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Approved For Release 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP79T00975A0108000 -Secret W%VV DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin Top Secret r 214 5 r ebruarv 1968 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A010800020001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO10800020001-9 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO10800020001-9 Approved For Rele 5 February 1968 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS South Vietnam: Situation report. (Page 1) Thailand: Government troops still encountering strong Communist resistance in north. (Page 4) Brazil: Military pressing President Costa e Silva to move against oppositionist Lacerda. (Page 5) Cyprus: New Greek-Turkish discussions may be under way (Page 6) Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0h0800020001-9 25 25 25X1 25 Approved- For-Release-2002I1 Q/22 CIA=RDP79T00'975A0108000-20001--q ,= KHE SANH 25X1 ;Pang Son 06 1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO10800020001-9 J"R t!if AM Quang Tri Approved For Rele4 *South Vietnam: US Marines in defensive positions on Hill 861 northwest of Khe Sanh beat back a North. Vietnamese ground attack before dawn this morning while the main Khe Sanh base came under heavy mortar, artillery and rocket fire. Seven Americans and. 100 North Vietnamese were killed during the four-hour assault on the hill,. the first significant ground action in the Khe Sanh sector in more than a week. Another 44 Marines were wounded in the battle. Meanwhile, allied forces appear to have regained the initiative over the weekend in many of South. Vietnam's urban areas. Sharp fighting continues in Hue, however, as well as in sections of Saigon and in several other pro- vincial cities and district towns throughout the country. There are some indications that the Communists intend to conduct a prolonged offensive against major population centers. In addition to reports of enemy troops deployed on the outskirts of a number of cities, a Viet Cong prisoner laimed that the current "general insurrection campaign would extend for the duration of the winter- spring offensive. A broadcast from the Communists' clandestine Liberation Radio this morning said that the Viet Cong would continue their present drive until "final victory. " In another broadcast the Communists threatened re- prisals. against US personnel in Viet Cong hands if Com- munist soldiers captured in the recent fighting are brought to trial or executed. The Saigon government has begun to organize itself to cope with the immediate and longer range civil problems arising from the Communist Tet offensive. President Thieu held a series of weekend meetings with top South Vietnamese military and civilian officials and with senior US officials and agreed to the formation 5 Feb 68 25X Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AI10800020001-9 Approved For Rel of an emergency joint task force. Headed by Vice President Ky, this group will be concerned with deter- mining priority needs throughout the country, the movement of food supplies and other essential relief activities, and the strengthening of information and psychological warfare services. In an official release yesterday, Thieu announced the creation of a central coordinating center in Saigon, under Ky, and promised that the army would assist war victims. The government is also moving to mobilize support for its own actions in the crisis and to elicit denunci- ations of the Communists from influential civilian circles. It has received public statements of support from National Assembly officials, the Upper House defense committee, and a group speaking for the entire lower house. The Vietnamese Confederation of Labor and its Saigon council have issued similar pledges, and union leaders as well as the moderate Buddhists have begun to organize emergency relief centers for the needy in Saigon, Despite these pledges, there is widespread criticism among some assemblymen and union leaders over the government's performance to date. Much of the criticism is directed at Prime Minister Loc for taking little initiative within his own cabinet or among private groups willing to help. 25 Militant Buddhist leader Tri Quang, described as particularly bitter over the military attack on his pagoda where Viet Cong entrenched themselves during the fighting, has refused to denounce the Viet Cong, but an aide. states that he is willing to organize welfare centers as a tacit "gesture" of cooperation. 25 ( 'Map 5 Feb 68 2 Approved For Rel 0800020001-9 25 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO10800020001-9 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO10800020001-9 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A010800020001-9 Nan .Province ~"._. NORTH VIETNAM ?Phitsanulok Phra Nakhon 5i Ayutthaya? 0 Nakhon Ratchasl ma U bond Ratchathani MATNA -(indoneeiq)~ 25X1 Approv d For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A010800020001 9 25X1 5 Feb 68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BU ET ap Approved For Relha c 2002/1 ARE)P:79T-009:7 10800020001-9 Thailand: Government troops continue to encoun- ter strong Communist resistance in northern Nan Province. Two new clashes have recently been reported and the estimated 200 Communist-led tribesmen in the area are displaying considerable tactical skill and dis- cipline in evading and harassing government forces. The government's 3,000-man police and army force has now suffered more than 80 casualties during the two-month-old operation, the heaviest government losses sustained thus far in operations against the in- surgents. The Thai Communist Party has been working with the northern tribal people for several years and has managed to extend its influence over a number of vil- lages. Several hundred Thai tribesmen have received military training in Laos and North Vietnam, and they appear to be getting important support from Commu- nist elements across the border in Laos. In addition, Thai officials claim they have identified two recently killed insurgents as Vietnamese, and have picked up two Communist- manufactured weapons. If true, this would be the first hard evidence that the insurgents are receiving such outside support. Bangkok appears to be overreacting to the threat in Nan Province. Villagers in the area of govern- ment operations have been moved into refugee encamp- ments and air strikes are being made against aban- doned villages in an effort to destroy crops and food- stuffs that might fall into insurgent hands. Such heavy-handed treatment will almost certainly further alienate the tribal people. It reflects Bangkok's un- willingness to recognize that its own tribal policies have been largely responsible for creating a situation ripe for Communist exploitation. 5 Feb 68 25 25 Approved For Rele se 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A01 800020001-9 25 25X11 Approved For Releaso Brazil: Military pressure is building up on the Costa eSirva government to move against Carlos Lacerda. Army officers believe that Lacerda is about to unleash another series of violent newspaper attacks on high military figures in the government--including Transportation. Minister Andreazza and Interior Min- ister Albuquerque Lima. Although some military men still favor the government's policy of ignoring Lacerda it is the army's consensus that Lacerda should be prosecuted under provisions of the new national security law. Some "hotheads" believe that Lacerda would not be convicted under the law and reportedly are threaten- ing to assassinate him if he defames military leaders. Tempers are running high. over this issue and extremist acts are possible. In 1954, an attempt to assassinate Lacerda by henchmen of then-president Vargas quickly resulted in the government's downfall. Another attempt--even if it failed--would be widely viewed as a sign of government weakness and could erode military support for Costa e Silva. 5 Feb 68 5 25X 25 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A01p800020001-9 25 Approved For Releao NOTE Cyprus: New Greek-Turkish discussions of the Cyprus problem may be under way. Turkish news- papers report that Turkish Foreign Ministry officials are somewhere in Europe and speculate that they may be engaged in secret talks with their Greek counter- parts. Whether Athens and Ankara are talking or not, these reports will probably draw the fire of Cypriot President Makarios who has long done his best to sabotage any bilateral efforts between the two coun- tries to arrive at a solution. 5 Feb 68 6 25X Approved For Rele 010800020001-9 Top &Mt For Release 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP79T00975AO10800020001-9 Top Secret Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO10800020001-9