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Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 %W w TOP SECRET 30 October 1951 CIA No. 49412 Copy No. 143 DAILY DIGEST Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments reps esent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. State Department review completed UM to ARCRIVLS 4 RLCRRS #thU. fait IfY AFTER RSE DIA and PACOM review(s) ,ERR _// A ox 1-17 completed. TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 TOP SECRET Comment-- This is the first indication of plans to establish a long- term GDR-Czech trade agreement. Such an agreement would rationalize trade relationships between two highly industrialized Orbit countries, thereby placing the critical Orbit heavy industry sector on a more strictly planned basis. The purpose of the propaganda. theme is apparently to assuage tra- ditional Czech fear of German irredentism and to stress GDR=Orbit inte- gration. In, view of traditional Czech hostility toward Germany, it is un- likely that the propaganda will be successful. West. TOP SECRET 1 30. Oct 51 SECTION 1 (SOVIET) 2. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Visit of East German del. ation results in trade talks: During a visit of a high level East German delegation to Prague, President Pieck declared that preliminary talks for a long term trade agreement be- tween Czechoslovakia and the German Democratic Republic are in progress. He noted that economic needs of the two countries will be "harmonizedot4 In speeches during the recent visit, both sides stressed: (1) the borders inviolability of Czechoslovak ofnthehGDRfinality thefOrthe bit~randf(3)?f ethnic Germans; (2) closer relations the new Orbit-GDR friendship as opposed to the ties of West Germany to the Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79T01146A000500140001-2 TOP SECRET e difficulties Czech Minister of Defense Mil.ita cadr dings between. old and army, Ad 3; 'ECHOSLOVAa speech singled out misunderstandings picka in a r~ecent the difficulties in the present of the new Ce army officers as one of he declared that many dressing a group of senior officer s9that only members of the worcingt class l r of old and new s wee incorrect in assuming e,trust, but con- officers . officered The question new officers 's ~'~ a could be ~q and the rind le to be through "screen 9 the tantly screen.9 e in the s C military efficiency o,ment: Cepicka?s statementsise irnen ofc scarcity arrests, pro-Communist officers coup as a competent offi trained ces offiandceras h desire to halt Cepicka, last the too rapid dismissal as plagued the of since the 1948 re for result of intermittent transfers, ating a favorable atmosphere summer, pointed out the necessity of cre the Czech officer corpse free Oatis: The State Department s ,n enp_ the Czechoslovak Foreign office in regard 4. State De anew roa hs ahem i to based on an exchange of to is preparing a new approach to The release, roving by the re as a first step toward imp the relewoe df be onsi Bred he tats De artment urges that the dis- s that t urge rs, would be considered relations with z r iao cho et ?va secr cussions be kept, ton on 25 September press interview in Washing before Comments In a p here was necessary profita er discussed, and that a Atnbassad ochazka stated that a calmerblythe atmospheres The micOl ghtd assist in clearing negotiations for Oatisprelease ic pressure dtail but reduction in econom rted the interview commented that Ambassador to seek terms for i avo repo in Cteeh daly Ruder a ty other.than the the US have not Yet impose by it/was the business of par Economic sanctions recent y h to take the initiative in negotiations- Oatis? s?elease o S e Compelled the Cz liCV field v? _ $ Soviet n to Soviet lanes fromhubomrs9 in additi0--t-o- 5> NGAgy Aa 2 lig October on Tokol.. airm forty-threree e S Soviet Air Force were observed on 25 The Attache reported is previously reported field pIG-15 ~ ?st by the US Air Attache in H gobserved at this airs , field near Budap aircraft y revious- that this was the largest number of ht bombers were the once whisince o serva- eld, possibly Parndorf, The Attache assumed that the 1 g n Austrian airfi mne o d at a - ly been locate r revealed that no aircraft e _ b e Octo mained therea October Soviet Previous reports stated that since eed from six East German Como ersonnel had dep r fighter aircraft and Air Force p TOP SECRET 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79T01146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79T01146A000500140001-2 TOP SECRET airfields, and may have left Germany. There were also reports from Austria that Soviet light bomber units, normally stationed at three fields there, were moving eastward by rail. 6, YUGOSLAVIA. Zagreb Peace Congress adopts Yugoslav-inspired resolutions; The final session of the Zagreb Peace Congress adopted a number of