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I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975A030600010080-3 ROUTING Top Secret TO: NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 0, 1 (Security Classification) 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 ACTION DIRECT REPLY T --I PREPAR E REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOM MENDATION COMMENT FILE RETUR N CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE REMARKS: FROM: NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NO. DATE Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: Saturday 15 April 1978 CG NIDC 78,/088C w NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions Top Secret 0 0 0 0 0 (Security Classification) 25X1 ANF,Jff Aff AffAff Aff Aff Aff Aff Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975A030600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 5X1 National Intelligence Daily Cable for Saturda 15 April 1978 e NID Cable is for the purpose o informing Page 3 IRAQ: Support for Eritreans UK: Current Account Again in the Red AFGHANISTAN: Poppy Cultivation Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Turkey India-Pakistan Page 8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 3X1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 25X1 Charter 77 have charged in an "open letter" to party and state leader Gustav Husak that Prague has "intensified repressions" since the conclusion of the European security review conference. To substantiate their allegations, they detail actions taken by the government since early March against six dissidents, including two Catholic priests. Spokesmen for the Czechoslovak dissident movement West German press on Tuesday, apparently hoped to embarrass Husak during his visit this week to West Germany. Husak en- countered considerable criticism about Czechoslovakia's viola- tions of human rights from the West German media. The dissidents, whose letter was published in the contention that Prague, never light-handed in its treatment of There is no evidence to substantiate the dissidents' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 i i - ZoX1 dissenters, has inaugurated a new crackdown. If it has, the government is probably moving first against lesser known people whose cases do not command immediate Western attention. The "open letter" confirmed that long-time Charter 77 spokesman Jiri Hajek has stepped down; his loss could easily drain the movement of vitality. Hajek's replacement is Jaroslav Sabata, a reformist party functionary in 1968, who was given a six-and-one-half year prison sentence in August 1972 for dis- seminating leaflets reminding voters of their electoral rights. Sabata may be vulnerable to legal reprisals for his dissident activity because he is still on parole. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 71 IRAQ: Support for Eritreans Developments in the Horn of Africa are com- pZicatin,q Iraq's relations with Cuba and the Soviet Union. Ethiopia will be used in a campaign against the Eritrean in- surgents, who have received military and financial aid from Iraq for at least six years. Iraq probably pressed the issue during the visit of Cuban Foreign Minister Malmierca to Baghdad last month. The final communique did not include any statement on the Horn of Africa, a clear indication that the two sides could not resolve their differences. Baghdad is apprehensive that the Cuban forces in The strain in Iraqi-Cuban relations, however, is probably limited and temporary. Both sides are interested in improving bilateral relations, direct contacts have been es- tablished between the Cuban Communist Party and Iraq's Baath Party, and Cubans are in Iraq training the Baath Party's para- military Peoples' Army. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975A030600010080-3 5X1 25X1 official last week that the Soviets had pressed Iraq to end its aid to the Eritreans; the Iraqi said the Soviets did not An Iraqi diplomat in Moscow told a US Embassy he point to the extent of harming their relations. UK: Current Account Again in the Red //Britain recorded a sizable current account defi- 25X1 25X1 cit in Marc that brought the first quarter shortfaZZ to $400 million, compared with a $600 million surplus in fourth quarter 1977. The swing is especially disturbing in light of the fiscal stimulation package announced on Tuesday that will give further impetus to imports. London has halved its projected surplus for 1978 to $1.4 billion.// //The turnaround stems primarily from a sharp rise in imports. Imports rose more than 10 percent in volume from fourth quarter 1977 to first quarter 1978; the rise in part re- flected the $1.7 billion fiscal stimulus introduced in October. Purchases of finished manufactures have risen in particular after declining throughout the second half of 1977.// //The return of the current account to deficit has been accompanied by a decline in the value of the pound. