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pprove g ease 2007/03/07 : Cl -RDP79T00975A03070001~6Secret 21 9 TO: NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS (Security Classification) 25X1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPAR E REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOM MENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE REMARKS: FROM: NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NO. DATE Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY CABLE 0 0 Saturday 1 July 1978 CG NIDC 78/153C 0 0 0 1 NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions DIA review(s) completed. State Dept. review Top Secret completed 1 1.9 f ; ~i1 assca on Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A030700 e 1b08V- 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010086-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010086-6 Approved For National Intelligence Daily Cable for Saturday. July 25X1 The NID a e is for the purpose of informing senior US officials. CONTENTS NORTH YEMEN: Status Report CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Sign of Flexibility P age 1 Page 3 NETHERLANDS: Government SPAIN: Draft Constitution CANADA: Fiscal Conservatism CHINA: 'Crop Growing Conditions JAPAN: Yen Continues Climbing BRIEFS Dominican Republic France-Spain United Nations China Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 25X1 Approved Fort Release 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T0097~ Approved For NORTH YEMEN: Status Report /North Yemeni officials are apprehensive--in the wake of the upheavals in both Yemens over the past week--about South Yemen's ultimate intentions toward Sana. At the same time, many North Yemeni officials appear inclined toward some dramatic move of their own against the South to avenge Presi-. dentGhashmi's death, although it is not yet clear that this Approved Fo4 Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0$0700010086-6 Approved Fpr Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A030700010086-6 angry mood will be translated into action. North Yemen appears generally stable under the new four-man Presidential Council that took power following Ghashmi's assassination last Satur- day. The new leaders are supported by the majority of North Yemen's diverse population, although an upsurge of maneuvering for government positions is under way.// //Many North Yemenis are convinced that a con- trontation with the Aden regime is inevitable. Officials in Sana have suggested that they are considering, perhaps even planning, retaliation against South Yemen for the killing of Ghashmi. The North Yemenis almost certainly would seek Saudi help for any military move, although the Saudis recognize the difficulties and risks involved in such a venture and would probably caution restraint.// //Despite the mood in North Yemen, it is question- able that the North Yemenis would now initiate a retaliatory operation against South Yemen. Tensions between the two countries will remain high, however, and an upsurge of clashes along the border between irregulars cannot be ruled out.// //North Yemen plans to present its case about South Yemeni involvement in Ghashmi's death to an Arab League foreign ministers' conference set to convene in Cairo today. Sana apparently hopes to persuade the League to expel and in- stitute a boycott against South Yemen.// North Yemeni officials also are expressing increased concern about possible Soviet machinations against them in light of Moscow's strong support for the Aden regime; some officials have stated flatly that the Soviets must now be "exposed" and thrown out of North Yemen. In recent years the North Yemenis have tried to balance their relations with both East and West. They receive some military supplies from the Soviets, and about 100 Soviet military advisers are in the country. While we are uncertain what action North Yemen might take against the USSR, Soviet assistance to the Yemeni military is important and may mili- tate against a complete break with Moscow. North Yemeni of- ficials have reminded US officials that they are looking to Washington for help in countering Soviet and South Yemeni moves in the Arabian Peninsula. Approved Approved For ease - 30700010086-6 25X1 //While dealing with these issues, North Yemen's new leadership group must also cope with domestic pressure from prominent tribal and leftist opportunists who are seeking influential posts in government. Both Abdall.ah al-Ahmar, the conservative head of the large Hashid tribal confederation, .and Mujahid Abu Shawarib, an ambitious tribal leader sometimes affiliated with the Yemeni left, apparently are unhappy about being excluded from the new government. Barring another dra- matic upheaval in the country, however, the Sana regime seems likely to maintain its generally conservative orientation. Saudi Arabia, moreover, will use its influence in North Yemen to ensure the continuation of a compatible leadership.// CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Sign of Flexibility ' dents at he will investigate complaints about the police The Czechoslovak attorney-general has promised dissi- beating of one of their number in mid-May, 25X1 This shows unusual flexibility by the regime and suggests that it may be willing to use moderation in addition to its usual harsh methods to forestall dramatic dissident acts on the anniversary in August of the Soviet-Zed invasion of 1968. In a written response to a dissident letter, the at- torney-general reportedly said he would set up a commission in the Ministry of Interior to investigate the circumstances surrounding one of four instances of beatings. This is the first time the regime has even acknowledged a letter from dissidents, let alone promised to act on a complaint. Neither letter has been made public. Such a show of moderation seems intended to throw the