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ACTION APPROVAI. COMMENT ~provecf~Release ZQ07/05T'f~CIA-RDP7HT0097~AUZ95000'f0UZ2-0 PREPARE REPIV RECDMMENOATION RETURN Top Secret ii = ~ (Security Classification) 0 1 1 1 1 Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY CABLE Friday November 12, 1976 CI NIDC 76-265C ??I.+`~ r~~ri ~~ ~~ ~:~:~ i?:'I~i- (Securit w 1 25X1 Top Secret Approved For Release 2007/05110 :CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For Release 2007/05110 :CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Q Approved For Release 2007/05110 :CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For National Intelli ence Dail Cable for Frida November 12 1976. 25X1 T e NID Cab e is for the purpose of informing 25x1 senior US o icials. ANGOLA: Anti-guerrilla Operation LEBANON: Situation Report Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 PORTUGAL-EC: Membership Bid Page 5 UK: Government Setback Page 8 EC: Delays in Assistance to UK Page $ FINLAND: Military Equipment Purchases Page 9 UK: Nationalization Legislation Page 10 Approved For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For Release 2007/05110 :CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Q Approved For Release 2007/05110 :CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For ANGOLA: Anti-guerrilla Operation The government offensive against National Union guer- 25x1 rillas in southern Angola appears to be the most ambitious ef- fort by the Neto regime to establish control over an area of the country in which it has no ethnic or political links. Approved', For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For //The attacking forces are said to be concen- tra e aroun ocadas and between the Cunene River and Pereira de Eca. Their present objective is to reach Cuamato.// South African press reports assert that the guerrillas are being pushed back into southeastern Angola. The government forces apparently have sealed the Angola-Namibia border, sharply reducing the flow of refugees across it. //The National Union's supply lines to South African military sources in northern Namibia also may have been cut in the process.// The South Africans are undoubtedly watching the fight- 25x1 ing in southern Angola with apprehension. They have been count- ing on the National Union to keep Angolan government forces on the defensive in that area in the hope of slowing down SWAPO preparations for an intensified insurgency in Namibia. The offensive, however successful, almost certainly 25x1 will not liquidate the National Union of Jonas Savimbi. The guerrillas will simply fade deeper into the southern An plan countr side where the can count on local support 25x1 LEBANON: Situation Report Syrian peacekeeping forces resumed their advance into 25x1 ecru o ay, where they are to take up positions along the main confrontation line. The capital remains fairly quiet, although some snip- 25x1 and artillery exchanges persist. In the North, the situation in g around Tripoli is still tense, and in the south the Israelis yesterday acknowledged shelling some Palestinian positions from across the border. Both the Israelis and Christians have been periodically bombarding Bint Jubayl, the one remaining Palestin- ian foothold in the extreme r da s to revent the Pales- tinians from reinforcing it. 25x1 Approved For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For R ease - 29500010022-0 2sx1 In a move apparently designed to give the impression that Egypt now enjoys full political freedom, President Sadat last night announced that the three subdivisions of the Arab Socialist Union, heretofore Egypt's only legal political party, would become separate parties in their own right. Sadat stipulated., however, that the Arab Socialist Union should control the new parties' financial resources and assure that their activities do not "undermine the country's unity." Approved For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For Re 029500010022-0 25x1 Sadat was addressing the first session of the People's Assembly elected last week. During the election campaign, the three organizations of the Arab Socialist Union--a leftist and a rightist group and a pro-government centrist group--separately sponsored candidates in Egypt's first experiment with multiple political organizations. 5adat has over the past few years taken several meas- 25X1 ured steps toward political and social liberalization, but he has exerted careful, if indirect, control over the full expres- sion of political dissent. The new parties will be little more independent as parties than the were as rou s controlled b the Arab Socialist Union. PORTUGAL-EC: Membership Bid //Portugal has reaffirmed its intention to seek ear y a mission to the EC despite renewed indications that the Community prefers to hold off until the Portuguese economy has stabilized.// Approved For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For R ease - 5A029500010022-0 2sx1 //Prime Minister Soares plans to submit a formal membership bid after he has toured the EC capitals, probably early next year. At a congress of his Socialist Party last month, he defended Portugal's drive for admission on the grounds that: --Portugal must look to the Community for help in its eco- nomic reconstruction now that its colonial ties have been severed. --The three leading political parties strongly support the move; only the Communists are opposed. --The fraternal ties the Socialist Party has established with its counterparts in EC member countries should faci- litate the negotiation of favorable membership terms.// //Soares believes local elections. scheduled for next mont will provide further evidence of Portugal's commit- ment to democracy and strengthen its membership credentials. //EC members are apprehensive about bringing Por- tuga into t e Community. At a recent meeting in Lisbon, EC Commission officials said that the Portuguese economy should be stabilized before a formal membership bid is considered.// //Because of the seriousness of these difficulties an e poor prospects for improvement in the near .term, the Commission suggested that Portugal agree to a pre-membership transition period. The Commission argues that even though such a formula would postpone full membership, Portugal's immediate political need to prove its acceptability to the West Europeans would be satisfied, while its economy would have more time to adjust to the demands of full membership.