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25X1A STANDARD FORM NO. f34 SECRET k roved For Release 2,111)0/05{1: EttAwatim049A09;1100020004-3 Off-ice Memorandum e UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO : Chief, THRU 119,91RE Acting Chief, DIN, ORE 4?e FROM : Acting Chief, mkka, ORE DATE: 16 September 1954 2/Jo, SUBJECT: Requested Study on the Chinese Communist Grain Control Program REFERENCE: Case #K-91114 25X1A 1. This report is a survey study in response to a series of questions, the answers to which, were desired by Many of the answers given in this study are to questions whichdeserve a full scale study in themselves. Within the limits of time available and the tremendous scope of the subject matter, it is felt that this report makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the Chinese Communist Grain Control Program. 2. Every effort was made to give an answer to each question asked. Frequently, only a general answer could be given. In many cases information was lacking as to details. 3. In the WAG, meeting of 28 June 1954 which discussed this project, it was agreed that documentation of the finished study was nonessential. 4. 11111111wishes to consult with WAG on any aspect of this study e responsible analyst in M/AG will, be available to for that purpose. 50 No important procedural or substantive problems developed in the preparation of this report. Enclosure BM:se 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/WOREr-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Relupe 2q9NotortiAT4 79T0190A001100020004-3 ?1.4.11 rrritl IrrIna -411,', Child% Econmio:t Roonnueh of Research nnd HoroilA j*tts. 16 September 1994 tq,,t3)Riau-IIN To THE OfiiTP,F.: ROCtIr..V.fiC REST.+11?..C'fi ;?? t*?,t,7?nti g Chief Planni r!' Find. Review Staff Trensmissi on or Dret, ,Pivoort, OYA,, Project No?, Alittoir; Chinese Communist Grain Control Program. 77=LOSUPSA Subject draft report CarigInal and 2 cvnisa), %k11.004,re Is forwar0 jorewith f wr and r aa YR ef;atagr ITM L2/ 21.308 Ztet>ement of coordination attachedi, with initials of indisiduale mad Non. ,tlxv-ur,,opmente for marts or grapMos tough writh Gartograpt. DIvielm? None 0, agency? Beommemded Dissemination; tandard otnnuts ONLY E_ IC Subcommittee t. ate gat* It04er stmssatsrom,,,,e' dee. z=7.7 Other, foreign etc f.,ittao! lint) fiao informatiou on U3 military end product!? or manpower been mod? r No Ha* direct msa boon ;node of the illtallirpticte or information of kilvykrt,er No n:L1 nourcos boon considered in Yes 140tirs utilised by this dision ZrFz.nothes of oiler ORR Divisions oexiitribut,ing marjjr iJ,ed by each g the aration of t'Als roport7 in producing this reports to ills report,, and (if al. 11010 ,1 ? -9 - 4.5. Ima-rircleolo 9? Tho analyst responsible for consultation 25X1A El CoarKents None f v-M109) MAG 3819 ill?WILACItri-Te712;11.111Ksi let" Of this tronsmittal shoot mill. ohanged, v.,onror to tha draft reporft villeb it covera:? Approved For Release 200/06/16::t1A-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 StINJ Approved For Release 2000/51.5RAIIRF79T01049A0011001126 1.!A,F et XNVATS eru ?reqientl Usoa in Taxation U. Methods of Obtaining revenue from Agriculture .... . ???4 041 III. ()opera' Points RgArding A-Ticultural Taxation in Communist- China Tax it 3. 43ministrative tructure iciating to Anance C. Levying of Aijqoultural Taxes D. National TAX Yield and Avorage National Tax Kilte IV. State Purchase of Lrain A. urdor or Aanned Airallase .. 0.00 ??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? e and Planned Supply of 3rain . ? V. Specific :4uestions on the Chinese Communist Grain Control ProF:raa . A. ,,enera" i. Specific 1. :-uosrvision of INrvestini!, ......... ? ???? ? ........... S ..... ? .. ? . 2. Weighing and ixaminiAtion of rfraln ? a ? ? ? IP 3. Amount of Total Crop Collected iroal fnalvidual i'sasant 4. 5. 6. 7. Opendix I eAorJendix II Appenriix III &yrnaflt for Rice Collected ... a**404,00* Collecting -ency . . . . . . .. .. ? ? 0 ?? ? 3tora48 .A.0.4ncy ........ , ......?.?. Distribution . ? ? Appendixes Pais 1 3 3 ? 5 ? ? 9 10 ? 11 ? 13 ? 13 ? 17 ? 17 18 ? 20 ? 23 ? 25 ? 23 ? 30 35 45 50 CAC Directive on irioultural Taxation During 1953- . ? . ? . Order of CAC for Knforcement_ of Planned l'urcnaso and Planned !'