dissidents off balance and perhaps also to dissuade them from pursuing extreme tactics during the anniversary. It could, of course, have the opposite effect and strengthen their re- solve. The dissidents initially viewed the regime response as "something of a victory" for them; they are arranging a strategy session to ponder its implications. The regime could also be trying to use the promise of an investigation to counteract the bad publicity it received as a consequence of the beatings. Approved For Approved For The establishment of an investigating commission seems an overly elaborate 'way to accomplish either of these ob- jectives and also suggests there may be some unhappiness within the party leadership over recent secret police handling of the dissidents. The beatings of the dissidents were the most serious examples of police brutality since the inception of the Charter 77 movement in January 1977. I Meanwhile, the dissidents have stepped up efforts to recruit new members and have renewed the practice of holding private university-level seminars. A group of Chartists also, in an open letter to the Christian Peace Conference that met this week in Prague, appealed for support for the release of four imprisoned dissidents. The dissidents apparently still intend to issue a condemnation of the 1968 Soviet invasion, but many plan to leave Prague when the anniversary.approaches in order to es- cape anticipated precautionary arrests. Some activists are contemplating emigration, and one spokesman plans to resign in September. Approved For Approved For 0 /The government of Netherlands Prime Minister I van Agt won parliamentary support yesterday for fulfilling a commitment by the Dutch - British - West German Urenco con- sortium to ship enriched uranium to Brazil. This removes a major roadblock to the deal and ends nearly two years of Dutch indecision. Van Agt's strength in Parliament has grown steadily during this session. Many observers, especially leaders of the previous Labor government, had shown public skepticism that van Agt's precarious six-month-old coalition could survive.// //In January a parliamentary resolution, supported by oppose ion members, as well as by members of van Agt's Chris- tian Democratic Party, instructed the government to amend the original Urenco contract. Parliament called for both tighter safeguards for storage of plutonium from the reprocessed fuel, and firmer guarantees that it would be used only for peaceful purposes, before sending enriched uranium to Brazil. Neither Brazil, the UK, nor West Germany would renegotiate the deal, and the last two indicated that, if necessary, they would go ahead without the Dutch.// Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T009[75A030700010086-6 0 Approved For elease 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T0097 A030700010086-6 //In an effort to keep the Dutch involved in the deal, the Prime Minister got all participants to agree on two alternative means of storage, which he said would satisfy the spirit of parliamentary concern even though neither one goes as far as the legislators had originally demanded.// //The participants will attempt to arrange storage based on statutes of the International Atomic Energy Agency. If no such arrangement has been agreed upon at least two years before Brazil starts reprocessing spent fuel--probably in 1985-- the parties will establish an ad hoc system of plutonium stor- age. Implementation of plans to expand the Dutch uranium en- richment plant at Almelo, the Netherlands, partly in order to accommodate the Brazilian deal, will now proceed in earnest. The transition to democracy in Spain passed another important milestone on 20 June when the constitutional commit- tee of the Lower house of parliament approved the draft consti- tution. The satisfaction of the principal parties with the com- promise-document seems to assure approval--probably after some intense debate--by the full Congress of Deputies and Later by the upper house. A national referendum on the constitution will probably take place this faZZ. I The desire of party leaders to reach a consensus facili- tated the difficult task of drafting the constitution. Above all, there was general agreement that the constitution must permit any of the major parties to govern and that the document itself should not become a political issue. Only the Basque Nationalist Party and the rightist Popular Alliance appear to have such serious objections to the draft that they might cam- paign against approval. The consensus on the constitution, which involved com- promises by all parties concerned, contains vague language on controversial articles, which will make them susceptible to different interpretations. The committee also avoided some dif- ficult decisions by leaving some disputed articles to be settled in the normal course of legislation. Approved For Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T0097~ I Perhaps the most important compromise involved provi- sions for election to parliament. The leftist parties won an explicit reference to the proportional representation system for election to the lower house. But there is also a provision for assigning to each province a "minimum representation," after which the remaining seats will be distributed on a population basis--as the government desired. The Basque Nationalists are unhappy with the formula- tion dealing with the statutory rights of the Basque region. Although the Basque representatives on the committee joined in unanimously approving this provision, Basque Nationalist Party leaders have expressed reservations about supporting it. If the nationalist leaders--concerned about losing influence to the more radical Basque parties that will oppose the constitution-- decide to campaign against the constitution, they could ensure its defeat in at least two Basque provinces and complicate the grant of autonomy