resolutions designed to achieve world peace. These resolutions are based upon the follow- ing general recommendations: (1) respect for the sovereign right and equality of all states; (2) condemnation of aggressive acts and pressures; (3) recognition of the right of self-determination for all colonial peoples; (4) a perfecting of the UN to make it a more effective means (including collective security) for the attainment of world peace; and (5) recognition of the right of some nations to pursue an independent foreign policy rather than join a "power bloc"" Comment- Despite Yugoslav pronouncements that the Congress was a "major success," the consensus among more objective observers is that the performance fell far short of expectations. This was due in large part to the conspicuous absence of distinguished Western personalities. The Yugoslavs, however, had no difficulty in dominating the Conference; although the "neutralists" were quite articulate, they failed to win the day. Consequently, the prevailing theme involved a condemnation of Soviet duplicity and the need for a recognition of the principle of collective security or some other workable means designed to achieve peace. The majority refused to adopt a thesis which would have amounted to a "plague on both houses." TOP SECRET 3 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79T01146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 *"01 NW SECTION 2 (EASTERN) 2. AFGHANISTAN. Petroleum imports from Iran must awai storage facilities: The chief of the Afghan petroleum monopoly has stated, in connection with the recent oil agreement between Afghanistan and Iran, that it willTe impossible to import petroleum from Iran until suitable btorage facilities are available at Islam Kala on the Afghan corder. It is planned to oraer most of the nec- essary storage tanks from the US. time must elapse before oil shipments from Iran can begin. The US Embassy in Kabul comments that it will probably take nine months for the tanks to reach Afghanistan, even if US export licenses can be obtained, and confirms its previously expressed opinion that donsiderable 3. INDIA. Ambassador Panikkar allegedly is disillusinngrjwith Communist Chinas S ince Indian Ambassador Panikkar returned home from Communist China in 25X1 mid-October, have once more mention,,d an old rumor that he is completely disillusioned with the Pei-pine regime and loath to go back to China. C_Qmment: On the other hand, in a public speech before the Indian Press Association Panikkar took pains to -portray the government of Communist bhina in a favorable light. Panikkar,who is suspected of pro- Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 W TOP SECRET Communist leanings, is either not as disillusioned as claimed or is under pressure from the Government of India to describe Communist China in friendly terms. Electioneering by radio is denied to all political parties:. Facilities of the government-operated All -India Radio will be denied to all political parties for electioneering purposes, according to a Govern- ment of India announcement. private radio stations are not permitted in India. Corm ento The Congress-dominated government apparently does not in- tend To use the radio directly to further the ends of the Congress Party in the current national political campaign. It may have banned all political broadcasting in order to avoid requests for radio time from a host of minor political parties and groups. 5. BURMA.. Government manipulates elections: The candidacies in the forth- coming elections of two opponen s of the Minister of Communications, who is a Karen supporter of the Anti-Fascist Peoples Freedom League, have been declared illegal by the Burmese Government. The US Embassy in Rangoon comments that the government is making certain the election of key personnel. Moreover, if the government allowed opposition for this particular seat in Parliament, it would risk a complete airing of the unpopular law recently Parliament overnin the establish- ment of a Karen state.. Reduction in illegal trade with China reported: The US Embassy in Rangoon has been informed by three sources, including Commander in Chief No Win, that illegal trade with China had been substantially re- duced during recent weeks. The sources attribute this development to a depreciation in Chinese currency and stiffer Burmese Government controls. The Embassy believes that a decline in s ~39!lrlinO can be traced to a significantly smaller demand for tires. TOP SECRET 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 8. Instability of government described-. the 1947 coup paF y is making a strenuous effort to gain control o Parliament in the next elections in order to seize direct control of the civil administration.. Heretofore it has been satisfied merely to influence the administration through its wealth and military strength, The source