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Approveyir Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T64W46A000500050001-2 TOP SECRET 17 October 1951 CIA No. 49390 Copy No. 143 DAIJY DIGEST Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. ARMY, DIA, PACOM and USAF review(s) completed. State Department review completed TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approvectr Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T06A000500050001-2 TOP SECRET SECTION 1 (SOVIET) to USSR. USSR protests Norway's contributions to NATO: A 15 October Soviet note to Norway charges that Norway has violated its treaty commitments to the USSR by in effect making Norwegian territory available to NATO forces. The note accuses Norway of establishing air and naval bases for the use of NATO and transferring Spitsbergen and Bear Island to the Atlantic command. The USSR points out that actual military use of Spitsbergen would be a violation of the multilateral treaty of 1920 forbiddin the militarization of those islands and would endanger Soviet interests. Comment: The Soviet note is in line with previous Russian protests on the occasion of Norway's adherence to NATO in 1949. Threatening in tone, the note resembles other protests to Western nations regarding NATO or German rearmament. Although the note does not refer specifically to current US negoti- ations with Norway for operating rights at Norwegian air and naval instal- lations, its contents and timing suggest Soviet awareness of such negoti- ations. Specific mention of Spitsbergen in the note at this time may fore- shadow renewed Soviet interest in the islands, which has been latent since 1947 when Soviet attempts to negotiate a treaty for joint Soviet-Norwegian defense of the area failed. Charges of Norwegian violation and assurances to the USSR may some- what prolong these negotiations or delay subsequent ratification by Norway's parliament. The Norwegian Government has consistently refused, however, to be deterred. by Soviet maneuvers. 17 Oct 51 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 25X1 25X1 Approver Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T06A000500050001-2 TOP SECRET. Minc~ 4. PolandQ outsttndandiig ng economicgplanner,einna mspeech lon9 Octobe , outlined the Poland s ous the views of the Communist ~srtyAcon the cordingpolicy Minc, be troubles present economic difflculti th a concotmi.tant in stem from the rapid industrialization of the country wiIn thnarconc Agra t in-al crease in the non-food producing urban population. of the la production has not increased at atcthef agricultural collectivization necessary tempo." Mine rejects the alternatives of slowing down industrialization or in- creasing the rate of collectivization in order to overcome the problem. Instead, he states that Polish eca~?ductaonefo~som? i~ebandathatbpolish production "phenomenon" of disproportionate policy will be limited to measures designed to ameliorate the present cequences of the "phenomenon." Specifically he announced that the government will wage a cam ai to see that all commodity and financial agreements are fulfilled. Comment: Food shortages have been a continuing problem in Poland since the late last spring. Their effect population did not begin Minc9s expla- nation have repeatedly been reported nation is an authoritative analysis of the real situation nwitonno he frame oric of Communist doctrine and is probably problems that Poland now faces. 5a TRIESTE. Inde endent arties ma withdraw from Communal Council: The non- Communist political parties which favor an independent Trieste, are con- sidering withdrawing their representatives from the Trieste Communal Council which was elected in 1949 for two years, on the grounds that its continuation in office is illegal. The pro-Tito party and the Cominform party may withdraw. Further, there are rumors that small pro-Italian parties are contemplating a similar move because of their objections to the domination TOP SECRET 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 25X1 Approved' Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T016A000500050001-2 TOP SECRET of the Council by the Christian Democrats. 25X1 Comment: Even if all the independent parties should withdraw, the administration of Trieste would not be seriously hamPould9 Christian Democratic Party would retain a quorum in the Communal Council. Withdrawal of the parties, however, would be embarrassing to the Allied Military Government as it would be a positive demonstration of the inde- pendent parties' disapproval of the election poetponemento ba YUGOSLAVIA-, Chief of Staff concerned over West's 51 ategic plans In a conversation with General Collins, Chief of Staff Popovic expressed concern over the apparent desire of the West that Yugoslavia concentratenocahol?ing the Ljubljana gap in the north and the Vardar gap in s a general conflict. He stated that the YugoslavvGovernment, fornpolitics]- as well as strategic reasons, must defend all part tory with equal vigor. Popovic described as unwarranted the