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Central Intelligence Bulletin
13 December 1969
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Approved For Release 2003/060fiG R P79T00975A015200010001-1
No. 0298/69
13 December 1969
Central Intelligence Bulletin
NATO: The Council will meet to discuss guidelines
for possible East-West negotiations. (Page 1)
Hungary - West Germany: Talks about economic and
other matters could ultimately lead to diplomatic
relations. (Page 2)
Council of Europe - Greece: Greece's withdrawal may
have repercussions in other international organiza-
tions. (Page 3)
Chile: The government has been unable to control
the deterioration in military discipline. (Page 4)
Dominican Republic: The President has probably
headed off efforts to stir up labor unrest. (Page 5)
Italy: Violence (Page 6)
NATO: Environmental projects (Page 6)
UN-USSR: Security resolution (Page 6)
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NATO: The North Atlantic Council will meet on
16 December to discuss implementing the general
guidelines for possible East-West negotiations estab-
lished at the recent ministerial meetings.
The NATO communique of 5 December was cool to
the Warsaw Pact proposal for an early European se-
curity conference. It encouraged expanded bilateral
and multilateral contacts with the East, however,
specifically endorsing.the-West German bid to the
Soviet Union for a renunciation of force agreement.
It also renewed the Allied offer to discuss balanced
force reductions, ways to allay tensions caused by
the activities of the opposing military forces, and
ways to improve economic, technical, and cultural
How the NATO countries will go about developing
contacts on these subjects with the East Europeans
is by no means clear. Most members agree. that talks
on balanced force reductions should eventually be
held between representatives of the Alliance and the
Warsaw Pact. Such talks seem unlikely in the fore-
seeable future, however, because of the complexities
of arranging bloc-to-bloc negotiations and because
of France's long-standing opposition to this form
of diplomatic interchange.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Hungary - West Germany: The Hungarians are pre-
paring to talk to the West Germans about economic and
other matters, an action that could ultimately lead
to diplomatic relations as well.
A West German official said on 11 December that
there are "fairly clear indications" that in the an-
nual trade talks before the year's end, Hungary in-
tends to broach the question of a long-term economic
agreement. The Hungarians also have shown interest
in expanding cultural relations and might be prepared
to improve consular functions. The West Germans will
be receptive to the Hungarian initiative in order to
bring pressure on the East Germans to enter meaning-
ful negotiations and to keep their Eastern policy in
bilateral forums.
These reports come on the heels of a positive
evaluation of the Brandt government by the Hungarian
central committee and by the East European leaders
who met in Moscow last week. A Kadar lieutenant said
in parliament on 11 December that Hungary would ap-
preciate Bonn's willingness to improve bilateral re-
lations, and a Foreign Ministry official said t
cautious progress without publicity should be pos-
The Hungarians, nevertheless, will have to lag
slightly behind the Poles, who on 10 December re-
sumed negotiations with Bonn on substantial long-
range trade and credit matters. Bonn will probably
bow to Budapest's reluctance to get ahead of Warsaw
and Moscow.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Council of Europe - Greece: Greece's withdrawal
yesterday from the Council of Europe may have reper-
cussions in other international organizations, but
early moves against its NATO membership are still not
Eleven of the Council's 18 members had intro-
duced a draft resolution calling for Greece's suspen-
sion until it made satisfactory progress toward re-
storing human rights. Because passage of the reso-
lution seemed virtually certain, Greece decided to
withdraw from the Council before a vote could be
There may be moves in the European Communities
to attenuate Greece's ties with that organization.
Although the association arrangement, which envisages
eventual Greek membership in the EC, remains in ef-
fect, the Communities have taken several measures
against the Athens regime. Financial assistance has
been suspended, and some Greek exports have been
made potentially subject to reimposition of certain
EC taxes. Some members of the Communities may now
be encouraged to press the point that the Greek re-
gime violates the principles underlying the Treaty
of Rome.
