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Pr AV AV AV - AV -- AV AV AV AV AV Air 1 0 0 1 1 1 4 2 3 N H PREPARE REPLY RECOMMENDATION RETURN SIGNATURE CIA-RDP79T00975A029700010020-0 Top Secret (Security Classification) CONTROL NO. Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: Thursday January 13, 1977 CG NIDC 77-O10C NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY CABLE State Department review completed w NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions 1 25X1 Top Secret 0 r1tv Class if iration) Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975A028 - 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29700010020-0 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29700010020-0 Approved For 9 National Intelligence Daily Cable for Thursday, January I The NID Cable is for the purpose of informing senior US officials. CONTENTS USSR: More Explosions in Moscow Page 1 Page 3 USSR-SYRIA: Tartus Facilities Dispute ISRAEL: Peres' Candidacy CHINA-JAPAN: Upcoming Trade Bargaining CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Dissidence Continues Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975A02P700010020-0 Approved For Rel the authorities in Moscow as well as to the overwhelmingly :non- violent Soviet dissident movement. USSR: More Explosions in Moscow The US embass in Moscow has learned 25X1 hat, apart from the publicized explo- sion in the Moscow subway on Saturday, there were at least two other blasts in the city the same day. One was said to have oc- curred near the KGB headquarters. I I This information generally coincides with rumors re- ported By the Western press last weekend. that the three explosions, which they say were "definitely" caused by bombs, represent a potentially serious challenge to I the article re- porting the first explosion, written by well-connected Soviet journalist Victor Louis and published in a London newspaper, was reminiscent of the kind of officially inspired reporting that appeared during the spy-hysteria of the 1930s. Iwould be used by the authorities tor seri- ous new moves against dissidence of all kinds. 25X1 25X1 25X1 I Iconvinced that the explosions were not set o by the authorities themselves to serve as pretexts for repression. I Domestic Soviet media have not reprinted the Victor Louis article, and Tass has carried only a sparse announcement of the first blast without speculating on its cause. The author- ities may be still undecided on how publicly to interpret or exploit the Moscow events. Louis' article implied that dissidents were to blame for the 'subway explosion and that they may have been incited by the adverse impact on Soviet society of the freedom of informa- tion provisions of the Helsinki accords. This may be the direc- tion that both Soviet propaganda and possible antidissident ac- tion may take. I I The apparent nationwide crackdown on dissident activ- ity, which was gathering momentum even before the explosions in Moscow, could be part of a Soviet effort to bring overt dissi- dence in the USSR under control well in advance of the European Approved For Rellease 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975PI029700010020-0 Approved For 25X1 security follow-on conference in Belgrade in June. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0g9700010020-0 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975P //In a lengthy paean to the late Chou En-lai in the Peop e s Daily on Tuesday, a group of writers from the Chinese Foreign Ministry referred to a desire for talks between China and the US on the Taiwan issue, a reflection of China's concern that the incoming administration is paying inadequate attention to China.// //The article follows earlier private Chinese re erences beginning last November to fears that the incoming administration in Washington will be so preoccupied with domes- tic affairs and with US-Soviet relations that it will devote little attention to resolving the Taiwan matter, which remains the chief obstacle to improved Sino-US relations. Some of these private remarks have included hints of Chinese flexibility on the Taiwan issue.// I IThe statement on Tuesday said the dispute between ina an the US should be resolved "through negotiations with- out the use of force"--language that dates to the 1950s when the two sides were negotiating a non-use-of-force agreement for the Taiwan area. //The original reference to non-use-of-force was in the con ext of a possible Sino-US clash over Taiwan in the 1950s and was not intended by the Chinese to rule out the possibility that they might eventually resort to military means Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T009751' Approved For F2elease 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T0097PA029700010020-0 to "liberate" Taiwan. Nonetheless, the references that China's historical position on this issue in the best light could be part of a larger effort to create a positive atmosphere for negotiations that China hopes will induce movement from the new administration on the Taiwan issue.// //The article implied no change in China's basic demands on aiwan--that the US will break relations with Taipei and terminate its security arrangements with the Chinese Nation- alists. It asserted the familiar claim that Taiwan is "China's internal affair" and that no "foreign interference" will be allowed, a reference to past US requests for a Chinese commit- ment not to use force 25XI- //Peking has emphasized in recent weeks its view a on y a herence to the principles of the Shanghai communi- que will assure improvement in Sino-US relations. In an unusual report on the meeting last week of Chinese liaison office chief Huang Chen with Secretary Kissinger and his successor-designate, Chinese media pointed approvingly to Cyrus Vance's statement-- that US relations with China would be "guided" by the Shanghai 25X1 communique. The Chinese report also noted with obvious satis- faction that Kissinger had referred to the "enormous importance" the US attaches to normalizing relations with China.// Approved For Pelease 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975t029700010020-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29700010020-0 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29700010020-0 Approved Forl USSR-SYRIA: Tartus Facilities Dispute The Syrian threat to deny facilities at Tartus to Soviet naval ships may have been a demonstration of President Asad's unhappiness over Moscow's heavy-handed tactics during the fighting in Lebanon. He may have wanted to remind the So- viets that Syria is Moscow's only client among the respectable Arab states, and that good relations are important to both sides. 