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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00990'F 0 ret 25X1 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin Top Secret C bu 29 May 1967 DIA review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975A009900250001-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900250001-5 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900250001-5 Approved For Rel 29 May Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS 25 25 25X Nigeria, Federal leader Gowon's latest move likely to accelerate break-up. (Page 6) Macao: Local Chinese Communists exercising de facto control of colony. (Page 8) 25X1 USSR, Moscow air show (Page 9) Approved For Relealse 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00V900250001-5 25X 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900250001-5 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900250001-5 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975A009900250001-5 LAKE -1, CF1AD Nan Maiduguri o Enugu 0 FERNANDO"Po (S;I 25X1 M6v d Zr FKer~a ~r~(Ji~T 2 1-5 Approved For Nigeria: Federal leader Gowon's decree on 27 May creating 12 states in place of the present four regions will almost certainly accelerate Nigeria's break-up. Gowon's unilateral move, in violation of his own in- terim constitution adopted last March, provides for the large and populous Northern Region to be carved into six states and the East into three--one for the ruling Ibos and two for the region's long-restive minority tribes. A separate Lagos state would include an adjoining part of the present Western Region. The remainder of the Yoruba- inhabited West is designated another state, as is the small ethnically mixed Mid-Western Region. Gowon has already appointed military governors for the new states, with Eastern Governor Ojukwu confined to the Ibo area. Gowonhasreiterated pledges to use force if necessary to establish the states, but he resisted pressures for a simultaneous movement of federal troops into the mi- nority areas of the East--the only region from which they are entirely excluded. He may, however, soon give the signal, if he hasn't already, for federal military support of guerrilla operations by Eastern minority activists against forces in those areas controlled by Ojukwu. Gowon's decision to move decisively was apparently prompted by his conclusion that the East, which has long been drifting toward secession, was about to take the final plunge. Orchestrated demands there over the past two weeks for such a move culminated in the announcement earlier on 27 May of a mandate from the regional advisory assembly to Ojukwu to declare the East's independence "at an early practicable date." There is evidence that Ojukwu had not intended to act for some time at least, but it now seems likely that he soon will. Gowon will also be immediately embroiled anew with the majority faction of Yorubas led by Chief Awolowo, who has virtual political control of the West. These Yorubas 29 May 67 25X1 Approved For R4Iease 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0099g0250001-5 Approved For Rel will condemn the attempt to establish a separate state for Lagos, where Yorubas also predominate, especially as it involves the transfer of a strategic slice of the present Western Region. Violence that would be hard to control could erupt at any time between the Yorubas and federal troops of northern origin still stationed in the heart of Yorubaland, although scheduled to be moved out this weeko F77 I 25X1 25X1 29 May 67 Approved For Rel4ase 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975f4009900250001-5 25X1 Approved For Rel Macao: Local Chinese Communists are exercising de facto control of Macao. Under the guise of supervising the Macao govern- ment's implementation of the Sino-Portuguese agree- ment of last January, "mutual aid" associations are performing police duties, often at the request of the colonial police. During recent demonstrations at the British Consulate, the colonial government not only failed to provide protection for British officials but their police abandoned the scene to the Communists. The Communists have also made good their boast that "Mao justice" is supreme. They have secured the release of at least one person convicted by a colonial court and have staged a mock trial over alleged mis- treatment of a domestic servant. The Communists' take-over appears to have con- vinced many Portuguese they have little future in Macao. Those who are able to do so are selling their holdings and leaving. Portuguese officials are reported to be quietly sending out their dependents and possessions. 25X1 25X1 29 May 67 Approved For Rel - 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900250001-5 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900250001-5 Approved For RelIease 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T009754&009900250001-5 NOTES USSR: The Soviets are preparing an air show for June or July thatl will dwarf the last major air show, held in 1961. Moscow newspapers have reported that civil air flights normally scheduled into the new Moscow Domodedovo air terminal will be rerouted after 31 May and that 3,000 workers are being sent there to prepare for the exhibition. The Soviets are expected to unveil several new fighters, transports, and a VTOL aircraft, but US attaches have not yet sighted any developmental aircraft taking part in rehearsals. 29 May 67 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975A009900250001-5 TopSgUM For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP79T00975A009900250001-5 Top Secret Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900250001-5