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25X1 22 April 1955 I Copy' No. 94 25X1 DIA, DOS and JCS review(s) completed. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO../'~ -,'~ NO CHANGE IN CLASS, ~ [J DECLASSIFIED CLASS, CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: _~]/O AUTH: HR 70-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For ~lea[se / 2003/04/14 � ClA-RDP79T0097~{~p09000330001-5 SUMMARY FAR F. AST 2o Ogata seen replacing Hatoyama by July (page 3)� SOUTHEAST ASIA 3, [IV(et Minh strength in south (pa~e 4)� I o. ~;omment on A~ro-Aszan conference aevetopments (page � $O~H ~ 6. ~ghan ~ng reported seek~g to rep~ce Prime Minister Daud (page ~)~ NE~ E~T - AFRICA 7.. Comment on growing rif~ in Syrian army ~age 8)~ . E~TERN EUROPE 8, East German cattle epidemic apparently not rinderpest ~age 8)0 WE~E~ EUROPE 9, .Bo~ may ease pressure on East ~rmany for truck ~x repeal (page 9)~ 25X1 25X1 25X1 THE FORMOSA STRAITS (page 11) 22 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 25X1 25X1. Approved For~teLse 2003i04ii 4 ' CiA-RDP79T!097~I~09000330001-5 FAR EAST 25X1 25X1 2. Ogata seen replacing Hatoyama by July: Democratic Party secretary general Kishi is confident that plans to replace Prime Minister Hatoyama by Taketora Ogata, former deputy prime minister and presi- dent of the opposition Liberal Party; will be carried out following passage of the budget in late June or Julyo Kishi told the Ameri- can embassy that he has been entrusted with negotiations calling for at least a partial merger of the conservative parties, with new elections held in abeyance until the election laws have been amended to undercut the left. 22 Apr.55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A009000330001-5 25X1. If Ogat~'s 30-odd followers join the new party~ Kishi believes~ an additional 40 "neutrals" among the Lib- erals would follow, thereby assuring the party of a Diet majority. Comment: .Events thus far have reflected Kishi's influence and strategy t~ '~'-remarkable extent. His plans, as revealed in considerable detail to the embassy last December, entail the replacement of Ogata and the old politicians by a younger~ more dynamic set of leaders by 1957. � The reported willingness of Hatoyama and his top lieutenant, Bukichl Mild, to retire will greatly increase Ogata's prospects. Mild had previously opposed Kishi's efforts .toward a'Democratic-Liberal merger. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SOUTHEAST ASIA IViet. ~iinh Strengd:h in south: Vier Minh strength south of the demarca- tion line is concentrated largely in the Kontum, Phan Thiet and Ca Mau areas and small scattered sections of Cochin~ china~ including the Plaine des JOncs~ I(See map~ po 5). The equivalent of about nine battalions--some 5~000 troops--are demobilized and scattered in small outlaw bands~ and the Vier Mirth is principally engaged in political activity and propaganda. With Uttle paramilitary activity now go- ing on, the problem of ,eradicating Vier Mirth elements is primarily one of establishing an effective civil government. In the NI~ Trang area~ however, I ]disputes between Vietnamese military and civil authorities have resulted in limiting civil authority to an area not more than three miles beyond the town limits�[ lif South Vietnam villagers could be assurea of an effective administration and protection, they would volunteer information on arms caches and individual agita, tOrSoI 25X1 25X1 22 Apr 55 CUltltENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved For Release 2003/04/14 � ClA-RDP79T00975A009000330001-5 [ 25X1 25X1. A )roved tOO I/ .uang Prabang Muang Loei INDOCHINA 21 April 1955 .Area of Vier Mirth strength THAIL Reap PHNOM PENH .... International boundary (~) National capital ----+--~---- Selected railroad ------ Serected mad Scale 1:?,500, aa0 Ol~t ~0' 47 8,0 1 ~20 Miles 0 20 40 8'0 l~OKilameters N A OF line Quang Ng~ Ji Nhon g Cau PLAINly'DEs joNIS ?LES ~O~POU LO CONDORE Base 12516 11-53 105 IlO Approved For Release 2003/04/14 � CIA-RDP79T00975A009000310001-550421 25X1 25X1. Approved For R!lcccc 2003!04!14' CIA RDP79TOOJ7,5~09000330001-5 25X1 25X1 5. Comment on Afros. Asian conference developments: 'The Bandung meeting has thus far been marked by strong anti-Communist~ anti- neutralist activities of pro-Western del- egates both in plenary and closed sesslonSo In addition to making hard. hitting speeches, these delegates have repeatedly thwarted or amended objectionable proposals introduced in the various com- mitteeso In contrast, Communist China's Chou ~n-lai has assumed an attitude of "sweet reasonableness? while Nehru and the other neutrals have been forced into the background� Both Chou and Nehru~ however~ are showing signs of growing irri- tation~ and a showdown may be imminent, as the important political committee--composed of ail chief delegates-=moves to consider the matter of "coexistence?' Chou and. Nehru are telling the conference that coexistence of countries having different social systems is pos= sible~ while the pro-Westerners maintain that coexistence is a myth as long as Communism retains its expansionist ambitions� This 22 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved For Relealu ~.0031041;4 CiA-F, DF7ST00S7iA009000330001-5 25X1 25X1. Approved For,~..