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Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79f0097-5A02qAffM& -4 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin Secret N?_ 42 26 M 4y 1972. State Department review completed 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A022000020001-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A022000020001-4 SECRET No. 0126/72 26 May 1972 Central Intelligence Bulletin VIETNAM: Situation report. (Page 1) USSR: Shelest replaced as head of Ukrainian Commu- nist Party. (Page 3) JAPAN-CHINA: Sato signals that Tokyo is prepared to move forward in normalizing relations with Peking. (Page 4) CHILE: Communist leaders ready to compromise on some issues with the governing coalition. (Page 5) 25X6 ITALY: Efforts to form a new government. (Page 8) SUDAN: Numayri's moves toward the West face stif- fened opposition. (Page 10) COCOM: US-European split (Page 11) 25X6 CEYLON: Protests over new constitution (Page 13) SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A022000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/$&49 RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 SECRET CAMBODIA KON Kohtui BINH O NH s9urr VJtM Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A Approved For Release 2003/19.ECXBSDP79T00975A022000020001-4 C VIETNAM: The Communists are increasing pres- sure on government positions in several areas. In the central highlands North Vietnamese forces supported by tanks mounted new attacks dur- ing the night against the defenses of Kontum City. Five enemy tanks have been knocked out. Prelimi- nary reports indicate that the main enemy attack has been repelled, but fighting continues in the area. Yesterday North Vietnamese sappers infil- trated the city and skirmished sharply with govern- ment troops before being beaten back. Heavy and accurate enemy shellings also knocked out a number of South Vietnamese artillery positions around Kon- tum and closed the airfield. Heavy fighting also broke out again north of Hue overnight as North Vietnamese infantry and tank forces attacked South Vietnamese marine lines. The enemy reportedly failed to make a major penetration, and casualties on both sides are said to be substan- tial. The South Vietnamese marines raiding behind enemy lines in Quang Tri in recent days, meanwhile, report that they have destroyed large quantitites of enemy equipment and supplies. The enemy losses, however, will tend to be offset by the substantial quantities of supplies the enemy is continuing to move into northern South Vietnam from Laos. Some of the supplies evidently are intended for the enemy buildup in the area west of Hue. Although the Communists are continuing to posi- tion their forces for offensive operations and are keeping pressure on government forces on the major battlefronts, they apparently view their recent 3 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/$M QDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 25X1 25X1 battle performance as less than satisfacI . the Vie namese communist high command in the southern provinces has issued an assessment of the offensive that observes that Communist military forces and political cadre had fallen far short of their ob- jectives by mid-May. The document criticizes the military units for scattering rather than concentrating their assets, and describes the Communist political operation in the cities as "paralyzed." The guidance differs markedly from an earlier optimistic assessment is- sued by the same headquarters last month. In North Vietnam, the regime is apparently still having problems with the performance of its cadre following the step-up in US bombing and the increased efforts needed to support the offensive in the South. The first hint that dissatisfaction has reached the point where the regime is at least considering a purge of deficient cadre was contained in an article on 16 May in the Hanoi city newspaper by an official of the local party committee. He claimed that, in a combat situation, the "small seg- ment" of party members who are unequal to the new tasks are "no longer worthy of being party members." These cadre must be ostracized "in time" in order to keep the party "clean and steadfast." The article appeared only a few days after the regime had announced strict new security measures to curb "socialist abuses." Whether the problems go beyond effective performance by cadre and re- flect some cadre dissatisfaction with Hanoi's olic on the t at present. 