Russian construction. International flights are routed through Sofia-Bucharest-Prague in agreement with the Czechoslovakian airline, CSA, and through Sofia-Bucharest-Odessa-Kiev-Moscow by arrangement with the Soviet Civil Air Fleet. Occasional special and charter flights to Budapest, Warsaw and Berlin are also said to be arranged by TABSO. (C Rome Desp. 871, 9 Oct 51) Russian general reported civil airline chief: 25X6 he chief of TABSO, the Bul arian-Soviet Air Transport Company, s a Russian general. all scheduled civil air Comment: This information contradicts an August report concerning an alleged incorporation of Satellite state-owned airline companies into the Soviet Civil Air Fleet. (See O/CI Daily, 23 Aug 51). If this estimate concerning TABSO equipment is correct, doubt is also cast upon recent Bulgarian claims of significant improvements in civil aviation, including acquisition of i?new and comfortable" equipment. (See O/CI Daily 31 Aug 51) This is the first indication that TABSO might be directed by a Russian officer. RUMANIA. Rumanian amphibious maneuvers reported: amphibious maneuvers involving Rumanian army, navy, and air elements were held in mid-October in the Mangalia-Albesti area south of Constantsa, Colonel General Emil Bodnaras, Rumanian Minister of the Ground- Forces and Soviet mi icials reportedly were in attendance. Comment: This is the first report of amphibious maneuvers and is un- confirmed. Although Rumanian naval forces probably have had training exer- cises of this type, the level of army training for this type of operation is probably low. It is, therefore, doubtful that the army attempted maneuvers of such complexity. An army unit, the 25th Motorized Brigade, subordinate to the commandant of the sea forces, has responsibility for defense of the Black Sea Coast and could well have been involved in a coaetal defense maneuver. Soviet forces are also present in the area. 6. YUGOSLAVIA. Yugoslavia sends notes to Bulgaria and Rumania charging unfriendly acts: Yugoslavia has officially protested against the ag- gressive policies of Rumania and Bulgaria. The Yugoslav notes to Bucharest and Sofia call attention to a number of border violations perpetrated by 25X1 C TOP SECRET 2 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved F~Release 2O /Q CIA-RDP7'01146A000500260001-9 its two eastern neighbors. The Rumanians are charged with 24 provoca- tions in 35 days, from 10 September to 15 October, and Bulgaria with 140 provocations during the ten-month period from January to October. (R FBIS, 13-14 Oct 51) Comments These latest protests follow closely a similar note de-_ livered to Budapest last week. The timing of the submission coincides conspicuously with the submission to the UN General Assembly of a formal Yugoslav complaint charging the USSR and her Satellites with unfriendly acts and pressures. 25X6 7. The Hague reports Yugoslav trade with the Satellitess US ;Ambassador Chapin at The Hague reports that following up a hint 25X6 the Embassy learned ~- ---A -A- !rt Control Program, were transshipped through the Nether- lands to Eastern Europe: 200 to East Germany, 170 to Czechoslovakia, 25X6 and 100.to Poland. In August, 1,597 tons were shipped to Satellite coun- tries: 297 to East Germany, and 1300 to Poland. (S The Hague 457, 9 Nov 51) 25X6 There is no'reason to believe that the Yugoslav Government is aware of the final destination of this shipment. In the past, the Yugoslavs have attempted to prevent the shipments of their products to the Satel- lite countries. In late June the Yugoslavs asked AM in Trieste to stop a ferro-chrome shipment because they had reason to believe that it was destined for Czechoslovakia. Further, in June, the Yugoslavs turned down a Swiss offer to buy a considerable quantity of lead on highly ad- vantageous terms in dollars because they learned that the shipment was likely to find its way to Satellites. TOP SECRET 5X6 3 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500260001-9 25X6 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved For Fftlease 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP791 f146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET SECTION 2 (EASTERN) 1. GREECE. Greek UN dele ates suggest dissolution UNSCOBs Greek UN delegates have told US delegates in Paris that, in the opinion of their government, the Greek situation no longer requires the maintenance of UN observers. The Greeks believe that UNSCOB should be terminated with- out a successor body at this time, lf, in the future; Greece feels the need for renewed observation, this could be arranged through an interim committee. (S Paris DELGA 139, 10 Nov 51) Comments Greece has previously favored the retention of UNSCOB and in this had the support of most of the UNSCOB representatives, if not of their governments. Recently, however, some Greek officials had indicated that they supported the US-approved suggestion that UNSCQBbe replaced with a subcommittee of the Peace Obe ervation Committee which would not include Soviet or Satellite observers. Agreement to abandon any observation committee in the Balkans should eliminate any possible dispute at the impending GA discussion of the question and make it unnecessary to urge the POC subcommittee on Turkey or Yugoslavia, who are reluctant at this time to accept border observers:. 