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Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4 % Top Secret DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin Top Secret C 1.58 6 January 1967 ARCHIVAL RECORD PLEASE REMIN TO AGENCY ARCHIVES, Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4 Approved For Relea 09500200001-4 *Vietnam: (Information as of 4:30 AM EST) The Military Situation in South Vietnam: The recent relative lull in major military activity continues, with no reports of any significant action during the past 24 hours. North Vietnamese Political Developments: North Vietnam on 4 and 5 January publicly reiterated its hard stance on negotiations and rejected the most recent West- ern peace proposals. (continued) 6 Jan 67 1 Approved For Release - 09500200001-4 Approved For Rele se A009500200001-4 Mai Van Bo, chief of the DRV delegation in Paris, at a press luncheon on 5 January, repeated Hanoi's standard demands, insisting that the US must accept the DRV's four points and recognize the Liberation Front before any settlement can be achieved. He also insisted that "to demonstrate its good will," the US must "finally and unconditionally" end the bombing of North Vietnam. Bo added that "if, after the final and unconditional halting of this bombing" the US proposed to contact Hanoi, he thought such a proposal "would be examined and studied," but he offered no hint of what the final DRV conclusion would be. In response to questions, Bo characterized Ambas- sador Goldberg's recent initiative as "the same old song" and he stated in regard to U Thant's recent efforts that the DRV "rejects any intervention by the UN into Vietnamese affairs." Bo also termed British Foreign Secretary Brown's initiative "a British version of the American position." A Hanoi Foreign Ministry statement broadcast on 4 Jan- uary also denounced the British proposal as a cover-up to quiet domestic oppqsition to official British support of the US in Vietnam, 6 Jan 67 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975A009500200001-4 Approved For Release i Gill, R1DP;Z9T_99 ;Z 9500200001-4 Iwo r 25X1 Communist China: The publicizing of a personal attack by Mao on Liu Shao- chi suggests that the long struggle within the Chinese leadership is entering a new critical phase. According to press accounts of posters and Red Guard newspapers seen in Peking on 4 and 5 January, Mao in October personally denounced Liu, his former deputy, and Teng Hsiao-ping, still officially the secre- tary general of the party. Mao is said to have com- plained that they forced him to retire as chief of state in 1958 and have since treated him like a "deceased parent"--a patently trumped-up charge. Hitherto Mao had seemed to be above the fray, providing general guidance, but he has not personally been associated with attacks on individual leaders. With Mao's prestige publicly on the line, the forces attacking Liu and Teng are under increased pressure to destroy these already disgraced party leaders with- out delay. A mass rally reportedly scheduled for 10 January could be the occasion for this action. Tao Chu, currently head of the propaganda depart- ment in the party and since August number-four man in the hierarchy, has now come under attack by Madame Mao and Chen Po-ta--the chairman of the cultural revolution committee. A Red Guard news- paper distributed on 5 January reported that the two had denounced Tao as a "bourgeois reactionary" who was a follower of Liu and Teng. (continued) 6Jan67 3 25X1 Approved For Release - 09500200001-4 Approved For R le se - 500200001-4 Although Tao Chu has occasionally come under attack by Red Guards, he has seemed until recently to be in a strong position and has been playing an ac- tive and authoritative role in the cultural revolution. If this latest report is correct, he would be the first major figure in the group aligned in August with Mao and Lin to come under serious attack. Poster attacks on Liu and Teng now allude to an important October party meeting where unspecified leaders allegedly pushed the "erroneous Liu-Teng line" in defiance of Mao. Tao Chu may have been one of these, and doubt- less there are others who may soon ets of attack. 6 Jan 67 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975A009500200001-4 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4 Approved For Release 1 500200001-4 Guyana: [Relations between Prime Minister Burnham and his junior coalition partner, Finance Minister D'Aguiar, are again seriously strained;' [The two leaders have had a series of major policy disagreements and personal clashes since they formed a coalition government in December 1964 to keep pro- Communist opposition leader Cheddi Jagan from power. They are now divided over cabinet changes [If D'Aguiar were to resign Burnham could prob- ably at least temporarily hold the support of enough members of the finance minister's party to maintain a slim legislative majority. Many members of D'Aguiar's party are dissatisfied with Burnham's 25X1 administration, however, and without D'Aguiar in the government the coalition would be on a much weaker footing. 6 Jan 67 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975A009500200001-4 Approved For Release - 9500200001-4 NOTES Turkey-Cyprus: Turkey continues to be greatly concerned over the Czech arms shipment to Cyprus last November. In a new series of aide memoire, Ankara is demanding that the Czech arms be placed under UN custody, rather than merely be inspected by the UN, and then be withdrawn from Cyprus. The Turkish foreign minister told Ambassador Hart on 3 January that, as a last resort, Turkey would have no alternative but to provide the Turkish Cypriots with 'equivalent armament." Makarios gives every indication of intending to distribute the arms to his police force sometime after Februar as originally planned. Congo (Kinshasa): President Mobutu has become somewhat less intransigent regarding his take-over of the properties of Union Miniere. In conversations with US officials yesterday, he expressed willingness to work for an agreement and to abandon the 15 January deadline for compensation for copper in the marketing pipeline. The conditions he imposed, however--in- cluding arbitration of both sides' claims for compen- sation--will be difficult for the company to accept.] *Nigeria: The Supreme Military Council, with Eastern governor Ojukwu participating for the first time since July, concluded two days of apparently ami- cable talks in Ghana yesterday. The final communique looked to future meetings in Nigeria and stated that agreement had been reached on reorganization of the army and resumption "as soon as practicable" of the adjourned constitutional conference. Although there are no indications that conflicting basic positions on Nigerian unity have been reconciled, the fact the meet- ing was finall held should at least lower tensions for the present. 6 Jan 67 9 Approved For Release 5 : UIA-HUHt9 5 9500200001-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975A009500200001-4 Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4 Top Secret N Top Secret Approved For Release 2006/07/05: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09500200001-4