fear that the Yugoslav army would quickly withdraw to the Bosnian mountains, exposing the Allied flanks, but, he added, neither could the Yugoslav army expose its own center by the concentration of its troops on these flanks, Ambassador Allen reports a statement by Tito that outstanding differ- ences on the military aid agreement were minor and could easily Tito based his plea for military assistance on the view that if any attack on Yugoslavia were prolonged, the conflict would probably expand into a general war, whereas a quick Y oslav repulse of the Satellites would lessen this danger. Peasant intransigence continues to plague Tito re me: Evidence of increasing peasant resistance to the government's agrarian policies is revealed by sharp denunciations in the press and by reports of widespread failures to fulfill winter sowing plans. TOP SECRET 3 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 25X1 Approved F r Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79TO 46A000500050001-2 TOP SECRET .Peasants who are trying to leave the collective farms are being de and Pe - pounced in classical 'Soviet ta~rs saha e areported the jailing rs, of saboteurs collective enemies." In addition, newsp pe eo An important Zagreb news- farm managers for and wheat sowing plan has been paper reports that only tia n carried out in Croa LI hic h was first noted c continued Comment: Intensified peasant resistance, w season in July and August) wide scale during the harvesting evidently feel that sabotaging the up to the present timed The easanteventuals reliefs The regime, which is committed be forced to rely on an ian program will brim babl y agrar will pro to a program of collectivization, wthe consequence will be an increasing employment of coercion even though immediate decrease in grain production. Industrialization chief economic o al: In a recent economic Bob~ectivesc9 Chairman of the ~~~ ~?n~ouncil, listed four principal of the Yugoslav (1) the completion of key investment projects: electric power, steel of coal and non?ferrous metals; and textile industries, and the mining (2) strengthening the national defense; (3) stabilization of the domestic economy-, and (4) decentralization of power to the individual enterprises presumably dominated by Workers, Councils. l.etion of key industrial In addition, Kidric predicted that the comp antici- projects would eliminate the current ?52ficit inx theede but warned that the deficit for 1951 pated 120 million dollars. The US Embassy in Belgrade notes that the emphasis throughout the speech was on the concentration of all resources to complete key projects, while a disc in the standard of living was promised for the futures to note that Kidric9s speech gives first and ates Comments It is interesting basistandardsc ondrandgthird priority to the economic development defense needs and an improvement of u riorities. The speech reflects a contin edareliance mpointainn doctrine that p only through. industrialization can Yuaoslavia endence and achieve ,,true socialism o'8 Kidric9s reference to the possibility p exceed x,120,000,000 may be a warning that aidoa s 1oe $000?000 anticipated will be requested from fth th e $1 21259X 9 that aid in excess of 1 the West. 25X1 25X1 Top SECRET 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : 6A-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 ApprovedW6r Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79TdTf46A000500050001-2 1. SYRIA/JORDAN. Initial Sian and Jordan _@A reaction to Middle East Commad: The Prime Minister of Jordan and the Syrian Chief of Staff both expressed considerable interest in the proposed Allied Middle East Command when US diplomatic representatives in Amman and Damascus explained the details of the plan. Ebth officials voiced the hope that their res iv countries might artici ate in the Middle East defense orgainzation. 25X1 Commena None of the Arab States except Egypt was to be a founding member of the Middle East defense organization. The private views of these two influential Arab officials reflect the initially favorable reaction which many Arab leaders felt toward the Middle East Command proposals, It is clear, however, that the official attitude of the various Arab governments will be tempered by subsequent events in Egypt,, where nationalistic demonstrations have followed Egyptes abrogation of the 1936 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty and summary rejection of the Wpsteril--proposed Middle East defense plan. 25X1 20 BURMA. Burmese admit BCPconcentrations along China borders A 15 September press report from Rangoon states thatffiaa strong Burmese army motorized column" has been dispatched to the northeastern frontier,, where Burmese Communist insurgents have established well-protected overland routes into China. The report states that while there is no evidence of the Chinese aiding the Burmese Communists, the latter have established supply dumps in the border area. The dispatch admits, however, that a large number of Burmese youths are believed to be receiving military training in Yunnan. Comments This information is strongly supported by reports from other sources. It may even be an unofficial Burmese Government release,since the contents are strikingly similar to information confidentially divulged by various Burmese political and military leaders. If this is true, it would be a marked departure from Burmese complacency toward the threat of Communist China. 