.;Unply of rain CAC Issues Provisional Measures for Control of Grain Market . Approved For Release 2000/05/15KA4iP79T01049A001100020004-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15u.: .51Ii4SE flUN I at; coNntor. PRoclip4 sa. Arks :79A?01100020004.3 1. Toriw :revently Jsed in Taxation. 9ofinition ain ter 1.)1,t, are fregiently uaeo in thissurvey or the ChiCom Grain jontrol program are as follows: krain - i3 L' 0 standard eesi na610n of grain 4nat is collected by the avernment as taxes. b) Surplus rain is the standard deaigmtion of :4rain. that is purchased from the peasant by state organs. c) Normal annual yield - an average yield concept .which, in theory, takes acount of the uniity of the soil, "norial" weather, irri&ation, manpower, animal power, number of harvests and prevailing cultural practices of the locale in question. Taking account o. these fctra an uverae output is established for each plot of land. This averae output 13 tamed: "normal annuli yield." d) Province the adminis analog the .'1:nited 'tates. hith the abolition o1' admini5traUve regions in 19544 the province is the next adminisizative echelon bioj the central government at Peking. e) ffsien ?-? the-administrative unit naiogous to a county in the Uni 'tatos. an administr:itive district within a hsieu. Approved For Release 2000Mer-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15SEGRET79T01049A001100020004-3 U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY g) 1tang an administrative unit, usuelly covering several villeoeo, within a Chiluo This unit is oeneraily the lowest administratiVe or-n of he Chinese Communist Lototo. The vi1iae itsoli? of course, has ridiwntary administrative ora ns and functions but the hsiang is the smallest unit tit normally reflects the characteristics of the monolithic $trctura h1ch is patterned on the Central i:,overnment at Peking. 11. thods of Obt 'n ng evene from Aoricalture. The Chinese Com,. nit C000rnment secures control of aoricultural products Oy- a number of methods.. Three dl rerent methods of acquisition are of major importanroo Taxation in Kind is the nost important method of acquirino revenue he- a, 7 Oe state. Purchase of orain bo state oroano is almost equally imoortant, in terms of aOsolute volume, in gaining control of ooriculturol oroOaco. Thisourchase ani. sales program il also relatively iTportant as a revenue producer for the s as ,rain is pirehaec3t prices llxed by the state and sold under eri prices. The maroin 1s uffic1ent to yield a con31drab1e surplus which is reoarded as: general revenue in the budoet. The third method of securing control of wealth is in drives for donations, such as the "resist America, aid Korea" ?4ovomont, and in the sales of bonds such oo doe r" y bond" and constru tion bond." This last method in terols of volume is relatively small as compared to the taxation and planned purchase proorams. Obreover, this last method extracts - evith fron both the arban and rural population. For the purposes of disoussion of the Chinese Colunist orain Oont 1'oroora it should he suificient to Oisouos aspects oL' taxation ond aspocts of the otate purchf;se of aoricultural products. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 ? CIA-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 SHUT Approved ForRelease2000/0A%lri? U. S. a L Ifl. eneral rain g ri TfIT01049A001100020004-3 Taxation in Communist Chine. it must be recohlized th,t durin: the 1:5-zis yearti the .;emn regime has been underoin the process or growth and development. In this process ohysical and economic_ conrxol or resources has become 'teadily razer, administnitive experience hos grown, trainin:;- and experience or crAreo has 1ncreied, ld ;tics on resources have been improved. s a result of these and other factorn the tax pro-ram has chnived over ti,4e. Also, Decal e o.k. the3o and other factor;, the pro ram has wried py areas urin any ,iven time pe eppliction has varied widely between areas even where the intent of the central ....ovornnent as uniform. These calmunts servo a,..5 notice that the I1ing. sualary- description of _aricultural taxation_ in China 13 ra1itd 4nd that deviations fro this i.e&criction Aay occur- in a speciric locale. A. IX.1;ates. In practice there were at least two district systems of ing the a6rici1tura1 tax up through the crop year or 1952. The C1 rt and oldoht method WI& a proportionate system unoer Which the tax --sievitxL