to the troubled area. I he Popular Alliance and its leader Manuel Fraga are concerne that Prime Minister Suarez has made too many conces- sions to the left in many of the "progressive" formulations on controversial issues. Fraga may try to use the issue against the government party in both the legislative debates and the referendum. The Popular Alliance and the Basque Nationalist Party have been careful to keep as much maneuvering room as possible. Neither party is strong enough to upset the consensus on the constitution, but the other parties might have to make some concessions to keep these two from sitting out the referendum or campaigning against the constitution. I //Fiscal outlays by the Canadian provinces--which now account for about 10 percent of national GNP--will show ZittZe or no real gain this fiscal year. The slowdown in pro- vincial spending dims Ottawa's hopes for improved economic growth.// Approved For Fielease 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T0097~ Approved For R (ease 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975 030700010086-6 25X1 put to Canada's real GNP growth, grew rapidly during the decade beginning in 1965. In 1976, provincial outlays accounted for 30 percent of total government spending in Canada. Since then, the provinces have cut down the rise in spending because of concern over inflation and growing indebtedness.// //Federal and provincial first ministers agreed at a meeting in February to restrain the growth in spending to combat inflation and to put greater emphasis on expansion of the.private sector. An upturn in private spending seems unlikely this year, and we estimate that the realignment in provincial spending and revenue Patterns will cut GNP growth by almost half a percentage point. //Provincial spending, traditionally a strong in- CHINA: Crop Growing Conditions //Growing conditions have gradually improved throughout most of China's major agricultural areas. Prospects for the early harvest, which accounts for 40 percent of total grain production, are brighter than they were early this spring, and the summer crops appear to be growing well.// //The intense drought in North China broke early in June as the season's first significant rain moved into the area. Subsequent rains of varying intensity have been reported. The winter wheat harvest in North China, completed early this year, appears to have exceeded last year's poor crop. Because of unusually good weather last fall and winter, an even larger harvest had seemed likely, but high temperatures and the pro- longed drought this spring cut yields.// The dry weather in late May and early June in most areas speeded crop maturation and permitted uninterrupted harvesting and thresh- ing.// //Summer crop field conditions also improved with the breaking of the drought in North China, where about 15 per- cent of the late-harvested crops are grown. the reservoirs remain at a dangerously low Approved For R Approved For R level in most of the major agricultural. areas. Reservoirs were drawn down when the prolonged drought necessitated extensive preplanting irrigation. Field conditions should continue to improve as the summer rains intensify, but the reservoirs will probably remain at low levels unless there are unseasonably heavy rains.// //Conditions have also improved in South China. Early in the spring, cool, wet weather and overcast skies de- layed the winter grain harvest and slowed development of the early and intermediate rice crops. With the return of more normal conditions, the rice crops have largely recovered. The delay apparently did not affect the winter grain harvest, which is now complete. The crop planting delays of early spring, however, could slow the planting of late rice.// //Elsewhere in China, there have been favorable weather con itions. In Northeast China, spring planting has been completed. In Szechwan and in the Yangtze River Plain, soil moisture reserves are generally normal, and the spring-sown crops are doing well. The harvest of winter crops has been com- pleted, and most early press reports claim substantial increases over last year's winter grain output. JAPAN: Yen Continues Climbing I //Japan faces a protracted period of upward pres- sure on the yen because of its inability to cut its current account surplus or boost GNP growth and because of continuing large US trade deficits. Exchange market speculation in advance of the economic summit scheduled for Bonn in mid-July may force Prime Minister Fukuda to make a strong pitch to the US at the summit for concerted action to stabilize the yen-dollar rate.// //Since early June, the Japanese yen has appreci- ated 5 percent against the dollar, hitting a postwar high of 205 yen to the dollar. The recent upward push follows an an- nouncement on.19 June that the current account surplus had in- creased to an annual rate of $17.5 billion. European currencies, on the other hand, have appreciated less than 1 percent since the beginning of the month. The recent yen appreciation comes on top of a 30-percent increase over the past 18 months.// Approved For Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00971AO30700010086-6 //Japan's response to the appreciation thus far has been limited to small-scale intervention and jawboning. The Bank of Japan has purchased no more than $100 million in any one day in an effort to ease rather than prevent the upward yen movement. The Bank of Japan's Director General, however, threatened large-scale dollar purchases if the yen approached 200 to the dollar.// //Japanese officials say foreign sales of dollars-- mainly by US banks--started the initial run on the yen and that Japanese banks and trading companies have been neutral. 25X1 the overseas sub- sidiaries of the trading companies have been dumping dollars since the trade data were announced.