2. r . Iraq Qffers~lan to break ~-nglo E vntian imDpsge Iraq's Prime Minister, Nuri Said, has suggested a plan to break the currentAnglo- Egyptian imnaaa^_ 25X6 rycu1 appairenti.ty provides that each Middle Eastern country should have its own "'regular troops""and should also seek "auxiliary troops" from other nations to supplement its 25X6 own forces. - is reportedly not very hopeful that Nuri's efforts to conciliate current Anglo-Egyptian differences will produce results, but it does believe that these attempts, which are Arab in origin, are'in the right direction. (S Paris SECTO 37 and 39, 13 and 14 Nov 51) Comme s While Arab leaders continue privately to express interest in and promote the concept of the Command, their public statements reflecting popular sentiment resolutely support Egypt. 3. INDIA. Communist Party of India adopts new p olicv; According to the Indian press, the Communist Party of India has finally adopted the party's draft policy statement, first published in May 1951 (see Daily Digest 5 Jul 51). The policy aims at creating a united front ofworkers and peasants under the leadership of the working class to participate in the- forthcoming national elections. It does not eschew the use of violence, although the party's General Secretary, A. K. Ghosh, stated on 8 November that the party would resort to violence only after exhausting all peaceful methods. The press has also reported that five members of the Indian TOP SECRET 5 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET Politbureau, including former General Secretary Ranadive, were suspended from party membership for from two to six yearso (U New Delhi 1691 and 1694, 10 Nov 51) Comment: It seems apparent that the united front line of last May is to be followed until after the national elections and that prominent Communists, whose names are associated with policies of violence are, at least publicly, being censured. 4. INDONESIA. Strict press censorship evident on military movements: During the past-week the oca press contained fewer reports on insecurity than during any similar period within the past several months. The Army Attache states that the complete absence of reports on military movements in West Java and the Celebes probably are the result of a very strict press cen- sorships (C Djakarta 701, 10 Nov 51) 56 Police placed under immediate direction of Prime Ministers The Indonesian "State Police" reportedly have been placed under the immed- iate direction of the Prime Minister. Formerly, the police were adminis- tered by the Minister of Home Affairs. The US Army Attache assumed that the term "State Police" is intended to man the National Mobile Police Brigade. (C Djakarta 701,, 10 Nov 51) Comments The Mobile Police Brigade is a force of 25,000 men which has been intensively used, with the support of Army troops, to enforce securityo Within recent weeks the Prime Minister has appeared to assume more immediate responsibility for internal security than either the Minister of Home Affairs or the Defense Minister. This development and the transfer of the Police Brigade to the office of the Prime Minister are probably part of a concerted effort by high level officials to achieve a more rapid and effective implementation of security decisions. 66 THAIIAND0 Thai concerned over cost of aid programs: The US Embassy in Bangkok repot s a cons era ion o the 1957 u get has "brought home" to the Thai Government that the various aid programs of which it is the beneficiary entail considerable expenditures. While it is the Embassy's opinion that Thailand is unquestionably able to bear.this financial burden, the growing Thai concern may necessitate that the US recommendfi,nancial measures which would obviously be politically unpopular. (C Bangkok 1067, 8Nov51) Comment. The unpopular recommendations the Embassy has in mind are tax re orrms'-,, more effective mobilization of domestic capital, and the elimination of "squeeze," protection and kickbacks in official circles. TOP SECRET 6 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved F6)-Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP7101146A000500260001-9 7. Sarit's position enhanoed:s On 1 November the entire Government lottery board was fired and General Sarit,.assistant Commander in Chief of the Thai Army, was appointed the new chairman. The US Embassy in Bangkok comments that the presentation of this "Juicy plum" to Sarit is evidence of his growing importanc.n d that he may supersede Police Director General Phao as Thailand$s number one strongman. (C Bangkok 1066, 8 Nov 51) Comments There have been a number of reports indicating that Premier Phibun een building up Sarit in order to reduce Phao's increasingly aggressive influence. The description of various generals as "strongmen" of Thailand appears to be an exaggeration. Until he is deposed, Phibun is the dominating authority in the.country. 