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975A030600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975A030600010080-3 )X1 Sterling has fallen from a high of $1.96 in January to $1.86 yesterday against a weakening dollar. The Bank of England ap- parently stepped in to support the pound after announcement of the unexpectedly large deficit in March. AFGHANISTAN: Poppy Cultivation poppy growing has increased markedly in at least one remote area of eastern Afghanistan. Afghan opiates so far have not been a significant problem for the US and Western Europe but, as efforts to control production in Mexico and the Golden Tri- angle of Southeast Asia become more effective, international drug traffickers are almost certain to turn to the Pakistan- Afghanistan border area. According to a senior UN narcotics official, opium ficulty finding any wheat, the traditional crop, but in one area there were poppies "as far as the eye could see." He was told that poppy acreage has more than doubled in the past year and that improved technology has resulted in substantially in- creased yields. The farmers are using large amounts of commer- cial fertilizer and are staggering planting to allow a more efficient use of labor during the harvest. During a trip near the border, the official had dif- administer an efficient anti-poppy campaign in remote areas has some validity. The government's argument that only impov- erished small farmers are involved in opium production, how- ever, seems specious if the UN official's report of vast irri- gated poppy fields is accurate. The Afghan Government's claim that it is unable to of the country where the government, in a better position to enforce its laws and spurred on by the prospect that US funds for local development projects would be withheld, has already The picture is considerably better in another part plowed under a third of an extensive opium poppy crop. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 25 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 25X1 Turkey According to the US Embassy in Ankara, the Turkish police will be hard-pressed to control a rightist political rally in the capital today that may involve as many as 100,000 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 5X1 demonstrators. In an attempt to cope with possible trouble today and at a leftist rally scheduled for 1 May in Istanbul, the police forces--which the Embassy says are suffering from serious inadequacies--will be augmented by cadets from the national police academy. the situation. and right has been increasing throughout the country for months. The Embassy also has expressed concern for US personnel and property; incidents against Americans this year already surpass the totals for 1977. So far, Prime Minister Ecevit has resisted imposing martial law or taking other strong action to control Violence between the forces of the political left old dispute over an Indian hydroelectric dam indicates renewed interest by both India and Pakistan in resolving their differ- ences. The terms of the agreement are essentially those of a compromise under consideration in late 1976 when talks lapsed, in part because of upcoming national elections in both coun- tries. The agreement signed yesterday ending an eight-year- potential of the river. built were allocated to Pakistan under an agreement that dates from 1960. The Pakistanis claimed that the original Indian design for the dam would allow India to interrupt the flow of water and that India therefore violated the 1960 treaty. Under terms of the compromise, the dam will be significantly lower than originally proposed. Pakistan will be ensured a continuing flow of water while India will be able to tap the hydroelectric The waters of the river on which the dam is being .Nigeria that the Nigerians hope will form the basis for a draft Secu- rity Council resolution condemning South African nuclear ac- tivities and urging an end to international nuclear coopera- tion with South Africa. The Nigerian UN mission is preparing a position paper and plan to submit it to the UN African contact group for con- sideration. If the African states support the Nigerian paper, The Nigerians have shown a draft to the US mission Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 a formal Security Council session on South African nuclear activities could be called in the next week or so. 25X1 Youth Association forced their way into the lobby of the US Em- bassy in Seoul Friday morning, shouting slogans and throwing leaflets denouncing the alleged US wiretapping of the South Korean presidential mansion in the 1960s. //Some 60 members of the Korean Anti-Communist Police arrived on the scene within 1.5 minutes and removed the demonstrators, and no casualties or property damage were reported.// bassy compound. planning to hold demonstrations at the Embassy later in the day, and some 200 police have been stationed outside the Em- //South Korean officials. said other groups were 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 V AW Adw Adw Adw Adw Adw Adw AAW Adw AMF Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3 0 Top Secret (Security Classification) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Top Secret 0 (Security Classification) 0 Aff Aff Aff AlIff Aw Aff AAO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30600010080-3