3. Parliament passes bill for Karen States The Burmese Parliament recently passed a bill for the establishment of a Karen State in the poor and mountainous Salween District of eastern Burma. Under its own terms the bill will not be fully implemented for four years. The US Embassy in Rangoon comments that although the Karens in Salween may accept such a state, it certainly will not please the Karens of western Burma and is likely to drive many of them into the Communist camp. 25X1 I 25X1 5 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved TOP SECRET n The available scraps of information promised in the han they are this that the Karens are to be given even less t itutional for the nullification of nstitutione Apparently the bill calls Burmese co representation on ethnic of the the cons- provision for proportional only a smal Karlens fraction" living in lines after the Karen State is ct9. and the ecially Karens Ithe Irrawaddy involu Delta and in Te~n~o ss the erim seas will The v stnmajily yet of will drive Move, es sille r dthere this be no but it to say that act this bills but t is theel{a~ens have never expected the present Will them i into the Cive them any better consideration. Parrl liament to g n A press dispatch , a ~PPk mi i a BURMA INDIA. Pt M ni Prime M 40 from Rangoon states ,~, -- that Prime inishirs forthcomingyvisit with Nehru.a n dingh I n Nu? s rip ,o 25X1 C n ree by a wire to discuss Burma s was - tivated9 to a considera esatuation with Nehru. The prospects for India are urity assistance from deteriorating internal sec receiving any substantial amount of military not brighto t a e ip ssion r r -- swais 5. MALAYA' LAgr an_abserv.~_, epor visited Singapore received the who recently errilla a officer of the U5 Army in reducin t s that the British are no ~sCimistica Malaya and are generally p guerrilla ants This impression is accurate. The eradication of adual development activity in Malaya c lisped only with the gr can be ac omp Malayans of a sense of nationalism and an awareness of Communist a ms. among P J n ? t m t and Pha a c ed of instiat 6. THAILA ? B atU P Rsan kok has been informed The U,'~ tvuara" a rema-Gull that the abortive coup in dune watae his principal police and military designed by Premier Phibun to depose Attache points outs then Phibun?s lieutenants. If this is trues enerally realived. position is more precarious than is g. commonly It that it is l s eta commenting on this report9 revea The believed in EmbassyThai9 naval circles that the Director the theca nsvy. e be stimulated the coup as police support He is covertly e is said to have attempted his romising army and pp Ed crossing it at the last moment. TOP SECRET 17 Oct 51 25X1 25X1 25X1 6 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T0`Tr46A000500050001-2 N TOP SECRET be some correlation between the Ttwo he best ions Wis. While there may by convincing evidenced eared neither is supported that it was exactly what it app reported above, tea coup is Phibun explanation of the attempted effort by disgruntled naval elements to overthrow to be--an the regimen ,~,orat one The son of the That ncp 1i Director Fhao?s brother-in-law, a mc~--who is also for Parliament 7. persons to run army p comm nted a n- chief, on the fl forgo Parliament has appointed an agent to select outstanding P from Chiengmai (an important north Thailand city) which US Embassy states that this is?iticalsmachineete Party ticket. The U rovinci P roach. ions of Pto?s P general elections app accelerate its activities as g 25X1 nlimt re ort?a at u - - lement comment s Phao?s ambitions are widelyol~tical support to suPP ock of Should he obtain considerable lice. been the his chief weakness has lack of P his influence with the army and P in support as a result of the e 195a9 he would become threlections to be h0~- threat to Premier Phibun than he is now* much more formidable a l in B On 12 and s c e s chos..--- Peiping protested the closing C 3Ynes mmunists r of the $. C ed with s following Chinese 13 October the Chinese Communist The Thai Thai in Pare charged a Chinese school in Bangkok 11 and of 08stifling" oversea all Chinese9 STS policy of 88preparing for wait is alleged, is intolerable to all Such persecution, the school be withdrawn. education. 