25X6 8. oviet position in Manchuria: A former 25X6 power in Manchuria Is in Chinese Communes-, nanas, DU-c znati 1Tupurk'a l%' 25X6 posts are held b Moscow-trained Chinese whose devotion to Soviet interests is "complete.'' no Soviet combat units have been observed 25X6 recently in Harbin or in u en, nor is there evidence of the presence of "international volunteers"- and that the Communist authorities, who report- edly intend to "rid Wanohuria of all foreigners" in the next few months, are now encouraging rather than hindering their departure. (S Paris 28142, 13Nov51). COmrnent2- Although other Western observers have also reported that Chinese authority in Manchuria appears undispute{i, the Soviet position in the area, which is dominated by Chinese Stalinists under the supervision of Soviet advisers, is strong. Other sources agree on the lack of evidence of the presence of "international volunteers" or of Soviet combat units outside the port Arthur naval base area. It-has long been assumed that the Chinese Communists intend to expel all remaining Westerners from Manchuria. Hong Kong enforces export control regulations- Suspecting that a cargo of steel consigned to Pakistan was in fact destined for Communist China, the Hong Kong authorities investigated before the vessel departed. When the broker would not disclose the owner of the goods nor the documents of sale, the Government ordered the steel discharged from the ship and stored in a controlled warehouse. Upon being congratulated by an officer from the US Consulate-Genera'l for this prompt action, Hong Kong9s newly appointed Director of Commerce and Industry declared that it was his intention to administer controls . very strictly in an effort to reduce clandestine trade with the Communists. (C Hong Kong Desp. 611, 27 Sep 51) 7 ` 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved For` elease 2001/03/22: CIA-RDP79" 01146A000500260001-9 Comment: This incident is illustrative of Hong Kong's efficiency in app ying~its export controls? Since June 1951, Hong Kong has banned the export to China of a wide range of strategic items. Although permitted exports from Hong Kong (e.g., of pharmaceuticals) continue to be substantial; over-all export volume has dropped sharply. 10. KOREA CHINA. Chinese Communist press maintains ambiguous tone: A 14 Novem- ber Chinese Communist press review broadcast comments on the cease-fire "intrigue" of the UN and observes-that the Chinese will "continuously intensify their effort to strive.,. .fdr-:sucoess of the Korean armistice negotiations At the same time, they are fully prepared to fight and frustr`aie'the American attacks and to compel the enemy to accept a just peace... .' (R FBIS Ticker Peiping, 14 Nov 51) Com?nenta This broadcast is of particular interest in view of the phrase rustrate the American attack.!' While this may be interpreted in the broader sense of defending China and Korea from American "aggressors," it may equally well be interpreted as meaning a continuation of the present enemy defensive action in Korea. 11. KOREA. Communist counter-propaganda follows UN's atrocity announcement: Novem errCChinese Communist broadcast for domestic consumption presented'a Korean commentary on "a? accusation against the American murderers*` The commentary indicts, on the basis of "ironclad evidence," the American "aggressors" as murderers, and asks the Chinese. people to "avenge the hundreds and thousands of Korean victims murdered by the American executioners," (R FBIS Ticker, 15 Nov 51) Comment; Apparently interpreting recent UN charges of Communist military a rocities as propaganda, the Communist propaganda machine has reacted by reviving a story of UN, combat atrocities. Communist atrocity propaganda regarding Korea has nearly exhausted the possibilities of inhuman behavior, including genocide and the use of POWs in atomic bomb experiments. 12 JAPAN. Anti-Emeror or anization dissolved: Kyoto University has ordered the dissolution of the Dogaku-Kass eftist-contra lied student organization which'allegedly planned the demonstration a ainst the visit of the Emperor on 12 November. (U FBIS, 15 Nov 51) Comments The Japanese strongly objected to the Occupation-directed deletion o the lase majesty clause from the criminal code in 1947? The 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved Fo elease 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP7901146A000500260001-9 Kyoto incident, which was followed a few days later by the posting of a anti-mperor slogans in 'Otsu, will lead to, strong pressure for the reestablishment of special legal protection for the E 1perorts position. Angry'-Diet members