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October 4, 1969
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Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Approved F 1Release 200 30/ T NA-RDP79T00 A014700020002-5
C Vietnam: North Vietnam's delegation. to China's
national day celebrations is moving on to Eastern
Europe, presumably to spread the word about the pol-
icies of the post-Ho leadership and to garner addi-
tional political and material support.
Hanoi radio has announced that Premier Pham Van
Dong and his delegation have left Peking to attend
East Germany's national day festivities. The dele-
gation includes Hanoi's top foreign aid figure, who
just wrapped up a new aid agreement with the Chinese.
Similar negotiations are likely to be held with sev-
eral East European countries and the USSR during the
current trip.
Soviet Party First Secretary Brezhnev and many
ranking East European party leaders will be in East
Germany for the celebrations. After the unusually
warm reception the North Vietnamese received in Pe-
king, Hanoi probably welcomes the chance for a simi-
lar outpouring of unity and support from the European
Communists. This would help North Vietnam maintain
its middle ground in the Sino-Soviet conflict and
give added weight to the regime's efforts to carry
on without Ho Chi Minh.
The fact that Pham Van Dong, who clearly re-
mains one of the top men in the new leadership, will
remain out of the country for more than a few days,
strongly suggests that the North Vietnamese are not
now bogged down in. a crisis of indecision and disa-
In South Vietnam, military activity on 3 Octo-
ber remained quite light.
4 Oct 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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USSR-Iraq: Moscow has started implementing its
July agreement to provide assistance for Iraqi ex-
ploitation of the North Rumaila oilfield.
Seven Soviet experts arrived on 1 October to be-
gin survey work, and more experts are to join them
in a few days. The survey is expected to take about
four months. Soviet assistance is being provided
under a $67-million credit that will be repaid by
Iraq in oil valued at open market prices.
The USSR also signed an agreement last June to
provide the Iraqi National Oil Company with $72-mil-
lion worth of equipment and technical aid for devel-
oping for itself the al-Halfayah area in southern
Iraq. Two initial contracts, one covering $9.5 mil-
lion worth of Soviet equipment and the other for the
supply of Soviet experts, already have been signed.
Repayment of this agreement is to be made in accord-
ance with the Iraqi-Soviet trade agreement of 1958,
which provides for periodic settlement of accounts
in convertible currencies.
These agreements will offer the USSR an oppor-
tunity to expand its influence in Iraq and, inciden-
tally, to acquire some Middle East oil. In addition,
they will help Iraq to gain experience in oilfield
operations and to develop areas formerly held by the
Western-owned Iraq Petroleum Company.
4 Oct 69 Central intelligence Bulletin
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Euro can Community: The Commission has reacted
sharply y to West Germany's of orts to protect its
farmers from the impac"f the decision to let the
value of the mark float.
Following that decision, Bonn asked Commission
approval of a 5.5 percent tax on agricultural im-
ports. The Commission rejected this request, how-
ever, and instead authorized Germany to suspend cer-
tain agricultural imports until the exchange rate of
the mark is fixed. Bonn nevertheless reportedly
plans to go ahead with the tax, and a German spokes-
man suggested that the Commission had made a "strange"
decision that went beyond its competence. The Com-
munity's Council of M ters will meet on 6 October
to consider the problem.
Aside from the complex technical questions
raised, the dispute has become an important test of
the Commission's powers to monitor Community policies.
Germany plans to appeal the Commission's decision to
the Community Court of Justice, and hopes the court
will rule against the Commission before the 6 October
meeting. If this g1iopld occur, the Commission's in-
fluence would suffer.
Whatever adjustments are eventually made in the
application of the Common Agricultural Policy to
Germany, it is clear that the program is in greater
difficulty than ever. The recent French devaluation
resulted in that country's virtual isolation from
,h common agricultural markeor a two-year period.
4 Oct 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 3
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USSR-Lebanon: Both Moscow and Beirut are try-
ing to limit diplomatic damage caused by the arrest
of two Soviet nationals on 30 September for allegedly
conspiring to steal a Lebanese Air Force jet. In
the face of Soviet hints of diplomatic retaliation,
Beirut reportedly has agreed to expel the two Rus-
sians, one of them a high-ranking diplomat, without
formally declaring each of them persona non grata.
Lebanon has also clamped a tight lid on publicity
surrounding the "Mirage affair." The incident, al-
though undoubtedly embarrassing for Moscow, is un-
likely to have any long-lasting effect on its rela-
tions with any of the Arah t-nnni-ri rya _ including
Venezuela-USSR: Three leaders of Soviet petro-
chemical unions are to visit Venezuela next week.
The purpose of the visit is to "establish close re-
lations" with Venezuelan unions in the industry and
to visit oil installations. The Venezuelan Petrol-
eum Workers' Federation earlier this year turned
down an invitation to send three representatives to
the USSR on an all-expense-paid visit. Subsequently,
the Soviets asked the federation to facilitate visits
to Venezuela for the three Soviet leaders. The dele-
gation was in Bogota this week. Venezuela is cur-
rently carrying out negotiations with the USSR for
the establishment. of diplomatic relations. Diplo-
matic, trade, and cultural visitors from the USSR
and Eastern Europe are frequent, but labor delega-
Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Chile: President Frei may replace Defense
Minister Marambio, a retired army general, with a
civilian in an effort to alleviate growing unrest in
the Chilean armed forces. Marambio has not had close
ties with active duty officers for a long time, and
does not have the respect of the services he heads.
The appointment of a civilian to the defense post
would be a reversion to normal practice, but would
not ensure solution of th economic problems that
are causing the unrest.
Council of Europe - Greece: Opponents of the
Greek Government are keeping up their pressure for
Greek expulsion from the Council of Europe. The
Consultative Assembly of the Council this week passed
a recommendation that the Committee of Ministers
"take account of new instances of disregard for the
rule of law and democracy" in Greece. Most of the
speakers on the recommendation made strong state-
ments against the Greek regime and urged the Commit-
tee of Ministers to expel Greece from the Council.
The Committee, when it meets in December, will find
it difficult to avoid a decision on the issue.
4 Oct 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 5
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Approved F%,Release 20031E1I-RDP79T009WA014700020002-5
No. 0238/69
4 October 1969
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Vietnam: Hanoi's new leaders to travel to East
Germany. (Page 1)
USSR-Iraq: Moscow is helping Iraq to exploit its
oil. Page 2)
European Community: The Commission has reacted
sharply to Germany's effort to protect its farmers.
(Page 3)
USSR-Lebanon: "Mirage affair" (Page 4)
Venezuela-USSR: Oil visit (Page 4)
Chile: Military discontent (Page 5)
Council of Europe - Greece: Pressure on government
(Page 5)
UN - South Africa: Deadline (Page 7)
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Approved Fo elease 2003/g.EIUR(E RDP79T0097 014700020002-5
UN - South Africa: Toda is the deadline for
South African compliance with the South-West Africa
resolution adopted by the Security Council in August.
The resolution called on Pretoria to withdraw its
administration from the territory and requested that
all states increase their moral and material assist-
ance to the indigenous people there in the "struggle
against foreign occupation." The Afro-Asian members
of the Security Council are expected to press for an
early meeting at which they may seek mandatory trade
sanctions against South Africa. Pretoria will not
pull out, and the UK probably would veto mandatory
sanctions if this became necessary. If the Council
is stymied, the Afro-Asians will Zolbtedl pursue
the matter in th G Assembly
4 Oct 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 7
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