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Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79TO1049AO01100190002-7 SECRET, 16 March 1955 MEMORANDUM FCR: Assistant Director for Research and Reports 25X1A SUBJECT s Communist China's Agricultural Failures REFERENCE 25X1A 25X1 A o ORR, it is reques that your office prepare a short s u tli i ou n ng Chicom agricultural failures. Examples of s ecifi f il p c a ures, and where available, admissions by Chicom leaders of weaknesses in the agricultural programs and program- ming should be included. 20 The inclusion of a brief summary of the agricultural problems facing the Chinese, in terms understandable to the non- economist, is desirable, Also a listing of sources used in the study, as well as other sources to be consulted would be very helpful. 3. Other than in the brief summary, the study should con- tain as much unclassified information as possible, and especially that unclassified information which is freely available outside the continental United States. The security classification of all other information should be clearly indicated. 4. uestion rtaining to this request may be addressed 25X1 A to on extension 8653, 25X1A SECRET proved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79TO1 049AO01 100190002-7 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Rolease 2000/ %i-RDP79 1049AO01100190002-7 Chief, Economic Research Area, ORRFRtl 3? TRRU : Acting Chief, Materials Division, ORct Chief, Food and Agriculture .Branch, D/M, ? R 16 March 1955 mittai of on Project 21.678, uBloc A;riculture failures" 1. The attached project is in response to a request from 25X1A _for exploratory research regarding Communist admissions of failure in agriculture in the various Bloc countries. The formation is presented per verbal instructions from- 25X1A 25X1 A and ."t/PR, ORR. 2. 1I/AG wishes to point out that an Unusually large ,mount of information is available on difficulties being faced by the Bloc countries in their attempts to develop agriculture. information has been published by these governments since the advent of the "Now Course" consumer ,?,oods policy which was inaugurated in many of the Bloc countries about a year and a half ago. The bulk of this material is readily available in the OCD Library. All of the FBIS :A124Reports are available on micro- film, except current issues which are in book farm. FBIBcaaomic Abstracts from 1952 to the present are available in book or card forma in the library. Issuer prior to 1952 are available from the Record Center. Other publications, FDD translations, ORR projects? and so on, are also available in the library. Other sources of information are the Economic Plans Collection in the G Library, the Monthly List of Rueeian Accessions, and the East European 25X1 C Accessions List published by the Library of Congress, and various "Treasure Island," a collection of translations prepared for the Air Force by the Air Information Division of the Library of Congress, might also prove helpful. In any avant, there is plenty of information, and the amount of time spent in extraction and compilation could be excessive. The Food and Agriculture Branch wishes to offer further assistance, but the combination of an already overloaded schedule and lack of personnel will force M/AG to severely limit its support until sometime in the next fiscal year. 3. Requests for further information may be directed to 25X1A M/AO, extension 2791. 25X1A attachment 25X1A elease 200&E4, IIA-RDP79TO1049AO01100190002-7 (5,q "/1,9P- 3, , ' Approved Fly- Release 2000/06SRFATRDP 9T01049A0011O ~2W , r- 21.678,s "Bloc i rio ilture 'allures" 25X1A examples of C unist a, include these duo various C h might be blamed on the ppor administratUon an ts information presented of 1 causes as well n limited to the oh 19%, although much data exists prior to 1953. this was to be an exploratory study, iroreation rtni level, national, provincial, and local leave since ohs sod or camouflaged. Indirect admission of failure should also be considered. administrators. On the national level, eevarit * easily made the local Populace act as a shook on shown. 1P O believes that information favorable when a oc't admis3ion of shortages ut the situation not equal to the increased demand brough, presented by each major area of the Bloc. It will be noted that the primary sources of most of the data given are 31cc publications, newspapers and which are unclassified, and radio broadcasts, which are also unclassified, or ocaasionall for official use only. 1 level) Decree by Central Committee CPU, non Measures to further ure." Development of Soviet Lgricul- STATSPEC tentimee more accurate than th{ STATSPEC Approved For Release 2000/05/ q A P79T01049AO01100190002-7 Approved For Release 2000/05/1 9TO1 049AO01 100190002-7 90ET given in this doors*, are in the agricultural scon such ,d so on. breading in in a particularly number of e present time has not reached the prewar head, and compared with 1928 has decreased by 8.9 million head... Productivity of cattle losses from cattle plague are great... The rodder base is poorly +s veioped there cattle are unsatiera it, fodder, and potatoes. Shelter tacdl.ities tae serious l&g in production Of potatoes Ni ;4vegetables in development o farms the barve$t of orope. expenditure tansy and drawback productivity of livestock are ad, there in heavy unprodttotivs ezpeen:dituree and over- a,, and production cots are eery high- and poor tending of grain, oil-bearing? 