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 SECRET USSR: A plenum of the central committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party on 25 May elected Vladimir Shcherbitsky first secretary, replacing Petr Shelest. The change in the Ukrainian leadership had been expected since Shelest was appointed to the less important position of deputy chairman of the USSR Council of ministers last week. Ukrainian Premier Shcherbitsky was the logical choice. At the 24th party congress in March 1971, Shcherbit- sky, a long-time protege of party chief Brezhnev, became a full member of the politburo in an elec- tion engineered by Brezhnev--an event which now makes it clear that Shcherbitsky was being groomed as Shelest's successor. The coincidence of recent events suggests that Shelest, who has a reputation as a critic of detente, lost out in debate over foreign policy. His demotion would seem to strengthen Brezhnev's hand in foreign policy. Shelest has also been a critic of some of Brezhnev's internal policies and the demotion may ultimately have an effect in this area. Shelest may well retain his CPSU politburo seat for some time, however, as have Shelepin and Voronov, who were previously demoted to jobs not calling for politburo status. In moving up to become first secretary, Shcherbitsky will soon give up his position in the Ukrainian government. The speedy change in the Ukrainian leadership avoids the potential embarrassment of having President Nixon meet with Shelest during his visit to Kiev next week. F77 I 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 SECRET 25X1 JAPAN-CHINA: Prime Minister Sato has given the clearest public signal to date that Japan is prepared to move forward in normalizing relations with Peking. In Diet debate on 24 May, Sato expressed a fun- damental awareness that the Peoples Republic of China is the "sole legitimate" government of China. This explicit acknowledgment departs from Japan's long- standing formulation that the Peoples Republic is merely the government that represents China, and it meets one of Peking's conditions for the restoration of relations. Sato used the rationale of China's entry into the UN to support the need for normaliza- tion. He skirted, however, China's demands that Tokyo comment on the territorial status of Taiwan and abrogate its peace treaty with Taipei. Sato billed his remarks as a necessary response to the "flexibility" demonstrated by Chou En-lai last week. Meeting with a visiting Japanese opposition party delegation, the premier said that China would welcome a visit by a representative of the Japanese Government after Sato's retirement if Tokyo adhered to Peking's three principles for normalization. There have also been indications that Peking is tak- ing a softer line on these conditions. Sato publicly acknowledged for the first time on 24 May that the Japanese Government has attempted to communicate directly with Chinese leaders. His latest comments were made at his own initiative and should lay the groundwork for more rapid progress after his expected retirement this summer, although there may not yet be full consensus within the gov- ernment on how to proceed. I I 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/1~VIDP79T00975A022000020001-4 CHILE: Communist Party leaders, temporarily successful in the showdown within the Popular Unity (UP) coalition over violent tactics, are now ready to compromise on some other issues. The Communists, agree with President Aide a the con- stant within the UP must cease. They reportedly have dropped their opposition to a cabinet reorganization, so long as they continue to hold the same ministries. Fearing that Allende's opposition to a plebiscite is weakening, they will reluctantly accept the Socialists' insistence on using this device to test public support for the government. On the use of violence, however, no lasting agreement is likely. The Communists do not be- lieve that the Socialist leaders' recent public repudiation of the violent activities of the Move- ment of the Revolutionary Left (MIR) will end their behind-the-scenes support for the increasingly active MIR. In fact, neither the Socialists nor national leaders of smaller extreme leftist UP parties can--or want to--control local members who prefer to make common cause with the MIR. The Communists are shrewd enough not to unite their UP rivals by pushing the advantage they gained last week on the violence issue. They are well aware that in several areas, such as labor union elections next week and the mismanagement of the Chuquicamata copper complex, they are themselves vulnerable to challenge. They are conscious too that despite Allende's preference for the cautious tactics the Communists favor, he has often given in to hard-line Socialist pressures on vital issues. 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A022000020001-4 25X6 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/1~ DP79TOO975AO22000020001-4 ITALY: Formal consultation leading to a new government will begin soon but the prospects for forming a lasting coalition remain uncertain. Informal exchanges among top political leaders show a willingness to reconstitute a center-left coalition but only if the Socialist Party retreats from its demands that the Communists be allowed to contribute to legislative programs. So far, So- cialist leaders have not publicly committed them- selves, and they may not take a final position until internal problems are sorted out at a na- tional party congress next autumn. The attractions of power and patronage will be difficult for the Socialists to resist. Ul- timately they probably will submit to coalition discipline and drop their insistence on a greater parliamentary role for the Communists. Top So- cialist leaders reportedly have agreed on this tactic but prefer to wait a decent interval be- fore they drop the theme they argued so vigorously for during the campaign. In the interim, Italy will be governed by a minority coalition or an