25X1 and it is 9Odeanded" that the order clos sing in line with the periodic Chinese Communist government is and its prcWestern policies. Cotes This diatribe is attacks on the Phibun S nt not to its The question of whether or hamb r f C ern Q11. s 10 October as a lit the Chinese Chamber of 9. C =0a -~-- holiday s seriously P r??Communist observe As a result, the struggle between is the more open than Commerce in Bangkok. le Chinese Cant sing and pro-Nationalist fafti mmercetis thenmostCommunity of ever, as the Chamber organization in Thailand- of The Prosecution Department edente sec 10. icide case to warrant pro he Thai Government has announcThaihregthere is still en sled the recent t in the against ever Ba.nomrghended. The Department also appe should he e ever be apppP TOP SECRET 17 Oct 51 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved ,Fr Release 2007/03/09: CIA-RDP79T016A000500050001-2 TOP SECRET 25X1 Th acquittal of two defendants in the same case. offer furt believes that both these incidents of of closin the case Government has no i f e US Embassy in Bangkok her proof that the Thai or of exonerating Pridi even by implication- 25X1 The s g 1 0Jon agricultural reportss that rice on the basis of official Thaa estima. in 2 will be 50,000 tons less than they were in ort ex p 1951. ts Thailand will por Comment: Despite this antic eadin asour e?ofirie l in 19529 as Burma9 s continue to be the sto decreased While total world availab~ StY of affected by these losses of rice expo 9 the exports are also expectea grain will not be seriously production of rice will their failure of Burma and Thailand to increase of free Asia. continue to aggravate the food problems TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 17 Oct 51 Approved For Relee 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000050001-2 iL.. Chinese Nationalists will accept US recommendations on budgets The ,Economic Stabilization Board, on which US off c als are represented as ob- servers, will review the Chinese Nationalist budget prior to approval, accord- ing to a proposal made by the Nationalists to,the US Embassy in Taipei The .Economic Stabilization Board will make recommendations on both military and ,civilian sections of the budget. As a further opportunity for the US to review the budget,'the National- ists propose that its military sections be prepared in consultation with the Military Assistance Advisory Group before it is submitted to the Boarde The Nationalists also propose t reoular statements of current expenditures and receipts to the Board. 25X1 Comment-. This is a partial surrender of sovereignty which the Chinese Nationais s have found hard to accept, but the continuing financial solvency of the Nationalist Government is being assured only by US aide To ensure the efficient use of aid funds9 the US has sought effective control by American officials over Nationalist expenditures. 25X1 9 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved For Relea 007/03/09: CIA-RDP79T01146A0009 50001-2 160 Chinese Communists threaten to shell commercial vessels: The Chinese Communists have announce a a commercia vesse s sa ng eir waters without permission will be shelled by shore batteries without warnings 0apm2 5X1 tared vessels will be confiscated, and all crew members will be imprisoned for a minimum of three years. The Communists will not acce t excuses that the vessels were forced off course by inclement weather, Comment: This order would apply primarily to vessels which frequently cross nese waters en route to Hong Kong and Macao. Communist shore bat- teries in the Pearl River delta have' already shelled several Western-flag vesselp, and the seizure'of Okinawan junks has been reported, 25X1 Construction of military installations in the area may account for the 25X1 sensit.vity to the unauthorized approach of commercial vessels. I I 17- French official at Shanghai believes Peiping desires cease-fire in Koreas. The French Consul-General at Shang ai repot ed he i11-concea ed -N-71-re" of the Chinese Communist press in Shanghai for a resumption of cease- fire negotiations in Korea, and noted an "implied concern" over the break- down of the talks o The French official cited, as a "possible indication" of Peiping?s expectation of an agreement in the talks a reported "u sure"..of economic "efforts" in Shanghai and in Tientsin. 125X1 Comments It is questionable that the Shanghai press would take an in- depen-ecine on a major matter; the Peiping press, as presented by Peiping radioo has not indicated such a "desire" except on Communist terms or such a "concern" except for a possible relaxation of Chinese vigilance. The un- specified "upsurge" of economic activity could as well be an.indication of an expectation of continued hostilities as of a peaceful settlement, 18. KOREA. UN fi hber ilots? observations of enemy jet airoraftt During the course o an encounter be een 80 MIG- s and 32 F- 86s in the Sinuijum Sinanju area on the afternoon of 12 October, UN pilots. observed the follow-, ings (1) One enemy aircraft in a flight was "a shoulder wing type and was believed to be a Type-15." The UN aircraft passed within 100 feet of the enemy plane and observed the figure "1'0 but no other markings. (2) A DIG pilot was "wearing a dark colored, close fitting helmet, The enemy pilot also wore an oxygen mask but no goggles, and appeared TOP SECRET 10 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved For ReleasY2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000550001-2 TOP SECRET to be light complexioned." Conti While still not confirmed, it is entirely possible that the enemy-Ts employing the Type-15 for combat testing purposes and is attempting to conceal its presence among the more familiar NIG?154so It would-appear difficult to detect the coloration of an enemy pilot under conditions of high-speed jet combat,, It is probable, however, that Soviet personnel are piloting some of the enemy jet aircraft encountered in Korean 190 Enemy artillerrfire direction given in Russian languages On 13 and ]..Uctober, radioed enemy artillery ire irec ions an corrections given in the Russian language were received on a UN divisional radio seta Although the reception of the enemy?s transmission was poor, a competent UN Russian linguist was able'to make out references to the ' 1st zone, the 34th zone and height." Comments This is the first known instance of Russian language voice transmission being received on UN ground radio sets. While Soviet military personnel have been frequently reported previously as serving antiaircraft artillery in North Korean rear areas, this transmission would seem to Quu- firm the presence of Soviet military personnel in some ground combat role. It cannot be established from the limited material available whether field or antiaircraft artillery fire was being directed and corrected by this voice transmission. The word "height" could apply either to altitude in the case of antiaircraft artillery or to elevation in the case of field artillery. Similarly, area designators, such as "zones, sectors, or grids," are common to both field artillery fire direction and to an integrated early- warning antiaircraft defense system. 2Oo ROK takes action to relieve housin shortage in South Koreas On 11 October the OK 'Minister of Social Welfare announced that, in view of ex- cesses committed by landlords, refugees would now be allowed free lodging in any living space they can locate. 25X1 Comments The acute housing shortage in both rural and urban areas of South ores as further worsened the. lot of the estimated four million refu- gees in the southern provinces (the Chollas and the Kyongsangs)o Landlord excesses, such as charging exorbitant rents and turning refugees out for non- payment, have forced the ROK Government into this corrective action. TOP SECRET 11 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 17 Oct 51 Approved For Releasen007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000550001-2 TOP SECRET SECTION 3 (1VESTERN) 2, FRANCE. Foreign Office official suggests Big Three act together on Moscow .vie -inspire economic conference now scheduled to be held in Moscow during December, expressed his informal opinion that the US, the UK and France should either agree publicly to call this a Soviet political maneuver and discourage acceptance, or else encourage the attendance of "courageous individuals who will speak out." An international initiating committee is currently in session, or about to meet, in Zurich to plan the agenda, The French Government has so far "discreetly discouraged" those French industrialists, technicians, trade unionists, and public officials who have been invited to the conference. 25X1 Comment: The French have recently shown a growing reliance upon concer e action among the Big Three on all major international issues. Nonetheless, during the past year they have repeatedly shown interest in resuming East-West trade relations and have recently been placing increasing emphasis on France's need for additional imports from the Orbit, Bilateral French-Soviet trade discussions are now in progress, and the French are probably loath to turn down any opportunity to expand East-West trade, even though the prospective conference will not be governmental and may be exploited as a Communist propaganda forum, 3. French refuse Italians' plea for help in gaining UN membershi : France has reuse to sponsor UN mem ers ip or y by a irec proposal TOP SECRET 12 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved For Relea007/03/09: CIA-RDP79T01146A0005{50001-2 TOP SECRET in the General Assembly. The French Foreign Office told the Italians that its refusal was based on the difficulties in circumventing the Security Council, and advised them to apply once more to that body "to see whether the Soviets will continue to follow the same tactics and argumentation in vetoing admission." 25X1 Comment-. While the French would undoubtedly welcome a test in the SecurityGouncil, their refusal to assist the Italians at this time is probably due chiefly to their reluctance to take the lead in any Western: move which might antagonize the USSR. FRANCE BELGIUM. French consider closing their consulates Communist China; Belgians are closzn eirs: According to a Frenc Foreign Office spokesman, ranee is considering closing its consular offices at-both Shanghai and Tientsin, as a result of reports from the French Consulate General now in Hong Kong that the Chinese Communists have been attempting "to provoke an incident involving him and his staff at Shanghai." If the French close these consulates, their only diplomatic post in China would-be the French Embassy at Peiping. The French spokesman added that, according to the Belgian Embassy at Paris, the Belgian Government all its consular offices in China and recalling its personnel. 