on a percentae of the cron or of the acreage and: no exeAption was calculated. This system was used in the Nertheast in 192. The tax rate waried from a low Of 15 pereent in jehol rovince to a hiRh of 23 percent in P;eilankiang, Sunjciang, and Kirin. It is not known whe -er the proportionate system was .aain used in this area in 1953. The second. "IA or r tax system is the progressive systen, in whic tax is levied accordin to fixed rates deti3rmined by per capita in 1950 and 1951 in china, Central-South China, :And -3outhwest China the t;-x was levied according to a set oC re=ulations oramulc,Ated by .he centrvl authoritio in 4,Ttamber 1950. These areas were covered by a sliFhtly difforent sst of Approved For Release 2000/05t15 ,-01-A4RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 re#zulAtions in 1952. The schedule of ,i-ricultural tax rates for 1952 e!.re as follows: Approved For Release 2000/0511 ? U Classification of To(able Income 5 6 7 9 10 RET kair0301049A001100020004-3 rae -p,ricultural incole oi tach gembar of the iamily l'ax Rate Unurocesed teood Prodacts) (Percenta?A !wdow 16q 165 to 220 220 to 275 330 to 385 385 to 440 440 to 49$ 495 to 550 55o to 6o5 6o5 to 660 66o to 715 ,-,xf,?,mntod 11 715 to 82?, 17 12 825 to 935 13 935 to 1045 19 14 1%5 to u55 2? 15 1155 to 1265 21 16 1265 to 1375 22 17 1375 to 1435 23 18 1485 to 1595 24 19 1595 to 1705 25 20 1705 to 1815 21 1815 to 1925 27 22 1925 to 2035 8 23 2035 to 2145 29 24_ above 21h5 30 Approved For Release 2000/05/1FeRfRpP79T01049A001100020004-3 IR Approved ForRelease2000/05/15 : CSOF9 1.049A001100020004-3 a S. OFFICIALS LY In the 3enera1 'd71n1str'Ative Coulon. dir tive on ,:ricultlral ;',,xation durine 1953 (5 June 1953) it was stated: "The 1953 t%riff of a, rjcu1turcj. tax shall generlly be based- on the Tariff- l'or 1952. Hodever, if the tariff rates for 1952 are found to be not. in keeping with local conditions, tht provinia1 and municipal people's governments nay draw up seberi,te ones to be athxaitted to the. Adminisrative Committee of nAministrtive regions for approval an to the Ministry of I-Ina:nee ;latio -rd.." Thus,except for local cirowistances the above 1952 tariff schedul.-; waa a:)parently opertive in 1253. No neg La known. next tfOi LLL se iie for 1954 The 19';3 directive on aricu1tura1 taxation also st,tej tnit "f Pi 1 he tar_et of a ricultural taxation should be stabilized at the level of actual tax collections of 1952 and should not be im,:reased any further." ihis wolld innr, to, v,taer with the observations on the tdriff schedule, 4b.t is a good probability that the tariff rates All remain as Ahown throlzh B. Administr:Aive ';itructure -elatin to Finance. The organs' of administration of the aricultural tax are as follows: The highest authority in Chia, before the elction of tne Ali-China Peoplats Congress., is the nar session of the Chinese Fe pie's Political Lonsaltdciv -e nee (PGC). The PPX elects the Central People's Government Council and vests the Council 7,4th the power of exercising st..7:.te authority. Under the Hirection of th PPCC, the Central ecople's GovrrreAt Council sets up a 'iovernment ;-',dministrutiveouneii (c; as the IlLrhe3t national executive bor . Per 4he direction of national finance ..;4nO econorv, the (AC sets uo a Committee of ..coni e Lind 1,inancia1 -ffairs. This Committee is accountable to the _)?,C": an drct3 the work of va OU ministries such as the inistry of .&-inance, Ainistry of Wood inlastry, Ainistry of: Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 RET79T01049A001100020004-3 0_3 UMV andisherjs (.30raraittoo 4 and hers. To cart., out the orders of the Affa '3 pedal unit of. Cinancial rnjntj echelon. 5het1ca ,linistry of iinance - Nation61 cioverawnt I II tinistry of Finance - ?iaj or Almiras ative C;04Mi.,53 on of Anance -1?Ovinee pzrLnt,of :1nanc Hsien ince aricultural taxes are collected in kind a Bureau. of Food qnit is another or,Laniza fl en ion at each 1cwi1. tled the LrIjon of :;z.,?ricz1tttra1 ion tj on ,eneri overall riationships are indicated sche fically in the chart on the next page. C. below. 017, tuidr the existin es should follow a at n 1 the col ections of ich a roximate3 the description two tax collection p'erlods during the yr.o lerltion perio, which be,, late July and runs up to thn idd1e of Actg.