// //The Commission proposed a similar arrangement for Greece earlier this year, but concern about Turkey's atti- tude led the EC foreign ministers to reject it. The Nine may be more willing to consider the proposal in Portugal's case. Some members--particularly France--believe that too great a strain would be placed on Community resources by incorporating Portugal, whose economy is weaker than Greece's. West Germany and the UK on the other hand stron 1 support Portuguese ac- cession. Approved For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For Release 2007/05110 :CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Q Approved For Release 2007/05110 :CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For //The Callaghan government suffered a significant defeat in the House of Commons early this morning following the surprising legislative defection of right-wing Labor members of Parliament.// /We have no information as yet that Prime Minis- ter Callaghan intends to call for an immediate vote of confi- dence to erase the stain of defeat. Earlier this year then.- prime minister Wilson recovered from an embarrassing parliamen- tary defeat caused by leftist defections by calling for and winning a confidence vote.// //If Callaghan chooses this same course, there wi e in ense pressure from fellow Labor members of Parlia- ment as well as from powerful trade union leaders on the rebels to return to the fold.// //Callaghan's setback came on a government attempt to remove a House of Lords amendment to a bill designed to give the dockworkers a monopoly over cargo handling within five miles of all port areas. The upper house amendment cut this distance to a half mile.// //Labor leaders were furious with the rebels, par- 25x1 titularly since they had not given government whips any advance warning of their intended action. At least one of the dissi- dents has subsequently indicated he may abstain on other ma'or tion slated to be voted on this week. 25x1 EC: Delays in Assistance to UK //The EC finance ministers, meeting this week 25x1 in Brussels, decided to delay any action on possible Community assistance to the UK until Britain's negotiations for a $3.9 billion IMF loam are completed.// Approved', For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For a ease - A029500010022-0 25x1 //The Commission doubts that the Community has adequate reserves to launch a rescue operation on its own. It notes that only West Germany, and perhaps the Netherlands, could make a substantial contribution, and that EC funds will probably have to be earmarked to provide further economic sup- port to Italy.// //General agreement was reached, however, on the me' o ze ommunity will adopt in assuming Britain's $486- million share of the EC credit granted Italy in 1974--which the UK wants repaid by December 9. The Commission expects to be given the authority to borrow the necessary medium-term funds when the finance ministers meet on November 22.// //Commission officials appear convinced that any vvuuu uiai ~Y ... .ii~~ ... ... ... ....,ter _--~ ~- ---- + ch lar er o eration includin the US and Japan. FINLAND: Military Equipment Purchases 25x1 25x1 Finland reportedly has reached agreements to purchase 25x1 , major military equipment for its air and air defense forces from the UK and the USSR. These deals are in keeping with Finland's long-standing policy of trying to balance arms purchases between East and West. According to the US defense attache in Helsinki, the Finnish state council approved the selection of the British Hawk aircraft to replace aging Fouga Magistere trainers. The decision followed nearly two years of intense competition among entries from France, Italy, Sweden, and Czechoslovakia. Finnish officials will soon begin final negotiations with the UK for the purchase of 50 Hawks to serve as both ground attack aircraft and advanced trainers. The Finns apparently chose the British aircraft be- , cause of the attractive terms London proposed to offset the purchase. The offset package, reportedly worth more than the cost of the Hawks, will include British purchases of Finnish products and Finnish subcontracting for some Hawk components. The UK also apparently will buy some of Finland's new Leko-70 light trainer aircraft. Approved For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 Approved For R 029500010022-0 Even with the Hawk, the Finnish air force, which is res ric ed in size by the Paris Peace Treaty of 1947, would still be largely incapable of performing mast of its assigned missions. The Hawk nevertheless would help modernize the air force inven- tory and acquaint Finnish trainees with newer technology. /,/The agreement with the USSR, Finland's major arms supplier, reportedly involves a Soviet surface-to- air missile system. The agreement probably was reached during a visit to the USSR by a high-level Finnish military delegation in mid-September. According to the US defense attache, the equipment will be acquired under the terms of the five-year trade accord signed between the two countries last year.// The addition of the SAMs would markedly improve Fin- 25x1 land's air defense network, which presently consists of anti- aircraft artillery that is only partly radar-controlled. Fin- land's other 5AMs--obsolescent British Thunderbirds ac uired in -- d only for training. 25x1 25X1 UK: Nationalization Legislation //The Callaghan government's legislation to nation- s ize t e aircraft and shipbuilding industries squeaked through the House of Commons last night.// //In a series of close votes Labor struck down all the crippling amendments tacked on by the Conservative- dominated House of Lords. The narrowness of the government's margin last night underlines Labor's precarious parliamentary situation and its limited maneuvering room on controversial is- sues.// //The nationalization bill will now be referred back to the upper house where Tory peers will have to consider whether further opposition to the measure is worth the constitutional confrontation it would precipitate; many Laborites are already calling for the abolition of the House of Lords.// 25X1 //Three other important--and vulnerable--items in e government's legislative ro ram are scheduled to on in the next few days. 25x1 Approved For Release 2007/05110: CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0 ~ovelea~~Z007/05TTITCIA-R'DF7~T009~~29500II'I'QII22-0 Top Secret (Security Classification) Top Secret (Security Classification) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J Approved For Release 2007/05110 :CIA-RDP79T00975A029500010022-0