1 production. b. (National levsi) hcbev+s report at the plenary session farther increase in the prc ct on. reclamation of vir&in and idle land." STATSPEC cultivation on collective arable state of affairs. The ar a STATSPEC upped by 1/3 during the past 3 years. Its tilde, and particularly the marketable yield of flax fiber and seeds, eontinu+s to re exceedingly 1 . The material i centives for Liax search have proved to be inefZocti . cost of state f ra production is still very high." Approved For Release 2000/05/15: E07,9T01049AO01100190002-7 L)ECREJ, Approved Fq Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP2,9T01049AO01100190002-7 Sowing, in vet,) eree of a &I 'roduce Procuremen In 1954. Current DU-eat, o the Soviet "The strs e against stgricultural crop pests and diseases is a ?juuized quenc:ea of which the spread of agricultural crop Committee of OP.W. Preparations 1954* Unclassified. Stich a sit" P 1+enue>L of Central Committee G"13U. . STATSPEC ,el 'AI a result of protracted g level) and amoanted, lei braedin) the produotiv'ity of cows is exceptionally 1,0290 kilogram's a d 1,442 kilograms of milk 1953. in 1940 954 plan for milk procurement and purchase was fulfilled scaly 1 74 pars3ae but (Local level) 340 eggs are led by 20 ion of milk decreased by 10 percent. Lys and state farms is bad lost. lectiva far hen 6 to 16 eggs per year an the aawveraj o. in tho produced bm each 100 heat here Is not an oz STATSPEC pariod to 1J4 son with receive Approved For Release 2000IS j A-RDP79T01049AO01100190002-7 Approved F Release 2000/05StC%f DP T01049AO01100190002-7 her and p *d to fulfill their n for an !e and sheep. Milk yields per have 2 kilograms instead aaC' the 220 oven decreased in collective ei ht of fattened pigs and wool. clippings per sheep have National level) Report on the work of the gave blia of Cna, at the session of the First National People's Congress. M STATSPEC STATSPEC tither lengthy speech are references to difficulties being d In agriculture, At h the floods in the ';agtse and uaz STATSPEC tate nt on, the consumer goods position also refers to the recent ti "backward," and "because the acreage ~ enough, Still live at a rather 23 meeti bas ins being prodac still not b. National level) Own Tun's statement at the September 3 meeting of the First session of Vtie First National People's Congress. and states that the "Supply Cann' duotion in su lly, 5u7 , beca ,se the del and. STATSPEC goods." After several oo arisons of present output of v4rious a;yrioul , ca odtties with pro-World War II , Chan 'lain indirectly admits that sh. orta ea by as ion why supply, and dead failed to balance is not the supply." Heavy al production. p; the demand for daily caod envisaged in the by a -lai, d still faster than n, aeeat, and oil-bearing crops are defended as Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79TO1 049AO01 100190002-7 SECRET SECRET Approved For.Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDPZ r01049AO01100190002-7 nec 1sa for industrialization, and it is admitted that and edible oil is not supported by all the people." 25X1 A ca. Pao edit production morale 'not Very steady pal cattle elauttred. Pall planting of wheat and rapeseed db, official Use 0 CHICOM producer co 25X1A "Edible oil :3'horta crop harvests. Comments Spring plan pessimistic since d. Regional papers state a+ peasants enteric 24, 1954). Dispatch f up the peanut crops in is an acute shorttre c, nton. collection of fartiil or export to Russia 25X1A spring plowing or pe sec an is m well done. In calert 25X1A smut oils, which is the principal form of edible goes on to state that shipments from other areas were to wo meet reqaIre ants. 'Do ration of peanut oil has, therefore, been further reduced in all part. kept Canton,, where the Cc ca put up a false front for t benefit of overseas mesa in Hong Kong and Macao. a. (Local level) So ea tate, Review of on Unolassi,fied. "Famine in 1954). patch t, sell cattle instead of :have an ludo gtsk, Yu t 40,000 peasants in Xukong, Yingtak, Yun u n, and Chi angtung (aing press, 25 Iebrua 1954, Approved For Release 2000/05/15 CIA-REDP79TO1049AO01100190002-7 SECR Approved Fo Release 2000/0AW9 - DP-Z,4TO1049A001100190002-7 or trod po tact was admitted recently in the Cow-a ,n Paoe (Peasants' Journal). The paper said that in December last ye poasant r died of dysentery or t. 25X1A subsidiary food or on wad plants. a in so" northern Kwan,tun a rea# an a result* a diet Of wild vegetati.on..'