predicted that Phibun would resign before becoming a puppet, and he professed "unbounded" confidence in Phibun's ability to "come out on top." The US Embassy in Bangkok states that this informa- tion "illustrates dramatically" the instability of the situation in Thailand, and concludes that Phibun will either have to reassert power over the 194.7 clique by collaborating with those opposed to it or will Comment; The view that Phibun is a prisoner of the 194.7 coup party and has-. reassert't control over it is not supported by firm evidence, Moreover, it is not in the nature of the type of government which rules Thailand to sacrifice military support in the interest of gaining polit- ical popularity with opposition parties. Phibun&s success is largely attributable to his ability to maintain a balance among his supporters, many of v4hom are antagonistic to one another, and there are no indica- tions that he has lost that ability, have to rely upon it completely for support. 25X1 TOP SECRET 6 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79T01146A000500140001-2 %WWI MW TOP SECRET 10. INDONESIA. USSR suggests barter agreement at ECAFE conferences The Belgian Minister to Indonesia, who attends the CAFE con erence at Singapore, told a US-official that the Soviet deleg.te's opening speech proposed in general terms to barter finished products for raw materials with any Southeast Asian country. A 22 October press despatch quoted the Indonesian delegate, Kosasih, as stating that at a luncheon given by the Russians for the Indonesians, the former explained their proposal and gave the Indonesian delegate a complete list of goods the Russians were prepared. to deliver. Another press despatch, also of 22 October, quoted Kosasih as stating that if the proposal is not just a "propaganda stunt" and if it is "really possible" for Indonesia to barter its raw materials for Soviet capital goods, a barter agreement with Russia would be advantageous to Indonesia. The Netherlands Trade Commissioner, also present at the conference, said that the Russians had gone out of their way to entertain each dele- 25X1 gation separately. Comments It is highly likely that the Russians made specific trade propose rt each of the Southeast Asian delegations. The USSR is be- lieved also to have proposed to Indonesia a currency agreement and a special offer of hydroelectric equipment. lie August rrests totaled 15,OOOs Prime Minister Sukiman told Parliament on 29 c ber that e discovery of a "gigantic plot". against the lives of Indonesia's top officials last August had resulted-in the 25X1 arrest of 15,000 persons. Comments The number of persons arrested will undoubtedly come as a surpr se o many Parliament members. Previous estimates and cautious 25X1 government statements varied from 1,000 to 3,000. TOP SECRET 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79T01146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 13. Chinese Communists maintain high level of activity in South Vietnam: The poor showing of local Chinese Communists during recent propaganda battles with Kuomintang supporters has not resulted in any reduction in clandestine Communist activity. Legation sources report continued efforts to persuade local Chinese merchants to contribute to funds earmarked for the purchase of arms for the Viet Minh or Chinese Communists. The president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce is reputedly arranging the large-scale procurement of war materials for Viet Minh forces in South Vietnam at a personal profit of about 100 percent. Comments The payment of protection money to the Chinese Communist or Viet Minh authorities is a common practice among Chinese merchants in Indochina. The involvement of the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in military contraband is possible but unconfirmed. 14. French staff doubts immediate Chinese invasion.- French intelligence in Indochina estimates that immediate Chinese Communist invasion is unlikely but that it is possible several months from now, The French point to the decreased efficiency of potential invasion units as a result of Korea replacement demands, the lack of a stockpiling program near the frontier, and the tardy work on the frontier lines of communication network as obstacles to an immediate invasion. Comments This estimate places more than usual emphasis on the material obstacles to a Chinese Communist invasion. 15. French expect no heavy Viet Minh attack soona The French do not expect a Viet Minh attack of any consequence much before the end of November," according to the Assistant US Military Attache. 