- fne secor period is the autuln tax priod, rJanerally this period will In --ptember and extend throh Oc. r. ca1c1 ted. as foil( e Haien levol---called the Land 'iurvey a. d tput 4usess. (Ojtee is for the dotcr!intjon of norma/ annual output, i as Abolis in 1954 and their functions municipal. 1ive1s. o the provincial and/or Approved For Release 2000/SpRET-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15" _ D.P7WK01049A001100020004-3 U. S. OffiCi ontr Hsien - Peoples Governnent Demxtmont of Finance Bureau of food -ditinistration i'ormal Structure of Oovernmantal Units ealintz ith ik,riculiAiral Location in Comfflunint China People' Politic :onsul;-. tive ,::onference Central .reoplets urirvnb ouncil Wvernlae nistrtive Corncil Administrative* r-,ekions Provincial Peoples Ministry o r_overnment Anance Commission of rinance 'Bureau of Food Aministration Livisfon of Division of A ,ricaltaral ,a-Kation fexation Bureau of iood Adidnistration jivision OL :Aira :taxation 3ureau of rood .olministrtion Division of Atriculural Taxation * Abolished in 3:34Thnd their functions Lr,-,nsforred to the provincial anO/or municipal levels. either a ahlu or Hsiang a:xicul,ural tax survey and evaluation committee who is P .111ittee of Financial Lind conomic responsible for the actual surrey of 1 rie.itural popul;-,tion ard iantaraa. There is aloo a P.ovincial1ntt survey mil ouLout asse,s:aent co7mittec -which ha the duty or Dromoting 1-ad assisting the Hsien Conmittee in IV: work -4nd in sett apputes ano wjustiri. land-outout assessment 'eteen Hsien, rhe bi_gest talk of these vnrioas con,mi,t,tes Izass of course, finisned in he early days of the Cunist reiihri tax os in a p,r'ticult-Ir area were collected fur Vie first ti. lior*evr, the coLe havu continued to function in oacn tax- co leci," p.lriod in order Lo imprgve or ma-e uniform the output assostirmm work -- Witch obviously hurrielly done the T:ii-7t time around. Approved For Release 2000/65Elegr-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 c ,"T Approved For Release 2000/05/1 519 kreAMkie?47 9 T0 1 0 49 AO 0 1 100020004-3 U. S. (VMS Nu ch unit of land. is Lvan i nornal annua yi theory- munt theylome - oad Et public mectinrs i.e.. dem e normal an3iliul yield is a pean chou1i then know it tax base. The normal annual yield of tht3 1m1 comroI1tci by the peasant householddivided by the nimbzr of meMburs of he househol . then detrinec the triLf rate apellcaI e. 7.11e resaltint 4 1 .or 1/4:eel etr of he hoase old and liability per hear, whin a:6,J to her, :ives the ay be above or afi u ual yield but tax 1iabilL1y wever, L. the. actual harvest is below tno norTL annua Ls beyond the contro other advi3rse conditions, feneral fram. c:LT verning the peasant, such as druuLht, flood disaster or tits aal exemptions are provided for in actice, local level tax collection, gate rriq1eft1y deVIates rk a ivnn a, In part this is only ive of the is to SIZ Ale sinue tne basic irterily contra total tax yield for the nt1ii is us itated.,br bud rry purpoaas e C or less of a Provincial and.hsien quotas became n order to reach the rtiona1 tax yielci to n . 417)p1icat n. the chedi1ed taritr may or may not yield the qiQta established for chlu r haien as the case may be. Ale co ion ..or tax-oLLection hen it i to observe hi level is ctr to achieve the itar. rei1at.iorzs. a ruIt the squeezed to a vegree vhich is not reflected. in the decree:3 establisrdiv the Another problem practice, 15 the tbii8hneflt oT the norms' J. ouput fiire. .3ses3ment units are Iruoaently inexperieacefi. The normal Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 SECRET Approved For Release 2000 T /05/1g*47.9T01049A001100020004-3 annual yield for a hien or chat is either set too hirh or tocnlow. If set to hi nh protests of peasants at the farmers oi:cussion conferencs are often ignorn . If set too low. the farmers repre3entati ns filler district do not object aad this may place pressure on other areas to achieve tarnets - when actu-,11y there exists justification for exemptions or for A more realistic npnraisal of normel annual yiuld in other are. Then finally, there is the Ultimate problem of Htomnannism" or "leftist deviationff among the tax collecting unins. such attiLudes lead o r on of lejtimate ,nne- , adjustmentn in normal annual yields, and to over collection for the personal glory- of the cadres concerned. Tax Yield and ara,e hational Thx Rate. Within this general