25X1 25X1: Approved For Approved For Rp' Asad, who has cautiously but steadily reduced the Soviet economic presence in Syria over the past year, may have decided that now was an appropriate time to signal a move against the Soviet military presence as well. Since the Leb- anese cease-fire, he has been seeking better relations with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and these countries have been advising a reduction in the Soviet presence. //Unlike the Egyptians, however, the Syrians 25X1 have never been interested in an open break with Moscow and do not want to jeopardize their military relations with the Soviets. F_ I The Syrians, however, have now let Moscow know that they cannot be taken for granted. The Soviets, who have pri- vately expressed concern about the rapprochement between Egypt and Syria, may now have to make additional offers of assistance to counter residual Syrian bitterness. ISRAEL: Peres' Candidacy Israeli Defense Minister Peres' decision to seek the Labor party's nomination for prime minister makes it likely that there will be a divisive leadership struggle at the Labor party convention next month. Approved For R~ Iease 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975,~029700010020-0 Approved Fort Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T0097PA029700010020-0 I Former prime minister Golda Meir and other old-guard party leaders, who favor Prime Minister Rabin, had hoped to dissuade Peres from running. The suicide of housing minister Ofer, a close political ally of Rabin's, and the Labor Party's poor showing in recent public opinion polls apparently prompted Peres to run. I IPeres was defeated by Rabin for the prime minister- snip in a party election in 1974 by a relatively narrow margin, and he doubtless believes that his chances of overhauling Rabin this time are good. His most effective appeal may be that Labor cannot win with Rabin and that only his candidacy, at the head of a new team, offers the party a chance to refurbish its image and avoid a calamitous setback at the polls in May--an argument he has already begun to use. I IPeres, however, will have to overcome the opposition of Foreign Minister Allon's faction and of Meir and Labor Party bosses, who still hold it against him that he bolted the party in 1965 with former Labor prime minister Ben-Gurion. Mapam, Labor's left-wing coalition partner, also opposes Peres and has threatened to break up its alliance with Labor unless the Labor Party adopts a more explicitly dovish party platform on peace negotiations than Peres favors. I The collapse of the alignment with Mapam could sharply reduce La or's plurality in the next election, or throw the election to the conservative hard-line Likud bloc, although this is less likely. To complicate matters further, former foreign minister Abba Eban has also declared his candidacy in an effort to woo Labor Party doves away from Rabin and, paradoxically, lock up the nomination for the more hawkish Peres. Eban, who holds a long-standing grudge against Rabin, has already indicated he would be willing to serve in a Peres cabinet. Despite his reputation for opportunism and pragmatism, any government headed by Peres would adopt a tougher, more in- dependent line on Middle East peace negotiations than one led by Rabin. A protege of former defense minister Dayan, Peres' main base of support is within the right-wing of the Labor Party. In the past, moreover, he has been more favorably dis- posed than Rabin to the re-establishment of a national unity Approved FO Approved For RO coalition government with Likud, which takes a much harder line on territorial concessions and favors the annexation of the West Bank. In recent interviews, Peres has indicated that he favors a resumption of the step-by-step approach instead of reconvening the Geneva peace talks, which he probably believes would only end in stalemate over the issues of Palestinian par- ticipation in the negotiating process and Israeli withdrawals from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. I I Peres has said he prefers a "functional" rather than a terra orial agreement with Jordan over the West Bank. By this he means an arrangement that would allow Jordan to reassert its civil authority over most of the area but permit the Israelis to keep their armed forces there and to continue to establish settlements. As a possible gesture to party doves and Mapam, how- ever, Peres has hinted at a readiness to make territorial con- cessions as well but only when the Arabs are ready in his view to make "genuine peace" with Israel--a position very similiar to Rabin's which envisions full diplomatic and commercial re- lations as part of a final peace settlement. CHINA-JAPAN: Upcoming Trade Bargaining //Differences between China and Japan on oil and other trade issues could lead to hard bargaining in upcom- ing negotiations. China is likely to take a strong position, but its options and leverage are limited.// Sino-Japanese trade is much more important to China than Japan, and accounts for more than one fourth of China's trade. Last year both imports and exports fell off, with the result that China's deficit with Japan was cut to about half the $900-million level of 1975. I //Peking hopes to narrow the trade deficit even more by increasing oil exports but is likely to be frus- trated by Tokyo's reluctance to step up imports. China also Approved For Reloase 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975AOP29700010020-0 Approved For IRelease 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975P 029700010020-0 wants to increase exports of silk and cotton textiles, but its plans are running against Japanese protectionist policies for these goods. Japan, on the other hand, wants to import more coal than China appears willing or able to supply.// //Meanwhile, Japan remains China's major sup- plier o stee , chemical fertilizers, and machinery. Competi- tion for a possibly smaller Chinese market for machinery and equipment in 1977 could, however, strengthen Peking's hand. China might try linking increased purchases of Japanese machin- ery to a boost'in Japanese oil imports during 1977-78, although a similar effort collapsed last year.// Security police are continuing to harass Czech dissi- dents who apparently wrote a human rights declaration that was first published in West Germany and France. The authorities seem to be following a deliberate policy of repeated detention, questioning and release of the more prominent dissidents. In addition, the police have evidently attempted to enlist one widely known dissident as a "witness," implying that the government may be considering some form of legal action against those arrested. The government, however, would obviously prefer to avoid formal trials in view of the international reper- cussions that would inevitably ensue. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00975AQ29700010020-0