16. CHINA . Singapore trying to stop ille gal oil shipments to China- Ear lier i-s of so year the Singapore' exports cont me 1,500 drums of lubricants wh roller approved the export to Ba ich were transshipped from Bangk ngkok ok to Macao in late August and September. The US Consul General in Singapore Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 TOP SECRET reat concern over this government has shown g states that the local g oleum exports fro both Singapore and t r e incident and that controls over p been tightened. i nce the Federation of Malaya have s the for undoubtedly d s al fu unlcer Comments In addition to these at Macaoexcess b Communist mainland, vessels have e and Gener and diesel oil obtained at SiBgit?sh and American oilecompaniesldeny fuel at Hong Kong recommends that practice- Recent vessels which have engaged in this investigations have shown that the quantity of oil products smuggled throu h Macao to the Chinese Communists has been high (11,000 drums a month, r con 17. KOREA. Communist tactics to aril view of enemy airfield construction i n The Far East Command be ieves, d hi le of combat interc sortio's activity and the contrnue enemy tovel take in exploitingehisrexpanding air that logical steps fo capabilities are a (1) Increased air efforts over the Sinanju area to achieve air superiority in northwestern Korea; (2) Utilization of this superiority to cover flights from newly' constructed fields in that area; (3) Basing of jets at these fields to ensure maintenance of local air superiority# (4) Expansion of the area of Communist air superiority further southwards once jet strength on Korean fields has been increaseds (5) Movement ofconventional fighters and grour~.d attack and light bombers to these secured Korean airfields; battle (6) A challenge to UN air over the UN leround forces area and initiation of air to r+ and installations. 18. JAPAN. liberal part' sources, recomendfttiOns of will Cp to Jap sour roceedswith itsopolicies anese press for decontrol of staple foodstuffs and reduced taxes despite opposition o. d financial adviser, Joseph ge eXAYessed SCAPts recently arrive ol of Korean air situation forecasts t TOP SECRET 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 TOP SECRET SECTION 3 (WESTERN) atian visits Praha:. Wilhelm Pieck, 1. GER:fiANY. East German Government eub ic, pal an o -17 icial visit Pre-- scent o ze German Demacra ic s R Repp paanieied d by several lesser Re s er Dertinger and Deputy Prime Praha on 23 to 26 October. Pieck a w i i Re s including Foreign Off Republic Offcials, The visit entailed a series a ra lly Giciaofca esCaedh social iser eng gOtte tiNuschkeo nts, and on 24 October Pieck ad a nt all to the peaceful development of the German Democratic National Front uding elaborate VIP lsm ~n Wept GThe elabO, e ublic as opposed to the revival it failed. The of odll tided Rp oulace, " w' treas the visit was dehgned to create g miliation of irritated the "t the pprotectorate. d treatment accorded the h Germans u an of the offer oses of the trip ur p robable that one of the main p talks for a long-term trade agreement (see Comment It is p was too c- on duct preliminary article in Section 1, Czechoslovakia) ? The Paris press orts and in orts re orted declininng:ine in French exports, 2. FRANCE. French e or e curren French as receri y iscusse e reasons 11 and predicts a decline in imports due to the devaleaao countries' and a to exporters cite protectionist barriers set factors by s and shoe equipment in the export industries as to e ccotton,ting herta of eluip which have been greatest in the g their de ifficulties, t d fashion housese d in the industries an devaluation, may begin y foreign fearful of an impending currency Importers, their orders so as not to be cau ht with insufficient future himents. ncin exchan.e for fina ice French exports out i d to pr inflation has tende Comment: Mounting and the dwindling of these markets has re slashed, imports a of the rr re h of foreign customers, As impo of trade* eslinir imports, sheder, already resulted in an ad-verse lapproach ch equilibrium. Dowe-v s Will appp flationary ressures* these trade payment oduction and contribute to in p r will impair defense p liamentary support for t ar De Lattre unsure of continued par U Minis er in Saigon 3. FRANCE VIETNAM. D General de Lattre has warn Indochina olic . that the French Parliament would decide to terminate l and social reforms" 11 litica o a "grave danger ? o France's military effort in Indochina if p view of the war's un- ed all his personal De La n c ne wore not begun at once. wit.hi a few months, popularity in France he will, ors for its continuances rder to obtain supp e in o influenc TOP SECRET 11 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 w w TOP SECRET The General intends to urge Bao Dai to carry out social reforms, particularly concerning public health and land, and plans within two or three months to seek the appointment of regional assemblies, gormnento French political leaders have been warning US officials for some time that France cannot fulfill its commitments in both Europe and Indochina without substantial