fraalexork the task of curjnr, pub c grain t.iy the :;hinese- nommunints has been qwLte nuccensful. It is- estimated that the tax yield of public grain amounted to anprowlmately 30 million tons in both 1952 and 1953. fhis would indicate an averano tax: yield rate of about 27 percent in turns of irain production. Taking foodstuffs production as a base the ,-, enational tax yield would he approximately 21.5 n,eronnt. orain produntion bein defined as wrie,t, rice, corn, ksoliang, millets, oats, and 1)41-1ey?the toLal of ollicu .as ostimat*d at afproxtrlately 112 million tons in 1952 and 110 nilLion tons in 1953. This avera.e rate is oared on a foodntuffs nroduction finure of 141 million metric tons. This amount is representative for both 1952 and 1953. This datuali would repreaent the nrain s plus the pulses, soybeans, poanuts? certain or the oilseeds, and potatoes on a nrain equivalent basis. The 140 million metric tons is ac-raximately the figure reported by the ',merican Oonsal nerpl irem 1;ong or. and is rouhly 25 million tons below the Zoo tris figure officially reported oy the Communiots. Ose at the Conuaunist official figure of enproximately 165 million metric tons would yield an avere,o tax rate of 13 nercent. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 SECRET EI Approved For Release 2000/05/15 . - lan9E1049A001100020004-3 U. S. OFFICIALS IV. Its ?sse of Orain. Yrom the time the (o unit contros of lain'. nd h1na, vari orns have purchased a.Ticultural ij,400C13 from thopeasant. In thT7A-,-, four years this state purchasing program has iTown stem-Jay in sizes in terms or volume purchased, lnd in late 1953 became almost the only outlet through hich t peasant could dispose of any marketoble produce. Prior to 1953 the coo :e rdtives. These op Ti;; -roun uas the suohly and makreting .ntives are, in effect consumer cooperatives, whose m4jor purpose wis he distribution of- ,:,:ocrls, in both rural End arben areas. Sinc Olese -- cooperAive- sold. staple foods -- rico, wheat, cooking exanple- oil, and sa they had purchasing Aloartments ecsignod to sup1y ecoth ties to th., cooperatives: for resale. It is unclear as to whether, prior to 1952, purchasc of commoOlties oy the cooper tives qere at the dispo.el of tLe uovc,rnmorit in the sens-F, tLt public ,rain 1,:an at the dipoa1 of the governmont, or hether the cooperative purchases should be considered in -..hfl light o a araight merelandizing transaction. This point, - #ever, is liLtla more than a technical quibble ince the Po1d1nga of cooperatives were, for to budtry purposes of the natioral :?,,overnmont -4 as assets in, the national account. .4nother purchasing unit, whid by 1953, attained .considerable importa-ice was the: stAm -rain ency. These a?,encies are possibly under the Ministry o: t'inance 4nd apparently have little or no connection ri_th coopertives. the coonerative purchasing points are much more numerous than the purchasing -ointe of the state ,?rain agencies. for eramhle, in iist China, during the sum-lor This is based on reports tnIt stte train a, ehcies and cooperAives have en ,ed in price competition in the purchasin_ ot rain. it has alho been rerte.1 thot state -rain agencies pay cooperative purcnasing departments a com-ltssion fee i:or contract purchasing for the a, ency. This, ith other minor evideLc-, the possibility that htste _rain erciee nay be unher the ;A104 Control wreaus of k,he '.finistry of iinance. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CJA-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 SECRElii) Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : ehta.9T01049A001100020004-3 U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY rin parchssirw work of 1953, the coopor,Itives established 6,730 in purcho points as comp,red to ebout -1-a1n purchase points ander the control hf the stte rain a.,encies. It is aparently national. policy VAt, in general, st;:itc a-encies should andertake purchasin- in the markets oL lr nnd medium cities and in iajer six ci r;ontrol purchasing in s11 hslen clties ind In first class marlults belov, the hsien level. Order ,:or the :Planned Purc'Isse and Plenned Ay of ,rain. Up throlv: .Rr of 1953 private -.,raTers, coopenitives, and hUte rain aencies provided mar'ets for the surplus comnodities of the raral producer. -hila oresshre waS undoubtly morale to the peasant to sell his