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Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A017709
Central Intelligence Bulletin
DIA and DOS review(s) completed.
8 December 1970
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Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO17700090001-6
Approved For Release 2003/08MP79T00975A017700090001-6
No. 0293/70
8 December 1970
Central Intelligence Bulletin
CAMBODIA: Government forces have suffered heavy
losses near Kompong Cham. (Page 1)
CHILE: Allende's reliance on leftist extremists
is ~iampering the Communist Party. (Page 4)
USSR-CUBA: Negotiation of economic agreements for
the next five-year period has begun. (Page 5)
POLAND: Gomulka has announced that grain imports
from the USSR will reach a record level this year.
(Page 6)
WEST GERMANY: Brandt has apparently given up on
ratification of the treaty with Poland before some
settlement on Berlin. (Page 7)
USSR-NIGERIA: Credit (Page 8)
USSR-AUSTRALIA: Meat transaction (Page 8)
VENEZUELA-COLOMBIA: Firm Venezuelan stand (Page 8)
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Current Situation
Enemy harassment ph."`
lye nh
,.$re,F h,long
Communist attacks eha" !
o Principal city (10,000 or over)
Population over 125 per sq. mi.
Communist-controlled area
550648 12-70 CIA
,-J , Saigon
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CAMBODIA: Government forces have suffered
heavy losses as the Communists strengthen their po-
sition south of Kompong Cham city.
Communist attacks on 6 December on three gov-
ernment battalions clustered at Peam Chikang, a dis-
trict headquarters town some ten miles southwest of
Kompong Cham, evidently routed those forces. Before
losing radio contact, the government commander at
Peam Chikang claimed he had over 100 troops wounded,
plus unknown numbers killed or missing. A senior
Cambodian Army officer at Kompong Cham subsequently
reported that more than 100 government soldiers had
been killed in the fighting.
According to the US defense attache, Phnom Penh
has no new information on the fate of the three bat-
talions. Although a handful of soldiers from one
of the battalions has straggled into the nearby town
of Prey Totung, it ma be several days before they
can be debriefed.
attacks on the town may have inflicted on the Cam-
bodians their worst setback since the enemy began
to step up military activity last month.
The Communists also retain the initiative on
several other fronts, disrupting government efforts
to reoccupy positions along major roadways. For
example, enemy harassing attacks are still prevent-
ing government troops both from reopening Route 7
between Skoun and Kompong Cham city and from ad-
vancin beyond Sre Khlong on Route 4.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
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CHILE: President Allende's reliance on leftist
extremists, including the Movement of the Revolu-
tionary Left (MIR), is hampering the Communist
Party's efforts to consolidate power.
Composed largely of upper-class radicals and
not a member of the administration's Popular Unity
(UP), the MIR has long been considered a major
enemy by the Communist Party (PCCh).
Last week Allende imposed a truce that favors
the MIR in a violent student confrontation between
the MIR and the Communists. In this setback for
the Communists, which has been well publicized,
the MIR triumphed in heading a combined slate with
the UP candidates for the University of Concepcion
student elections on 10 December. The public ap-
pearance of three MIR leaders who have been fugi?-
tives from criminal charges for many months indi-
cates the MIR's confidence in Allende's tolerance.
Meanwhile, high PCCh leaders have complained
that Allende is indifferent toward UP congressmen,
particularly Communists, and does not advise them
of government planning.
8 Dec 70 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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USSR-CUBA: Negotiation of economic agreements
covering t e period from 1971 to 1975 has begun.
A Cuban delegation headed by Carlos Rafael
Rodriguez, one of Fidel Castro's closest advisers,
arrived in Moscow on 2 December to begin talks
covering "economic cooperation" for the next five
years. Lower-level discussions concerning the 1971
trade protocol had begun a week earlier. Rodriguez
apparently is in Moscow to negotiate renewal of two
long-term agreements: the basic trade agreement,
which was signed in 1960 and renewed in 1965, and
the 1964 sugar agreement under which the USSR is
committed to purchase five million tons of Cuban
sugar annually at six cents per pound.
Rodriguez also may be seeking new long-term
Soviet credits. Cuba's utilization of about $300
million in Soviet credits during 1970 has raised
its total economic aid debt to the USSR to approx-
imately $2.7 billion. Given the outlook for future
sugar crops, Havana probably will continue to need
significant infusions of Soviet aid.
8 Dec 70 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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POLAND: Party chief Gomulka has announced
that grain imports from the USSR will reach a record
level this year.
Imports of two million metric tons will be
more than 50 percent above Soviet shipments in
1969, but still will leave another 500,000 tons to
be purchased from Western suppliers. Domestic
production still is unable to meet Poland's needs,
and preliminary estimates of the 1970 grain crop
indicate that it is no better than five years ago.
Despite rising demand, Gomulka also revealed
that meat consumption during the coming year will
have to remain at the 1969 level. The Polish con-
sumer can expect shortages of pork to remain serious
through mid-1971. Gomulka claimed that meat ex-
ports are half of what they were in 1965, and that
further export cutbacks are not possible if Warsaw
is to meet its hard-currency payment obligations
to Western countries. Moreover, the regime has
stated that it is unwilling to assume additional
foreign debt in order to increase imports of agri-
cultural commodities.
Gomulka hinted that prices might be hiked to
dampen demand. The government may hesitate to do
this, however, because of current consumer discon-
tent. F_ I
8 Dec 70 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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WEST GERMANY: The Bonn government apparently
has given up the-idea of seeking ratification of the
Polish - West German treaty before some West Berlin
settlement is reached.
A week ago Foreign Minister Scheel declared--
apparently on his own responsibility--that a satis-
factory Berlin agreement would have to precede rat-
ification of any treaties with East European states
not just the one with the USSR.
Publicity on measures for the emigration of
ethnic Germans to West Germany, negotiated in con-
nection with the Polish treaty, should help to make
it acceptable to the West German public. This would
be particularly true if, as the West German Red
Cross expects, large numbers of the ethnic Germans
begin arriving early next year.
8 Dec 70 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Approved For Release 2003/08/2E8 f{ f 79T00975A017700090001-6
USSR-NIGERIA: Moscow has extended a $6.7?-mil-
lion credit to Lagos for geological prospecting.
The recently signed agreement is part of an economic
cooperation pact concluded late in 1968. The survey
will include prospecting for iron ore, coal, and
other raw materials. The Soviets apparently are
awaiting the results of the survey to determine if
establishment of an iron and steel industry in Ni-
geria is economically feasible. 25X1
USSR-AUSTRALIA: The USSR has urgently nego-
tiated-the purchase of 50,000 tons of Australian
meat. This reflects the continuing tight supply of
meat in the Soviet Union following the severe :L968-
69 winter. The first shipment under the $28-million
deal is scheduled to leave Melbourne on 10 December.
In February Moscow bought 36,000 tons of beef and
mutton from Australia for delivery in the
half of 1970. 25X1
VENEZUELA-COLOMBIA: President Caldera is
taking a firmer stand on relations with Colombia.
At a recent press conference he said that the 200,000
to 400,000 Colombians illegally residing in Venezu-
ela would have to leave. He also took a stronger
than usual attitude on Venezuela's dispute with Co-
lombia over possession of the possibly oil-rich Gulf
of Venezuela, asserting that the gulf was "vital"
and "fundamental." for Venezuela and that it was
sacred territory. Caldera and most members of his
administration want, good relations with Colombia
but differences between the two countries touch on
such vital interests that, despite good will on both
sides, tension is likely to continue. C In Bogota,
early private reaction by Colombian officials re-
flects surprise that Caldera has taken such a force-
ful position.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
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