25X1 Comment: Communist China has already taken over most of France's consular property. In the past, France has refrained from protesting similar provocative incidents or indignities to its nationals in order to obviate any excuse by the Chinese to invade Indochina. Belgium's interests in the Far East are limited. One of its few consular offices in China was closed during the summer. 5. AUSTRIA. Impending strike in US-sponsored network and newspaper called off: e President _oT7e Au.s Tian edea~i.on o~`l.ra e .ions assure ig z om- missioner Donnelly on 15 October that the threatened strike of Austrian employees in the US-sponsored Red-White-Red network and the Wiener Kurier will be avoided. The strike threat was withdrawn after the Hi o scion re-instated three employees previously dismissed, and appointed a committee to consider the adaptat? n of Austrian labor rocedures to US employment conditions in Austria. 25X1 Comment: Amicable settlement of the labor dispute removes a serious embarrassment to the US occupation authorities in Austria. The immediate cause of the dispute was the American suspension of three employees who objected to a questionnaire which asked for the employee's race and his 13 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved For Relea?W1007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79TO1146A0005QO50001-2 TOP SECRET attitude toward the forceful overthrow of the US Government, Shop stewards had previously voted not to sign the questionnaires. There has,'however, been a long-standing dispute between US authorities and the employees on the introduction of the so-called "USCOA schedule" which, while increasing wages by 50 percent,would deprive Austrian employees of certain protections under Austrian labor legislation, The US attitude in the controversy was strongly criticized by a leading People's Party newspaper and was widely exploited by the Communists, NETHERLANDS, Dutch refuse to stop transshipments of chemical presumably ecesstinec. for Communist Ina: US s ipmen s o y rose pie, a bleaching agen use in extife production, to the Netherlands are being re-exported to Hong Kong, presumably for Communist China. A Dutch Foreign Office spokesman informed the US Embassy that the hydrosulphite was licensed by the'Netherlands Bank for sale in Hong Kong before it had left the US. He added that the Netherlands would do nothing to stop these shipments; he suggested that the US either propose that hydrosulphite be included on the Coordinating Committee list, or make end-use checks prior to granting export licenses, The Embassy is also concerned over the Dutch failure to stop the shipments inasmuch as.t is in short supply in the Netherlands, Comment: The Dutch have adhered to Coordinating Committee restrictions, and have so maintained that controls over strategic commodities should be exercised by the originating country rather than by an intermediary handling the transfer, The Netherlands Government has the power to requisition strategic commodities, where such action is necessary as a last resort, unless the title has already passed to another country. Dutch press criticizes US "blacklisting" of forwarding concern: Initial Dutch press reaction tote US ' blacklisting" of Van ;Udens, a Dutch forwarding firm with headquarters at Rotterdam, has been unfavorable, The Netherlands Government, however, has taken a neutral position, and trade officials generally seem pleased. However, a few local officials are concerned over the effect the US action will have on Rotterdam's reputation as a port. Opinion is divided on the effect it will have on other forwarding agents and the future use of Rotterdam as a transit point. US consular officials believe, however, that the US order will discourage "expansion of diversiona activities" among the firms at this port, Comment: In January 1951 an official of Van Udens was reported as pro-Communist and systematically engaged in diverting shipments of strategic commodities to the Orbit, TOR SECRET 14 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved For ReleasW1007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A0005W50001-2 TOP SECRET The US action will undoubtedly add to Dutch irritation over what they regard as US economic interference. S, ITALY, Non-Communist Press denounces Soviet rely on peace treaty revision: non ommunis press has teat e strongly to the ovie note to the Western powers regarding revision of the Italian Peace Treaty. Both conservative and moderate leftist papers call the reply "absurd," ''un- acceptable," and "blackmail." The conservative Tempo as well as the semi- 25X1 official government organ Messaggero affirm that Italy will never abandon the Atlantic