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Approved For Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A01010005~~-Secret 25X1 DIRECTORATE ~OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin Top Secret ~~ .~0 7 July 1967 Approved For Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010100050001-3 25X1 gpproved For Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010100050001-3 Approved For Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010100050001-3 Approved For Release 02/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010 00050001-3 25X1 25X1 7 July 1967 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTEN~"S Vietnam: Ky claims to have written agreement with Thieu and other top generals outlining his authority in new government. (Page 1) 25X1 Egypt: Nasir may be trying to balance leftist and antileftist elements. (Page 4) Aden-Eritain: First step toward a transitional gov- ernment. image 5) Indonesia_Singapore: Resumption of trade (Page 6) Approved For Release a 25X1 Approved For Release 202/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A01010~050001-3 25X1 *Vietnamo (information as of 4x30 AM EDT) Political I)evelo ments in South Vietnamo Premier Ky has informed that, in a meet- 25X1 ing on 6 July attended by himself, Chief of State Thieu, and several other generals of the Directorate, a secret agreement outllining his authority in the new government was put into writing. According to Ky, the agreement specifies that he must approve any important decisions on any aspect of government affairs, particularly those respecting ma- jor military matters and efforts to end the war, Ky also claimed- he was given the right to name the prime minis- ter and the cabinet members. Thieu's cam is still silent on any agreement with Ky. who attended the senior generals' 6 July mee mg wi y and Thieu made no mention of an agreement in 1-iis account of the meeting. 25X1 the only order of business was to draft a letter to the Pro- visional National Assembly Election Committee re-em- phasizing the fact that the Armed Forces Council, for reasons of nata~onal security, had refused to allow Gen- eral Duong Van ("Big") Minh to return to South Vietnam to campaign for the presidency. At a convention of pro-Ky m,embers of the Provisional National Assembly on 4 July, Ky frankly expressed his views on Thieu and on the forthcornin senatorial elections. y s a e a in a new governmen a ivision of responsibilities between himself and Thieu would be the same as at present--that he would continue to be the real power and Thieu a figurehead. Concerning the upper house elections, Ky reportedly asserted that Yie has no intention of allowing them to be- come "a game of chance." He said he would select six 7 Jul 6'7 25X1 Approved For Release X2002/11/20:CIA-RDP79T00975A01p100050001-3 25X1 8~aroved For Release 2002,11/20 :CIA-RDP7I9T00975A01010005_~0~?~1;1~ :_ 25X1 roved For Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010100050001-3 25X1 Approved For Release candidate lists and support them in such a way as to ensure their victory. He then asked the delegates rhetorically what the president (Thieu) could do "if we hold a majority in both houses of the National As- sembly." Military Situation in South Vietnam: North Viet- namese Army NVA troops continue to maneuver and prepare for future offensive activities while maintain- ing pressure on allied forces south of the Demilitarized Zone with artillery, mortar, and rocket attacks as well as small- unit probing actions. The triangular area formed by US installations at Con Thien, Dong Ha, and Gio Linh appears to be the present focal point of Communist military activity in northernmost l~uang Tri Province. Several sharp en- counters early yesterday between US Marines and NVA soldiers were followed by another barra eon the US air- field and radar facility at Dong Ha. Map 7 Jul 67 Approved For Releas 25X1 25X1 25X 25X1 gpproved For Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010100050001-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010100050001-3 Approved For Releas 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010 00050001-3 *Egypt: Nasir may be attempting to strike a balance between leftist and antileftist elements in Egypt. He has reversed several actions taken against sus- pected opponents of the left, About 50 recently pensioned army officers have been re- instated on Nasi.r's orders Some of these officers were among 20 majors and colonels who had reported to have been pensioned on 29 June because of their expressed opposition to the pres- ence of Soviet advisers among Egyptian brigades. ?thess had been pensioned off after Nasir's short-lived resigna- tion on 9 June. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 his reversal as the first indication that Nasir's thinking may have become "more objective" than it has been during the past three weeks. the decision "will obviously" strengthen anti- leftist elements in the army, Nasir reportedly has also reversed a previous de- cision to sequester the properties of about 50 Egyptian families who had come under political attack by leftists in mid-June. Nasir within the past few days had ordered the release of a number of persons arrested in mid-June, on the initiative of the minister of interior, because of their connection with the prerevolutionary political parties. In foreign affairs, Nasir evidently is ready to try to reassume his leadership of Arab policies toward Israel. In an editorial published today in Cairo's semiofficial newspaper Al-Ahram, Mohammed Hassanein Haykal, a confidant of Nasir, stated that an Arab summit conference to plan unified Arab action was now needed following the failure of the UN to find a solution to the Middle East crisis. The UN discussions, the editorial said, had "proved beyond doubt US-Israeli collusion" in the crisis. 25X1 25X1 25X1 7 Jul 67 Approved For Release 25X1 Approved For Releas 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A 10100050001-3 Aden-Britain: London has taken the first step toward forming a transitional government for the Federation of South Arabia. The new prime minister -designate, Husayn Ali Bayyumi, is the secretary general of a moderate Adeni political party. He is also known to have contacts with the National Liberation Front (NLF), the nationalist group which apparently is becoming predominant in Aden. The British hope that they can induce representatives of the NLF and possibly other nationalist groups, members of the dissident .army faction which precipitated the mutiny of 20 June, and a few members of the present federal government to join Bayyumi's cabinet. Britain still, faces the particularly difficult problem of dealing with t:he Egyptian-backed Front for the Libera- tion of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY), the NLF's principal rival. British officials are now in contact with FLOSY representatives, but the outcome of the discus- sions still is uncertain. Until now, FLOSY leaders have refused to share power with other political groups in any kind of government. If FLOSY is not included in the transitional govern- ment, it probably will continue its terrorist operations. In any case, the situation will remain inherently un- stable, and a new coalition government, if an mi ht not last long after the British withdrawal. 7 Jul 67 5 Approved For Releas - 010100050001-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Relea NOTE Indonesia- Singapore: Indonesia's economic posi- tion should be improved by its decision on 23 June to resume normal trade with Singapore, a major market prior to the MaYaysian confrontation. The new trade ties, which had 'been preceded by limited barter trade, should curtail smuggling and ease Indonesia's revenue and balance-of-payments problems. Trade with Ma- laysia, formerly a less important commercial partner than Singapore, is being regulated under the terms of an agreement signed in May. 7 Jul 67 Approved For Release 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releas NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE The United States Intelligence Board on 6 July 1967 approved the fol:Lowing national intelligence estimate: SNIE 4-1- 6'~, ?'Implications of a Mutual Reduction of and oviet Forces in Europe" 7 Jul 67 7 Approved For Releas - 25X1 25X1 T~'a7CG~~~r Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010100050001-3 Top Secret Approved For Release 2002/11/20 :CIA-RDP79T00975A010100050001-3