// //Upward pressure on the yen is likely to persist at least until after the economic summit. This reflects in part a concern by dealers that Japan will be the target of interna- tional pressure because of its massive trade surpluses. Pre- liminary trade data point to another large surplus in June; the June figures will be announced shortly before the Bonn meetings.// //A dramatic turnaround in Japan's current account surplus is unlikely. IT he trading companies are now projecting a $15 billion to $20 billion current account surplus this year. Approved F 25X1 25X1 Approved For R Dominican Republic Legal challenges by diehard supporters of Dominican President Balaguer continue to block official certification of Antonio Guzman's victory in the presidential election on 16 May. The challenges--pushed primarily by National Police Chief Neit Nivar--have not affected the widespread popular belief that Guzman won fairly. Official results will probably be announced next week. //The prolonged legal battle may, in fact, repre- sent less of an effort to reverse the presidential vote than to shift control of the influential Senate to Balaguer's party. In any case, the faction-ridden military apparently has no plans to intervene. France-Spain //Spain has signed a contract to buy 48 additional French Mirage Fl fighter aircraft as part of a long-term effort to upgrade its air combat units. Spain already has 14 Fls, and 10 more from a.previous contract are scheduled for delivery over the next few months.// //The Fls will probably replace Spain's older Mirage III and F-5 fighters. It is unclear, however, how the new purchase will affect Spain's long-term aircraft purchases. The Spanish have been considering replacing their US-made F-4 fighters with F-16s in the 1980s and, only last week, high- ranking Spanish officials informed the US air attache that they still intend to buy a US aircraft as.a replacement.// Approved For 25X1 25X1 Approved For R~Iease 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T009754030700010086-6 25X1 /The F1 is an all-weather, multipurpose fighter best.suited as an interceptor. Foreign demand for the aircraft is growing, and delivery of this new order will not be made soon. France produces about six Fls a month and already has a backlog of orders from several countries. 25X1 //The UN Special Session on Disarmament concluded yesterday, two days behind schedule, after adopting a single final document by consensus. As mandated by the preparatory meetings, the document includes a declaration on disarmament, a program of action, and a section on the reform of disarmament machinery. An Iraqi resolution condemning military assistance to Israel was referred to the regular autumn session of the General Assembly, thus avoiding a divisive vote. All other res- olutions were withdrawn, including one sponsored by India call- ing for a moratorium on nuclear testing.// //The delay in reaching agreement on the final document resulted when the nonaligned states insisted that the program of action include strong language on nuclear disarma- ment and nonuse of nuclear weapons. The document now calls for "urgent" negotiations of agreements to end the production and improvement of nuclear weapons systems and to reduce nuclear stockpiles. The nonaligned states also succeeded in emphasizing the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.// //The document takes note of the agreement reached by the US, USSR, UK, and France to establish a reconstituted Committee on Disarmament in Geneva as the principal multilateral forum for disarmament negotiations. The document also resurrects the long-dormant UN Disarmament Commission as a deliberative body that will include all UN members. China //China has developed a 17-meter-long air cushion vehicle that can carry 35 passengers at speeds of up to 50 knots. It has both civilian and military applications.// //This relatively sophisticated vehicle incorporates no foreign designs or parts and is a significant accomplishment for Chinese technology. Easy field maintenance was apparently a major design factor; the vehicle has a conventional internal combustion engine rather than a more complicated gas turbine engine often used in non-Chinese air cushion vehicles.// Approved For Approved For 25X1 //In addition to civilian passenger use, the vehi- c e has a military potential for amphibious assault or river patrol operations. The Chinese might be particularly interested in using air cushion vehicles along the lengthy river border with the USSR, as the Soviets already do. Such a vehicle would also give the Chinese a quick-interceptor capability in coastal waters, including marshy and very shallow waters, and would en- able them to conduct more thorough shipping and coastal patrols.// 1 :1 //At a meeting last weekend in Brussels, leaders of Socialist Parties from the European Community countries, as 25X1 Approved For elease 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T0097 Approved For P,,elease 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T0097 well as Spain and Portugal, adopted a political declaration as the basis for their party platforms next year during the first direct elections to the European Parliament.// //The declaration stresses economic growth and re- structuring to reduce unemployment, enhance workers' rights, and create a fairer distribution of income. It also supports EC enlargement and calls on Western Europe to take a stronger global role in promoting detente, economic development, and human rights.// //The accord shows that the Socialists feel pres- ' a show of unity as the elections approach, despite sure to make their inability to agree on a detailed common platform. Approved For Pr AV AV AV Air Air Air Air Air 1 1 0 0 1 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010086-6 Top Secret (Security Classification) Top Secret ved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A030700010086-6 (Security Classification)