Pact. Press commeso points out tha~ the note is actually another Soviet veto of Italian membership in the UN. Comment: The tenor of the press comment suggests that many non- Communiincluding democratic Socialist elements and members of the Christian Democratic left wing,-are becoming increasingly disenchanted with the blandishments of Soviet peace propaganda. On the other hand, there are non-Communists who will continue, as ex-Premiers Orlando and Nitti have done in the past., to advocate Italyes withdrawal from the NATO should the Western powers fail to consider its interests adequately. Italian Ambassador to Moscow believes Soviet note on treaty aimed to bolster I ian ommunis ts: The Italian Amass- or to Moscow,, whose opinions are highly regarded by the US. Embassy, feels that the Soviet mote imposing conditions for revision of the Italian Peace Treaty of 1947 is "largely a question of polemics with the Italian Communist Party in mind."_ The US Embassy'agrees that the note appears to have been drafted with Italian internal conditions in mind, The USSR feels its position "rather weak re the Italian people in general and the Italian Communist Party in particular," While the USSR is restricting development of the national aspirations of the Italian people, it must at the same time not "pull the rug out from under" the Italian Communist Party. Following publication of the Soviet note, the Italian Communist paper Unita carried an article explaining that the Soviet Union demands only that Italy y be independent and "pacific." In this connection, the Communist Party militants arg -privately c ainin that the Berlin "Peace" A eal is not going well. 25X1 Comment: The Soviet note strengthens the appeal of the Italian Com- munis peace campaign for nationalist elements who want an armed but neutral Italy with international parity. It does not, however, lessen the support of the majority of Italians for the Government's pro-Western policy. TOP SECRET 15 17 Oct 5l Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved For Releas''602OO7/03/09 : CIA-RDP79TO1146AOOO59065OOO1-2 TOP SECRET 10. Parliament. vote on foreign policy shows strong appeal of Communist "peacett propaganda: The Chamber of Deputies concluded its debate on the governmenn s foreign policy with a vote of confidence for Permier de Gasperi, rejecting a Communist-sponsored motion assailing "the new political and military pledges resulting from the Ottawa conference" with a 322-to-157 vote. However, a motion which did not openly criticize the government's policies but called for a relaxation of international tension and for East- West 'liiscussions" was defeated by a margin of only 265-l97. The US Embassy in Rome believes the switch of votes reflects (1) "wooly-headed" thinking on Communism, (2.) confusing effects of_Communist peace propaganda,-and (3) fear that rearmament may "provoke" the USSR and may be progressing too fast in relation to government expenditures for social reform. Embassy officials also stress that the cumulative effects of the Communist peace campaign must not be underestimated, and state that the government is making plans to recapture the peace theme. 25X1 Comment: The smaller margin in the voting on the second motion reflects the t lning of a substantial-neutralist segment of the population which believes that a rapproachement is possible between the US and the USSR,, and that Italy should act as a bridge to bring the two powers together0 Supporters of this view have been one of the main targets of the Communist peace propaganda campaign. 11. SPAIN. Spanish demand special concessions from US in wolfram negotiations: Ti" e US Embassy in Madrid reports that in return for a long-term contract to supply the US Spanish wolfram, the Spanish Government will offer no price concessions and has introduced quid pro quo's"which are extraneous to the subject matter under negotiation0'r. Specifically, the Spanish negotiatiors have demanded adequate assurance of equitable treatment for Spain in the distribution of US goods in short supply and favorable action on a Spanish 25X1 request for a three-year 25-million-dollar cotton credit to be submitted to the Export-Import Bank. The US Embassy has informed the Spanish Govern- ment that the US would probably not be receptive to these demands. Comment: Past statements by Spanish officials have indicated that the government has expected all along to receive assurances regarding supplies of US goods in short supply in return for any Spanish agreement to supply the US with strategic raw materials, Large cotton credits are considered essential in order to destroy the-black market in cotton and to weaken the black market in pesetas. These credits would have to come from the Export- Import Bank's revolving cotton credits funds, and the Bank opposes granting them because it feels that Spain's economic position would be weakened rather than strengthened thereby. 