surplus to coru.roit{i orga:e, a certain measure of choice apeared to exist. i-n',-Aovembor of 1953 the :-overnrvrit Administrtive Council ad o/ for rAllorcellent xin d nurchase rInd planned supply of a L. finis lor prictical ,)arposes? eliminated i,11 priv&te merchant,s. It , lo p aood all mark* ts in cides ,nd tarket tons uoder st.te spic n.i sets-up a compulsory marketing ;iota for the peasant. The r,roces-,. of determining how much the peasant ma the state iv, ancler the reuletions, AS iollows: a. rie peasants should be mobilized to sell as much h_rPlas r-in to the state&s noib1e. this is to be done throucn a uot,a system farmuleted at hi hr love's" with a menent rosohnd at leaer levels" through "dk.mor.r.:tic 1Lscussion" and Rny chan nlerred beck to hl,hr authori lea for ?a:wirvel. b. ch aricu1tra1 h oll is ,,reated as h unit. c. The amount ol surplus raln is to be oet0,-ined as follows: Approved For Release 2000/05/18E&RUP79T01049A001100020004-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/10EMETP79T01049A001100020004-3 150141 13. S. /00 actual _rain production ot' the household minus 1. public grain (the tx 1iai1ity of the household). 2. the amount of train to oe ase,J as saed. 3. the lint of crain to oe used br consumption in the household (appareatly till the next crop h s ). ear s to who is to make these determinations although the a' inistrativd level at which they are to be made is f, in. In the only grain directive which is known to cover Ulet:e details, the provincial ,overnments are ch'r d-?ith the responsibility of formulatinc the guneral consumption standard . ihisgeneral standsrd may be adjusted by the district or hin government in eccordaacri with local conditions. The hs in is the administrative level char?,ed with the aatermination a.: the amount of grain to be loft the peasant for ,..ieeding. stanthniized seedirw; rate of the crop for the hien is to be determined with consideration to he given to :he soil, the ,,i-ether, and the prevailin, a-rieultural working methods. The s!or. committee ielich determines the normal annqa yield for tax pur4oses z.pparoty isalso i-oing to c1cu1te the 7.?ctiia n or the unit. The peasants or Vie peasants representAdves are apparently to Op conoul in this process alvi the determination of actual output is "sub, by the hsiang government 111(1 norov,i1 of the chili ;;overnment. te Lack of information on these points 13 not surpr.aing once the circumstances are known. The order as issued i4overaber 19, 1953. it was apparently forced on the Ci.A0 because the s,..,Amernment grain purchasing program was badly L7,enind scheCule. This is the most likely case--or if the action was not of an emerency nature the order wou.I.1 hAve loOcally been made well. before the auturm harvest. Thi a order was not released in the general press till Feb. 1954. By this iin most of the 4rren4ements and most of the compulsory purchasin of tile 1953 autumn crop had. been comolnted. Thus, the sommer crops of 1954 were Uhe first on which my details- coald be logically expected. In much of the country, the su;fraer purchase program was not emphasised becJuse of the flood emerency began in the latter half of =lune. The Summar :rain flirective, from ,qhich Jul above details are taken is that of the %orthwest .2;ht,Tia idminietrdtive Aion. the Arective ,oas publishee in the Far Kast 0.Aily of i5 June 1954. Approved For Release 2000/05SE1JREOP79T01049A001100020004-3 St- Approved ForRelease2000/05/195 01049A001100020004-3 UL &OM UI- thec det11s it would tpa,ir to be Cs that the aemin1str4tiveIin of control for bee datermim,tions of compulsory sdlling tas i much the me for t, nibiUty is probably tax levy. Th& is to sa:,, th t Ea.ureit of Food Aministnttion of nttry of einanc . It ha been astima ed that in 1953 this procurement pro,yaA contra ver 2-3O million metric tons of foodstuffs. this the 30 m n metric tone raised the tr Ue of food goods and their vnry.size tends to arouse 3ome natural addition are trene lous ad the readGnaibility a. cAi3tribzion of fd opiat1ons in rural ared which engi-ip and :,res 3hart of food bacause ? izA crop failure or froze other of 1954 the totals of thee populations- were apprcxirnath 200 million persons. context 60 million tons of' i-oodstuffs ioid al..:poitr more in terms of a idniiwm neoessary forthe state to 01 to meet the d ,itn 9hih i was fac,ei. acific 'Zuestions on the Chineo iinuni Urin Con..ro1 Proram. Oeneral. (1) Chine3e c umite n inist_ tive 0o- cil and 'tconomic affairs policy sta A coiern1ng,and 12.e ;16 authority for, storage, and ibution of and Klan rau. of In the provinces anic-decrnu:-; reLaUn, o trJ: colloction anitDcompulso., sales are attached a Apptmdie?s I . hi1 a crtmLn ru of latitu allolved to lower artanistr,tive units, the n,tional decrees 41i determine the general Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIPADP79T01049A001100020004-3 framework of tpx and purchasing .1ct1v1t1e3. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY As indicated in the general text 4h1ch prefaces this section, tax . collection is under the 4.1.nistry of Finenc. !pecifically, tax collection is under- the Division of Agticultural Taxi-Aion of the 14Ood Stureau of the tftni,try of iinance. 3toree respells fb: y for public ?:-Tain is also lodged with the food 1-Jureau of the anis try of finance. The gen te ca proo eAe A. and storave of surplus train prb3b1y follwed the sme chain of au ? or ty. However, this pointhas not been positively catablished. It was 44-80 pointed out that Supply and Marketing Coopemtives purchased grain. The in and Markting Goopir are under the :Hinistry of Trede. In the merchandisin process these co,:perAives are also responsible for Lrain store. Di3tribut1on of public rai, ann probably of surplus fTin under authoriw of the 'iinistry of Finance. The linistry of Trade is engel in distr oull the 3u2ply and Xarketint r;ooporA;tives. Itocics required for cooper-,_tivs, in so far as tney nre not obtai ed under the coowlr,tive parchee1ne2,: f?Nroram, are probably aciluire,71 from th Ministry of i2inance ander a ILinistry or I-Ina-nee and Ministry of :rade internal ?.707 rr Lizement. .he coop f?, or the ballc or the ,rain Bola at retail. are the (2 rnunt structur (s) established for the implementation o: theso policy staterrents and directives; i.e. co-ppr-itives, natual-ald teams, state rfs ,-?ssocicions, etc. Aiiricaltural producer cooper,tiv-Is ut1 aid teat, stz,te far tc collectives are production ar:,.aizations not tive units. They are taxed mndit de iver surpl ,rains um-rer the rL:1aion ich overn peasant proOucer. Tax concessions kre made to these units, however. Approved For Release 2000/0e5414,igheRDP79T01049A001100020004-3 1*" ii Val;Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : C - TT01049A001100020004-3 U. S. OFFICIALS OtiLY Collectives- and. "itate FArms are taxed but under rate corQe1ona tlot may exceed 5, percent of the rates applicable to an indivudua peasant. ,1.2r Producer cooperatives, and mutual aid t.OaT3 also receive tax cwicesions. Yor these. oroanizations the x concession may not (mooed 5 percent of the olnrol tariffs. State iarms are. required to turn their profits over to ale M.irbtry of finance. iarmerls associations are in a different classification. In theory, and probably to soe degree in practice, the hsiin land survey and n output. asseasment con-ittees consult with the Formerls Association la as in the :termination of normal and act,a1 output for in:117A al peasant holdince. This is the level at which ,"democratic discussion" is held. Leadors of lotrmeris ,ssociations nay a teams at the hsiang level. (3) ua lly be on the land survey and output assessmont glents of aociety to whom authority hs been dosign,Ited for specific aspecto- of thi5i er-ail program, as follows: (a) Supervision of harvesting. s quotas for D1b1ir, orain rui surplos 4rain are detemined for each peasant household the supervision- of harvestino is not necessary. A,5 . - is known, no systematic system ofi arvesting axis s. (b) Weighinr and examination of Public zrain is weighed. and Examined by cadres oorkino, under the aut1or1r ozo the r1cu1ura1 Tax Division. The tax work imposes a: twice a year peak work burden on the oriAns of the Ministry of iinances. L it this workload the Ministry of tinance is authori7ed to ao ;personnel frota administrotive as :er the au nority of other linistries such as aoriculsaral and trade. ;No local level tax enforcement and collection teens are usually hru-dfA by a re.ular Approved For Release 2000/05/194r049A001100020004-3 " Approved For Release 2000/05/15 HeRErT01049A001100020004-3 II S. OFFICI S ONLY employee at the Anistry of /inancs from the hien administrative level. (quota). (c) Amount