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Document Release Date: 
April 2, 2003
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Publication Date: 
December 20, 1971
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79T00975A020700100001-0.pdf621.11 KB
Approved For Release 2003/05/19: CIA-RDP79T00975A02070(8gVpet 25X1 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin Secret N0_ 042 Approved For Release 2003/05/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO20700100001-0 Approved For Release 2003/OOh.XUATRDP79T00975A020700100001-0 No. 0303/71 20 December 1971 Central Intelligence Bulletin LAOS: The situation on the Plaine des Jarres is Teteriorating. (Page 1) INDIA-PAKISTAN: Yahya's resignation paves way for civilian government. (Page 3) COMMUNIST CHINA - CANADA: Peking has bought $200 million worth of Canadian wheat. (Page 5) INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SITUATION: Reactions to new currency parities. Page ECUADOR: There are reports of plans to replace Velasco with a military dictatorship. (Page 9) CHILE.- COMMUNIST CHINA: Copper contract (Page 10) MALAYSIA: Rubber market (Page 10) Approved For Release 2003/05/f C'R.W79T00975A020700100001-0 Approved For Release 2003/99`IA-RDP79T00975A020700100001-0 LAOS: PLAINE DES JARRES AREA 0 Mies 10 tv _~ .Government-held location .Communist-held location Bouam Longs Approved For Release 2003/Q511 ~, AIR DP79T00975AO20700100001-0 Approved For Release 2003/0/FDP79T00975A020700100001-0 C LAOS: The situation on the Plaine des Jarres is deteriorating in the face of a full-scale North Vietnamese offensive. On 18 December North Vietnamese units, sup- ported by tanks and highly accurate artillery fire, launched simultaneous attacks on all irregular po- sitions and fire support bases on the northern and eastern edges of the Plaine. Seven irregular bat- talions, providing an infantry screen for the north- ern fire support bases, were dispersed and are re- grouping near Xieng Khouang. Their withdrawal leaves a gap between the government's fire support bases on the northern and southern edges of the Plaine. During the night of 19 December, Communist troops supported by heavy artillery, mortar fire, and tanks overran irregular positions and two fire support bases near Phou Theung. The northern fire support bases near Phou Keng are also under heavy attack. The accuracy and intensity of enemy ground fire have precluded all resupply and medical evacu- ation operations on the Plaine. Four USAF F-4s have been downed over north Laos since 18 December. One of these planes was shot down by a MIG. Two Lao Air Force T-28s were also brought down by AAA fire over the Plaine on 18 December. Air observers have spotted five heavy guns--probably some of the 130--m;n. field guns recently brought into Laos--em- placed in Khang [