~lJ,,~ 2003/04/;4. C;A-F, DF7~TOJ97~t~09000330001-5 25X1 debate is likely to determine 'whether the conference will break up on a controversial note or conclude with reasonable grace� It now seems apparent that no anti-Western resolutions will be adopted. I 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 o Afghan king reported seeking to replace Prime Minister Daud: ~g~nistan's former prime minister Shah IMahmud on 15 April accepted a request IoI King. Zahir Shah, his nephew~ that he Ireassume the premiership~ I I Ithe delay in announcing Mahmud's appointment may be due to the king's desire to await the end of the Bandung conference� IDeputy Prime Minister Al! Mohammad had four times refused Zahir's offer of the premiership� Ithe king will probably replace Prime Minister Daud with.Defense Minister General Mohammad Arifo I � ' .Comment: [ [ the king is actively seeking to repI~ce Prime Minister D~ud, rather tha~ merely to disclpUne him and leave him in office. .An immediate major change in the govern- ment might compromise the status of 'the Afghan delegation at Ban, dung. Zahir might well desire, to have� Foreign Minister Naim and � other influential members of the delegation in Kabul when any such change occurs� 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 22 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved For Release 2003/04/14 � CIA-RDP79T00975A009000330001-5 l 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 NEAR EAST - AFRICA 7 �Comment on growing rift in Syrian army: Shuqayr's Le~l~nese ~. diCtator Shishakli, he is not popular� [ 80 percent of the officer corps o.ppose Shuqayr., Opponents in Syria's army of Chief of Staff Shawkat Shuqayr--a key supporter of the present anti-Western government-- are organizing against him,[ [ gi[n /Because of 'i ana earner connecuons w~th former Meanwhile Shuqayr. is taking steps to rid the army of pro-Iraqi officers� [ s~ehe will dismiss Brigade Commander Mahmud Shawkat~ con- red the leader of the pro-Iraqi faction in the army~ whose dismissal probably would be strongly opposed. Shuqayr currently holds the upper hand. If he persists in his present course~ however, he may unify the factionalized officer corps against him. His overthrow would jeopardize the present government because its continuance in of- rice depends on military support� 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 � EASTERN EUROPE East German cattle epidemic apparently not rinderpest: West German examination of meat im- ported from East Germany, where a rinderpest outbreak has been suspected~ gave no indication of rinderpest infec- tiono Careful investigations have shown that diseased animals had been eating "igelite" binder twine with their fodder� This twine contains tricresyl phosphate~ which is toxic and apparently produces a rinderpest-like disease in cattle� Comment: [ [provides a logi- cal explanation for the un~~-'~r6ak of cattle disease which reportedly has been occurring in East Germany since August 1954o 22 Apr 55 CURRENT INTEt, LIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 25X1 Approved For Relelse 2003i04i'i4 � CiA-P, DP79T00975 A009000330001-5 25X1 25X1 Approved For~R~llase 2003/04/14' CIA-RDP79T0091,~;109000330001-5 25X1 As recently as 13 April, however, an .East German broadcast indicated that the government is con. tinuing to follow a previously established propaganda line in which "American agents" are being blamed for the disease out- break� This serves the purpose of concealing the inadvertent use of a toxic substance in a binder twine and provides a partial explanation for the critical East German meat shortage� I 25X1 WESTERN EUROPE Bonn may ease pressure I on East Germany fOr .truck tax .repeal: A West German trade official told Ambas. sador Conant on 20 April that Bonn could not hold out much longer against the grow~. ing pressure from business interests to release the huge backlog of export licenses held up since 1 April in reta!~_~_tion against the East German .tax on Berlin'truckingo The official argued that a general trade .embargo would hurt West Germany more than East Germany~ and that a .selective embargo and administrative slowdowns were more practical measures. He feared that East Germany might Cut off deliveries of brown coal to West Berlin and west Germany in retal- iation for Bonn's refusal to deliver iron and steel� He termed the East German action a clear violation of the 1949 four-power agreements on access to Berlin, and said that the next move on the truck tax question is up to the Allies� Comment: Two Western notes of protest to Soviet ambassador Pushkin in East Berlin have been ignored and the Allies are now planning a demarche directly to Moscow. 22 Apr 55 CUi~P~NT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Approved For Release 2003/04/14 � CIA-RDP79T00975A009000330001-5 1 25X1 25Xl Approved For Release 2003/04/14 � CIA-RDP79T00975A009000330001-5 Approved For Release 2003/04/14 � CIA-RDP79T00975A009000330001-5 25X1 Approved For~e~ase 2003/04/14' CIA-RDP79T0017 A5~9000330001-5 THE FORMOSA STRAITS Report of the lAC Current IntelUgence Group for the Formosa. Straits Problem 25X1 This report is based on information received in Washing[on up to 1100 hours 21 April 1955o 1, The over-all rating of the Chinese Nationalist defense preparations on the Matsu Island .Group is "satisfactory." This rating was the result of a series of combat readiness tests com- pleted on 15 April by a team from MAAG (Formosa). The series of tests did~ however, note some serious weaknesses including the seriously understreng[h regiment garri- soning the Paichuan (White Dog) Group, 12 miles south of Ma~su, the inexperience of the division staff garrisoning the Matsu Group, and the slowness of Ministry of National Defense augmentation of MAAG recommendations for increased weapons. Other inspections of the offshore islands have shown that morale of the regular troops is generally high but the morale of the guerrillas is very lOWo The situation on Wuchiu~ midway be- tween Matsu and ~emoy, which is garrisoned by 600 guerrillas, is so bad that MAAG has recommended that it be garrisoned by regu- lar troops or abandoned. I 22 Apr 55 CUltltENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 11 Approved For Release 2003/04/14: C[A-RDP79T00975A009000330001-5 25X1 25X1 Approved FoJ R~;~,,~ 2GO3/O41; 4. ~,,~-'" -r~ur, .......... ~, uu~, ~-'-"" )9000330001-5 Chienou ' Hsiapu .~ Taishan {anping �