all-Christian Democrat caretaker government. The Socialists reportedly are prepared to support a tripartite combination composed of their former center-left partners (Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, and Re- publicans) as long as it is understood that the Socialists will be included in a more permanent center-left coalition after the fall party con- gresses. Christian Democrat leaders also prefer a temporary tripartite government. They are con- cerned that Italy's many problems will seriously weaken their party if they continue to govern alone. If the Christian Democrats and Socialists postpone a decision on future cooperation until 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET pprovedForRelease 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/1SEC]VA DP79T00975AO22000020001-4 after their party congresses in the fall, an all- Christian Democrat government may be the only solu- tion available in the near term. The newly elected parliament convened yesterday and will spend its first few sessions electing of- ficers to head the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. After this is resolved the floor leaders of the various parties are elected and formal consultations prior to the naming of a remier-designate by Pres- ident Leone will begin. 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin 9 SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/ RCJYPDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 SUDAN: The pro-Egyptian faction in the govern- ment is stiffening its opposition to President Nu- mayri's moves toward the West. 25X1 Minister of Economics Mansur confided to a US official in Khartoum that Numayri was coming under increasingly heavy criticism for going too far in developing ties with Western nations, especially the US. In Mansur's view the benefits to be derived from a formal resumption of relations with the US would be outweighed by the political storm this ac- tion would generate. Mansur's observations should be interpreted against a background of worsening Sudan-Egypt rela- tions and the ouster over the past three months of a number of ministers and other officials who favor close ties with Cairo. Numayri has now begun to weed out a number of pro-Egyptian army officers from responsible positions, and he is said to be ready to move against some of his remaining critics in the cabinet. The Egyptians and their friends in the Khartoum government have tried to halt Numayri's gradual loosening of Sudan's ties with the Arab world and to turn him away from his concentration on domestic problems. The almost daily meetings of the politi- cal bureau of the ruling Sudan Socialist Union over the past week could indicate a climactic debate on these issues, particularly on foreign policy. 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/10,qt M.jDP79T00975A022000020001-4 survival might be threatened in the absence of a more forthcoming US position in the communications COCOM: The European allies are on the verge of a serious split with the US on the issue of con- trols on strategic trade with Communist countries. At a meeting this week in Paris of the Coordinating Committee (COCOM) dealing with periodic list review of export items, the British delegate walked out be- cause the US could not yet present its final posi- tion on UK requests for relaxation of controls on certain communications items. The British regard these items as touchstones for the success of the entire list review and noted that COCOM credibility is already being challenged politically and by in- dustry circles. The UK delegate charged the US with "apparent contempt" for others' views. The British have been supported by the other Europeans and, in the view of the US mission in Paris, COCOM's 25X1 25X6 (continued) 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A022000020001-4 11 Approved For Release 2d.&0ETIA-RDP79T00975A022000020001-4 DELFT ISLAND CEYLON COLOMBO* Trincomalee Batticaloa SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 0 Approved For Release 2003/1q':,CIE-1PP79T00975A022b00020001-4 CEYLON: The minority Tamils are becoming more active in protesting the new constitution enacted last Monday. The Tamils, who comprise about 22 per- cent of the population, insist that the new charter does not adequately guarantee the use of their lan- guage in Tamil areas of the country. Although most of the protest activities have remained non-violent, Tamil students in the Jaffna peninsula reportedly have begun barricading roads, clashing with the po- lice, and damaging vehicles and public facilities. Similar incidents on a smaller scale have been re- ported at Trincomalee and Batticaloa, which, like Jaffna, are located in areas where Tamils are con- centrated. Government security forces apparently have been exercising restraint so far and have avoided the use of firearms. They may, however, be forced to become tougher, particularly if large num- bers of Tamils decide to support the students rather than the more restrained Tamil political leaders. 26 May 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A022000020001-4 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4 Secret Secret Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22000020001-4