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Approved For Rase 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T0UP49A 4,.a (&4404) 644 Z" Study of Chinese Cor at nist I Program /j Al4-ax 18 jum 1,954 -w- t t. ars ' Assistant Director for :,ssearch 25X1A t a study he prepared by Control Pro rwn, to includ aports (l Chinese Co t Coverrent Adminis- tration Councils CcmuAttee o!' 1 inwwial and Economic Affairs policy statements concern , and the delegation of authority fort the col- lection., storage, and distribution of rice in t provinces of t mm, Ih , Chekiang, Fukien, Kwan tun , and Kiartgsu. (2) "-o r t structure(s) established for the ilemsntation of tie poUoy statements and directivss3 i.e. Co-operativesp t? al-Aid- Teams, State mss, ='arnwr t s Associations, etc, (3) Segnents of society to whoa authority has been designated for specific aspects of this ours program, as follows (b) Weighing and examination of .;rain. Amount of total crop collects (quota). JUN 2 3 1954 { oo/&pproved For Release 2 0v 5 : CIA-RDP79T01049AO01100020003-4 Approved For Release 2%"U 5: CIA-RDP7. 01049AO01100020003-4 (d) payment by collecting agency for rice collected. Collecting agency (ies). (f) Storage agency (ies). Distribution agoncy (ies porvision of harvesting (a) 24ust grain harvesting be supervised? (b) By whom supervised (by cadre, Farmer Assan, or neighbor, etc.;)? (c) Disciplinary action taken (and by Whom) in event grain is harvested without supervision. Weighing and examination of grain (a) Is all grain weighed or only that portion designated for state collection? (b) What weight unit is used? (a) Is a portion of rice weighed designated for seed-rice for subsequent plantings? (d) Weighing authority. (e) Where is weighing conducted (at peasant's farm, in village, at co-op, etc.) and if conducted In village, is peasant accompanied when he brings ' rice to village from farm for weighin; (f) For what purpose is rice examined, i.e. to detect adulteeration, overweighing, underweigh- tng, etc. (3) Amount of total crop collected from individual peasant :CET Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049AO01100020003-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/' RDP79T-01049AO01100020003-4 (a) Must peasant purchase rice from a governmental designee or is a portion of his own crop left with him for this purpose? How much does rise cost him when purchased from this designee an is tho cost more or less than that paid him by collecting agency for grain harvested for state use? (b) Is collection on a quota basis? What on is taken when peasant (or co-op, state farm., fails to meet quota? (o) How is quota determined; by size of plot, amount of seed-rice furnished, by estimate of yield conducted prior to harvest, etc.. (d) Who or what designee of the govern establishes quotas? Pa mennt for rice collected (a) Amoe fixed, vvariable, and quantity? (b) By whom paid? (c) Is pay nt in kind (i.e. is peasant aid to retain a portion of rice and is this the extent of payment)? (d) Is payment in J3? Must peasant pur- aahse rice for on consumption from amount paid him., and from who[ or what agency does he pur- chase rice for personal needs? (e) Must peasant purchase seed-rice for subsequent plantings or is a portion of the crop retained by him (or some authority) for this purpose? (f) From whom does peasant obtain new or old farm implements repaired? (5) Collecting agency (a) Specific location of major collection centers? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : ORWIP79T01 049AO01 100020003-4 Approved For.Belease 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79-101049AO01100020003-4 r (b) Collecting is whose responsibilit, What subsidiary role, it ar ) is played in the collection program by the carder,, the state co-operatives, mutual-aid-teams (both rent and temporary team) Farmers' Aasocia- tiaras, etc? (d) Can individual soldiers or does military headquarters place separate levy on peasants for support in the supply of foodstuffs? If yes, is an adjustment of the amount colls-cted by state made in terms of the harvest quota collected? (e) Are peasants liable for support of indivi- dual soldiers (i.e. does locaal political or military or party authority billet soldiers in peasant homes, and further, is peasant liable for food and housing mnses entitled in this billeting)? (f`) When, (in terms of harvest collected? (6) 3torage agency so responsibility? (b) Facilities provided: Are they guarded, fireproof, water-proof? (c) Are local rice-needs stored in vi within same facilities for storage of state grain stores, or are they stored separately? (d) Are storage facilities lotted at Iasi ech'o' haien, eheng, and/or sheng level? (7) Distribution (a) Method of distributions in city, eoun? village? (b) Authority: Who exercises jurisdiction over distribution mechanism on these geographic levels? (c) In quota for consumption rigid (i.e. ration cards) and what is quota rate? Approved For Release 2000/d : IA-RDP79T01049AO01100020003-4 Approved For Release 2000/ EOWETPCIA-RDP79T01 49A001100020003-4 (d) Is peasant's consumption of rice on a quota or ration basis; if so, how much for how long per person? Is this quota identical to ra- tion established for the urban populace? 2. It is felt that oh of this information already his been collected by your office in preparation for Project 21.151. sequently, in order for requested study to be of greatest use to Clandestine Service, we should appreciate having the study com- pleted by 15 September 1954. A: questions pertaining to this request be referred on extension 8641. 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/00&tA-RDP79T01049AO01100020003-4