of total crop collected from the individual peasant In theory the amount collected should vary from peasant house- hold to -peasant household in line with the tsriffs shown in tIle general text snd with the application of the tariffs to the assessed normal r.nrni yield of the Innd farmed by the. peasant. In prsotise wide d4viat1on occar bc3e of variations in the establishment of the normal annual yield aSsessment. slso it is ssparsnt that Sariff sencOulsa are ignored, as are legitimate exemptions, when the rites yield a total of pub n a: particular area -which is loser than the esses ed quota total for that area, The amount of the Sotal crop coils-stud from the individual peasant may vary from nothing (probably a rare case) up to 70: to dO percent. Because of the recent imposition of the compulsory pur?ae program little is known as to sales qts for individaal peasasts. The general pattern will orobably have many of the characteristics of the tax collecti It is known thst attempts are being iade to coordinate the to programs and etZrt are being made to operate then together. (d) Payment by colleoting anoy -fOr rice collected. No payment 1made for publie Surplus srain is purchased at prices set by the govormunt. These prices are artifically low. it is roughly estimated that the governme t purchase price is anywhere from 35 to 45 percent below free market prices or what tne supply and demand circumstances would normally dictate. The payment for surplss grain is made at the time of delivery to the purchasing point. Pressure: is placed on the peasant to deposit sales- receipts with ta te banks or credit cooperatives. Approved For Release 2000/0n5f41A-RDP79T01049A001100020004-3 fa 'I-in L. Approved For Release 2000/05/1SMUP79T01049A001100020004-3 U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY This preisure is of nature, propa,-anual advice, 2.7tass well wjth local cadres and party officials. Prior to the compulsory purchase ereram-- sales to cooperAives Yere also made at fixed brics and the payment iere often in oode and cash?Terhaps on * 50..50 bats. (e) Collecting agency Local units and tnams of organs under the Ministry of iinance. This refers- to public grain, probably the same is txue of surplus rain bia?, this is not !iefinitely known. (f) Storaeo aency The Food "5ureau of the ninistry of Finance. Distribution aency Distributed under the authority of the Ministry of Yinance. Coopertives are the retail outlets, in lar ?art, for sale of .r6in to the pub ,r-tives are =Ger the ministry of Trade which probably secures cooper:417e stocks by dealin, ,itLt the Ministry of -inance. . Specific. 1. Supervision of harvestinL. ) ?last Lrain harvesting bo supervised? No. (b) fly whom supervised? Not apolicable - see (a) under 1 &Jove. (c) isciplinary action taken and by whom) in event rain i harvested without, sup on? Not applicable - see (a) under 1 above. indicates questions that requester indicated as being of particular interest. Approved For Release 2000/05/1,5 temP79101049A001100020004-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/1SEC3ETP79101049A001100020004-3 U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 2.":4eihing and examination of grain. (a) is all ,,rain weighed or only that portion d6signated for state collection? Only the portion designated for pablic grain was ed prior to the 1953 autumn harvest. Ath the compulsory purchase prorr, -which was established in late 953weigh the amount designated as surplus erain. Under this program it is necessary to acttial output of the peasant household. It is very imprObablethAt th.i8 atttnate of actual output is actually weighed after the harvest. In. sum, even with the new- program, it is improbable that all grain is. weighed.. /ts in the case of many general practices local deviations may occur but in this case the- weighin of all grain would be a relatively rare phenomenon. (b.) What- weight unit is used? Nay vary locally to a considerable extent. etartdard weLht unit in most es idil be the shih catty which is 500 :rams or one-half 01 a ortion oi rice weighed desienated tor seed-rice for subsequent plantings? See (a) under 2 above for he general conditions bearing on this question. 141th the compulsory purchase proram it has bacocc rzeceaDy to establish an estimate of zeed requirements. noted in the, fsneral text this: standard establ 3 e