# 25X1A 10 Jon in Jib Pao In co mentin& on 1%b hina production mentioned planned target soybean production fulfilled by 90 pe oAB 1953....." M of iraepor HIWI export co=ed (Local level.) Sourest, CIA, F DD Summary No. 397,# 25 crops f.oodod--Peiping, and frc o ini Hein-yas, Nan-y ording to the statiatica of and hang-ch+iu of Ronan, 75,150 plants have been flooded and 7,657 broken." Report goes on CI,, F 3 ftnma y No. 397,p 25 i ebru ary i.v?els raring the r Food Ores Wages Protection of indication COU has noted of soybean crop less than rod have issued a directive to grain depar ction of moisture content and the extermination o;... in stored grains." Ilati is also made of the eh:or?tae of the lack of warehouses, the lack of experience in the d that "during 1954, in some areas, new gyreain infested with Insects was put into SECRET 1 jjjjqOO a s tc 1955, Confidential. Approved Fr Release 2004MMA-RDP9T01049A001100190002-7 be sxaeris the possibilities of en" W ele ant$ sabotaging granaries t.0 . (provincial level) Sourcei a aridenti.aa4. 'Oi] production to be The oil-processing thdustr "aativn* ing 0. 397, 2, ad in Chekiang--Tteftsif, 397, 25 Ftbraiary 19 55., Confidential. onf'erensme- - ei sin er -miaz 1h-3 an, 4'anuarx 1 achieve a is of the state r , it h the an the various farms,, and numr as ttch disparity in ravel) Sources D o -Porch in Stati till unable to keep up with the gain d of living *nong the ople - o. 397, 5 'ebr iaar hog - pu ha a Article praalases it buys. This record is compared to "the deplorable asituatic with respect to the health of hogs a7 at roll 2 June north slauht n. ring the fir 6 months of iota percent ;unioipti food trod Cr apaa ` were unfit for sale average of 23.2 percent ad 2 percent. :eighty-two percent of the hop diseased and some day a #11 the hogs are diseased." id STATSPEC zonal, level) STATSPEC by o16.J that "there is still noses in atanuge ft ins; `aa'. K#3R Pao Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CI DP79T01049AO01100190002-7 SEC1 I Approved For-Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A001100190002-7 "On account of unfavorable weather in the autumn and wintter, the autumn-awn crops have suffered such dae. orsov'er, some of crops gown Is table primary crops." (Hungary) STATSPEC STATSPECb. yield of wheat and rye is not, however, satisfactoryt It is no higher than the ave Parr for mwW years. on al level) eso iotr of the Central - ttee of the Hungarian Workers STATSPEC ancea to agriculture, including the followings %,,r1cultural production fails to live up to recrArewnts. Particularly backward Is the situation. as of bread rains and the development of the breeding of horned nel level) went by Seabed Lop on the port of th Office !unhary on t ltill nt of the 1954 National Economic Flan. STATSPEC The editorial notes that tithe collection satiaf ctor with deliveries. there was a a considerable slac did not fulfill the prud=e-collect ,on plan completely; ant of the wine-collection plan, too. The editorial as for January show that deliveries of pig quotas are also proceeding e vel) Address by Zenon MMoeak, before the Second. lenun or the PP Central Co crittee at the July 2- , 1954 meting in Warsaw. 25X1A STATSPEC uca is not, proceeding 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/0 9 ft; or DP79T01049A001100190002-7 Approved For Release 2000/05/19' 7.%T01049A001100190002-7 iced ffo1ier7 Party ore;aiao for their failure to a 9a3u the guidance and control of the problem of increasing farm output and for having? permitted livestock and milk delivery plans during of thine year. also criticized the state sac their failure to provide sufficient supplies and ~riaintain sufficient distribution of fertilizers and farm machinery." ationaal level) nd speech by Polish ' of to PZ HL on March 10, 194. The appech deals largely with progress or lack of it) under 25X1A a,?. riculture Includes the following statements "Whereas in the per; 1950-53 industrial production increased by 118 percent, the atricultuni pri -eased by only 10 percent. -he comparison between those Shares proves maid of ag `iculturee, and also that the discrepancy between the development of 25X1A industry and *r, t`icul,turd has assumed a serious character, breaking down the further development of the national scone . The development of s hri production not o fulfill the tasks of the Six 'fear Plan but the lit four years displayed u*erod faults and shortcomings." (National level) Summary or speech delivered by Premier :iivoky at the recent sooting of the Central Coximittes, of the eeohvelofak C Party. STATSP STATSPEC speech is primarily concerned with a review oL the prevent situation and playa for future develop nt of Czechoslovak a ,riou1cure. one regarding animal httsb EC Approved For Release 2000/05/1 E(O JP79T010.49AO01100190002-7 Approved Fo ,Release 2000/0*0t ReVDP7,V01049AO01100190002-7 as "serious," and it is stated the ;,t previous emotions to "heese have been unsatisfactory. chanisation is proposed as fltipthe al production are called for. ortal STATSPEC admitted. .e number of swine and sheep has is croased, but bee and dairy Was as a rem It o the shrinkage of the production." Attention mat be given to todtr oval) each by t rapier siyouy at the Czechoslovak Comm= al level) So;srces CIA, 1DD Summary No. 3840 14 February l r)5,, Confidential. Rumanian publication (l3uohare3t), 26 Novarnber 1954, criticises a output of milk has gone down. Other difficulties an mantic d. livestock brooding station and state f ra< which ne ;lect proper aura of l1vostocle. !ationa1level) Sources datwos res cc pleted by 1 January 1955.n 14 February