Some NATO members are likely to continue their
criticism of Athens. The Norwegian parliament, for
instance, has adopted a resolution urging the NATO
countries to cancel weapons deliveries to Greece.
Nevertheless, several members who were willing to
favor excluding Greece from the Council of Europe
have expressed reluctance to force Greece out of
the Alliance. They argue that NATO bases in Greece
are essential to the security of the Mediterranean
13 Dec 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Chile: The Frei government has been unable to
control the deterioration in military discipline and
the politicians' self-serving antics that are creat-
ing a climate of crisis.
Rumors that a military coup is imminent are
building up again. One or more of the plotting groups
might decide to move, on the assumption that even an
incident could set off a chain reaction in the tense
believe that
President Frei is deliberately encouraging a coup for
his own political purposes.
Radical Socialists and terrorists I lare
courting military conspirators, ut
the orthodox Communists are attacking the plotting.
Christian Democratic Senator Renan Fuentealba is out-
doing the Communists with daily charges that the US
is deeply involved in the military unrest. His own
party is embarrassed by Fuentealba's demagoguery,
which buttresses speculation that the Christian 'Demo-
crats and the Communists are cooperating. Only re-
cently have high officials effectively disavowed his
charges. On 10 December three cabinet ministers ab-
solved the US of such involvement before a "secret"
13 Dec 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 4
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Dominican Republic: President Balaguer has
probably headed off leftist efforts to stir up labor
unrest during the Christmas holidays.
Unions dominated by the major opposition Domini-
can Revolutionary Party have threatened to stage a
series of work stoppages that would lead to a gen-
eral strike on 22 December. The unions claim they
have the backing of 48 labor, professional, and stu-
dent organizations. Despite the government's pater-
nalism toward labor and sometimes heavy-minded labor
policies, leftist and Communist labor groups still
command a significant following. Last August, for
example, a three-day work stoppage was effective in
the capital even though the government had declared
it illegal. The strike claimed seven lives and re-
sulted in numerous injuries.
Balaguer's response to the current threat is
typical of his previously successful tactics. He
quickly obtained congressional authority to suspend
constitutional guarantees, declared a Christmas bo-
nus for government workers, closed public schools
in the national district until next month, and called
on all parties to halt "political cannibalism."
Although the Communists will probably continue
to call for urban terrorism, which has become common-
place, the labor unions will probably find it diffi-
cult to attract widespread popular or worker support
in the face of the government's carrot-and-stick ap-
13 Dec 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 5
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(Italy: Bomb explosions and resulting casual-
ties in Milan and Rome yesterday will increase pres-
sures on the minority Christian Democratic govern-
ment of Mariano Rumor. The violence may have been
the work of young extremists of the left, who have
been trying to inflame the labor unrest that has
characterized recent months in Italy.
NATO: The first meeting of the Alliance's Com-
mittee on the Challenges of Modern Society was con-
cluded on 10 December with an agreement that member
nations should start work on seven projects in the
environmental field. The problems to be addressed
include air pollution, road safety, disaster relief,
individual and group motivation, water pollution,
and the translation of scientific knowledge into
political decision making. The constructive atti-
tudes exhibited by most of the European Allies at
the meetings suggest that the committee will no
longer depend entirely upon the US for its direction
and activity. A number of the delegates noted that
the establishment of the committee had already
brought benefits to their governments by forcing
them to establish internal components to deal with
mounting environmental problems.
UN-USSR: In a compromise agreement, the UN
General Assembly's political and security committee
will probably soon approve a draft resolution on the
Soviets' omnibus international security proposal..
The resolution, which would then be adopted by the
plenary General Assembly next week, provides that
the 1970 Assembly will "consider appropriate recom-
mendations on the strengthening of international
security." The Soviets earlier had made a great
effort to obtain a more substantive statement, but
will settle for this largely procedural disposition
in the face of strong opposition from the Western
powers. They also accepted Western demands that,
in order to avoid adding to the stature of coun-
tries such as East Germany, the resolution be ap-
plicable only to the "governments of member states."
13 Dec 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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