additional US aide There are no indications, however, that-a majority of the French Parliament is actually considering termination of France's role in Indochina, AUSTRIA. Government expects favorable action on German Danube-navigation ermits Representatives of two German transport T s, in conjunction M1 the Danube Steamship Company, have applied to Soviet authorities in Vienna for navigation permits for six German craft to assist in the shipping of 20,000 tons of fuel oil from Vienna to Regensburg, The Austrian firm, which lacks sufficient tank barges to carry out its delivery contract, proposes to use the German vessels in addition to its own. The Austrian Government believes that the Soviet authorities may give favorable consideration to the request for permits; if they do, this tiraill be the first postwar German participation in Danube shipping below the US Zone. German authorities hope that Soviet approval may presage the opening of the Danube to German traffic to the Balkans, Comment: Soviet interest in disposing of surplus oil from the Zisters- -dorf fields may account for the kindlier attitude toward German shipping on the Danube in the Soviet Zone, However, Soviet authorities have since June permitted the movement of Yugoslav craft to and from Yugoslavia and between Vienna and Regensburg. Austrian ships operate between Vienna and Germany; but German shipping has heretofore been confined to the US sector of the river, which is, approximately one hundred miles from Vienna, TOP SECRET 12 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 IV, 7? CANADA. Ratification of Greek-Turkish nrotocol awaits US Congressional action: Ex ernal Affairs Minister Pearson, espi e US efrorts to persuade M -continues unwilling to request parliamentary ratification of the protocol for the admission of Greece and Turkey to NATO until similar action is taken by the US Congress. Because Canada was initially doubtful about the admission of these two countries., External Affairs officials believe that Parliament would be reluctant to take the lead in ratification. In~addition, Pearson feels a Canadian lead would be paradoxical when the protocol involves new military commitments assumed at US insistence although Canada has only a remote interest in the defense of the Middle East and will n1av no art in the proposed Middle East Command SWEDEN.. Social Democratic newspaper warns against Communist propaganda: in a vehement anti-Communist editorial warned bweaisn .iaoor agalubu iiav w its love of peace exploited by the Communists in connection with the so- called "Nordic Peace Conference" scheduled to meet in Stockholm 30 November to 2 December 1951. 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Comment: Labor's sincere interest in peace and reconciliation, coupled with ff-weden?s foreign policy of suspicion towards "great powers," disposes at least radically-minded labor elements to Communist-initiated peace guiles, The Swedes were very disturbed over how Stockholm's name was linked to the Communist peace appeal in 1950 and feel that this. besmirched their democratic reputation, 9. ECUADOR. Disorders are expected: The aggressiveness of Guevara Moreno's Concentration o Popular Forces in Guayaquil extends to printing "Guevara Moreno or bullets" on paper money, as part of the campaign for the November municipal elections. Military and police forces in that city have been strengthened. Dissension within the CFP has probably weakened that organi- zation; but both sides are inclined to go to extremes in the campaign, because the results of the municipal elections are expected to have a bearing on the 1952 presidential election. For this reason, further disorders are ent: although a revolution is always possible in Ecuador, it is likely that only small-scale disorders will occur before the elections, 10, GUATEMALA. President of Congress to attend World Peace Council meeting- Tne u;a Embassy in Guatemala reports that Roberto vara o Fuentes, President of the Guatemalan Congress, has obtained congressional permission to attend the World Peace Council meeting in Vienna at the request of Council President Joliot-Curie, The press quoted Alvarado as saying that his participation in the meeting was personal, and that he did not represent either the Guatemalan Congress or any other organization. The Embassy has informed an official of the Guatemalan Government that it will not issue a visa to Alvarado for tra.sit through the US Zone of 25X1 Austria. Comment: Alvarado Fuentes is not at present a member of the World Peace Coons. ; but he is one of the most prominent Guatemalan signers of the Communist-sponsored Berlin Peace Appeal, and is the leader of the pro-Communist coalition that controls Congress. 