iimiiediate'ly after the'incident demanded remedial action by the Minister of Education. TOP SECRET 9 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 25X6 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved Fo" elease 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79 01146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET 25X6 4. AUSTRIA. Union of Independents charges Socialist-Communist labor cooperation: The Union of Independents (VdU) newspaper, The Independent, charged editorially last week that the Socialists and Communists are cooperating in the current shop-steward elections. The paper alleges that, through Socialist support, a Communist was named chairman of the shop-steward council of the Lend Aluminum Works although only three of the nine council members are Communists. In return for this support, the paper asserts, the Communists will vote fpr a Socialist chairman of-the council-in the large Kaprun hydroelectric project in the province of Salzburg. The VdU organ attributes this Socialist- Communist "fraternization" to the common Marxist origins of the two parties. (R FDIS, Der Unabhaen4ige, Salzburg, 10 Nov 51) Comment: As a result of the shop-steward election referred to above, the nine seats on the shop council were equally divided among TOP SECRET 11 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved Fo elease 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP7fg01146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET the Communists, Socialists, and VdU. This was a very considerable achievement for the VdU and an apparent defeat for the Socialists, The Socialists, who are firm in their opposition to the Communists, have after some equivocation adopted an equally firm attitude toward the VdU -- which they regard as neo-fascist and disruptive to the Austrian coalition. It is therefore possible that in western Austria the Socialists may be willing to support Communist candidates in isolated instances where the VdU has achieved some successes among the workers. Such support should not be interpreted as indicating a weakening of general Socialist opposition to cooperation with the Communists, 5. Socialist Congress expresses confidence and affirms support of the coalition government: In the first Congress of the Austrian Socialist Party (SPOe) since its victory in the presidential elections last spring, Socialist leaders hailed the strength of Austrian socialism and of postwar European socialism in general. Pointing to the Socialist presidential victory and to the success of the party's recruitment campaign, Chairman Schaerf declared that, in contrast, the Union of Independents is tottering from one crisis to another and that the Communist Party loses strength each year. Schaerf continued that, while Socialist collaboration with either radical party is out of the question, both the world situation and Austria's internal policy require the cooperation of the two government parties.. Future Austrian elections would determine whether the People's or the Socialist Party is the stronger, but it is unlikely that either would achieve a clear majority. Schaerf and other Socialist speakers demanded a continuation of the housing program, new measures to support the purchasing power of the schilling, a full employment policy, prosecution of profiteers, and an anti-cartel law, (R FBIS, Vienna, RAVAG, 10 Nov 51; P Vienna 1710, 13Nov51) Comment: This strong Socialist support of the coalition government is in contrast to the frequently expressed view of Socialist leaders that the coalition is disintegrating because of People?s Party weakness. Vice-Chancellor Schaerf informed the US Embassy during.the Socialist Congress of his fears that the People's Party had insufficient control over the farmers to permit proper economic controls in Austria. There is little doubt that the Socialists' support of the coalition is genuine, as indicated in their moderate demands on the People's Party and their opposition to the Union of Independents. TOP SECRET 12 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved' Four Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET A US ter now favors renter defense ex endi u defense. Budget Minister Pella has indicated Bud et Minis at ITALY. 6. e enditures for d attitu o f ac ial in Rotu has wardcgreater Italian a changed attitude toward g be encouraged in this new will be that if Pella can adequate Italian defense program reports ting an adeq American task of get greatly facilitated* ill be for political reasons Parliament the same investment program of approximately w Pella has indicated that However, the increase in i presented with a he e anded defense programs will be spread size as that of the exp the civilian investment program cash expenditures under cash expenditures for the defense over several years, while increases in be telescoped. (S Rome TOECA 1240, 6 Nov 51) Program will adequate defense effort and Pella has obstructed an ate the am:t is difficult to anticipate Cowt' use of his fear of inflation rogr materialization of such a program- materialization spending may in part be Pella's change of attitude on defense spEPU the reduced level of e Italian surplusesoinltaan industry, and the occasioned by the large e metal-mItalyifr msin ustrialists for an adequate activity in th in strong pressurure wi defense effort. 