16 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79TO1146AO00500050001-2 Approved For Releas 07/03/09: CIA-RDP79TO1146A0005 0001-2 12, SWEDEN, Relations with Poland deteriorate further: The US Embassy at . =030 repo s a we is -Po is re a ions are deteriorating. Sweden has had a steady influx of Polish refugees, and Polish protests against Swedish asylum have become more vitriolic. Swedish authorities suspect that the influx of refugees includes a number of spies and Communist agents. The Swedish Seamen's Union has warned its members against going ashore in Poland following the outrageous treatment of Swedish seamen there, 25X1 Comment: Swedish authorities have recently displayed a sterner and more vigorous attitude towards Poland and Polish merchant marine personnel, and have undoubtedly irritated the Polish Government, There is good reason to believe that among the refugees there are secret agents for Communist activity against the Polish refugee groups, 13, ARGENTINA, Peronistas celebrate Loyalty Da in tense atmosphere: The Minister of e Army ias announced that the acme forces will participate in the Loyalty Day celebrations, during which the General Confederation of Labor will present medals to 60 army officers for loyalty during the 25X1 28 September revolt, Participation by the armed forces in these celebrations is a new development, which may be designed to demonstrate labor-a unit and provide an additional attraction for the populace, Comment:: Loyalty Day, 17 October, is the most important Peronista- create oiday and this year has been planned as a high point in the election campaign. Special features on the program include the introduction of television in Argentina and the formal presentation to the workers of the expropriated newspaper La Prensa, which the General Confederation of Labor will begin publishing on l Oc of ber. A special medal will be presented to Senora de Peron, to whom this year's celebrations are dedicated because of her "great self-sacrifice" in declining the nomination for vice-president. There have been unconfirmed reports that the workers may again demand that she run for vice-president, although this would be completely illegal if the elections are held as scheduled on 11 November, Whether or not this inflammable issue is reopened, general political tension has created an atmosphere in which at least minor disturbances could be provoked, TOP SECRET 17 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 UNCLASSIFIED whegq0prI EQPF Me'6[Se 2OO WM9Fo1C R1 M7ff6l446 IBOO&)OQ5&Nfl d or declassi- fied when filled in form is detached from controlled document. CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE CIA CONTROL O /Q p DOC. NO. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE COPY NO. 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Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2 Approved For Rele 2007/03/09: CIA-RDP79TO1146A0004050001-2 TOP SECRET SECTION 2 (EASTERN) 1, AUSTRALIA, Government wants direct expression of US views pertaining to Egypt crisis: A high government official informally told the US Embassy in Canberra that, in view of the Egyptian crisis, his government would like to receive an "independent expression" of the US attitude regarding negotiations for a Middle East Command rather the British interpretation of that attitude.. 25X1 Comment: The Australian Government has long been aware that it must depend upon close cooperation with the US for its continental defense. This report indicates increased Australian concern that close cooperation with the UK alone is not sufficient to guarantee the security of Australian interests in the Middle East. 2, JAPAN. US moves toward settlement of security treaty and future of Ramkyus: Top-level consideration is now being given to the appointment of a senior Department of State officer to work exclusively on the administrative details of the US-Japan security pact, to the designa- tion of a Presidential committee of three members to make recommendations on the Ryukyus settlement, and to the constitution of a Joint Congres- sional Advisory Committee to work with the latter, The Department feels that announcement of these arrangements might have a favorable effect on the debate now going on in the Japanese Diet over ratification of the peace and security treaties by showing that the US is prepared to move promptly on these matters; on the other hand, it might induce some elements in the Diet to ask postponement of ratification of the two treaties pending the outcome of the negotiations, The Department has therefore requested the comments of the US Political Adviser in Tokyo, General Ridgway and Prime Minister Yoshida relative to the advisability of making uncement of these intentions, Comment: The Japanese Government is being criticized by the Opposition on these two aspects of the treaties, and a US announce- ment would support the government's contentions that the administrative details of the security pact have.not yet been worked out, and that the Ryukyus are not permanently lost to the Japanese. SECTION 3 (WESTERN) TOP SECRET 1 17 Oct 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000500050001-2