11. United Fruit Company waits for Arbenz reply: The press reports that officials of the United Fruit Company are stir waiting for a reply from President Jacobo Arbenz to a request for a meeting to discuss questions that are expected to lead to a decision as to whether the US-owned company 25X1 will continue operations in Guatemala, 14 30 Oct .51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 w TOP SECRET It is unlikely that Arbenz will risk alienating his leftist and labor support by assuming personal responsibility for an agreement affecting Such an labor relationsabetween the government and United Fruit Company. agreement, if unsatisfactory to labor, could be interpreted as a reversion to.dictatorial rule that was swept away by the revolution of.19 , resulted in the organization of labor unions the inauguration of a labor code, and the founding of special -Labor CO- s, olice jailed Arturo Sabroso for Lima p 12. PERU. Police jail labor leader: =ours on 19 October a er he had conferred with Serafino Romualdi the 25X1 Federation of Labor. T.atin American representative of the American t 1 ceders of the once powerful Aprista party, Comment: Sabroso, like mos has been in Peruvian jails before, during the period since Odria+s accession to power in 1948. During 1951, however, he has been allowed considerable h as ermitted to go to Mexico where w p freedom. In January of this year e he was elected president of the Regional Organization of Inter-American I Ma he was permitted to issue a May Day Workers, an ICFTU affiliate. n y manifesto in the name of the old rista Peruvian Workers' Confederation. TOP SECRET 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79T01146A000500140001-2 w mnp SECRET TO THE DAILY DIGEST Office of Current Intelligence 30 October 1951 CIA No. 49412-A49 Copy No. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily ence. It doe s for the internal use of the Office of Current all currentgreports in CIA not represent a complete coverage of esent the or in the Office of CurOffice of Current Int 11 ge tCerepr immediate views of the Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79T01146A000500140001-2 Top SECRET Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 TOP SECRET SECTION 3 (WESTERN) adamant on own terms_ for US North African commitment: osed 1. FRANCE, French a a US xeviSion of a prop French For Minister Schuman, in rejecting a on o exchange of notes between the Unettd States a deFrancfram asecond French emphasized that a satisfaeto esented to Ambassador Bruce. redraft which he thereupon p of notes must overnment insists that a satisfactory exchange The Fr g permit a milita survey of Tunisia. or rant mili- be concludee nch d before - it A p-4 5 in t tary zaciz.i "e - - writt Corment: The French Government is o ts hsAfxgcan affairs.asIn thee that the US lw uouo not interfere in internal N mime a United States military survey mission in the Mediterranean has been mea ~ refused a Tunisian clearance. Growing discord between the Arab world and in the North West is Africa. If increasing French anxiety to obtain US approval of French policy France can be expected to attempt to curtail all outside approval is not given, influence in its North African holdings. UNITED KI NGDOM? British sh now that the Conservatives will be anxious to star off their term in office by settling tr . rani.an oil question. It believes that the British are new willing em to agree to any reasonable settlement, possibly including the assistance of a com letel non-British org zt to t ry. operate the oil indus c necessity for early s.ndepen en French representatives zn d e opposition. After that appro to convince him o Libya should also independence: The s British xel_uetantlV postpone Lya_.__ ritish Administrator for Tripolitania has beethatstructeghtthe n UK ist Prime e still B Minister of the Provisional Libyan Goverrim ossible. Brit~-s h em y considering early independence, the 1 November date is now imp ifeapproved before the by UN General Aas Admini- Forei Office officials believe that independence is desirable the progress of Libya ee that Pelt's approval ench and Bring to?thecLibyansrthat they try removing his strator Pelt. Both Fr esting could best be obtained by suggE~ f the acs has had time to take effect, the US, U and TOP SECRET 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2 1400, IRW TOP SECRET Comment: Pelt objects to early independence on the grounds that the Libyans will not be capable of taking over their government before 1 January 1952, the date specified in the UN resolution on Libya's future. The US, UK, and France feel that an additional two months will make little difference in the Libyans' political development. They feel that it is more important to grant independence before Egynt reopens the whole question at the forthcoming General Assembly session and attempts to delay independence. TOP SECRET 2 30 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2008/05/16: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000500140001-2