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 TOP SECR 13 25X6 25 Approved FbrRelease 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP 01146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET 10. ARGENTINA. Top army command shifted: The President?s press office has announced extensive changes in'the top army command ranging from the Commander in Chief down through three armies and eight divisions. It was explained that nine of the generals affected had requested retirement in order to facilitate the promotion of younger officers to high posts. The new Commander in Chief, who replaces Lieutenant General Angel Solari, is Major General Alfredo Avalos. (U NY Times 15 Nov 51) Comment: General Solari has been reported to be the leader of a revol7u-ti~ nary group, but until now he and other powerful generals have. continued to give Peron at least conditional support. There have been indications that the army would prefer to have Peron remain in power subject to their terms. The retirement of these key generals is probably a lightly=camouflaged attempt to neutralize army influence, and it may spark new efforts to oust Peron. TOP SECRET 14 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET UNCLASSIFIED Ri er blank-TQ SEC T when attp hjj Tpp Secr t Qoc,~r~ ~q~n~a IcpJ~ ~o~vp cog ,p e,~Ips fled when filled A~p 'Q\& 1cre@I~r 1 ~aK~ 1l#~IdI /L2 : ~IH-KU 7~ I U"I 46 /y~1000 682 00 "I CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE CIA CONTROL NO. DOC. NO. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE COPY NO. LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS ATTENTION: This form will be placed on top of and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the CIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret matter is limited to Top Secret Control personnel and those individuals whose official duties relate to the matter. 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TOP SECRET I- -7 Approved F elease 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP7 01I46A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 1.6 November 1951 CIA No. 49430-A Copy No. S/S CABLE SUPPLEMENT TO THE DAILY DIGEST 49 Not for dissemination outside O/CI and O/NE. Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9 Approved Fo elease 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP7 1146A000500260001-9 TOP SECRET SECTION 2 (EASTERN) 1. LEBANON. Lebanon's position toward Middle East Command hardens: Lebanon's position is hardening against the Middle East Command proposal. It is rapidly reaching a point where cooperation with the West will be difficult pending settlement of the Egyptian affair. The US Minister in Beirut voiced this opinion after noting the govern- ment's unwillingness to oppose public opinion on the Egyptian issue. The Minister felt that his general impressions were supported by a statement made to him by a Lebanese Parliamentary deputy who said: "I think we are now in a position to dictate terms to you, and if I were the responsible government official I would make them hard." (C, S/S Beirut 504, 13 Nov 51). Comments In the past weeks Lebanese officials have not only privately expressed interest in the Middle East Command but have urged other Arab leaders to assist them in a cautious promotion of Arab consideration of Command proposals. If Lebanon, with its progressive and relatively western- ized population, is now inclined to go along with militant nationalism, there is little hope that other Arab States Vill react favorably to the Command. SECTION 3 (WESTERN) 2. PERU. Admiral Saldias interested in acquisition of cruisers Admiral Saldias, during his trip to the US later this month, plans to inquire in Washington as to whether Peru can hope to purchase a cruiser. If such a purchase is out of the question, he could be free to dispose otherwise of the funds now reserved for that purpose. (C, S/S Lima 260, 14 Nov 51). Comments With the announced successes in Korea of the battalion sent by Colombia, Peru's traditional rival, Admiral Saldias may be prepared to discuss the acquisition of a cruiser for the purpose of increasing the prestige of the Peruvian military establishment. On the other hand, it is possible that he may be willing to discuss the sending of a contingent to Korea in accordance with the informal Peruvian promises of last April. Admiral Saldias is the Minister of Navy and has the reputation of being more pro-US than most members of the current Peruvian administration. 16 Nov 51 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500260001-9